I hope you picked up the description of the job which revolved around "inorganic/organometallic synthesis with emphasis on nanoscale materials, molecular self-assembly, thermite and intermetallic systems, organic synthesis, fast combustion, ultrafast spectroscopy, shock and detonation physics, chemical and mechanical properties of explosives that affect sensitivity, and molecular dynamics modeling."
If you've ever read Harriet's paper on the subject he makes a key point about the synthesis of materials in the nanothermite he found.
I went to Wayback Machine to recover more details on the "DoD Energetics Center" referenced in the job ad.
Research and Technology Department Logo
The Research & Technology Department carries out multidisciplinary research programs with the objective of the discovery and exploitation of new and novel materials for high-energy material applications, the generation of new concepts associated with the behavior, and the development of advanced components based on these new and improved materials and concepts. Theoretical and experimental research is carried out to determine materials behavior and to develop procedures for modifying these materials to meet important naval needs for advanced platform applications.
The program includes investigations of a broad spectrum of research areas focusing on high energy materials including: synthesis, formulation, thermal stability, reactive materials, initiation and sensitivity, shock physics, constitutive properties, novel phenomena in energetics, and diagnostics, which are used in important naval devices, components, and systems.
New techniques are developed for producing, processing, and fabricating high-energy materials. The synthesis, processing properties and limits of performance of these materials under platform environments, including hostile environments, such as those associated with extreme temperatures and pressures are established.
Additionally, major thrusts are directed in shock physics, detonation physics, and computational physics. Areas of particular emphasis are material response and hydrodynamics, high-energy high-density materials, reactive materials, interactions of various types of stimuli with high-energy materials, survivability of materials and components, and directed energy warheads.
Extreme environments: not only the stability for rockets and space travel but also with crash sites perhaps?
survivability of materials - perhaps to make them dissolve in rain water perhaps? (and so become untraceable)
Further info on the High Energy Materials Division...
The High Energy Materials Division focuses on the synthesis, production, and development of high-energy systems from novel molecules to small-scale formulations. It addresses a broad range of Navy needs in the field of energetic materials. The synthesis effort focuses on novel target molecules and improved synthetic pathways to newly discovered molecules and or known materials. The group focuses on the ability to develop novel formulations and heterogeneous compositions. Particular emphasis is directed towards manufacturing research. The division efforts cover the complete platform requirements of novel high-energy materials including explosives, propellants (rocket and gun), and pyrotechnic devices.
A thermobaric weapon, which includes the type known as a "fuel-air bomb", is an explosive weapon that produces a blast wave of a significantly longer duration than those produced by condensed explosives. This is useful in military applications where its longer duration increases the numbers of casualties and causes more damage to structures.
... on a weight-for-weight basis they are significantly more energetic than normal condensed explosives. Their reliance on atmospheric oxygen makes them unsuitable for use underwater, at high altitude or in adverse weather, but they have significant advantages when deployed inside confined environments such as tunnels, caves, and bunkers.
Improvised uses
Thermobaric and fuel-air explosives have been used in guerrilla warfare since the 1983 Beirut barracks bombing in Lebanon which used a gas-enhanced explosive mechanism, probably propane, butane or acetylene.[41] The explosive used by the bombers in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing incorporated the FAE principle, using three tanks of bottled hydrogen gas to enhance the blast.[42][43] In 2002, Jemaah Islamiyah bombers used a shocked dispersed solid fuel charge,[44] based on the thermobaric principle,[45] to attack the Sari nightclub in the 2002 Bali bombings.[46]
Debunkers say but nanothermite is not an explosive... but they are just exploiting holes in the google record, but change it to "energetic nano-materials" - you can find plenty of references to explosives. Obviously we don't the exact brand name of the nano-material (IH-135?) but let's call it "nanothermite" since that is the generally accepted term in the community.
Removed from this naming straight jacket we can now find hundreds of thousands of references, such as "Nanoenergetic composites and ingredients can be used in the ignition, propulsion, as well as the warhead part of the weapon. With regards to the latter application, nanoenergetics hold promise as useful ingredients for the thermobaric (TBX) and TBX-like weapons, particularly due to their high degree of tailorability with regards to energy release and impulse management."
A little known fact associated with 9/11 - even less remembered than the Anthrax attacks after 9/11 - is the explosion at the AZF/SNPE complex outside of Toulouse on 21 September 2001 - just 10 days after 9/11.
AZF is fertiliser manufacturer - and originally blamed for the explosion.
SNPE is a French Government nationalised industry. At Toulouse their facility made rocket fuel.
Extracting the information about the AZF and SNPE explosions is pretty hard...
Google AZF and SNPE and translate the french wikipedia entry. Jean-Marie Arnaudies, a maths teacher and writer of Maths text books, concludes that the epicenter of the explosions is 800m east of the AZF and within the SNPE compund. The SNPE factory built rocket fuel for Ariane V ie nanothermite. The link to nanothermite comes from 911blogger and Marie-Paule Pileni (the woman that resigned from Bentham after Harrit's paper was published in her journal) who has a CV crammed with research into the nano-material while at SNPE.
On the French Wikipedia site the information about Jean-Marie Arnaudies "The relevance of the content of this article is disputed." - well you can say that about any part of wikipedia. What is truth anyway? I suggest it is establishing facts first. AZF/SNPE - yes co-located, yes, both destroyed. Was it one explosion or two? Jean-Marie Arnaudies recorded hundreds of testimonies and found two explosions and used scientific method to discover epicentres. All this non-disputed. We can dispute conclusions but these appear to be facts.
The Police report placed the blame for the explosion(s) on a new employee that had started work at AZF just 5 days earlier. Yes, a Muslim. The report of this investigation is shocking!
Why is all this information relevant to 9/11? I think that the perpetrators were "destroying the weapon". Nanomaterials are difficult to make and are essentially unique to a production facility. I believe that the nanomaterials found in GZ could be traced back to the facility that made it - much like the anthrax was traced back to US Military Labs. So my hypothesis is that the nanomaterials in the GZ dust could have been traced back to SNPE facility and so this link needed to be removed either to cover the tracks of the perpetrators or to avoid linkage to any French institution or staff that may have aided the perpetrators.
We can dispute conclusions but these appear to be facts.
Since when did the world's rulers care about facts? 'De-corrupt' an international court then we might get somewhere; until then, integrity of archives remains paramount...
Hmm, whatever happened to 'cold feet' Pileni ? _________________ "We will lead every revolution against us!" - attrib: Theodor Herzl
"Timely Demise to All Oppressors - at their Convenience!" - 'Interesting Times', Terry Pratchett
We can dispute conclusions but these appear to be facts.
Since when did the world's rulers care about facts? 'De-corrupt' an international court then we might get somewhere; until then, integrity of archives remains paramount...
Over at 911blogger, I have come across Komatsu-Dresser's "patented thermite demolition device" that could "demolish a concrete structure at a high efficiency, while preventing... noise".
Dresser was set up by "Neil Mallon", same name as GWB brother, Neil (Neil Mallon Bush), who was friends with their Dad. This company is now owned by er... Halliburton!
Halliburton's ability to work with certain concrete structures was recently discussed here:
We'll see many more of these messages soon but as you so accurately point out, archivists have not been sitting on their thumbs.
4shared is okay but scribd, bib|iotecap|eyades, gutenberg.au etc etc are equally useful and don't have commercial agendas. Maybe grab their IPs whilst you can? Or better still, look into DNS utilities like http://www.gnu.org/software/adns/
I'm going to stick my neck out here (as I'm preaching to the converted, surely?) and reiterate a favorite pronouncement:
Anyone still using Windows is part of the problem
Anyone still using g00gle is part of the problem
Anyone still using AOL is part of the problem
Anyone still using Yahoo is part of the problem
What's the problem? US State Dept - I don't have a link right now(!) but it has been 'confirmed' that they are using demographics from all the above to mould their 'policies'.
Also, this site's credibility is increasingly damaged by allowing g00gle-ads and g00gle-analytics.
Now the plug for open source software:
Get Ubuntu Linux - http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/download - the recent versions have been installed and used 'out of the box' by 7 year olds, so it shouldn't be a problem for dedicated researchers here, should it? I would recommend version 10.04 (Ubuntu versions are always in the form year.month) which has long term support (LTS).
As a side issue, take note of the Ubuntu 'hijack' (see my sig line) at the 'perfectly reasonable' looking site at www.ubuntu.upc.edu/ _________________ "We will lead every revolution against us!" - attrib: Theodor Herzl
"Timely Demise to All Oppressors - at their Convenience!" - 'Interesting Times', Terry Pratchett
wearechangenj | 25 November 2010 | 12 likes, 1 dislikes
A man clearly states he witnessed the building come straight down as a result of bombs/explosions/flashes popping BELOW the impact zone. A so-called expert tried telling him he didn't see or hear any such things.
9/11 Survivor Eyewitness Paul Lemos Says Bombs Exploded North Tower
Link _________________ 'Come and see the violence inherent in the system.
Help, help, I'm being repressed!'
“The more you tighten your grip, the more Star Systems will slip through your fingers.”
9 years after the attacks we are finally zeroing in on the people responsible. Kevin Ryan has been kicking ass and taking names, while the pseudo-savior Julian Assange censors cables dealing with Israel and calls 9/11 Truthers "annoying". Assange staked the reputation of Wikileaks on the public never learning about Building 7. So ask yourself: Who would want to silence the biggest controversy in history? Why is Julian Assange doing this? Who is he?
9/11 Suspects: (Please help us investigate these people!)
Wirt Walker III, Marvin Bush, Jim Pierce, L Paul Bremer, Barry McDaniel, Joseph Kasputys, Jerome Hauer, Stephan Friedman, Craig Stapleton, William Clark, Preston Rahe Jr., Michael Daniel (SAIC), Frank Carlucci, Rudy Giuliani, Bernard Kerik, and probably a few more names we are yet to uncover...
Nanothermite & Science Experts complicit in cover-up of 9/11:
Thank You! Please help investigate these people and expose this information to everyone you know before they use Wikileaks as an excuse to shut down the Internet! This is the REAL leaking conspiracy, please don't put too much trust into Julian Assange until his Banking and UFO cables check out. Many of us have suspicions that Assange is part of an intelligence operation to gain control over the internet. _________________ 'Come and see the violence inherent in the system.
Help, help, I'm being repressed!'
“The more you tighten your grip, the more Star Systems will slip through your fingers.”
Disco; great set of videos for those that have already seen the light.
However, as convincers for the non-believers, it would help if there is some way to:
a) explain why these are only coming to light almost 10 years later
b) authenticate the witnesses and maker of the video (and I know the CIA and Mossad would like to know who they are as well) _________________ In the end, it's not the words of your enemies you will remember, but the silence of your friends. Martin Luther King
Joined: 13 Sep 2006 Posts: 2568 Location: One breath from Glory
Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 1:07 pm Post subject:
Its a bit poor resolution I cant see or heremuch on this. Cant see anything falling but at around 45 secs there are 2 distinct pops and flashes just above the middle black band. As to what these are that would depend on your view but it would lend some support to CD. I viewed it on youtube for a bigger picture. _________________ JO911B.
"for we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against rulers of the darkness of this world, against wicked spirits in high places " Eph.6 v 12
Uploaded by kalkilla on 27 Jan 2009
"This video is an update to the other one posted on my channel called, "Mysterious NYPD Transmission on 9/11," with more information surrounding the audio. It was recorded from a police scanner by the webmaster at bayscan.net. So it is a real recording of an actual event that clearly points to a wider "terrorist" conspiracy. FDNY dispatch also logged a call about it as can be heard in this video. And finally, a government report (MTI Report 02-06) talked about the incident, but in such a way that it would appear benign and end up buried in history.
** "10-5" means "repeat message" in NYPD speak.
_________________ 'Come and see the violence inherent in the system.
Help, help, I'm being repressed!'
“The more you tighten your grip, the more Star Systems will slip through your fingers.”
Remember Building 7 is a non-partisan campaign led by 9/11 family members to raise awareness of the destruction of World Trade Center Building 7 through television and other forms of advertising, and to shift public opinion such that the New York City Council and Manhattan District Attorney will be compelled to open an investigation into Building 7′s destruction.
An analyst reminds us on the tenth anniversary of the 9/11 explosions that WTC Building 7 was reported by the BBC to have collapsed -- 26 minutes prior to the event occurring.
Press TV talks with Stephen Lendman, writer and radio host about how the American people while commemorating the deaths of those in New York neglect to include the millions of innocent dead Iraqi and Afghani civilians that resulted thereafter. He also talks about Project for a New American Century (PNAC) as a criminal element within the highest level of US government whose agenda corresponds with the 9/11 event. Following is a transcript of the interview.
Press TV: You are watching part of the ceremony -- When we consider what has happened since 9/11 in terms of the security, is America secure from terrorist attacks? Has the world become a safer place?
Stephen Lendman: I have written volumes on 9/11 and I am appalled by the hypocrisy, by the duplicity of honoring people that were killed in New York where the entire event (official story) was something entirely different. But there is no honoring in New York... no commemorating of the millions of innocent people killed in Muslim countries that my country (US) and its allies have murdered -- that's the only way to say it -- they have been murdered, millions of them and it began before 9/11, but it especially got horrific in the post 9/11 years.
I cannot forgive my country for this grievous crime that the annals of history one day will report accurately and everyone will know what America's media and political Washington won't say today.
Press TV: There are a lot of question asked by authorities of what happened during this past ten years. What questions would you ask American authorities as far as the 9/11 attacks are concerned?
Stephen Lendman: Well, I would ask them some of the questions that some disenchanted members of the 9/11 Commission began posing in recent times including a former US Senator Max Cleveland who resigned from the 9/11 Commission calling what they were doing “a national disgrace.”
There were others who basically said in so many words, “we were lied to; we were ordered to suppress the truth and present a litany of lies so that the American people and the world would never know the truth about what actually happened on this day; who was responsible; what it was all about.”
And of course what it was all about was an organization, an extremist neo con think tank called the Project for a New American Century. They published a report years before 9/11 and they basically said that America needs to reinforce its defenses; build up its military and institute a policy to ensure that America had unchallenged global hegemony. But this could not happen without a catalyzing event of the order of a second Pearl Harbor. Well, America got its second Pearl Harbor.
Members of the Project for a New American Century (PNAC) included Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Chaney, and Paul Wolfowitz -- all criminal members of the Bush administration directly responsible for waging war on non-belligerent countries and at home against innocent Muslim Americans.
America declared war on Islam as well as non-belligerent countries. These are grievous war crimes.
Press TV: The question of 9/11 of course remains of who was behind it, but for how long do you think the American authorities are going to cling to that -- up hold the idea of 9/11 being orchestrated by terrorist groups such as al-Qaeda and perhaps find other countries to invade?
Stephen Lendman: Well, al-Qaeda had nothing to do with 9/11 this was a fake trail and I agree with your president -- he's right when months back he was very critical about the 9/11 story... and I agree with him -- this was absolutely a state-sponsored event. I know distinguished researchers who have done extensive research of the facts behind 9/11. As far as I'm concerned its case closed.
There were no “crazed Arabs” responsible; it wasn't Bin Laden; it wasn't al-Qaeda -- this was a very carefully planned and executed event. And it was impossible that aircraft could strike the twin towers in New York and ignite a fire with kerosene -- airline fuel -- that doesn't burn anywhere near hot enough to melt steel to bring those towers down -- and they collapsed at near free fall speed -- a physical impossibility.
There was only one way that could happen -- those buildings were rigged with dynamite to send them down and all the evidence was hauled away and destroyed so nobody could get their hands on it. But there was evidence gotten from WTC Building 7 that came down later in the afternoon. The BBC that day reported WTC 7 coming down 26 minutes before it happened. How about that! Do you smell something rotten in that account? _________________ 'Come and see the violence inherent in the system.
Help, help, I'm being repressed!'
“The more you tighten your grip, the more Star Systems will slip through your fingers.”
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