Disco_Destroyer Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
Joined: 05 Sep 2006 Posts: 6342
Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 2:53 pm Post subject: Regarding Ed and Elaine Brown |
Again lifted direct from Myspace bulletin
Date: Jul 29, 2007 7:32 AM
Has any one heard from Ed and Elaine Brown since 5:30 this morning??
----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: NWO
Date: Jul 29, 2007 5:26 AM
Thanks Thomas Bingham (L-CA)
Date: Jul 29, 2007 2:14 AM
RE: Regarding Ed and Elaine Brown Case {Re-Post}
----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: Brains' Evil Twin
Date: Jul 29, 2007 1:42 AM
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From: | WV | Militiaman71
Date: Jul 29, 2007 1:38 AM
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From: Ron 08; [Manny - CT]
Date: Jul 29, 2007 2:14 AM
Ed and Elaine Brown of New Hampshire have been holed up in their home on their property refusing to turn themselves in to federal agents after being convicted of failure to pay the Illegal and Unconstitutional Federal Income Tax .
The fact is - there IS NO LAW stating that ANYONE has to pay a tax on their income. THAT MEANS YOU and EVERYONE else ! THERE IS NO LAW. All they are asking is for someone to show them the law that states they have to pay an income tax and there has been no one able to do so - BECAUSE THERE IS NO LAW ! Ed and Elaine have decided that they will LIVE FREE OR DIE and not give in to the feds and go to prison for a NON- CRIME ! Who would want to go to jail when they have committed NO CRIME !? Would YOU ? The feds have had their property surrounded and under surveillance for the last several months recording all incoming visitors and occasionally blocking off the roads leading to their home.
They have had a steady stream of supporters and people staying with them at their home, bringing with them supplies such as batteries, food, cell phones, etc... as the Feds have shut off power to their home, as well as cable/phone/internet service. Their home is equipped with solar power and as a result they are able to sustain themselves regardless of the feds efforts to force them out.
TONIGHT - they are reporting 30-40 rounds being fired in their direction from the woods on the back of their New Hampshire property . This is a potentially violent and life-threatening situation for Ed and Elaine Brown, and all the other patriots that are putting their lives on the line to stand up to tyranny and a fraudulent system that illegally takes money from YOU, me, and everyone else through the illegal federal income tax.
There is only a few minutes of broadcast time on this story - but check it out and stay informed.
You can get this bulletin by going to http://emerge-united.blogspot.com
Ed and Elaine Brown need YOUR help. You can help them by contacting the people below.
Clear Channel Manchester
195 McGregor St. Suite 810
Manchester, NH 03102
P: (603) 625-6915
F: (603) 625-9255
Greg & The Morning Buzz
M-F 5:30a-10a
888-556-ROCK (7625)
393 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510-2904
Phone: (202) 224-3324
Fax: (202) 224-4952
Main District Office:
125 N. Main St.
Concord, NH 03301
Phone: (603) 225-7115
Fax: (603) 224-0198
Senator John E. Sununu (R-NH)
Web Site: sununu.senate.gov
E-mail: mailbox@sununu.senate.gov
Washington Office:
111 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510-2903
Phone: (202) 224-2841
Fax: (202) 228-4131
Main District Office:
1589 Elm St., Ste. 3
Manchester, NH 03101
Phone: (603) 647-7500
Fax: (603) 647-9352
Governor John Lynch (D-NH)
State House, 25 Capitol St.
Concord, NH 03301
Phone: (603) 271-2121
Fax: (603) 271-7680
Representative Matthew S. Houde
Home Address:
Matthew S. Houde
P.O. Box 66
Meriden, NH 03770-0066
Phone: (603)504-2744
Business Address:
Vermont Law School
Chelsea St., PO Box 96
S. Royalton, VT 05068
Phone: (802)831-1241
Representative Carla M. Skinder
Carla M. Skinder
465 East Road
Cornish, NH 03745-4433
Phone: (603)542-6065
Phone: (603)543-6895
FAX: (603)863-8383
Senator Peter Hoe Burling
Senate Office:
107 N. Main St., Room 105
Concord, N.H. 03301
(603) 271-2642
20 Lang Road
Cornish, N.H. 03745-4209
(603) 675-6255
Governor Lynch
Office of the Governor
State House
25 Capitol Street
Concord, NH 03301
(603)271-7680 (fax)
Use this URL to e-mail him:
1-888-202-1984 (not sure what theses are...call anyways)
1-877-300-7645 (not sure what theses are...call anyways)
1-800-313-9443 (not sure what theses are...call anyways)
Department of Safety
Division of State Police
33 Hazen Drive
Concord, NH 03305
Telephone Numbers:
Director’s Office: (603) 271-2450
Field Operations Bureau: (603) 271-3793
* D.A.R.E. Office: (603) 271-2877
Investigative Services Bureau
* Major Crime Unit: (603) 271-2663
* Narcotics and Investigations Unit: (603) 271-6610
* Terrorism Intelligence Unit: (603) 271-0300
Support Services Bureau: (603) 271-3296
* Communications Maintenance Unit: (603) 271-2421
* Criminal Records Unit: (603) 271-2538
* Fleet Management: (603) 271-6340
* NCIC Unit: (603) 271-2535
* Permits and Licensing Unit: (603) 271-3575
* Recruitment and Training Unit: (603) 271-2728
* Sex Offender Registry: (603) 271-6344
* Uniform Crime Reporting: (603) 271-2509
Forensic Laboratory: (603) 271-3573
For other inquiries: (603) 271-2575
Division of Motor Vehicles (for information regarding accident reports, payment of fines, driving records, licensing, registrations, etc.)
Headquarters Communications:
In-State Emergency Only (toll free):
Emergency Cell Phone for NH, ME, MA:
Phone: (603) 271-3636
Fax: (603) 271-1153
Anonymous Tips:
Fax: (603) 271-6497
Road Conditions:
In-state 511 or (866) 282-7579
Department of _________________ 'Come and see the violence inherent in the system.
Help, help, I'm being repressed!'
“The more you tighten your grip, the more Star Systems will slip through your fingers.”
www.myspace.com/disco_destroyer |