Seumas Milne - The Guardian, Wednesday 29 January 2014 20.31 GMT
We've been here before. For the past couple of months street protests in Ukraine have been played out through the western media according to a well-rehearsed script. Pro-democracy campaigners are battling an authoritarian government. The demonstrators are demanding the right to be part of the European Union. But Russia's president Vladimir Putin has vetoed their chance of freedom and prosperity.
It's a story we've heard in one form or another again and again – not least in Ukraine's western-backed Orange revolution a decade ago. But it bears only the sketchiest relationship to reality. EU membership has never been – and very likely never will be – on offer to Ukraine. As in Egypt last year, the president that the protesters want to force out was elected in a poll judged fair by international observers. And many of those on the streets aren't very keen on democracy at all.
You'd never know from most of the reporting that far-right nationalists and fascists have been at the heart of the protests and attacks on government buildings. One of the three main opposition parties heading the campaign is the hard-right antisemitic Svoboda, whose leader Oleh Tyahnybok claims that a "Moscow-Jewish mafia" controls Ukraine. But US senator John McCain was happy to share a platform with him in Kiev last month. The party, now running the city of Lviv, led a 15,000-strong torchlit march earlier this month in memory of the Ukrainian fascist leader Stepan Bandera, whose forces fought with the Nazis in the second world war and took part in massacres of Jews.
So in the week that the liberation of Auschwitz by the Red Army was commemorated as Holocaust Memorial Day, supporters of those who helped carry out the genocide are hailed by western politicians on the streets of Ukraine. But Svoboda has now been outflanked in the protests by even more extreme groups, such as "Right Sector", who demand a "national revolution" and threaten "prolonged guerrilla warfare".
Not that they have much time for the EU, which has been pushing Ukraine to sign an association agreement, offering loans for austerity, as part of a German-led drive to open up Ukraine for western companies. It was Viktor Yanukovych's abandonment of the EU option – after which Putin offered a $15bn bailout – that triggered the protests.
But Ukrainians are deeply divided about both European integration and the protests – largely along an axis between the largely Russian-speaking east and south (where the Communist party still commands significant support), and traditionally nationalist western Ukraine. Industry in the east is dependent on Russian markets, and would be crushed by EU competition.
It's that historic faultline at the heart of Ukraine that the west has been trying to exploit to roll back Russian influence since the 1990s, including a concerted attempt to draw Ukraine into Nato. The Orange revolution leaders were encouraged to send Ukrainian troops into Iraq and Afghanistan as a sweetener.
Nato's eastward expansion was halted by the Georgian war of 2008 and Yanukovych's later election on a platform of non-alignment. But any doubt that the EU's effort to woo Ukraine is closely connected with western military strategy was dispelled today by Nato's secretary general, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, who declared that the abortive pact with Ukraine would have been "a major boost to Euro-Atlantic security".
Which helps to explain why politicians like John Kerry and William Hague have been so fierce in their condemnation of Ukrainian police violence – which has already left several dead – while maintaining such studied restraint over the killing of thousands of protesters in Egypt since last year's coup.
Not that Yanukovych could be mistaken for any kind of progressive. He has been backed to the hilt by billionaire oligarchs who seized control of resources and privatised companies after the collapse of the Soviet Union – and fund opposition politicians and protesters at the same time. Indeed, one interpretation of the Ukrainian president's problems is that the established oligarchs have had enough of favours granted to an upstart group known as "the family".
It's anger at this grotesque corruption and inequality, Ukraine's economic stagnation and poverty that has brought many ordinary Ukrainians to join the protests – as well as outrage at police brutality. Like Russia, Ukraine was beggared by the neoliberal shock therapy and mass privatisation of the post-Soviet years. More than half the country's national income was lost in five years and it has yet fully to recover.
But nor do the main opposition and protest leaders offer any kind of genuine alternative, let alone a challenge to the oligarchy that has Ukraine in its grip. Yanukovych has now made sweeping concessions to the protesters: sacking the prime minister, inviting opposition leaders to join the government and ditching anti-protest laws passed earlier this month.
Whether that calms or feeds the unrest will be clear soon enough. But the risk of the conflict spreading – leading political figures have warned of civil war – is serious. There are other steps that could help defuse the crisis: the creation of a broad coalition government, a referendum on EU relations, a shift from a presidential to a parliamentary system and greater regional autonomy.
The breakup of Ukraine would not be a purely Ukrainian affair. Along with China's emerging challenge to US domination of east Asia, the Ukrainian faultine has the potential to draw in outside powers and lead to a strategic clash. Only Ukrainians can overcome this crisis. Continuing outside interference is both provocative and dangerous.
Joined: 25 Jul 2005 Posts: 18335 Location: St. Pauls, Bristol, England
Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 1:17 pm Post subject:
Washington: After months of taking grief for snooping on foreign leaders, the Obama administration found itself on the other side on Thursday after a private telephone call between two US diplomats appeared on the Internet in a breach that the White House tied to Russia.
In the recording, an assistant secretary of state and the ambassador to Ukraine are heard talking about the political crisis in Kiev, their views of how it might be resolved, their assessments of the various opposition leaders and their frustrations with their European counterparts. At one point, one of the officials uses an expletive to describe the EU.
The conversation opened a window into the American handling of the crisis and could easily inflame passions in Kiev, Brussels and Moscow, where the role of the United States has been controversial. The White House suggested on Thursday that Russia, which has jockeyed with the United States and Europe for influence in Ukraine, played some role in the interception or dissemination of the conversation.
Recent comments of a leaked conversation between US Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Victoria Nuland and the US Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt in which Nuland said “F-the EU” are causing quite a resonance worldwide. During the conversation Nuland reveals US/UN/EU collusion in the overthrow of the Ukrainian Government. They openly and matter-of-factly discuss the overthrow of the elected government of Ukraine, who they are assigning to posts in the new US installed government and the use of the UN and Ban Ki-Moon as an extension of their plan and help the US “glue” their plan for Ukraine together.
Victoria Nuland is not just a simple diplomat according to Andrew Kreig a Washington based author and analyst and in an interview with the Voice of Russia he points out Ms. Nuland’s background and connections to the Bilderberg Group and chickenhawks in Washington. Her husband Robert Kagen is a long-time Bilderberg antagonist, of first the USSR and Russia, and he along with Nuland are “puppet strings” propagating war and the agenda of a secret government according to Mr. Kreig.
“For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations. Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed. No President should fear public scrutiny of his programs, for from that scrutiny comes understanding and from that understanding comes support or opposition and both are necessary.” – John Fitzgerald Kennedy
Hello, this is John Robles. I'm speaking with Mr Andrew Kreig, he is the author of Presidential Puppetry: Obama, Romney and Their Masters. He is also the editor and director of the Justice Integrity Project.
Robles: Hello, sir.
Kreig: Hello, John. Good to talk to you.
Robles: It is good to talk to you. Tell us what is going on with the topic of the hour: Victoria Nuland and her comments about the EU and basically an admission that they are attempting to affect regime change in Ukraine. Who is Victoria Nuland exactly?
Kreig: Well, her formal title is US Ambassador to the European Union and that makes her one of the country's (the US) most important diplomat but it is also important to realize that she is bipartisan. So she has very strong connections with both Republicans under whom she served in the Bush/Cheney Administration as well as Democrats.
And part of this is because she is a member of the Kagan family and there is three people in that: the father, Donald Kagan and two brothers, including her husband Robert Kagan, and they are all long time antagonists of the Soviet Union and Russia.
They are very military oriented, they are extremely interested in destabilizing the former Soviet Republics and the three men were prominent, at least two of them were, in advocating for war against Iraq in the 1990s. So I guess I would just say that this is no ordinary diplomat, it is one who is capable of quite a bit of arrogance as indicated by her phone call.
Robles: Her family has connections with the Bilderberg Group (or the Bilderberg meetings) the group that meets. Can you tell us about that? Do you know anything about that?
Kreig: Well, actually I devoted part of my book Presidential Puppetry to her and her husband, so this scandal is not quite of surprise. And in terms of Bilderberg her husband Robert is an attendee of this group and briefly the Bilderberg Group is named after hotel in the Netherlands where the Rockefeller and Rothschild banking families took the lead in inviting approximately 130 prominent individuals in 1954 to the Bilderberg hotel in the Netherlands.
These were extremely prominent people handpicked by the Rockefeller and the Rothschilds to shape in secret an agenda, or at least have discussions and annual discussions.
Most recently this was in a fancy suburb of London last June and the interesting thing is that this involves through the years people at the level of royalty, the Queen of England has attended, also media executives including from the Washington Post, both the old family and the new owner Jeffrey Bezos of
So you have media executives as part of the secret meeting and so by extension her husband is one of them. He is certainly not known as a billionaire but he is, what I would call, a puppet string, to use my analogy, who connects puppet masters to the puppets in government.
And of course his wife, I don't know if she is a puppet string or a puppet, but it is all something that is fundamentally is not part of the elections process, it is part of the, almost “secret government”.
Robles: Victoria Nuland, now again you said you don't know if she is a puppet string or she is a puppet herself. What do you think in your opinion? Judging from her record?
Kreig: Well it doesn't make any difference at some point, where the puppet string attaches the government, it is all the same. But you know, as Ambassador to NATO under Bush/Cheney she is clearly part of, let me be blunt, warmongering.
In fact the chapter of my book, actually it is a subchapter about her husband I labeled it: “Robert Kagan: Fearless Chicken Hawk”.
Chicken in the US is kind of a contemptuous term for a coward and hawk is a term for someone who likes wars. So a chicken hawk is someone who likes wars but doesn't want to serve in them.
And I write that there is no evidence that any of the Kagans or Nulands has ever been in military service.
Their role is to urge wars for other people's children and families hence they are very deserving of the name “chicken hawk” and just to leap, when could go into specifics but let me get to a conclusion here.
Particularly after a gaff like this where she is using profanity, she is caught trying to interfere in the running of other countries, but more than that there is an arrogance that is being displayed here.
And even if it never happened, John, in fact I wrote this in the book months ago that she and her entire family instead of being honored columnists and experts on foreign policy, what they should do is go to Veteran’s Hospitals in the US and volunteer to help the amputated, wounded veterans. That is what they should be doing and they should be looking every single day at the result of what they concocted in Iraq, in Afghanistan and they should be a long way away from any kind of phone call like this to do more damage to anyone anywhere.
Robles: I see. A lot of Russian officials like to say: “What would happen in Washington if…?” (for example what is happening in Ukraine) “… what would happen in Washington if there were massive antigovernment rallies and say, Foreign Minister Lavrov showed up, let's say, in the National Mall and started handing people cookies and biscuits, and supporting people that wanted to overthrow the US government.”
Kreig: Well, I think we know, people in the US would be outraged and they would be furious and they would be saying: “What is this?!” And we don't even have to imagine too much because that is exactly what happened during the war of 1812 when the British invaded Washington and someone wrote the Star Spangled Banner because of that Francis Scott Key which is the national anthem to express the feelings of Americans about that kind of meddling.
So I actually agree that it would be quite outrages and in fact in a column I wrote on the Justice Integrity Project site today I used that same analogy to try to say a lot of these foreign affairs are very complicated and everybody is doing things in secret that do not stand the light of day. So I wanted to be clear about that. But I said we are never going to have peace or progress or move forward if we don't have some empathy. And if somebody was handing out doughnuts at the White House we would be furious.
Just a reminder, you are listening to an interview with Andrew Kreig.
Robles: Would you agree…? I know you are based in Washington in the US, I don't know if you can comment on this, but would you agree that it is beneficial for, let's say the Neo-Cons, the chicken hawks, the military industrial complex, to destroy countries such as Ukraine, to cause instability like in Libya, in Iraq in the Middle East, in Kosovo, in Serbia, in Yugoslavia etc. I mean there is about over 70 countries the US government has destroyed in the last 30 or 40 years. Would you agree that that is profitable for the US and actually development and peace are not?
Kreig: Well, I think the way you formulated it, John, is too extreme for me. For example what is good for the average American, is different from somebody who is a war contractor or making leveraged investments that are contingent on a war.
So there is many different players. I do think that the warmongers have undo influence and hurt the world and certainly some of the results in many of the places that you've described, it is obvious that the results, are what you've described, but I am somehow hesitant to get to the blanket area but I certainly think it is something that Americans, particularly in Washington need to study.
I can say that I'm on many lists of study groups in Washington that focus on these countries but they seldom take a look at the important issues as you've described it.
Usually it is well-funded groups that look at the same countries and it is all about; democracy, humanitarianism and stuff like that, and I think that is just, frankly, outrageous because it is totally one-sided and if you look at what some of these democracy movements end up with, clearly there needs to be much more of a debate along those lines that you’ve...
Robles: Would you agree that for a lot of these groups the word democracy just means subservience to US policy; pliable, usable…?
Kreig: Yes. Again that is somewhat of a more extreme formulation. I addressed a lot of this is somewhat more subtle terms in my book and one of the ways I mentioned it is I said: “the idea of having people like Samantha Powers, Susan Rice and a lot of these diplomats, many of whom are female and minority race, and all of them talk about democracy, is that it becomes much easier to have wars if you have female people spouting humanitarian rhetoric and I think it is very important to say “war is just so awful that we can't just cloak it as a nice thing for democracy”. So basically I'm agreeing with you but not quite in the language.
Robles: Well, I don't like to mince words, maybe sometimes I'm too hard, too strong and too direct on some of this stuff, but that is… maybe my style, I don’t know but, what I see in Ukraine is there are neo-nazis who are going around saying: “We don't want an expletive for Jews, an expletive for blacks and an expletive for Russians running our country”. These are the Bandera people, I mean they are neo-nazi thugs.
Klitschko is a guy with an IQ of maybe 85 or something, he is not a president, he is not even a politician. He would be a puppet, he would be just the marionette for the US. I think that is why Nuland and the State Department are so upset. Their plan didn't work, I don’t know.
Kreig: The conversation is very manipulative and one aspect of this, I think is worth at least a brief mention, is the whole concept of surveillance. Because one of the Public Relations ways to get out of an embarrassing situation is to attack and the State Department is already doing that saying that this was a private conversation, it is horrible that it should be leaked.
But of course I guess I would say just to be contrary to that is: here you have exposure that the US government is monitoring all kinds of conversations, in fact is the world leader in doing it because of the Internet and satellite capabilities.
So the act of collecting these conversations which virtually all governments do, that should be the matter for concern for the public, not whether it is made public. Because the act of collecting it gives people the power over the situation whether or not they release it.
Robles: I'm sorry, are you implying that that it was the NSA that did this or CIA or the US, or that it was that apparatus?
Kreig: Well No, no I think…
Robles: Well, what do you think about them demonizing Russia all of a sudden? It is like the eternal-perpetual distracting move: “Oh, look, over here Russia! Every time they do something illegal or egregious or scandalous it is like “Oh, look at Russia! Oh! It’s Russia's fault”.
Kreig: That is natural, that is the game. They look at it as game.
Robles: I think it is disgusting and egregious and despicable and slimy, I'm sorry! Ok, but that is my language. I get tired of it, I mean all the stuff with the Olympics and everything else.
Kreig: Look, many Americans are trained and groomed to find that a popular appeal and whether it is true and accurate or not, the reality is that they become more popular when they say it.
Joined: 25 Jul 2005 Posts: 18335 Location: St. Pauls, Bristol, England
Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 9:02 pm Post subject:
Becoming increasingly obvious - Ukraine is not going to be allowed to sit on the fence any more - global powers shaping up for do-or die colonialism and war
Libya, Syria And Now Ukraine - Color Revolution By Force
"For what it's worth, many Egyptians are keeping a very close eye on Ukraine because events there so closely mirror those in Egypt (and of course Syria, etc.), with many of the same forces playing the exact same game, for the same purpose. Instead of the right-wing fascist Muslim Brotherhood and their affiliated groups, the Western-sponsored "opposition" in the Ukraine is using neo-Nazis for muscle on the ground and to attack police with molotov cocktails and guns, but otherwise the script is identical, including the victim narrative that portrays the armed fascist thugs as "peaceful, unarmed protesters" and the police's response to violent attacks as a "crack-down against demonstrators". When I say identical, I mean identical, including the statements issued by the White House, the EU, and delegates including John Kerry and John McCain, who are using the exact same wording, with just the names and places changed. They're like programmed robots, playing with people's lives and the destinies of entire nations. On the other hand, the very repetitiveness and familiarity (glaringly obvious to everyone except, apparently, most Western observers) has helped to provoke a back-lash that is unifying the targets as nothing else could have. Which is good."
By F. William Engdahl
Global Research, February 21, 2014
The recent protests in Ukraine have the stench of a foreign-orchestrated attempt to destabilize the government of Viktor Yanukovych after he walked away from signing an EU Association Agreement that would have driven a deep wedge between Russia and Ukraine. Glamor-star boxer-turned political guru, Vitaly Klitschko, has been meeting with the US State Department and is close to Angela Merkel’s CDU political machine in Germany.
The EU association agreement with Ukraine is widely resisted by many EU member states with deep economic problems of their own. The two EU figures most pushing it—Swedish Foreign Minister Carl Bildt and Polish Foreign Minister Radosław Sikorski—are both well known in the EU as close to Washington.
The US is strongly pushing the Ukraine EU integration just as it had been behind the 2004 failed “Orange Revolution” to split Ukraine from Russia in a bid to isolate and weaken Russia. Now Ukrainians have found evidence of direct involvement of the Belgrade US-financed training group, CANVAS behind the carefully-orchestrated Kiev protests.
A copy of the pamphlet that was given out to opposition protestors in Kiev has been obtained. It is a word-for-word and picture-for-picture translation of the pamphlet used by US-financed Canvas organizers in the 2011 Cairo Tahrir Square protests that toppled Hosni Mubarak and opened the door to the US-backed Muslim Brotherhood.[1] The photo below is a side-by-side comparison:
The photo left is from Tahrir Square; the right from Kiev and here below is the English original used by the Belgrade CANVAS NGO:
Canvas, formerly Otpor, received significant money from the US State Department in 2000 to stage the first successful Color Revolution against Slobodan Milosovic in then-Yugoslavia. Since then they have been transformed into a full-time “revolution consultancy” for the US, posing as a Serbian grass-root group backing “democracy.” [2] Who would ever think a Serbian-based NGO would be a front for US-backed regime change?
The Strange Ukraine “Opposition”
Direct sources in Kiev that I have contacted report that the anti-government protestors have been recruited with money from among university students and unemplyed to come by bus into the heart of Kiev. The revealing aspect is the spectacular emergence of champion boxed Vitaly Klitschko as presumably the wise politician guiding Ukraine’s future. No doubt spending your career beating other boxers unconscious is a superb preparation for becoming a statesman, though I for one doubt it. It reminds of the choice of a low-grade Hollywood movie actor, Ronald Reagan as President. But more interesting about “opposition” spokesman Klitschko is who his friends are.
Klitschko is being backed by US Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland. Nuland, former US Ambassador to NATO, is a neo-conservative married to leading neo-conservative hawk, Robert Kagan, and was herself a former adviser to Dick Cheney. [3]
Klitschko is also very friendly with German Chancellor Merkel. According to a recent Der Spiegel report, Merkel wants to support Klitschko in his bid to become Ukraine’s president in 2015. [4]
Ukraine crisis: Tymoshenko to be released as protesters take over Kiev - live updates
Yulia Tymoshenko to be released from prison in Kharkiv
President Yanukovych flees Kiev. Wherabouts unknown
Parliament appoints new speaker and new interior minister
Protesters take over security in Kiev
Regional politicians declare constitutional control in Kharkiv in response to events in Kiev
'Russia’s nuclear missiles and military technology make Russia the strongest military obstacle to US hegemony. To neutralize Russia, Washington broke the Reagan-Gorbachev agreements and expanded NATO into former constituent parts of the Soviet Empire and now intends to bring former constituent parts of Russia herself--Georgia and Ukraine--into NATO. Washington withdrew from the treaty that banned anti-ballistic missiles and has established anti-ballistic missile bases on Russia’s frontier. Washington changed its nuclear war doctrine to permit nuclear first strike.
All of this is aimed at degrading Russia’s deterrent, thereby reducing the ability of Russia to resist Washington’s will.
The Russian government (and also the government of Ukraine) foolishly permitted large numbers of US funded NGOs to operate as Washington’s agents under cover of “human rights organizations,” “building democracy,” etc. The “pussy riot” event was an operation designed to put Putin and Russia in a bad light. (The women were useful dupes.) The Western media attacks on the Sochi Olympics are part of the ridiculing and demonizing of Putin and Russia. Washington is determined that Putin and Russia will not be permitted any appearance of success in any area, whether diplomacy, sports, or human rights...' _________________ 'And he (the devil) said to him: To thee will I give all this power, and the glory of them; for to me they are delivered, and to whom I will, I give them'. Luke IV 5-7.
Joined: 25 Jul 2005 Posts: 18335 Location: St. Pauls, Bristol, England
Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 1:53 pm Post subject:
One fact stays with me - that the rifles and ammunition being used midweek by snipers to kill demonstrators and justify killing police was British.
Street thug and media Regime Change. Yanukovych actually amazingly restrained over use of force against demonstrators - that became armed.
Amazing propaganda with yesterday's 'tour of the presidential palace' (let's do the same at Chequers perhaps?)
Just look at the NATO puppet's rhetoric - for democratically elected president read 'cancer'
(Reuters) - Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov told U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry on Sunday opponents of Ukraine's Viktor Yanukovich had failed to abide by a peace deal they signed on Friday and had seized power, the ministry said.
In their second telephone conversation in two days, Lavrov told Kerry "the most important thing now is to provide for the complete fulfillment" of the agreement brokered by three top European Union diplomats, the Russian Foreign Ministry said.
"The Ukrainian opposition is deviating from the agreement, having in effect seized powerin Kiev, refused to disarm and continued to place its bets on violence," Lavrov told Kerry, according to a ministry statement.
Lavrov "drew attention to the fact that the document bears the signatures of representatives of several Western states, and that the United States officially welcomed its conclusion," it said.
A Russian envoy sent by President Vladimir Putin to participate in mediation efforts did not sign the peace deal. Since its signing, Yanukovich has fled the capital and lawmakers have voted to oust him and name a temporary replacement.
Joined: 25 Jul 2005 Posts: 18335 Location: St. Pauls, Bristol, England
Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 8:00 pm Post subject:
By email
Just a quick word to my American list as to why the EU (European Union) is such an important topic in the events unfolding in the Ukraine.
The reason for the revolt in Ukraine is because many Ukrainians, mostly those in the West whose culture and language (Ukrainian) are different from those in the East (many speak Russian and feel a cultural bond with Russia), are eager to enter into an association with the EU. The ones in the East want closer ties with Russia.
In yesterday's email, I pointed out some facts about the EU that most Americans are unaware of:
They are slowly going bankrupt and losing popular support. The majority of UK citizens and Dutch want to withdraw from the EU.
Greece did not face a financial crisis until it adopted the euro.
The EU, which talks about democracy at every turn, is not democratic. It is run by the 100% unelected European Commission, the only entity allowed to propose legislation.
It insists on unlimited immigration for its member countries and under the Schengen Agreement, forces all member nations to accept immigrants from all other member countries.
The fallout of these policies is a Europe overrun by Third World people, mostly Muslims, most of whom do not assimilate and receive lifelong welfare from the member country in which they reside.
BTW, the EU promotes gay marriage and abortion, which are human 'rights' in that territory. Russia does not.
Many Americans see the Ukrainian revolt as merely an issue of "freedom" and believe the US government's call to "save" a nation from slavery and give them "democracy."
Indeed, the issue is freedom, but it is grossly misunderstood in the West. You see there are 2 distinct kinds of freedom and the West has been trained to emotionally respond to the call for personal freedom while being weaned of the notion of sovereignty, or national freedom, ie, the right to have and cultivate a national culture.
Individual freedom is important, and that can include freedom from excessive government intrusion.
But a nation full of "free" individuals can be enslaved nonetheless by losing its national sovereignty and being forced to see its nation overrun by peoples hostile to its indigenous culture.
A Ukraine dominated by either Russia or the West is not a free Ukraine.
At least 2 well financed Western organizations have been identified as the instigators of the Ukrainian revolt:
The German backed Konrad Adenauer Foundation, and US backed CANVAS.
The issue here is that the West has been found to have interfered heavy-handedly in various ways. The Konrad Adenauer Foundation of German CDU (Chancellor Merkel's Christian Democratic Party) has been coaching boxing champion Vitaly Klitschko for years to assume the role of head of state in Ukraine. Klitschko is also being backed by US Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland, former US Ambassador to NATO, who is married to a neo-conservative married to leading neo-conservative hawk, Robert Kagan, and was herself once an adviser to neoconservative Dick Cheney.
CANVAS is a US-financed Belgrade based community organizer group that helped organize the mobs in Tahrir Square during the Arab Spring. By way of reminder, this was a botched job that led to the ouster of President Hosni Mubarak and the installationo of the formerly banned Muslim Brotherhood. That revolution was short lived and the president was oustd once he was seen to be a power grabber and advocate of shariah law.
Does anyone think that, with this cast of meddlers, the outcome of this revolt will somehow go better than the Arab Spring did?
Read what what Rodney Atkinson says below.
Don Hank
UKRAINE - GERMAN EUROPE PUSHES EAST (meeting some old unsavoury friends!)
Rodney Atkinson
So German Foreign Minister, Steinmeier who sees democratic sovereigntists in Western Europe as "threats to peace" is pleased to shake hands with openly fascist and nationalistic Ukrainians!
One of the parties (Swoboda), called to meetings in the German embassy in Kiev with Steinmeier, has a leader who seeks to rid Ukraine of Jews and was described by the Simon Wiesenthal Centre as one of the most anti-semitic in the world.
When there is a consensus between the British political parties, the press and the BBC you can be sure they will all be supporting a disaster in the making. So it is in the Ukraine. There was a similar consensus about Yugoslavia where, as a result, thousands died, a million or more were ethnically cleansed, NATO declared an illegal war, Germany managed to reverse the settlement of two world wars and dangerous fascist groups arose from the graves of 1945. Now leading EU politicians and Washington have whipped up sectarian, racist and divisive politics in Ukraine, using the methods which brought the disastrous Muslim Brotherhood to power in Egypt.
For a decade or more before the illegal recognition of Croatia by the Vatican and Germany in 1991 (condemned by among others the former British Foreign Secretary David Owen) the German intelligence services undermined the State of Yugoslavia, promoted and armed Croatian and Bosnian fascists and manipulated the media to report dubious "massacres" but not report on actual Bosnian and Croatian massacres of Serbs!! For decades the German "political foundation" the Konrad Adenauer Foundation has been active in the Ukraine and provided funds and political support for the rioting and policeman-killing "demonstrators" on the streets of Kiev. Many of the Ukrainian revolutionaries, trying to bring down an elected Government with molotov cocktails and street violence, have blatantly fascist connections with the wartime Ukrainian Nazis who helped enthusiastically in the Jewish holocaust. Many of the latter of course fled through Rome to South America after the war - with even the American Ambassador in Berlin complaining that the Vatican was aiding the escape of murderous fascists.
So what we see in the Ukraine is an action replay of the illegal war against Yugoslavia, the support of German Europe for blatantly fascist movements in Bosnia and Croatia harking back to the war time puppets of Nazi Germany - often using the war time names of Waffen SS divisions. EU support for such movements is mirrored precisely in the nationalistic and fascist parties who are among the leaders of the street violence in Kiev. As in Yugoslavia where the prime motivation of the EU and the USA was to exploit religious differences (Roman Catholic Croats versus Orthodox Serbs, West Europeans against Slavs, Christian Serbs and Croats against Bosnian and Kosovo Muslims) so in the Ukraine the Vatican and the German (Roman Catholic) CDU party's Konrad Adenauer Foundation have played a substantial role over many years in preparing the way for the present upheavals.
So too has the US Government under Barack Obama - from that peace loving non imperialist party the Democrats! F. William Engdahl from Global Research finds Wasington's finger prints all over the "spontaneous" revolution in Kiev:
"The US is strongly pushing the Ukraine EU integration just as it had been behind the 2004 failed "Orange Revolution" to split Ukraine from Russia in a bid to isolate and weaken Russia. Now Ukrainians have found evidence of direct involvement of the Belgrade US-financed training group, CANVAS behind the carefully-orchestrated Kiev protests. A copy of the pamphlet that was given out to opposition protestors in Kiev has been obtained. It is a word-for-word and picture-for-picture translation of the pamphlet used by US-financed Canvas organizers in the 2011 Cairo Tahrir Square protests that toppled Hosni Mubarak and opened the door to the US-backed Muslim Brotherhood."
And we all know how popular the Muslim Brotherhood (close to the Nazis in the 1940s) was in Egypt. The Egyptian counter revolution threw out Obama's chosen revolutionaries - perhaps the less than grateful Ukrainians will do the same. They did so once before when they voted decisively against the Washington inspired "Orange Revolution".
Just when in mid February, after many concessions from the Ukrainian Government to the Opposition including the release of rioters from detention and an amnesty from prosecution, Germany's chosen man in the Ukraine opposition Vitali Klitchko, the former boxer, raised the tone of his rhetoric, suggesting potential violence. He was joined by the so called "First Hundred Group in Kiev of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists," who called on supporters to bring weapons to the square. The name of this group is a historical reference to the "Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists," who collaborated with Nazi Germany's Wehrmacht, helped invade the Soviet Union and participated in the Nazi mass murders of Ukrainian Jews.
Today there are frequent references in the speeches of nationalistic opposition leaders to the "Jewish mafia in Moscow" and one of the parties (Swoboda), called to meetings in the German embassy in Kiev with "the new Ribbentrop" Frank Walter Steinmeier, Germany's Foreign Minister, has a leader who seeks to rid Ukraine of Jews and was described by the Simon Wiesenthal Centre as one of the most anti-semitic in the world.
Steinmeier, who recently said that eurosceptics and those nations who sought democratic self government were "a danger to peace in Europe" was pleased to meet the leader of an extreme nationalistic and fascist party Oleh Tiahnybok with whom "Germany's man", Klitschko has been pleased to collaborate. So Steinmeier who sees democratic sovereigntists in Western Europe as "threats to peace" is pleased to shake hands with openly fascist and nationalistic Ukrainians! Tiahnybok has made clear his desire to rid Ukraine of Jews and other minorities but that seems once again to be acceptable in Germany. As in the promotion of Scottish and Welsh nationalism EU leaders exploit the most nationalistic movements to build their European Empire. Having exploited them in Ukraine to crush a national self-governing democracy they rely on being able to easily mop them up in the new supranational sovereignty of "Europe" as it pursues the old German game of the "Drang nach Osten".
Although pursuing the same supranational imperialism as the German Right, Germany's Social Democrat Party's Friedrich Ebert Foundation, is waking up to the horrific nature of Germany's allies and is shedding a few crocodile tears - calling Herr Steinmeier's friends, the Swoboda Party "anti-semitic, xenophobic and racist". Bit late now I think!
According to the website German Foreign Policy, Swoboda maintains close links with the German Neo Nazi NPD. In the Ukrainian town of Ternopil Swoboda has 35% of the vote and its mayor gave an interview to the NPD's party newspaper in which he stated that "European Expansion should not stop at the Polish Ukrainian border."
All reminiscent of the Nazis 1930's "territorial claims", all reminiscent of the 1930s BBC promoting appeasement of the Nazis, all reminiscent of the Labour Party in the 1930s voting against British re-armament in the face of Nazi aggression, all reminiscent of the admirers of Hitler in the 1930s - like the Liberal Lloyd George and the Chairman of the BBC Lord Reith!
Perhaps I might refer readers to the many warnings in my own books since 1989 - like Your country Your Democracy, Europe's Full Circle and Fascist Europe Rising and of course the documentation of the betrayal of the British people and their constitution in the Maastricht Treaty surrender of 1992 (Treason at Maastricht by myself and the late Norris McWhirter). For these and other publications
Joined: 25 Jul 2005 Posts: 18335 Location: St. Pauls, Bristol, England
Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 11:41 pm Post subject:
Anonymous Ukraine is battling the forces in Ukraine that are funded and directed from the West and attempting to overthrow the democratically elected government of the sovereign country of Ukraine. Anonymous Ukraine is operating in what can only now be described as a war zone and the security measures they are forced to take are extreme. A member of Anonymous Ukraine who wishes to remain anonymous spoke to the Voice of Russia about the operations and the recent release of e-mails between Vitaly Klischko and the Lithuanian Presidential advisor. The e-mails show that Klitschko was intentionally planning to destabilize the country, is being instructed and funded from abroad and has his accounts in Germany. itschko-e-mails-showing-treason-3581/
Democracy Murdered By Protest — Ukraine Falls To Intrigue and violence
February 23, 2014
Paul Craig Roberts
Who’s in charge? Certainly not the bought-and-paid-for-moderates that Washington and the EU hoped to install as the new government of Ukraine. The agreement that the Washington and EU supported opposition concluded with President Yanukovich to end the crisis did not last an hour. Even the former boxing champion, Vitaly Klitschko, who was riding high as an opposition leader until a few hours ago has been booed by the rioters and shoved aside. The newly appointed president by what is perhaps an irrelevant parliament, Oleksandr Turchynov, has no support base among those who overthrew the government. As the BBC reports, “like all of the mainstream opposition politicians, Mr. Turchynov is not entirely trusted or respected by the protesters in Kiev’s Independence Square.”
In western Ukraine the only organized and armed force is the ultra-nationalist Right Sector. From the way this group’s leaders speak, they assume that they are in charge. One of the group’s leaders, Aleksandr Muzychko, has pledged to fight against “Jews and Russians until I die.” Asserting the Right Sector’s authority over the situation, Muzychko declared that now that the democratically elected government has been overthrown, “there will be order and discipline” or “Right Sector squads will shoot the b****** on the spot.”
The b****** are any protesters who dare to protest the Right Sector’s control.
Muzychko declared, “The next president of Ukraine will be from Right Sector.”
Another Right Sector leader, Dmitry Yarosh, declared: “the Right Sector will not lay down its arms.” He declared the deal made between the opposition and the President to be “unacceptable” and demanded the liquidation of President Yanukovich’s political party.
The Right Sector’s roots go back to the Ukrainians who fought for Adolf Hitler against the Soviet Union during World War 2. It was the Right Sector that introduced armed fighters and turned the tide of the protests in Kiev from peaceful protests in favor of joining the EU to violent attacks on police with the view of overthrowing the democratically elected government, which the Right Sector succeeded in doing.
The Right Sector did not overthrow the Ukraine government in order to deliver it into the hands of the Washington and EU paid “opposition.”
There is a tendency to discount the Right Sector as a small fringe group, but the Right Sector not only took control of the protests away from the Western supported moderates, as moderate leaders themselves admitted, but also the Right Sector has enough public support to destroy the national monument to the Red Army soldiers who died liberating Ukraine from Nazi Germany.
Unlike the US orchestrated toppling of the stature of Saddam Hussein, which was a PR event for the presstitutes in which Iraqis themselves were not involved, Ukrainian rightists’ destruction of the monument commemorating the Red Army’s liberation of the Ukraine had public support. If the Right Sector hates Russians for defeating the Nazis, the Right Sector also hates the US, France, and England for the same reason. The Right Sector is an unlikely political party to take Ukraine into the EU.
The Russian parts of Ukraine clearly understand that the Right Sector’s destruction of the monument commemorating the stand of the Red Army against the German troops is a threat against the Russian population of Ukraine. Provincial governments in eastern and southern Ukraine that formerly were part of Russia are organizing militias against the ultra-nationalist threat unleashed by Washington’s stupidity and incompetence and by the naive and gullible Kiev protesters.
Having interfered in Ukraine’s internal affairs and lost control, Washington is now issuing ultimatums to Russia not to interfere in Ukraine. Does the idiot Susan Rice, Obama’s neoconservative National Security Advisor, think Putin is going to pay any attention to her ultimatums or to any instruction from a government so militarily incompetent that it was unable to successfully occupy Baghdad after 8 years or to defeat a few thousand lightly armed Taliban after 12 years? In only took a few hours for Russian troops to destroy the American and Israeli trained and armed Georgian army that Washington sent to invade South Ossetia.
Where does Obama find morons like Susan Rice and Victoria Nuland? These two belong in a kindergarten for mentally handicapped children, not in the government of a superpower where their ignorance and arrogance can start World War 3.
Ukraine is far more important to Russia than it is to the US or EU. If the situation in Ukraine spirals out of control and right-wing extremists seize control, Russian intervention is certain. The arrogant and stupid Obama regime has carelessly and recklessly created a direct strategic threat to the existence of Russia.
According to the Moscow Times, this is what a senior Russian official has to say: “If Ukraine breaks apart, it will trigger a war.” Ukraine “will lose Crimera first,” because Russia “will go in just as we did in Georgia.” Another Russian official said: “ We will not allow Europe and the US to take Ukraine from us. The states of the former Soviet Union, we are one family. They think Russia is still as weak as in the early 1990s but we are not.”
The Ukrainian right-wing is in a stronger position than Washington’s paid Ukrainian puppets, essentially weak and irrelevant persons who sold out their country for Washington’s money. The Right Sector is organized. It is armed. It is indigenous. It is not dependent on money funneled in from Washington and EU financed NGOs. It has an ideology, and it is focused. The Right Sector doesn’t have to pay its protesters to take to the streets like Washington had to do.
Most importantly, well-meaning but stupid protesters–especially the Kiev students–and an Ukrainian parliament playing to the protesters destroyed Ukrainian democracy. The opposition controlled parliament removed an elected president from office without an election, an obvious illegal and undemocratic action. The opposition controlled parliament issued illegal arrest warrants for members of the president’s government. The opposition controlled parliament illegally released criminals from prison. As the opposition has created a regime of illegality in place of law and constitutional procedures, the field is wide open for the Right Sector. Expect everything the opposition did to Yanukovich to be done to them by the Right Sector. By their own illegal and unconstitutional actions, the opposition has set the precedent for their own demise.
Just as the February 1917 revolution against the Russian Tsar set the stage for the October 1917 Bolshevik Revolution, surprising the stupid “reformers,” the overthrow of the Ukrainian political order has set the stage for the Right Sector. We can only hope that the Right Sector blows its chance.
The American media is a useless news source. It serves as a Ministry for Government Lies. The corrupt propagandists are portraying the undemocratic removal of Yanukovich as a victory for freedom and democracy. When it begins to leak out that everything has gone wrong, the presstitutes will blame it all on Russia and Putin. The Western media is a plague upon humanity.
Americans have no idea that the neoconservative regime of the White House Fool is leading them into a Great Power Confrontation that could end in destruction of life on earth.
Ironic, isn’t it. America’s “first black president,” the person liberals thought would restore justice, morality, and reason to Western civilization, is instead now positioned as the person who will have to accept humiliating defeat or risk the destruction of life on earth.
I have often wondered if Spock’s Vulcan ancestry was Gene Roddenberry’s way of underlining by contrast the fragility of human reason. In the context of modern military technology, is it possible for life to survive humanity’s penchant for emotion to trump reason and for self-delusion to prevail over factual reality?
By Paul Craig Roberts
On the 100th Anniversary of World War 1, the Western powers are again sleepwalking into destructive conflict. Hegemonic ambition has Washington interfering in the internal affairs of Ukraine, but developments seem to be moving beyond Washington’s control.
Regime change in Ukraine for a mere $5 billion dollars would be a bargain compared to the massive sums squandered in Iraq ($3,000 billion), Afghanistan ($3,000 billion), Somalia, and Libya, or the money Washington is wasting murdering people with drones in Pakistan and Yemen, or the money Washington has spent supporting al Qaeda in Syria, or the massive sums Washington has wasted surrounding Iran with 40 military bases and several fleets in the Persian Gulf in an effort to terrorize Iran into submission.
So far, in Washington’s attempt at regime change in Ukraine large numbers of Americans are not being killed and maimed. Only Ukrainians are dying, all the better for Washington as the deaths are blamed on the Ukrainian government that the US has targeted for overthrow.
The problem with Washington’s plot to overthrow the elected government of Ukraine and install its minions is twofold: The chosen US puppets have lost control of the protests to armed radical elements with historical links to nazism, and Russia regards an EU/NATO takeover of Ukraine as a strategic threat to Russian independence.
Washington overlooked that the financially viable part of today’s Ukraine consists of historical Russian provinces in the east and south that the Soviet leadership merged into Ukraine in order to dilute the fascist elements in western Ukraine that fought for Adolf Hitler against the Soviet Union. It is these ultra-nationalist elements with nazi roots, not Washington’s chosen puppets, who are now in charge of the armed rebellion in Western Ukraine.
If the democratically elected Ukraine government is overthrown, the eastern and southern parts would rejoin Russia. The western part would be looted by Western bankers and corporations, and the NATO Ukraine bases would be targeted by Russian Iskander missiles.
It would be a defeat for Washington and their gullible Ukrainian dupes to see half of the country return to Russia. To save face, Washington might provoke a great power confrontation, which could be the end of all of us.
My series of articles on the situation in Ukraine resulted in a number of interviews from Canada to Russia, with more scheduled. It also produced emotional rants from people of Ukrainian descent whose delusions are impenetrable by facts. Deranged Russophobes dismissed as propaganda the easily verifiable report of Assistant Secretary of State Nuland’s public address last December, in which she boasted that Washington had spent $5 billion preparing Ukraine to be aligned with Washington’s interests. Protest sympathizers claim that the intercepted telephone call between Nuland and the US Ambassador in Ukraine, in which the two US officials chose the government that would be installed following the coup, is a fake.
One person actually suggested that my position should be aligned with the “sincerity of the Kiev students,” not with the facts.
Some Trekkers and Trekkies were more concerned that I used an improper title for Spock than they were with the prospect of great power confrontation. The point of my article flew off into space and missed planet Earth.
Spock’s mental powers were the best weapon that Starship Enterprise had. Among my graduate school friends, Spock was known as Dr. Spock, because he was the cool, calm, and unemotional member of the crew who could diagnose the problem and save the situation.
There are no Spocks in the US or any Western government and certainly not among the Ukrainian protesters.
I have often wondered if Spock’s Vulcan ancestry was Gene Roddenberry’s way of underlining by contrast the fragility of human reason. In the context of modern military technology, is it possible for life to survive humanity’s penchant for emotion to trump reason and for self-delusion to prevail over factual reality?
Last edited by item8 on Mon Feb 24, 2014 6:21 pm; edited 2 times in total
'"Daily Mail" - Television pictures of revolutions can make them seem like a spectator sport.
Having Vitali Klitschko, the world heavyweight boxing champion, playing a starring role in the events in Kiev reinforces that impression.
But the implosion of the Ukrainian state in the last 48 hours is a political earthquake.
Chaos in Kiev could set off a tsunami that will toss Western Europe from its moorings too.
It is a mistake to think we are watching from a safe distance.
Maybe Ukraine is as foreign to the British people today as it was when an obscure crisis on its southern coast in Queen Victoria’s reign became the Crimean War.
But not since the 1850s has this country come so close to colliding with Russia.
Ukraine sits on the fault line dividing Eastern Europe between pro-Western and pro-Russian views. Her people are split over attitudes to the old imperial capital, Moscow.
That divide is now opening up as pro-Russian districts in the East such as Kharkov and Crimea refuse to accept the overthrow of President Viktor Yanukovych celebrated in Kiev....' _________________ 'And he (the devil) said to him: To thee will I give all this power, and the glory of them; for to me they are delivered, and to whom I will, I give them'. Luke IV 5-7.
According to Article 1 (2) of the UN Charterdeveloping peaceful international relations based on the "principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples" is one of the founding principles of the United Nations, and by default the UN Security Council. Therefore any attempt by any country to subjugate or pressure another into implementing measures or carrying out an agenda not instigated from within and not in keeping with the will of the people is illegal. The "will of the people" can only be known through referendums and democratic political processes and debates, not through fabricated pogroms in the streets, which the US is expert at organizing. As for pressure on the government, even the implementation of sanctions is therefore illegal as this is done to pressure a government from the outside.
It is prohibited under international law to threaten to use force and Article 2 (4) of the UN Charter states this clearly and requires all UN member states to respect the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of other states. US/NATO/EU have not threatened military force against Ukraine, as they already have their ground force installed as they did in Syria, Libya, etc. but this applies to other countries they have invaded recently.
Article 2 (7) of the UN Charter states clearly that the United Nations and its members have no authority to intervene in matters which are within the domestic jurisdiction of any state (sovereign country). However the US/NATO/EU have gotten around this by implementing and using what they call the Responsibility to Protect. Uprisings and violent demonstrations such as what is happening in Ukraine fall within the definition of domestic jurisdiction, therefore any outside attempt to interfere is illegal.
Armed Insurgents
What is alarming in Ukraine is the violent and militarized nature of what the West is endlessly painting as a legitimate opposition. This portrayal runs contrary to what the most of the world is seeing right in front of their eyes on their TV screens. Even multiple statements by US officials themselves and a recently released telephone conversation between US official Victoria Nuland and the US Ambassador to Ukraine, show that these are not members of a legitimate internal opposition, but rather radicalized, militarized, trained, planted, funded and supported members of western "color revolution" infrastructure.
The US/NATO/EU continue to egregiously blame the government and are criminally silent when the opposition they support, and in fact planted, murder members of the security forces and policemen. The outright murder, kidnapping and extreme violence against police and security forces should be something that would cause an outcry among police officers worldwide, especially in the US, where their police are given almost god-like reverence, yet the so called "international community" and members of the world’s law enforcement bodies are silent.
Nothing that the insurgents have done would be supported in any US/NATO/EU country or city, yet they continue to call on, threaten and pressure the authorities in Ukraine to not interfere or take required measures. The violent insurgents have made a mockery of law and order and have literally set the capital of a civilized, democratic European country on fire.
Storming, seizing and burning down the buildings which house the instruments and bodies of the state; openly shooting, murdering, kidnapping and falsely detaining members of law enforcement; destroying and setting alight the property of the state and the people; organizing the pogrom we are seeing in Ukraine; violating the law and acting against their own constitution; blackmailing and threatening officials to step down or be complaint and finally promoting policies that are not in keeping with the desires of the Ukrainian people, are all factual aspects of the Ukrainian "opposition". So why is US/NATO/EU openly supporting them?...'
'...Obama Connects Syria and Ukraine
In comments related to a soon to be released Voice of Russia interview Professor Francis Boyle a professor of international law at the University of Illinois College of Law told me the following: "Obama said that the people of the Ukraine should be able to determine their own future just like the people of Syria should be able to determine their own future. So Obama himself linked the two. The strategy is the same: regime change, civil war, destruction of the State. So this elevates the call by the State Department for a transition to a government of technocrats to the presidential level. The cat is out of the bag. Regime Change of the democratically elected government of Ukraine is openly admitted to be USG policy. Even worse than Syria, whose government was arguably not really democratic. Nevertheless as I point out in my book, the demand for regime change by one government against another government is illegal and violates the World Court's ruling against the United States in the Nicaragua decision (1996)."
Media Failure
The western mass media continues to promote and spread a phony slanted narrative of the events in Ukraine and their attempts have been formidable and almost impossible to counter. This concerns mostly the nature and portrayal of the police murdering opposition which, like the cop killers in the Caucuses, the West portrays as heroes and some sort of freedom fighters.
Again the hypocrisy of the West in Ukraine is resounding and completely obvious, yet they continue with impunity. US illegality and their complete and total disregard for international law continue to stare the world in the face in Guantanamo and worldwide, yet the compliant media has failed as US illegality has now spread like a cancer to include all NATO/EU countries.
It is another black day for the world as we see that the mass media has completely failed and been corrupted in the West. All of the facts surrounding the murderous insurgents in Ukraine and their bloody uprising and the collusion of the Central Intelligence Agency, US/NATO/EU and the West are being conveniently ignored as the subservient media chooses to attempt to go so far as to blame Russia which has from day one made it a point not to interfere.
Nowhere do we see debates going on regarding: the over $50 billion the US has spent buying out Ukraine; the admission by Victoria Nuland of US meddling in her telephone conversation, during which she implicated the head of the UN in US/NATO/EU plans; the training and equipping of the insurgents by US/NATO/EU; the fact that all outside pressure and meddling is illegal nor the fact that if anything similar happened in the West it would in no way be allowed.
Wake Up Call
They have won and Ukraine has fallen. The President of Ukraine has stated he will step down, which was the first call by the US/NATO/EU, when the first encampments appeared on Maidan Square. This was their clear goal and even though we documented it they have won. However what they have in fact done is committed another crime on an international scale.
Will anyone answer for the crime of subversion and for violating the sovereignty of Ukraine? Not likely. Therefore this should be a serious wake up call to all countries of the world, but will it? Also not likely.
What is striking in Ukraine was that it was a democratically elected government, that all of the US/NATO/EU plans were know from the start and that it was still allowed to proceed.
Once again, as we saw in Iraq, Libya and all other countries where the governments have been recently overthrown and the leader executed or otherwise removed (with North Korea being the perfect example) the only protection that any country has from the imposition of US/NATO/EU regime change is quite simply nuclear weapons.
US/NATO Obama/Neo-Con Plans and Impunity
After 9-11 Neo-Con Paul Wolfowitz, the then US Deputy Secretary of Defense stated that the US Government is now in the business of destroying countries, executing presidents and changing governments at will.
General Wesley Clark who was the Supreme Allied Commander of NATO, took issue with the Neo-Con architects from the Project for a New American Century (LINK 5) and gave testimony that the US planned to overthrow seven countries after 9/11: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and Iran.
Mr. Clark called the post 9-11 overtaking of the US Government a coup and said it was plotted by Dick Cheney, Don Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz and "a half dozen other collaborators from the Project for the New American Century". In a report Glen Greenwald cites a US Secretary of Defense Memo which gave even more detail and put a timeframe on the plan: "I just got this memo from the Secretary of Defense’s office. It says we’re going to attack and destroy the governments in 7 countries in five years – we’re going to start with Iraq, and then we’re going to move to Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Iran."
Greenwald reported that General Clark was shocked and wrote about the following exchange: "And we’ve got about 5 or 10 years to clean up those old Soviet regimes – Syria, Iran [sic], Iraq – before the next great superpower comes on to challenge us." Clark said he was shocked by Wolfowitz’s desires because, as Clark put it: "the purpose of the military is to start wars and change governments? It’s not to deter conflicts?"...." _________________ 'And he (the devil) said to him: To thee will I give all this power, and the glory of them; for to me they are delivered, and to whom I will, I give them'. Luke IV 5-7.
Last edited by outsider on Fri Feb 28, 2014 11:45 am; edited 1 time in total
Reality on the ground in Ukraine contradicts the incompetent and immoral Obama regime’s portrait of Ukrainian democracy on the march.
To the extent that government exists in post-coup Ukraine, it is laws dictated by gun and threat wielding thugs of the neo-Nazi, Russophobic, ultra-nationalist, right-wing parties. Watch the video of the armed thug, Aleksandr Muzychko, who boosts of killing Russian soldiers in Chechnya, dictating to the Rovno regional parliament a grant of apartments to families of protesters.
Read about the neo-nazis intimidating the Central Election Commission in order to secure rule and personnel changes in order to favor the ultra-right in the forthcoming elections. Thug Aleksandr Shevchenko informed the CEC that armed activists will remain in CEC offices in order to make certain that the election is not rigged against the neo-nazis. What he means, of course, is the armed thugs will make sure the neo-nazis win. If the neo-nazis don’t win, the chances are high that they will take power regardless.
Members of President Yanukovich’s ruling party, the Party of Regions, have been shot, had arrest warrants issued for them, have experienced home invasions and physical threats, and are resigning in droves in hopes of saving the lives of themselves and their families. The prosecutor’s office in the Volyn region (western Ukraine) has been ordered by ultra-nationalists to resign en masse .
Jewish synagogs and Eastern Orthodox Christian churches are being attacked.
To toot my own horn, I might have been the first and only to predict that Washington’s organization of pro-EU Ukrainian politicians into a coup against the elected government of Ukraine would destroy democracy and establish the precedent that force prevails over elections, thereby empowering the organized and armed extreme right-wing....
....The Defense Minister said: “The drills are not connected with events in Ukraine at all.”
Yes, of course. The Defense Minister says this, because Putin still hopes that the EU will come to its senses. In my opinion, and I hope I am wrong, the European “leaders” are too corrupted by Washington’s money to have any sense. They are bought-and-paid-for. Nothing is important to them but money.
'Duck and Cover'!! _________________ 'And he (the devil) said to him: To thee will I give all this power, and the glory of them; for to me they are delivered, and to whom I will, I give them'. Luke IV 5-7.
Euromaidan Riots
The takeover of power in Kiev by the mainstream opposition is a coup that has been executed by force, which overlooks the opinions of at least half of the Ukrainian population. Yet, you would not know this from listening to such media outlets and networks as CNN or Fox News or reading the headlines being produced by Reuters and the state-owned British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC). The events in Kiev are misleadingly being billed and framed by these media sources and the so-called “Western” governments they support, either directly or indirectly, as the triumph of people power and democracy in Ukraine.
Utter hypocrisy is at work. When similar protests and riots broke out in Britain and France, the positions taken and the tones used by the above actors was very different. These actors framed the protests and riots in Britain and France as issues of law and order, using language very favourable to the British and French governments. Where were the statements of concern about the rights and safety of protesters from the US government and the European Commission when force was used by the British and French governments or when protesters died?
While not overlooking, disregarding, or devaluing the loss of life in Kiev, the roots of the violence there need to be discussed honestly and traced back. On the same note, it has to be understood that members of the Ukrainian opposition and their supporters were agitating for a violent confrontation against the Ukrainian government. There is no argument here against the right of citizens to protest, but rioting or taking up arms with the intent to oust a democratically-elected government is a different matter that no government in the US or the EU would accept on their own territory.
When the laws that the US and EU countries have in place are quickly glimpsed at, gross double-standards are evident. Universally, the criminal codes of these governments forbid the assembly of their citizens for the purpose of discussing the overthrow of the government alone. Their criminal codes consider whoever advocates, aids, advises, or preaches for the overthrowing or the government by political subversion as a criminal and threat to the state. In the US “anyone with intent to cause the overthrow or destruction of any such government, prints, publishes, edits, issues, circulates, sells, distributes, or publicly displays any written or printed matter advocating, advising, or teaching the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying any government in the United States by force or violence, or attempts to do so” is considered a felon under the criminal code. If two or more persons even meet to talk about removing the government in most these countries, they can be imprisoned. In the case of the United States, as the US Criminal Code states, these individuals “shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both, and shall be ineligible for employment by the United States or any department or agency thereof, for the five years next following his conviction.”
Washington and the European Union have aided and encouraged the above acts by openly supporting the campaign of the Ukrainian opposition and even sending officials and politicians to encourage the anti-government forces in Ukraine. The irony is that this is the exact type of behaviour that the US and the European Union have outlawed on their own territories and would not tolerate against themselves whatsoever.
If it were merely a case of ethnocentrisim, this attitude could be called exceptionalism. It, however, is not exceptionalism. To be very candid, it is heartless regime change perpetrated by governments that have a record of insincerely hiding behind democracy and humanitarianism.
How the European Union Enabled the Coup
What has taken place in Kiev is a coup that has unfolded through the manipulation of the emotions and hopes of a significant segment of the Ukrainian population by opposition leaders. It has to be emphasized that many opposition supporters are doing what they believe is right for their country and that they themselves are the victims of their own corrupt leaders. It must equally be emphasized, regardless of which side they support, that the Ukrainian people are all the victims of their corrupt politicians. Both the governing party and opposition parties have taken turns ruling the country and exploiting Ukraine for their personal gains.
The opposition leadership has basically usurped power while the European Union and the United States have given their full support to them. This has been done via EU and US attempts to legitimize the opposition power grab through the portrayal of the coup in Kiev as the climax of a popular revolution in Ukraine.
Albeit the mainstream opposition is not truly united, opposition leaders have grossly refused to fulfill any of their obligations after an agreement was brokered between them and the Ukrainian government by the European Union through mediation by the troika of France, Germany, and Poland. The Ukrainian government and Russia have rightly accused the European Union and the EU mediators of refusing to fulfill their obligations to make sure that the opposition respects the EU-brokered agreement. Instead the European Union has allowed Ukrainian opposition leaders to ignore their commitments and to grossly violate the agreement.
While one faction of the opposition was negotiating another faction of the opposition continued the pressure from the streets, refusing to stop until the government was ousted. The agreement signed between the Ukrainian government and the mainstream opposition on February 21, 2014 had no clause or terms, however, that granted the opposition the rights or power to take over the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of Ukraine or to unilaterally create new legislation. Any information that implies that the agreement allows for this to take place is false and misleading.
NATO-Russia tug-of-war in Ukraine. The troubles in Ukraine discussed. Is Ukraine one country? The history of Ukraine -- maybe similar to Yugoslavia; far right elements of 'protesters'; economic collapse; NATO; identical leaflets in Egypt and Ukraine; CANVAS. During Operation Barbarossa, the Axis invasion of the Soviet Union (USSR), and the subsequent German--Soviet War, millions of Red Army prisoners of war were taken. Some of them were arbitrarily executed in the field by the German forces, died under inhuman conditions in German prisoner of war camps and during ruthless death marches from the front lines, or were shipped to Nazi concentration camps for extermination. Some 3.3 million Soviet POWs died in Nazi custody, out of 5.7 million. This figure represents a total of 57% of all Soviet POWs and may be contrasted with only 8,300 out of 231,000 British and US prisoners, or 3.6%. Some estimates range as high as 5 million dead, including those killed immediately after surrendering. Ireland peace deal and the letters of immunity from prosecution: John Downey case -- coincidence with events related to murder of Fusilier Lee Rigby. He was arrested, despite the peace agreement on the day of the Rigby murder. IRA weapons hand over; false flag attacks, was the Woolwich murder orchestrated by MI5 controlling the two African Muslim converts? British army's Brigadier Gordon Kerr was carrying out these kinds of false flag attacks in Northern Ireland. ny-gosling-22/
The Road to Moscow Goes Through Kiev: A Coup d'Etat That Threatens Russia
By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya - Global Research, February 25, 2014
Euromaidan Riots
The takeover of power in Kiev by the mainstream opposition is a coup that has been executed by force, which overlooks the opinions of at least half of the Ukrainian population. Yet, you would not know this from listening to such media outlets and networks as CNN or Fox News or reading the headlines being produced by Reuters and the state-owned British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC). The events in Kiev are misleadingly being billed and framed by these media sources and the so-called "Western" governments they support, either directly or indirectly, as the triumph of people power and democracy in Ukraine.
Utter hypocrisy is at work. When similar protests and riots broke out in Britain and France, the positions taken and the tones used by the above actors was very different. These actors framed the protests and riots in Britain and France as issues of law and order, using language very favourable to the British and French governments. Where were the statements of concern about the rights and safety of protesters from the US government and the European Commission when force was used by the British and French governments or when protesters died?
How the European Union Enabled the Coup the-protests-in-ukraine-transformed-into-a-coup-that-could-target-russ ia/5370479
The U.S. has Installed a Neo-Nazi Government in Ukraine
By Prof Michel Chossudovsky - Global Research, March 02, 2014
Ukraine extreme-droite
According to the New York Times, "The United States and the European Union have embraced the revolution here as another flowering of democracy, a blow to authoritarianism and kleptocracy in the former Soviet space." ( After Initial Triumph, Ukraine's Leaders Face Battle for Credibility,, March 1, 2014, emphasis added)
"Flowering Democracy, Revolution"? The grim realities are otherwise. What is a stake is a US-EU-NATO sponsored coup d'Etat in blatant violation of international law.
The forbidden truth is that the West has engineered --through a carefully staged covert operation-- the formation of a proxy regime integrated by Neo-Nazis.
Composition of the Coalition Government
We are not dealing with a transitional government in which Neo-Nazi elements integrate the fringe of the coalition, formally led by the Fatherland party.
The Cabinet is not only integrated by the Svoboda and Right Sector (not to mention former members of defunct fascist UNA-UNSO), the two main Neo-Nazi entities have been entrusted with key positions which grant them de facto control over the Armed Forces, Police and National Security.
While Yatsenuyk's Fatherland Party controls the majority of portfolios and Svoboda Neo-Nazi leader Oleh Tyahnybok was not granted a major cabinet post (apparently at the request of assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland), members of Svoboda and the Right Sector occupy key positions in the areas of Defense, Law Enforcement, Education, Justice and Economic Affairs. nt-in-ukraine/5371554 _________________
"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
Storming the city administration in Kharkov, Ukraine
KHARKIV, Ukraine; March 1, 2014 (RFE/RL) -- Pro-Russian activists have broken into the regional administration building in Ukraines eastern city of Kharkiv.
RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty Clashes break out at pro-Russian rallies in East Ukraine.
Britain calls emergency meeting of UN Security Council as Putin gets his parliament's permission to send in Russian troops on a day of bloody violence in the.
Pro-Russian protesters clashed with Maidan supporters as they stormed into the regional government building in Kharkov, the largest city in eastern Ukraine, .
The international response to developments in Ukraine intensified Saturday as Russia's parliament approved the use of the military to protect Russian interests
Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 11:29 pm Post subject: THE UKRAINE : UNDERCURRENTS.
With all the mass media attention on the crisis in The Ukraine it would be thought that every angle would have been covered in this near point by point exposure by the world press and other media.
We know where the two parties draw their line as to why.
The USA and other countries in the West have been quick to cast Russia in the role of aggressor; with the Ukraine being the victims.
But nothing is that simple. The break down or law and order in the Ukraine; the presence of right-wing facist groups involved in the violence and the danger of a hostile force on the Russian back doorstep couldnt help but be a worry to Russia.
The Crimea is mostly populated by people of Russian origin; the so called act of aggression by Russia to me appears to be little more than protecting its own people. Russian troops have walked in; no shots have been fired; journalists are walking around. Its not exactly a war zone.
While it is the military activity that is getting the real attention. The real threat to Europe isnt war but rather the economic breakdown of the Russian economy.
The Russian economy is weak; dangerously so; the rouble is falling fast now against the pound and the dollar. A financially runied Russia could lead to a frightening extream revolution that could destablise all of Europe.
Russia cant afford war; cant afford to rebuild The Ukraine.
Maybe the game plan is to destroy the Russian economy ( at least from the point of view of The Americans ) but already the British viewpoint is apparently far from solid with The Americans.
On tonights Sky News; someone was giving the viewpoint of The Government about what course of action to take. Apparently sanctions and the use of force would not be supported by The Conservative Government.
Not exactly supportive of the American position. Russian observers are carefully noting The UKs growing economic need of the growing influence of Russian finance. This is especially noteworthy in London where evidence of Russian economic power is very evident.
If sanctions were strictly applied the English economy would stand to lose if the Russian money disappeared.
Not just that but because we get 20 per cent of our gas from Russia and those countries close by such as The Ukraine; if this supply should be cut off that would damage our economy greatly and could cause unrest in this country. Then there is the supply of oil; and the amount of trade by British companies in Russia and of Russian companies within The UK.
This clearly makes our money based Corporate State worry. _________________ iancresswell
This is tomorrows Daily Telegraph with the reasons why Britain wont back sanctions or force against Russia over the Ukraine.
Already gas and oil prices are going upwards with fears increasing over their supply. Stock markets are already feeling the effects of the crisis.
Washington’s Arrogance, Hubris, and Evil Have Set the Stage for War
March 3, 2014
Paul Craig Roberts
In some quarters public awareness is catching up with Stephen Lendman, Michel Chossudovsky, Rick Rozoff, myself and a few others in realizing the grave danger in the crisis that Washington has created in Ukraine.
The puppet politicians who Washington intended to put in charge of Ukraine have lost control to organized and armed neo-nazis, who are attacking Jews, Russians, and intimidating Ukrainian politicians. The government of Crimea, a Russian province that Khrushchev transferred to the Ukraine Soviet Republic in the 1950s, has disavowed the illegitimate government that illegally seized power in Kiev and requested Russian protection. The Ukrainian military forces in Crimea have gone over to Russia. The Russian government has announced that it will also protect the former Russian provinces in eastern Ukraine as well.
As Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn pointed out, it was folly for the Communist Party of the Soviet Union to transfer historic provinces of Russia into Ukraine. At the time it seemed to the Soviet leadership like a good thing to do. Ukraine was part of the Soviet Union and had been ruled by Russia since the 18th century. Adding Russian territory to Ukraine served to water down the nazi elements in western Ukraine that had fought for Hitler during World War 2. Perhaps another factor in the enlargement of Ukraine was the fact of Khrushchev’s Ukrainian heritage.
Regardless, it did not matter until the Soviet Union and then the former Russian empire itself fell apart. Under Washington’s pressure, Ukraine became a separate country retaining the Russian provinces, but Russia retained its Black Sea naval base in Crimea.
Washington tried, but failed, to take Ukraine in 2004 with the Washington-financed “Orange Revolution.” According to Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland, since this failure Washington has “invested” $5 billion in Ukraine in order to foment agitation for EU membership for Ukraine. EU membership would open Ukraine to looting by Western bankers and corporations, but Washington’s main goal is to establish US missile bases on Russia’s border with Ukraine and to deprive Russia of its Black Sea naval base and military industries in eastern Ukraine. EU membership for Ukraine means NATO membership.
Washington wants missile bases in Ukraine in order to degrade Russia’s nuclear deterrent, thus reducing Russia’s ability to resist US hegemony. Only three countries stand in the way of Washington’s hegemony over the world, Russia, China, and Iran.
Iran is surrounded by US military bases and has US fleets off its coast. The “Pivot to Asia” announced by the warmonger Obama regime is ringing China with air and naval bases. Washington is surrounding Russia with US missile and NATO bases. The corrupt Polish and Czech governments were paid to accept US missile and radar bases, which makes the Polish and Czech puppet states prime targets for nuclear annihilation. Washington has purchased the former Russian and Soviet province of Georgia, birthplace of Joseph Stalin, and is in the process of putting this puppet into NATO.
Washington’s Western European puppets are too greedy for Washington’s money to take cognizance of the fact that these highly provocative moves are a direct strategic threat to Russia. The attitude of European governments seems to be, “after me, the deluge.”
Russia has been slow to react to the many years of Washington’s provocations, hoping for some sign of good sense and good will to emerge in the West. Instead, Russia has experienced rising demonization from Washington and European capitals and foaming at the mouth vicious denunciations by the West’s media whores. The bulk of the American and European populations are being brainwashed to see the problem that Washington’s meddling has caused in Ukraine to be Russia’s fault. Yesterday, I heard on National Public Radio a presstitute from the New Republic describe Putin as the problem.
The ignorance, absence of integrity, and lack of independence of the US media greatly enhances the prospect for war. The picture being drawn for insouciant Americans is totally false. An informed people would have burst out laughing when US Secretary of State John Kerry denounced Russia for “invading Ukraine” in “violation of international law.” Kerry is the foreign minister of a country that has illegally invaded Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, organized the overthrow of the government in Libya, tried to overthrow the government in Syria, attacks the civilian populations of Pakistan and Yemen with drones and missiles, constantly threatens Iran with attack, unleashed the US and Israeli trained Georgian army on the Russian population of South Ossetia, and now threatens Russia with sanctions for standing up for Russians and Russian strategic interests. The Russian government noted that Kerry has raised hypocrisy to a new level.
Kerry has no answer to the question: “Since when does the United States government genuinely subscribe and defend the concept of sovereignty and territorial integrity?”
Kerry, as is always the case, is lying through his teeth. Russia hasn’t invaded Ukraine. Russia sent a few more troops to join those at its Black Sea base in view of the violent anti-Russian statements and actions emanating from Kiev. As the Ukrainian military in Crimea defected to Russia, the additional Russian troops were hardly necessary.
The stupid Kerry, wallowing in his arrogance, hubris, and evil, has issued direct threats to Russia. The Russian foreign minister has dismissed Kerry’s threats as “unacceptable.” The stage is set for war.
Note the absurdity of the situation. Kiev has been taken over by ultra-nationalist neo-nazis. A band of ultra-nationalist thugs is the last thing the European Union wants or needs as a member state. The EU is centralizing power and suppressing the sovereignty of the member states. Note the alignment of the neoconservative Obama regime with anti-semitic neo-nazis. The neoconservative clique that has dominated the US government since the Clinton regime is heavily Jewish, many of whom are dual Israeli/US citizens. The Jewish neoconservatives, Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland and National Security Adviser Susan Rice, have lost control of their coup to neo-Nazis who preach “death to the Jews.”
The Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported on February 24 that Ukrainian Rabbi Moshe Reuven Azman advised “Kiev’s Jews to leave the city and even the country.” Edward Dolinsky, head of an umbrella organization of Ukrainian Jews, described the situation for Ukrainian Jews as “dire” and requested Israel’s help.
This is the situation that Washington created and defends, while accusing Russia of stifling Ukrainian democracy. An elected democracy is what Ukraine had before Washington overthrew it.
At this time there is no legitimate Ukrainian government.
Everyone needs to understand that Washington is lying about Ukraine just as Washington lied about Saddam Hussein and weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, just as Washington lied about Iranian nukes, just as Washington lied about Syrian president Assad using chemical weapons, just as Washington lied about Afghanistan, Libya, NSA spying, torture. What hasn’t Washington lied about?
Washington is comprised of three elements: Arrogance, Hubris, and Evil. There is nothing else there.
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