Ally Moderate Poster
Joined: 04 Aug 2005 Posts: 909 Location: banned
Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 10:50 am Post subject: |
cheers dude, check this out.
Quote: | CGI vs Op Northwoods robots with Thermite
by John Lee
US Air Force, Weapons Loading Squadron, 20 TFW, RAF Upper Heyford UK
Pirate News TV
July 7, 2006
The possibility of so-called "blue screen" faked aircraft striking the WTC is a technical possibility, judging by the expertise of graphic artists and electrical engineers in Hollywood and Japan.
The CIA's Zapruder film of the public execution of JFK Sr was heavily "photoshopped" the old-fashined way, with entire frames deleted, before it was given to LBJ's Warren Commission. Then it was locked in Time Life's vault to censor it from the public. Judge Jim Garrison's criminal prosecution of CIA agents in New Orleans first subpoenaed the Zapruder film, or what was left of it.
NASA's Masonic moon missions during the Nazi Apollo program were also heavily photoshopped on videotape, before shown "live" to the public. NASA Apollo astronot Dr Brian O'Leary confessed on Fox TV that NASA filmed the moon landings on Earth. Official NASA video caught NASA faking video "live from the surface of the moon", when Neil Armstrong said his infamous soundbite, then a giant studio light gantry fell on his helmet. View the official NASA videos:
I was employed by the US Govt to bomb large jet aircraft, and to bomb nuclear bombs, using shaped explosives and det cord, in the necessity of retreat from US Air Forces bases in Europe. I put the shape charges on the nukes, which were mounted on the supersonic F-111 bombers. When the shape charges fired, they would allegedly only set off the conventional explosives in the nuke, but not trigger a nuclear detonation. But then, our nukes were targeted at our allies in Western Europe, not at our enemies in Eastern Europe. So perhaps we were lied to, and ours was a nuclear suicide mission?
As for 9/11, if I were the engineer designing a soft aluminum aircraft to fly through solid steel and solid concrete into the WTC, I would install shape charges in all the "leading edge" surfaces of the aircraft, using contact fuzes. The shape charges would thus fire in a progressive fashion, as if the single aircraft were actually 100s of separate "bombs". The nose would begin to fire first (which is visible in all videotapes of both the first and 2nd crash), then the root edge of the wings, then the engine nacelles, then the trailing edges of the swept wings, then the leading edges of the tail section. Dr Steven Jones' observed that Thermite, Thermate and Super Thermite "incendiaries" were prewired into WTC, as is typical for shaped "cutter charges" in "controlled demolitions", and in arsons, such as the recent Jewish arsons of 13 Christian churces in USA.
Super Thermite "explodes" fast, while regular Thermite "burns" slow, like a welder's cutting torch. Super Thermite would have been perfect for installation into the leading edges of the real aircraft. This explains perfectly why the 2 aircraft sliced through the WTC without bouncing off the solid steel exterior, and without crumpling nor even slowing down. As for the "missing wings" of the aircraft striking the WTC, this can be explained as "video artifacts from compression", since video editors on computers must cut the size of uncompressed AVI files by 90%, before it can be broadcast on DVD or videotape. All "fast-moving" objects appear to disappear when compressed, even when moving at 5mph, not 500mph, which is very annoying for simply producing moving text for a video broadcast. Super Thermite "explodes" much faster than 500mph, and would melt the WTC steel, literally like a hot knife through butter. A regular incendiary bomb mounted in the belly of the aircraft would then ignite the remaining jet kerosine fuel, using a delay fuze, which was seen with the time-delayed oversized fireballs at WTC.
Controlled Demolitions Incorporated added kerosine fuel tanks and incendiary explosives, during their fireworks demolition of The Sands Hotel in Las Vegas, as seen regularly on History Channel TV and Discovery Channel. CDI has bombed over 7,000 buildings, and was paid a $7-billion govt contract to "demolish" the WTC - AFTER the WTC was already demolished. The owners of CDI graduated from civil engineering college at University of Tennessee in Knoxville.
So there's no need for "blue screens" (only seen by video editors) or CGI (the finished "cartoon" animation) to explain what happened on 9/11/2001. Just plain old robot technology from Pentagon's Operation Northwoods in the 1960s, with empty fake airliners flown and bombed by remote control.
Killer robot aircraft have been used by the US military since World War 1, using Nikola Tesla's radio controlled boat guidance system from the 1898 Worlds Fair.
Dr Tesla is USA's and the world's greatest inventor, with over 700 patents, such as AC electricity, hydroelectric dams, light bulbs, spark coils, radio, RADAR, and LASER, yet is censored from all school textbooks and TV "news" broadcasts in USA. US Gangsta Govt hired Usama Bin Laden to erase Tesla's homeland of Yugoslavia from the map.
Operation Northwoods script was combined with "blue screen" and CGI in Fox Tv's X-Files spinoff, The Lone Gunmen's pilot episode, in March 2001. In that Hollywood tale, the Pentagon and CIA hijack a real US airliner by remote control, rather than substitute a fake airliner loaded with imaginary passengers, as Northwoods confessed. The CGI airliner in The Lone Gunmen was very realistic as it was superimposed on real videotape of the World Trade Center, which it was supposed to crash into. But The Lone Gunmen aircraft did NOT crash into the WTC, making the simulation infinitely simpler.
Fox TV X-File's Lone Gunmen pilot episode was broadcast by Fox TV on March 4, 2001. Then all its characters were assassinated during its 1st season, and rerun of that pilot episode is censored. de_1.htm
The WTC DID explode on 9/11/2001, and WAS felled by preinstalled explosives and Thermite incendiary shape-charge cutters.
Pirate News is the only news source reporting that Super Thermite shape charges were installed in the leading edges of the robot Boeing 767s on 9/11. This further implicates the US Gangsta Govt, and their collaborators at Boeing, United and American Airlines, who were bribed billions of taxdollars to STFU.
Anthony Hilder interviews Jimmy Walter: When asked about Eric Hufschmid's 9/11 video and book, Jimmy admitted, "Eric has come up against a conspiracy by the Zionists, who blackballed him." Hilder volunteers for a Walter safari to interview the 7 surviving suicide bombers from 9/11/2001. Video by John Lee and PNTV. alter-911con.wmv
| &t=6 < continued on forum. |
xmasdale Angel - now passed away
Joined: 25 Jul 2005 Posts: 1959 Location: South London
Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 1:20 pm Post subject: |
I have no idea exactly how the 911 attacks were carried out. That doesn't bother me, because to my mind there is overwhelming evidence that it was an inside job.
I think vitriolic attacks on each other by those who hold differing theories as to how it was done are a total waste of time and energy which should otherwise be devoted towards spreading the knowledge that the evidence shows we have been lied to by the Bush regime in order to start a long war, in which the Muslim religion is demonised, power in many parts of the world is grabbed by the US and access to petroleum resources becomes monopolised by a few US companies. This war diminishes individual freedoms though it hypocritically poses as a war to spread freedom and democracy.
We need a high profile independent international inquiry to make the world, and particularly the US public, aware that their government has bamboozled them, by murdering their own people, into supporting aggressive imperialist policies. Such an international inquiry should eventually lead to a truly independent people's inquiry within the US with power to subpoena US witnesses.
At either inquiry people can present evidence to support differing theories, but it is no use the movement demanding an inquiry if it says in advance what result that inquiry must come up with.
I repeat that discussions on what really happened should be held in a special area of this forum, similar to Critics Corner, where newcomers logging on to our website are not immediately confronted by bad-tempered vitriolic squabbles. These do the movement no good whatsoever and, if people are seriously concerned with promoting peace in the world, all sides should practise what they preach and be prepared to curtail their tempers and treat each other with respect.
Hard, I know. But we're dealing with a difficult issue.
Spread the word instead of squabbling.
Come to Manchester to leaflet the Stop the War protestors on Saturday (23rd) and to debate with them at the movie screening in the Quaker Meeting House, Mount Street from 5pm.
Noel |