Joined: 25 Jul 2005 Posts: 18335 Location: St. Pauls, Bristol, England
Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 8:57 pm Post subject:
Rothschilds Stage Revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt To Kill Islamic Banks In Emerging North African Markets
NED and Soros have been injecting millions of dollars into the training of North African, pro-democracy teachers, lawyers, journalists and youth activists. In 2009 they more than doubled their training efforts. Why, at this time, has the 30-year support of these dictators been undermined? The prize is the rapidly-rising economies of North Africa. It coincides with the efforts of Ben Ali to make Tunisia the financial center of North Africa and to promote Islamic banking. The Rothschilds want North African Muslims to borrow from Rothschild banks and pay interest at rates the Rothschild central bank decides: they do not want them to be able to borrow from Islamic banks and not pay any interest. The Rothschilds want Muslims to trade their present political oppression at the hands of brutal dictators for future economic serfdom under the control of banker Lord Rothschild..... nisia-and-egypt-kill-islamic-banks-emerging-north-african-ma
Rothschilds Stage Revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt To Kill Islamic Banks In Emerging North African Markets
Background: Tunisia has undergone increasing economic liberalization over the last decade: In the 2010-2011 World Economic Forum’s Global Competitiveness Report, it was ranked as the most competitive country in Africa, as well as the 32nd most economically competitive country globally. North Africa’s large Muslim populations are a vast business opportunity for Islamic banking and other businesses.
Jacob Rothschild, senior member of the British branch of the Rothschild dynasty
Contrary to popular belief, the world’s finances are controlled by privately-owned “central banks” masquerading as federal government banks in nearly every country in the world [The U.S. Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit, ruled that The Federal Reserve (U.S.' central bank) was privately owned in 680 F.2d 1239, LEWIS v. UNITED STATES of America, No. 80-5905].
Though it is a carefully guarded secret, the Rothschilds and their associates own most the shares in the central banks (Federal Reserve Directors: A Study of Corporate and Banking Influence, Committee on Banking, Currency and Housing, House of Representatives, 1976, Charts 1-5) (Mullins, Eustice Secrets of the Federal Reserve 1983). With extremely little government input, the economies of Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, Jordan, and Algeria are strictly controlled by the Rothschild’s central banks and their International Monetary Fund.
Monday June 27,2011
By Martyn Brown
Have your say(12)
ALMOST three-quarters of Germans doubt that the euro has a future, a poll reveals.
They also believe rescue attempts are futile as billions more euros will be paid to bail out Greece.
A poll by German newspaper, the Frankfurter Allgemeine, found 71 per cent had “doubt,” “no trust” or thought there is “no future” for the euro. Only 19 per cent expressed “confidence” in it.
Sixty eight per cent said they did not think the emergency bail out of Greece would work.
A separate poll last week showed more than half of Germans thought that Greece should be thrown out of the euro.
Rumours are also rife in Germany that Deutsche Mark bank notes are being printed again in preparation for ditching the euro.
It is said Germany’s central bank, the Bundesbank, has been ordered to print marks as part of contingency plans to leave Europe’s single currency.
The Bundesbank has been ordered to print marks
This would be an extraordinary step for Germany and would deepen the growing divide between Europe’s leading states.
Since its introduction in 1999, the euro has had a tough time trying to win over a sceptical German public, who saw the mark – one of the world’s most stable currencies – as a symbol of post-war prosperity, second only to the US dollar as the reserve option for investors.
Chancellor Angela Merkel now faces her biggest crisis. The opposition is speculating her government may fall as Germans become more vocal in their opposition to bailing out Greece. _________________ 'Come and see the violence inherent in the system.
Help, help, I'm being repressed!'
“The more you tighten your grip, the more Star Systems will slip through your fingers.”
This was the attempt but it looks like we will now go back to national currencies as this serves short term US financial interests.
Baroso yesterday attacked the levels of US debt stating they are greater than any economic issues that Europe has.
For all their War Imperialism it could be said the Neo-Cons have dashed the World Governance plan by wanting to go it alone? ...but then Humans will be Humans lol
Then again maybe the plan of the EU all along was Rob Peter to Pay Paul _________________ 'Come and see the violence inherent in the system.
Help, help, I'm being repressed!'
“The more you tighten your grip, the more Star Systems will slip through your fingers.”
Analysis: France, Germany set out next stage of EU political integration
By Mike Peacock - LONDON | Tue Aug 16, 2011 2:33pm EDT
(Reuters) - The leaders of France and Germany, under pressure to resolve the euro zone's debt crisis once and for all, have laid the ground for the next stage of European integration.
The joint initiative by French President Nicolas Sarkozy and German Chancellor Angela Merkel reflects a realization that disparate fiscal policies within the euro zone are sowing the seeds of its destruction.
But the insistence of the bloc's two dominant members on Tuesday that measures such as a larger euro zone rescue fund or common bond issuance can wait leaves the currency area at the mercy of further destabilizing attacks from the markets.
"This meeting is all stick -- fiscal rule enforcement -- and no carrot -- a pooling of fiscal resources via a common bond," Rabobank strategist Richard McGuire said.
Despite fierce opposition from Germany, many experts believe the only way to ensure affordable financing for the bloc's most financially distressed countries would be for the euro area to issue joint euro bonds.
Dutch Finance Minister Jan Kees de Jager said on Tuesday he could not rule out the possibility that common euro zone bonds would be introduced at some point to combat Europe's debt crisis.
And Sarkozy also said it could happen one day, once iron-clad fiscal rules for the euro zone's members were in place.
"Euro bonds can be imagined one day, but at the end of the European integration process not at the beginning," he told a joint news conference in Paris with Merkel.
Common issuance would inevitably push rock-bottom German borrowing costs higher and Germans fear it would lessen the incentive for the bloc's high debtors to put their finances in order.
Merkel sounded more negative without ruling out the option forever.
"I neither think that Europe is at the point of needing its last resort, nor do I think that we can solve these problems with what I have called a bang," she said.
Instead, the two leaders proposed a golden rule for euro zone members targeting balanced budgets, a commitment by governments to act on any criticism from the European Union's executive, and an "economic government" with a president elected for 2-1/2-year terms.
"We believe today's press conference lays the groundwork for European fiscal union," said Douglas Borthwick, managing director of Faros Trading. "The ingredients must be gathered before the pie is baked, and this is exactly what France and Germany are lining up with their discussions."
Sarkozy said their proposal that euro zone governments should enshrine deficit-limiting rules into their constitutions would be obligatory, not optional.
The question is whether all 17 current members of the euro zone will be able to live within tight fiscal rules.
If there is one lesson above all from the euro zone debt crisis, it is that measures that have been all but ruled out, quickly come back onto the table when markets force the issue.
The parallel point is that the piecemeal approach of Europe's leaders to the crisis has never allowed them to get ahead of the game. Instead they have tended to respond in a way that investors have quickly concluded is too little, too late.
Investors turning their fire on Italy and even France in recent days prompted a flurry of activity, including the European Central Bank overcoming internal opposition to buy Italian and Spanish bonds.
But few see that as anything but a stopgap measure.
"Each side is surrendering some sovereignty which in the end could pave the way to much closer political union and so prepare the ground for the issue of euro bonds," said Julian Callow, senior economist at Barclays Capital in London.
The trouble is that electorates in northern Europe, fed up with helping out the south, will only tolerate so much.
A poll last week showed nearly two in three members of Merkel's own conservative bloc are unhappy with her policy, including agreeing to a second bailout of Greece.
And figures out on Tuesday showing German growth virtually ground to a halt in the second quarter will make the political environment even tougher.
"Anyone expecting this meeting to launch euro bonds was not paying attention to the state of political opinion or indeed to the kind of compromises needed for that to happen," Callow said.
In the end, Merkel may have to face the choice of electoral wrath at home or the legacy of being a leader who presided over the slow decline of the European project. 77F5KN20110816 _________________
"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
Joined: 25 Jul 2005 Posts: 18335 Location: St. Pauls, Bristol, England
Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 6:12 pm Post subject:
Engdahl: Merkel & Sarkozy plan a Soviet throwback
Global markets have taken a nose dive, after the leaders of the EU's strongest economies failed to calm fears of a deepening crisis. Angela Merkel and Nickola Sarkozy called for the creation of a central economic body which would ensure Eurozone members take more financial responsibility. But they brushed aside suggestions of expanding the EU bailout fund, or releasing Eurobonds to help keep the single currency afloat. RT talks to political analyst and author F. William Engdahl.
Joined: 25 Jul 2005 Posts: 18335 Location: St. Pauls, Bristol, England
Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 12:56 am Post subject:
Van Rompuy tipped to chair new 'economic government'
18Aug11- By Honor Mahony - EU Observer
Twice-yearly meetings of the leaders of the 17 single currency states are to become the "cornerstone" of the new economic government of the eurozone, the leaders of France and Germany have said.
In a five-page letter to European Council President Herman Van Rompuy following their meeting on Tuesday (16 August) in Paris, Nicolas Sarkozy and Angela Merkel say the summits "will take place twice a year and, if necessary, extraordinary meetings will be called."
Joined: 25 Jul 2005 Posts: 18335 Location: St. Pauls, Bristol, England
Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 10:05 am Post subject:
Peter Oborne calls EU commission spokesman an idiot, twice.
Jeremy Paxman calls EU commission spokesman an idiot, once.
The Idiot walks out of the remote studio.
Peter Oborne justifies and explains what he said and why such strong language was necessary.
Germany Backs EFSF Expansion With 523 Votes In Favor, 85 Against; EUR Sells On The News
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 09/29/2011 06:20 -0400
Eurozone Germany TARP
The German "TARP equivalent" EFSF expansion vote has passed with a resounding majority of 523 votes For and 85 Against. Obviously this was largely priced in judging by the rapid sell off in the EURUSd on the news. And now, back to focusing on the structural failure of the Eurozone which no vote can fix. vour-85-against-eur-sells-news _________________ 'Come and see the violence inherent in the system.
Help, help, I'm being repressed!'
“The more you tighten your grip, the more Star Systems will slip through your fingers.”
Joined: 25 Jul 2005 Posts: 18335 Location: St. Pauls, Bristol, England
Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 1:11 pm Post subject:
And here is the complete glorious version on the newsnight page including superb report on Greece by Paul Mason
Will the EU sue?
I think not!
TonyGosling wrote:
Peter Oborne calls EU commission spokesman an idiot, twice.
Jeremy Paxman calls EU commission spokesman an idiot, once.
The Idiot walks out of the remote studio.
Peter Oborne justifies and explains what he said and why such strong language was necessary.
Joined: 25 Jul 2005 Posts: 18335 Location: St. Pauls, Bristol, England
Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 12:08 pm Post subject:
What drama!
Almost like an economic 9/11!
Today's showdown is all Bilderberg's hard work. They have engineered their heads of government into tonight's meeting and they intend to control the outcome.
The Bilderberg financial mafia are today holding a gun to the heads of our already weakened representatives
Pro Bilderberg agenda advisers will be doing our so-called leaders thinking for them.
Looks to me like they will finally get their settlement tonight.
The alternative - the right way to do things - total overhaul of the financial system and debt moratorium - is too frghtening for THE BILDERBERG BANKERS to contemplate.
TonyGosling wrote:
The Euro crisis is being engineered so that only the Euro-countries will get a fix - and that fix will be at the price of transforming ito part of a fascist European Superstate - leaving all banks outside the Eurozone to collapse - that includes Wall Street and the City Of London.
That fix really will be the devil's pact and I'm glad we're out of it despite the chaos it will wreak here in Britain.
- Public announcement GEAB N°57 (September 16, 2011) -
GEAB No. 57 is available! Global systemic crisis - Fourth quarter 2011: Implosive fusion of global financial assets
As anticipated by LEAP/E2020 since November 2010, and often repeated up to June 2011, the second half of 2011 has started with a sudden and major relapse of the crisis. Nearly USD 10 trillion of the USD 15 trillion in ghost assets announced in GEAB N°56 have already gone up in smoke. The rest (and probably much more) will vanish in the fourth quarter of 2011, which will be marked by what our team calls "the implosive fusion of global financial assets". It’s the two major global financial centers, Wall Street in New York and the City of London, which will be the "preferred reactors" of this fusion. And, as predicted by LEAP/E2020 for several months, it’s the solution to the public debt problems in some Euroland countries which will enable this reaction to reach critical mass, after which nothing is controllable; but the bulk of the fuel that will drive the reaction and turn it into a real global shock (1) is found in the United States. Since July 2011 we have only started on the process that led to this situation: the worst is ahead of us and very close!
In this issue N°57, we have chosen to address, very directly, the great manipulation organized around the Greek crisis and the Euro (2), whilst describing its direct link with the implosive fusion process of financial assets worldwide. Also in this issue, LEAP/E2020 presents its anticipations for the gold market for the period 2012-2014 as well as its analyses on neo-protectionism which will be introduced from the end of 2012. In addition to our monthly recommendations on Switzerland and the Swiss Franc, currencies, real estate and financial markets, we also present our strategic advice to the G20 leaders less than two months from the G20 summit to be held in Cannes.
US economic output index (1974-2011) (grey shading: recessions;
US economic output index (1974-2011) (grey shading: recessions; broken blue line: recession warning; blue: economic output index and in red, forecast for the 3rd and 4th quarters 2011) - Source: Streetalk/Mauldin, 08/2011
Greek crisis and the Euro: Itemizing the huge manipulation in progress
But let’s come back to Greece and what is beginning to be a "very repetitive old story (3)" which, as we have already explained, returns to the front of the media stage every time Washington and London are in serious difficulties (4). Moreover, coincidentally, the summer has been disastrous for the United States which is now in recession (5), which has seen their credit rating cut (an event deemed unthinkable by all the "experts" only six months ago) and exposed their political system’s state of widespread paralysis (6) to an astonished world, all whilst being incapable of putting any serious measure in place to reduce their deficits (7). At the same time, the United Kingdom is sinking into depression ( with riots of uncommon violence, an austerity policy that fails to control budget deficits (9) whilst plunging the country into an unprecedented social crisis (10), and a ruling coalition that doesn’t even know why it governs together against the backdrop of the scandal of collusion between political leaders and the Murdoch empire. No doubt, in such a context, everything was ripe for a media relaunch of the Greek crisis and its corollary, the end of the Euro!
Italian deputies in fist fight over reforms
ROME | Wed Oct 26, 2011 8:02am EDT
(Reuters) - Italian deputies exchanged blows in parliament on Wednesday as tensions over a tough economic reform program came to a head.
Joined: 25 Jul 2005 Posts: 18335 Location: St. Pauls, Bristol, England
Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2011 10:09 pm Post subject:
The poor countries having to pay much more interest than the rich.
Kinda fascist isn't it!
Listen to the Language:
Papandreo is 'summoned' by Merkl & Sarkozy - Merkozy.
He has decided to go to the people and all the guns are now pointing at his head - the bullying Mafia tactics kicking in.
Greek Gamble on Calling Referendum Blindsided Euro Partners, Merkel Allies Say ndsided-european-partners-merkel-allies-say.html
Over the past five days, Greece and Italy, two countries with severe economic problems and political turmoil have gradually reached the same solution to the political impasse.
Two of the participants in the Trilateral Commission - economists with experience in central bank institutions have headed the two countries, without being elected by their citizens. The Trilateral Commission is a very powerful international organization, which was established in 1973. It involves the elite of international economics, businessmen and economists, bankers and lawyers at a very high level.
The Greek electronic edition indicates in an article that both prime ministers have been 'appointed' in Greece and Italy through the drastic intervention by the powerful countries in Europe. Are Lucas Papademos and Mario Monti "saviours" and "Messiahs" or are they simply performing the preliminary decisions taken by specific circles?
The Trilateral Commission was established by the powerful man of American and international economy, David Rockefeller in 1973, at the height of the first oil crisis. The founding act is signed at a meeting in Tokyo that lasted from October 21 to 23. David Rockefeller proposes the establishments of such a commission at the annual meeting of the Bilderberg Meeting in 1972 and its members approve the proposal. The meeting takes place in Tokyo, because Rockefeller believes that the inclusion of Japan in the core of the Meeting and its participation in decision-making policy and economy at world level is necessary. Until then, the Bilderberg Meeting involves only countries of the North Atlantic Society - North America and Europe.
The first meeting of the Trilateral Commission takes place in the Japanese city of Kyoto in 1976. Shortly before the end of the Vietnam War and the growing international influence of the Soviet Union, Rockefeller attempts to create a world government by introducing a model of "technocratic rationalization" that ignores state bodies and institutions provided by the constitution of each country. The Commission involves North America, Europe and Japan, i.e. former "Western world".
The president of the consortium Chase Manhattan, David Rockefeller, is influenced by a man who gradually acquired considerable international influence. The journalist Bill Moyers, the author of "In between two ages" is the one who recommended the creation of the Trilateral Commission. In 1980, he writes, "Today, David Rockefeller is the most prominent representative of the ruling class - a multinational fraternity of men who shape the global economy and determine the flow of its capital... The citizen David Rockefeller is accorded privileges as head of state ... He is not checked by customs or passport offices and almost never stops at red lights." In short, David Rockefeller is above institutions, governments and government departments. He provides smooth movement of capital and determines the development of global economy.
The first head of the Trilateral Commission is Zbigniew Brzezinski – the right hand of the then U.S. president, Jimmy Carter and a significant factor in outlining the U.S. foreign policy. After the fall of the Berlin Wall, the orientation of the Commission has changed.
However, in the core of it remains and even strengthens the idea of a world ruled by technocrats. This is the banking and business elite that forms the economic and social policies, controls and stimulates the production of academic knowledge, takes part in the control of religious activity through the religious tool "anti-dogmatism" although in 1983, Pope John Paul II has "blessed" in public the activities of the Commission and participated in the dynamic shaping of political correlations.
The Commission is the enemy of conservative dogmatism and its power is based on the international banking system, financial markets and the power of the cartels of multinational companies. It consists of three subgroups. Of its members, 170 are Europeans, 120 are from North Africa and more than 100 are from Asia and the Pacific region.
Who of the recently high-profile personalities are involved in the Commission? A quick glance is enough to explain the complex situation, in which Greece, the euro area and the global economy have ended up.
The famous Italian economist and European Commissioner Mario Monti is the head of the European department of the Commission and a member of its executive body. He has received the mandate to form the new Italian government.
The new Prime Minister of Greece Lucas Papademos is a member of the Trilateral Commission and is not the only Greek representative in it. He is a banker and professor at Harvard University. Former Vice-President of the European Central Bank, former Governor of the Bank of Greece. He has graduated from the Athens College and has collaborated with former Greek Prime Ministers Andreas Papandreou and Costas Simitis.
The Former Cypriot President George Vassiliou participates in the executive body of the Commission despite his communist past. He is a businessman, a former principal interlocutor of the European Union on Cyprus membership and the main interlocutor for resolving the Cyprus problem.
Members of the Trilateral Commission also are:
The businessman and former chairman of the Federation of Greek Industries, Odysseus Kyriakopoulos, who has also graduated from Athens College.
The famous Greek journalist and managing editor of Kathimerini newspaper, also a graduate of the prestigious school in Athens, Alexis Papahelas.
The former head of the Greek telecommunication company OTE and a former senior member of the board of Alpha Bank and a former member of Rothschild Consortium, Panagiotis Vourloumis - member of the executive body of the Commission.
In 1980, the far-right member of the Congress Lawrence MacDonald decides to reveal the activities of the Trilateral Commission. He writes a report and submits it to the presidium of the Congress. Interestingly, the man who is considered a "banner of anticommunism" exposes the Rockefeller family and denounces the plan for global ruling.
Strange how, but the same complaint is made by the famous and persecuted representative of the American left, Noam Chomsky. With his sharp tongue and his vocal progressive position, the professor of comparative linguistics condemns the Commission's objectives.
In 1983, MacDonald died over Sakhalin Peninsula. He was in flight KAL 007 of Korean Airlines that was shot down by Soviet military aircraft with the known consequences. Later, a book entitled No Apologies by Coldwater was published in which he classifies all the criticism to the Trilateral Commission.
Since then, Rockefeller's organization has adopted the former Foreign Minister of the United States Madeleine Albright, the famous Minister of Foreign Affairs of the European Union Javier Solana, the former head of the USA intelligence John Negroponte, Henry Kissinger, the former president of the Federal Reserve Alan Greenspan, prime ministers and senior members of the European Union. After the changes in Eastern Europe, their representatives were included in the Commission too.
It involves a large part of the university elite in Europe, USA, Japan and other countries from Indonesia to Turkey as well as prominent lawyers and members of the global banking system. The list is long. Clearly, the Trilateral Commission is a global source of agents that make up crisis groups to address emergency needs, as in the case of Greece and Italy, bank consortia, centres of political communication and the formation of internal and wider political correlations across the world.
The first meeting of the famous Bilderberg Meeting, which often becomes the subject of comments of conspiracy or political content, takes place in 1954 in Bilderberg area, near the Dutch city of Arnhem. Its founders are conservative and super conservative politicians from Europe, particularly concerned about the increasing anti-Americanism in Europe. Therefore, they decide to discuss the matter and take actions to change this trend. At the meeting, they decide to hold annual meetings involving individuals from the USA and Europe. They gradually have grown into forums, the participants of which take decisions about changes in politics and economy, as well as in long-term strategies outlining. Since then, the closed and mysterious Meeting meets the elite of businesses, banks and politics of the USA and Europe, who invite guests-third parties to the meetings. Subsequently, and according to the positions held by them, they gradually become a part of main the Meeting. Among the guests are members of North Atlantic political and business elite, and selected academics, journalists and intellectuals who present their positions and opinions.
At the end of meetings, the results are considered and taken for application if possible. The results are fast (as in Yugoslavia), medium-term (the financial crisis) or long-term (the relations between the West and China, the accession of Russia to Western organizations, etc.).
The Meeting was established before the Trilateral Commission. Its founder, David Rockefeller, subsequently becomes advisor of the Meeting. Active members of the Commission are frequent guests at the Club meetings. In practice, they operate on the principle of communicating vessels. Currently, a member of the Board of the Meeting is the professor and head of the Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy ELIAMEP, Loukas Tsoukalis. Permanent member of the core of the Bilderberg Meeting is the businessman George David.
Prime ministers, ministers and politicians who are not members of the Commission or the Meeting are invited to the annual meetings. Several years ago, the then Greek Minister of Economy and Finance George Alogoskoufis and the present Minister of Education Anna Diamandopoulou attended such a meeting. For years, the professor of history at the English University Ioannis Karas was a standing senior member of the Meeting with active participation in outlining the policy of consent and cooperation in the Balkans (Macedonia, Greek-Turkish relations, relations between the Balkan countries, Southeast Europe, the former Eastern Bloc , etc.). There were also specific initiatives for "measures to create confidence" in the Balkans after the fall of the Berlin Wall, the creation of an Institute for Balkan and Eurasian Studies (Caucasus, Middle East, Far East, Arab countries, Israel) based in Thessaloniki.
The Trilateral Commission is the end of the philosophy to weaken the state government. It lies in the belief that companies’ managements are able to deal with "current" issues, including societies, more effectively, hence at lower prices and mostly, without any restrictions. This was the time, when the states and the government staff placed obstacles to the absolute and uncontrolled expansion of the power of private interests of companies, multinational consortia and banks. The Commission’s founder David Rockefeller stated clearly that the role of governments should be reduced and someone should take what governments were doing. According to him, it seemed most reasonable that companies were those to do this.
In the course of time, it became clear that governments and policy have gradually lost their power. The dominance of the banking sector, the huge rise in the non-bank sector, where rating agencies have the power to impose their findings and change them according to market requirements, the spread of banking and non-bank products toxicity, i.e. the institutionalization of the emergence of speculators has contributed to the development of today's financial environment.
Impressive is the fact that theorists like Samuel Huntington, the author of the highly conservative and threatening work Clash of Civilizations - the Holy Grail of the dominance of the Bush dynasty and Protestant evangelicals in the American political scene originally inspired the prospects of the Commission.
Much later, some Western intellectuals have begun to engage actively with the logic of the Rockefeller’s initiative once they have found out that the U.S. and subsequently, other Western societies have been led to the establishment of limiting democracy. It is also impressive how European countries like France and Germany follow this logic. Their leaders are those who take the responsibility to determine when, how and with whom the provinces of Greece and Italy will be taken to elections. Typical is the statement of Nicolas Sarkozy: "We will show which the right way to Greece and Italy is."
This new trend in Berlin and Paris needs the people who will comply. The experiment continues with two specific factors that are accidentally members of the Trilateral Commission. The first is Mario Monti, whose relations with the dark past of the main players in the scandal of Christian-democrats "P2", i.e. the mixture of the extreme right, mafia, Catholics, Masonic lodge and banking corruption are the subject of debate in Italy. The other - Lucas Papademos is one of the most prominent participants in the "Technocrats" operation.
In an interview for, the former chairman of the Union of Greek Industrialists Odysseas Kyriakopoulos, who took part in the Commission's last meeting in The Hague last weekend, said that several Greeks had been invited to attend it. Mario Monti and Lucas Papademos did not appeared at the meeting because they have assumed the government of their countries, Italy and Greece. "Alexis Papahelas did not come, apparently because of the political developments in Athens," said Odysseas Kyriakopoulos.
The Australian academic Sharon Bender writes in her book "Suiting themselves: how corporations drive the global agenda":
"The Trilateral Commission is an example of how networks of companies may include senior representatives in government and state institution in their unions in the position of allies against democracy. It was established to formulate public policy at a time when democracy placed annoying obstacles in front of multinationals."
After many years and following the election of Barack Obama, Western societies are returning to the scene of the clash between political and nonpolitical management mechanisms, which currently are represented by the banking sector. Europe is solving the problem with delay. America has left it behind. The outcome is uncertain, said in conclusion the author of the article in
Italy’s new Prime Minister Mario Monti (with wife at left), who rose to power in what critics called a “coup d’etat,” is a prominent member of the world elite in the truest sense of the term. In fact, he is a leader in at least two of the most influential cabals in existence today: the secretive Bilderberg Group and David Rockefeller’s Trilateral Commission.
Nicknamed “Super Mario,” Monti is also an “international advisor” to the infamous Goldman Sachs, one of the most powerful financial firms in the world. Critics refer to the giant bank as the “Vampire Squid” after a journalist famously used the term in a hit piece. But its tentacles truly do reach into the highest levels of governments worldwide.
Italy’s Political Crisis
Following the Italian government’s descent into the economic abyss that saw bond yields soar to record highs as the euro-zone began to come apart at the seams, ex-Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi decided to step down. And late last week, President Giorgio Napolitano asked Monti to form a new government.
On November 16, the new Prime Minister — who will also serve as Italy’s “Economy Minister” — announced that he was appointing an array of bankers, technocrats, and lawyers to lead the emerging government. After unveiling proposed reforms later this week Monti and his unelected team will face Parliament in a confidence vote.
Some of the nation’s political parties have already said they support the new leadership. But others, including loyal members of Berlusconi’s party, complained of a “coup d’etat” engineered by bankers and the European Union.
“The truth is that there was a big operation, an ‘Italian Job,’ to get Berlusconi out of the way by forcing him to resign,” complained former Interior Minister Roberto Maroni, comparing Berlusconi’s ouster to the movie of that same name made in1969 and remade in 2003. While the ex-Prime Minister was not technically forced to resign, he said it was an act of “responsibility.”
Monti: Insider Extraordinaire
Listed as a member of the “steering committee” on the official Bilderberg website, critics say Monti has “establishment” written all over him. The shadowy group he helps lead includes a roster of the world’s real power brokers — media magnates, royalty, military leaders, big bankers, heads of state and government, key CEOs, and more.
The elite members gather once a year in total secrecy, sparking innumerable theories and widespread concern. In 2011 the group met in Switzerland and attracted more scrutiny than in the past.
But despite the attendance of influential reporters, editors, and media power houses, very little of substance was publicly revealed. It is known, however, that Bilderberg played a crucial role in erecting the increasingly powerful supranational regime in Brussels.
Monti is also the European Group chairman of the infamous Trilateral Commission, according to the organization‘s website. The secretive group, which also lists among its members some of the most influential members of the world elite, was supposedly founded to bring about closer “cooperation” between North America, Europe, and Japan.
The Commission was founded in 1973 by the infamous banker and power-broker David Rockefeller. "Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure — one world, if you will,” Rockefeller wrote in his 2002 autobiography. “If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”
Monti is also a prominent leader of more than few smaller “think tanks” promoting more “integration,” big government, and globalism. He has been a long-time and consistent supporter of an “economic government” for the EU, as well as more Brussels meddling in social policies.
His career has included academia, politics, banking, and more. And he has held several prominent positions within the European Union apparatus including the job of European Commissioner for Internal Market, Financial Services, Financial Integration, and Taxation.
The Rescue Plan
"I would like to confirm my absolute serenity and conviction in the capacity of our country to overcome this difficult phase," Monti proclaimed recently. And he will have plenty of help.
The European Central Bank has started to do everything possible to rescue the profligate Italian government - albeit quietly. According to Bloomberg, the ECB began buying up huge quantities and sizes of the regime’s bonds this week.
“There are no real buyers,” European interest-rate strategy chief Mohit Kumar with Deutsche Bank told the news service. Analysts suspected that the ECB move was designed to bolster confidence in the new Italian government and its leader.
Monti’s first task will be to satisfy EU rulers by imposing massive new taxes on the Italian people. Tough “austerity” measures will follow soon after that. He said more growth — a tough task with new and higher taxes — will be his priority.
"I hope that, governing well, we can make a contribution to the calming and the cohesion of the political forces," Monti explained after meeting with union bosses.
The Italian government is currently drowning in trillions of euros worth of debt — well over 100 percent of GDP. And the market seems largely unwilling to loan it more money without EU prodding, guarantees, and huge yields.
EU and euro-zone advocates are doing everything possible to avoid a calamity that could bring down their precious supranational government and its regional currency. But Italy, as the third-largest euro-zone economy, is simply too big to bail out, according to experts — even with the emerging “dictatorship” mechanism designed to save bankrupt governments and banks using taxpayer money.
Monti could have until 2013 — the next scheduled election — to implement his “reforms,” assuming he gets his way. Critics, however, are calling for new elections to be held as soon as possible.
Critics, Greece & the Future
While Italy will now be governed by the very definition of an “insider,” Greece faces a similar situation. Its new Prime Minister, Lucas Papademos, was the vice president of the ECB and even worked for the Federal Reserve. He has also been a member of the Trilateral Commission for over a decade.
But critics are outraged. “The rise of bankers and unelected technocrats to power in Greece and Italy shows how the unfolding crisis of the euro-zone is undercutting democracy,” complained Costas Panayotakis, a professor of sociology at the New York City College of Technology at CUNY.
Italian activists had harsh words for Monti, too. “The proposed new coalition government headed by Mario Monti can be a fatal trap for Italy's future,” explained Campaign for World Bank Reform leader Antonio Tricarico. “If most of political forces from the right and the left would support it, the European Commission and the European Central Bank - whose agenda Monti represents - will rule Italy without any opposition for the years to come, beyond any minimum standard of democratic accountability.”
Analysts said installing pro-EU and single-currency rulers in Greece and Italy was aimed at quieting the growing calls for the euro-zone to be dismantled. But it remains unclear whether they will succeed as the economic crisis continues to spiral out of control across Europe.
Joined: 25 Jul 2005 Posts: 18335 Location: St. Pauls, Bristol, England
Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2011 12:10 am Post subject:
by email
I have been informed, for what it's worth, that a broker at a brokerage (whose name better remain anonymous), was told by one of his clients that had a friend who was involved in transporting a van load of currency from De la Rue (London) to a London airport, presumably for onward transportation.
The relevancy of this is that the currency involved was ........... GERMAN MARKS.
Knowing some of the people in the chain, I think we can give reasonable credibility to this 'news'. Obviously, this news must be taken with some scepticism, but take this as a marker to be on the look out for tell tale signs of actual euro collapse.
Of course the 'news' begs the question of why would notes Marks be being shipped from the UK when one would expect Germany to print it's own? Perhaps the sheer quantity required exceeded the capacity of Germany to produce in time.
Also it does not mean Germany's going back to Marks just yet - it could be part of a contingency plan.
(Reuters) - Following are highlights of a news conference by French President Nicolas Sarkozy and German Chancellor Angela Merkel following bilateral talks in Paris to hone joint proposals for more central control of euro zone budgets.
"The Franco-German agreement is very complete. It will be written up in a letter and presented to (European Council President) Herman Van Rompuy on Wednesday.
"We want to make sure that the imbalances which led to the situation in the euro zone today cannot happen again.
"Things cannot continue as they have done up until today. Our preference is for a treaty among the 27 (EU members), so that nobody feels excluded, but we are open to a treaty among the 17 (euro members), open to any state that wants to join us.
"This treaty would contain the following things:
"Firstly we want automatic sanctions in the event of a breach of the rule on deficits below 3 percent (of GDP) and we want it to be the case where this can only be opposed by a qualified majority (of member states), that's to say the reverse of the situation we have at present.
"Secondly, as we said on August 16, we want a golden rule, that is reinforced and harmonised on the European level so that the budgets of all 17 (euro zone) countries have a constitutional rule to ensure that national budgets move toward a return to balance.
"Thirdly we agreed, regarding private-sector participation, to say that what happened with Greece will not be repeated. We will from now on follow the jurisprudence established by the IMF.
Fourthly we want the European Stability Mechanism brought forward from 2013 to 2012 and, within it, that decisions not be taken on the basis of unanimity but by qualified majority, a quota we estimate is of around 85 percent.
Fifthly, we want a monthly meeting of heads of state and government ... as long as the crisis continues and each meeting must have a precise agenda focused on the goal of boosting economic growth in the euro zone."
"There are presidential and legislative elections. The aim that Madame Merkel and I have is that the accord in its entirety should be negotiated and concluded between the 17 euro zone members in March, because we need to go fast. The ratifications will take place after these two key French election dates.
"On Thursday and Friday we aim to get all of our proposals approved and then we'll see around the table whether we will get a treaty of 27 or 17.... We are aware of the seriousness of the situation and the responsibilities on our shoulders.
Meanwhile in Bilderberg/Golman province formerly known as Italy
“For more than a century, ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”
As anticipated by LEAP/E2020, the fear largely fed by the City of London and Wall Street of a Eurozone break-up over the Greek debt crisis proved unfounded. Euroland has come out of this violently conflictual episode with its "natural allies" much reinforced. According to our team, 2012 will mark the starting point for the perpetuation of a new global power, Euroland. However, this development remains conditional on the question of democratization that we analyze in this issue, through the three sequences of Euroland’s evolution 2012-2016. These five years will lead Europeans to profoundly influence a global geopolitical rebalancing whilst domestically a radical new phase of European integration is opening up in the coming months. Moreover, this GEAB issue anticipates the US Dollar’s progress as a dominant currency for global commercial transactions. The 2012 to 2013 period will in fact bring great changes in this area directly affecting global trade as the relative power of the currencies involved. In addition recommendations on currencies, gold, Greece, Russia, the US economy and stock markets, LEAP/E2020 offers a preview in this issue of the next book to be published in March 2012 by Anticipolis Editions entitled "2015 - The Great fall of Western real estate" by Sylvain Périfel and Philippe Schneider.
For this press release, LEAP/E2020 has chosen to present its anticipations on the first of the three Euroland sequences 2012-2016.
As previously announced, LEAP/E2020 is presenting its anticipations for Europe over the 2012-2016 period in this issue. In the context of a global systemic crisis, two strategic trends will mark these five years for Europeans: on the one hand the stabilization of Euroland as a new full global power (1); and, on the other, the absolute requirement for the European elite to raise the democratic freeze which now weighs heavily on the process of European integration. In this issue our team analyzes why, starting from the second half of 2012, conditions will be at their best for Euroland to take on these two trends fully (2). Of course, numerous economic, financial, strategic and political challenges remain for Europeans; but, with the global systemic crisis entering its phase of reconstituting world geopolitical balances, with Euroland, they have a “new sovereign” able to positively influence the course of events (3). Of course, this capacity is conditional upon the democratic legitimization of the whole of Euroland governance. From 2012 to 2016, three major sequences will characterize Euroland’s stabilization as a full sovereign and the lifting of the democratic freeze.
Before going into the European case in detail, our team would like to remind readers that the big difference today between the anticipation of the United States’ development and Europe’s is due to the fact that the United States has a completely paralysed antiquated politico-institutional system, whereas European integration has a strong dynamic associated with great institutional flexibility. The absence of major reform in the United States since the beginning of the crisis in 2008 compared with the impressive series of European institutional leaps and bounds since mid-2010 (developments considered impossible by many just two years ago) offers a striking illustration. In the American case, the question of anticipation of events thus forces to be able to identify the points of rupture of a sclerotic system. In the European case, it’s a question on the other hand of targeting the course of events and evaluating their pace of development (4). Which is much simpler in fact when, like LEAP/E2020, one has a good understanding of how Europe functions institutionally, and has a good sense for public opinion in the various Member States (5).
The last point of this preamble, the European decision-making process will considerably improve for Euroland since, from now on, only the countries using the Euro will take the decisions. Moreover, it’s a feature of these years of crisis to have finally clarified an absurd situation which saw countries outside the Eurozone, even anti-Euro (like the United Kingdom), take part in decisions on the Euro. But nevertheless, the very nature of the European decision-making process, implying negotiations and compromises, will continue to show it as being chaotic and slow, as opposed to national decision making. It will be much less than before, but still there all the same because it’s the very characteristic of the functioning of European integration; ultimately it is also one of its conditions of effectiveness, in order that each State really applies what has been decided.
Now, let’s move on to the analysis of the three major sequences which will characterise the 2012-2016 period. These three sequences have been presented out of sequence to make them clearer; but it’s obvious of course that they all overlap.
1st Sequence - 2012-2013: End of Euroland’s consolidation of its budget-finance operations / Launching of the first pro-active common socio-economic policies / Acceleration of the distinction between Euroland-EU
By mid-2012, as we have already indicated in preceding GEAB issues, Euroland will be endowed with a whole set of new national leaders (Spain, Italy, Greece, France, Slovenia, Belgium,…) and the following months there will be elections in Germany. Euroland will thus be led by men and women who, for the most part, came to power after the start of the crisis.
Until the end of 2011 it wasn’t the case; quite the contrary, most Eurozone leaders were electoral products of the world before the crisis. The fact that these leaders, mediocre politicians in the main, and completely unprepared for the collapse of the values/beliefs which they held until 2008, were nevertheless able to face relatively well the global crisis, then the Greek crisis and its effects, against the background of a violent attack on the European single currency by City of London and Wall Street, was proof of the dynamics of European integration at work within Euroland. In fact, our team considers that they were the generation of politicians the least prepared to “save European integration” since they were generally not very interested in Europe and often under the control of the banks and Washington. To pick up from an analysis of Franck Biancheri’s going back to 1989, “the babyboomer politicians are likely to break the European project of which they understand nothing, prior to the “Erasmus” generations entering the fray”.
It will never be known what would have happened if the global systemic crisis had exploded five years later, but what is certain is that they will have managed to avoid “breaking Europe”. Even Nicolas Sarkozy, who we consider has been the worst French president of the Fifth Republic for France and Europe, as our readers know, deserves credit on this subject for having had the savvy to push ahead on the need for summits for Euroland leaders only. What this episode teaches us is that if even unprepared and unreliable leaders knew how to find the answers allowing the building of the bases for Euroland in the middle of an historical crisis, it’s reasonable to believe that more inspired and better prepared leaders (at least due to the fact that they will have lived through this crisis before coming to power) will be able to fare at least as well, if not better (6).
This analysis is reinforced by another determining factor of the European decision-making process: in the absence of the system’s democratization, the technocrats are the real masters of the game on the EU circuit including Frankfurt, Brussels,… and national capitals (7). They, since the creation of ECSC in 1951, wove the fabric of European integration. They, who offered our disorientated leaders the solutions of these last two years. They, who are already preparing the initiatives for the next few years. But to be able to take the leap of European integration, they need the politicians. And the politicians are only ready to take risks in two cases: when they are afraid and when they are visionaries (. Fear was the incentive in 2010/2011. The vision of the future will be that in 2012/2016.
Two elements determine this swing from reaction to project, because it’s indeed that: fear involves only reactions; the vision of the future is typified by projects.
On one side, after the “bolt tightening” episode, quite rightly demanded by the countries in surplus (Germany, Netherlands, Finland,…) (9), we saw the idea developing everywhere amongst the Euroland elite that it was also necessary to project oneself positively in the future (recovery, common investments, Eurobonds,…). Transition by the austerity phase was inevitable, as we had anticipated since 2008/2009, because Euroland integration requires common rules, actually applied, and to stop the policies of collective over-indebtedness promoted these last decades by the bankers and the financial centres of the City and Wall Street.
Greece is a textbook case. We comment further in our recommendations in this issue but we are very clear in this issue: to overcome the Greek problem, it’s necessary to break the parasitic ruling class which led this country to ruin. However, Euroland hasn’t really the means to do it to date, apart from really showing the Greeks that nobody trusts their leaders any more. It’s also dissuasive as regards other countries’ leaders, trying to keep power by debt.
Thus 2012 and 2013 will see the finalization of the new rules for common budget, tax and economic governance in Euroland. Common budgets control, progress towards fiscal harmonization (10), repatriation of the Euro financial markets to Euroland (11), reinforced financial regulation, a European credit rating agency, a financial transactions tax, Eurobonds, introduction of a maximum limit of exposure of government debt to non-Euroland financial markets,…
For the teams coming to power in Euroland, these developments are obvious; whereas they were revolutionary for their predecessors. But, on these bases, the two years to come will also see the launching of several major common initiatives intended to build the future: a common program of public investment (common infrastructures in the fields of transport, education (12), training, health, science and technology,…).
Their financing will start one of the big debates of these next two years because it will be impossible, according to our team, to avoid recourse to direct borrowing from citizens, thus short-circuiting the banks and financing on the financial markets. For an amount equivalent to that of the MES, 500 billion Euros, half will cut government debt dependence on the international financial markets (via Eurobonds) and half will finance major future projects. If the MES is an embryo of European Monetary Fund, this major loan will be the bedrock of a European Treasury. And it will belong to the panoply of trans-European social solidarity tools which will emerge by 2014, for gradually replacing the numerous traditional EU structural funds (13).
Moreover, from the second half of 2012, Euroland will see the French’s constructive return to the European project. It’s a reality forgotten by many since it’s been 17 years since it disappeared from the European decision-making process. Whether it be Jacques Chirac or Nicolas Sarkozy, none of the French presidents since 1995 had a European streak (unlike their predecessors - De Gaulle, Giscard and Mitterrand). Jacques Chirac at least had the Gaullist backbone of the refusal to be subservient, which enabled him to resist the general recruitment for the invasion of Iraq, in partnership with the German chancellor Gerhard Schröder and Russian president Vladimir Putin. Nicolas Sarkozy himself hasn’t had any backbone, national or European. He will have done nothing, only cross the political landscape (14) driven by interests foreign to the common good of the French and Europeans.
These declining or anecdotal trends have, of course, been reinforced by the Anglo-Saxon domination of the European agenda, pushing expansion and the European Market to the detriment of integration and European power. In the end, that’s 17 years that France has ceased making its intellectual contribution to the advance of European integration (15). This “French absence” at European level was only the reflection of a growing disconnect between Parisian power and the true country (16); a situation which, according to LEAP/E2020, is approaching its denouement with the overwhelming rejection of the current president by the French.
Without too much of a wait, the next election of François Hollande at France’s helm will allow the bond between the true country (17) and French leaders to be rebuilt, at least for a year or two; sufficient time to revitalize the French contribution at European level. The socialist candidate’s personality also works in favour of this development. He’s a politician for whom Europe is a key component of his commitment, along Mitterrand-Delors lines; and he has the right profile for future Euroland leaders over this 2012-2016 period: they will have to be good team players because managing Euroland will be a team business and not one for individuals. These five years will more resemble an in-house stowing of a space station’s various pieces of equipment than a cavalry charge. Each epoch needs a certain kind of leader: the Euroland of the next few years needs European team members, reliable and inventive, knowing where they want to go and aware that they can’t get there on their own. Beyond any partisan considerations, in his course and the conduct of his campaign, our team thinks that François Hollande has shown that he has these qualities (1.
In this context, he has to urgently reposition his campaign speeches on the renegotiation of the current European treaty into promising to negotiate additions to it. It’s necessary to reassure the German and Dutch partners in particular; and it’s useful for Angela Merkel to avoid making the major strategic error of entering the campaign at Nicolas Sarkozy’s side (19). For, on the one hand, this does nothing to avoid the defeat of the latter (and even the opposite); and, on the other, that will make the first months of Franco-German co-operation after the 6th May 2012 more difficult, even if it’s urgent to open the driving core of Euroland to other countries (Netherlands, Spain, Italy,…).
At the same time these two years will see the acceleration of the difference between Euroland and the EU. It is a phenomenon which will in fact characterize the whole of the decade. Euroland which functions to a large extent in the form of informal networks will gradually have to equip itself with some institutional bases. They will be modest because nobody wants a repeat of the bureaucracy which definitively ossified Brussels; but modelled on the ECB, the MES, a secretariat of Euroland governance will prove to be necessary very quickly, then certain specific institutions as well as a specific Euroland component within the European Parliament (meetings reserved for the European representatives of the Euroland countries to discuss specific Euroland questions, modelled on the Euroland summits).
This development will be all the more strong and rapid that the United Kingdom will try to slow down or block Euroland actions. There was such an example of the counter-productive effect of the British veto last December; it quite simply obliged the others to move on without London.
In general, Eurolanders will seek to use the existing EU institutions but distancing non-Eurolanders from the decision-making processes. Each time it’s impossible or too complicated, a new institutional base will be created. This development will be all the easier as all the EU countries, except for the United Kingdom, have a rationale for adhesion to the Euro in fact (20). Most EU countries know that they will be in Euroland by 2017; which greatly facilitates Euroland progress for the years to come.
Thus, after about fifteen years of mistakes under British and US influence, during which Europeans were misled on enlargement projects without a future (Turkey, Ukraine,…) (21) and illusory economic-financial strategies (Lisbon treaty strategy,…), the next few years will bear the mark of the return to political and economic integration, as was the case at the time of the first EU renaissance in 1984-1992. According To LEAP/E2020, 2012/2013 will thus mark the beginning of the second EU renaissance.
(1) That’s to say being able to call up all a “sovereign’s” attributes: currency, budget, economy, international policy and defence.
(2) By the way, we point out that LEAP/E2020’s anticipations since 2006 /2007 on Euroland’s emergence due to the global systemic crisis proved to be right; just like our warnings against the forecasts of those who saw, still only a few months ago, the Eurozone breaking up and the Euro disappearing. Remember that on this subject our anticipations have always been founded on rational and objective analyses, respecting the principles of political anticipation methodology, whatever the personal opinions of our team members. It’s that, and only that, which has enabled us, since 2006, to calmly face the dominant thinking or the periods of mass hysteria which always feels outraged by refusals to think like everyone else. In a crisis period, lucidity is essential to try to understand events and their consequences. Yet lucidity is incompatible with “ready to think”, whether dictated by power or fear. By way of an anecdote, CNBC ’s headline on 15/2/2012 on a better Euroland economic performance than forecast by the Anglo-Saxon “experts” was very revealing: “Euroland GNP better than hoped for. What does that mean?”. On the one hand, one can legitimately wonder whether the first part of the title shouldn’t have said “ Euroland GNP “not as bad as hoped” to reflect these “experts’” real state of mind ? And, on the other hand, the question in the second part of the headline sounds like a kind of confession: “and if one had taken our desires for realities?”.
(3) This trend is reinforced by the massive arrival during this decade of the generations born after the signature of the Treaty of Rome, the first generations for which Europe is a natural socio-political area… unlike the babyboomer generation, privileged pool of the Eurosceptics.
(4) Of which the Anglo-Saxon media which nourish the world media goldfish bowl are incapable, in particular because they generally look through the British prism which is ideologically unable to understand the continental process of European integration as other than a threat to avert or scorn. Two attitudes which aren’t very favourable for generating lucidity over events.
(5) For information, nearly a year before the French and Dutch referenda on the European Constitution, in the context of the splitting of responsibilities between national and European institutions, we anticipated that the “No” votes would carry the day in the two countries (when all the surveys gave victory to the “Yes” votes).
(6) In previous GEAB issues we have already evoked the comparison with the Euro-missile crisis, which in less than three years led the European Community, after a change of leaders, from an existential crisis to the first renaissance of the Community project (1984-1992).
(7) It is so true that they are able to replace failing politicians in government posts like Mario Monti in Italy or Lucas Papademos in Greece… and with an unquestionable success for the moment in the case of Mario Monti. This situation thus leads citizens to cast a very critical eye over their national political classes, pushing them to reform themselves in the next few years. Source: Independent, 15/02/2012
( The two cases are exclusive since a visionary politician has little chance of letting himself be trapped in a frightening situation; whereas the frightened politician is the one who has exactly no idea how to get out of a trap.
(9) Countries which Nicolas Sarkozy’s France clung to, so as not to appear as belonging to the other camp
(10) Once the Greek situation has been stabilized, Ireland and its tax dumping will be the centre of Euroland’s attention.
(11) The City has led a two year “blitzkrieg” in vain to try and break the Eurozone. From now on Euroland will increase the pressure each year to reduce the already declining power of the City. And David Cameron, like the British Eurosceptics financed by the hedge funds, won’t be able to do much by the way, whatever they think only 34 kilometres separate Dover from Calais.
(12) In particular, a vast programme, successor to Erasmus, simultaneously training the European elite, of a sufficient number and quality; and to offer the European dimension to hundreds of thousands of young people each year, is a very practical form of democratizing access to Europe.
(13) A few years ago our team ironically explained to the high level officials in Brussels that if they didn’t set up trans-Euroland solidarity policies to face asymmetrical shocks, then it would be necessary for them to invest heavily in European riot police to control citizens’ anger.
(14) We remind that we have been anticipating since November 2010, in GEAB N°49, that Nicolas Sarkozy wouldn’t be reelected in 2012.
(15) The episodes of the poor European constitution project and the adoption of the Treaty of Lisbon without a referendum are two other illustrations.
(16) A president re-elected by default in 2002 when Jacques Chirac faced with Jean-Marie le Pen; and deception over the “goods”, identified too late after his election, with Nicolas Sarkozy in 2007.
(17) One of the axes of his policy exactly aims at decentralizing, “de-parisianising” French power. Source: Débats 2012, 27/01/2012
(1 He will have five years to prove that he can be François EurHollande.
(19) An error largely interpreted as such in Germany.
(20) Including Denmark which is waiting for the right moment for a referendum on the subject (source: Euronews, 23/01/2012). The Czech case is very simple: with Vaclav Klaus no longer president, the Czech Republic will join the remainder of the European countries to prepare for Euro entry. It will be a phenomenon similar to the 2007 replacement of the Polish Kaczynski twins, pro-American and anti-European, by current the Prime Minister Donald Tusk, leading to a 180° turn in European policy. A final remark on the Klaus case: his party like his re-election to the presidency in 2008, via the vote of members of the Czech parliament, faced multiple accusations of corruption. Its “representativeness” of Czech public opinion is measured with these kind of “details”. In 2013, the president will finally be elected by universal suffrage. Source: Rue89, 09/02/2011
(21) This drift of the original European project prevented citizens from concentrating on the question of the governance/democratization tandem since Europe was always a movable feast. Thus, even at young generation level, the official promotion of this Europe without borders prevented the emergence of new initiatives to try and influence their future. Our team can note that currently, and at very high speed, this situation is changing radically.
Vendredi 17 Février 2012
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