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Pikey Banned
Joined: 25 Jul 2005 Posts: 1491 Location: North Lancashire
Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2005 2:06 pm Post subject: Another breakthrough in the press.........Friday 2-12-05??? |
Hi 911 Truth seekers
I have submitted a letter to the largest and most widely weekly circulated UK National construction magazine "Building" and after two follow up calls appear to have a positive result although I do note the inclusion of the word "probably" next week!
I must confess I got good vibes off Tom the deputy editor when I spoke to him. Unlike my previous experiences with the press! In the absence of the Editor he has written the lead article in this weeks edition and his photo depicts a David Beckham lookalike!
The magazine website is
If my article is published I will endeavour to report how it was published. Alternatively you can purchase the magazine £2-90 or perhaps it may appear on the website.
Quote: | ----- Original Message -----
To: Broughton, Tom
Sent: Friday, November 25, 2005 12:59 PM
Subject: Re: In this paper I question the "official" story that the collapses of the high-ri
Thanks for that, I look forward to reading the article in next weeks magazine and restoring my faith in professional independent journalism.
I also look forward to reading responses from time served and qualified construction experts in future editions of your excellent and my favourite construction magazine.
I wish I was wrong but the compelling evidence that explosives were responsible for the collapse of those high rise steel framed buildings is staggering. The more research I do the more information I uncover to reinforce my conclusion.
Best wishes |
Quote: | ----- Original Message -----
From: Broughton, Tom
Sent: Friday, November 25, 2005 12:09 PM
Subject: RE: In this paper I question the "official" story that the collapses of the high-ri
We will publish your letter, probably next week.
Tom |
Quote: | -----Original Message-----
From: scsmwilliams
Sent: 11 November 2005 11:57
Subject: In this paper I question the "official" story that the collapses of the high-ri
Hi Tom,
I was prompted to contact someone at Building concerning the article in last weeks building magazine on improving the design of high rise building learning from the events of 911.
Thank you for listening to the points I made in our telecom conversation earlier. I attach the following link which consists of a paper written by an American Professor of Science, Steven Jones concerning the collapse of the twin towers and WTC7 in New York..
I have carried out my own extensive research of the collapse of World Trade Centre building 1 & 2 (The North & South Tower and also WTC7) my own conclusion is that they were brought down by planted explosives. The official story of 911 is a lie, but when you look behind who owns the American Press CNN, NBC etc (the Arms companies) its totally understandable.
The bible on the events of 911, is in my opinion, the outstanding book written by David Ray Griffin "The New Pearl Harbour".(second edition).
There is a huge amount of information on the world wide web check out the following websites, as a start, if you wish to reserach the truth of the subject:-
There are also numerous visual presentations which provide compelling evidence that the official version was a lie IMO "In plane site The directors cut" and "Loose change" are the best I have seen to date.
Look at the facts and you be the judge Tom. Prior to 911 no high rise steel frame had ever collapsed!
911 was an inside job and was planned. The PNAC (Project for the New American Century) document produced by the American administration stated that they needed a "New Pearl Harbour" to achieve their hidden agenda.
If you require any further sources of reference I would be quite happy to provide you with these.
I have joined the global and UK 911 Truth campaign movement . The purpose is to secure a full professional INDEPENDENT inquiry into the events of 911 and awaken the public to the truth. The UK 911 Truth campaign has forwarded all details to every constituency UK MP and editor of the UK national press, but as yet it has achieved no major breakthrough, the campaign is presently hitting a huge brick wall.
I hope that you and the Building magazine is not another brick in that wall and that you will investigate the compelling evidence as a professional independent journalist totally committed to publishing the truth with an open mind.
When a crime is committed (911 was a crime) the key suspects are usually picked out on the basis of "Qui bono". 911 was a crime scene so why did the powers that be immediately ship the steelwork at ground zero out to China? Analysis of the steelwork would have proven if they failed due to fire or explosives! It is a fact that the melting point of steel is far higher than the heat generated by a fire generated by aircraft fuel. The high rise building in Madrid which was recently destroyed by fire .......was absoluted gutted by fire but yet the steel structure remained standing!
Yours sincerely |
Have a great weekend everyone _________________ Pikey
Peace, truth, respect and a Mason free society |
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Justin 9/11 Truth Organiser
Joined: 27 Jul 2005 Posts: 500 Location: Cumbria / Yorkshire Dales
Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2005 4:53 pm Post subject: |
Nice one! _________________ Connect to Infinite Consciousness - enjoy the ride! |
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Pikey Banned
Joined: 25 Jul 2005 Posts: 1491 Location: North Lancashire
Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 5:47 pm Post subject: |
An edited (er butchered!!!!) version of my correspondence has been published with the editors heading "Tall tale" in this weeks "Building" magazine (edition 2-12-05); Here it is exactly as published:-
Quote: | “Tall tale”
“I was prompted to write concerning the article in on the design of high rise building following the events of 9/11 (4/11/ page 14).
I have carried out my own extensive research of the collapse of World Trade Centre. My own conclusion is that they were brought down by planted explosives. The bible on the events of 9/11 is, in my opinion, The New Pearl Harbour by David Ray Griffin (second edition).
Look at the facts and you be the judge. Prior to 9/11, no high rise steel frame had ever collapsed”. |
If anybody wishes to respond to the letter you can do so by sending your correspondence for the attention of the Editor, Denise Chevin (tel no: 0220-7560-4150) by post:- Ludgate House, 245 Blackfriars Rd, London SE19UY; by e mail:- or editorail fax:- 020-7560-4004. The magazine website is
If anyone does send something else in (this is the most widely read magazine in the UK construction industry and wins publication awards every year) and I am hoping that they will, remember it is a technical magazine for the UK construction industry!
As you can see by comparing my e mail correspondence (see previous article) with that published, alot of useful reference info has been cut!!!!!!
I look forward to reading the letters pages of the "Building" magazine next week!
“A small body of determined spirits fired up by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history” _________________ Pikey
Peace, truth, respect and a Mason free society |
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Pikey Banned
Joined: 25 Jul 2005 Posts: 1491 Location: North Lancashire
Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2006 10:45 pm Post subject: |
Since having my letter published in "Building" early in December last, I have been regularly following the letters pages for a follow up from other construction professionals and academics.
Well its almost two months later but here it is a published in "Building" 27/1/06 and headed "Waiting for some answers" by the editor :-
Quote: | Waiting for some answers
The “Tall tale” letter (Building 2/12/05) raises the important point of the thoroughness of the debates by structural and fire engineering technical experts into the events of 9/11.
Doubts have been raised by UK academics in respect of the comprehensiveness of the US government –commissioned National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) investigations into the collapse initiation mechanism. It is surprising that NIST has still not published even a draft report of the unusual collapse of the World Trade Centre Building Seven.
A number of concerns have also been raised by members of the witness testimony panel at the House of Representatives Committee on Science hearing on 26/10/05.
To quote from a statement by Professor Glenn Corbett, Assistant Professor of Fire Science at John Jay College of Criminal Justice: “During the course of the WTC investigation, I and others including some people on the federal advisory committee have had serious concerns about some of the findings and conclusions that NIST has drawn. While this hearing is not the place to debate technical issues, I would suggest that a more formal mechanism be developed to officially address comments from the public. Such a protocol should include the technical basis for which NIST rejects or accepts a public comment.”
I would invite Building readers to carry out their own research into the events surrounding the only full collapse of steel framed buildings in history, to make sure that that engineering and political lessons can be learned for the future
A Couper |
It would be more powerful IMO if someone else follows this up. What about the specialist on Loose change who said there was no way fire could have brought down a steel framed building and he was sacked! There is also the Professor Steven Jones article which I e mailed to the Assistant editor of Building Tom Broughton.
Come on guys and gals I think we have major opportunity opening up here. _________________ Pikey
Peace, truth, respect and a Mason free society |
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Andrew Johnson Mighty Poster
Joined: 25 Jul 2005 Posts: 1919 Location: Derbyshire
Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2006 12:42 am Post subject: |
Send them this:
Claim government's account violates laws of physics and engineering
(PRWEB and Newswire) January 27, 2006
An influential group of prominent experts and scholars have joined together alleging that senior government officials have covered up crucial facts about what really happened on 9/11. The members of this new non-partisan association, "Scholars for 9/11 Truth" (S9/11T), are convinced their research proves the current administration has been dishonest with the nation about events in New York and Washington, D.C.
These experts contend that books and articles by members and associates have established that the World Trade Center was almost certainly brought down by controlled demolitions and that the available relevant evidence casts grave doubt on the official story about the attack on the Pentagon. They believe that the government not only permitted 9/11 to occur but may even have orchestrated these events to facilitate its political agenda.
The society includes U.S. and international faculty and students of history, science, military affairs, psychology, and even philosophy. According to its spokesmen, S9/11T represents a concerted effort to uphold the standards of truth and justice and to strengthen democracy in this nation, which has taken a terrible hit in the aftermath of 9/11, when "everything changed." Its function is to bring scientific rigor to the study of 9/11 phenomena.
The members of this group are dedicated to exposing falsehoods and to revealing truths behind 9/11, "letting the chips fall where they may." The evidence has become sufficiently strong that they are speaking out. They are actively devoting themselves to reporting the results of their research to the public by means of lectures, articles, and other venues.
The society includes numerous notable professors and scholars, including:
Morgan Reynolds, Texas A & M Professor Emeritus of Economics, former Chief Economist for the Department of Labor for President George W. Bush, and former Director of the Criminal Justice Center at the National Center for Policy Analysis
Steven E. Jones, Professor of Physics, Brigham Young University, co-chair of S9/11T and the creator of its home page and its forum
Robert M. Bowman, former Director of the U.S. "Star Wars" Space Defense Program in both Republican and Democratic administrations, a former senior Air Force Colonel with 101 combat missions, who is also a Catholic Archbishop
Lloyd DeMause, Director of The Institute for Psychohistory, President of the International Psychohistorical Association and Editor of The Journal of Psychohistory
James H. Fetzer, Distinguished McKnight University Professor of Philosophy at the University of Minnesota, Duluth, author or editor of more than 20 books and co-chair of S9/11T
Daniele Ganser, Senior Researcher at the Center for Security Studies of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
Andreas Von Buelow, former assistant German defense minister, director of the German Secret Service, minister for research and technology, and member of Parliament for 25 years
The society, founded by Professors Fetzer and Jones, who serve as its co-chairs, is approaching 50 members to date. Fetzer, a philosopher of science, observed that the government's "official account" is not even physically possible, because it violates laws of nature. "What we have been told is fine," he said, "if you are willing to believe impossible things. Serious scholars don't believe in tooth fairies."
Beyond encouraging its members to vigorously express their concerns on this score through lectures, conferences, symposia, articles, and books as well as other access routes that publicize their findings,the society's initial activities, which are expected to increase in frequency and intensity, include the following projects and endeavors:
Professor Jones is refining his influential analysis of the physics of the collapse of buildings at the World Trade Center.
Professor Fetzer is editing a collection of new studies about 9/11 that will include contributions from the members of S9/11T.
A major conference is being planned for this fall to further inform the American public about the group's most recent findings
Studies by the society's founders and by prominent theologian David Ray Griffin, who has taken a leading role in exposing false claims about 9/11, are accessible from the association's home page, Information for those who may want to join S9/11T can also be found there.
For Press Inquiries:
Alex Floum, Esquire
S9/11T Associate
(925) 818-1702 (cell)
About the Society:
James H. Fetzer, Ph.D.
S9/11T Co-Chair
(218) 726-7269 (office)
(218) 724-2706 (home)
Resource Questions:
Eric Hufschmid
S9/11T Associate
(805) 968-5351 _________________ Andrew
Ask the Tough Questions, Folks! |
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ian neal Angel - now passed away
Joined: 26 Jul 2005 Posts: 3140 Location: UK
Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2006 2:59 am Post subject: |
Well **** me sideways Pikey
This is no small feat. It is one thing to get a letter published but to get the questions raised by the editor is another level
Is this available electronically? Can you scan the copy/page into a file and post it here? Are you sure it is from the editor? Assuming this is the correct publication, the editor is not A Couper? |
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Pikey Banned
Joined: 25 Jul 2005 Posts: 1491 Location: North Lancashire
Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2006 9:52 am Post subject: |
Ian Neal states:-
Quote: | It is one thing to get a letter published but to get the questions raised by the editor is another level
Is this available electronically? Can you scan the copy/page into a file and post it here? Are you sure it is from the editor? Assuming this is the correct publication, the editor is not A Couper? |
Cant see were you are coming from Ian. The letter as far as I am concerned has been submitted by "A Couper" the editor has put a heading of "Waiting for some answers" on the letters page or is that what I am supposed to believe?
The editor of "Building" is Denise Chevin (a rather large lady looking at her pic). What is interesting though is the editors page (first page of the mag) is written by Anthony Wilson and Yvette Livesey (guest editors)this week!
There is a big difference though between a heading "Tall tale" and "Waiting for some answers" I am sure you would agree. Thats why I stated there is maybe a big opportunity opening up here for others to write in. Andrew Johnson's stuff posted here, as usual, is excellent.
I will post Andrews links to the Deputy editor, Tom Broughton who I sent a link of Prof Steven Jones article, Loose change and 911 websites to (so the publication has been informed already, since early December 2005!)
Does anyone in the 911 truth movement know who A Couper is?
One fact I do find find rather odd is that there is a gap of almost two months between my letter getting published and AC's letter appearing.
No I cant send you the page electronically Ian (it is typed out though as published). If you want I can send you the mag (or copy of the letters page in the post) though if you pm me your address.
Best wishes _________________ Pikey
Peace, truth, respect and a Mason free society |
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Pikey Banned
Joined: 25 Jul 2005 Posts: 1491 Location: North Lancashire
Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2006 10:36 am Post subject: |
I have e mailed the following message to the Assistant Editor, Tom Broughton of Building, together with Andrews links:-
Quote: | Hi Tom,
Happy new year.
On the 5/12/ I sent you the following e mail message following the publication of my letter in Building 2/12/:-
"Thank you for publishing the article "Tall Tale" in the letters section of last weeks information. Cant say I like the title and I did not feel that the edited (or rather butchered) version of my correspondence did justice to the seriousness of the information supplied.
Its a pity that you did not publish the websites which contain the detailed informatio for your readers to assess and judge for themselves.
I look forward to seeing if there is a response to the article particularly from independent construction experts, such as structural engineers.
I hope that you managed to have a look at some of compelling vsual presentations Tom"
I was delighted to see another letter in this weeks Building (27/1) page 41 from A Couper with IMO a fair and reasonable heading "Waiting for some answers".
If "Building" is commited to representing the interests of the Construction industry,its readers and those employed in it, as an independent professional publication I would expect it to be pursuing the truth of 911, and particularly learning the design lessons from the collapse of WTC 1,2, and 7 as well as the collapse of a section of the Pentagon. If a Boeing 757 (the official story) hit the Pentagon why wont the powers that be release the visual evidence (they have it because the Pentagon is surrounded by CCTV cameras and the FBI confiscated film taken by a camera in an adjacent garage and at a hotel)
I have also forwarded you the following page in the hope that you will follow the information from leading academics, not cranks like me (as the editors disrespectful and put down heading "Tall tale" to my letter indicates) or conspiracy theorists!
It is time Building gave this serious issue the coverage it deserves or is "Building" going to continue to be complicit with the cover up.
The truth as they say Tom will set you free! I look forward to hearing from you.
Best wishes |
Have a great weekend everyone I will log in to the forum again next week, but comrades can someone out there get another letter into Building before the publication of their next issue on Friday! _________________ Pikey
Peace, truth, respect and a Mason free society |
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ian neal Angel - now passed away
Joined: 26 Jul 2005 Posts: 3140 Location: UK
Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2006 12:09 pm Post subject: |
Ah sorry I misunderstood. I thought the 'letter' was from the editor. Even so, this is an excellent opportunity |
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Pikey Banned
Joined: 25 Jul 2005 Posts: 1491 Location: North Lancashire
Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2006 1:09 pm Post subject: |
Hi 911 Truth campaigners,
I have contacted Tom Broughton, the Assistant Ed of Building today and requested feedback on the links I had sent (re: scholars for truth, Loose change, and the Steven E Jones scientific analysis of the building collapse)
Tom advised, as a publication they have no intention of following or publicising the issue any further. No explanantion of why not was offered.
He also referred to this website forum and my article on reporting here factually on communicating with Building. I asked him if there was a problem with that and he advised there was not. As the magazine is following this forum maybe they would like to take up my invitation to offer an explanation of their negative action here?
Due to, IMO, the unreasonable response I have no intentions of renewing my subscription with the magazine because I feel that having been provided with the compelling evidence and with their negative action as far as I am concerned they are complicit with the crime of 911!
As money appears to be the key motivator in the matrix maybe its time we started using our customer power ethically to make a change for the better and bring those responsible for 911 to account for thier crime.
Peace & truth _________________ Pikey
Peace, truth, respect and a Mason free society |
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Andrew Johnson Mighty Poster
Joined: 25 Jul 2005 Posts: 1919 Location: Derbyshire
Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2006 1:23 pm Post subject: |
Solid reasoning - both ethical and commercial.
Well done. _________________ Andrew
Ask the Tough Questions, Folks! |
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mason-free party Moderate Poster
Joined: 30 Jul 2005 Posts: 765 Location: Staffordshire
Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2006 9:11 pm Post subject: |
hmmm...master builders eh...we know where their allegiance lies..wouldn't want to upset the fraternity would we? |
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Pikey Banned
Joined: 25 Jul 2005 Posts: 1491 Location: North Lancashire
Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 10:03 pm Post subject: |
Letter submitted to the Building magazine and my contribution to the campaign this weekend.
Quote: | 29 July, 2007
Denise Chevin
Ludgate Hse,
245 Blackfriars Rd
Letters to the editor
It is now approaching two years (re: Building 2/12/05) since the publication of the editorial shortened version of my letter concerning the freefall collapse of three high rise buildings in New York on 911 (re: the North & South Tower (WTC 1 and 2) and the Solomon building, (i.e WTC7) with the title “Tall tale”.
Sadly freedom of information as well as serving the publics and those who are engaged in the UK construction industry interests were disregarded through the censorship of the websites I provided in my letter.
A Coupers published letter in Building 27/1/06 titled “Waiting for some answers” highlighted the fact that the official explanation by NIST for the collapse of WTC1 and 2 was scientifically and technically flawed. We are still waiting for the official explanation for the freefall collapse of a high rise building not hit by any civilian airliner, re: WTC7.
Mr Couper in his final paragraph stated “I would invite Building readers to carry out their own research into the events surrounding the only full collapse of steel framed buildings in history, to make sure that that engineering and political lessons can be learned for the future.”
I am delighted to see that well educated and appropriately professionally qualified people have chosen to follow Mr Coupers excellent advice as opposed to be influenced by headlines such as “Tall tale” devised by journalists who have no qualifications in construction technology nor are time served construction professionals.
You can fool some of the people some of time but not all of the time. For proof of this check out and
Eventually the truth will be exposed despite the efforts of gatekeeper ignorant or is it complicit journalists to keep it hidden. |
I'll keep you all posted on any developments. _________________ Pikey
Peace, truth, respect and a Mason free society |
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gericom Minor Poster
Joined: 25 May 2007 Posts: 59 Location: Essex. U.K.
Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2007 12:27 am Post subject: |
Very interesting thread. Noone seems to like the truth, do they? Well Done, Pikey. _________________ regards, gericom |
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Andrew Johnson Mighty Poster
Joined: 25 Jul 2005 Posts: 1919 Location: Derbyshire
Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2007 2:51 pm Post subject: |
Good man Pikey - keep plugging away! _________________ Andrew
Ask the Tough Questions, Folks! |
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xmasdale Angel - now passed away
Joined: 25 Jul 2005 Posts: 1959 Location: South London
Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 10:19 pm Post subject: |
At my suggestion, retired civil engineer Jasper Tomlinson has sent them this:
For the Editor 31st July 2007
Apart from great surprise that two iconic towers ‘collapsed’ shortly after being struck by aircraft - events the towers were designed and constructed to withstand - the ‘collapse’ of WTC 7 brought me, with many years of science and engineering related professional experience, in to the magical world of Harry Potter.
The three buildings disintegrated rather than collapsed with readily observed characteristics:
- Sudden Onset; no preliminary sagging or bending
- Straight Down; symmetrical collapse in to own footprint
- Almost Free-fall Speed; massive structures offered no resistance to descent
- Complete Collapse; of the vertical central steel box columns comprising the core, none were left standing
- Sliced Steel; structural steel elements neatly sliced in to short sections
- Pulverisation of Concrete and Other Materials; building materials were pulverized not broken in to lumps
- Billowing Dust Clouds; rapidly expanding dust clouds
- Horizontal Ejections; individual steel sections and some other materials thrown 100 m horizontally
- Molten Steel; after collapse, for several weeks, pools of molten ferrous metal were observed beneath each building
- Sounds Attributed to Explosions; abundant testimony, on record, including fire service and WTC staff
Readers wanting to verify these facts may try downloading, say, from Google Video one of the many films such as 911 Mysteries. If already familiar with much of this, take a look at and click on Tower Demolition. There is also very good material in the online Journal of 911 Studies.
Tall Tales indeed…
J. Tomlinson MA(Oxon) CEnv MCIWEM
London SE1 |
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