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Martin Bormann postwar Nazi 4th Reich financial Mafia empire
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 08, 2015 11:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

"Вторая мировая. Великая Отечественная". Фильм третий



Published on May 7, 2015"Оружие возмездия. Предмет торга Бормана"

Мартин Борман - ближайший соратник Гитлера, один из самых влиятельных деятелей Третьего Рейха. Считается, что он погиб и был похоронен в Берлине в мае 1945 года. Однако к началу Международного военного трибунала в Нюрнберге гибель Бормана не была окончательно подтверждена, и в 1946 году его судили и приговорили к смертной казни заочно. Ряд историков по сей день подвергает сомнению сам факт его смерти в 1945-м. Они уверены - когда стало ясно, что война проиграна, "серый кардинал" Третьего Рейха начал планировать свою самую хитроумную операцию. Одной из ее целей было перемещение немецких финансовых и военных ценностей в "тихие гавани". А второй - его собственное исчезновение! Согласно этой версии, вечером 1 мая 1945 года оперативная группа вывезла Бормана из Берлина и переправила его в Англию. Там бывший секретарь фюрера якобы подписал документы, подтверждающие передачу британским властям права распоряжаться нацистскими счетами в...

"Weapons of retaliation. The subject of the auction Bormann"

Martin Bormann - the closest ally of Hitler, one of the most influential figures of the Third Reich. It is believed that he died and was buried in Berlin in may 1945. However, by the beginning of the International military Tribunal in Nuremberg loss Bormann has not been definitively proven, and in 1946, he was tried and sentenced to death in absentia. A number of historians to this day questioned the fact of his death in 1945. They were confident when it became clear that the war was lost, "the gray cardinal" of the Third Reich began planning its most ingenious operation. One of its goals was to move the German financial and military values in a "safe Harbor". And the second is his own disappearance! According to this version, on the evening of 1 may 1945, the task force has taken Bormann from Berlin and sent it to England. There is a former Secretary to the führer allegedly signed the documents, confirming transfer by the British authorities the right to dispose of Nazi accounts in...

'Suppression of truth, human spirit and the holy chord of justice never works long-term. Something the suppressors never get.' David Southwell
Martin Van Creveld: Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: "Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother."
Martin Van Creveld: I'll quote Henry Kissinger: "In campaigns like this the antiterror forces lose, because they don't win, and the rebels win by not losing."
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 02, 2015 1:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Tributes to World War Two hero Cmdr Harold Wilkinson Goulding after suitcase find
21 August 2015

Little about Cmdr Goulding's wartime role was officially released

The life of a naval hero of World War Two has been commemorated, after secret documents were discovered in a suitcase.

Cmdr Harold Wilkinson Goulding made dozens of clandestine landings in occupied Europe ahead of D-Day.

He died in 1945 and his family only realised the extent of his role when papers were found in an attic in 2010.

A flotilla of motor torpedo boats and a vintage aeroplane flypast has been held near his home in Hayling Island.

As a merchant seaman before the war, he had an intimate knowledge of the French coast which was to prove invaluable to the military.

His navigational skills were used by the secret intelligence service (MI6), the Special Operations Executive (SOE) and by the Commandos.

As Commodore of Coastal Forces, Cdr Goulding ferried secret agents in and out of occupied territories and trained hundreds of other men at the shore bases which made up HMS Northney on Hayling Island.

He conducted 70 landings in person - thought to be more than any other officer in World War Two.


"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 08, 2015 12:08 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Extract from
Untouchable: Who protected Bormann & Gestapo Muller after 1945...? By Pierre De Villemarest


First published 2002 in French: ‘Le Dossier Saragosse, Bormann et Gestapo Muller après 1945…’ ISBN 2-7025-0578-3
This English translation published by Aquilion in 2005 ISBN 1-904997-02-3

Bormann, the committees of bankers, the intermediaries

In March 1945, two months before the fall of Berlin, Bormann set up a committee with the specific task of transferring the wealth of the Third Reich, foreign exchange, patents and other assets, abroad.
Its composition was as follows:
Chairman: Helmut Börnicke, board member of the Deutsche Bank, general manager of the Brandenburg Provincial Bank.
Vice-Chairman: Heinrich Huncke, board member of the Deutsche Bank, President of the Berlin Chamber of Commerce.
Committee members:
Wilhelm Avieny, bank manager in Frankfurt-am-Main, director of the Metallgesellschaft;
Walter Jander, board member of the Commerzbank, director of the Junkerswerke;
Walter Rafelsberger, financial auditor in Vienna, director of the Kreditanstalt-Bankverein;
Wolfgang Richter, director of the Braunkohlen Syndicate, economic adviser to the Sudetenland;
Julius Maier, bank director, economic adviser in Hanover;
Walter Schieber, director of the Dresdner Bank, economic adviser for Thuringia;
Christian Franke, economic adviser for Münster and Northern Westphalia, President of the Münster Chamber of Commerce;
Karl-Heinz Heuser, Heinrich Hunke's deputy.
The author found no trace of any Allied investigation into these men, other than identity checks, after 1945. After 1949, several of them were to be found occupying less prominent posts in the economic and banking circles of West Germany. The old men on Pritzkoleit's list (referred to in the final chapter of this book) sought their advice after 1947 when they were engaged in recovenng Bormann's foreign transfers and were probing the many foreign firms which had well-concealed German assets.
In 1951, the list of the old men to whom Bonn had given the responsibility for the recovery operation was as follows:
Robert Pferdmenges, adviser to Konrad Adenauer.
Hermann J. Abs, director of the Deutsche Bank since 1937, adviser to Adenauer. '
Wilhelm Vocke, co-director of the Deutsche Bank.
Karl Bernhard, co-director of the Deutsche Bank, associate of Hjalmar Schacht since 1930.
Albert Schäfer, President of the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce.
Alfred Schäfer, brother of Albert,. director of Interhandel in Switzerland, for I G Farben.
Fritz Berg, co-chairman of the Confederation of German Industries, that is to say, 38 Federations representing 80,000 businesses.
Karl Blessing, until 1945 president of Continental Oil, and in the 1950s of Margarine Union, Hamburg.
Wörmann (Pritzkoleit's list does not give a first name), professor of agricultural science.
Friedrich Spennrath, chief executive of General Electric/Germany in Berlin.
Members of parliament who could be called on:
Elbrächter, conservative right wing (DP);
Muser, Pohle and Nägel for the Christian Democrats (CDU/CSU);
Wellhausen for the Llbera Democrats (FDP).
N.B. - Several of the above were cited in the investigation by the Kilgore Committee in the United States because of their known association with Hermann Schmitz (I G Farben) and Martin Bormann.

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 19, 2015 10:45 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

German Panzer Banks Crush Greece, Washington Winces
Finian CUNNINGHAM | 18.07.2015 | 00:00
http://www.strategic-culture.org/news/2015/07/18/german-panzer-banks-c rush-greece-washington-winces.html

The German paymaster of Europe has subjugated Greece with breathtaking ruthlessness. In 1941, Nazi Germany crushed Greece with its Panzer tanks. Today, without firing a shot, Germany’s Panzer banks have accomplished the same, turning the country into a de facto German «protectorate» whose national assets and sovereignty are being turned over by Berlin’s financial dictate.

Far from being all quiet on the «southern front», the Greek government is now facing a revolt within its own ranks as the country’s parliament absorbs Berlin’s shock attack on its economy and sovereignty. France, Italy and other highly indebted southern eurozone countries are also reeling from German financial tyranny. The reverberations are shaking the entire edifice of the EU and its supposed values of European equality and solidarity».

Washington is far less concerned by the damage to European values than by the opening up of deep political rifts between EU capitals, which could then undermine the architecture of its hegemony in Europe and toward Russia.

When the financial bailout «agreement» was reached after tortuous negotiations last weekend, European Union leaders tried their best to make the outcome sound like a kiss-and-makeup»compromise». European Council President Donald Tusk hailed it as «a typical agreement between European partners». French President Francois Hollande declared: «Europe has won!» While European Commission chief Jean-Claude Juncker gave the game away by claiming that «Greece was not humiliated».

But the sweeping austerity measures that Athens is being forced to implement in order to avail of a third bailout put at €86 billion ($95 billion) is far from a compromise. It is a capitulation by Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and his»anti-austerity» Syriza government. Some €50 billion worth of Greek public assets are to be locked up under EU creditor»trust» to be sold off at some time in the future if Athens does not implement the draconian austerity demands. By «EU creditors»what is meant is German banks, which are the paymaster of Athens and much of the rest of the EU.

The Washington Post did not equivocate on the brutal terms, although it disguised Berlin’s sinister role with the catch-all euphemism of «European leaders». It reported: «Greece acquiesced early Monday to a punishing ultimatum from European leaders, agreeing to a lighting-fast passage of reforms and a pledge to strap itself into a fiscal straight-jacket to save its banks and stay in the euro». The report added that «a financial gun had been held to Greece’s head».

Reuters pointedly reported that Greece had «surrendered». «Eurozone leaders made Greece surrender much of its sovereignty to outside supervision on Monday in return for agreeing to talks on an 86 billion euros bailout to keep the near-bankrupt country in the single currency».

In a second Washington Post article, the headline betrays American misgivings about Berlin’s terms. «Germany doesn’t want to save Greece. It seems to want to humiliate Greece».

As the dust settles over Germany’s de facto take over of Greece’s sovereignty, Washington is now fighting a rearguard action to try to mitigate the terms of the surrender. The Washington-dominated International Monetary Fund (IMF) has renewed its calls for debt restructuring for Athens. «The IMF is calling for much greater debt relief for Greece than what EU countries are willing to give so far,» reported France 24, while the BBC headlined: «IMF attacks EU over [Greece] bailout terms». Again, the euphemism of «EU leaders» is being invoked, when the unspoken specific target for Washington’s admonition is Berlin.

What has the United States alarmed is the geopolitical fallout from the Greek crisis. Explicitly, the US is worried that the debacle driven by Germany’s hardline financial dictate could result in Greece crashing out of the EU. That in turn could lead to a wider melt down of the 28-member bloc and the unravelling of Washington’s anti-Russia project. That project is dependent on a cohesive EU implementing US-led trade and diplomatic sanctions against Moscow, as well as serving as a platform for American-led aggression toward Russia under the guise of the NATO military alliance.

As noted in an earlier column, in the days before the latest bailout «agreement», Washington made a strenuous intervention to urge Germany to soften its demands on Greece. US Treasury Secretary Jack Lew and IMF chief Christine Lagarde both called on Berlin to afford debt restructuring for Greece, that is, a substantial write-off of Greece’s $350 billion debt – most of which is held by Berlin.

Notably, too, the British government, which serves as a mouthpiece for Washington in Europe, was also appealing to Berlin to soften its policy on Greek finances – this at the same time that Britain’s Chancellor George Osborne was unveiling swingeing public spending cuts on his own population. Hardly concern from London then for Greek poverty, and more likely a dutiful geopolitical message on behalf of Washington.

Washington’s appeals to Berlin fell on deaf ears, which as noted, pushed on for a financial scorched-earth surrender by Athens. German Chancellor Angela Merkel and her powerful Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble have shown no mercy to the Athens government. Both have ruled out any debt restructuring. Merkel said of the bailout terms that Greece «faces a long tough road ahead».

But it’s not just Washington that is unnerved by Germany’s newfound truculence with regard to EU finances. Even within Germany, media reports have voiced concerns that the Berlin Chancellery’s financial dictates toward Greece are straining the foundations of the bloc. German newspaper Der Spiegel said Berlin was displaying a dangerous «hypocrisy» over its insistence on debt repayment considering the historic relief that Germany itself received over Second World War reparations.

Another German media outlet, DWN, warned that Berlin’s financial imperiousness was threatening to collapse the EU. From a translation, the newspaper said: «Angela Merkel and Wolfgang Schäuble have overnight transformed the EU into an entity that is no longer held together by trust, but only by naked fear. With the signing of the agreement with Greece the nightmare for the EU has begun. Life in Europe is no longer determined by contracts, but by the law of the jungle».

The Washington Post reported on the brewing tensions within the EU over the Greek debt negotiations in Brussels. «European leaders had seriously clashed over the deal to rescue [sic] Greece, with Germany and Finland taking a hardline and the leaders of France and Italy expressing a distinct lack of ease over the German position – worried that it was undermining the European ideal».

French Finance Minister Michel Sapin was duelling with Germany’s Wolfgang Schauble by insisting on a degree of debt forgiveness for Greece. In the end, Schauble over-ruled his French counterpart, wrenching from Athens a humiliating surrender.

But in the aftermath of Berlin’s financial conquest, the French government is now giving full-throated endorsement to Washington’s renewed call for debt relief, as articulated again this week by the IMF. We can be sure that Berlin is in no mood to make concessions over its financial dictate, which can only lead to more confrontation between it and Washington, together with Paris and Rome.

Latest Eurostat figures on country public indebtedness from show that there is a clear north-south divide in the EU on the issue of national finances. Apart from Greece, whose total public debt is running at a peak of 180 per cent of gross domestic product (GDP), France, Italy, Spain and Portugal are also seriously overloaded with respective figures of 95, 130, 97 and 130 per cent of GDP.

In contrast, the northern European countries have much lower debt levels. Poland is on 50 per cent of GDP, while Latvia, Lithuanian and Estonia have less than 40 per cent. Luxembourg, Netherlands, Finland, Denmark average a debt-to-GDP ratio of around 50 per cent, according to the Eurostat figures. Germany itself has a national debt level of 77 per cent of GDP.

This division of debt correlates with the differing policy in these capitals towards Greece. Germany’s hardline stance is matched by the relatively low-debt countries. There are structural reasons for the varying indebtedness that stem from the competitive advantages that the euro currency has bestowed on Germany’s more developed industrial and export-orientated economy.

No doubt the unease felt by France and other highly indebted EU members is that the Berlin paymaster will sooner or later come banging on their doors for repayment – and on the same draconian terms that are now being applied to Greece. That would explain why France and Italy in particular are rattled by Berlin’s financial dictate and have been calling for some slack to be shown to Athens. They feel that they could be next for Berlin’s Panzer banks and shock-troops in pinstripe suits.

On the other hand, Washington’s disquiet arises from the geopolitical backlash from a Europe that is riven with rivalries and acrimony. From Washington’s point of view, Berlin’s financial «efficiency» towards weaker EU members is a spanner in its geopolitical designs of confronting Russia. The US wants to keep Europe united, whereas Berlin’s quest is for financial aggrandisement and economic dominance in the EU, even if that means some weaker states being ejected.

Historical resonance abounds. As in Nazi Germany’s ascent in times past, Washington and its British ally will have to move decisively to derail the Berlin machine for their own selfish strategic interests with regard to Europe and Russia. In that case, we may anticipate a mounting political campaign from Washington and its London lackey aimed at taking down German might – before Paris also gets marched on by the Panzer banks.

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 27, 2015 10:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Rise of the Bormann Reich (Part 1 & 2) A conversation with Dr. Joseph Farrell (S01P11&12)
Date: 10 Aug 2015
http://story-inside.com/rise-of-the-bormann-reich-(part-1-&-2)-a-conve rsation-with-dr-joseph-farrell-(s01p11&12)/KdfK5iLx7uQ/single.html

Rise of the Bormann Reich (Part 1 & 2) A conversation with Dr. Joseph Farrell (S01P11&12)



Rise of the Bormann Reich (Part 1 & 2) A conversation with Dr. Farrell (S01P09&P10) about:
- The difference between some of his books on the extraterritorial nazi state
- The difference between Farrells scenario for the fate of "Die Glocke" (The Nazi Bell) vs that of Nick Cooks & Igor Witkowskis scenario
- The global tentacles of the post-war Nazi International ("Bormann Reich")
- Ladislas Faragos "Aftermath: Martin Bormann & the 4th Reich"
- The escape of Bormann, Muller, Hitler et al
- Early Third Reich experiments with Scalar weapons
- Zero translation vectors
- James Clerk Maxwells equation
- Edmund Taylor Whittakers longitudinal waves
- How it is superfluous to credit/blame E.T. for this technology
- Classified scientific papers
- The peculiarities of the German atom bomb program
- I.G. Farbens gigantic concentration camp nuclear plant
- How the Berlin telephone system went dead for 60 hours
- The Atom bomb test in Rugen
- Did Germany use their nuclear weapons?
- The intercepted Japanese cable
- The impossible kill ratio at the eastern front
- The Allied myths about the failure of German reactors
- The pre-planned escape from Germany
- Martin Bormanns quid pro quo with Allen Dulles
- The protected submarine to U.S. with valuable cargo
- Kammlers Junkers aircraft to Argentina with valuable cargo
- Dr. Heinz Schlicke & Dr. Luis Walter Alvarez
- The Manhattan project receives handy help
- Bormanns powerful & practical trump card
- Bormanns sly & calculating personality
---- ---- ---- ----
- How Farrell got into war history
- Farrells Alsatian roots
- The release of classified documents upon the German reunification
- The fishy assassination of President Kennedy
- What if the Germans found useful technology in Antarctica?
- What if the Antarctic bases had access to zero point free energy?
- Peron close down Richters project
- Who's side was Richter on?
- Nazi infiltration of the U.S. national security state
- The Nazi bases in Antarctica & South America
- The crucial year of 1947
- The Failure of Operation High-jump
- The following Roswell Incident
- The subsequent founding of C.I.A.
- The Allied nuclear bombing of Neuschwabenland
- Antarctica hollow with caverns
- Nazi underground bases in Greenland, Antarctic and South Argentina
- Allen Dulles long involvement with Nazis
- The factional power struggle behind the U.S. scene
- The witch hunt investigations during the McCarthyism
- Nazi Hydra in America
- President Truman creating the hidden system of finance
- The U.S. intelligence apparatus turned Banksters
- The U.S. military compromised
- The real security risk
- Corporate fascism' coup d'etat against JFK
- Bormanns chess game from 1947 and onwards
- One-eyed committees
- The discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls
- John Marco Allegro leaking the info
- Debunking the Roswell Soviet hypothesis
- Who got what German scientists?
- At what point could the Russians first make their own AG discs?
- Phase conjugation triggering the Soviet program
- Dr. David Bohm & plasma research
- Is plasma living organism?
- The vanished Bell scientists Kramer & Adler
- Peron not in Bormanns inner circle
- Argentina's intelligence controlled by Germans
- Edward Murrow & Paul Mannings "Martin Bormann: Nazi in Exile"
- Evidence that Bormann was banking & signing checks between 1941 to 1967
- The most probable location for the post-war Kammlerstab
- The tunnel systems of the Andes mountains
and other obscurities...

And Joseph shares some tidbits with us about his background in South Dakota.

This is programs 11 and 12 in the Series: Timeline of a Breakaway Civilization - Link to the Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYZ4WxILI5Dyx_NWzf0YQSp23ZTm6pR Ag

The programs are thusly structured:

* PART 1 is more factoid. Here we consider the full body of evidence and go through all essential names, dates, events and other details, as a set-up for the next part. Part 1 is perhaps more geeky and trivial in nature.

* PART 2 is more profound. Here we connect the dots and learn about the contents, sometimes also delving into scenario-thinking, yet distinguishing between expert guess speculation and verified facts.

All our files are free and will remain non-commercial. Please consider supporting our work and help cover costs by sharing our videos and donating through paypal (if people contribute with 1 dollar for each downloaded show, we will have no personal expenses. Smile

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"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 24, 2015 2:31 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

James Bond's REAL SPECTRE: Did Churchill use Nazi gold to finance Britain's atomic bomb?



Interview with Laurence de Mello – EXCLUSIVE: Did Churchill use Nazi gold to build Britain's atomic bomb?

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
Trustworthy Freedom Fighter

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 09, 2016 3:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

It's not Ian Fleming you want to look into, it's Peter Fleming, the Godfather of Duff-Hart Davis, the brother of Adam-Hart Davis. So it is possible to loosely find connection between Cameron, Operation James Bond and the BBC Paedophile ring. Not that he was involved in either, but it does potentially throw up a conflict of interest in some way. Regardless Peter Fleming was a spook and died in suspicious circumstances ala of a heart attack while out hunting in Argylle.

TonyGosling wrote:
What was Dieppe?



Really? Just that? Or was the attempt to grab enigma code books and machines just a cover?

Jill Goulding on her COPP SBU CO grandfather Harold Goulding DSO



Dieppe, 1942: 3,500 Canadians sacrificed as cover for MI6 agent JAD who later grabbed Nazis' looted billions?
Why was my war hero grandfather written out of history?

Jill Goulding discovered an attaché case in her Hampshire loft which contained a host of secret wartime documents confirming her grandfather Harold Goulding had been the commanding officer of the Royal Navy's elite Special Boat Unit (SBU). So why did he die just months after the war, why was his DSO not recognised on his gravestone and elsewhere, and why did one of the commandos he trained at COPP headquarters, John Ainsworth-Davis, say it was lucky Harold died so soon after the war because he wouldn't have wanted to know 'we'd been lied to'.
Was that lie the secret 'Operation James Bond' mission that took place in April 1945, just before the end of World War Two, to snatch Hitler's treasurer, Martin Bormann, from under the noses of the Russians for the use of the underground Fourth Reich?
The COPP commandos that took part in that top secret MI6 mission were told they were extracting Bormann, codename 'Piglet', so that the Nazis looted billions could be redistributed and returned to its rightful owners across Europe, but that was Churchill's man of mystery Desmond Morton's big lie. A body double who'd had dental surgery, of Bormann was taken on the mission and once Bormann had been identified and rescued the double was killed and left behind as 'Bormann's body.
Only Morton, Ian Fleming, King George VI and Winston Churchill knew the real plan was to get Bormann out of Berlin, via Britain, to South America where he could safely begin the bureaucratic job of creating 750 or so new corporations around the world into which the laundered billions could be injected and former SS supporters in suits would be placed on the various boards.

This is detailed in two books which I respectfully ask you to read and distribute

1. 'Op JB, the last great secret of world war two' by Christopher Crieghton (John Aisworth Davis was using a pen name still nervouis about the official secrets act)
2. 'Martin Bormann Nazi in Exile' by wartime CBS news correspondent Paul Manning.

Jill met John Ainsworth-Davis - aka. Christopher Creighton, author of 'Op JB, the Last Great Secret of World War Two', who told her that Harold would have been upset that they were lied to about secret missions they were sent on at the end of the war.

So how and why did Harold die and why has his memory been expunged from history? Anyone that knew Commander Harold Goulding, R.N. D.S.O. please contact his grand-daughter Jill at http://www.copsewoodhouse.co.uk

See also http://www.commandoveterans.org/

Commander Harold Wilkinson Goulding DSO RNR is in the white shirt (identified by his grandaughter Jill Goulding. Photo courtesy of Chris Rooney, son of Major Oswald 'Micky' Rooney . No.12 Commando.

Special Boat Unit (SBU) in the online records at Kew: http://yourarchives.nationalarchives....

It seems that they at least in part oversaw the operations of the Small Operations Group (SOG) that was based at Hammenheil Camp in Sri Lanka (SEAC = South East Asia Command). The COPP teams that operated in SEAC were part of SOG.

His time at HMS Northney would also have tied in with COPP, although maybe not directly. Northney was used for landing craft training, and part of COPP's role was to help guide in the landing craft on the day of an invasion. Having spoken with a landing craft veteran who lives on Hayling Island, although they were separate units and didn't operate together, they were aware of each other's existence, and at a more senior level maybe there were some links between the units.

Edit to clarify: There were actually multiple Northney camps on Hayling Island, and COPP came under Northney III, although that was more for administrative purposes than in terms of location. I'm sure his role at Northney (for all four camps?) would have brought him into direct contact with COPP and assisted them with their training.

I am the grandaughter of Commander Harold Wilkinson Goulding DSO RNR who died in 1945.

Many years ago my father tried to find out information, but while he was alive it was all still confidential. So there is very little we know.

I do have a letter written and signed by Major General Robert Laycock,

Stating ? he carried out more landings on enemy coast than any other officer of any Service ? also various commando raids and distinguished himself on many occasions. and that he was a great friend of mine.

Signed by Major General Sir Robert Edward Laycock KCMG, CB, DSO, KStJ Combined Operations Headquarters.

I also have a letter

24th October 1944
Authority to carry by air to Italy top secret papers
Signed by Major General Sir Robert Edward Laycock KCMG, CB, DSO, KStJ Combined Operations Headquarters.

I have various badges, one is V Force no 5, RN COMMANDO emblem, and a cap badge which I just cannot trace at-all. It is a blue flag with gold edging, a round circle which has a white background and what appears to be a red dagger with a snake twirled up it, plus what looks like some letters at the bottom.

I know he was involved with COPPS and during the war he was sent down to live on Hayling Island (where our family still lives). A map given to Lord Mountbatten on a visit here during the war, details where my grandfather lived.

I know he was the Senior Landing Officer for Dieppe (Blue beach).

Please can you assist me by informing me of any information you may have and/or point me in the right direction.

I am still trying to find anything that would be of use, I don't even know his i.d. number.

In the very near future there is a memorial going to be erected on Hayling Island Seafront for COPPS and it would be great if we could get some relevant information together before then.

I also have many interesting files which were Grandpa's such as original drawings of the Dorie boats (with hand scetches in pensil and ink drawings) should you wish to see them.

I thank you very much for your time in reading this and hope that you will be able to help even if it is in some small way.

Jill Goulding, www.copsewoodhouse.co.uk

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'Suppression of truth, human spirit and the holy chord of justice never works long-term. Something the suppressors never get.' David Southwell
Martin Van Creveld: Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: "Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother."
Martin Van Creveld: I'll quote Henry Kissinger: "In campaigns like this the antiterror forces lose, because they don't win, and the rebels win by not losing."
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 12, 2016 11:53 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Here's the US intelligence report on the Red House Meeting
http://www.cuttingthroughthematrix.com/articles/Intelligence_Report_EW -Pa_128.html

US Military Intelligence report EW-Pa 128

Enclosure No. 1 to despatch No. 19,489 of Nov. 27, 1944, from
the Embassy at London, England.

Office of Assistant Chief of Staff, G-2
7 November 1944

SUBJECT: Plans of German industrialists to engage in underground activity after Germany’s defeat; flow of capital to neutral countries.

SOURCE: Agent of French Deuxieme Bureau, recommended
by Commandant Zindel. This agent is regarded as
reliable and has worked for the French on German
problems since 1916. He was in close contact with
the Germans, particularly industrialists, during
the occupation of France and he visited Germany
as late as August, 1944.

1. A meeting of the principal German industrialists with
interests in France was held on August 10, 1944, in the Hotel
Rotes Haus in Strasbourg, France, and attended by the informant
indicated above as the source. Among those present
were the following:
Dr. Scheid, who presided, holding the rank of S.S.
and Director of the Heche
(Hermandorff & Schonburg) Company
Dr. Kaspar, representing Krupp
Dr. Tolle, representing Rochling
Dr. Sinderen, representing Messerschmitt
Drs. Kopp, Vier and Beerwanger, representing
Captain Haberkorn and Dr. Ruhe, representing Bussing
Drs. Ellenmayer and Kardos, representing
Engineers Drose, Yanchew and Koppshem, representing
various factories in Posen, Poland (Drose, Yanchew
and Co., Brown-Boveri, Herkuleswerke, Buschwerke,
and Stadtwerke)
Captain Dornbuach, head of the Industrial Inspection
Section at Posen
Dr. Meyer, an official of the German Naval Ministry in
Dr. Strossner, of the Ministry of Armament, Paris.

2. Dr. Scheid stated that all industrial material in France
was to be evacuated to Germany immediately. The battle of
France was lost for Germany and now the defense of the
Siegried Line was the main problem. From now on also
German industry must realize that the war cannot be won
and that it must take steps in preparation for a post-war commercial
campaign. Each industrialist must make contacts and
alliances with foreign firms, but this must be done individually
and without attracting any suspicion. Moreover, the ground
would have to be laid on the financial level for borrowing considerable
sums from foreign countries after the war. As examples
of the kind of penetration which had been most useful in
the past, Dr. Scheid cited the fact that patents for stainless
steel belonged to the Chemical Foundation, Inc., New York,
and the Krupp company of Germany jointly and that the U.S.
Steel Corporation, Carnegie Illinois, American Steel and Wire,
and national Tube, etc. were thereby under an obligation to
work with the Krupp concern. He also cited the Zeiss
Company, the Leisa Company and the Hamburg-American
Line as firms which had been especially effective in protecting
German interests abroad and gave their New York addresses
to the industrialists at this meeting.

3. Following this meeting a smaller one was held presided
over by Dr. Bosse of the German Armaments Ministry and
attended only by representatives of Hecho, Krupp and
Rochling. At this second meeting it was stated that the Nazi
Party had informed the industrialists that the war was practically
lost but that it would continue until a guarantee of the
unity of Germany could be obtained. German industrialists
must, it was said, through their exports increase the strength
of Germany. They must also prepare themselves to finance
the Nazi Party which would be forced to go underground as
Maquis (in Gebirgaverteidigungastellen
gehen). From now on
the government would allocate large sums to industrialists so
that each could establish a secure post-war foundation in foreign
countries. Existing financial reserves in foreign countries
must be placed at the disposal of the Party so that a
strong German Empire can be created after the defeat. It is
also immediately required that the large factories in Germany
create small technical offices or research bureaus which
would be absolutely independent and have no known connection
with the factory. These bureaus will receive plans and
drawings of new weapons as well as documents which they
need to continue their research and which must not be
allowed to fall into the hands of the enemy. These offices are
to be established in large cities where they can be most successfully
hidden as well as in little villages near sources of
hydro-electric power where they can pretend to be studying
the development of water resources. The existence of these is
to be known only by very few people in each industry and by
chiefs of the Nazi Party. Each office will have a liaison agent
with the Party. As soon as the Party becomes strong enough
to re-establish its control over Germany the industrialists will
be paid for their effort and cooperation by concessions and

4. These meetings seem to indicate that the prohibition
against the export of capital which was rigorously enforced
until now has been completely withdrawn and replaced by a
new Nazi policy whereby industrialists with government
assistance will export as much of their capital as possible.
Previously exports of capital by German industrialists to
neutral countries had to be accomplished rather surreptitiously
and by means of special influence. Now the Nazi
party stands behind the industrialists and urges them to save
themselves by getting funds outside Germany and at the same
time to advance the party’s plans for its post-war operation.
This freedom given to the industrialists further cements their
relations with the Party by giving them a measure of

5. The German industrialists are not only buying agricultural
property in Germany but are placing their funds abroad,
particularly in neutral countries. Two main banks through
which this export of capital operates are the Basler Handelsbank
and the Schweizerische Kreditanstalt of Zurich. Also
there are a number of agencies in Switzerland which for a
5 percent commission buy property in Switzerland, using a
Swiss cloak.

6. After the defeat of Germany the Nazi Party recognizes
that certain of its best known leaders will be condemned as
war criminals. However, in cooperation with the industrialists
it is arranging to place its less conspicuous but most important
members in positions with various German factories as
technical experts or members of its research and designing

For the A.C. of S., G-2.
G-2, Economic Section
Prepared by
Same as EW-Pa 1,
U.S. Political Adviser, SHAEF
British Political Adviser, SHAEF

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2016 6:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

In our discussions of the Bormann capital network, the program notes that the network has long made a point of utiliz­ing Jews. (A synoptic overview of the Bormann network can be found in the description for FTR #305.)

Using Jews as primary operatives has a number of advantages: it provides an excellent cover for a Nazi money-laundering operation; the capital derived for the state of Israel helps to assure connivance and silence on the part of the Israeli authori­ties with regard to the existence of the Bormann network and the Underground Reich; people can point to the great wealth of Bormann Jews and blame economic distress on them, similar to the Internet chatter generated by the collapse of Bernard Madoff’s Ponzi scheme.

http://spitfirelist.com/news/bormann-jews-in-ukraine-and-israel-gold-w arriors-bubie/

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Sat May 28, 2016 7:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks for the info Tony.
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PostPosted: Sun May 29, 2016 10:57 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

"Early 1942 brought serious difficulties with the German Navy’s introduction of a more complex Enigma cipher. But by the end of 1942 they had mastered it as well."
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PostPosted: Mon May 30, 2016 9:20 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

http://henrymakow.com/2015/09/Zionists-Participate-in-Bormann-Nazi-Fin ancial-Empire.html
Jews Active in Post-War Nazi Financial Empire

September 2, 2015

Paul Manning's 1981 book is more evidence that Nazi Germany was funded and controlled at the top by Illuminati Jewish bankers. Hitler and Bormann were Illuminati agents. In this excerpt, Paul Manning, an establishment journalist who stumbled on the truth, says that Illuminati Jews play a major role in Martin Bormann's financial empire that is the backbone of post war Germany. Sabbatean-Frankists (Illuminati) were responsible for the holocaust, and the Nazis were false opposition.

"So much emphasis is placed on select Jewish participation in Bormann companies that when Adolf Eichmann was seized and taken to Tel Aviv to stand trial, it produced a shock wave in the Jewish and German communities of Buenos Aires. "

by Paul Manning
(Excerpt by henrymakow.com)

With the war years far behind him, Martin Bormann goes on and on, quietly making history in worldwide financial circles. He was eighty on June 17, 1980, and his chief of security, Heinrich Mueller, was seventy-nine the same year.

Bormann today may be likened to the classic chairman of the board of a vast international business complex, of an organization holding greater assets than any private investment house on Wall Street. Bormann, aged though he is, continues to guide the destiny of his financial empire. But he is sufficiently prudent and foresighted to realize that the assets he controls must be placed in younger hands, and today the leadership council of the senior NSDAP (Nazi) group is reflected in a younger generation, comprising professional managers, lawyers, and financiers, who are calling the shots as money and trade are moved among the markets of the Americas and Europe.

Their organization holds the bearer bonds that give him a voice in banks and industries of Germany, and likewise they hold blue chip stocks in U.S. heavy industries and chemical companies. They are represented too on the boards of corporations in France, Belgium, Holland, Sweden, Luxembourg, and Switzerland, as well as in a myriad of other countries, including those in their bastion, Latin America. Their management is one of the best and the companies they operate return a profit to everyone involved, from the West German government in corporate taxes and increased trade, to the share- holders of all companies that participated so long ago in Reichsleiter Bormann's flight capital program.


Since the founding of Israel, the Federal Republic of Germany had paid out 85.3 billion marks, by the end of 1977, to survivors of the Holocaust. East Germany ignores any such liability. From South America, where payment must be made with subtlety, the Bormann organization has made a substantial contribution.

It has drawn many of the brightest Jewish businessmen into a participatory role in the development of many of its corporations, and many of these Jews share their prosperity most generously with Israel. If their proposals are sound, they are even provided with a specially dispensed venture capital fund.

I spoke with one Jewish businessmen in Hartford, Connecticut. He had arrived there quite unknown several years before our conversation, but with Bormann money as his leverage. Today he is more than a millionaire, a quiet leader in the community with a certain share of his profits earmarked as always for his venture capital benefactors. This has taken place in many other instances across America and demonstrates how Bormann's people operate in the contemporary commercial world, in contrast to the fanciful nonsense with which Nazis are described in so much "literature."

So much emphasis is placed on select Jewish participation in Bormann companies that when Adolf Eichmann was seized and taken to Tel Aviv to stand trial, it produced a shock wave in the Jewish and German communities of Buenos Aires. Jewish leaders informed the Israeli authorities in no uncertain terms that this must never happen again because a repetition would permanently rupture relations with the Germans of Latin America, as well as with the Bormann organization, and cut off the flow of Jewish money to Israel.

It never happened again, and the pursuit of Bormann quieted down at the request of these Jewish leaders. He is residing in an Argentinian safe haven, protected by the most efficient German infrastructure in history as well as by all those whose prosperity depends on his well-being. Personal invitation is the only way to reach him.

The Bormann organization has the ultimate in clout and substance, and no one can tamper with it. I have been told: "You cannot push these people; if you do it can be extremely risky." Knowing their heritage, I take this statement at face value. (pp. 225-228)

Bormann is as protected from seizure as the money and investments he guards, for those he has benefited are grateful. Simon Wiesenthal, the famed hunter of Nazis, found this out when traveling to Buenos Aires in search of Bormann. He was told in no uncertain terms by the Jewish leadership there to cease stirring up trouble, and to leave the country, which he did. On a directive from Bormann, Jewish and gentile bankers and businessmen alike are represented in the management of German-Argentinian firms, as well as in other West German corporations in Brazil, Chile, Bolivia, Paraguay, Ecuador, and Mexico. (p.284-85)


-----------Did Illuminati Jews Help Plan Holocaust?
----------------Bormann Ran Hitler for the Illuminati
---------------- Proof Bormann Was illuminati Agent
------------- Hitler & Bormann Were Traitors

The Sabbatean-Frankist Nazi Empire after WW2
http://henrymakow.com/2015/09/The%20Sabbatean-Frankist-Nazi-Empire.htm l

Poland's overlooked Enigma codebreakers
By Gordon Corera BBC News, Warsaw
5 July 2014

The first breakthrough in the battle to crack Nazi Germany's Enigma code was made not in Bletchley Park but in Warsaw. The debt owed by British wartime codebreakers to their Polish colleagues was acknowledged this week at a quiet gathering of spy chiefs.

On the outskirts of Warsaw, some of the most senior spy bosses from Poland, France and Britain gathered this week in a nondescript but well-guarded building used by the Polish secret services. Their coming together was a way of marking the anniversary of a moment three-quarters of a century earlier when their predecessors held a meeting in Warsaw that played a crucial role in the victory over Hitler in World War Two.

Seventy-five years ago, two British intelligence officers - Alastair Denniston and Dilly Knox - had got off a train at Warsaw's central station. The two Britons were veterans of the Government Code and Cypher School, which would move to Bletchley Park as the war began.

Europe was on the eve of war. Denniston had decided he wanted to see Germany for one last time before the conflict began and so they had made their way via Berlin. If the Germans had known who he was, and the reasons for his trip, they may not have been so forthcoming with their visa. He was travelling to Poland to try to discover the secret of how to break the Enigma machine that Germany used to encode military communications.

Polish codebreakers 'cracked Enigma before Alan Turing'
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/2016/03/15/polish-codebreakers-crac ked-enigma-before-alan-turing/
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 04, 2016 12:35 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

WW1 and WW2 was about gaining control of the chemistry industry, from there you can sell up and move into the publishing sector and gain control of the education system.

The chemistry industry basically runs everything we use, wear, eat etc today.

Back in the day it was all in German. The Austro Hungarian empire went, the French Empire went and ourselves, we ended up in extreme debt to the US. So all the empires went. Japan got oil from the US to go whacking up China.

It's basically a game of chess between the French, German, Italian, British and American establishment and it would be the 1%ers who actually sat back from afar, and gathered up all the scientists to go make nuclear bombs.

God knows what sort of intellectual property the US took control of,
because no war with bombs works without shed loads of oil.

What were we doing? Handing over things like Penicillin to the US and weirdly enough Ian Fleming's brother Peter, although not related, spent some time living in the same apartment block as Alexander Fleming.

Penicillin would be another push to get the US involved.

Getting hold of Enigma would basically be like what we have today as publicised by Ed Snowden. A direct line to everyone's phone line, like Angela Merkell's being hacked by GCHQ or the NSA.

GCHQ for example, happen to hold the BBC archive.

I think we were carpet bombing Europe so we could supply cement to rebuild. That money gets set aside and the company is sold. I guess then it made sense to move int the publishing sector and gain influence over education.

It's like Dodgy Dave's tax affairs. Basically he and some pals took over an offshore account. Folks who owned it before moved into massive positions of influence in the fintech sector. Dave takes over, then they sell it, but who too? Folks promoting Social Enterprise.

We get austerity and zero hour contracts, people lose pensions, people get categorized in exactly the same way the Nazis were doing so, just without the absolute license to kill given by the likes of the Waffen SS.
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 16, 2016 7:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

How Hitler Lost The War



'Suppression of truth, human spirit and the holy chord of justice never works long-term. Something the suppressors never get.' David Southwell
Martin Van Creveld: Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: "Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother."
Martin Van Creveld: I'll quote Henry Kissinger: "In campaigns like this the antiterror forces lose, because they don't win, and the rebels win by not losing."
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 24, 2016 12:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yanis Varoufakis: 'The cartel running Europe's disintegrating economy is making it up as they go along'
Harry Lambert The Independent, UK
Tue, 09 Feb 2016 22:19 UTCMap
https://www.sott.net/article/311907-Yanis-Varoufakis-The-cartel-runnin g-Europes-disintegrating-economy-is-making-it-up-as-they-go-along
Varoufakis says EU policy 'has been like giving cortisone shots to a cancer patient'
Former Greek finance minister says Europe is disintegrating, run by a cartel and in dire need of reform.

Europe is sliding into "a modern 1930s" and authorities are "making it up as they go along", Yanis Varoufakis has warned as he launches a new movement which he says will "democratise" the continent.

Speaking to The Independent as he outlined his vision of the DiEM25 (Democracy in Europe Movement 2025) project, the self-described "erratic Marxist" says he wants to remove power from an unaccountable, authoritarian elite and distribute it fairly to the continent's citizens.

Seven months after resigning as Greek finance minister, Mr Varoufakis outlined the "terrible" similarities between Europe now and the continent 80 years ago as it hurtled towards war.

"We don't have Nazis doing Kristallnacht in Berlin. [But] We have Nazis in Greece doing something similar in a suburb of Greece, where they are attacking in the middle of the night the shops and houses of migrants."

"There are big differences, but from the perspective of an economist we have terrible similarities."

Along with the rise of far-right parties across Europe, Varoufakis points to the high level of unemployment throughout the eurozone as a significant cause of the tensions that exist.

It is still at crisis levels, and is twice as high as in the US and the UK - who are now reaching what economists consider 'full employment'.

"If unemployment was still 10-11 per cent in the UK or the US, the administration would have collapsed," Varoufakis says. "But in Europe we have no democratic process!"

Comment: Unemployment is actually far higher in the US and UK, but the Anglo-Americans redefined 'unemployment' so that the vast majority of the unemployed are not included in their statistics.

In Varoufakis' mind, Europe is run by an elite that is more unaccountable than ever. The European Parliament is a toothless body, "a parliament in name only, a parliament that cannot legislate. It's the only parliament ever that can't."

Major political decisions, like how to deal with debt or respond to financial crises, have been handed over to the Eurogroup (the 19 finance ministers whose countries use the euro) and the European Central Bank, the supposedly apolitical body that controls interest rates across these countries.

Neither, he says, are properly scrutinised.

After spending five fraught months in negotiations over a financial bailout for Greece that, at its worst, threatened to bring down the euro, Varoufakis has now morphed into a whistle-blower, revealing what he says are the massive failings of the political process behind closed doors.

Comment: Varoufakis has arguably been a whistle-blower all along: he was saying the same things back in 2010. The 'miracle' is that he temporarily had a far bigger platform from which to tell it like it is.

He claims the role of national governments has become "extremely limited" and anyone that dares to criticise this "sinister process" is quickly smeared.

"As soon as you criticise, you are immediately cast out as anti-European," he argues, while politicians who turned a blind eye towards this process were "mightily rewarded", both with election funds and favourable treatment in the press.

Democracy in Europe

It is these beliefs that have provided the impetus to his new project, DiEM25.

His belief is that democrats in the 1930s should have tried to create a pan-European movement that crossed country borders and political parties. Given that he sees the seeds of the 1930s in today's Europe, that's what he's going to try and do.

Without changes, Varoufakis believes the eurozone is "doomed".

"When the European Central Bank, which is based in Frankfurt, is incredibly unpopular in Germany; when Greece is a basket case; when France is finding it impossible to contain its budget while also containing unemployment... this is a European economy that's disintegrating."

He is adamant that DiEM25 must be more than "just a think-tank and... an internet community" but he thinks the movement can be largely leaderless.

He'll inevitably be its figurehead, but won't be its chief, and there will be no official 'steering committee' or centralised body organising how it works.

So which comes first - a mass of motivated people or the figures that lead them?

"It's true the anti-slavery movement had to have leaders, but at the same time it was founded on the moral indignation of common folks, who created circumstances for leaders to spring up."

It was the same with the civil rights movement, he suggests. Malcolm X and Dr King "came after lots of anonymous people created a movement first."

He hopes the "conversations" that come out of DiEM25, both online and through events like Tuesday's launch in Berlin's Volksbüene Theater, will eventually lead to a "basic consensus" on how to bring more democracy to the way Europe is run. Then they can fight elections.

DiEM25's first steps towards transparency will be to demand that the Eurogroup allows cameras behind its closed doors and keeps minutes of its meetings.

Varoufakis thinks his struggle to strike a new deal for Greece last year would have been far easier if meetings had been filmed.

He relays how the German finance minister, Wolfgang Schauble, knew that the deal being offered to Greece was unpalatable - and admitted to Varoufakis he wouldn't have been able to push such a deal through the Bundestag if they were in each other's shoes.

It "would have changed the narrative completely" if that conversation had been on camera, Varoufakis says.

But who has the power to grant these wishes?

"Well, it's an interesting question isn't it? The fact that we don't have that answer is part of the problem!" Ultimately he thinks these concessions will only come once "there is outrage surging through Europe."

Comment: Unfortunately, the elite are one step ahead of him: they have set things up so that the outrage is being redirected from outrage at the elite to outrage at Muslims/refugees.

The Athenian Spring

The anger, he says, lies dormant across Europe at the moment.

The 450,000 Greeks who gathered in Syntagma Square before last summer's referendum are ready to rally again, but momentum must be created across Europe before "reigniting that flame".

To his fiercest critics, Varoufakis is a dissembler who conjures up conversations, played poker with the Greek economy and crippled 'trust' among its creditors.

To supporters, the account he offers is not just convincing but an invaluable source on the way power in Europe works in practice. And Varoufakis' entire argument is that the elite running Europe crushes all critics, just as trial lawyers try to discredit witnesses.

The cartel running Europe

He rose to prominence crossing so-called 'big finance' and 'big industry', the "unholy cartel" he argues is the "main driver of EU policy."

As we talk, Varoufakis offers another historical analogy. Aside from the 1930s, Europe could be thought of as being in 1981, and its Berlin Wall is going to come down before the end of the decade.

He says the ECB can't keep propping this "cartel" by printing money through quantitative easing, saying: "Draghi is going to hit his limitations very soon. He knows it. He's in a state of acute anxiety."

Italy, whose debt is held by all the major European banks, can't sustain itself, he believes.

"Renzi knows this, that's why he's kicking and screaming," he says.

"Everything that's been done has been like giving cortisone shots to a cancer patient. You've stabilised the patients, you've improved their vital signs, and they look a bit perkier... but the cancer is eating away."

"The authorities don't know what they're doing. They're making it up as they go along, just like in the 1920s and 1930s. When Hindenburg gave power to Hitler, he thought he could control him. There can't be a containment now either."

For those to whom 25 per cent unemployment in Greece and periodic debt crises are nothing more than the natural vicissitudes of capitalism, Varoufakis' account is yet to be proven.

He says he hopes his fears don't actually come to pass. That's the point of DiEM25 - to help change the course of Europe.

But while he confesses DiEM25 is "utopian", he thinks it "a lot more realistic than trying to maintain the system as it is".

Or, he adds, "...trying to leave."

He doubts Britain can escape the clutches of the next Eurozone crisis, or leave in this summer's likely referendum and still have access to the single market.

Whether you're Greek or British, escape is, he says, impossible. Reform across Europe is the only option.

After the crushing of last summer's 'Athens Spring', he confesses people in Greece are disheartened.

"Their quasi-depression is leading them to privatise their anxieties and fears and stay at home and watch reality television," he laments.

Yet while the omens may not be good, Varoufakis is going to try.

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 20, 2016 2:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

09.11.2016 Author: Phil Butler
American Dream Metamorphosis: The Fourth Fascist Reich Plan
Column: Society Region: USA in the World
http://journal-neo.org/2016/11/09/american-dream-metamorphosis-the-fou rth-fascist-reich-plan/

The report you are about to read may leave you disquieted. Some of you may doubt the discoveries herein too, at least for a spell. However puzzled you may have been over current world events though, by the time you are finished reading, you’ll certainly be able to fit the pieces of our broken world back together. The New Cold War you are witnessing is that “worst case scenario” for humanity you read in some horrid Sci-Fi account. The people left in charge of North America, Europe, and in other parts, they’ve set Armageddon in motion. Read on, if you dare.

When my colleague, Dutch geo-policy analyst Holger Eekhof strode into the office with a fist full of documents in his hands last week, there was no way of knowing he’d uncovered a Fourth Nazi Reich. So you know, if I had read any such suggestion four years ago, I certainly would have clicked off the page. So I won’t blame you if you do so now. The term “Nazi” is too often used to denote a guttural evil, but never more appropriately than right here. Allow me to get you up to speed, and then we can depart for humanity’s worst ever nightmare.

A Right Revision of Familiar History

When Adolf Hitler was elevated into power in Germany in the 1930s, the world’s industrialists were doing the hoisting onto humanity’s shoulders. British, German, and American companies divvied up trillions by today’s standards, in order to help create the most devastating war machine the world has ever known. Ford, GE, I.G. Farben (Bayer), Thyssen, the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, and an elite list of European benefactors were irrefutable supporters of the early Nazi Reich. This lengthy report outlines a few of today’s most profitable companies that funded the most efficient killers in history. These facts are actually old news, but need reemphasis here for one reason. The funding continues.

In order to grasp the magnitude of today’s situation, one needs to imagine what the goals of Hitler’s Third Reich were. Furthermore, knowing what we do of Britain’s and America’s role during and after World War II, it will help the reader to imagine who might have been behind the real Third Reich, and with what strategy. This is a very deep inquiry, so let me simplify. What if the real perpetrators of Nazi horrors were not German or Austrian? How could, American and British interests best be served in such a horrid war? Given the outcomes it seems safe to calculate Germany was probably used as a surrogate in order to achieve the North Atlantic Alliance, for instance. After all, which corporate or elitist elements disappeared at the end of WW II? The answer there is obvious, so let’s move on.

The documents my colleague brought to our offices were from the European Parliament and innocuously titled; “EU strategic communications With a view to counteracting propaganda”. At first glance my thoughts were; “What’s so different here, NATO has been talking about anti-Russian cyber-warfare for months?” Reading the proposals though, I began to understand Eekhof’s vehemence. “We need to let people know now”, he told me. At which point I hurriedly drafted this piece for New Easter Outlook. Noting the alarm from Sputnik and RT about this time, it seemed the matter had been appropriately covered for that moment, until Mr. Eekhof called on an important point I had missed, the document’s reference to Orthodox Christianity. About three days after having delivered me the documents, Eekhof visited an old friend, a powerful former CDU leader from Trier, to ask him about Merkel’s party’s policies on this religious aspect. What the man told Eekhof turned my colleague’s world upside down. A devout supporter of Angela Merkel, Eekhof wanted the official take on the CDU’s part in framing Orthodoxy. The answer he got stunned the Dutchman. “If you do not agree with CDU policies, then perhaps you should leave the party”, the former official told him. Later, on contacting the CDU for an official statement, officers there passed the buck and diverted. The staggering implication remains though. A draft resolution before the EU Parliament is a doctrine for condemning and ultimately subverting Orthodoxy. Forget allegations RT and the other Russian networks are worse propagandists than western media, at least for the moment. This language mirrors the diabolical theories and practice of Hitler himself. This excerpt from his “Mein Kampf” is expressive:

“Propaganda must not investigate the truth objectively and, in so far as it is favorable to the other side, present it according to the theoretical rules of justice; yet it must present only that aspect of the truth which is favorable to its own side. (…) The receptive powers of the masses are very restricted, and their understanding is feeble. On the other hand, they quickly forget. Such being the case, all effective propaganda must be confined to a few bare essentials and those must be expressed as far as possible in stereotyped formulas. These slogans should be persistently repeated until the very last individual has come to grasp the idea that has been put forward. (…) Every change that is made in the subject of a propagandist message must always emphasize the same conclusion. The leading slogan must of course be illustrated in many ways and from several angles, but in the end one must always return to the assertion of the same formula.”

The 4th Reich’s Propaganda Ministry

Given this we end up with: Russia Today, Sputnik, RIA Novosti, and the Orthodox Church itself being complicit and the enemy of Europe. There is no other way of expressing what Brussels is now undertaking. This brings us to the revelation Germany and the other EU nations are essentially led by a familiar club. This brings us to comparisons of the Nazi newspaper Völkischer Beobachter, with modern equivalents owned by familiar companies. We need to remember what Hitler and his propaganda machine did just before invading Poland. I quote the fearsome Nazi again:

“I will provide a propagandistic casus belli (war provocation). Its credibility doesn’t matter. The victor will not be asked whether he told the truth.”

Most people in the so-called “west” now understand their media is bought and paid for. As for what to do about it, this remains the quandary, after all there is nowhere else to tune in to. I’ve made note of American and British corporate interests taking over the news, as have a hundred other independent journalists. Google forking over millions to “promote the message” in Europe, the western oligarchs like Rupert Murdoch owning the press, and even straight governmental control are visible harbingers today. As rife with Machiavellian intent as all this is, something we discovered this week shocked this American writer. When Holger Eekhof handed over a printout of an Axel Springer document, I could not believe my eyes. Something he said “every German knows”, is absolutely unknown to 99 percent of Americans. According to the Axel Springer’s policies, journalists there sign on the dotted line, as follows. A journalist is obliged to follow the points:
To protect the interests of Germany and the European Union;
To not put the interests of the Germans above the interests of the Jews and to cover news from Israel;
To support NATO publications, and the values of the United States in general;
To condemn totalitarianism;
To protect free market trade.

This is a staggering realization. In Britain or America editorial control is enacted in unwritten but understood terms. In Germany though, the land where everything is written down in triplicate, news and opinion are contractually controlled. Freedom of the press is dead and buried, just as if Hitler himself had decreed it on his deathbed. When I asked Eekhof, if the even larger German media company Bertelsmann has a similar “contract”, the Dutchman simply said; “Why would the need one?” When I quizzed him further the reality sunk in. Anybody who is dependent on a media organization like the massive Bertelsmann literally has nowhere else to go if shunned. Most Americans have no idea this German conglomerate owns; Penguin Random House is the world’s largest book publishing company, BMG Music, let alone equity positions over 100 startup companies across the digital landscape. Even fewer people realize people like Heinrich Mohn, whose family still maintains control on the boards of Bertelsmann, was a prominent Schutzstaffel SS, and who inserted the company into the war effort like no other. It was Bertelsmann used Jewish slave labor at printing plants in Lithuania in order to supply Hitler’s Wehrmacht with literature.

Genesis of Social Darwinism

At this point it is critical that the reader recall, that after the Nazi seizure of power in 1933, Hitler established a Reich Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda headed by Joseph Goebbels. The Ministry’s aim was to ensure that the Nazi message was successfully communicated through art, music, theater, films, books, radio, educational materials, and the press. This brings us to the current state of western democracies, and to an obscure US Military Intelligence report designated EW-Pa 128. As unbelievable as it may seem, this three page report sent sent by diplomatic pouch to Cordell Hull, the US Secretary of State in World War II, detailed how the German industrialists planned to create a “Fourth Reich” from underground, from the ashes of Hitler’s failed empire. The Third Reich was defeated militarily at the end of the war, but powerful Nazi-era bankers, industrialists and civil servants, reborn as democrats, soon prospered in the new West Germany. Their later work resulted in a Europe of economic and political integration we see today, but the Red House Report, as EW-Pa 128 is sometimes referred to, spoke of partnerships with American and other international business interests. This story on Mail Online details more how these industrialists diverted funds and influence westward until such time as Germany could rise predominant economically over the rest of Europe. This document fits nicely into a puzzle of international détente we now see toppling governments and establishing at least, a new world order of economics. Today the conspiracy theories we were enthralled by, but scoffed at later, appear truer than the “truth” broadcast to us. I remember reading some years back how the Soviets has assign KGB Major L. Besymenski in the late 1960s to probe the “death or escape” of one of the most notorious Nazis, one Martin Bormann. His conclusive report suggested Hitler’s organizational and economic henchman fled successfully to South America, rather than perishing in some Berlin ditch. Whether or not Bormann fled to Argentina or not, the flow of capital to the US, Switzerland and Latin America was voluminous. I have little space left to describe in Part I how this notorious Nazi helped fund a Fourth Reich, suffice it to say the famous Nazi hunter Simon Wiesenthal stated; “the last credible information confirms Bormann’s presence near the village of Ibiruba, near the Paraguayan border in the Brazilian province of Rio Grande do Sul.” This chapter in world history is a deep well of hidden machinations the likes of which the planet has never seen until today. On Bormann and the “industrialists”, I leave you with a quotation from the book, “Trading with the Enemy – The Nazi – American Money Plot 1933-1949″ by Charles Higham:

“Hermann Schmitz of I.G. Farben, entertaining him frequently for lunch at the Cloud Room in the Chrysler Building, Teagle’s favorite Manhattan haunt of the late 1920s and the 1930s. Teagle also was friendly with the pro-Nazi Sir Henri Deterding of Royal Dutch-Shell, who agreed with his views about capitalist domination of Europe and the ultimate need to destroy Russia.”

It was Schmitz who vested his wealth in Rockefeller’s Standard Oil, equaling the American industrialist’s stake in the company at one point. In this fact, and in this relationship, we find the key to deciphering today’s ongoing economic and societal chaos. Whether or not Nazis like Bormann escaped Hitler’s bunker in 1945, it is a certainty the economic and idealistic goals of National Socialism survived and thrived, not only in Germany, but especially in the United States. The influence of investment, and of key Nazi leadership as well as the economic structures of Nazism can be easily seen in the ultra-liberalism in America today. Furthermore, the idea of “Social Darwinism”, or the elevation of “superior” ideas and individuals, it permeates the American social psyche. For all the talk of equality in my country, the reality is a society of conformation to these “Fourth Reich” concepts. In my forthcoming articles I will discuss the people and systems which fostered this state of affairs, but for now it is important to grasp the notion Nazi Germany was really a worldwide (globalization) in the first place.

Looking at the United States, Britain and the EU today, it’s easy to see western industrialists like George Soros, and various NGOs like his Open Society Foundations and others, have for years been bending societies in Eastern Europe and around the world, in order to extend the hegemony (Reich). Organizations like the International Crisis Group and myriad political (Neo-cons), financial (IMF), educational (Free Exchange Campus), and media institutions (NewsCorp) form a basic institution of the new fascism. As we saw with the Obama administration’s Wall Street bailout, profit is private, while the burden of financial loss is as was described by the Italian anti-fascist politician Gaetano Salvemini in the 1930s. This key figure in the ideological class struggle of humanity, has been virtually forgotten. However, his so-called “Third Way” theories and ideas have resurfaced (so ironically) from the re-emergence of Russia, and from the administration of one Vladimir Putin. Salvemini advocated a third way for government and society in between Communists and Christian Democracy for post-war Italy, now Putin is the champion for modern Russia. This sets the stage for today’s west-east conflict. The drama is an old one though.

In a forthcoming article I will discuss in more detail where this Fourth Reich has led us. Through analysis of documents, such as the ones associated with the German term Neuordnung, or “New Order,” the framework of this Fourth Reich, the importance of Germany’s place in it, and how neo-fascism is working to first deconstruct, then reconstruct societies in the US and elsewhere.

Phil Butler, is a policy investigator and analyst, a political scientist and expert on Eastern Europe, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.

E-mail: info@journal-neo.org
Electronic analytical journal New Eastern Outlook 2010-2016
Republishing of the articles is welcomed with reference to NEO.
The views of the authors do not necessarily coincide with the opinion of the editorial board.

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 10, 2016 2:02 pm    Post subject: Martin Bormann revelations of November 1972 Reply with quote

Daily Express
Martin Bormann Alive
Saturday November 25th 1972
Ladislas Farago and Stewart Steven

LONDON Martin Bormann, Hitler's deputy and once one of the most powerful and feared man in Nazi Germany, is today living as a prosperous businessman in Latin America. All speculation concerning his fate can at last be swept aside following an astonishing, dramatic and sometimes dangerous nine months search through six South - American countries for Bormann, the world's most wanted and most elusive man. Today, it can be revealed that the search in which I took part turned up incontrovertible evidence that far from having died during his frantic escape from Hitler's bunker, Bormann succeeded in reaching safe haven thanks to the protection of the Vatican, former Argentine President Juan Peron and some of the most powerful politicians and financiers in South America.
Bormann's safety was lain in the fact that no one has been...

...of Berlin alive after the war. Some experts are satisfied that he died, killed by a Russian bazooka shell, when he tried to escape from Hitler's bunker the night after Hitler's death on May 1, 1945.
Gen. Reinhard Gehlen, former chief of the German Secret Service, created a world sensation when he asserted that Bormann had been a Soviet agent and died a few years ago in Russia. The Chronicle will publish Gehlen's own top secret deposition under path retracting from his original claim. Now the proof of Bormann's existence exists.
The man, who was sentenced to death in his absence as a major Nazi war criminal and is still wanted for murder .by the West German courts, has been tracked to the very entrance of his hide-out.

Money for Immunity
Bormann, now 72, bought South American presidents and governments, and police departments like the rest of us buy cars, in order to ensure his immunity. He did it with gold and precious works of art smuggled from Germany to the Argentine by submarine even before the war ended.
Throughout Latin America every single one of his movements was and is still being monitored by local secret services. He is kept today under constant surveillance by the very governments who are granting him hospitality. For all these years Bormann, without knowing it, has been carefully tracked; and in the bureaucracies that information - has been carefully put down on paper and filed and stored. His picture has been secretly taken on countless occasions, his telephone has been tapped, his business deals have been recorded, he has been followed everywhere. His girl friends' movements have been noted. Even his doctor's prescriptions have been recorded. Among other things, the newspaper said it has been learned Bormann has fathered four children in South America, the youngest of whom is....

Ex-Nazi Leader Bormann Lives, British Newspaper Claims
....obscurity as a party fund raiser to become the second most powerful official of the Third Reich. The short, stocky Bormann, described by Armaments Minister Albert Speer in his memoirs as a "lush" in an advanced state of alcoholism by war's end, was secretary to Hitler and director of the party chancellery. After, he replaced Deputy Fuehrer Rudolf Hess in 1941, Bormann exercised virtual...
These government records on Bormann, the paper said, have been smuggled out of South America and now are in safe deposit boxes in the United States and Europe. Most of the material is to be published In a book by Farago, scheduled to appear in the spring.
A SHADOWY figure who was feared and hated in Nazi Germany, Bormann rose from
...sions, the newspaper said. His telephone has been tapped. His business deals have been recorded. He has been followed everywhere. His girl friends' movements have been noted. Even his doctor's prescriptions have been recorded. Among other things, the newspaper said, it has been learned Bormann has fathered four children in South America, the youngest of whom is only four years old.

Continued from Page...
...every move Bormann has made within their territory. The countries were said to be Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, Chile, Bolivia and Peru.
EVEN TODAY, the Daily Express said, Bormann is kept under constant surveillance by the governments who have granted his hospitality. His picture has been secretly taken on countless occasions...

Martin Bormann Is living at least until this story reaches him," the newspaper said. The Vatican said Saturday It has no knowledge of any assistance given by the Roman Catholic Church to help Bormann escape. A spokesman said, however, that Bormann, under an alias, might have received the same aid that the church gave to many other refugees. Bormann's son,' Martin Bormann Jr.', studied for the priesthood in north Italy after the war and was ordained. Israel's top Nazi hunter, Tuva Friedman, who runs the documentation center on Nazi war crimes, refused to say Saturday whether he thought Bormann was alive.

Army soldiers and whisked off to Russia where he died a few years ago. The Daily Express, however, said it will publish Gehlen's own top secret deposition under oath retracting his original claim.
BORMANN'S escape to South America resulted from "the protection of the Vatican, former Argentine President Juan Peron and some of the most powerful politicians and financiers in South America," the Daily Express said. Bormann, the newspaper said, "bought South American presidents and governments like the rest of us buy cars in order to insure his immunity from capture." "We know precisely where

death said he was killed by a bazooka shell while fleeing Hitler's bunker. The body was never found. Since January, there have been reported sightings of Bormann from a dozen or more countries, most in South America. In 1954 he was officially declared dead by a West German court, but in 1964 the War Crimes Ofice In Frankfurt posted a $28,000 reward for his capture.
Last year Reinhard Gehlen, a ranking Nazi spy chieftain who later headed West Germany's equivalent of the Central Intelligence Agency, claimed in his memoirs that Bormann was a Soviet spy who was rescued by Red control over everyone Hitler saw and 'everything Hitler read. He was the first to enter the room in the Fuhrerbunker in Berlin after Hitler's suicide. Turning the government over to Grand Admiral Karl Dönitz, Bormann fled the bunker on the night of May 1, 1945, in ' an attempt, to slip through a tightening Soviet ring of men and steel only 300 yards away. Somewhere between the bunker and Friedrichstrasse Station, Bormann vanished.
IT WAS THEN the mystery surrounding Bormann began. Two witnesses testifying at the Nuremberg trials where Bormann was sentenced to...

Whitehall_Bin_Men wrote:
It's not Ian Fleming you want to look into, it's Peter Fleming, the Godfather of Duff-Hart Davis, the brother of Adam-Hart Davis. So it is possible to loosely find connection between Cameron, Operation James Bond and the BBC Paedophile ring. Not that he was involved in either, but it does potentially throw up a conflict of interest in some way. Regardless Peter Fleming was a spook and died in suspicious circumstances ala of a heart attack while out hunting in Argylle.

TonyGosling wrote:
What was Dieppe?



Really? Just that? Or was the attempt to grab enigma code books and machines just a cover?

Jill Goulding on her COPP SBU CO grandfather Harold Goulding DSO



Dieppe, 1942: 3,500 Canadians sacrificed as cover for MI6 agent JAD who later grabbed Nazis' looted billions?
Why was my war hero grandfather written out of history?

Jill Goulding discovered an attaché case in her Hampshire loft which contained a host of secret wartime documents confirming her grandfather Harold Goulding had been the commanding officer of the Royal Navy's elite Special Boat Unit (SBU). So why did he die just months after the war, why was his DSO not recognised on his gravestone and elsewhere, and why did one of the commandos he trained at COPP headquarters, John Ainsworth-Davis, say it was lucky Harold died so soon after the war because he wouldn't have wanted to know 'we'd been lied to'.
Was that lie the secret 'Operation James Bond' mission that took place in April 1945, just before the end of World War Two, to snatch Hitler's treasurer, Martin Bormann, from under the noses of the Russians for the use of the underground Fourth Reich?
The COPP commandos that took part in that top secret MI6 mission were told they were extracting Bormann, codename 'Piglet', so that the Nazis looted billions could be redistributed and returned to its rightful owners across Europe, but that was Churchill's man of mystery Desmond Morton's big lie. A body double who'd had dental surgery, of Bormann was taken on the mission and once Bormann had been identified and rescued the double was killed and left behind as 'Bormann's body.
Only Morton, Ian Fleming, King George VI and Winston Churchill knew the real plan was to get Bormann out of Berlin, via Britain, to South America where he could safely begin the bureaucratic job of creating 750 or so new corporations around the world into which the laundered billions could be injected and former SS supporters in suits would be placed on the various boards.

This is detailed in two books which I respectfully ask you to read and distribute

1. 'Op JB, the last great secret of world war two' by Christopher Crieghton (John Aisworth Davis was using a pen name still nervouis about the official secrets act)
2. 'Martin Bormann Nazi in Exile' by wartime CBS news correspondent Paul Manning.

Jill met John Ainsworth-Davis - aka. Christopher Creighton, author of 'Op JB, the Last Great Secret of World War Two', who told her that Harold would have been upset that they were lied to about secret missions they were sent on at the end of the war.

So how and why did Harold die and why has his memory been expunged from history? Anyone that knew Commander Harold Goulding, R.N. D.S.O. please contact his grand-daughter Jill at http://www.copsewoodhouse.co.uk

See also http://www.commandoveterans.org/

Commander Harold Wilkinson Goulding DSO RNR is in the white shirt (identified by his grandaughter Jill Goulding. Photo courtesy of Chris Rooney, son of Major Oswald 'Micky' Rooney . No.12 Commando.

Special Boat Unit (SBU) in the online records at Kew: http://yourarchives.nationalarchives....

It seems that they at least in part oversaw the operations of the Small Operations Group (SOG) that was based at Hammenheil Camp in Sri Lanka (SEAC = South East Asia Command). The COPP teams that operated in SEAC were part of SOG.

His time at HMS Northney would also have tied in with COPP, although maybe not directly. Northney was used for landing craft training, and part of COPP's role was to help guide in the landing craft on the day of an invasion. Having spoken with a landing craft veteran who lives on Hayling Island, although they were separate units and didn't operate together, they were aware of each other's existence, and at a more senior level maybe there were some links between the units.

Edit to clarify: There were actually multiple Northney camps on Hayling Island, and COPP came under Northney III, although that was more for administrative purposes than in terms of location. I'm sure his role at Northney (for all four camps?) would have brought him into direct contact with COPP and assisted them with their training.

I am the grandaughter of Commander Harold Wilkinson Goulding DSO RNR who died in 1945.

Many years ago my father tried to find out information, but while he was alive it was all still confidential. So there is very little we know.

I do have a letter written and signed by Major General Robert Laycock,

Stating ? he carried out more landings on enemy coast than any other officer of any Service ? also various commando raids and distinguished himself on many occasions. and that he was a great friend of mine.

Signed by Major General Sir Robert Edward Laycock KCMG, CB, DSO, KStJ Combined Operations Headquarters.

I also have a letter

24th October 1944
Authority to carry by air to Italy top secret papers
Signed by Major General Sir Robert Edward Laycock KCMG, CB, DSO, KStJ Combined Operations Headquarters.

I have various badges, one is V Force no 5, RN COMMANDO emblem, and a cap badge which I just cannot trace at-all. It is a blue flag with gold edging, a round circle which has a white background and what appears to be a red dagger with a snake twirled up it, plus what looks like some letters at the bottom.

I know he was involved with COPPS and during the war he was sent down to live on Hayling Island (where our family still lives). A map given to Lord Mountbatten on a visit here during the war, details where my grandfather lived.

I know he was the Senior Landing Officer for Dieppe (Blue beach).

Please can you assist me by informing me of any information you may have and/or point me in the right direction.

I am still trying to find anything that would be of use, I don't even know his i.d. number.

In the very near future there is a memorial going to be erected on Hayling Island Seafront for COPPS and it would be great if we could get some relevant information together before then.

I also have many interesting files which were Grandpa's such as original drawings of the Dorie boats (with hand scetches in pensil and ink drawings) should you wish to see them.

I thank you very much for your time in reading this and hope that you will be able to help even if it is in some small way.

Jill Goulding, www.copsewoodhouse.co.uk

Daily Express - Martin Bormann Alive - Saturday November 25th 1972 - Ladislas Farago and Stewart Steven
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"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 09, 2017 11:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The FBI: The silent terror of the Fourth Reich
John W. Whitehead The Rutherford Institute Wed, 08 Feb 2017 03:19 UTC
https://www.sott.net/article/341938-The-FBI-The-silent-terror-of-the-F ourth-Reich

"After five years of Hitler's dictatorship, the Nazi police had won the FBI's seal of approval."— Historian Robert Gellately

"Adolf Hitler is alive and well in the United States, and he is fast rising to power."—Paul Craig Roberts, former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, on the danger posed by the FBI to our civil liberties

© A Government of Wolves
Lately, there's been a lot of rhetoric comparing Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler. The concern is that a Nazi-type regime may be rising in America.

That process, however, began a long time ago.

In fact, following the second World War, the U.S. government recruited Hitler's employees, adopted his protocols, embraced his mindset about law and order, implemented his tactics in incremental steps, and began to lay the foundations for the rise of the Fourth Reich.

Sounds far-fetched? Read on. It's all documented.

As historian Robert Gellately recounts, the Nazi police state was initially so admired for its efficiency and order by the world powers of the day that J. Edgar Hoover, then-head of the FBI, actually sent one of his right-hand men, Edmund Patrick Coffey, to Berlin in January 1938 at the invitation of Germany's secret police—the Gestapo.

The FBI was so impressed with the Nazi regime that, according to the New York Times, in the decades after World War II, the FBI, along with other government agencies, aggressively recruited at least a thousand Nazis, including some of Hitler's highest henchmen.

All told, thousands of Nazi collaborators—including the head of a Nazi concentration camp, among others—were given secret visas and brought to America by way of Project Paperclip. Subsequently, they were hired on as spies and informants, and then camouflaged to ensure that their true identities and ties to Hitler's holocaust machine would remain unknown. All the while, thousands of Jewish refugees were refused entry visas to the U.S. on the grounds that it could threaten national security.

Adding further insult to injury, American taxpayers have been paying to keep these ex-Nazis on the U.S. government's payroll ever since. And in true Gestapo fashion, anyone who has dared to blow the whistle on the FBI's illicit Nazi ties has found himself spied upon, intimidated, harassed and labeled a threat to national security.

As if the government's covert, taxpayer-funded employment of Nazis after World War II wasn't bad enough, U.S. government agencies—the FBI, CIA and the military—have fully embraced many of the Nazi's well-honed policing tactics, and have used them repeatedly against American citizens.

Indeed, with every passing day, the United States government borrows yet another leaf from Nazi Germany's playbook: Secret police. Secret courts. Secret government agencies. Surveillance. Censorship. Intimidation. Harassment. Torture. Brutality. Widespread corruption. Entrapment. Indoctrination. Indefinite detention.

© A Government of Wolves
These are not tactics used by constitutional republics, where the rule of law and the rights of the citizenry reign supreme. Rather, they are the hallmarks of authoritarian regimes, where the only law that counts comes in the form of heavy-handed, unilateral dictates from a supreme ruler who uses a secret police to control the populace.

That danger is now posed by the FBI, whose laundry list of crimes against the American people includes surveillance, disinformation, blackmail, entrapment, intimidation tactics, harassment and indoctrination, governmental overreach, abuse, misconduct, trespassing, enabling criminal activity, and damaging private property, and that's just based on what we know.

Whether the FBI is planting undercover agents in churches, synagogues and mosques; issuing fake emergency letters to gain access to Americans' phone records; using intimidation tactics to silence Americans who are critical of the government; recruiting high school students to spy on and report fellow students who show signs of being future terrorists; or persuading impressionable individuals to plot acts of terror and then entrapping them, the overall impression of the nation's secret police force is that of a well-dressed thug, flexing its muscles and doing the boss' dirty work of ensuring compliance, keeping tabs on potential dissidents, and punishing those who dare to challenge the status quo.

Whatever minimal restrictions initially kept the FBI's surveillance activities within the bounds of the law have all but disappeared post-9/11. Since then, the FBI has been transformed into a mammoth federal policing and surveillance agency that largely operates as a power unto itself, beyond the reach of established laws, court rulings and legislative mandates.

Consider the FBI's far-reaching powers to surveil, detain, interrogate, investigate, prosecute, punish, police and generally act as a law unto themselves—much like their Nazi cousins, the Gestapo—and then try to convince yourself that the United States is still a constitutional republic.

Just like the Gestapo, the FBI has vast resources, vast investigatory powers, and vast discretion to determine who is an enemy of the state.

© A Government of Wolves
Today, the FBI employs more than 35,000 individuals and operates more than 56 field offices in major cities across the U.S., as well as 400 resident agencies in smaller towns, and more than 50 international offices. In addition to their "data campus," which houses more than 96 million sets of fingerprints from across the United States and elsewhere, the FBI has also built a vast repository of "profiles of tens of thousands of Americans and legal residents who are not accused of any crime. What they have done is appear to be acting suspiciously to a town sheriff, a traffic cop or even a neighbor." The FBI's burgeoning databases on Americans are not only being added to and used by local police agencies, but are also being made available to employers for real-time background checks.

All of this is made possible by the agency's nearly unlimited resources (its minimum budget alone in fiscal year 2015 was $8.3 billion), the government's vast arsenal of technology, the interconnectedness of government intelligence agencies, and information sharing through fusion centers—data collecting intelligence agencies spread throughout the country that constantly monitor communications (including those of American citizens), everything from internet activity and web searches to text messages, phone calls and emails.

Much like the Gestapo spied on mail and phone calls, FBI agents have carte blanche access to the citizenry's most personal information.

Working through the U.S. Post Office, the FBI has access to every piece of mail that passes through the postal system: more than 160 billion pieces are scanned and recorded annually. Moreover, the agency's National Security Letters, one of the many illicit powers authorized by the USA Patriot Act, allows the FBI to secretly demand that banks, phone companies, and other businesses provide them with customer information and not disclose those demands to the customer. An internal audit of the agency found that the FBI practice of issuing tens of thousands of NSLs every year for sensitive information such as phone and financial records, often in non-emergency cases, is riddled with widespread constitutional violations.

Much like the Gestapo's sophisticated surveillance programs, the FBI's spying capabilities can delve into Americans' most intimate details (and allow local police to do so, as well).

In addition to technology (which is shared with police agencies) that allows them to listen in on phone calls, read emails and text messages, and monitor web activities, the FBI's surveillance boasts an invasive collection of spy tools ranging from Stingray devices that can track the location of cell phones to Triggerfish devices which allow agents to eavesdrop on phone calls. In one case, the FBI actually managed to remotely reprogram a "suspect's" wireless internet card so that it would send "real-time cell-site location data to Verizon, which forwarded the data to the FBI." Law enforcement agencies are also using social media tracking software to monitor Facebook, Twitter and Instagram posts. Moreover, secret FBI rules also allow agents to spy on journalists without significant judicial oversight.

Much like the Gestapo's ability to profile based on race and religion, and its assumption of guilt by association, the FBI's approach to pre-crime allows it to profile Americans based on a broad range of characteristics including race and religion.

© A Government of Wolves
The agency's biometric database has grown to massive proportions, the largest in the world, encompassing everything from fingerprints, palm, face and iris scans to DNA, and is being increasingly shared between federal, state and local law enforcement agencies in an effort to target potential criminals long before they ever commit a crime. This is what's known as pre-crime. Yet it's not just your actions that will get you in trouble. In many cases, it's also who you know—even minimally—and where your sympathies lie that could land you on a government watch list. Moreover, as the Intercept reports, despite anti-profiling prohibitions, the bureau "claims considerable latitude to use race, ethnicity, nationality, and religion in deciding which people and communities to investigate."

Much like the Gestapo's power to render anyone an enemy of the state, the FBI has the power to label anyone a domestic terrorist.

As part of the government's so-called ongoing war on terror, the nation's de facto secret police force has begun using the terms "anti-government," "extremist" and "terrorist" interchangeably. Moreover, the government continues to add to its growing list of characteristics that can be used to identify an individual (especially anyone who disagrees with the government) as a potential domestic terrorist. For instance, you might be a domestic terrorist in the eyes of the FBI (and its network of snitches) if you:
express libertarian philosophies (statements, bumper stickers)
exhibit Second Amendment-oriented views (NRA or gun club membership)
read survivalist literature, including apocalyptic fictional books
show signs of self-sufficiency (stockpiling food, ammo, hand tools, medical supplies)
fear an economic collapse
buy gold and barter items
subscribe to religious views concerning the book of Revelation
voice fears about Big Brother or big government
expound about constitutional rights and civil liberties
believe in a New World Order conspiracy
Much like the Gestapo infiltrated communities in order to spy on the German citizenry, the FBI routinely infiltrates political and religious groups, as well as businesses.

As Cora Currier writes for the Intercept: "Using loopholes it has kept secret for years, the FBI can in certain circumstances bypass its own rules in order to send undercover agents or informants into political and religious organizations, as well as schools, clubs, and businesses..." The FBI has even been paying Geek Squad technicians at Best Buy to spy on customers' computers without a warrant.

Just as the Gestapo united and militarized Germany's police forces into a national police force, America's police forces have largely been federalized and turned into a national police force.

© A Government of Wolves
In addition to government programs that provide the nation's police forces with military equipment and training, the FBI also operates a National Academy that trains thousands of police chiefs every year and indoctrinates them into an agency mindset that advocates the use of surveillance technology and information sharing between local, state, federal, and international agencies.

Just as the Gestapo's secret files on political leaders were used to intimidate and coerce, the FBI's files on anyone suspected of "anti-government" sentiment have been similarly abused.

As countless documents make clear, the FBI has no qualms about using its extensive powers in order to blackmail politicians, spy on celebrities and high-ranking government officials, and intimidate and attempt to discredit dissidents of all stripes. For example, not only did the FBI follow Martin Luther King Jr. and bug his phones and hotel rooms, but agents also sent him anonymous letters urging him to commit suicide and pressured a Massachusetts college into dropping King as its commencement speaker.

Just as the Gestapo carried out entrapment operations, the FBI has become a master in the art of entrapment.

© A Government of Wolves
In the wake of the 9/11 terrorist attacks the FBI has not only targeted vulnerable individuals but has also lured or blackmailed them into fake terror plots while actually equipping them with the organization, money, weapons and motivation to carry out the plots—entrapment—and then jailing or deporting them for their so-called terrorist plotting. This is what the FBI characterizes as "forward leaning—preventative—prosecutions." In addition to creating certain crimes in order to then "solve" them, the FBI also gives certain informants permission to break the law, "including everything from buying and selling illegal drugs to bribing government officials and plotting robberies," in exchange for their cooperation on other fronts. USA Today estimates that agents have authorized criminals to engage in as many as 15 crimes a day. Some of these informants are getting paid astronomical sums: one particularly unsavory fellow, later arrested for attempting to run over a police officer, was actually paid $85,000 for his help laying the trap for an entrapment scheme.

When and if a true history of the FBI is ever written, it will not only track the rise of the American police state but it will also chart the decline of freedom in America, in much the same way that the empowerment of Germany's secret police tracked with the rise of the Nazi regime.

How did the Gestapo become the terror of the Third Reich?

It did so by creating a sophisticated surveillance and law enforcement system that relied for its success on the cooperation of the military, the police, the intelligence community, neighborhood watchdogs, government workers for the post office and railroads, ordinary civil servants, and a nation of snitches inclined to report "rumors, deviant behavior, or even just loose talk."

In other words, ordinary citizens working with government agents helped create the monster that became Nazi Germany. Writing for the New York Times, Barry Ewen paints a particularly chilling portrait of how an entire nation becomes complicit in its own downfall by looking the other way:
In what may be his most provocative statement, [author Eric A.] Johnson says that ''most Germans may not even have realized until very late in the war, if ever, that they were living in a vile dictatorship.'' This is not to say that they were unaware of the Holocaust; Johnson demonstrates that millions of Germans must have known at least some of the truth. But, he concludes, ''a tacit Faustian bargain was struck between the regime and the citizenry.'' The government looked the other way when petty crimes were being committed. Ordinary Germans looked the other way when Jews were being rounded up and murdered; they abetted one of the greatest crimes of the 20th century not through active collaboration but through passivity, denial and indifference.
Much like the German people, "we the people" have become passive, polarized, gullible, easily manipulated, and lacking in critical thinking skills. Distracted by entertainment spectacles, politics and screen devices, we too are complicit, silent partners in creating a police state similar to the terror practiced by former regimes.

Can the Fourth Reich happen here?

As I point out in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People, it's already happening right under our noses.

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 14, 2017 8:10 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Dear friends,

You've probably come across the notion, which has gained credibility since the 2012 publication of Simon Dunstan's 'Grey Wolf', that Adolf Hitler survived the Berlin bunker and lived out most of the rest of his life in Argentina. The, what I believe is Grey Wolf's fabricated stab at perverting history has been followed by Jerome Corsi's Hunting Hitler (2014) and Harry Cooper's 'Hitler in Argentina' (2014) spoilers. It was MI6's Hugh Trevor-Roper who began to form today's 'historical' impressions about the end of the top of the Nazi heirarchy as the Red Army closed in on Berlin at the end of April 1945, in his 1947 book The Last Days of Hitler.
As a Theosopy/Thule society trained godless idealist Hitler literally had nothing to live for as the final edifices of his dream empire crumbled around him. But his Gauleiter, treasurer, private secretary Martin Bormann, who'd controlled promotion within the Nazi party and access to Hitler since Rudolf Hess's flight to Scotland just days before the German army launched its surprise attack, Barbarossa, on Soviet Russia, was another story. Since Hitler's post D-Day 'Nero Decree' which demanded a scorched earth policy Bormann had been in a difficult position. The German industrialists he represented, particularly via his Swiss banking contacts, had every intention of continuing their empires after the war and that meant leaving as much industrial infrastructure, which included bridges, factories, mines etc. as intact as possible.
The impetus for overriding the Nero Decree came from the August 1944 Red House Meeting, which Bormann organised, but didn't attend in person. Here, all Germany's industrialist met at Strasbourg's Red House Hotel in the morning to agree terms for consolidating their wealth and continuing after the war, after lunch, most businesmenn were sent home leaving just those concerned with the most sensitive arms manufacturing and banking interests. Money was to be squirreled away, mostly in Switzerland, and everything was prepared for Germany industry to survive the war. So it was in August 1944 that Bormann began altering Hitler's orders, making it clear that Germany intended to survive the war but that people better not tell the fanatical Fuhrer.
Former aide de camp to General Haig in WWI and head of economic warfare between the wars, Desmond Morton was to Churchill what Bormann was to Hitler, and the two private secretaries were in touch as the war closed. Bormann was a necessary account signatory who could relaese funds in Swiss bank accounts and all sorts of stolen goodies, safety deposit boxes. He was the one the Allies wanted, the Swiss banks demanded his signature, and he was the one who could offer unimagined riches to whoever could offer him safe passage. Both Morton and Bormann agreed they needed to fake Bormann's death to kill off post-war questions about what had happened to the Nazis' looted billions.
So there were two reasons why Operation Market Garden had to be sabotaged, firstly to allow the Nazis to get as much of the wealth they'd taken from all the vaults of Europe as possible out and to safe-havens like Argentina and Switzerland, secondly to allow the Red Army to do the hard slog to Berlin and take the bulk of the casualties in the closing months of the war. And, in my opinion, it was the 'in joke' of the Oosterbeek massacre in September 1944 near Arnhem that led to the spawning there of the Bilderberg meetings in 1954, after the massacre of the British airborne forces in the 'witches cauldron' in the same spot, a decade before.
So, back to the books about the bunker, before the recent spate of spoilers, in 1998, it was a book called The Hunt For Martin Bormann by Charles Whiting that attempted to prove that Bormann had been killed escaping the Berlin bunker. As this extract explains, the book was timed to come out just as the dark forces trying to block the publication of Churchill, Morton and Fleming's commando-spy John-Ainsworth Davis' true acount were running out of steam. Vast amounts of time and money have been spent trying to obscure this treacherous dealing between some top allies willing to trade safe passage for a share of the Nazi treasury.
I hope that helps to set the scene for this account from a wonderful journalist and critic, who felt the story of Bormann, and his rescue by a special outfit financed personally by King George VI, was important enough to take up the longest chapter of his memoirs.

Obituary: Veteran drama critic of the London Evening Standard, he saw his role as the common man's observer, though not outside the West End (2004)
https://www.theguardian.com/news/2004/may/25/guardianobituaries.artsob ituaries2

More fascinating material as ever - on our Dialect show this week is a critique of the sexual 'revolution' which has swept through society since the 1960s and is now raging in the church - followed by an incredible critique from former US psychological warfare officer Scott Bennett on the use of Swiss UBS bank as a terrorism financing cut-out by Saudi Arabia, the US and, presumably Britain too.

Roger Cook Sep12 Murdoch NotW lies kill The Cook Report, UK's most popular current affairs show 1of2

I hear too that veteran broadcast journalist Roger Cook, who popularised current affairs in the 1990s to reach its biggest ever TV audiences, before smears in Murdoch's News of the World killed The Cook Report, is unwell. So do please send him your good wishes by whatever means you can, and prayers for his recovery.

Bless you all

Tony Gosling




Extracted from
Marilyn, Hitler and Me
The memoirs of Milton Shulman
Andre Deutsch (1998)
ISBN 0 233 99408 4

Back to the Bilderberg.org history page or index page Download this chapter as a 60 page Word document for printing/sharing

Am instructed to find Martin Bormann or go to the Palladium... 40 years on, Creighton's mysterious claims unfold... Nazi gold and Ian Fleming's plot... Bormann dead or a double?.. Convincing publishers... Doubt and death threats... The conspiracy theory


(i) Involved in the mystery of Nazi Gold

The Fuhrer and his cohorts re-entered my life over 40 years later when I received a mysterious letter in response to an article I had written about my first day at the Evening Standard, back in 1947. On that day, the Standard's editor, Herbert Gunn, told me that my initial assignment, because I was a German army expert and had just written Defeat in the west, was to go to Berlin and find Martin Bormann. Startled by such a task, I protested, 'But Bormann is dead. I don't think it would be much of a story.'

'Are you sure he's dead?' persisted Gunn. '1 thought there was considerable doubt about that.'

'Yes,' I said. 'Some historians don't believe the evidence, but it would take some time to discover anything fresh.'

'How long?'

'About three or four weeks at least. And it would be rather expensive with probably nothing new to show for it.'

Gunn pondered my reply for a few minutes.

'Alright,' he said. 'If you don't think you can find Martin Bormann will you go to the Palladium and interview Chico Marx?'

Like a barrister who one day will sue a tabloid for libel and soon after defend another tabloid for a similar sort of libel, the journalist's briefs are the idiosyncratic demands of his editor. News, the lifeblood of a newspaper, has no orderly agenda. The dominant criterion of a journalist's work is readability; chronology is far less important.

In August 1989, complying with the imperative of topicality that is expected to dominate every weekly newspaper column, I used the peg of the anniversary of the defeat of Japan to write about the last days of Hitler. I retold my first day's experience on the Evening Standard when I was told to go to Berlin and find Martin Bormann. The headline read 'Find Bormann? But he's dead. . .'

My life has had many curious twists but none so strange as the Consequences of that innocuous headline on the next eight years of my career. The following day I received a letter from Christopher Creighton. The name meant nothing to me, although he assured me we had met some years before because of my friendship with his sister, a very attractive girl who was studying to become an opera singer. She gave up those aspirations when she married the owner of a small country inn and helped him run it. I had not seen her for many years when I heard that she had unexpectedly died after a brief illness.

Creighton, knowing my background in Intelligence, thought I might be more interested in Bormann than was indicated in my column. Did I want to know how he and Ian Fleming got him out? To establish his credentials as someone knowledgeable about Intelligence and Security matters, he told me he was the author of The Paladin, a novel written with Brian Garfield, which was based upon his true operations as a boy spy in 1940 and '41. The book was a great success, having made the best-seller lists in Britain and America, sold over 100,000 copies and been serialized in the Daily Express.

My first inclination was to treat the letter as one of those crank missives, usually written in red or purple ink, that often plague journalists and are dealt with by a quick toss into the nearest wastepaper basket. But because I had been extremely fond of his sister - and I was convinced that his introductory credentials were genuine - I felt I ought to put him off with a courteous reply. I asked Angus McGill, the paper's most experienced feature writer, for some advice about how to handle this strange note and, to my surprise, he was intrigued by its contents. He urged me not to dismiss Creighton and to find out more about him. I decided to give him a call. It was a decision that was to involve me in an intriguing international mystery whose ramifications - after having been investigated by intelligence experts, historians, academics and journalists - are still bewilderingly unresolved eight years after I first spoke to Christopher Creighton.

I listened with increasing fascination to the startling story Creighton summarized for me on the phone. I was, of course, well aware of the atmosphere of disbelief that existed in Fleet Street about any purported account of yet untold secrets about the final days of Germany's defeat. There had been a gullible market for such tales in the years immediately after the Armistice, but two intricate stories that turned out to be elaborate hoaxes had converted this area of historical speculation into a mendacious minefield that no editor was likely to put a toe into.

The editor of the Daily Express, Stewart Steven, was forced to admit that he had been conned into believing Martin Bormann had been discovered alive in the Argentine. An even more notorious hoax was the forging of documents purporting to be Hitler's War Diaries, which had taken in the Sunday Times as well as other respectable European papers. When Creighton had divulged what appeared to be another incredible Bormann story I told him I was intrigued by his tale but I had a small reputation as a military historian and did not want it to suffer the fate of Hugh Trevor-Roper, the author of The Last Days of Hitler, who supported the authenticity of Hitler's Diaries only to have to make a humiliating confession that he had been thoroughly duped.

After the collapse of the Ardennes offensive, the failure of Hitler's V-I and V-2 secret weapons to wreak any significant havoc against England and the speedy advance of the Russian armies in the East, it was obvious to anyone other than an ardent Nazi fanatic that Germany, had lost the war. By the beginning of 1945, senior Nazi officials and functionaries were already making plans to get as much money as they could out of Germany, and trying to arrange some bolt-hole for themselves and their families in some neutral land, either disguised or not.

Vast amounts of gold, foreign currency and art treasures were being lodged in foreign banks, chiefly in Switzerland. Some of those closest to Hitler - Ribbentrop, Goering, Himmler - were making clandestine approaches to contacts in Sweden, Portugal, Switzerland, Paraguay and the Argentine for a safe haven after the surrender and Hitler's expected assassination or suicide.

They assumed that, even if they were arrested after the war, they might have to face a term in prison after which they could live out their days with the hidden resources they had stashed away. The concept of War Crimes trials and the execution of the defeated leaders was a novel and unthinkable prospect. After Germany's defeat in the First World War political and military leaders like the Kaiser, Hindenburg and Ludendorff had been allowed to become prominent and powerful figures in a vanquished Germany. It was a tradition that the Nazi establishment expected the Allied victors to respect.

Aware of the avalanche of German resources and pillaged treasures leaving the Reich, Churchill was determined to do something about it. One of the many steps taken was to put Naval Commander Ian Lancaster Fleming in charge of an exercise to discover where some of this gold and currency was being hidden and how it could be returned to the Allies when the war was over. He had been the personal assistant to the Director of Naval Intelligence, Rear-Admiral John Godfrey. In Room 60 in the Admiralty on the 4th January 1945 Fleming met Major Desmond Morton, Churchill's personal security chief and a personal friend since World War I.

Creighton told me that Morton was his godfather. Morton, born in 1891, had served in the First World War and received a bullet in his heart which no operation could remove and remained with him all his life. His bravery was recognized by his awards of a Military Cross, a Croix de Guerre and a mention in despatches. After the war he was seconded to the Foreign Office and In 1930 he set up a body known as the Industrial Intelligence Centre, a front for a super-secret organisation which was privately financed by successive monarchs George V, Edward VIII and George VI.

Although Creighton referred to it as the M Section, he told me that there was no official intelligence operation with that title. One of its earliest activities was to Supply Winston Churchill, then out of office, with Information about German rearmament, which helped alert the Baldwin and Chamberlain governments about Hitler's aggressive intentions.

Creighton described Morton as a tall, athletic man with an authoritative manner and an upper-class accent. He was a friend of Creighton's father, Jack Ainsworth- Davis, who had qualified as a doctor at Cambridge and was a member of the British 4 x 400 metre relay team which won a gold medal at the Antwerp Olympics in 1920. Involved with supporting that team were three undergraduates: Sub-Lieutenant Lord Louis Mountbatten and two of his cousins, the Duke of York (later George VI) and his younger brother, the Duke of Gloucester. These contacts with his father brought the young Creighton, as a boy, to the attention of both Desmond Morton, Churchill and Lord Louis Mountbatten.

As a surgeon, Jack Ainsworth- Davis had operated on Joachim von Ribbentrop when he was Germany's ambassador to Britain. They were also on social terms. Their friendship had begun when they were at school together in Metz before the First World War. It was there that Creighton's father spent a year studying German. Convinced that war was on the way, Morton could see in the young Creighton's social contacts with Ribbentrop prospects of using him in some clandestine activity when hostilities began. After Creighton's parents divorced, Morton had him enrolled at Ampleforth for a short period and then sent him to the Royal Naval College at Dartmouth in September, 1939, at the age of fifteen and a half, where he was instructed to call himself by a pseudonym and never be known as John Davis nor John Ainsworth-Davis again.

I learned about this background information many months after I agreed to offer him some advice about the book he was planning about Martin Bormann. His first letters were so startling, giving me a general outline of what he had done, that I could not resist finding out much more about it.

The task Fleming was given when he met both Morton and Churchill early in 1945 was to discover what means the German government and the Nazi Party were using to remove from their territory the billions of pounds of cash, gold, jewellery and art treasures and hide it away in foreign banks and secret caves where it could be recovered when the war was over. Using intelligence resources that had been nurtured before the war, Fleming discovered the names of two Swiss banks where this plundered loot was held in secret numbered accounts. In the course of acquiring this information and transmitting it by wireless to England, a young woman secret agent, very close to Creighton, had been tortured and murdered.

When I first discussed with Creighton how he planned to write this story, he believed it could only be done, even as late as 1989, as 'faction' - a combination of fiction and the truth. Because Creighton was almost paranoic about security, my initial contacts with him were almost comical in their remoteness. I did not meet him personally until well after he had started sending me the first sections of his book which was then called Project X-2.

At first I never wrote to him but telephoned him with any comments I had to make. He has been to my flat a number of times but I have never been to his home, although I have spoken to his wife on many occasions on the phone. At the beginning he stressed that because Operation James Bond - which was later the real code name of Project X-2 - was under the M Section, its existence was never to be made public. In his book OpJB Creighton writes: 'Even at the highest level, only a handful of people outside the M Section should know of the project's existence. It had never been mentioned in any document, except under its naval party assignation, or code number. It never would be mentioned. It had simply never existed, and never would.'

It would be an understatement to say that the details of Creighton's adventure with Ian Fleming and Bormann, if true, provide one of the most daring and amazing stories of the last Great War. Perhaps Otto Skorzeny's rescue of Mussolini from Allied hands, with German parachutists, comes close to the venture in magnitude of audacity.

As Creighton's story unfolded to me in batches of about 2,000 words every fortnight under the pseudonymous title, Project X-2, I learnt that Ian Fleming's first task was to read through the file of the young man whom Morton had recommended to him as a particularly qualified deputy. So weird and secret were the contents of those papers disclosing Creighton's war-time career to date, that the room in which Fleming read them had to have its doors and windows firmly bolted and two of M Section's security officers stationed outside while Fleming perused the official documents.

'Fleming read my record with astonishment,' comments Creighton in OpJB. 'If he himself had not been on the periphery of some of the events described, he would have doubted the account's veracity; but because he had often been involved he knew that the narratives were genuine.

Fleming's second task after agreeing to have Creighton as his operational commander was to fly to Basel in Switzerland where on 11 January 1945, a pre-arranged meeting had been organized with the Swiss Foreign Minister, Ernest Nobs, and two of his colleagues. He carried with him a diplomatic passport, wore civilian clothes and bore a personal letter from Winston Churchill. The letter asked the Swiss minister for help in returning to the Allies the vast wealth that had been deposited in Swiss vaults by the murderers and tyrants of the Nazi hierarchy. The minister's first reaction was to deny any knowledge of any illegal accounts held in Swiss banks by Hitler's despoiling minions.

When Fleming revealed that he knew the names of the banks in which most of this exported money was held, as well as the numbers of the suspected accounts, the Foreign Minister's answer was that it would be a criminal offence for him to disclose such information. Even if he knew it. Swiss banking regulations prevented him from naming the holders of such accounts and their identification could only be revealed if the proper signatories were obtained. But, Fleming pressed on, surely if it were proven that such funds had been illegally expropriated from conquered territories, the Swiss government would agree to have them frozen and investigated as soon as the war was over. The Foreign Minister agreed that if proof could be found that individuals or even explicit companies had been robbed by the Nazis, the banks would be ready to look into their claims; but as far as funds belonging to independent foreign states like Germany were concerned, they had absolute immunity unless the proper signatures for release were produced. They had reached stalemate when Nobs asked what would happen to these monies if they were handed over to the Allies. Fleming had a prepared answer. They would ask the Swiss government to act as trustee of these funds until an international committee had studied the claims made upon them and agreed who were the rightful owners. Any money that could not be traced to its original source would be distributed to peoples most damaged by the war - even Germans and Italians - as a form of reparations.

Although the discussion appeared to have hit a dead-end the minister was strangely insistent that Fleming stay for a few minutes for sandwiches and coffee. Sipping his coffee in a large empty room, Fleming was joined by a young, smartly .dressed woman wearing a raincoat and carrying a briefcase. She indicated that she was a member of the Swiss Intelligence Service and that she had something of interest to show him.

An hour's drive away, they arrived at a small village in a high valley in the Alps. Fleming's observant eye noticed small gun emplacements deployed unobtrusively m the area and innocent-looking chalets hiding large steel doors opening into a side of the mountain.

Fleming was told by his guide that this was a secure vault of the National Bank of Basle carved out of pure rock, and once inside his eyes feasted on an incredible Aladdin's Cave of gold nuggets, diamonds, emeralds and other precious stones including Crown jewels from the Hohenzollerns and other royal dynasties of Europe. In huge wooden crates were stacked masterpieces that had been looted from museums and galleries in France, Belgium, Holland, Denmark, Norway, the Ukraine and Luxembourg.

The means by which these art treasures were seized or bought with unstated threats at ludicrously low prices has been meticulously documented in a scholarly work, The Rape of Europa, by Lynn H. Nicholas, in which Martin Bormann, Hitler's private secretary, is pin-pointed as the individual who decided which of this growing art treasure should be seized or purchased after being shown to the Fuhrer. Hitler personally selected the ones to be sent to the town of Linz where he was amassing what he hoped would be the greatest art museum the world had ever seen. These masterpieces were probably destined for Linz.

Fleming, amazed at the vastness of this cornucopia, asked what part of it belonged to Germany. All of it, he was told. On the military airstrip outside Basle, a white envelope was handed over to Fleming by his Swiss companion. He was told the Finance Minister had asked her to give it to him before he flew off. Inside was a single sheet of white paper, bearing one typed line: 'Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei 60508.'.....

continued - see word doc or

Nazi gold word doc

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"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 18, 2017 12:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Goldeneye Publishing
Martin Bormann – A New Body of Evidence
https://goldeneyepublishingltd.wordpress.com/2016/08/24/martin-bormann -a-new-body-of-evidence/

Martin Bormann, Hitler’s right hand man and chancellor, the man that controlled all of Nazi Germany’s appropriated loot, was tried in absentia in October 1946 at the Nuremberg trials. Found guilty of war crimes and sentenced to death by hanging, Bormann evaded the noose due to his mysterious disappearance.

When anyone mentions the name Martin Bormann most baby-boomers will know who he was, they will also be quick to tell you that; while there was a wild goose-chase across the globe to find him, he certainly died in 1945, proved they say, by the finding of his bones in Berlin in 1972.

Two Nazi witnesses at the Nuremberg trials testified to the fact that they had seen Bormann and fellow Nazi, Dr Ludwig Stumpfegger dead, in the vicinity of the Weidendamm Bridge and the Lehrter train station in Berlin, only hours after fleeing the bunker – where Hitler had supposedly put a bullet through his brain. One witness going as far as to say that he had even seen Bormann’s dead ”moonlit face”.

From 1945 the hunt for Martin Bormann was on. During the confusion of those early post war years, the West German government kept the heat up, but UKUSA’s ‘hunt’ was only, If anything, lukewarm. A concentrated search effort had been made in 1945 around the site , of the supposed ‘moonlit’ scenario of Bormann and Stumpfegger, with who he was last seen alive. With the advantage of hordes of allied troops on the ground to co-ordinate a thorough search near and around the Lehrter station in Berlin, no stone was left unturned. The same was done independently by a Russian recon group, after Lieutenant General Konstantin Telegin, of the Soviet 5th Shock Army was delivered of a diary said to be of Bormann’s, found near the same site.

In those early post war years, it was not yet a ‘cold case’, with memories still fresh and the ground still soft. Any such corpses although decomposed, would have certainly been on, or near the surface and easily identifiable with the minimum of forensics; but not as much as a scrap of flesh was found of either man. At least they had some disputable charred remains of Hitler, but the bodies of Bormann and Stumpfegger had literally ‘vanished’ into thin air, along with the Nazi loot.

But after construction workers came across human remains near the Lehrter station in Berlin in 1972, the world’s press gathered to hear if this was indeed Bormann. Bormann’s Nazi dentist Dr Hugo Blaschke was called and he recalled from memory his former patient’s dental physiology and gave testimony that they were one and the same, the case was then closed.

It was not until 1998 that due to modern science technology, the remains were subjected to a DNA forensic study by the West German prosecutor. The reason for this new 1998 investigation was that in 1996 Christopher Creighton, aka John Ainsworth-Davis a former British Naval Intelligence agent and member of the covert British group C.O.P.P (Combined Operations Pilotage Parties) had published a book, OPJB (Operation James Bond). In the book, Creighton using a pseudonym, claims that along with Ian Fleming, he was instructed by Winston Churchill and Desmond Morton the head of Secret British intelligence section V, to rescue Martin Bormann from a burning Berlin in May 1945. The book passed off as a novel, to protect Creighton from potential serious consequences due to breach of the Official Secrets Act – unsettled the German government to the extent that a thorough forensics and DNA investigation was carried out on the remains. The forensic results came back after the legal medical team matched blood from a maternal Bormann relative, the match was positive.


A confirmation of the remains being those of Bormann was released to the world’s press, along with the statement that Martin Bormann had certainly died in 1945 at the site his remains were found.

Due to the 1998 DNA confirmation of the Martin Bormann skeleton, modern historians teach their students that stories of Bormann escaping to South America are false, nothing more than the rantings of conspiracy theorists and madmen. A handful of bona-fide investigative journalists and even former intelligence agents have been continually slandered after they have released information to the contrary, that there has been a cover-up by the western allies; that not only did Bormann escape, but his escape was orchestrated by the British intelligence services with the full knowledge of the United States government.

Anyone that dares to raise any questions as to the true dynamics of Bormann’s disappearance and death, are discredited based only on the DNA match which confirm the remains as being Bormann. But why are there such conflicting stories between the official version and the version by those that have seriously investigated this strange case for decades? Bormann’s remains were found in 1972, but did he really die in 1945? And what exactly is at stake if it were proved that he died much later than we are led to believe? Even though his remains were found in 1972 in Berlin, it does not mean that his body had lain there since 1945 and there is absolutely no evidence to suggest such. In fact, there is more evidence to suggest foul play by the British and American intelligence services, that Bormann did escape and after his death in the mid/late 1960’s his remains were carefully reburied in the place historians like to believe he fell.

On the publication of the 1998 Bormann DNA report, London’s Daily Express newspaper called it a ‘whitewash’. The author of the article, Stewart Steven a very experienced foreign editor of the Daily Express, who was participant and directly involved with a thorough Bormann investigation in Buenos Aires, along with a team of highly qualified academics and lawyers, was sacked 6 days later. Stevens was accused of publishing a ‘hoax’ and discredited as having being hoodwinked into believing that classified Argentine government and Federal police files were fakes, even though there is absolutely no evidence to date to prove, let alone suggest, that such files were in fact anything but genuine.

But why do modern historians find it so shocking to consider the possibility that Martin Bormann, Hitler’s ‘Banker’ may have escaped from Berlin with the help of British intelligence? Not only would it make absolute sense to Churchill, to lift the man with access to all the money, it would be negligent to fail to.

After all, numerous Nazi officers who were participant in the brutal slavery of concentration camp prisoners, were snapped up by the USA for their various talents. Many of whom were made post WWII heroes in the American scientific community, after being ‘invited’ to the USA as part of Operation Paperclip. Notorious Nazi Klaus Barbie, a former head of the Gestapo and known as the ‘Butcher of Lyon’, was tried at Nuremberg and sentenced to death in absentia, yet it is documented that Barbie was protected and formerly employed in 1947 by the U.S Army Counterintelligence Corps (CIC) and later by the CIA to set up the Western Intelligence Network to keep tabs on communist threat. This was a major and shocking betrayal by the USA as to the allied Nuremberg trial sentencing of Barbie. When the French government discovered that the USA were protecting Barbie, they requested he be immediately handed over for execution under international law. The USA flatly refused and consequently gave Barbie a new identity and shipped him off to Bolivia. If the USA could blatantly fly in the face of the International Nuremberg trials death sentence which they were actively participant in by protecting a psychopathic killer such as Barbie, why is it so unacceptable to believe that the allies would rescue Martin Bormann, the man with access to the hidden Nazi funds? If anything, there should have been a rabid race between the USA and Britain to see who could get to him first.

Between 1945 and 1965 there were numerous sightings of Bormann. Bormann’s former personal chauffeur, Jakob Glas, said that he had seen Bormann in Munich months after May 1945, as did many others.

Paul Manning, author, intelligence expert and former war correspondent claimed along with others that Bormann escaped. When Manning tried to publish his extensively researched 1981 book ‘Martin Bormann – Nazi in Exile’, he was menacingly threatened. After finally getting a renegade publisher to agree to publish his work, within two weeks the publisher had his legs broken in a vicious and anonymous attack and shortly after Manning’s son was mysteriously murdered. In fact Manning’s story is very much in line with the former British Intel officer and author of OPJB. Christopher Creighton states that Bormann escaped, as does Former WWII British army General and war crimes investigator, Ian Bell. Bell can be seen on YouTube telling us that he saw Bormann being taken to a ship in Genoa and when he radioed back to his HQ command, he was told to follow but ”do not apprehend”.

Contrary to the survival story being told by those considered ”crazy conspiracy theorists”, there are many highly qualified and well versed investigators and former intelligence agents that tell us the story we teach our children at school is just that, a story.

Hugh Thomas, surgeon, international forensic expert and author of the 1995 book Doppelgängers wrote extensively about the Bormann forensics investigation that suggest Bormann died later than 1945. According to Jonathan Glancey of The Guardian, Thomas’s ”scalpel-sharp eye for detail” and second investigative work Hess: A Tale of Two Murders, ”precipitated a six-month Scotland Yard inquiry that saw its report immediately suppressed.” Thomas confirms that the original Bormann medical reports in 1972 released only some and not all the information found under the microscope. While it is true the dentistry of the skull found was identified as Bormann, the official report failed to reveal to the public that there was dentistry performed in the skull, which could only have been done in the 1950’s due to the technology used. A man that died in 1945 is certainly not going to go to the dentist in 1950. Also, the skull ”found” in Berlin was encased in a ‘red clay’ type earth, exotic to Germany but local to a place in Paraguay, the very place that many investigators have traced Bormann to in his last years. Those last year’s being as late as 1968. Reinhardt Gehlen former senior Nazi, Cold war spymaster and head of the West German intelligence network, also claimed that Bormann escaped to South America and died in Paraguay.

But probably some of the most disturbing work comes from Ladislas Farago. In 1974, Farago a brilliant military historian, WWII war correspondent and former civilian naval intelligence officer, published ‘Aftermath: Martin Bormann and the Fourth Reich.’ Farago, after a long and painstaking investigation on the ground in South America, much of which was spent accessing classified Argentine intelligence documents, presented his evidence including copies of said documents in his book. Not only did Farago examine and get the classified documents he accessed authenticated, he called in a team to join him on the ground in Buenos Aires to witness and document the authentication of such. The formidable 1972 Buenos Aires team with Farago included former intelligence operative and New York attorney Joel Weinberg, Stewart Steven the Foreign Editor of the London Daily Express and four top Argentine attorneys; Dr. Guillermo Macia Ray, Dr. Jaime Joaquin Rodriguez, Dr. Silvio Frondizi the brother of the former President Frondizi of Argentina and Horacio A. Perillo, the former legal aid to the Argentine President Frondizi. Farago and his team’s conclusion was that Martin Bormann certainly escaped Europe in 1945 with the help of the allies and went on to South America where he survived for many years, many of which in Argentina. Even though Farago and his team were highly qualified to make an intelligent and thorough analysis and investigation on the documents made available to them, Farago’s publication was ignored and serious attempts were made to discredit him and the other members of the team. Precedence had been set, when it came to stating or even suggesting Bormann had survived, even experts like Farago, who was also the world’s leading expert on propaganda and clandestine psychological forms of espionage at the time, was not safe from character assassination, ridicule and criticism. It is blatant there were those that were determined to keep the 1945 Bormann death myth in force and such suppression of evidence continues to this day.

But not everyone ignored Farago’s book. The content and evidence produced by Farrago was so compelling that it attracted the attention of Dr. Robert M.W. Kempner, a former Nuremberg trial attorney who decided to reopen the Bormann investigation, based on Farago’s documentary evidence of survival.

Farago, Manning, Thomas and Kempner, are sadly long gone, but the Bormann investigation is far from a cold case, as a new generation of investigative journalists have reopened the dusty Bormann files and have enthusiastically picked up from where their predecessors departed. Recent research reveals that the Federal police archives in Argentina show that the FBI were sending agents to Argentina to follow the Bormann case and his financial trails well into the 1980’s. New elderly witnesses, who till recently refused to talk have also come forward in the past 3 years and startling new evidence has come to light that cannot be ignored and may very well lead to the undisputable discovery that Bormann did escape and lived for many years in South America with the protection of the allies.

One important witness is a former military ADC to Argentine General Juan Peron. This high ranking internationally decorated military officer had been the ADC to 7 Argentine presidents, a close personal friend of Chilean President Pinochet and was the sub chief of the tough Argentine Federal secret police and prominently involved in the dismantling of the Argentine narcotics traffic in the 1990’s. His taped testimony given in 2010 on the premise that it could only be revealed after his death to protect his family, is that he met Martin Bormann frequently in Buenos Aires in late 1952 and till the end of 1953. He also testifies that on the instructions of Peron, he organised the personal security for Bormann and escorted him to various meetings in Argentina. This highly credible witness also tells us that Bormann had been installed in a famous luxury hotel in Buenos Aires throughout 1953, which was owned by Germans. The ADC also testifies that he was sent on a weekly basis to collect the Bormann bill from the hotel concierge which he was instructed to take directly to Peron, who paid the bill from his personal bank accounts. This man asked for nothing in exchange for his testimony, all he requested was that the truth be finally known after his death. The official died in 2012 and his testimony is now ready for publication.


Another recent elderly witness with ties to the FBI and CIA, is a former Naval Captain who was in charge of the security for the port of Buenos Aires. He tells us that not only was it common knowledge, but it is documented in the classified Federal police archives that Bormann was certainly living in Argentina in the 50’s and that the CIA were in Argentina keeping close tabs on Bormann’s South American movements as late as 1967.

The most controversy surrounds the author of the 1996 book OPJB. Christopher Creighton writes that he was instructed by Lord Louis Mountbatten and Winston Churchill to reveal the truth of all the ops in which he was participant, 25 years after the death of both. According to Creighton, OPJB is not only the title of the book, but the operational code name given to the plan to rescue Bormann from Berlin. Documents have been seen and recently photographed which were written to Creighton from Lord Louis Mountbatten in 1976 which prove Creighton was not only certainly working for British Naval intelligence at the very highest level, but that Creighton was Desmond Morton’s Godson. This new evidence puts in grave doubt spy writer Nigel West’s claims that Christopher Creighton is a ”charlatan”. There are also letters from James Bond author Ian Fleming to Creighton which testify to OPJB, the highly covert operation as being fact and that he based his James Bond Character on Creighton’s covert naval operations. How did Fleming know? Because according to verified letters from Fleming to Creighton, Fleming was not only part of the operation while he was a Royal Naval commander under the command of Desmond Morton for the British secret service, but he was the commander in charge of the rescue. A British factual film company, Christopher Robin Media Ltd, have in their possession an as yet unpublished 2013 interview of Creighton recorded only weeks before his death. The startling interview gives never before revealed details of various highly covert British Naval intelligence operations, including the assassination of French Admiral Francois Darlan and the operation to remove Martin Bormann from Berlin.

In 2007 a lady came forward to investigators with a story that she had been born in a German clinic in Brazil in 1952. This five foot two, blonde, green eyed lady, was found to be a well balanced, well educated and discreet and trustworthy member of her community, a far cry from a publicity seeking delusional self-promoter. Her adoptive father had been a senior naval officer for the Dominican Republic dictator Trujillo. She claims her adoptive father was entrusted with her in 1952, the year of her birth, after he was in Brazil negotiating arms deals between the Dominican Republic government and the German arms factories hidden in the Brazilian jungle.

In 1984 she contacted the Simon Wiesenthal centre after her adoptive father revealed on his death-bed that she was the daughter of ”one of Germany’s three greatest men”. Extremely distressed at this shocking revelation and wondering who it could possibly be, she with her attorney approached the Simon Wiesenthal Centre for help. Within weeks her attorney was anonymously threatened with his life and shortly after, dropped her representation after the SWC aggressively told him that they were not able to help and would not investigate due to ”lack of funds”. An unusual response from a wealthy organisation whose main objective has been to track down Nazi war criminals. Even Simon Wiesenthal himself believed till his death in 2005, a full 7 years after the 1998 DNA analysis that Bormann escaped and was frequently outspoken against the official version. It is shocking and detrimental to Wiesenthal’s memory, that those that now head the very organisation founded in his name have obstructed investigations and ridicule others that believe what Wiesenthal believed, Bormann escaped.

I contacted the SWC in 2010 to request copies of the investigation files held by the Simon Wiesenthal Centre on Martin Bormann. After three months of cold shouldering on their part, I finally managed to speak to the head of the organisation itself. I revealed the fact we were in touch with a lady that had been formally refused help by the SWC in 1985 and we had the documentation that the SWC refused to investigate due to ”lack of funding”. We were now soliciting their support to reopen her case and investigate, especially as the SWC had been avidly promoting and raising significant funding for their much publicised ”Operation Last Chance” ”a campaign to bring remaining Nazi war criminals to justice by offering financial rewards for information leading to their arrest and conviction”. But rather like the famous Anna Anderson and Russian Grand Duchess Anastasia case, all efforts to access information on official files to see if this adopted woman has any Nazi blood connections have failed.

may4 may2If Bormann did escape, then the adopted woman may very well be the daughter of Martin Bormann, not only because of the mysterious dynamics surrounding her birth, but photos of her, the officials involved, the timing of her birth and the fact investigators believe Bormann was in Brazil with Dr Joseph Mengele in late 1951. Recent photos of the woman’s son show an uncanny similarity with Martin Bormann’s eldest son Adolf.


Access to genuine DNA of Martin Bormann or one of his children or grandchildren is now vital to the investigation, not only to make comparisons with potential offspring conceived post 1945, but also to compare with supposed Bormann DNA profiles in the Files held by various intelligence agencies. If Bormann did indeed escape, those that covered it up are going to go to enormous lengths to hide any incriminating evidence. Bonafide DNA profiles of Bormann would be the last thing they would leave hanging around.

I was extremely surprised to discover that during the forensic analysis of the Bormann remains in 1998, only mitochondrial DNA was put on the record. And the Bormann relation that was used to confirm the identity of the skeleton was a Borman Maternal relative, not Martin Bormann’s son who was easily available for such. The mitochondrial dna specifics were confirmed in a conversation I had with one of the doctors involved in the original 1998 investigation, which had been instigated by the West German Prosecutor. For those that are not genetically savvy, mitochondrial DNA could only be used to match a person or corpse to maternal blood relations. This means that the Martin Bormann DNA profile held on official documents is worthless for use for matching with any possible offspring or grandchildren.

One would have thought that after going to such extraordinary lengths of opening a through investigation and having such remains available for research, the scientists and doctors would have taken every possible bit of data possible, particularly DNA – they did not. And just to keep things really tidy, after the closing of the investigation, Martin Bormann, guardian to Nazi Germany’s post WWII wealth and classified technology, was promptly cremated and thrown ‘into the sea‘.

Those that work to uncover highly covert conspiracies have a hard time, whether it be on the kennedy assassination, death of princess Diana or Martin Bormann, much of their compelling evidence can be at best circumstantial and it would not be a conspiracy if the organisers of such were sloppy enough to leave a paper trail or hot leads to expose their plot. The appeal is now for genuine Martin Bormann blood relatives to come forward, not only to cross match with the woman, but to cross match with the DNA profiles supposedly used to identify Bormann in 1998 and those held in official and public files. Of course if this woman does have Bormann DNA and being born in a German clinic in Brazil in 1952, it will once and for all put to bed the mystery and will vindicate all those that have sacrificed much to reveal what they believed to be the truth. Could that truth be that Martin Bormann escaped and went on to manage the vast funds accumulated by Nazi Germany with the help of Britain and the USA? And according to recent research, those vast funds were probably laundered through and invested into over 750 international companies with or without Bormann.

Since 1972, ‘official’ historians and academics have spun their tales and told the world that Bormann certainly died near the Lehrter station in the early hours of May 2 1945. This oral history is based on no more than unreliable witnesses, two of which were Nazi’s and a DNA match to a skeleton found in 1972. DNA may prove that the remains are those of Bormann, but there is more evidence to prove that he was alive for at least 25 years after 1945. 25 years, in which he could have managed the vast Nazi wealth, including cash, gold, stocks, bonds, shares and priceless works of art. After all, with all the modern banking forensics available to date, not one single intelligence agency or government claims that the vast, fat, booty has been found! Or has it? Yet it has been officially written, printed, signed sealed and delivered, even into our children’s history lessons. Martin Bormann died in 1945 de-facto, the loot disappeared and anyone that tells you different is a deluded ‘conspiracy theorist’.

Proving once and for all with new testimony, documentation and forensic science that Hitler’s handler, Martin Bormann survived, will redeem many damaged reputations and will certainly bury the myth and cause many a red face in the high end academic and ‘history’ community. But more importantly, it will open a very nasty can of worms and raise many more complicated and embarrassing questions to those agencies and governments that will have knowingly perpetrated the Bormann death myth for the past 70 years.


Paul Manning’s ”Martin Bormann -Nazi in Exile” may be read here –

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Goldeneye Publishing Ltd

Laurence de Mello is a British investigative journalist and factual TV and film producer. A media professional since 1985 she has worked on programs with and for Discovery US, Discovery Europe, The Learning Channel Rai 1&2, NTV Russia, Nat Geo, Berlusconi Networks BBC, Channel 4, etc., Laurence de Mello uses the pseudonym Ami de Creighton and is co author of 'The Mountbatten Report - final edition'. A member of The British Association of Journalists she is represented by Tony Clayman at Tony Clayman Promotions Limited London. Laurence de Mello divides her year between London and Buenos Aires

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 20, 2017 9:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I found this video on Peter Fleming's grave. Inside we see a stained glass window created in his honor. Now is it just my imagination or is that a "phoenix rising" below the owl and the hawk and above a pheasant.

The hawk looks at the owl as does the Phoenix, the pheasant however looks the opposite way.


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PostPosted: Wed Oct 11, 2017 10:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The Company They Keep

That Germany lost the Second World War is not in doubt. That Germans suffered as a result is obvious. Some suffered more than others. The rich suffered least. Few were surprised. That is the way of suffering, war or peace. The Poles, the French, the Belgians, the Dutch, the Serbs, et. al., and especially the Russians certainly suffered while they were losing. Then the tide turned. This is the way of war. Tides turn. Winning now is no guarantee against losing later. Somebody always loses eventually. Civilians start losing on day one.

The Wehrmacht lost the war. The Luftwaffe lost the war. The civilians lost the war. The Nazis, however, did not lose the war. The Nazis got away. It is true that a tiny minority of individual Nazis lost the war. Goebbels, Goering, Kaltenbrunner, and the man claiming to be Hess lost the war. Perhaps it is even true that Hitler and Himmler lost the war as well, though forensic evidence to the effect is notably scant.

The Nazi Party and the S.S., as organizations, got away intact. They got away with the money, the Reichsbank treasury, $15,000,000,000 in 1945 money. This included the tooth gold. Guinness calls it the world's largest unsolved robbery. Then there was all the stolen art, pieces of which, to this day, occasionally surface. The Nazis did very well in the war, from a business viewpoint. War is a business. It is fought for material gain. The Nazis gained materially, and lived to spend it thus, they won the war. They did not win as much as they wanted to win, but who does? They did win a great deal. What they lost was territory. What they gained was treasure, new friends, and experience.

The treasure included a couple of U-boats full of bearer bonds, numbered stock shares and patent certificates.

This represented:
... the hard core of Nazi wealth in Latin America. In 1944 a great treasure had been sent secretly across the Atlantic, the famous 'Bormann treasure.' Toward the end of 1943, Bormann gave orders for Aktion Fuerland "Operation Land of Fire" to begin. This operation involved the transport from Germany to Argentina of several tons of gold, some securities, shares, and works of art ...

... Several U-boats arrived in Argentine waters after the capitulation of Germany. They were the carriers of bundles of documents, industrial patents, and securities. On July 10, 1945, the U-530 surfaced at the mouth of the River Platte and entered the port of La Plata. The following month, on August 17, the U-977 also arrived at La Plata. In accordance with international conventions, both U-boats were interned by Argentina and later handed over to the United States authorities.

-- The Avengers, by Michael Bar-Zohar, Hawthorn Books, 1967, p 101

To the surprise of few, they were found to be empty of treasure.
Two more U-boats, according to reliable sources, appeared off an uninhabited stretch of the coast of Patagonia between July 23, and 29, 1945.

Ibid., p. 101

In occupied Germany one could neither vote with these shares nor could one collect interest, dividends, nor royalties. When (West) Germany again "took its place among the nations of the World" in 1955, the Bundestag immediately changed all this. The holders of these once worthless scraps of paper suddenly, once again, possessed incredibly wealth.

Consider the case of I.G. Farben:

David M. Nichol, of the Chicago Daily News Foreign Service, writing in 1947, observed:
The trial of I.G. Farben's leading officials for war crimes is like Topsy. It just 'growed.' It is still growing.

Some of the more starry-eyed in Nuernberg and throughout the world would like to see it as a crusade against "monopoly" and "big business." Others, including Farben's 24 crotchety and dyspeptic executives in the dock, believe it is purely persecution... .

... No trial at all was planned in the beginning... .

... Investigating teams were interested in German finances, as such, in the possible sources of reparations for Nazi damages to other countries, and in tracing as much as possible of the loot that the Germans had concealed outside their borders.

Not the least of their interests was Farben's huge headquarters building in Frankfurt. Almost undamaged by bombs and fighting, it has served as the administration center for American occupation forces ever since... .

... German Army headquarters had ordered Farben's records destroyed. Many of them were. One official has compiled from memory a list of the most important ones he burned. It runs 14 pages of single space typing... .

... A handful of officials, were held for detailed but routine questioning... . One of them in particular, 63-year-old Georg von Schnitzler, one time head of Farben's entire sales organization ... began to 'talk.' From Farben's standpoint, the damage was done... .

... Justice Robert W. Jackson, United States prosecutor for the original Nuernberg trial against Goering and his mates felt industry was heavily involved in the crime with which the Nazi leaders were charged.

He proposed at first to include one Farben official among the defendants. But the case against Farben was so complex in itself that it might have overshadowed the more general charges. Gustav Krupp Von Bohlen und Halfbach, Germany's gun maker for a half century was indicted instead.

But the aging Krupp upset the plans by taking so seriously ill that he could not be tried. An unsuccessful move was made to substitute his son. In the end, big business went unrepresented before the international tribunal, except indirectly through Hitler's financial wizard, Hjalmar Schacht. And Schacht was acquitted... .

... Meantime, the Farben officials themselves can't believe it has happened. They've been accustomed too long to dictating even to the Nazis... .

... Their American friends haven't come so far, except by mail. Letters are delivered in prison, but they go through regular censorship channels. In an effort to avoid this, some had been sent to prison officials through APO numbers, but these have been returned.

Oakland Tribune, 11/2/47

I.G. Farben was broken up (on paper) into
... nine companies: the Big Three (Bayer, BASF, Hoechst) and nine smaller firms, including Agfa, Kalle, Casella, and Huels. Those in Allied countries who demanded the dissolution of I.G. 'as one means of ensuring world peace' were bitterly disappointed.

The Crime and Punishment of I.G. Farben, by Joseph Borkin, The Free Press, A Division of Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc. 1978, p 160

When these firms, still owned and controlled by the same families, organizations and in many cases the same individuals, are considered as a whole, I.G. Farben is bigger and more powerful than ever.
Corporate camouflage, the art of concealing foreign properties from enemy governments, has a special place in the history of I.G. Farben. Unlike I.G.'s involvement in mass murder and slave labor, which was a wartime aberration, I.G.'s program of camouflage long predated and outlived the war. Its political effects will persist for years to come.

Ibid., p 164

In German they call this Tarnung, the magic hood that renders its wearer invisible. Camouflage really does work. It's still working.

Consider the case of party member Hermann Schmitz, who became the chairman of Farben's managing board in 1935.
It is a good bet that if Hermann Schmitz were alive today he would bear witness as to who really won. Schmitz died contented, having witnessed the resurgence of I.G. Farben, albeit in altered corporate forms, a money machine that continues to generate profits for all the old I.G. shareholders and enormous international power for the German cadre directing the workings of the successor firms. To all appearances he died in relatively reduced circumstances, in 1960, at the age of seventy-nine, though immensely wealthy during his lifetime. Any information about his fortune seemingly vanished with his death; but those who knew him believe it still exists. He was the master manipulator, the corporate and financial wizard, the magician who could make money appear and disappear, and reappear again.

... Schmitz's wealth largely I.G. Farben bearer bonds converted to the Big Three successor firms, shares in Standard Oil of New Jersey (equal to those held by the Rockefellers), General Motors, and other U.S. blue chip industrial stocks, and the 700 secret companies controlled in his time by I.G., as well as shares in the 750 corporations he helped Bormann establish during the last year of World War II has increased in all segments of the modern industrial world. The Bormann organization in South America utilizes the voting power of the Schmitz trust along with their own assets to guide the multinationals they control, as they keep steady the economic course of the Fatherland.

... the resurgence of West Germany was due to hard work by its people, assistance from the Marshall Plan, an infusion of buying orders from the United States military establishment during the Korean War, and a(n) ... economic policy that enabled business and industry to wheel and deal in world markets and come up with profits ... Allowing business to have its head was, to go back, the formula adopted by Hitler during the 1930s; he harnessed the people instead of nationalizing industry ...

Martin Bormann, Nazi in Exile, by Paul Manning, Lyle Stuart, 1981, pp. 280-281

It is also true that the resurgence of West Germany was financed in part by Nazi blood money, some of it looted with pliers from the mouths of its rightful owners.

It is easy and profitable to blame a dead, "crazy" man for one's mistakes and crimes. Consider, for example, the enormous mileage the Contras and their friends got out of CIA chief Bill Casey's convenient demise. Hitler has assumed mythic proportions since his death. In life, he was mainly a front man, a mouthpiece, a lightning rod, and above all, the Nazi's "great communicator."

While the masses worshipped him like a god, his friends plotted behind his back, used him as a cat's paw and scapegoat, and (perhaps) cynically sacrificed him to save their own skins and fortune. Hitler had cleverly parlayed his position as figurehead into control over the military by rewording the soldiers oath. However, military power has always been subordinate to economic power, if for no other reason than because lead cannot be mined with bayonets. The purse strings of the Nazi Party were controlled by Bormann, and Bormann got away. So did the purse.
... the alleged Bormann skull is that of a grisly stand-in a substitute ...

... Substituting one body for another has been a ploy much used by General Heinrich Mueller of the Gestapo. It was he who coordinated the details of Bormann's disappearance.


When Mueller's grave was exhumed by court order in 1963, the grave held three skeletons, none of which even remotely resembled Mueller's short stature and high forehead.
... it was Mr. Brandt and his government that provided Martin Bormann with what amounted to a 'passport to freedom' in 1973 by stating that the former Hitler aide had perished in Berlin in 1945.

Ibid, p 227

Bormann had help from his friends. Consider, if you will, Herman Abs:
While Germany's bankers were collectively responsible for the financing of Hitler's war effort, the dean of them all is Herman Josef Abs. Money was his life, and his astuteness in banking and international financial manipulations enabled Deutsche Bank to serve as leader in fueling the ambitions and accomplishments of Adolf Hitler and Martin Bormann. His dominance was retained when the Federal Republic of Germany picked itself up from the ashes; he was still there as chairman of Deutsche Bank, director of I.G Farben, and of such others as Daimler-Benz and the giant electrical conglomerate, Siemans. Abs became a financial advisor to the first West German chancellor, Konrad Adenauer, and was a welcome visitor in the Federal Chancellery under Mr. Adenauer's successors, Ludwig Erhard and Kurt George Keisinger ...

... (Bormann's) friendship with Dr. Herman Josef Abs predated Abs's move into the management of Deutsche Bank. Dr. Abs had been a partner in the prestigious private bank of Delbruck, Schickler & Co. in Berlin. Recalling those days, Abs has written:

'The Reich Chancellery in Berlin was its largest account, and it was through this account that Adolf Hitler received his salary as Chancellor of the Reich.'

... Reichsleiter Bormann knew that his relationship with Abs would tighten as his own power grew ... He knew in 1943 that with his Nazi banking committee well established, he had the means to ... set new Nazi state policy when the time was ripe for the general transfer of capital, gold, stocks, and bearer bonds to safety in neutral nations.

Ibid, p 87

History has largely ignored bankers in favor of other subjects. History, and those who write it (and their masters) apparently want us to think politicians and generals are more important to the state. Bankers, of course, feel differently. They tend, and not with out reason, to be as furtive as much as possible. While we are cheering the politicians and saluting the generals, we are not noticing the bankers, who are picking our pockets. This suits the bankers' ends, thus history slants their relative importance.
Baron Kurt von Schroeder, a well-known banker ... and economic advisor to Bormann's economic committee, commented that Dr. Herman Josef Abs, chairman of Deutsche Bank, was particularly important to the government of the Third Reich.

His influence was mainly with the Reichsbank and with the Ministry of Economics. Abs proved very valuable to the party and to the government by using his bank to assist the government in doing business in the occupied countries and other foreign countries. Abs enjoyed excellent relations with Walther Funk, who was both president of the Reichsbank and head of the Ministry of Economics ...

... Branch managers of Deutsche Bank were to a man members of the party ...

Ibid., p 69

This is the same Hermann Abs who was chosen by Pope John Paul II to oversee the reorganization of the Vatican Bank when it was caught red-handed laundering counterfeit securities and heroin profits for the Gambino crime family. It is worth noting that in his youth J.P. II was, according to the official version, once a slave laborer for I.G. Solvay, a Farben subsidiary specializing primarily in pharmaceuticals. He is supposed to have labored in the Solvay quarries near Auschwitz. It's a rare slave indeed who becomes pope at all, let alone then hires his former master to keep track of his money. Wonders truly never cease.

It is equally worthy of note that despite the name, dyes alone were not the source of the wealth upon which I.G. Farben was founded. Pharmaceuticals played a major rule.
In 1898 ... the Bayer Company ... began mass production of diacetylmorphine and coined the trade name heroin to market the new remedy ... Bayer described heroin as a nonaddictive panacea for adult ailments and infant respiratory diseases...

... During the late nineteenth century, the same manufacture also promoted another narcotic, cocaine.

The Politics of Heroin in South East Asia, by Alfred McCoy, Lawrence Hill Books, 1972, p 5-6

If one overlooks its narrow threshold to LD50 range, its price, and its addictive properties, heroin does indeed make a dandy cough remedy. It is the only known cure for the common cold. In the long run, though, you're better off with the cold. Cocaine is totally useless.

In October 1978 the Marshall Foundation was utilized as a platform for Dr. Herman J. Abs, now honorary president of Deutsche Bank A.G. as he addressed a meeting of businessmen and Bankers and members of the Foreign Policy Association in New York City on the 'Problems and Prospects of American-German Economic Co-operation.' This luncheon was chaired by his old friend, John J. McCloy, Wall Street banker and lawyer, who had worked closely with Dr. Abs when McCloy served as U.S. High Commissioner for Germany during those postwar reconstruction years. At that time, Hermann Abs, as chief executive of Deutsche Bank was also directing the spending of America's Marshall Plan money in West Germany as the chairman of the Reconstruction Loan Corporation of the Federal Republic of Germany.

Manning, p 261

This is the same McCloy who designed the Pentagon building and served on the Warren Commission. While Undersecretary of War, he had forbidden bombing of the rail lines to Auschwitz on the grounds that it might provoke retaliation against the Jews. One cannot but wonder what he had in mind.

Auschwitz was intended, first and foremost, to be a synthetic rubber and synthetic fuel factory complex. The more well-known dead Jews were to be merely a byproduct. Abs had arranged the financing of its construction. In charge of synthetic rubber production was Otto Ambros, who also developed the root technology on which magnetic data storage is based. He was convicted of 25,000 counts of slavery and mass murder, and was sentenced to eight years in prison. After three and a half years, McCloy freed him. The head of the W.R. Grace & Co., J. Peter Grace (a Knight of Malta) hired Ambros as a research chemist and petitioned Congress to allow his emigration to the United States. This is the same J. Peter Grace who President Reagan appointed to head the so-called "Grace Commission" to make the United States government more "efficient."
Grace: 'I admire Ambros's integrity.'

Esquire, 12/19/78

Hermann Schmitz's nephew, Robert was employed by W.R. Grace & Co. in the early 1950s to help in its plans for diversification. W.R. Grace paid alleged cocaine dealer John DeLorean $25,000 a month as a consultant. Delorean advised W.R. to invest in a luxury RV project. Grace is reported to have dropped a $1,000,000 on the project. The RV never materialized.

Companies are known by the people they keep.
The Assistant Secretary of War, until 1940 was a member of the law firm of Cravath, de Gersdorff, Swain & Wood, which firm ... had been representing I.G. Farben or its affiliates in the United States. It may appear to be a coincidence that Mr. McCloy should have turned up in the War Department in 1941 in a position in which he could speak with authority on such matters as handling the destruction of that mainstay of Germany's war potential I.G. Farben.

Treason's Peace, by Howard Watson Armbruster, Beechurst Press, New York, 1947, p 386

Consider the Flicks:
Friedrich Flick, the Howard Hughes of West Germany's mighty postwar industrialists, was a man of few public words. But when he spoke people remembered.

Defending his financial support of the Nazi party at the Nuremberg war-crime trials, Mr. Flick uttered one of the most quoted statements of the day: 'I was of the opinion necessarily, that political insurance would not do me any harm.' And hardly any of the men who worked for him could ever forget Mr. Flick's guiding business motto: 'Either change the numbers or the faces.'

The one paying the closest attention to the words of 'the old gentleman' was his son, Friedrich Flick, who has been adhering to every letter of those precepts since taking over this country's largest family-owned concern after his father died in 1972. Friedrich Karl dared to make one change replacing the picture of Bismarck that had hung in his father's office with a portrait of Dad himself but otherwise it has been pretty much like father, like son... .

... The son's most audacious move was to sell a 29 percent stake in Daimler-Benz AG, the maker of Mercedes cars, to Deutsche Bank in 1975 for $789.77 million, which amounted to a huge capital gain of $714.55 million on what his father had paid for 40 percent of Daimler stock in the early 1950s.

Under West German law, the profit from the Daimler transaction would have normally been taxed at a rate of 56 percent unless Flick reinvested the money before the end of 1978 in projects judged by the government to be 'especially beneficial to the national economy.' Mr. Flick went on a rapid spending spree, and although more than half the money flowed into the U.S., including some $400 million for a 29 percent stake in W.R. Grace & Co. of New York, the West German Economics Ministry granted tax-exempt status to all but a fraction of the new investments.

The Wall Street Journal, 9/21/83

Then there are the Thyssens.
... the Thyssen family learned the facts of corporate life at an early age. Count Fredrico Zichy-Thyssen acquired his knowledge from grandfather Fritz Thyssen; his cousin Baron Hans Heinrich Thyssen-Bornemisza acquired similar corporate wisdom from his father, old Fritz's brother, Heinrich Thyssen. The latter became Baron Heinrich Thyssen-Bornemisza and took up residence in Lugano, Switzerland, gaining Swiss citizenship. As Count Zichy represents the largest shareholder group in Thyssen A.G. From his home in Buenos Aires, the young baron directs his interest from his Villa Favorita in Lugano.

One such holding in the United States is Indian Head Inc., with American corporate headquarters at 1200 Avenue of the Americas, New York City. Thyssen Inc. has its U.S. offices farther down this avenue at number 1114, in the W.R. Grace & Co. building. Indian Head is a wide-ranging manufacturing conglomerate, with 42 plants in the United States and 10,400 employees. It enjoys annual net sales of close to $604 million. For an industrial corporation of such size it has a remarkably low profile. It distributes no annual report 'We are a privately held corporation.' Like Thyssen Inc. in the United States it has no background ownership file with the SEC because it has never had to go public. When Thyssen bought Budd Manufacturing for $275 million, it was in cash, and there was no requirement for corporate disclosures to the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Still, good will is cherished, and German industrials and bankers continue to strive to project a friendly German image in the United States. One noteworthy announcement, made from Washington, D.C., in March 1979 was that 57 priceless Old Masters paintings from the collection of Baron Thyssen-Bornemisza would be taken on a tour of the United States in 1979 and 1980. This collection of great masterworks is said to be except for the Royal Collection of the queen of England the greatest private art collection now in existence. This public traveling exhibit constituted a major achievement as a public relations ploy. Ever cautious, however, no German firm underwrote the tour: Indian Head kept out of the picture. Instead, a major U.S. corporation was chosen to underwrite the masterworks tour, United Technologies of Hartford, Connecticut (152,000 employees, 200 plants, and a worldwide marketing operation in power, flight systems, industrial products and services), agreed to underwrite the cost of the venture as a favor to its German friend in Lugano, Switzerland. The project was initiated from Lugano; the baron, after consulting with his corporate image advisors, agreed to United Technologies rather than Indian Head with its hidden shareholders. The foundation that made all the arrangements was another privately endowed, nonprofit organization, International Exhibitions Foundation. It made the approach to United Technologies and also brought aboard the prestigious Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and the Federal Council on the Arts and Humanities,

Manning, p 263

The Mellons, Morgans and DuPonts have been a close-knit financial axis for generations. In 1936, they attempted to finance a coup d'etat in America. The plot was foiled by retired Marine Corps commandant Smedley Butler whom they had approached as a potential front man, offering to make him the "American Mussolini." He snitched them out to F.D.R. Though congressional hearings were held, nobody hung, and some of the testimony was suppressed for years. They had the right friends. Money might not buy happiness, but it sure as hell does buy friends.

For a revealing account of the '36 coup attempt read The Plot to Steal the White House, by Jules Archer. For a contemporary's account of the testimony suppression, see: Facts and Fascism , by George Seldes, In Fact, Inc., 1943, pp. 111-114.
... in June 1943 antitrust again went into action against Farben with a lengthy indictment of National Lead Company, Titan Company and du Pont, along with four of their officers, for having engaged in a world-wide cartel conspiracy with I.G. Farben and some twenty other foreign companies to restrain the production and distribution of titanium and titanium compounds. These pigments for the manufacture of paints, rubber, glass, paper, and other articles are important in peace and are strategic war materials... .

... the law firm of Cravath, Swaine and Moore, representing du Pont ...

Armbruster, p 345

Coincidence? Perhaps.
... the J. Henry Schroder bank acted as financial agent for the Nazi Government just prior to the start of the war and also was reported to be a financial backer for one of the firms in Farben's international nitrogen cartel; also the London Schroder had close business and family ties with the notorious General Kurt von Schroeder, of the Stein Bank of Cologne, Germany, that particular member of the Schroeder clan having been one of the strongest financial links between Hitler and his Farben industrial backers.

By another coincidence, Sullivan & Cromwell, the law firm of John Foster Dulles (advisor to Mr. Crowley as Custodian and Counsel for General Dyestuffs stock claimants), is reported to be counsel for Schroder bank; and Allen W. Dulles, brother of John Foster and a member of that law firm, likewise is one of the directors of the J. Henry Schroder bank.

Ibid., p 366

More than Nazi money went underground.
... Himmler was quoted as summing up his talk with Bormann to his most trusted lieutenants in these words: 'It is possible that Germany will be defeated on the military front. It is even possible that she may have to capitulate. But never must the National Socialist German Workers' Party capitulate. That is what we have to work for from now on.'

The Nazis Go Underground, by Curt Riass, Doubleday, Doran, and Co., Inc.1944, p. 4-5

"Ex"-S.S. men infiltrated, among other things, every major intelligence apparatus on earth. They have been major players in postwar history. Spy master Reinhardt Gehlen, for example, created the rationale for starting the Cold War out of whole cloth. As we now know, had the Red Army actually been intending to continue their drive westward, as Gehlen said they did, they would not have been tearing up railroad track in front of themselves. They relied heavily on rail to transport their troops. Our leaders didn't know; they believed Gehlen, and acted accordingly. Or they knew, and they lied to us. There is no third possibility. This comes as no surprise to those who have actually studied war. Truth is the first casualty.
Adolf Hitler's top intelligence officials worked with U.S. intelligence officials worked with U.S. intelligence during World War II, according to a transcript made available Tuesday of secret testimony by Allen Dulles before a House Select committee in 1947.

UPI, 9/29/82

This is the same Dulles who served on the Warren Commission, investigating the assassination of the President who had fired him just prior to the murder in Dallas that enabled the success of the coup of '63. It is interesting to note that Dulles's law firm, Cromwell and Sullivan, also represented I.G. Farben before the War.

The S.S. was designed from inception to stand alone, a thing apart. It was, and is, more of a religious institution than a political or military one. Think of it as one of those "cults that kill."

Shadows of its continued existence can be seen in the various "ex"-S.S. officer's benevolent associations: the Odessa, Die Spinne, the "Kommeradenwerk," etc., in such mercenary armies as the "Fiancees of Death," and in the "various" cocaine cartels. Now they wear white shirts; camouflage works again. The organization lives on, though the "old fighters" have by and large died off. They had no more trouble recruiting new blood than they had finding new soil. The organization is stronger than ever. It too is a business. In part, its business is protection. "Ex"-S.S men flooded South America, where they were met with open arms. They took over day to day operation of the lucrative cocaine trade. Germans have maintained a monopoly on the South American pharmaceutical business since the middle of the last century. Their fortunes have multiplied enormously. One good alchemist is worth a forest of knights.
Dr. Josef Mengele, the nazi 'angel of death,' was a major dealer in the international drug traffic for many years ... according to testimony in a U.S. Senate investigation ...

... Because of the partial blackout of the CIA reports, the senators said, many questions are unanswered.

It is difficult to determine to what extent ... U.S. agencies attempted on a serious determined basis to bring Mengele to Justice.

... The CIA unit, which had prepared an article on Mengele's activities for the International Narcotics Review, withdrew the article, which has since been 'misplaced.'

Heritage, 4/1/85

It is difficult to believe that any U.S. agency made a serious attempt to bring Mengele to justice, or justice to him, until it was too late.
... according to declassified CIA documents released by two Republican senators.

Mengele's reported involvement in drugs could explain how he was able to finance his life and travels in South America for years, according to one of the senators, Alphonse M. D'Amato of New York. One CIA document said Mengele may have used a farm machinery business in Paraguay 'as a mechanism to move or launder large sums of money, as well as to cover the movement of illicit narcotics.'

But the 28 heavily censored pages of long hidden CIA records were often vague and inconclusive, D'Amato and Sen. Arlen K. Specter of Pennsylvania acknowledged at a news conference. Because many sentences were blacked out to conceal the CIA's sources of information about Mengele, it is difficult to determine what data in the documents might be credible ...

... Referring to the documents, Specter said, 'They're vague, but that's the starting point for our investigation.'

Los Angeles Times News Service, 2/27/85

Vague, censored documents are a not unfamiliar concept to Specter who was once counsel for the Warren Commission.
Some of the CIA documents and cables spoke of Mengele living at 'a well-guarded ranch' and enjoying 'the protection of Stroessner' a reference to Paraguayan dictator Walter Stroessner.


The coca-fascistas are major players on the world economic stage. With all that money, how could they not be? Their money buys a lot of protection. Their power is immense. Their intentions have been made abundantly clear to all those who pay attention.

Nazi roots run deep in Paraguay. Paraguay, you may recall, became home to South America's first Nazi party, in 1929. Not all Nazis are German. Not all German Nazis are in exile.
Following the biggest ever crackdown on neo-Nazis in West Germany, authorities have uncovered a web of international right-wing contacts stretching from the United States through Europe that also touched the PLO and Iran.

The network came to light in a diary police seized from a leading West German neo-Nazi, Manfred Roeder...

Roeder and Karl-Hienze Hoffman, leader of a neo-Nazi group banned last year, also had contacts in Lebanon ...

... Hoffman has for several years sold second-hand military vehicles to Lebanon and other Middle East countries.

One such shipment was seized on the Austrian border after a young member of Hoffman's group planted a bomb at the Munich Oktoberfest last September, blowing himself up and killing 12 others.

Mainichi (Tokyo) Daily News, 3/31/81
The raids turned up thousands of banned neo-Nazi and anti-Semetic pamphlets smuggled from the United States and Canada.

Houston Post, 3/31/81

Don't believe for one moment that the storm troopers we have been seeing on the evening news, rioting in the streets of modern Germany, are a new phenomenon, or that they arose solely out of reaction to the seizure of East Germany's economy by the West. They have deep historical roots. They have very powerful friends.

Who is behind the resurgence of fascism in Russia and America? Are we seeing the simultaneous rise of spontaneous, indigenous movements? Or are we looking at a coordinated effort? To answer this question, first consider the proclivity and aptitude of the fascist, and particularly the Nazi, underground to undertake coordinated efforts out of the light of day. Consider their track record. Then ask yourself what we are going to do when they make their big move here.

The camps are already built. The paint is kept fresh. The grass is neatly trimmed. The round up plan, code named Rex 84, is ready to go. Administration is to be handled through FEMA. The plan was drawn up mainly by Ollie North, when he was still in power. He drew heavily on a plan from the sixties called Operation Garden Plot. Ollie's first plan, Rex 83, was run in computer simulation and found lacking in man power.

Bodies called State Defense Forces were then set up to supplement law enforcement and the national guard. They are to be essentially armed and deputized civilians. Cadre elements meet and train regularly. They are recruited from the fascist/racist para-militaries, and from the floating pool of freelance mercenaries who advertise in Soldier of Fortune magazine. Some suspicious types have considered the possibility that the name itself may be an allusion to the infamous "King Alfred Plan" to round up Americans of African descent.

Rex 84 was originally drawn up to deal with the expected massive resistance to a planned invasion of Central America. America stuck its toe in the water. Operation Big Pine was an "exercise" involving the landing of 60,000 troops just north of the Nicaraguan border. The degree of protest it sparked caused the government to back down. In San Francisco we filled the streets four nights in one week. The extent of protest in other cities was blacked out of national, though not local news. The most reliable reports were on the Internet. Broadcast journalism was grossly disfeasant, but the protests spread anyhow. They were clearly not "copy-cat" protests. They were spontaneous, sincere and broad-based. No wonder the crypto-fascists (and their so-called "democratic" interventionist allies) in government backed down. Home front resistance to American fighting on the ground in Central America would have been massive.

Never the less, Rex 84 is still ready to go in case wide spread civil unrest results from the clamp down following, oh say, a coup, perhaps introduced by a Reichstag-Fire-like fake (nuclear? biological?) terrorist incident. This is a time-tested scenario. Better to be prepared for it than not. Fascism is not a dead threat. Fascism is alive and well and not just living in Argentina. Fascists, Nazis, Klansmen and their new found allies the totalitarian (so-called) "Christian" Right have infiltrated America's government, military, law enforcement, and business at every level from the cop on the corner to the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

If their official plan, the one they admit to, calls then for "dissidents" to have their doors kicked in by a bunch of deputized Klansmen and Nazis, you can imagine what it is that they plan but do not admit also. The lesson of history is clear. These people are cold-blooded killers. They are ruthless, tenacious, and very well financed. They are adept liars and past masters of camouflage. Today they wear white shirts, but only for effect. Under their Tarnung they are who they ever were. Best to plan with that in mind.

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 13, 2017 10:20 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

In 1933 Bormann became chief of staff to Deputy Führer Rudolf Hess. According to Louis L. Snyder: "Bormann rose steadily in the Nazi hierarchy. In 1937 he was regional press officer for the NSDAP in Thuringia. The next year he was promoted to Gauleiter (District Leader) and chief business manager of the party in Thuringia. It was clear that Bormann, a master of the arts of intrigue and political infighting, was headed for lofty eminence in the Third Reich. He took control of Hitler's financial affairs and functioned as an administrator of the Adolf Hitler-Spende, a huge fund consisting of suggested contributions from industry." Snyder adds: "Observers described him as a short, squat man in a badly fitting civil servant's uniform with his briefcase under his arm, always working to advance his own interests."

Adolf Hitler compared the efficiency of Martin Bormann with his brother Arthur Bormann, who also worked for him: "Where others need all day, Bormann does it for me in two hours, and he never forgets anything! ... Bormann's reports are so precisely formulated that I only need to say Yes or No . With him I get through a pile of files in ten minutes for which other men would need hours. If I tell him, remind me of this or that in six months, I can rest assured that he will do so. He is the exact opposite of his brother who forgets every task I give him."

Albert Speer explained how there was a struggle for power amongst the leaders of the Nazi Party. This included Bormann, Joseph Goebbels, Herman Goering, Alfred Rosenberg, Robert Ley, Heinrich Himmler, Joachim von Ribbentrop and Rudolf Hess. "The powerful men under Hitler were already jealously watching one another like so many pretenders to the throne. Quite early there were struggles for position among Goebbels, Goering, Rosenberg, Ley, Himmler, Ribbentrop, and Hess. Only Roehm had been left by the wayside, and before long Hess was to lose all his influence. But none of them recognized a threat in the shape of trusty Bormann. He had succeeded in representing himself as insignificant while imperceptibly building up his bastions. Even among so many ruthless men, he stood out by his brutality and coarseness. He had no culture, which might have put some restraints on him, and in every case he carried out whatever Hitler had ordered or what he himself had gathered from Hitler's hints. A subordinate by nature, he treated his own subordinates as if he were dealing with cows and oxen."

Martin Bormann
Martin Bormann
In 1933 Arthur Bormann married a woman of whom his brother disapproved because she was not Nordic. Hitler's secretary, Christa Schroeder, claimed: "The two brothers became estranged. If they were standing together, each would ignore the other. If for example Hitler gave one of them a job to pass to the other, that brother would send for an orderly officer to convey the instruction to his brother standing a few feet away. If one of the brothers told a funny story everybody present would laugh except the other brother who would keep a straight face."

Arthur Bormann
Another secretary, Traudl Junge, added: "The hostility between the Bormanns was so habitual and firmly established that they could stand side by side and ignore each other entirely. And when Hitler gave a letter or request to the younger Bormann to be passed on to the Reichsleiter, Albert Bormann would go out, find an orderly, and the orderly would pass instructions on to his big brother even if they were both in the same room. The same thing happened in reverse, and if one Bormann told a funny story at table all the rest of the company would roar with laughter, while his brother just sat there ignoring them and looking deadly serious. I was surprised to find how used Hitler had become to this state of affairs. He took no notice of it at all."

Christa Schroeder, Hitler's personal secretary, wrote in her autobiography that Bormann was not a popular man with the rest of the staff: "Martin Bormann was simply one of the most devoted and loyal of Hitler's vassals who would often force through ruthlessly and sometimes brutally the orders and directives given him by Hitler.... He expected from his staff that same enormous industriousness which distinguished himself, and this did not help to make him loved... I am of the opinion today that nobody in Hitler's entourage save Bormann would have had the presence to run this difficult office. For sheer lack of time Hitler could not attend to all day-to-day affairs, and perhaps whenever possible he avoided doing so to prevent himself becoming unloved! Accordingly all the unpleasant business was left to Martin Bormann, and he was also the scapegoat."

Heinz Linge was Hitler's valet. In his autobiography, With Hitler to the End (1980), he explained Bormann's relationship with Hitler and his staff: "Outwardly he no more resembled the physical image which National Socialism prized than Himmler or Goebbels. In stature he was of small build, fat and robust, an uncouth and unbelievably hyperactive personality. Whatever he did was carried through with unscrupulous force. He crushed underfoot anybody in his path. He was one of those persons for whom you instinctively stand even if you met him as a stranger in the street.... Bormann was a strong personality whose influence even on Hitler I had occasion to remark often. He worked day and night, allowed colleagues and employees no rest and tyrannised them. For the most minor error he would ruthlessly cull a member of staff. He called for a furious work rate and appalled not only his workers and advisers but his adjutants such as Führer too."

Hitler's chauffeur, Erich Kempka, was another person who had a strong dislike of Martin Bormann. In his book, I Was Hitler's Chauffeur: The Memoirs of Erich Kempka (1951) he wrote: "The most hated and dictatorial person in Hitler's immediate circle was Reichsleiter Martin Bormann. He had a cat-like, effusive show of friendliness when it suited his purposes, but when not being nice he was utterly brutal. His ruthlessness knew no bounds. His only known good point was his unbelievable work rate. One cannot talk about the fall of the Reich and the death of Hitler without a thorough understanding of the person who was the grey eminence in Hitler's personal circle... He had an excellent idea of how to make equals feel he was their friend and to have himself appreciated by his superiors. He worked almost day and night without a break and rightfully won the reputation of being a great workhorse."

Martin Bormann
Martin Bormann
The historian, Louis L. Snyder, has been very critical of Bormann: "He was, indeed, the power behind Hitler's throne. Under his unprepossessing exterior was the classic manipulator, the anonymous power seeker who worked in secrecy and outmaneuvered all his rivals seeking Hitler's ear." Albert Speer has claimed that he used this power for his own financial advantage. Bormann apparently took money from the Adolf Hitler Endowment Fund of German Industry that he controlled. Speer argues that he got away with it because he was "clever enough" to give some of this money to other Nazi Party leaders. Christa Schroeder rejects this idea and in her book, He Was My Chief: The Memoirs of Adolf Hitler's Secretary (1985): "Many of the rumours still current about Bormann have in my opinion no basis in fact... To my mind he was one of the few National Socialists with clean hands if one may put it that way, for he was incorruptible and came down hard on all corruption he discovered. For his oppressive attitude in this regard he increasingly antagonised corrupt Party members and many others."

During the Second World War Bormann was Hitler's closest collaborator. On 12th May, 1941, two days after Hess flew to Britain, Hitler appointed Bormann to direct the newly created party chancellery. In this post Bormann worked to strengthen the party against both the leaders of the German armed forces and the Schutzstaffel (SS). He was described as "the Machiavelli behind the office desk".

At the beginning of 1945 the Soviet troops entered Nazi Germany. On 16th January, Hitler moved into the Führerbunker in Berlin. He was joined by Eva Braun, Gretl Braun, Joseph Goebbels, Magda Goebbels, Hermann Fegelein, Rochus Misch, Martin Bormann, Walter Hewell, Julius Schaub, Erich Kempka, Heinz Linge, Julius Schreck, Ernst-Gunther Schenck, Otto Günsche, Traudl Junge, Christa Schroeder and Johanna Wolf.

Hitler was now nearly fifty-five years old but looked much older. His hair had gone grey, his body was stooped, and he had difficulty in walking. His voice had become feeble and his eyesight was so poor that that he needed special lenses even to read documents from his "Führer typewriter". Hitler also developed a tremor in his left arm and leg. He had originally suffered from this during the First World War and also after the failure of the Munich Putsch in 1923. It was a nervous disorder that reappeared whenever Hitler felt he was in danger.

People who had not seen him for a few months were shocked by his appearance. One man remarked: "It was a ghastly physical image he presented. The upper part of his body was bowed and he dragged his feet as he made his way slowly and laboriously through the bunker from his living room... If anyone happened to stop him during this short walk (some fifty or sixty yards), he was forced either to sit down on one of the seats placed along the walls for the purpose, or to catch hold of the person he was speaking to... Often saliva would dribble from the comers of his mouth... presenting a hideous and pitiful spectacle."

Hitler now became totally dependent on Bormann who remained loyal to him to the end. James P. O'Donnell, the author of The Berlin Bunker (1979) has argued that Bormann and Otto Günsche were the two most important men in Hitler's life in the Führerbunker: "Bormann - stocky, bullish, drinking heavily when off duty - was now literally at the Führer's elbow, wheeling and dealing madly in what was left of the Nazi power game. But in terms of physical proximity, although not of power or influence, there was, however, one man who was often even closer to Hitler. This was Major Otto Günsche, the tall rugged soldier of twenty-seven, who was the Führer's, senior SS adjutant, a kind of Man Friday in the Bunker".

Bormann's loyalty was nor mirrored by all the Nazi leaders. Heinrich Himmler and Herman Goering both considered the possibility of overthrowing Hitler. One plan involved Himmler arresting Hitler and announcing to the German people that Hitler had retired due to ill-health. Their main concern was to do a deal with Britain and the United States that would prevent the Soviet Union occupying Germany. The German leaders were not only concerned about the imposition of communism, but also feared what Soviet soldiers anxious to gain revenge for the war crimes committed against their people by the SS might do. (Of the five million Soviet soldiers captured by the Germans an estimated three million were murdered or allowed to die of starvation.)

The situation became so desperate that on 22nd April, Hitler sent his two secretaries, Christa Schroeder and Johanna Wolf, away. Schroeder later recalled: "He received us in his room looking tired, pale and listless. "Over the last four days the situation has changed to such an extent that I find myself forced to disperse my staff. As you are the longest serving, you will go first. In an hour a car leaves for Munich."

When the Soviet troops first entered Berlin it was suggested that Hitler should try to escape. Hitler rejected the idea as he feared the possibility of being captured. He had heard stories of how the Soviet troops planned to parade him through the streets of Germany in a cage. To prevent this humiliation Hitler decided to commit suicide. By the end of April soldiers of the Red Army were only 300 yards away from Hitler's underground bunker. Although defeat was inevitable, Hitler insisted his troops fight to the death. Instructions were constantly being sent out giving orders for the execution of any military commanders who retreated. Hitler made a will leaving all his property to the Nazi Party.

On 28th April 1945 Hitler married Eva Braun. Hitler tested out a cyanide pill on his pet Alsatian dog, Blondi. Braun agreed to commit suicide with him. She could have become rich by writing her memoirs but she preferred not to live without Hitler. Braun told Hitler's secretary, Traudl Junge. "Please do try to get out. You may yet make your way through. And give Bavaria my love." Junge commented that she said this "smiling but with a sob in her voice."

Heinz Linge recalled: "After the meal Eva Hitler came to me to take her leave. Pale, having remained awake all night but careful to maintain her composure, she thanked me for 'everything you have done for the Führer'. With a sad look she begged me at the finish: 'Should you meet my sister Gretl, do not tell her how her husband, Hermann Fegelein, met his death.' I never saw Gretl Fegelein again." Linge also reported that Joseph Goebbels tried to persuade Hitler not to commit suicide. Hitler told Goebbels: "Doctor, you know my decision. There is no change! You can of course leave Berlin with your family." Goebbels replied that he would stay in Berlin and die with Hitler.

Hitler then asked to see Linge: "He stood stooped, the hank of hair, as always, across the pale forehead. He had become grey. He looked at me with tired eyes and said he would now retire. It was 1515 hours. I asked for his orders for the last time. Outwardly calm and in a quiet voice, as if he were sending me into the garden to fetch something, he said: 'Linge, I am going to shoot myself now. You know what you have to do. I have given the order for the break-out. Attach yourself to one of the groups and try to get through to the west.' To my question what we should fight for now, he answered: 'For the Coming Man'. I saluted. Hitler took two or three tired steps towards me and offered his hand. Then for the last time in his life he raised his right arm in the Hitler salute. A ghostly scene. I turned on my heel, closed the door and went to the bunker exit where the SS bodyguard was sitting around."

Hitler's bodyguard, Rochus Misch commented: “Everyone was waiting for the shot. We were expecting it.... Then came the shot. Heinz Linge took me to one side and we went in. I saw Hitler slumped by the table. I didn’t see any blood on his head. And I saw Eva with her knees drawn up lying next to him on the sofa – wearing a white and blue blouse, with a little collar: just a little thing.” Albert Speer commented: "Eva's love for him, her loyalty, were absolute - as she proved unmistakably at the end."

Bormann at once informed Karl Doenitz by radio that Hitler had nominated him as his successor. Bormann and Joseph Goebbels made an attempt to negotiate with the Soviet Union. They replied that they were unwilling to negotiate and the only thing acceptable to them was "unconditional surrender". Goebbels now told Doenitz that Hitler had died. The news was broadcast on German radio on the evening of 1st May, 1945.

Death of Martin Bormann
Those left in the Führerbunker were undecided what to do next. Some men committed suicide whereas others armed themselves with the intention to fight the enemy troops. Bormann, along with Traudl Junge, Walter Hewell, Martin Bormann, Erich Kempka, Heinz Linge and Ernst-Gunther Schenck decided to try and escape. Junge later recalled: "It could be about eight-thirty in the evening. We are to be the first group leaving the bunker... we make our way through the many waiting people and go down underground passages. We clamber over half-wrecked staircases, through holes in walls and rubble, always going further up and out. At last the Wilhelmsplatz stretches ahead, shining in the moonlight. The dead horse still lies there on the paving stones, but only the remains of it now. Hungry people have come out of the U-Bahn tunnels to slice off pieces of meat... Soundlessly, we cross the square. Sporadic shots are fired, but the gunfire is stronger further away. Then we have reached the U-Bahn tunnel outside the ruins of the Kaiserhof. We climb down and work our way on in the darkness, over the wounded and the homeless, past soldiers resting, until we reach Friedrichstrasse Station. Here the tunnel ends and hell begins. We have to get through, and we succeed. The whole fighting group gets across the U-Bahn bend uninjured. But an inferno breaks out behind us. Hundreds of snipers are shooting at those who follow us."

Linge later recalled in With Hitler to the End (1980) : "I teamed up with SS-Obersturmbannfuhrer Erich Kempka. In full uniform we climbed through a window of the New Reich Chancellery cellar. Under a hail of shell and mortar fire we crossed Friedrich-Strasse to the railway station where a couple of our panzers were standing and still offering the Russians battle. Towards midnight on the Weidendamm bridge we came upon Stumpfegger, Baur and Bormann who had lost their bearings, arrived by a roundabout route and were now separated from the Russians by an anti-tank barrier. As three of our panzers and three armoured vehicles rolled up, Bormann decided to break through the Russian lines using a panzer. Kempka jumped up, stopped the vehicles and told the leading panzer commander what was required. Under the protection of this panzer heading for the tank barrier, Bormann, Naumann and Stumpfegger doubled forward while I watched. The panzer was hit by a projectile from a Panzerfaust. The people alongside it were tossed into the air like dolls by the explosion. I could no longer see Stumpfegger nor Bormann. I presumed they were dead." Erich Kempka, the author of I Was Hitler's Chauffeur: The Memoirs of Erich Kempka (1951), also confirmed this story.

Despite these accounts by Linge and Kempka, rumours circulated that Bormann had managed to escape to South America. Mark M. Boatner III has pointed out: "Although several eyewitnesses said he was hit by tank fire, two testifying they saw his corpse, it was generally believed long after the war that Bormann reached sanctuary and remained at large... A skeleton found in the city on 8th December 1972 was officially identified as his."

By John Simkin (john@spartacus-educational.com) © September 1997 (updated August 2014).
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Primary Sources
(1) In his autobiography Albert Speer explained how Martin Bormann became such an important figure during the Second World War.
The powerful men under Hitler were already jealously watching one another like so many pretenders to the throne. Quite early there were struggles for position among Goebbels, Goering, Rosenberg, Ley, Himmler, Ribbentrop, and Hess. Only Roehm had been left by the wayside, and before long Hess was to lose all his influence. But none of them recognized a threat in the shape of trusty Bormann. He had succeeded in representing himself as insignificant while imperceptibly building up his bastions. Even among so many ruthless men, he stood out by his brutality and coarseness. He had no culture, which might have put some restraints on him, and in every case he carried out whatever Hitler had ordered or what he himself had gathered from Hitler's hints. A subordinate by nature, he treated his own subordinates as if he were dealing with cows and oxen.

(2) Martin Bormann wrote to his wife about his plans for the Slavs in German occupied Europe.
The Slavs are to work for us. Insofar as we do not need them, they may die. Therefore, compulsory vaccination and German health service are superfluous. The fertility of the Slavs is undesirable. They may use contraceptives or practice abortion, the more the better. Education is dangerous. It is enough if they can count up to one hundred. At best an education which produces useful coolies for us is admissible. Every educated person is a future enemy.

(3) Heinz Linge, With Hitler to the End (1980)
Martin Bormann also came from the ranks of the old NSDAP membership. Like Himmler he had also worked on the land. Under Rudolf Hess he had exercised the function of party head of staff. Outwardly he no more resembled the physical image which National Socialism prized than Himmler or Goebbels. In stature he was of small build, fat and robust, an uncouth and unbelievably hyperactive personality. Whatever he did was carried through with unscrupulous force. He crushed underfoot anybody in his path. He was one of those persons for whom you instinctively stand even if you met him as a stranger in the street. His close personal relationship to Hitler, at which he was working doggedly when I joined Hitler's staff, was achieved by enlarging Hitler's country house Wachenfeld on Obersalzberg. He arranged finance for this endeavor skilfully by diverting party funds and gave Hitler, who had no real understanding of money, the feeling that here was somebody who might relieve him of all the burdens in this area with which he did not wish to be encumbered. When more structures went up on Obersalzberg later, we were not really surprised to see that Bormann himself had now acquired a magnificent country house and wormed himself into Hitler's close personal circle on the basis of being his "neighbour". Bormann was a strong personality whose influence even on Hitler I had occasion to remark often. He worked day and night, allowed colleagues and employees no rest and tyrannised them. For the most minor error he would ruthlessly cull a member of staff. He called for a furious work rate and appalled not only his workers and advisers but his adjutants such as Führer too. His fitting nickname was "The Lord God of Obersalzberg".

(4) Christa Schroeder, He Was My Chief: The Memoirs of Adolf Hitler's Secretary (1985)
Martin Bormann was simply one of the most devoted and loyal of Hitler's vassals who would often force through ruthlessly and sometimes brutally the orders and directives given him by Hitler. Seen in this way, Bormann followed the same kind of path as did Franz Pfeffer von Salomon, running battles with Gauleiters, ministers, Party bosses and the rest being the rule. In the spring of 1930 at OSAF, Bormann was as yet unburdened by the far-reaching and unpleasant tasks which Hitler gave him later. Bormann could never be called an attractive man. He had married Gerda Buch, the beautiful daughter of Party judge, retired Major Walter Buch, who as the Reich USCHLA Judge in the NSDAP was highly respected and enjoyed Hitler's confidence. Buch had been an active officer and subsequently an instructor at an NCO training school. In the First World War he was regimental adjutant and later commander of a machine-gun sharpshooter unit. In 1918 he took over an officer-candidate battalion at Doberitz. After the war he left the army in the rank of major and joined the NSDAP In 1925 he was appointed USCHLA chairman, a position which required a lot of understanding for human inadequacies, much tact, energy and authority. He was predestined for the office, for his father had been president of the Senate at the Oberland tribunals in Baden. With his long face and tall, slim figure he always looked very elegant. He had been present at the marriage of his daughter to Martin Bormann, which was naturally very beneficial for Bormann's prospects.

At OSAF, Martin Bormann headed the SA personal injury insurance plan designed by Dr Wagener, later known as the NSDAP Hilfskasse. All SA men were covered by it. At their gatherings there tended to be a lot of brawling which tended to result in bodily injuries. The insurance was useful and necessary. It was created to serve the single primitive purpose which the genius of Martin Bormann could not cover. Only after beginning work on the staff of the Fuhrer's deputy did Bormann succeed later in proving his extraordinary qualities. His career took off in the course of the 1930s. From chief of staff to Rudolf Hess he became NSDAP Reichsleiter and then Hitler's secretary. He expected from his staff that same enormous industriousness which distinguished himself, and this did not help to make him loved. "Hurry, hurry" was his celebrated phrase....

Bormann came to Hitler not only well prepared with his files but was also so in tune with Hitler's way of thinking that he could spare him long-winded explanations. Anyone who knew how Hitler did things will realise that this was decisive for him!

Many of the rumours still current about Bormann have in my opinion no basis in fact. He was neither hungry for power nor the "grey eminence" in Hitler's entourage. To my mind he was one of the few National Socialists with clean hands if one may put it that way, for he was incorruptible and came down hard on all corruption he discovered. For his oppressive attitude in this regard he increasingly antagonised corrupt Party members and many others.

I am of the opinion today that nobody in Hitler's entourage save Bormann would have had the presence to run this difficult office. For sheer lack of time Hitler could not attend to all day-to-day affairs, and perhaps whenever possible he avoided doing so to prevent himself becoming unloved! Accordingly all the unpleasant business was left to Martin Bormann, and he was also the scapegoat. Ministers, Gauleiters and others believed that Bormann acted from his own lust for power. I remember for example that at FHQ Wolfsschanze Hitler would often say: "Bormann, do me a favour and keep the Gauleiters away from me." Bormann did this and protected Hitler. The Gauleiters were as a rule old street fighters who had known Hitler longer than Bormann and felt senior to him. If a Gauleiter then happened to cross Hitler's path while strolling, Hitler would play the innocent and gasp: "What? You are here?" When the Gauleiter then held forth on Bormann's shortcomings, Hitler would put on his surprised face. "I know that Bormann is brutal," Hitler said once, "but whatever he takes on is given hands and feet, and I can rely on him absolutely and unconditionally to carry out my orders immediately and irrespective of whatever obstructions may be in the way."

(5) Traudl Junge, To The Last Hour: Hitler's Last Secretary (2002)
The hostility between the Bormanns was so habitual and firmly established that they could stand side by side and ignore each other entirely. And when Hitler gave a letter or request to the younger Bormann to be passed on to the Reichsleiter, Albert Bormann would go out, find an orderly, and the orderly would pass instructions on to his big brother even if they were both in the same room. The same thing happened in reverse, and if one Bormann told a funny story at table all the rest of the company would roar with laughter, while his brother just sat there ignoring them and looking deadly serious. I was surprised to find how used Hitler had become to this state of affairs. He took no notice of it at all. Unfortunately I never managed to find out the reason for their enmity. I think there was a woman behind it. Or perhaps those two fighting cocks had long ago forgotten the reason themselves?

(6) James P. O'Donnell, The Berlin Bunker (1979)
Martin Bormann was hated and feared by almost everyone in the Reich Chancellery Group, including his own brother Alfred, who was one of Hitler's personal adjutants. Even before the outbreak of war, Bormann, by placing his own desk in the ante-room to Hitler's office, could control civilian access to the Fuehrer. Except for three or four ministers and the important military officers, no one could now report in to the Fuehrer directly. Bormann also processed all non-military papers before they crossed the Fuehrer's desk. It was he, for instance, who had kept a careful eye on Speer's activities in the Palatinate, receiving reports from the Gauleiters under his command, and had informed Hitler of Speer's attempts to block the scorched-earth orders. Finally, by his custody of the Fund of the Friends of the Fuehrer, which he had set up for the purpose of milking industrialists, Bormann had access to a vast pool of money which he used for his private patronage and for bribing Gauleiters. This fund also financed the building of the Bunker. All this increased mightily his personal power. As Hitler, from 1939 on, began to concentrate almost exclusively on military affairs, Bormann was building his own political power-base within the party. Hitler knew this; and he knew that Bormann was roundly hated. He once said: "I know that Bormann is brutal. But I need him."

One incident told by old FBK members shows what happened, under Bormann's influence, to the once comradely spirit of the mountain people. One of Hitler's oldest and most faithful retainers was Bruno Gesche, a boisterous type who had been with Hitler since the Munich stormtrooping days. Gesche rose slowly in the SS and the Leibstandarte until, by 1942, he had become the commanding officer of the FBK, with the rank of Obersturmbannfuehrer (lieutenant colonel). At a wild Christmas party in 1944 in the officers' mess at Felsennest during the Battle of the Ardennes, Gesche got roaring drunk, apparently at the bad news coming in from Bastogne. A dead-eye marksman, he whipped out his pistol and shot out all the mess-hall light bulbs. Bormann insisted that Bruno Gesche stand before a court-martial. Hitler refused to intervene. Gesche was reduced to the rank of corporal and exiled to the Italian front. The old hand said goodbye to the Fuehrer like Falstaff taking leave of Prince Hal.

(7) Erich Kempka, I Was Hitler's Chauffeur: The Memoirs of Erich Kempka (1951)
The most hated and dictatorial person in Hitler's immediate circle was Reichsleiter Martin Bormann. He had a cat-like, effusive show of friendliness when it suited his purposes, but when not being nice he was utterly brutal. His ruthlessness knew no bounds. His only known good point was his unbelievable work rate. One cannot talk about the fall of the Reich and the death of Hitler without a thorough understanding of the person who was the grey eminence in Hitler's personal circle.

I got to know Bormann in Munich in 1932. At that time he was relatively unknown until his appointment as head of the SA (Sturmabteilung) in-house insurance organisation, later that year. He had an excellent idea of how to make equals feel he was their friend and to have himself appreciated by his superiors. He worked almost day and night without a break and rightfully won the reputation of being a great workhorse. When Rudolf Hess was expanding the liaison apparatus between party and State he noticed Bormann and took him into the staff. After a short while Bormann rose to be Stabsleiter (head of staff) under Hess and had thus achieved his first goal. He belonged in the first team. He remained pleasant and was always ready to be of service to equals and those above him.

Things changed in 1936. After Hitler's Haus Wachenfeld on the Obersalzberg was rebuilt and expanded into the Berghof, Bormann burst out from his previously modest disguise. Now he just had to have a house on the Obersalzberg. This would give him a reason for being constantly in close proximity to Hitler, with whom he would otherwise have little to do in the course of his duties. In general, his only appearances at the Berghof were to accompany Hess there and stand by silently while Hess delivered his oral reports to Hitler.

Bormann therefore started to buy up land on the Obersalzberg The so-called reason for this was that it was being done on behalf of Rudolf Hess to create for Hitler a place where he could really find peace and recuperate without disturbance. To assist in this enterprise he founded an NSDAP financial consortium. He bought up tracts of land from local farmers. There was no need for him to use underhand methods for the purpose, for he had made it known that the NSDAP would pay four to five times over the market value. This speculation in land could not be kept secret from Hitler for ever. He was concerned that Bormann might be using intimidation to force people off their property, and so told the adjutancy to warn Bormann that at the first complaint he would put a stop to it. Bormann assured him that there were no grounds for disquiet: on the contrary, the farmers were actually coming to him offering to sell. Once Hitler's mind was set at rest, Bormann's buying spree on behalf of the NSDAP knew no bounds. Soon he had acquired the whole Ohersalzberg mountain.

The time now seemed ripe for Bormann to spin his web around Hitler even tighter. At that time, it was the practice at the Berghof for the duty adjutant to decide which Party leaders and men from the State and Wehrmacht to invite to lunch with Hitler. One day Bormann contacted the adjutant with a request to be invited to dine, should the Fuhrer approve. Obviously Bormann was approved. Shortly before the meal he telephoned the duty adjutant again to excuse himself from attending because his workload was too great. This happened several times. When he finally appeared for lunch one day he was late and took the opportunity to apologise to Hitler with the explanation that he was so weighed down with work that it had unfortunately not been possible for him to get away on time. He kept this ploy going so long that slowly but surely Hitler gained the impression that Bormann was the most industrious man in the whole Party apparatus.

After winning Hitler's trust in this way, Bormann was given the stewardship of the Berghof. Thus he achieved another goal and won a fresh position of power from where he could damage his rivals. The expansion of his jurisdiction allowed Bormann to be nastier in his relationship towards subordinates. He began to feel secure. To his underlings he became the most irrational superior. One moment he would treat them in the kindest and most pleasant manner, even giving out presents, and a few minutes later he would be a sadist-belittling, offensive and wounding. Often he would go into such a rage that one would think he had lost his reason.

Once the entire staff was under his control, Bormann was empowered to hire and fire whomsoever he wanted. Woe betide the subordinate who fell into disfavour with him. He would persecute that person, filled with hate, for so long as he remained within reach. His behaviour was totally different to those people whom he knew Hitler liked and did not stand in his path. Towards them his friendship was unlimited and he would bend over backwards to make sure Hitler noticed.

Bormann's great passion was building. It was his method to sketch all the fancy ideas that he knew he shared with Hitler. Thus on the Obersalzberg he converted the houses that appeared to him appropriate for the purpose, making them into guest houses and small villas while creating for himself the wonderful opportunity to go over the plans with Hitler and so ingratiate himself with him even more.

Martin Bormann changed all this. He was hated and feared by almost everyone in the Reich Chancellery Group, including his own brother Alfred, who was one of Hitler's personal adjutants. Even before the outbreak of war, Bormann, by placing his own desk in the ante-room to Hitler's office, could control civilian access to the Fuehrer. Except for three or four ministers and the important military officers, no one could now report in to the Fuehrer directly. Bormann also processed all non-military papers before they crossed the Fuehrer's desk. It was he, for instance, who had kept a careful eye on Speer's activities in the Palatinate, receiving reports from the Gauleiters under his command, and had informed Hitler of Speer's attempts to block the scorched-earth orders. Finally, by his custody of the Fund of the Friends of the Fuehrer, which he had set up for the purpose of milking industrialists, Bormann had access to a vast pool of money which he used for his private patronage and for bribing Gauleiters. This fund also financed the building of the Bunker. All this increased mightily his personal power. As Hitler, from 1939 on, began to concentrate almost exclusively on military affairs, Bormann was building his own political power-base within the party. Hitler knew this; and he knew that Bormann was roundly hated. He once said: `I know that Bormann is brutal. But I need him.

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 08, 2018 1:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

US/UK Big Business Behind WWI & II; After WW2 US Imported Nazis & Methods (CIA); The Goal of World Domination Never Changed; Corporate Power Relations Bend Media, Analysts & Historiography Away from Critical Truth

“"The Nuremberg Pharma Tribunal of 1947/48 records document that WWII was planned and prepared in this building in Frankfurt, Germany – the headquarters of IG Farben (left). This infamous cartel of Bayer, BASF and Hoechst was the world’s largest chemical/ pharmaceutical multi-national at the time. To cement its global monopoly in this field, it financed the rise of the Nazi party and its preparation for the military conquest of Europe and the world. IG Farben’s directors, including CEO Schmitz (right), kept in close contact to their political puppets." - Profit over Life homepage

"America certainly deserves credit for its important contribution to the hard-fought victory that was ultimately achieved by the Allies. But the role of corporate America in the war is hardly synthesized by President Roosevelt’s claim that the US was the “arsenal of democracy.” When Americans landed in Normandy in June 1944 and captured their first German trucks, they discovered that these vehicles were powered by engines produced by American firms such as Ford and General Motors. Corporate America, it turned out, had also been serving as the arsenal of Nazism." - Jacques Pauwels, author Big business and Hitler

"Martin was to break up the industrial machine these cartels controlled and investigate their ties to Wall Street. What he discovered was shocking. Many American corporations had done business with German corporations who helped fund the Nazi Party, despite knowing what their money was supporting. Effectively, Wall Street’s greed had led them to aid Hitler and hinder the Allied effort. Martin’s efforts at decartelization were unsuccessful though, largely due to hindrance from his superior officer, an investment banker in peacetime. In conclusion, he said, “We had not been stopped in Germany by German business. We had been stopped in Germany by American business.” - description of All Honorable Men

"The Nuremburg trials were fixed. The US Justice Department did it. (..) For sixty years, the US Department of of Justice has remained the legal shield of the Arab-Nazi network, known as the Muslim Brotherhood. America is the only major nation still refusing to designate the Brotherhood as a terrorist group." -- Description of John Loftus' America's Nazi Secret, An Insider's History

"Many of the estimated 10,000 Nazis who settled here were involved in the worst aspects of the Holocaust." -- The Nazis Next Door. How America Became a Safe Haven for Hitler's Men, Eric Lichtblau

"Simpson, a freelance journalist, reveals that many covert operations of the early Cold War era involved the use of operatives known to have committed crimes against humanity during the Second World War. The underlying theme here is the corruption of American ideals in connection with this hushed-up recruitment policy in the name of anticommunism. In elaborating the policy's "negative blowback," Simpson emphasizes the long-term corrosive effect on American intelligence agencies in particular." -Simpson, author of Blowback

"The CIA has corrupted not only the military, but America’s political and judicial systems; and that, through its secret control of the media, the CIA’s power to create the official version of history has left veterans of the Vietnam War, as well as every subsequent generation of Americans, in a state of neurotic delusion." - Douglas Valentine, 2017

"...the growth of an unrepresentative and unaccountable state within the state has been a product of the twentieth century. Its growth was, paradoxically, actually aided by the unpopularity of security and policing agencies; forced by this into the lowest possible visibility, they learned to develop techniques of invisible influence and control. It was also aided by the British tradition of civil service neutrality: this sheltered senior civil servants from replacement or investigation when administrations changed, and afforded to their policies the legitimation of ’impartial, non-political’ intent." E. P. Thompson, 'The Secret State',1978

"In 2010 (..) Washington Post reported that the national security state had swelled into a “fourth branch” of the federal government ― with 854,000 vetted officials, 263 security organizations, and over 3,000 intelligence units, issuing 50,000 special reports every year." Exploring the Shadows of the US Security State: How I Learned Not to Love Big Brother." - Professor Alfred McCoy, 2017

"For more than a century successive US and UK governments have sought to thwart nationalist, socialist and pro-democracy movements in the Middle East. (..) Christopher Davidson exposes the dark side of our foreign policy – dragging many disturbing facts out into the light for the first time. Most shocking for us today is his assertion that US intelligence agencies continue to regard the Islamic State, like al-Qaeda before it, as a strategic but volatile asset to be wielded against their enemies. Provocative, alarming and unrelenting, Shadow Wars demands to be read – now." -- Shadow Wars: The Secret Struggle for the Middle East, 2016, C. M. Davidson

"The Phoenix Program in Vietnam in many ways provides a blue print for our own times. Assassinations and torture are the essence of the war on terror. As are death squads and false flag terror attacks. As are mass surveillance of the populace." - from review of Douglas Valentine's The Phoenix Program

Conclusion: CIA/West nations have used Nazi methods the past 70 years
Nazis and their propaganda and terror methods imported by US, UK, Latin America after WW2. While US/UK colluding with extremist 'Islamic' groups in the Middle East since WW1
Evidence German (IG Farben) and US Big Business behind WW2 & behind Hitler
Missing Link: How Adolf Hitler turned to be a “defiant aggressor” (I-III), N Starikov
Jacques Pauwels' important research on how Big Business behind WW1 & WW2
More research evidence on the right and left and below at this page
Link HS Big Business Plan Destroy Western Civilization after WW2
Link HS: Big Business' 100 Years Plan for a German Europe: CIA Continued
Link HS Compare Nazi and Neoliberal Reality
Link HS CIA Phoenix Information Apparatus
Link HS Phoenix Terror Program

1. Conclusion

The critical historical knowledge below let us understand that the CIA has controlled the Western world for the past 70 years using the same propaganda methods as the nazis used to lure and control the German population. Just at it is the same 'intel methods' of terror that the CIA etc. have used for the past 70 years. This is systematically suppressed and taboo in Western politics, academia and the media. Politicians, academics and journalists suppress this hugely important subject, which is the most important truth about Western 'foreign politics' and its cover up for the past 70 years. And.. this is why the system go on un-noticed and is still more powerful and dangerous. Especially, when one knows that Big Business power relations were behind WW1 and WW2 (see further below). Given the fact that the CIA has funded and created terror groups in Asia, Latin America, Africa and the Middle East, It would only fit into the general pattern, if the so-called 'ISIS' terror in Europe was funded and created by the CIA too. If this sounds almost too cynical, please remember that the US war machine (with the help of NATO allied) killed over one million people in Iraq alone - on fabricated lies. This is the true picture of, who we Western nations are today:

"The Phoenix Program in Vietnam in many ways provides a blue print for our own times. Assassinations and torture are the essence of the war on terror. As are death squads and false flag terror attacks. As are mass surveillance of the populace."

Related resource pages. How US/Western intel agencies control the Western 'states' and make the peoples accept the corporate power relations' war on the world (all hidden on the front page of the New York Times): CIA's Phoenix Information Apparatus. How US/NATO use terror proxies from Vietnam to Afghanistan to Al Nusra and ISIS in Iraq and Syria: CIA's Phoenix Terror Program. How Big Business/Wall Street is still more in control of Western foreign policy, as it was before WW2, where it was behind the Nazis' foreign policy. How the EU has implemented the same plan for Europe as the nazis' tried to implement. See HS: Big Business' 100 Years Plan for a German Europe: CIA Continued the Nazis' Work for a German Corporate Europe.

Also related is this Episode 'Meet the Corporatocracy', where Corbett compares the then and now and explains how Western corporations paid for Hitler's way to power. He also talks about US 'Government Sachs' and German I. G Farben's Nuremberg convict as being responsible for the Nazis' foreign policy. See clip from Nuremberg here.

2. After WW2, War Criminal Nazis, their Propapaganda & Terror Methods were imported to US, UK, Latin America. At the same time ties were strengthened with Arab Extremists, Saudi Arabia Wahhabists and Muslim Brotherhood

All Honorable Men: The Story of the Men on Both Sides of the Atlantic Who Successfully Thwarted Plans to Dismantle the Nazi Cartel System, 1950/2016, by James Stewart Martin

"A scathing attack on Wall Street’s illegal ties to Nazi Germany before WWII—and the postwar whitewashing of Nazi business leaders by the US government

Prior to World War II, German industry was controlled by an elite group who had used their money and influence to help bring the Nazi Party to power. After the Allies had successfully occupied Germany and removed the Third Reich, the process of reconstructing the devastated nation’s economy began under supervision of the US government. James Stewart Martin, who had assisted the Allied forces in targeting key areas of German industry for aerial bombardment, returned to Germany as the director of the Division for Investigation of Cartels and External Assets in American Military Government, a position he held until 1947. Martin was to break up the industrial machine these cartels controlled and investigate their ties to Wall Street. What he discovered was shocking.

Many American corporations had done business with German corporations who helped fund the Nazi Party, despite knowing what their money was supporting. Effectively, Wall Street’s greed had led them to aid Hitler and hinder the Allied effort. Martin’s efforts at decartelization were unsuccessful though, largely due to hindrance from his superior officer, an investment banker in peacetime. In conclusion, he said, “We had not been stopped in Germany by German business. We had been stopped in Germany by American business.”

This exposé on economic warfare, Wall Street, and America’s military industrial complex includes a new introduction by Christopher Simpson, author of Blowback: America’s Recruitment of Nazis and Its Destructive Impact on Our Domestic and Foreign Policy, and a new foreword from investigative journalist Hank Albarelli." All Honorable Men, 1950, by James Stewart Martin, 2016, edition Mark Crispin Miller
The Nazis Go Underground, 1944, Curt Riess

"As early as 1943, senior Nazi officials were making preparations for Germany’s defeat. Disillusioned by military setbacks and Hitler’s increasingly unhinged leadership, chief architects Bormann and Himmler headed a top secret program to lay the foundations for the Nazi party’s descent into the underground. The war, it seemed, was a lost cause; survival as a political entity, to fight another day, was now all that mattered. A system was concocted whereby a legitimate government would be infiltrated with dependable undercover Nazis, who would coordinate operations and policies in the party’s favor. From this position, it was decided that Nazis could recover their strength and prepare for another conflict – the Third World War." Amazon description

"Written in 1944, thus contemporary to the events of the Second World War and Nazi Germany, The Nazis Go Underground describes how the Nazis planned and organised their descent into the underground as early as 1943. At this stage of the war, the situation for the Third Reich looked grim. With Bormann and Himmler as its architects, the Nazi party would go underground and prepare for World War III from the shattered ruins of Berlin. German generals were anxious to get the war over. They knew the war was futile, would end in total defeat and questioned Hitler’s suicidal military tactics. Survival as an institution, as a political force, for them, was essential. The Nazis concocted a system by which they would continue to have close contacts with members of the aboveground legitimate government after the end of the war. They would make sure to have some of their men, dependable ones, remaining in the official apparatus of the government, to be able to coordinate operations and policies. It was therefore believed that Nazi Germany could once more rise from the ashes after defeat in the Second World War.

Written and researched by an acclaimed Jewish Berlin journalist who fled Nazi Germany for the US, Curt Riess was in the position with his experience and contacts within the Third Reich to expose their underground movement. Conspiracy theory or historical fact, The Nazis Go Underground questions in incredible detail on how Hitler’s operatives organised such a mammoth undertaking and since that day of 16 May 1943 may have already prepared for World War III." FonthillMedia Publisher
Martin Bormann: Nazi in exile, 1981, by Paul Manning

"Anticipating the defeat of the Third Reich, Reichsleiter Martin Bormann set up 750 corporations in neutral countries, primed as vehicles to receive the liquid wealth of Germany in addition to patents and other proprietary industrial information. An organizational genius and the real power behind Hitler, Bormann, known as the "Brown Eminence", successfully fled Europe for South America and administered a "Reich in Exile" in the years following the war. With remnants of the SS as an enforcement arm, former Gestapo chief General Heinrich Mueller as security director, the 750 corporations as a base of economic power and the willing silence and cooperation of the Western Allies, Bormann guided his organization to a position of consummate power. One banker quoted by Manning termed the Bormann Organization, the "world's most important accumulation of money power under one control in history". Controlling Germany's major corporations, the Federal Republic itself and much of Latin America, the Bormann Organization also maintained a formidable circle of influence in the United States. Paul Manning has written the definitive text on the Bormann Organization." Amazon link

Manning writes in his book: "The flame flickers low, but "Whatever became of Martin Bormann?" is unceasingly engrossing. My wartime CBS colleague, the late Edward R. Murrow, had talked at length with me about developing the Bormann saga as a solid and historically enlightening, valuable postwar story.

When Reichsleiter Martin Bormann, through an emissary, informed a gathering of Nazi industrialists in Strasbourg on August 10, 1944, "The war cannot be won by us; we must take steps in preparation for a postwar commercial campaign," he made just that possible by putting into action his new German state policy: the flight of capital — that is to say, money, patents, scientists, administrators — to neutral nations where this wealth would develop free of seizure by the Allies. This Bormann program of flight capital to safe havens, together with the endeavors of the German people, the grants of Marshall Plan money for reconstruction of factories, and the investment money that eventually found its way back home, moved the new West German Federal Republic forward to its present prosperity. -

I was impelled to write this book to present to thinking people the verity of modern history's most all-encompassing conspiracy of silence, and to straighten out some of the lingering distortions that have developed from the massive outpouring of slanted communiques and press releases from governments and private interests over the past three decades, until caring people everywhere are hard put to tell truth from fiction, with too much fiction passing for history." Paul Manning, 1981, New York Free pdf

"SpitfireList: FTR #305 The Bormann Organization is a condensation of some of the key segments of text from Manning’s landmark book. The story of the active suppression of Manning’s work on Bormann is contained in FTR#152 (side A). The moving tale of Manning’s heroic, decades-long investigation into the Bormann group is contained in a professional biography of Paul Manning that accompanies the text. That professional biography also recounts the professional retribution to which Manning was subjected in retaliation for his work (including the 1993 murder of his son Gerry.)" - SpitfireList: Martin Bormann – Nazi in Exile

Tony Gosling : The Nazis were never defeated - Truthjuice Bristol, 2012
America's Nazi Secret: An Insider's History, 2. ed. 2010, John Loftus

"The Nuremburg trials were fixed. The US Justice Department did it. (..) For sixty years, the US Department of of Justice has remained the legal shield of the Arab-Nazi network, known as the Muslim Brotherhood. America is the only major nation still refusing to designate the Brotherhood as a terrorist group." From the book's back

"Fully revised and expanded, America's Nazi Secret by John Loftus reveals how the U.S. government permitted the illegal entry of Nazis into North America in the years following World War II. This extraordinary investigation exposes the secret section of the State Department that began, starting in 1948 and unbeknownst to Congress and the public until recently, to hire members of the puppet wartime government of Byelorussia—a region of the Soviet Union occupied by Nazi Germany." Amazon link

YouTube: Loftus explains America's Nazi Secret Part 3, 2011
Operation Paperclip: The Secret Intelligence Program that Brought Nazi Scientists to America, 2014, by Annie Jacobsen

"In the chaos following World War II, the U.S. government faced many difficult decisions, including what to do with the Third Reich's scientific minds. These were the brains behind the Nazis' once-indomitable war machine. So began Operation Paperclip, a decades-long, covert project to bring Hitler's scientists and their families to the United States. Many of these men were accused of war crimes, and others had stood trial at Nuremberg; one was convicted of mass murder and slavery. They were also directly responsible for major advances in rocketry, medical treatments, and the U.S. space program."

"*Starred Review* By the end of 1945, the alliance of the Western powers with the Soviet Union had frayed, and the basic outlines of what would become the Cold War had taken shape. At the same time, military, scientific, and political leaders in the U.S. had become acutely aware of the value of German scientists responsible for great advances in rocketry and biological research under the Nazis. So, in August 1945, President Truman authorized the Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency (JIOA), a division of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), to aggressively “recruit” German scientists to come to the U.S. and to work for various government-affiliated programs. Truman had stipulated that members of the Nazi Party were not to be included. As Jacobsen, an investigative journalist, illustrates, the JIOA adroitly sidestepped Truman’s directive through an intense program of fraud and deception. Documents were forged or altered, wartime activities were covered up, and, in some cases, entirely new identities were created, all in the service of our national interest. Some of these men were only marginal Nazis, but some were fervent “true believers” directly responsible for war crimes. This is an engrossing and deeply disturbing exposé that poses ultimate questions of means versus ends." --Jay Freeman Amazon Link
Blowback: America's Recruitment of Nazis and Its Destructive Impact on Our Domestic and Foreign Policy, 1988/2014, C. Simpson

"The postwar recruitment of Nazis and collaborators by agencies of the U.S. government stemmed, the author illustrates, from intense East-West competition after the German surrender, prodded by the prospect of war between the superpowers. Simpson, a freelance journalist, reveals that many covert operations of the early Cold War era involved the use of operatives known to have committed crimes against humanity during the Second World War. The underlying theme here is the corruption of American ideals in connection with this hushed-up recruitment policy in the name of anticommunism. In elaborating the policy's "negative blowback," Simpson emphasizes the long-term corrosive effect on American intelligence agencies in particular." Blowback

How the CIA Recruited Nazis & Adopted Their Propaganda Methods | Interview with Christopher Simpson, 2014
U.S. Intelligence and the Nazis, 2005, by Richard Breitman et al.

"At a time when intelligence successes and failures are at the center of public discussion, this book provides an unprecedented inside look at how intelligence agencies function during war and peacetime. As the direct result of the 1998 Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act, the volume draws upon many documents declassified under this law to reveal what U.S. intelligence agencies learned about Nazi crimes during World War II and about the nature of Nazi intelligence agencies' role in the Holocaust. It examines how some U.S. corporations found ways to profit from Nazi Germany's expropriation of the property of German Jews. The work also reveals startling new details on the Cold War connections between the U.S. government and Hitler's former officers." Amazon
The Nazis Next Door. How America Became a Safe Haven for Hitler's Men, 2015, Eric Lichtblau

KIRKUS REVIEW: "Outraged account of how the Cold War created an entree for thousands of ardent Nazis to reinvent themselves as Americans.

Pulitzer Prize–winning New York Times Washington bureau investigative reporter Lichtblau (Bush's Law: The Remaking of American Justice, 2008) writes in an urgent, pulpy style, appropriate to his shadowy tale of “America’s decades of resolute indifference to the Nazis in its backyard.” He deftly manages a rough chronological structure that demonstrates how American views on war criminals fluctuated wildly over time. Beginning with spy chief Allen Dulles’ covert 1945 meeting with the top SS general in Italy, efforts were made on behalf of well-connected Nazis, including the CIA’s “Paperclip” program for top scientists and the “rat line” to South America maintained by anti-Semitic Catholic clergy. Many fugitives worked as anti-communist provocateurs for the CIA during the 1950s, while in the ’60s, J. Edgar Hoover “had no interest in having his agents wasting their time tracking down supposed Nazis in America.” But by the ’70s, owing to efforts by a few crusading journalists and immigration investigators, “Nazis in America were suddenly a hot topic.” The turning point was the 1979 establishment of the Justice Department’s Office of Special Investigations, which aggressively pursued aging Nazis, like renowned scientist Arthur Rudolph, who’d overseen the V-2 rocket program. Yet with success came backlash; amazingly, the Reagan White House provided Pat Buchanan a platform to attack the investigations and Holocaust research generally. Lichtblau builds suspense by focusing on the long-term fates of individuals like Tom Soobzokov, a power broker among New Jersey Eastern Europeans before being outed as a brutal collaborator; he pushed back aggressively against his accusers and was ultimately killed in a mysterious pipe bombing. Lichtblau utilizes obscure sources and declassified files, tenaciously circling back to a dark reality: Many of the estimated 10,000 Nazis who settled here were involved in the worst aspects of the Holocaust. - Fascinating and infuriating corrective to the American mythology of the “Good War”." Link
The Phoenix Program: America's Use of Terror in Vietnam, 1990/2014 Douglas Valentine

"Designed to destroy the Vietcong infrastructure and ostensibly run by the South Vietnamese government, the Phoenix Program--in fact directed by the United States--developed a variety of counterinsurgency activities including, at its worst, torture and assassination. For Valentine ( The Hotel Tacloban , LJ 9/15/84), the program epitomizes all that was wrong with the Vietnam War; its evils are still present wherever there are "ideologues obsessed with security, who seek to impose their way of thinking on everyone else." Exhaustive detail and extensive use of interviews with and writings by Phoenix participants make up the book's principal strengths" Link Amazon
American Swastika: The Shocking Story of Nazi Collaborators in Our Midst from 1933 to the Present Day, 1985, Charles Higham

"Chronicles the relationship between Americans and the Nazis from the 1930s to the present, examining the activities of Nazi sympathizers in the U.S. government, the Catholic Church, and other facets of American life."
The Real Odessa: How Peron Brought the Nazi War Criminals to Argentina, 2003, Uki Goni

"Drawing on American and European intelligence documents, Uki Goni shows how from 1946 onward a Nazi escape operation was based at the presidential palace in Buenos Aires, harboring such war criminals as Adolf Eichmann and Josef Mengele. Goni uncovers an elaborate network that relied on the complicity of the Vatican, the Argentine Catholic Church, and the Swiss authorities. The discoveries made in this meticulously researched book reveal the entangled web of the Nazi regime and its sympathizers and has prompted Argentine officials to demand closed files on the Nazi era from their current government." Amazon
US/Britain history of colluding with extreme Islam in the Middle East

Shadow Wars: The Secret Struggle for the Middle East, 2016, C. M. Davidson

"For more than a century successive US and UK governments have sought to thwart nationalist, socialist and pro-democracy movements in the Middle East. Through the Cold War, the ‘War on Terror’ and the present era defined by the Islamic State, the Western powers have repeatedly manipulated the region’s most powerful actors to ensure the security of their own interests and, in doing so, have given rise to religious politics, sectarian war, bloody counter-revolutions and now one of the most brutal incarnations of Islamic extremism ever seen. - This is the utterly compelling, systematic dissection of Western interference in the Middle East. Christopher Davidson exposes the dark side of our foreign policy – dragging many disturbing facts out into the light for the first time. Most shocking for us today is his assertion that US intelligence agencies continue to regard the Islamic State, like al-Qaeda before it, as a strategic but volatile asset to be wielded against their enemies. Provocative, alarming and unrelenting, Shadow Wars demands to be read – now." Amazon link
A Century of War: Anglo-American Oil Politics and the New World Order, new ed. 2011, F. William Engdahl

"This book is the only accurate account I have seen of what really happened with the price of oil in 1973. I strongly recommend reading it. -- Sheikh Zaki Yamani "Former Oil Minister of Saudi Arabia"; I recommend this book to all who wish to know how the world is really run, what are the systems behind the sub-systems we perceive in the daily media and what are the antecedents of the present global political dilemmas. -- Dr. Frederick Wills "Former Foreign Minister, British Guyana"; This book is definitely not for the fearful or inattentive reader. It goes to the fundamentals... an extraordinary work that sheds lights on the problems of our society. -- Col. Fletcher Prouty, USAF (ret.) author of The Secret Team. Amazon Link
Germany & Islamism: Mosque in Munich. Nazis, the CIA, and the Rise of the Muslim Brotherhood in the West, 2011, Ian Johnson

"In the wake of the news that the 9/11 hijackers had lived in Europe, journalist Ian Johnson wondered how such a radical group could sink roots into Western soil. Most accounts reached back twenty years, to U.S. support of Islamist fighters in Afghanistan. But Johnson dug deeper, to the start of the Cold War, uncovering the untold story of a group of ex-Soviet Muslims who had defected to Germany during World War II. There, they had been fashioned into a well-oiled anti-Soviet propaganda machine. As that war ended and the Cold War began, West German and U.S. intelligence agents vied for control of this influential group, and at the center of the covert tug of war was a quiet mosque in Munich—radical Islam’s first beachhead in the West. Culled from an array of sources, including newly declassified documents, A Mosque in Munich interweaves the stories of several key players: a Nazi scholar turned postwar spymaster; key Muslim leaders across the globe, including members of the Muslim Brotherhood; and naïve CIA men eager to fight communism with a new weapon, Islam. A rare ground-level look at Cold War spying and a revelatory account of the West’s first, disastrous encounter with radical Islam, A Mosque in Munich is as captivating as it is crucial to our understanding the mistakes we are still making in our relationship with Islamists today."

From interview with author:
"Q: What about the Nazi angle? Are you saying radical Islam has Nazi roots?
A: No, I'm not equating Islamists with Nazis. Some people do, but I'm trying to stay away from polemics. I'm also not dissecting problems within Islam or immigration in Europe. Instead, the big-picture idea I'm trying to show is the early--and decisive--effort by the West to use Islam. Three groups made overtures to these Muslims: the Nazis, the Cold Warriors, and the Islamists. So the story carries us from the past to the present, a microcosm of all our mistakes with Islam since the 1940s. (..)

"Q: You say in the endnotes that there's still a lot left unexplored.
A: Right now, the CIA roadblocks anyone trying to get information on our dealings with radical Islam, claiming that releasing documents, even half a century old, would harm the national interest. It was like this with the Nazis. The CIA released information only when Congress passed a law mandating it. I think something similar will have to happen here too. For now, however, this book is a first step toward understanding this past." - Amazon
A Brutal Friendship: The West and The Arab Elite, 1998, Said K. Aburish

"In A Brutal Friendship, Said K. Aburish traces the true origins of the region`s present turmoil to the manner in which corrupt Arab rulers have subordinated the welfare of their subjects to their cultivation of cozy relationships with the West. Using direct evidence from his unrivaled range of Arab sources, he describes how the West -- mostly the CIA -- sponsored Islamic fundamentalism in the 1950s and `60s in an effort to contain Nasser and thwart Soviet designs on the region, how American and British leaders have turned a blind eye to repressive governments when they suit their interests (and toppled them when they do not), and how it is these very machinations that set Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein on his bloody road to power."

From Library Journal: "This is a hard-hitting and provocative book that challenges both the Arab governing circles and their Western supporters. Aburish, a veteran writer and commentator on Arab affairs (The Rise, Corruption and Coming Fall of the House of Saud, St. Martin's, 1995), traces the development of the West's relationships with the ruling elites in the Arab world since World War I, how many Arab regimes have subordinated the welfare of their citizens and the interests of their own countries to the will of the West. Using a variety of primary and secondary Arab and Western sources, he demonstrates how the West has helped perpetuate repressive and illegitimate governments in much of the Arab world in order to safeguard its putative geopolitical and economic interests. As Aburish notes, this shortsighted policy has had negative consequences for the Arab people, and he argues that it will be to the detriment of the West in the long run." Amazon link

"What was the motive for this marriage between Western intelligence and the Muslim Brotherhood? This alliance would help the Western power elite neutralize the challenge to their hegemony coming from the secular Arab nationalist movement. Said Aburish elaborates: 'In the 1950s and later, the West opposed the secular Arab nationalist movement for two reasons: it challenged its regional hegemony and threatened the survival of its clients’ leaders and countries. Specifically, there was nothing to stop a secular movement from cooperating with the USSR; in fact, most of them were mildly socialist. Furthermore, most secular movements advocated various schemes of Arab unity, a union or a unified policy, which threatened and undermined the pro-West traditional regimes of Saudi Arabia, Jordan and other client states. The West saw it as a challenge that had to be met. (..) The power elite officially endorsed the Muslim Brotherhood in May of 1979 at the Bilderberg meeting held in Austria (Engdahl 171). At this meeting, British Islamic expert Dr. Bernard Lewis suggested that endorsing the Muslim Brotherhood would allow the Western elite “to promote balkanization of the entire Muslim Near East along tribal and religious lines” (171). This balkanization process would result in the rise of various autonomous groups and the spreading of chaos in the Near East (171). In what Lewis termed an “Arc of crisis,” the chaos would eventually spill over into the Muslim regions of the Soviet Union (171). This would help the Western elites counter Soviet moves to become the world’s sole hegemon, thus preserving the Cold War dialectical rivalry that had been so advantageous to the Western oligarchs." Western Intelligence and the Rise of the Muslim Brotherhood, 2014, T Melanson
Britain: The Great Deception: Anglo-American Power and World Order, 2015 , Mark Curtis

‘Mark Curtis demonstrates how Britain remains the key supporting player in US domination, and how far from benign that domination is in its impact on the rest of the world.’ Victoria Brittain; ‘Essential reading for anyone wanting to understand Britain and the United States’ true role in the world and the so-called order imposed by the Anglo-American alliance.’ John Pilger Link Amazon
Britain: Secret Affairs: Britain's Collusion with Radical Islam, 2011, Mark Curtis

"The updated edition of Secret Affairs covers the momentous events of the past year in the Middle East. It reveals the unreported attempts by Britain to cultivate relations with the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt after the fall of Mubarak, the military intervention on the side of Libyan rebel forces which include pro-al-Qaeda elements, and the ongoing reliance on the region's ultimate fundamentalist state, Saudi Arabia, to safeguard its interest in the Middle East. In this ground-breaking book, Mark Curtis reveals the covert history of British collusion with radical Islamic and terrorist groups. Secret Affairs shows how governments since the 1940s have connived with militant forces to control oil resources and overthrow governments. The story of how Britain has helped nurture the rise of global terrorism has never been told." A

"As much of history is appropriated by the media and we are beckoned into an era of endless war, this superb book could not be more timely. Sensational in the best sense, it examines the darkest corners of the imperial past to reveal the truth behind today's news -- John Pilger; "It shows in extensive detail how Britain and the US have repeatedly sided with radical Islamic forces in the Middle East and elsewhere as counterweights to check the rise of nationalism, as shock troops to bring about pro-Western regime change, and as proxies to fight wars against the West?s enemies. There is no war between civilizations (Bush), no Manichaean struggle between the good and evil forces of Islam (Blair), rather the ever-present serpentine thread of shifting alliances to maintain British control of key energy resources and Britain?s place in a pro-Western global financial order centred on Saudi Arabia. This is a fascinating account which can change outlooks and deepen comprehension of a hugely misunderstood drama, and it should be compelling reading before any further Middle East wars are set in train." -- Michael Meacher, MP Link Amazon

The Muslim Brotherhood: The Many Faces of Their Majesty's Service, 2013, R. Maitra
Britain: Web Of Deceit: Britain's Real Foreign Policy: Britain's Real Role in the World, 2003, by Mark Curtis

"In his explosive new book, Mark Curtis reveals a new picture of Britain's role in the world since 1945 and in the 'war against terrorism' by offering a comprehensive critique of the Blair government's foreign policy. Curtis argues that Britain is an 'outlaw state', often a violator of international law and ally of many repressive regimes. He reasons not only that Britain's foreign policies are generally unethical but that they are also making the world more dangerous and unequal.

The Web of Deceit describes the staggering gulf that has arisen between New Labour's professed commitment to upholding ethical values and the reality of current policies. It outlines the new phase in global intervention, the immorality of British policy in Afghanistan, Kosovo, Iraq and Indonesia and support for repressive governments in Israel, Russia, Turkey and Saudi Arabia. Curtis also reveals Britain's acquiescence in the Rwanda genocide and economic policies in the World Trade Organisation that are increasing poverty and inequality around the world. Drawing on formerly secret government files, the book also shows British complicity in the slaughter of a million people in Indonesia in 1965; the depopulation of the island of Diego Garcia; the overthrow of governments in Iran and British Guiana; repressive colonial policies in Kenya, Malaya and Oman; and much more." Link Amazon
Corporate Genocide: The Splendid Blonde Beast: Money, Law, and Genocide in the Twentieth Century, 1993, Christopher Simpson

"Citing newly uncovered archival sources, Simpson ( Blowback: America's Recruitment of Nazis and Its Effects on the Cold War ) first argues that Hitler emulated the Turkish government's 1915-1918 policy regarding the massacre of Armenians by offering economic incentives and other rewards to citizens willing to participate in the extermination of the Jews. He then examines the U.S. government's response to both genocidal campaigns. Of utmost interest here is the evidence he presents that President Eisenhower's secretary of State, John Foster Dulles, and Dulles's brother Allen, director of the CIA, deliberately stymied efforts to bring to justice many German bankers and industrialists involved in the Nazis' extermination-through-labor programs. The study leaves little doubt that many members of Germany's corporate elite not only were aware of the genocidal programs during the war but sponsored innumerable supplementary negelganger , or "side camps," staffed by company employees. Simpson argues that while genocide is still widely practiced today, it is usually tolerated by those who benefit from it through the theft of land and natural resources. The cycle of genocide can be broken, he maintains, through relatively straightforward (though politically difficult) reforms of the international legal system." Amazon
3. Evidence German/US Big Business Behind WW2. But despite few small Nuremberg convictions they basically went on unpunished

I. G. Farben Convicted at Nuremberg for Controlling Nazi Policies. But... the main culprits were released soon after. German bank people and Am. partners simply went on

"The Nuremberg Pharma Tribunal of 1947/48 records document that WWII was planned and prepared in this building in Frankfurt, Germany – the headquarters of IG Farben (left). This infamous cartel of Bayer, BASF and Hoechst was the world’s largest chemical/ pharmaceutical multi-national at the time. To cement its global monopoly in this field, it financed the rise of the Nazi party and its preparation for the military conquest of Europe and the world. IG Farben’s directors, including CEO Schmitz (right), kept in close contact to their political puppets." - Profit over Life homepage

"The author [J. E. Dubois] was chief prosecutor at the trial and documents the evidence presented in this book (). He charges I.G. Farben with being knowingly an active arm of the Wehrmacht in taking over property and enslaving the people of Europe..."

"[The Nuremberg Prosecutor:] I also conclude that Farben was largely responsible.’ As regards slaves, in one camp alone Farben used over 300.000, 200.00 of whom died. From 1941 to 1943 100.000 Farben workers went to the gas chambers. The maximum sentence imposed on any director was eight years, the average three. () most of them (now) back in power”. Oxford Review, Devil's Chemists,1952

The Devil's Chemists. 24 Conspirators Of International Farben Cartel Who Manufacture Wars, 1952, by Nuremberg prosecutor, Josiah E. DuBois. Book Description: "Fascinating and frightening narrative of corporate involvement in the horrors of World War II. This includes american involvement and support of United States' declared enemies." Archive free pdf. download

The Tribunal consisted of a series of 13 trials, the first one against the “main war criminals” entitled “The USA, France, UK and USSR v. Hermann Goering et al.” This trial took place between 1945 and 1946 and ended with long prison sentences or the death penalty for most of the perpetrators. Interestingly, it was this first trial against the political and military figureheads of the Nazi regime that has been generally portrayed as “The Nuremberg Tribunal.” This is historically inaccurate. Moreover, it has deflected attention away from the real “war criminals” who, with their economic power, had financed the rise of the Nazis and the preparation for WWII." Profit over Life Archive Intro

" In fact, the Germans paid off the loans with shares of German companies, allowing American capital to actively integrate itself into the German economy. The total amount of foreign investment in German industry from 1924-1929 amounted to nearly 63 billion gold marks (the loans accounted for 30 billion of this), and 10 billion in reparations was paid off. American bankers – primarily J.P. Morgan, provided Seventy percent of the Germany’s financial income. As a result, as early as 1929, Germany’s industry was second in the world, but to a large extent it was in the hands of America’s leading financial-industrial groups.

Thus, I.G. Farben, the company that became the German war machine’s key component, was under the control of Rockefeller’s Standard Oil at the time it funded 45 percent of Hitler’s election campaign in 1930. Through General Electric, J.P. Morgan controlled the German radio and electrical industry in the form of AEG and Siemens (by 1933, General Electric owned a 30 percent stake in AEG). Through telecom company ITT, he controlled 40 percent of Germany’s telephone network and 30 percent of aircraft manufacturer Focke-Wulf. Opel was taken over by the Dupont family’s General Motors. Henry Ford held a 100 percent stake in Volkswagen. In 1926, with the participation of Rockefeller bank, Dillon Reed and Co., the second largest industrial monopoly emerged – metallurgical firm Vereinigte Stahlwerke (Unified Steel Trusts) of Thyssen, Flick, Wolf, Fegler, etc. American cooperation with Germany’s military-industrial complex became so intense and pervasive that, by 1933, American capital had reached key sectors of German industry and even major banks like Deutsche Bank, Dresdner Bank, Donat Bank, etc. Simultaneously, a political force was being financed that would be called upon to play a crucial role in the Anglo-American plans – the Nazi party and Adolf Hitler himself." Who paid for World War II?, 2010, N Starikov

“The Farben cartel dated from 1925, when organizing genius Hermann Schmitz (with Wall Street financial assistance) created the super-giant chemical enterprise out of six already giant German chemical companies – Badische Anilin, Bayer, Agfa, Hoechst, Weiler-ter-Meer and Griesheim-Elektron. There companies were merged to become I.G. Farben. Twenty years later the same Hermann Schmitz was put on trial at Nuremburg for war crimes committed by the I.G. cartel. Other I.G. Farben directors were placed on trial but the American affiliates of I.G. Farben and the American directors of I.G. itself were quietly forgotten; the truth was buried in the archives… Without the capital supplied by Wall Street, there would have been no I.G. Farben in the first place and almost certainly no Adolf Hitler and World War II.

"American IG owes its genesis to a German business conglomerate, namely, Interessens-Gemeinschaft Farbenindustrie AG, or IG Farben for short. The business, along with the industrial empire that “IG” controlled and commanded, has been described as “a state within a state.”

"During the Vietnam War, Monsanto was contracted to produce and supply the US government with a malevolent chemical for military application. Along with other chemical corporations at the time such as Dow Chemical, Monsanto produced the military herbicide Agent Orange ... (..) In more modern times, a division of Bayer was accused of ‘knowingly’ selling HIV-contaminated blood products to haemophiliacs, and has paid millions in damages in legal settlements.” Bayer and Monsanto: A Marriage Made in Hell, 2016, Steven MacMillan

"In 1946-1947 the Finance Division of the Office of Military Government (OMGUS) recommended that Deutsche Bank and Dresdner Bank leaders be tried as war criminals and barred from ever holding positions of importance in German economic and political life. But these recommendations were never implemented, and officials from both banks went on to become key figures in German postwar development. Decades later, Christopher Simpson has uncovered the full story of the OMGUS reports, reproducing hundreds of pages gleaned from declassified reports and analyzing their significance in light of today's heated debates over the reemergence of these banks as financial giants, their role in the Holocaust, and how historical memory is to be defined."

- "Simpson's edited compilation, providing these documents in English for the first time since the Nuremberg War Crimes Trials in 1946–47, is both straightforward and timely. [Simpson] suggests that a deliberate decision by political leaders had buried these documents until recently. His argument is credible.... The fact that the Deutsche Bank, and a number of its wartimes executives, emerged as key players in administering the Marshall Plan and pan-European finances only adds to the importance of this newly available evidence. Among the documents are lists of interlocking directorates, assets, and organizational charts, along with connections to IG Farben and other businesses. Beyond the obvious historical importance and the contemporary issues of compensating victims, this volume asks us to consider larger issues about business ethics and the role of finance in service to the state."—Choice
War Crimes of the Deutsche Bank and the Dresdner Bank: Office of Military Government (U.S.) Reports, 2002, Christopher Simpson, editor

Hegelian Dialectic Exposed: Dr. Anthony Sutton and Putin’s Mentor General Petrov Explain The New World Order and Why Hitler Never Took Switzerland, Aug 2017, Clarity of Signal

4. The Missing Link: How Adolf Hitler turned to be a “defiant aggressor” (I-IV) - by Nikolay Starikov

Jacques Pauwels comment to this point 4 (more editing will be done later)

"I'm afraid i never heard of Starikov. While some of the things he writes are true, essentially the idea that appeasement purported to have Hitler attack the Soviet Union, some of his claims are definitely untrue, e.g. the idea that Hitler was brought to power by Britain and the US."

"I just read part 4. It is basically correct that the "appeasers", i.e. Britain and France, wanted Hitler to attack the Soviet Union and helped him to acquire territory bordering on the SU, so a German attack would be feasible. It is true that Hitler disappointed them by not annexing Slovakia and allowing Hungary to take over the easternmost regions of the Czechoslovak state. If this caused London and Paris to turn against him, it was mostly because public opinion in Britain and France was outraged. Hitler did it because he liked the way appeasement had allowed him to make over big territorial gains and increase his prestige at home and abroad. His surprising move re Slovakia now allowed him to demand even more territory, namely Dantzig (Gdansk).

But it is definteily not true that Britain and the US brought Hitler to power in 1933, even though the British and US elites sympathized with him. He came to power because of the support of the German elite, including industrialists, bankers, large landowners, the army, etc. - indeed, after losing, not winning, an election, in November 1932. I describe all this in detail in my book Big Business and Hitler.

Here is an essential book about all this, already published in the 1990s: In Our Time: The Chamberlain-Hitler Collusion

Also very good: The Alliance That Never Was and the Coming of World War II, by Michael Jabara Carley

Also very enlightening, but in German: Rolf-Dieter Müller, Der Feind steht im OstenHitlers geheime Pläne für einen Krieg gegen die Sowjetunion im Jahr 1939

I also recommend this essay of mine: https://www.academia.edu/.../US_Imperialism_and_Nazi_Germany

Pauwels comment end.

"The essential cause of the stability of our currency was to be sought for in our concentration camps." -- Adolf Hitler

"In the previous chapters of the Episodes, we looked at the British policy towards Nazi Germany, which was designed to pit the Fuhrer against Soviet Russia. To accomplish this, Hitler was provided with substantive economic and political assistance between 1933 and 1939, Germany’s biggest industrial areas that had been lost after WWI were returned, and a blind eye was turned to the Austrian Anschluss, as well as to the persecution of Jews in Germany and in the occupied territories. Great Britain, France, and the United States were actively involved in the war in Spain on the side of Franco’s insurgents, who were also supported by Hitler. And as a result of secret agreements between London and Berlin, the independent nation of Czechoslovakia was sacrificed to Hitler in September 1938. In this chapter, we will explain why less than a year later, in September 1939, the Fuhrer had turned into a “defiant aggressor” in the eyes of his British patrons. (..)

How did far-off London view the scenario of war between Germany and the Soviet Union? Quite simply: Germany was to launch an offensive, using the economic, territorial, and political opportunities she was provided. (..) And then the British and Americans would appear in the midst of the conflict. As peacemakers, naturally. And the celebration of “freedom” and “democracy” would begin:

• In the USSR power would change hands in favor of democracy, meaning a government that would accept responsibility for all the tsar’s debts, return nationalized industries to their Western owners, and allow oil to be pumped, diamonds to be mined, and Russian forests to be leveled – practically for free.

• In Germany, Hitler, who had embroiled Germans in a conflict with the entire civilized world, would be replaced by generals. (..)

We have provided only a tentative and cursory outline of this plan for future aggression. Since events played out quite differently in reality, no one ever spoke of how everything had been “planned.” The future victors of WWII – those who were directly responsible for organizing it – would in that event be cast in an unpleasant light.

Did the Kremlin understand this game of solitaire that was being played on the political table of Europe by the governments of England and France? Of course. One would have to be blind not to be able to see and note whose death had formed the basis for the active expansion of Hitler’s Reich. Back on March 1, 1936, well before Hitler was given Austria and Czechoslovakia, Joseph Stalin was interviewed by the American journalist Roy Howard. And so, in answer to the question, “How does the Soviet Union envisage such aggression by Germany? From what position, in what direction would the German forces operate?” the leader of the USSR responded as follows:

“History shows that when any state intends to make war against another state, even not adjacent, it begins to seek for frontiers across which it can reach the frontiers of the state it wants to attack. Usually, the aggressive state finds such frontiers … I do not know precisely what frontiers Germany may adapt to her aims, but I think she will find people willing to ‘lend’ her a frontier.”[1]

As we have seen, Joseph Stalin was right: Hitler was “loaned” Austria and Czechoslovakia, and then slowly but surely he was led to the Soviet border. (..)

"The appeal [Stalin[] made to Hitler was clear and simple: if you are provoked to attack, we will be provoked to defend ourselves. And while we are embroiled in our fight, “they” will divide up our natural resources and once again bleed Germany dry. Is this what you need, Adolf Hitler? Is this why you founded your political party and set about dragging Germany from the abyss into which she was driven by the venal Weimar politicians?

And then Stalin speaks bluntly to Hitler: “It is even more telling that some politicians and influential journalists in Europe and the US have lost patience waiting for the ‘march on Soviet Ukraine’ and are themselves beginning to expose the real meaning of the policy of non-intervention. They speak directly and write in black and white that the Germans have cruelly ‘disappointed’ them because, instead of advancing farther east against the Soviet Union, well, they have turned westward and are demanding colonies. One might think that the Germans had been given those regions of Czechoslovakia as the price of their commitment to launch a war against the Soviet Union, and now the Germans are refusing to pay the bill, they have made it clear exactly what the West can do with it.”

"I am hardly one to moralize about the policy of non-intervention or to speak of betrayal or treachery, and so on. It would be naive to preach morals to those who recognize no human morality. Politics is politics, as the old, hard-nosed, bourgeois diplomats say. It should, however, be noted that this vast and dangerous political game, which was initiated by the supporters of the policy of non-intervention, may end in a serious fiasco for them.”

One could endlessly debate the exact impression this speech made on Hitler, but the reality is that soon afterwards the German Fuhrer for the first time refused to follow the “good advice” coming from London and began directing his own game. Western historiography generally accepts as a truism, that after the German occupation of the remnants of Czechoslovakia in mid-March 1939, England “suddenly” grasped the obvious fact that Hitler could not be believed and that he was an inherently “duplicitous aggressor.” But all that is a lie intended to conceal the ugly truth. Hitler’s treachery and aggression toward his British and American “architects” could not be traced to the fact that Germany had occupied the remnants of Czechoslovakia and actually annexed them, but rather to the fact THAT SHE DID NOT DO THAT! In order to understand this strange and very important paradox, we must take ourselves to the city of Bratislava, a backwater by European political standards, and to the even more “far-flung” Transcarpathian town of Hust,[4] which became an epicenter of global political intrigue in March 1939." How Adolph Hitler, (I)

"Thus, it was not until midday on March 23 that Britain and France learned that Slovakia would not join the Third Reich. For nine (!) whole days, Hitler had carefully maintained the illusion that the Slovaks would be incorporated. Why did he deliberately cause this delay? Because he had decided to hold negotiations without his Western partners. (..) British and French political circles considered Hitler’s decision of March 15 to have been a fatal error – or so write the majority of historians and contemporaries. But none of them want to think about the true meaning hidden in this phrase. It is a paradox of history that when Adolf Hitler was fighting in Spain, harassing the Jews, and measuring the skulls of his own citizens, he was considered a respectable politician by the West. But as soon as he decided not to attack the Soviet Union and refused to appropriate the Carpathians, he was immediately seen as a “defiant aggressor.

The West would take a hard line against Germany, not because of the incorporation of the Czech lands into the Reich, but because of the “non-incorporation” of Slovakia and the “non-seizure” of Transcarpathian Ruthenia! This negated the plans for quickly launching German hostilities against the USSR. This was not the purpose for which Nazism had been so carefully cultivated, nor why Hitler had been given the Olympics and assisted in his battles in Spain, a blind eye had been turned to his rearmament, and entire nations and peoples had been surrendered to him so that Germany would grow in strength and power." How Adolph Hitler, (II)

"And now let us take another look at the dates and events of that stormy March of 1939, in order to firmly establish that Hitler really was suddenly recast as an “aggressor,” not because he took over the defenseless country of Czechoslovakia, but because he did so in a manner completely at odds with what had been negotiated with the representatives of the West. March 14, 1939. Slovakia declares its independence and requests protection. Czech President Emil Hácha comes to Berlin of his own accord.

March 15, 1939. President Hácha signs an agreement to incorporate the Czech lands into the Third Reich under the name of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, and thus preserves his position as head of the country. At 6:00 am, with no official announcement, Hungarian army units begin their occupation of Sub-Carpathian region.

The British government had been given explicit information about the upcoming events four days earlier. Therefore, Great Britain reacted to the “aggressor’s” moves in a very calm and friendly way, as heard in Prime Minister Chamberlain’s speech: “ …the Slovak Diet declared the independence of Slovakia. The effect of this declaration put an end by internal disruption to the State whose frontiers we had proposed to guarantee … and His Majesty’s Government cannot accordingly hold themselves any longer bound by this obligation.”In other words, there had been no breach of the Munich Agreement. Czechoslovakia had disintegrated on its own…

(..) But something strange was brewing in Sub-Carpathian Ruthenia: troops had entered and there was fighting, in addition to the Hungarian leaders’ statement about taking over the region. Carefully laid plans had obviously been derailed by these events, but at the time no full, clear picture of the situation was available. Western leaders began to worry. It was then that the British prime minister, Neville Chamberlain, suddenly saw the light. In his speech in Birmingham, he actually retracted his own words from two days before. Both those in Great Britain and around the world (the speech was broadcast by radio) could listen as the leader of one of the great powers completely reversed course on his assessment of the disappearance of Czechoslovakia two days before. But nothing new had happened between March 15 and 17! (..)

What had Hitler done in the past two days that was so extreme that the head of the British government began to address him quite differently? FOR THE FIRST TIME Hitler was refusing to behave in the manner set out for him. Now they could not be certain that Germany would attack the USSR in the near future! - But it was still possible for Hitler to rectify the situation. (..) And on May 30, 1939, the state secretary at the German foreign ministry, Ernst Freiherr von Weizsäcker, informed the Soviet charge d’affaires in Berlin, Georgy Astakhov, that there was a chance to improve Soviet-German relations. The German diplomat pointed out that by refusing to take Sub-Carpathian Ruthenia, one motive for war had been eliminated … and the USSR and Germany began moving toward the non-aggression pact so disliked by Western historiography." How Adolph Hitler, (III)
See also:

"Hitler’s rise to power was not the result of economic woes, nor can it be explained by German domestic politics. The decision to place him at the helm was not made in Berlin, but in London and Washington. (..) It would be naive to deny the fact that Germany had spent the years since 1919 in the iron grip of the victors of the First World War. And that control was manifested in many ways. (..) People were not drawn to the Nazis out of love for the NSDAP, but more because they were sick to death of the parties offering an alternative to Hitler. For example, the percentage of voters who were allied with the Social Democratic Party dropped from 37.9% in 1919 to 18.3% by March of 1933, and the number of backers of the German Democratic Party shrank from 18.6% to 0.8%during the same period. But even under these circumstances Hitler was unable to win elections! The idea that the Nazi leader was appointed chancellor because his party won the election is yet another convenient falsehood espoused by historians. Adolf Hitler was sworn in as chancellor on January 30, 1933. (..) The idea that Hitler won the election is a myth. He was simply appointed head of the country! Someone applied such pressure on Germany’s political elite that Hitler’s “deficiencies” and “oddities” seem to have been all but forgotten. How was this possible?..." Episode 12. Why did Britain and the United States have no desire to prevent WWII? (II)

"So Adolf Hitler managed to resolve the first problem. However, even after becoming chancellor in January 1933, he still found himself unable to unleash a military conflict for the most prosaic of reasons – he literally had no army. With his 100,000-strong Reichswehr (lacking tanks, aircraft, heavy artillery, and a fleet) the Fuhrer had the ability to accost no one but his tiny neighbor Luxembourg, and then presumably only with the acquiescence of the other powers. In order to launch World War II, Hitler needed to resurrect his army, furnish it with the latest weapons, and expand it to 42 times its current size! - Anyone can see that serious money is needed to maintain an army. And even more money is needed to rearm one. And truly astronomical sums are required to expand it to 42 times its size. This task is extremely complex even in an economically developed country. (..)

"As we know, Adolf Hitler managed his task admirably. In an unbelievably short period of time – just six years in office – he was able to rebuild a war machine of unbelievable power. Historians call this the Nazi economic miracle. However, behind every phenomenal success of one party, we find a betrayal of the interests of the party on the other side of the political divide. And the more unbelievably “miraculous” the success of one country, the more the leaders of the other powers agree to play along. And so Hitler’s unbelievable successes on the world stage were predicated not on his outstanding talents as a diplomat or statesman, rather, they had been previously arranged with England, the US, and France in a betrayal of the interests of the German nation." Episode 12. Why did Britain and the United States have no desire to pr

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 27, 2018 10:30 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Stand by to have your mind blown by Dave Emory

Peter & Paul Manning Martin Bormann: Nazi in Exile


2017 Dave Emory with Peter Manning on his father Paul Manning and the horror the Manning family went through because of Paul Manning's book Martin Bormann: .

'Suppression of truth, human spirit and the holy chord of justice never works long-term. Something the suppressors never get.' David Southwell
Martin Van Creveld: Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: "Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother."
Martin Van Creveld: I'll quote Henry Kissinger: "In campaigns like this the antiterror forces lose, because they don't win, and the rebels win by not losing."
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 23, 2018 7:47 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


By David Guyatt

If President George W Bush has his way, then the spread of the American system of democracy will continue to proliferate around the world. There are those, however, who argue that the American form of “democracy” has little to do with genuine democratic representation but rather more closely resembles a revolving fascist dictatorship beholden to the interests of a wealthy elite and big business. [1]

This form of government, it is argued, has as its underlying model the European Synarchist movement that was founded in the 1870’s, by Joseph Alexandre Saint-Yves d'Alveydre. St Yves considered the medieval Knights Templars to be ultimate Synarchists of their time and consequently drew on Templar ideals when formulating his ideas.

St Yves movement came to the fore in the early 1920’s, following the end of WWI and the signing of the Versailles Treaty [2] . In its essence, Synarchy advocates that government be run by a secret society or cabal – “an elite of enlightened initiates who rule from behind the scenes.” [3] As authors Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince describe it: “…it therefore doesn't matter which political party holds power in a state - or even what political system that state has. Synarchists would step in and take control of the key state institutions.” [4]

In the United States, one such secret society worthy of note is Yale University’s Order of the Skull and Bones. Entry into the Order involves elaborate ritual and is accompanied by a change of name. No longer is the neophyte known by his family name, but assumes the identity of a Knight.

Bonesmen include George W. Bush, his father George Bush senior and Senator John Kerry. George Bush’s great grandfather, Prescott Bush, was also a Bonesman, as was George Bush’s favourite uncle, Herbert Walker. In point of fact, almost all of the so-called “Eastern Establishment” families have been enrolled in the Skull and Bones. Author Antony Sutton, in his groundbreaking four-part series “The Order,” states that the US Order links to Britain through the Rhodes-Milner Oxford Group but has German origins. The US Order also links to the Guggenheim, Schiff and Warburg families, despite having definite anti-semitic tendencies until more recent times. Sutton’s own research linked the Order to “the founding and growth of Nazism” [5] and considered it likely that German original was the Illuminati.

The Bush family’s political dynasty and indeed, its wealth, arose from the nazi connections forged by Prescott Bush, who worked for nazi magnate, Fritz Thyssen. Bush’s uncle “Herbie” (Herbert Walker), was like-wise employed by Thyssen. [6] An even darker episode was reported by a Dutch intelligence agent who stated that Prescott Bush also managed a portion of the slave labour force located at I G Farben’s Auschwitz plant - the infamous nazi death camp. [7] Working for Prescott Bush was Allen Dulles, who would later become a director of the CIA, following a highly questionable career in the war where he was posted to the head up the Swiss office of the American intelligence service, the OSS. Before the war Dulles was appointed the US legal counsel for I G Farben. Another law client of Dulles was Fritz Thyssen. These inter-relationships are, at the very least, very chummy. Some believe them to be treacherous.

The key period of the growth of Synarchism followed on the heels of the Russian Revolution and led to the rise of the Pan European Movement in 1922. The PEM was embraced by powerful forces inside Germany. This included the wealthy banker, Max Warburg, who financed PEM. Warburg was a director of the massive chemical cartel, I G Farben, that helped hoist Adolf Hitler to power. Curiously, however, Warburg was also involved in helping Lenin to travel to Russia in 1917, thus providing succour to the Bolshevik Revolution that Hitler later so detested. [8] Is this simply a case of the left hand not knowing what the right one was doing, or could it be merely an example of the Hegelian dialectic of forging conflict in order to forge the future shape and direction of human history?

In any event, besides Max Warburg financing PEM, another German banker in the form of Hjalmar Schact, addressed the first mass rally of the Pan European Movement held in Berlin. Schacht would go on to work for Hitler as Minister for Economics and President of the Reichsbank. If one believes in coincidence then behold a coincidence: together with Hitler, Max Warburg signed the document that appointed Hjalmar Schacht to the presidency of the Reichsbank. Imagine that. Max’s brother, Paul Warburg, was a director of American I G Farben as well as being the first director of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. [9]

Known simply as the “AO” – the letters of the Greek Alpha-Omega – the “Auslandsorganisation” was the foreign intelligence arm of the nazi party that engaged in espionage, fifth column, propaganda and “economic” activities in furtherance of nazi aims. Overseas members of the AO operated largely through German owned or controlled overseas companies. This include numerous employees of I G Farben both those based at home and abroad. In fact, Farben not only ran the AO but financed it. [10] One of the most senior Farben men involved in AO activities was Max Ilgner, who was the nephew of Farben director Hermann Schmitz – who’s ambition was to “form a world fascist state without war if possible.” [11]

Ilgner, who was a uniform wearing member of the feared Gestapo, had allied Farben’s intelligence unit known as “NW7” with the AO, and had recruited an army of 5,000 that operated through American I.G. [12] Another member of Farben’s NW7 department, was Gunther Frank-Fahle, who had been born in Bradford, England. Although the nominal head of the AO was Ernst Wilhelm-Bohle, it was actually under the direct day-to-day control of Walter Schellenberg, head of the SD, the Gestapo’s counterintelligence service – who described Farben as a “state within a state” to his interrogators after the war. However, the overall boss of the AO was deputy fuehrer, Rudolf Hess.

The industrialists and bankers, who funded Hitler’s rise to power in 1933, had their contributions processed through Hjalmar Schacht’s account at the private Delbruck Schickler Bank in Berlin. The funds in this account were administered by Hitler’s deputy, Rudolf Hess. Delbruck Schickler Bank was a subsidiary of Metallsgesellschaft A G (“Metall”), by far the largest non-ferrous metal company in Germany. Metallsgesellschaft was jointly owned by I G Farben and the British Metal Corporation. [13] One of the two British directors of “Metall” was Oliver Lyttelton who was appointed the Controller of Non-Ferrous Metals in 1939-40 and became the Minister of Production in 1942-5 and a member of Churchill’s War Cabinet. Lyttlelton’s mother was by a merry coincidence, a member of the Rhodes-Milner Oxford “Group,” whereas the eldest son of the fifth Baron Lyttelton has been the private secretary to Lord Selborne during his years in South Africa. Selborne would take over leadership of the “Group” following Milner’s death in 1925. He was also, as I have remarked elsewhere, the wartime head of Britain's Special Operations Executive, which was the template for the American OSS. [14]

As stated earlier, the “Group” is the British arm of the American Order of the Skull and Bones – or is it the other way around? [15] Either way the Skull and Bones is a “chapter of a German secret society. The “originating” prong of the “Group” and the “Order” are, in the view of Prof. Antony Sutton, almost certainly the outlawed Bavarian Illuminati. [16]


It is self evident that the same behind-the-scenes banking and industrial forces who financed Hitler’s rise to power, as well as his subsequent military build-up, would also take all necessary steps to protect their hard investments once it became clear Hitler and Germany were doomed to defeat. Clarity arrived with the devastating defeat of Field Marshall von Paulus 6th Army Group at Stalingrad in January 1943. Any lingering doubts were erased with the Allied invasion of Normandy on 6th June 1944. Unable to repulse the Allied D-day invasion forces back into the sea, it was clear for all to see that Hitler’s days were numbered.

Two months after the D-day landings, a secret meeting was held in an elegant hotel in Strasbourg that was aimed at securing and protecting the wealth of nazi Germany and its loyal bankers and industrialists. On the morning of 10th August 1944, SS Obergruppenfuehrer Scheid, a lieutenant-general in the Waffen SS – as well as a director of the industrial company Hermansdorff & Schenburg - arrived at the Hotel Maison Rouge set in Strasbourg’s rue des France-Bourgeois. Dr. Scheid had been sent to host the meeting by none other than Reichsleiter Martin Bormann, by then the second most powerful man in nazi Germany, after Hitler.

Bormann’s rise to power followed on from the ill-fated flight of Rudolf Hess in 1941, when he parachuted to land in Scotland to secretly meet with the Duke of Hamilton. With the loss of his friend, and his plans for creating a secret alliance with Britain to fight Russia in tatters, Hitler had heaped all of Hess’ duties and responsibilities on to the broad bull-like shoulders of Bormann – with the exception of the office of deputy fuehrer, which Hitler abolished. This included Bormann taking over control of the AO.

In sending Dr. Scheid to Strasbourg, Bormann had confided in him that: “the steps to be taken as a result of this meeting will determine the post-war future of Germany,” adding that the plan was to insure an eventual “economic resurgence of Germany.” [17] Present at the meeting, in addition to Dr. Scheid, were representatives of Krupp, Messerschmitt, Rheinmetall, Bussing, Volkswagenwerk, engineers representing various factories in Posen, Poland – including Brown-Boveri – an important part of the German electrical industry that was part owned by two American companies – General Electric and International Telephone & Telegraph. Today, Brown Boveri has grown into a massive multinational corporation employing almost 200,000 staff worldwide and still maintains it close contacts with the US. Prior to his appointment as George W Bush’s Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld was on its board of directors. [18]

Bormann’s direction was that the industrialists should forge new contacts and alliances with foreign firms, as well as strengthening those already established. This should be done without attracting suspicion. Equally important was the capital flight programme of state and corporate assets to safe havens through the world, which Bormann ordered. Thus began Operation Eagle’s Flight. Critically, Bormann believed he needed nine months to fully complete the planned capital flight programme. [19] This meant that German forces must resist the Allies advance throughout the winter of 1944 and on until early mid May 1945. By a remarkable twist of fate, the war in Europe ended on 8th May 1945, two days short of Bormann’s estimate.


Less than a month later, however, English Field Marshall, Bernard Montgomery, laid out a daring plan that, were it to succeed, would have completely wrecked Bormann’s critical nine-month programme. When, on 23rd August 1944, the Supreme Allied Commander, General Eisenhower, visited Montgomery’s HQ for lunch, followed by a private conference, Montgomery argued that German forces were in complete disarray and that a decisive thrust into the Ruhr would result in the end of the war before Christmas 1944. At Montgomery’s insistence, Eisenhower’s Chief of Staff, General Walter Bedell Smith was excluded from the meeting, causing rancour. [20] Eisenhower left Montgomery’s HQ unconvinced and wavering.

With the closing of the Falaise gap, Montgomery was determined not to let Eisenhower waste a golden opportunity to bring the war to a close in 1944. On 4th September, Montgomery sent a coded signal “Personal for General Eisenhower Eyes Only,” laying out in detail an audacious plan to seize strategic bridges in the Netherlands followed by a full-blooded armoured thrust into Germany through the back door of the Ruhr – the very heartland of German industry and, coincidentally home to many of those industrialists Dr. Scheid’s capital flight conference had addressed less than a month earlier. The plan, which would become known as Operation Comet, was rejected by Eisenhower. Montgomery strenuously objected and a revised plan called Operation Market Garden, that would muster considerably more forces than the original Operation Comet, was eventually agreed on 10th September 1944 by Eisenhower. The final bridge to be captured by British airborne forces and held until the arrival of the armoured forces was located at Arnhem.

By coincidence too, it was the 4th of September, that Field Marshall Model directed Lt. General Bittrich’s badly mauled but veteran II SS Panzer corps to bivouac in the Arnhem area to refit and rest. Bittrich later stated that “there was no particular significance in Model choosing the Arnhem vicinity – except that it was a peaceful area where nothing was happening.” [21] Now in hindsight when armed with Bormann’s vital need for a full nine months for his capital flight programme to reach fulfilment, one wonders if other more subterranean factors influenced Model’s decision? Was treachery involved?


What is known for a fact is that Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands had been appointed Commander in Chief of Dutch forces by Queen Wilhelmina. During the weeks following the D-day landings, Prince Bernhard had remained in constant contact with his Ministers, the US Ambassador-at-Large, Anthony Biddle, and General Bedell Smith. [22] His close contact with these men was hardly the result of mere chance. As we shall see, nothing was to be left to chance by Bormann’s “Fraternity.” [23]

A member of the Biddle family, Thomas Bradish Biddle, had been amongst the very first members of the Order of the Skull and Bones, having been tapped in 1839, just six years after it founding in 1833. Anthony Biddle who’s full name was Anthony Joseph Drexel Biddle Jr., was not himself a member of the Order. Never the less, he was no innocent.

During the early months of WWII, Biddle was in Paris as the US Deputy Ambassador to France. It was here that he became close friends of the pro-nazi Duke and Duchess of Windsor, who spent a considerable period of time living in the home of Baron Eugene de Rothschild. However, Biddle’s greatest friend in Paris was Ambassador William Bullitt. Bullitt also held strong pro Hitler views and was responsible for introducing the American millionaire, Charles Bedaux, to the Windsor’s.

Bedaux was a good friend of I G Farben’s Hermann Schmitz, and had, in fact, been appointed as head of Farben’s commercial operations. His involvement with the Windsor’s wasn’t accidental, as he had been instructed by no less than SS Chief Heinrich Himmler to inveigle them to help in secret plans for a negotiated peace with England. A secret meeting held in the Hotel Meurice in Paris, between Bedaux, Rudolf Hess, Martin Bormann and Hollywood actor and nazi sympathiser Errol Flynn, the Duke of Windsor promised to help Hess contact the Duke of Hamilton, which “finally led to Hess’s dramatic landing on the Hamilton Estate in 1941.” [24]

Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands also has a decidedly nazi past. German born as Prince Bernhard zur Lippe-Biesterfeld, he joined the nazi party in the early 1930’s, eventually donning the SS uniform. By 1935 he was gainfully employed in I G Farben’s intelligence department NW7. His match to Princess Juliana, the daughter of the Dutch Queen Wilhelmina, was reportedly arranged by Farben director, Gerhard Fritze, a relative of NW7’s chief, Max Ilgner. [25] At their marriage ceremony, the Prince’s closest friends struck up the old favourite, the Horst Wessel song, which was the anthem of the Nazis. Shortly after the marriage, the noble prince travelled to Berlin for a private meeting with Hitler, who had publicly intimated that the marriage represented an alliance between both nations - which was refuted by Queen Willhelmina. More telling was the fact that when he arrived in England, after the outbreak of war, and asked to work in British intelligence, his offer was declined by the Admiralty, because they didn’t trust him. Nor did the Supreme Allied Commander, General Dwight Eisenhower who refused him access to sensitive intelligence information. However, with the intervention of King George on Prince Bernhard’s behalf, he was eventually allowed to work in war planning councils. Whoops.

Moving on quickly; to understand the very special relationship between Prince Bernhard and General Walter Bedell Smith – who most certainly had complete access general Eisenhower’s intelligence - we need to advance several years. After the war, Prince Bernhard is believed to have been profitably employed dealing in art stolen during the war. Gerben Sonderman, who Prince Bernhard described as the “best friend I ever had” (presumably Adolf had by then been forgotten?), acted as the prince’s private pilot for transporting stolen art, according to Ton Biesemaat, who has written an expose of the art ring called “The Correggio Mystery. [26]

In 1941, Sonderman, a Dutch Fokker pilot, developed contacts with Germans involved in plundering Dutch art works. A close contact of his was Alois Miedl, a “banker, spy and art dealer” who occasionally dressed in SS uniform. [27] After the war, Miedl operated on behalf of the ODESSA, the SS escape network that transported nazi war criminals to safety in South America – particularly Argentina, where Bormann is believed to have escaped to. This also is a favourite destination for Prince Bernhard after the war, where he was usually accompanied by his best friend, Gerban Sonderman.

Another of those seemingly involved in this stolen art-trading ring was Hungarian nobleman, Prince Alfred zur Lippe-Weissenfeld, a relative of Prince Bernhard. By another of those remarkable coincidences, Prince Alfred’s daughter was the wife of Baron Hans Heinrich Thyssen-Bornemisza de Karzon, son of Fritz Thyssen’s brother and heir to the Thyssen family fortune.

Walter Bedell Smith, who as we have seen above, was in close contact with the prince during the period that Montgomery was drawing up his initial plan to capture the Dutch bridges and then dash to Berlin via the Ruhr. Just how close this friendship to Prince Bernhard was can be judged by the fact that after the war both he and Prince Bernhard went into business together. One might describe it as an “import-export company” because it involved an art trading company called “Bernard Ltd” that uses military aircraft to fly between Soesterberg – a short distance away from Prince Bernhard’s palace Soestdijk – and the USA.

In addition to his close personal friendship with Prince Bernhard, in August 1945, Bedell Smith donated his private plane to secretly fly nazi master spy Reinhard Gehlen, and five of his general staff, to Washington for secret talks. This move was in complete contravention of prevailing American policy and, according to author Charles Higham, could have resulted in court martial proceedings against Bedell Smith. [28]

Prince Bernhard’s family relationship with that of the Thyssen’s may go some way to explain why, in 1945, together with a unit of Dutch intelligence, Prince Bernhard travelled to the Russian zone in Berlin to recover a batch of buried “incriminating corporate papers” belonging to Fritz Thyssen, that evidenced “secret Thyssen ownership.” This small favour was carried out under the pretext that the daring Prince was recovering the Dutch crown jewels stolen by the Nazis. The papers were returned to Holland and deposited in the Bank voor Handel en Scheepvaart, in Rotterdam, which was secretly owned by Thyssen. Known as “Operation Juliana” this cunning scheme was a body blow to Allied investigators who were anxiously seeking the “missing pieces of the Thyssen fortune.” [29] The US attorney to the Rotterdam bank was Allen Dulles, who had migrated from the OSS office in Bern, Switzerland, to become the US intelligence chief in post-war Germany.


The Lippe family appears to have any number of connections to enterprises with intelligence connections. Take for example, the Order of the Rose of Lippe, a chivalric Order awarded to German House of Lippe. An offshoot of this order is the Noble Company of the Rose, founded by Ernst August Prinz zur Lippe – the first cousin of Prince Bernhard - and Sir Rodney Hartwell. Today, the Noble Order of the Rose is awarded exclusively and by invitation only to members of a curious research institute with a focus on genealogy, royalty, nobility, chivalry, heraldry, and related topics called The Augustan Society that is housed in a mansion located in the Mojave Desert near Dagget, USA, and which was founded in 1957.

The curiosity here is that many of the early, and some of the founding members, were formerly with wartime intelligence services, mostly the OSS. These included Crolian Edelen, Robert Formhals, Robert Gayre, John Driscoll, George Balling and Forest Barber – all of whom had also earlier been Shickshinny knights, a so called “fake” Order that claimed descent from the Russian Grand Priory of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem. The Shickshinny knights boasted some really heavy weight English and American pro nazi military and intelligence officers. [30]

It is alleged that the number one activity of the Augustan Society is intelligence gathering and that several members of the Society began working together three of four years before officially incorporating it as a legal entity (thus dating it back to circa 1954 – of which more later). It is also said that it is an intelligence front for SMOM, the official Vatican Order of the Knights of Malta.

The Augustan Society was originally located in Torrance, California, a location that gave rise to an insider adage “when you hear a sneeze in Torrance, you hear a ‘God Bless you’ on the Via Condotti.” The Via Condotti is the location of the Palazzo di Malta in Rome, the HQ of SMOM. The SMOM connection to this story is not without considerable interest. Members of this order have included such nazi notables as Dr. Herman Abs, a director of I G Farben and Deutsche Bank and who was known as “Hitler’s paymaster.” Robert Gayre, one of the founders of the Augustan Society was awarded the Grand Cross of Merit of SMOM. Another to be honoured by SMOM was nazi spymaster, Reinhard Gehlen – discussed above – who received the prestigious Grand Cross of Merito Melitense in 1948. Another honoured by SMOM was James Jesus Angleton, to whom we shall return shortly. Neither of the Dulles brothers were honoured by this August body simply because they were Protestants rather than Catholics.

Curiously however, Martin Bormann’s eldest son, Adolf Martin chose to take holy orders in 1946 following a preliminary course at Federaun Monastery, located close to Villach in Austria. This monastery was under the patronage of Bishop Hudal – one of the most senior Vatican insiders who was responsible for running the nazi underground escape railway known as the Ratlines. More alarming is the fact that Hudal was the “guardian” of Aldolf Martin Bormann, as he was also the guardian of another monk, Brother Avery Dulles, son of John Foster Dulles, elder brother of Allen Dulles. It’s a small world isn’t it.

The Knights of Malta were also responsible for helping thousands of the worst Nazis and members of the SS escape to freedom down these Ratlines, thus evading justice and avoiding the hangman’s noose at Nuremberg. Originally conceived as an underground railroad for wanted war criminals, it was quickly co-opted, I understand, to smuggle nazi gold, currency and other plunder to replenish the enormous sums lost by the Rockefeller family in pre-war German investments. Assisting Rockefeller in this sleazy endeavour were, Allen Dulles, Herbert Walker and James Jesus Angleton, the OSS Italian bureau chief and later CIA Rome Bureau chief. As such Angleton was in charge of the Vatican “account” and I understand that he learned about the homosexual proclivities of Pope Pius XII (formerly the Papal Nuncio in Bavaria) and was able to use this information for blackmail purposes. Meanwhile, Allen Dulles, Herbert Walker and James Jesus Angleton are said to have benefited most handsomely from “commissions” earned for their assistance in shifting plunder on behalf of the Rockefeller’s. Angleton benefited even more since he was able to co-opt SMOM, the intelligence arm of the Vatican, to work on behalf of US intelligence interests.

Patrons of the Augustan Society are listed as Ernst August Prinz zur Lippe, Dr. Otto von Habsburg – the old Austro-Hungarian Imperial House – and Prince Victor Emmanuel of Savoy – son of King Umberto II, the last Italian king who was forced to relinquish his throne after the war for being pro-Mussolini. [31] Prince Victor Emmanuel is the Grand Master of the authorised Vatican chivalric Order of St. Maurice and St. Lazarus.

Another of those beguiling coincidences is that Robert Gayre, who is mentioned above, was the head of the US branch of the racist organisation, the International Association for the Advancement of Eugenics and Ethnology, which is headquartered in Scotland. Eugenics formed a very powerful undercurrent in nazi ideology and thinking.

The IAAEE was founded by Lord Malcolm Douglas-Hamilton who was a Wing Commander in the RAF during WWII. Lord Malcolm was, moreover, a member of the “Cliveden Set” - which is another name for the Rhodes-Milner Oxford “Group” – that was sympathetic to Hitler’s war aims. Not least, Lord Malcolm had the honour of being the brother of the Duke of Hamilton who, as we know, was the host of Rudolf Hess after his flight to Scotland in 1941.

Colonel Gayre also founded the Order of St. Lazarus of Jerusalem in Edinburgh, with the US branch of this Order being established by Lord Malcolm Douglas-Hamilton. Lord Malcolm is a relative of the late Queen Mother via his mother, Pamela Bowes-Lyon. Robert Gayre was also the vice president of the International Commission for Orders of Chivalry (ICC). The VI International Congress of the ICC was held in Edinburgh in 1962, under the Honorary Presidency of the Duke of Edinburgh and was presided over by the Duke of Hamilton.


With this diversion fairly comprehensively covered, let’s now briefly return to the actual events of Montgomery’s audacious Operation Market Garden – the approved plan to take and hold the five Dutch bridges that would open a way for a massive Allied thrust at the heart of Germany.

Those who have seen the excellent film, based on Cornelius Ryan’s book “A Bridge Too Far” will recall the sheer stubborn courage of those soldiers of the Third Battalion of the US 82nd Airborne, under the command of Major Julian Cook, who paddled across the Waal river in slow, cumbersome boats, under a blizzard of deadly German fire, to assault and hold the heavily defended but critical Nijmegen road Bridge, a few miles south of Arnhem.

This was a last ditch attempt to relive the sorely battered British paratroops at Arnhem led by Colonel John Frost. Eventually succeeding, at terrible cost, the Nijmegen Bridge was taken and held. But rather than rushing armour up the road to Arnhem to relieve Colonel Frost and ensure success of Montgomery’s daring plan, a British Guards Major arriving at Nijmegen Bridge told his American counterparts that “we do not move our tanks at night.” [33] A furious Colonel Tucker, the regimental commander of the American 504th – that had secured the bridge, vehemently argued there was no time to waste before the Germans reinforced and that the British must grab the chance to reinforce Frost at Arnhem. Immune to these arguments, the English Major repeated “Well, we can’t move our tanks at night,” and then added “We will move them in the morning.” [34] The next morning, as expected, the whole area was heavy with German armoured reinforcements.

Cornelius Ryan does not name the Grenadier Guards Major in his book, which is unusual. There also appear to be some critical inaccuracies in the chain of events he sets forth in his book.

A recent BBC documentary series called “Battlefields” presented by historian Prof. Richard Holmes, focused one programme on “The Battle for Arnhem.” The programme makers interviewed on camera Captain Moffatt Burriss, commander of “I” company of the 504th, who was present when General Horrocks first asked to Colonel Tucker, commander of the 504th, if he would take the heavily defended bridge by assaulting across the Waal. According to Burriss, General Horrocks said “This is an awesome task, can your lads do it?” Tucker replied, “Well general, if we take the bridge, will your tanks be lined-up ready to go?” Horrocks replied, “My tanks will be lined-up in full force, hell-bent for Arnhem and nothing will stop them.” [35]

Once the bridge had been taken, it was Captain Burriss who welcomed the first tanks across, and was astonished when they stopped. He asked the sergeant in the first tank why they had stopped. The sergeant who was commanding the first three tanks – soon to be joined by a fourth under the command a the Grenadier Guards major – said that there was a German anti tank gun up ahead and that “if I go up there that gun will knock out my tank.” Burriss said, “Well, we’ll go with you and get that gun.” But the offer wasn’t accepted because, the sergeant said “No, I can’t go, I’ve got no orders.” [36] A situation that is in marked contrast to General Horrocks intentions and his direct pledge to Colonel Tucker.

According to the Grenadier Guards war diary, they bridge at Nijmegen was merely “consolidated.” Also appearing on the interview was the Grenadier Guards major, who said, “it would have been quite difficult to go ahead.” Captain Burriss didn’t see it that way. He said during the programme that he “felt betrayed.” His men had taken the bridge at massive cost, facing machine guns, 20mm canons and numerous other weapons, but the British “were stopping because of one gun and they had a whole Corps of tanks” at their disposal.

There was virtually nothing between the Grenadiers and Arnhem 8 miles away. At the north end of Arnhem Bridge the British paratroopers still held out. With an injured Colonel Frost, his second-in-command Major, Tony Hibbert of the 1st Parachute Brigade, fought on. He could hear the tanks of the Grenadier Guards in the distance. But they didn’t arrive. Interviewed for the BBC programme he reflected wryly, perhaps even bitterly, that the Market Garden plan “Could and should have worked,” adding with a wry look that the tanks under the control of Lord Carrington were “over the bridge before we were overrun.”


Royal patronage of the Grenadier Guards can be seen by virtue of the fact that reigning British monarch’s are usually appointed as “colonels-in-chief” of the Regiment. It is one of only five British regiments who have the honour of trooping the monarch’s “colour” the royal flag – in front of the Monarch on the occasion of their official birthday. The ceremony derives from mounting guard of the royal family and palaces and as “Household Troops” the Grenadiers are one of the regiments who have the honour of guarding the monarch. The rank and file of the Grenadiers swear an oath of allegiance to the monarch as head of the Armed Forces of the United Kingdom. It is considerable significance that the oath is sworn to the reigning British monarch and not to Parliament. Interestingly, the first public engagement of the present monarch, Queen Elizabeth II, took place in 1942, when as a younf princess she inspected the Grenadier Guards on her 16th birthday.

The Grenadier Guards officer he was referring to was Major Peter Alexander Rupert Smith, of the extremely powerful and influential Smith family - an almost publicly unknown dynasty of bankers that dates back 350 years. It was in the 1650’s when Thomas Smith founded Samuel Smith & Co, Bankers in Nottingham, which is believed to have been the first English bank headquartered outside of London. Successive generations of Smiths ensured that the family business flourished and by 1902 a total of ten branches were operating.

Not only did a leading member of the family befriended Lord Rothschild, but a family member later married a Rothschild. A further dynastic marriage was to the well-known Baring family of bankers. Their influence kept on expanding and expanding. Frances Dora Smith married Sir Claude Lyon-Bowes, who were the grandparents of Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon who would marry Prince Albert (Bertie) in 1923. Prince Albert became King George V1 in 1936 and Elizabeth become Queen Elizabeth 1 - later known as the Queen Mother. Frances Dora Smith married Sir Claude Lyon-Bowes, who were the grandparents of Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon who married Prince Albert (Bertie) in 1923. Prince Albert became King George V1 in 1936 and Elizabeth become Queen Elizabeth 1 - later known as the Queen Mother. In recent years, newspaper article concerning the Queen Mothers favourable attitude to the “pro-peace movement” spoke of her “desire to avert war with Germany and for closer ties to be established between the two countries.” [37] One newspaper went so far as to state that the Queen would have willingly accepted a German occupation providing that the monarchy and her place in it remained intact. [38]

Her brother, David Bowes-Lyon, to whom she was exceptionally close was, before the war, a director of Lazard Brothers bankers and who also held an “important but vaguely defined role in SOE.” [39] The Lazard’s connection is significant inasmuch as this bank was a link to pro-nazi Sir Henri Deterding of Royal Dutch Shell and Viscount Bearsted of Hill Samuel, both of whom connect to Baron Kurt von Schroder – a hard core nazi, a financier of SS chief Heinrich Himmler and a leading member of the “circle of friends of the Reichsfuhrer.” Von Schroder coincidentally employed Allen Dulles as his American attorney [40] Royal Dutch Shell has long believed to be largely owned by the Dutch and British royal families.

Von Schroder was also a member of the Anglo-German Fellowship and a director of the bankers, Lazard Brothers. The Anglo-German fellowship was founded in 1935 by German banker Ernest Tennant - a close friend of Hitler’s Foreign Minister, Joachim von Ribbentrop - and had numerous members who admired Hitler. Some, went even further.

For example, Sir Oswald Mosley founded the fascist British Black shirts, which was funded by Berlin. Another was nazi enthusiast, Admiral Sir Barry Domville, who would later become a Shickshinny Knight. [41] Charles Edward, Duke of Saxe Coburg & Gotha was sent by Hitler to England to be the President of the Fellowship with instructions to improve Anglo-German relations and to push for an alliance between both countries. Another member was the Duke of Hamilton, who as we have seen, was the British point of contact sought by Rudolf Hess in his flight to Scotland. Saxe Coburg Gotha is, of course, the real family name of the British royal family, who changed to Windsor during the First World War to dilute any expressions of animosity by the British public.

The connections of the British royal family to the Nazis continue. Prince Phillip Mountbatten’s (Duke of Edinburgh) closest sister in age, Princess Sophie, married Prince Christopher of Hesse, who was a member of Himmler’s staff, enlisting as an “agent.” [42] Prince Christopher would die in an aircraft accident in 1944, preceding by two years the extremely suspicious death of Prince George, the Duke of Kent and brother of the King, George VI – who also died in an aircraft “accident.”

The Duke of Kent died on 25th August 1942 aboard a Sunderland flying boat belonging to 228 Squadron of Coastal Command that crashed into a hill, called the Eagle’s Rock, near Berriedale, Caithness, Scotland. The authors of the book “Double Standards” make a strong case that the aircraft was sabotaged on the instructions of Churchill, in order to avert the conclusion of a secret alliance agreed in principle between Germany and England that was to be signed in Sweden by the Duke of Kent, presumably on behalf of his brother, the King. The authors believe that aboard the aircraft and travelling with the Duke was none other that deputy fuehrer, Rudolf Hess.

Staying at Balmoral the night before the crash, according to one biography of the Queen Mother, the Duke feasted on a last supper of sorts. His dinner companion was Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands. [43]


It should come as no surprise to learn that the Grenadier Guards Major, Peter Smith, is the 6th Baron Carrington more commonly known as Lord Carrington, who in April 1985 was honoured by the Queen when he was made a knight of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, the oldest and most prestigious British Order of chivalry that dates back almost 700 years. As a member of the royal family bloodline, Lord Carrington’s illustrious career has included a stint as chairman of the secretive and elite Bildergers. Not least, he was a former President of the Pilgrim Society that was founded in London in 1902 (and New York in 1903), as a dying wish of Cecil Rhodes. Another member of this ultra secret society was none other than the Duke of Kent, as was A J Drexel Biddle.

Founded in May 1954, the Bilderberg Conferences bring together the elite of the world to seek a consensus on how global matters are to be shaped. It is viewed with extreme suspicion by many who see it as working outside of democratic control to foist on them a dictatorial world order dedicated to the interests of the elite few.

Those instrumental in the founding of Bilderberg have included, General Walter Bedell Smith, Allen Dulles and Antoine Pinay, the ultra right French Prime Minister and Otto Wolff of the Cologne based firm Otto Wolff A. G., whose father was a substantial contributor to Hitler. Another was Sir Collin Gubbins, wartime head of the SOE who had established and trained Auxilary Units to resist underground in the event of a nazi invasion. These, in turn, were linked to the so-called Army “Oxen Units” that engaged in sabotage. One such Oxen Unit was in Berriedale at the time the Duke of Kent’s aircraft crashed. [44]

Attendees are numerous and very influential. These have included, for example, David Rockefeller, Walter Boveri Jr, son of the founder of Brown Boveri, Sir Eric Roll of Warburg’s London based merchant bank and Dr. Herman Abs of I G Farben – to name just a few who are relevant to this essay. The first Bilderberg chairman was Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, who remained chairing the meetings until 1976, when he stood down following his disgrace for accepting bribes in the Lockheed affair.

Of significance is the fact that the first Bilderberg meeting was held ten years after the failed Operation Market Garden, in a hotel (named the Bilderberg – hence the name of the group), that is located in Oosterbeek, Holland, just a few kilometres from both Arnhem and Nijmegen – and in the very middle of the fighting to take the Arnhem bridge.

Is it possible that Oosterbeck was chosen for the first meeting of Bilderberg in order to secretly celebrate the success in getting the wealth of nazi Germany to safety as planned by Bormann? Possibly. In the first two years of its existence, four meetings were held, on a semi-annual basis. [45] For 1954, meeting were held in May and again in September. In 1955, they were in March and September. Thereafter, meetings have been held just once annually in May. September 1954 was, of course, the month of the failed – or betrayed – Operation Market Garden.

1954 is of significance for other reasons, too, for it was in 1954 that the Allies finally agreed to return Western Germany to the status of a sovereign nation and German companies were, at last, freed from Allied control on 5th May 1955. The assets of Thyssen, Krupp and others that had been secreted abroad could now be untangled and returned to once again rebuild Germany – as foreseen by Bormann. [46] The treaty that ended the occupation of West Germany was signed in Paris in October 1954. [47]

The past is the future. Sadly.


[1] By “revolving” I mean to suggest that whoever wins an American presidential election, US foreign policy remains fundamentally unchanged.

[2] It is here of considerable significance that it was following the Versailles Treaty that many German industrialists, including the Thyssen and Dornier family, first developed their financial techniques to cloak ownership of their assets.

[3] See Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince lecture “The Rise of the Rough Beast” at the Sauniere Society Symposium, 19th September 1999. Also see numerous articles on Synarchism and the Synarchist agenda published by EIR.

[4] Ibid.

[5] Antony Sutton, “The Secret Cult of The Order” – page 32.

[6] See article by John Loftus “How the Bush family made its fortune from the Nazis“

[7] See "Timeline of Treason: The Bush Family Connections to the Nazis" - from: http://www.spiritone.com/~gdy52150/timeline.html

[8] See Anthony Sutton’s “Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution.

[9] See Sutton’s “Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler” – page 93

[10] See Charles Higham’s “Trading With The Enemy” – page 189.

[11] Ibid – page 211.

[12] Ibid – page 133.

[13] Ibid

[14] See my article “The Spoils of War” at www.deepblacklies.co.uk.

[15] See Carroll Quigley’s “The Anglo-American Establishment” – page 307 (published by GSG & Associates, California, 1981)

[16] See Sutton’s “The Secret Cult of the Order” – page 34/35.

[17] See Paul Manning’s “Martin Bormann – Nazi in Exile” – page 23.

[18] Two additional persons, both German government officials, were present at the Red House meeting.

[19] Manning's Martin Bormann - Nazi in Exile – page 32.

[20] See Cornelius Ryan’s “A Bridge Too Far” – page 48.

[21] Ibid – page70.

[22] Ibid – page 43.

[23] The Fraternity was the name chosen by author Charles Higham, in his book American Swastika, to describe the network of prominent people and large corporations in Allied and neutral nations that cooperated with the nazis.

[24] See Higham’s “Trading With The Enemy” – pages 179-181

[25] This account is contained in an unpublished manuscript on matters relating to the nazis and US business interests that was written by Prof. Peter Dale Scott, who kindly provided a copy to me.

[26] See: www.michelvanrijn.com/artnews/correggio.htm

[27] Ibid

[28] See Charles Higham “American Swastika” – page 260.

[29] See John Loftus article “The Dutch Connection” (available on the internet) for details of Operation Juliana. However, Dutch journalist, Ton Biesemaat disputes the accuracy of Loftus allegations, saying that the Prince was not directly involved but instead directed "influential friends and agents to do the job for him." Biesemaat also says that no crown jewels were recovered in Berlin but instead some "shares" of the royal family were recovered, although the main objective was to secure the fortune of the "Thyssen Bornemisza family" (private correspondence with this writer).

[30] For more on the Shickshinny Knights see my article “The Spoils of War”.

[31] Although I understand that King Umberto II in fact hated Mussolini, but consented to abdicate to avoid an outbreak of bloodshed.


[33] See Cornelius Ryan – who frustratingly neglects to name the British officer in question. Ryan is, however, by no means alone in this oversight. I could find no online source that did name the British officer, which may go some way to reveal the awesome actual power of a truly powerful family.

[34] Recorded by Thomas Pitt, a Sergeant in the 504th of the 82nd Airborne, who was present during these deliberations.

[35] Notes taken from the BBC TV documentary programme “Battlefields.”

[36] Ibid.

[37] See Lynn Picknett, Clive Prince and Stephen Prior’s “Double Standards – The Rudolf Hess Cover-Up” – page 265

[38] Ibid – The Independent on Sunday, 5 March 2000.

[39] Picknett, Prince & Prior's "Double Standard's" – page 264.

[40] See Hugh Thomas SS-1 The Unlikely Death of Heinrich Himmler – page 92.

[41] On the Shickshinny’ s see my associated article The Spoils of War.”

[42] See Hugh Thomas SS-1 – as above – page 92.

[43] See “Double Standards” – above – page 433.

[44] Ibid – page 421

[45] See Holly Sklar’s “Trilaterialism” – page 171 which mentions this curious fact.

[46] See Paul manning’s “Martin Bormann” – above – page 281.

[47] Ibid – page 258.

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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 03, 2018 9:20 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The Independent
Letter: Hitler, Bormann and me
https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/letter-hitler-bormann-and-me-1309 231.html
W H Thomas Saturday 10 August 1996
While not wishing for one instant to give credence to John Ainsworth-Davis's far-fetched claims in your article "Did Bond save Bormann...?" (4 August), I must point out as incorrect comments ascribed to Charles Whiting.

No German pathologist was involved in the examination of Hitler's remains. The pathologists verifying his death were all Soviet and the second forensic account based on their findings was made by myself.

The German pathologists who examined Martin Bormann's remains were overseen by Professor Sognnaes, the world famous forensic orthodontist from UCLA - who worked in close co-operation with myself.

The dental records, while proving the identity of Bormann, displayed worrying anomalies which suggested that much dental work had been carried out after 1945. Bormann's skull was also encased in red clay of a type common in Ita, the village in Paraguay where recently discovered Paraguayan police records suggest that Bormanndied. This clay is totally absent in the Berlin Ulap fairground where the skull was discovered. There is, therefore, considerable proof that Bormann's remains were taken back to Berlin for discovery - possibly to discredit those engaged in the then current search for Mengele, who it is claimed was treated by the same dentist in Paraguay, Heikel.

The Bormann family are due shortly to produce the results of DNA tests which will conclusively prove that it was Bormann whose remains were discovered in Berlin - which leaves open the question as to when he died. I suggest forensic facts and not historical hyperbole are best suited to such complicated cases.

W H Thomas

Consultant surgeon

Brecon, Powys

'Suppression of truth, human spirit and the holy chord of justice never works long-term. Something the suppressors never get.' David Southwell
Martin Van Creveld: Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: "Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother."
Martin Van Creveld: I'll quote Henry Kissinger: "In campaigns like this the antiterror forces lose, because they don't win, and the rebels win by not losing."
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 11, 2018 10:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Here is Ian Bell, being strung along by MI6 to think he's following Martin Bormann
All described as an elaborate diversionary tactic by John Ainsworth-Davis in his book OP JB poor chap!

Martin Bormann's Escape
Martin Bormann's Escape?



'Suppression of truth, human spirit and the holy chord of justice never works long-term. Something the suppressors never get.' David Southwell
Martin Van Creveld: Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: "Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother."
Martin Van Creveld: I'll quote Henry Kissinger: "In campaigns like this the antiterror forces lose, because they don't win, and the rebels win by not losing."
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 28, 2018 12:27 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Martin Bormann has a Stomachache
JUL 20, 2009
https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2009/07/martin-borma nn-has-a-stomachache/21679/

ASUNCION -- In his last day in the Bunker, to ensure that his beloved Alsatian Blondi would never walk at the end of a Soviet leash, Hitler ordered her poisoned. About the fates of his closest human companions the Fuehrer was not so careful. Many (Goebbels, Eva Braun) killed themselves, but in the chaos of the last days, at least one emerged and made a run for safety. Whether that run ended in Paraguay is the subject of the second document I examined at the terror archive in Asuncion.

Blondi was a gift to Hitler from Martin Bormann, the Reichsleiter and a trusted confidant. Hitler famously said that "to win this war we need Bormann." As Hitler's secretary, he signed papers for Hitler and gave orders in Hitler's name. He mastered back-room minutiae to complement Hitler's own broad-stroke statesmanship. Bormann was, to use an unfortunate analogy, Hitler's Rahm Emanuel.

Did he make it out of Berlin alive? For decades, Bormann's survival was an open question. (It is no longer: he would be 109 years old, to Mengele's youthful 97, if he still lived.) We know he left the Chancellery after Hitler's suicide on April 30, and was seen on May 2 on the streets of Berlin. In the years that followed, people caught glimpses of Bormann all over Europe and South America, and said he had died of natural causes at several different places and times. No one knew for sure, and Nazi hunters never gave up looking.
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The Meaning of North Korea’s Remains Transfer
Not until late 1972 did forensic evidence surface. At a construction site in Berlin, just a few meters from where Albert Krumnow, a retired postal worker, claimed to have buried Bormann as an enlisted soldier in May 1945, a crew happened upon a skeleton. Hugo Blaschke, dentist to Hitler and Bormann, had reconstructed dental records for the Allies just after the war. The skeleton's teeth nearly matched. The evidence seemed to prove that Bormann died with most of the rest of Hitler's inner circle, and of similar causes: prussic acid, which left glass splinters in his jawbone after he bit down on the glass ampule that contained it.

But it is not so easy to kill off a Nazi. Conspiracy theorists think Bormann lived beyond the Battle of Berlin and died in exile, only to have his bones moved to Krumnow's site later. The site was thoroughly excavated before 1972 and yielded no bones at all. And occasionally a document will surface with remarkably specific details of Bormann's life and death on the run.

The Asuncion archive has just such a document. In 1964, a Paraguayan Interior ministry functionary wrote a memo describing intelligence passed along by Reinhard Gehlen, the head of the West German intelligence apparatus and a serial producer of strange theories about former Nazis. According to the document, Gehlen told the Paraguayans that Martin Bormann lived in Paraguay in the late 1950s and died in Asuncion in 1959, under the care of Josef Mengele himself.

Bormann summoned Mengele, known as "Don Fritz," to the home of Werner Jung, a prominent Nazi sympathizer in town. Bormann had stomach pains that according to Gehlen turned out to be cancer. When he died in February, Mengele and a handful of others took the body to Ita, a small town about an hour away, and interred it in an unmarked grave in the municipal cemetery.

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There is strong evidence that Bormann died in 1945. As the infamous David Irving notes, the plundered possessions from Bormann's coat later appeared in Soviet hands, and a corpse found next to the Bormann skeleton appears to be that of Ludwig Stumpfegger, Hitler's last physician and Bormann's alleged getaway partner. On the other hand, the conspiracy theorists point out that Bormann's skull was flecked with red clay -- something absent from Berlin but ubiquitous in Paraguay.

Evidence of Bormann's continued survival would have embarrassed Paraguayan and German officials. For years the Paraguayans had had to live down their harboring Mengele, and the Germans had had to explain why they hadn't hunted him down more vigorously. The bones discovery was convenient for many parties.

Tomorrow I'll go to the cemetery to find the supposed grave and see if anyone remembers a covert Paraguayan-German exhumation in the early 1970s. Stranger things have happened. This is Paraguay, after all.

We want to hear what you think. Submit a letter to the editor or write to letters@theatlantic.com.

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
Trustworthy Freedom Fighter

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 20, 2018 11:34 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

'Hitler in Argentina & The US-Hitler Bargain Including NASA (as well as CIA)':
'The recent release of a JFK document pertaining to Hitler escaping to Argentina has given new life to long-standing but ignored evidence that the US made a pact with the Nazis.
Even Hoover didn’t know until 1947. The memo from him ORDERING all efforts to explore the rumors (even then) that he and Mrs. Hitler made it out CEASE IMMEDIATELY is a big sign.
Below is a quick overview of the REAL story, with photographs, as I understand it from Harry Cooper at Sharkhunters.com whose book Hitler In Argentina is of enormous importance. In fact, Harry first broke this story over 20 years ago. Here it is in a nutshell…
Martin Bormann had HItler and Eva Braun forcibly drugged (AH didn’t want to leave the bunker) and had them removed on stretchers. There were witnesses to this.....'

Who knows?

'And he (the devil) said to him: To thee will I give all this power, and the glory of them; for to me they are delivered, and to whom I will, I give them'. Luke IV 5-7.
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