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Blogger and Mayor Freddy ban the Racists

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Rory Winter
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 31, 2007 9:18 pm    Post subject: Blogger and Mayor Freddy ban the Racists Reply with quote

Blogger and Mayor Freddy ban the Racists


Mayor Freddy Thielemans

All those who have complained about the racist site Blog Cochon will be pleased to know that Blogger has decided to ban the site from public viewing on the basis that it is in contravention of its Contents Policy. Blogger is to be congratulated and supported in its exemplary actions.

But, true to their parasitic nature, the anonymous authors of Les Cochons (to describe these short-lived blogs collectively) keep moving from one site to another, abusing their host Blogger all the while.

Currently, their English-language 'international edition' is still open at http://halal-pig.blogspot.com/ and they have opened two others at http://grouik-grouix.blogspot.com/ and http://alertes-sita.blogspot.com/

Clearly, the despicable Oink-Oink as he calls himself in English, is a person of leisure who has all day to set up these temporary blogs, the idea being to give us all a grand runaround and finally to exhaust us and Blogger, hoping we will give up the chase. There seems to be a strong element of attention-seeking here and one wonders if it's worth the time and effort just to keep chasing.

In the last day or two, I have been looking at these nasty blogs and checking out their links to others which are blatantly more white supremacist like Seulement Blanc at http://seulementblanc.sosfrance.com/ Of course, the more links you open, the more you discover. It would be a fulltime occupation to have these blogs closed needing a dedicated group of individuals.

The owner of Blog Cochon either supports or runs an outfit called SITA, 'Stop Islam and Terror Actions', which uses the phoney 'War on Terror' and the government conspiracy of 911 to justify his Islamophobia and the calculated insults and incitements stemming from it. The question we need to ask is: are these people just prejudiced individuals or are they being financed and backed by other shadowy organisations using them as nonsense-stirrers?

Along with other more blatantly supremacist organisations and despite its ban, M. Cochon is promoting a march to take place in Brussels next September 11 which, while pretending to commemorate 911, will focus on attacking Islam and immigrants. 20 thousand racists are expected. These deceivers conveniently ignore the Muslims who died in the Twin Towers and present 911 as an all-out attack by Islam on the West.

This march has been banned by Freddy Thielemans, the Socialist Mayor of Brussels, on the basis that it is very likely to lead to confrontations and unrest endangering public safety. He is, I believe, morally quite right. And according to the European Convention on Human Rights he is fully entitled to do that. Some years ago, we were able to use the same law to convince the Aberdeen municipal council in NE Scotland to do the same and ban a National Front demo.

Organised by some Norwegian rightist, the Nazis on the Continent appear to be prepared to ignore the ban and march anyway, no doubt with the intention of deliberately causing confrontation and provoking violence.

M. Cochon says he intends to be there himself. What, dressed up as Grouik-Grouik, for the cameras? Naw, too risky, I'd say. If you value your bacon, M. Cochon, best hide behind your computer screen. The situation could become highly volatile so we can only hope that the local police are successful in blocking all entries into Brussels.

Freddy, being a bit of a bon viveur, is currently the target for all the insults and poison emitting from Les Cochons and their racist pals.

But for banning this march Mayor Freddy deserves our congratulations. Take five minutes to send him your support. Letters or emails can be sent to:

M. Freddy Thielemans,
Mayor of Brussels,
Hotel de Ville
Grand-Place 11000


(Warning: any racist scumbags reading this who think they can send abuse by email, just watch it! Your emails can be traced back to you.)

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Rowan Berkeley
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 01, 2007 3:32 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I saw some really strange french websites when I was trying to figure out which of the two contradictory Guillaume Faye interviews was real - anyone remember that?
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Rory Winter
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 02, 2007 5:07 pm    Post subject: Insularity Rules Reply with quote

It's just unbelievable, Rowan, the insularity and lack of interest among people here who call themselves the Truth Movement of events on the Continent. This is Little Englanderism at its worst, yet again.

I run a blog which is mainly Anglophone but I sometimes publish stuff in Spanish and French to encourage a wider readership but also to emphasise its European nature.

If you read the latest articles I have included in my blog, Chimes of Freedom http://chimesofreedom.blogspot.com, you will see how, for example, this banned march on 911 concerns European racists and fascists in their entirety, including our own Nazis in the NF, BNP etc.

What is it about British insularity that we remain so stubbornly determined to stare hopelessly into our own cups of tea and ignore the rest of the world?


One Planet - One People - One Destiny

Last edited by Rory Winter on Sun Sep 02, 2007 8:36 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 02, 2007 5:51 pm    Post subject: Un défilé anti-"islamisation" Reply with quote

Un défilé anti-"islamisation"
interdit à Bruxelles

NOUVELOBS.COM | 30.08.2007


Prévu le 11 septembre, il pourrait, selon la ville, provoquer des heurts. Les organisateurs se disent prêts à manifester illégalement.

Les autorités bruxelloises continuaient à batailler jeudi 30 août avec des associations qui souhaitent à tout prix manifester le 11 septembre, jour anniversaire des attentats du World Trade Center à New York, à Bruxelles, pour dénoncer l'"islamisation" de l'Union européenne.

Cette manifestation a été annoncée en juillet par l'association "Stop the Islamisation of Europe" (SIOE), qui regroupe notamment le parti danois anti-islam SIAD, le groupe néerlandais No Sharia Here et les Allemands de Pax Europa (tous partis d'extrême droite ou fascistes).

Bien que les organisateurs se disent politiquement indépendants, l'initiative a reçu le soutien du parti d'extrême droite flamand Vlaams Belang. Sur internet, des groupes néo-nazis européens relaient l'appel à manifester.

Le 9 août, le bourgmestre de Bruxelles, Freddy Thielemans, a décidé d'interdire la manifestation, estimant qu'elle pourrait entraîner des heurts avec les communautés d'origine immigrée.

Mercredi, l'interdiction a été confirmée par le Conseil d'Etat, qui a rejeté un recours introduit par les organisateurs.

Des contre-manifestations sont prévues

Ces derniers déclarent qu'ils n'ont pas épuisé tous les moyens juridiques et qu'ils vont continuer les démarches. En vertu du droit à la réunion et à la liberté d'expression, ils semblent déterminer à manifester même de manière illégale, notamment devant le Parlement européen.

La ville de Bruxelles, de son côté, est "prête à prendre les dispositions nécessaires pour assurer l'ordre public, face à ce refus d'obéir aux règles démocratiques", a affirmé un porte-parole, Nicolas Dassonville.

La ville peut notamment décider d'imposer des astreintes aux personnes qui manifesteraient malgré l'interdiction.

Les risques de dérapages sont d'autant plus grands que des demandes de contre-manifestations ont été formulées, notamment par la Ligue Arabe Européenne (LAE).

Ce groupe de jeunes musulmans avait fait parler de lui il y a quelques années en voulant organiser à Anvers (nord) des "patrouilles" pour "surveiller le comportement des policiers" envers les immigrés.

Ces contre-manifestations devraient elles aussi être interdites, selon une source proche des autorités.

from Nouvel Obs.com, http://tinyurl.com/2dsx3x

Brussels anti-”Islamisation” march banned

Planned for 11 September, the march could cause clashes according to city authorities. Organisers of the demonstration say they’re prepared to go ahead illegally.

The Brussels city authorities continued a battle (Thursday August 30) with associations intending at all costs to demonstrate in Brussels on 11 September, anniversary of the attacks on the World Trade Center in New York, to protest against the ”Islamization” of the European Union.

This demonstration was announced in July by the “Stop the Islamisation of Europe” association (SIOE), including in particular the anti-Islamic Danish party SIAD, the Dutch group No Sharia Here and the Germans of Pax Europa (all founded by extreme right fascists).

Although the organizers say they are politically independent, the initiative has received the support of the extreme right Flemish Vlaams Belang party. On the Internet, European néo-Nazi groups are networking together, calling for support for the banned demonstration.

On August 9, the Burgomaster (Mayor) of Brussels, Freddy Thielemans, decided to prohibit the demonstration, anticipating that it could lead to clashes with the immigrant communities.

Last Wednesday the prohibition was upheld by the Council of State which rejected an action brought by the march organisers.

Counter-demonstrations are envisaged

The latter declare that they have not not exhausted all the legal avenues and that they will continue with these. Under the terms of the right to meet and the freedom of expression, they seem determined to express themselves even illegally, particularly in front of the European Parliament.

The Brussels city authority, on its side, is “ready to take the necessary measures to ensure law and order vis-a-vis this refusal to obey the democratic rules” affirmed their spokesperson, Nicolas Dassonville.

In particular, the city may decide to impose restraining orders on those demonstrating in spite of the prohibition.

The risks of clashes are all the more great as requests for counter-demonstrations have been made, in particular by the European Arab League (Ligue Arabe Européenne, LAE).

A few years ago, this group of young Muslims have spoken of wanting to organize “patrols” in northern Antwerp “to monitor the behaviour of the police officers” towards immigrants.

These counter-demonstrations would also be prohibited according to a source close to the authorities.


One Planet - One People - One Destiny

Last edited by Rory Winter on Sun Sep 02, 2007 8:35 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 3:33 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Neo-Nazis & Racists intend to defy Brussels March Ban and risk Violent Clashes on 911 Anniversary


-------Message original-------

De : Netha.
Date : 05/09/2007 21:58:33
A : destinataires inconnus:,

RENDEZ-VOUS A BRUXELLES LE 11 square Luxembourg à 12 h
puis direction Parlement

The demonstration goes ahead as planned

Details on the 11th September in Brussels:

Provisionally participants will commence from

Luxembourg Square at 12.00

then proceed to

Schumann Square in front of the European Parliament




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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 6:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I was going to PM this then thought why be secretive Surprised

It's just unbelievable, Rowan, the insularity and lack of interest among people here who call themselves the Truth Movement of events on the Continent. This is Little Englanderism at its worst, yet again.

Yes I have been following this and am stuck in 2 minds about the affair.
Yes I empathize with muslims or any chosen victim in these issues, but also believe freespeach is paramount. Where does all this stop? I know your trying to do the right thing but driving the issues away without dealing with them is probably just a harmfull. I think our work should focus more on tolerance than intolerance. By all means pull the site apart with facts and theories to why they are wrong and watch their fanbase diminish. Send them underground and they may become stronger.
I would hate to be in a position where my prized records are siezed because of there political or religious bias, but that is the direction this route will take us.
On the flipside I don't agree the muslims in prison or other charges to do with freespeach should be paying a price either. Its when words become actions you need to step in.

'Come and see the violence inherent in the system.
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 1:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

While I have gone on record stating

My enemies enemy is my friend

My opinions on Nazi's are a little biased, they tried to kill my family.

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Rory Winter
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 9:55 am    Post subject: Brussels 911: The Day the Bigots were Stuffed Reply with quote

"Bwaa! Freedom to nonsense in Public! Bwaa!"
Brussels 911: The Day the Bigots were Stuffed

Despite all the pre-demonstration bragging of Islamophobic groups like the SIOE the much-vaunted demo against the "Islamization of Europe" (sic) came to naught. It was a wash-out with just a few dozen groups daring to break the law and show their hate-filled faces. The BBC, always favouring the Right, reported attendance at around two hundred. 24 Heures reported it as much less.

Even if we were to be naive enough to believe anything the BBC tells us a turnout of 200 is still a pretty miserable number taken against the combined citizenry of the European Union. It suggest that either there was little interest among the bar-room whingers and bigots or that they crapped themselves at the thought of what the Brussels police might do to them.

The picture, above, of a typical racist numpty in the throes of infantile hysteria illustrates the character of the demonstrators well enough. If they were truly non-violent in the way they pretended to be they wouldn't have struggled when arrested. The first lesson you learn in non-violent direct action is to go limp when you are arrested. That way you become heavier than if you struggle, taking more plods to carry you away.

Been there, done it.

The video below was taken from a pro-SIOE website showing two leaders from the neo-nazi Vlaams Belang (Flemish Interest) Party being cuffed and stuffed into Paddy Wagons. The second, Filip Dewinter (a shame on his clan), is seen pretending to get his arm stuck in the door when he could have quite easily withdrawn it. Good stuff for the cameras to record how cruelly they were treated!

But where were the water-cannon, barbed-wire, tear-gas and sabres the Belgian police were ready to use when, for example, anti-NATO peace-marchers marched through Brussels in their thousands back in the 'eighties? Compared to those times our little toddlers were treated politely but firmly, arm-locked, cuffed and dispatched to prison.

And where was our nasty little friend, Monsieur Grouik-Grouik, on the day? Hiding behind his PC no doubt somewhere in what is still a part of uncleansed Vichy France, spewing out his anti-semitism against Muslims and anyone else (including me) who dares to oppose his vile little schemes. His latest being to encourage the scum who support him to identify local mosques and to persecute their communities in novel ways.

After visiting his site and reading his views it soon became clear to me that the man is nuts, obsessed, off his little trolley. Dreaming of the invasion of his Douce France by hordes of brown-skinned North Africans and Maghrebies all out to rape white girls and perhaps even his own grandmother, Monsieur Grouik symbolises the Hitler character depicted in the video below by the Bhalle Bacce Crew.

Nasty psychotics who get a sick pleasure out of abusing, terrorizing and baiting minority groups simply in order to maintain in their minds an unreal, chauvinistic image they have of what they imagine to be European civilization. The same 'civilization' that raped and colonized the dark-skinned cultures he so despises and who are right now, if we were to believe this nutter, breaking down the doors of good white European proles to force them into submission and conversion to Islam!

When Mohandas K. Gandhi was asked, once, what he thought of Monsieur Grouik's 'civilization' he stopped to ponder for a second and replied diplomatically that he thought it would be a good thing (if it were ever to come about). Enough said.

Monsieur Grouik, how ignorant you are! Despite your efforts to ferret out the obscure rantings of some Islamic cleric threatening to Islamize all Europe there is no, I repeat, no master-plan to do any such thing. The younger generation of Muslims will, in time, merge with the rest of their societies just as did the children of immigrant Jews. Something that, clearly, you would hate to see happen.

In his denunciatory article, Winter Circus, Grouik adds a red nose to my picture (obviously he's never heard of Britain's Red-Nose Day when everyone, including the Prime Minister wears a red nose for charity) in order to compare me with a French clown called Roro. When I saw it I laughed LOL and felt almost a pang of affection for the comparison. I quite like the sound of Papa Roro which maybe I'll use in future to sign-off.

Maybe all this amounts to the height of abuse in France. But not in Britain, Monsieur Grouik, where our sense of humour and ability to laugh at ourselves is still alive and well. You should try it some time.

In the same article he ends with a video of what appears to be a public hanging in Iran of a woman and two men. This is meant to illustrate the utter barbarity of both Islam and Muslim cultures. Nauseated by it as well I made some inquiries from some well-informed Muslims whether or not such hangings are condoned by Sharia law, the same law that Monsieur Grouik hysterically warns us is just about to forcibly replace our own.

Sharia law, they tell me, is interpreted by every Islamic country according to their peculiar legal bodies. Some countries like Iran and Saudi Arabia make a harsh interpretation whereas most others do not. Both Iran and Saudi-Arabia are extreme cases. You only have to look at the politics of both countries to understand why. And compared to the feudal terrorism of Saudi Arabia even Iran looks like a shining example of democracy where elections take place and, contrary to all the misinformation put about, Jewish communities are protected and an integral part of society.

Taken in the context of the never-ending barbarities of the Anglo-Saxon Alliance in Irak, Afghanistan and soon -no doubt- in Iran (the latter which is likely to be nuked) and the hundreds of executions (mostly of blacks) condoned annually by dictator Bush in the USA, and the way people of colour are treated in the USA and in Europe, what happens in Iran and Saudi-Arabia is peanuts.

But that doesn't stop Grouik and his ignorant ilk from distorting, lying and nonsense-stirring. For that is their game, what they're all about. They have no respect for anyone and are quite happy to cling like a virus to any site that is prepared to host and tolerate them. It would appear that no amount of appeals to their blog hosts will persuade them to ban the Grouiks once and for all. Besides, the technology that exists makes such a ban impossible.

Finally the only way that the Grouiks and their nasty little caravan of hangers-on will be outlawed is for action to be taken against them (if only they would!) in the USA by organizations like the Anti-Defamation League and here by the European Union. To ban them, far from being a further step towards totalitarianism, would simply be to take human rights and race laws to their logical conclusion.

Freedom of speech does not permit that freedom to be abused by racists like the SIOE, the Grouiks and their fellow white-supremacists. That governments in countries like Denmark have allowed the freedom of expression to be abused by these craven nonsense-stirrers exposes them as either to be unwilling or too weak to act conclusively. If something's rotten in the state of Denmark (Shakespeare) then it's a sanitary problem which, ultimately, it will have to face and deal with before the world.


Press release - 590(2007)

Europe is threatened by bigots - not by Islam

Statement by Terry Davis, Secretary General of the Council of Europe, on the march “Against the Islamisation of Europe” today in Brussels

Strasbourg, 11.09.2007 - European values are under threat, say the organisers of a protest march under the banner “Against the Islamisation of Europe” which was due to place today in Brussels in spite of the ban by the city Mayor. The fact is that Europe and its values are indeed under threat, but the danger is not coming from Islam. Our common European values are undermined by bigots and radicals, both islamists and islamophobes, who exploit fears and prejudice for their own political objectives.

The self-proclaimed defenders of European values say that the Mayor has violated their rights under the European Convention on Human Rights. The freedom of assembly and the freedom of expression are indeed essential preconditions for democracy, but they should not be regarded as a licence to offend. I will not enter into the discussion about whether the march should have been allowed or not, but I note that the protesters’ reading of the Convention is selective to say the least. It is very important to remember that the freedom of assembly and expression can be restricted to protect the rights and freedoms of others, including the freedom of thought, conscience and religion. This applies to everyone in Europe including the millions of Europeans of Islamic faith, who were the main target of today’s shameful display of bigotry and intolerance.

Council of Europe Press Division
Tel: +33 (0)3 88 41 25 60
Fax:+33 (0)3 88 41 39 11

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Rory Winter
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 6:28 pm    Post subject: What do you do with a Virus? Reply with quote

this should be deleted
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Rory Winter
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 6:30 pm    Post subject: What do you do with a virus? Tolerate it?! Reply with quote

I would hate to be in a position where my prized records are siezed because of there political or religious bias, but that is the direction this route will take us.

On the flipside I don't agree the muslims in prison or other charges to do with freespeach should be paying a price either. Its when words become actions you need to step in.

I absolutely do not agree that we are obliged to tolerate the disseminators of religious, cultural and race hate. These people are *-stirrers of the worst kind. They are calculatedly inciting hate and violence. The more I discover of these -mainly French- sites the more I am convinced that this kind of lies and filth cannot be tolerated.

Islamophobia and race hate are indivisible. And the banning of these sites from the Internet is the logical conclusion of Europe's race laws. Sites like the Grouiks are deliberately snubbing their nose at, in their case, Blogger's Contents Policy and are being allowed to get away with it. That is intolerable.

Drive them underground? Yes that's exactly where they should be, hiding under a stone until someone comes along with an insecticide gun!

Nazi and neo-nazi groups should have been banned outright after WWII. The fact that they were tolerated in countries like Britain says more about the inherently fascist nature of our rulers than anything about "tolerance."

What do you do with a virus? Tolerate it?!

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