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Ayn Rand, racist legacy of Alice Bailey + new age fraud

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 9:56 am    Post subject: Ayn Rand, racist legacy of Alice Bailey + new age fraud Reply with quote

The Racist Legacy of Alice Bailey

The New Age movement has inherited many of its reactionary notions from the Theosophists. The Theosophical movement, founded by the Russian aristocrat Helena Blavatsky in the USA in 1875, was THE New Age movement of its time and was very influential. Alice Bailey and Rudolf Steiner, both of whose thinking has reached deep into the New Age psyche, started out as Theosophists.

Madame Blavatsky first channeled the so-called Hierarchy of Masters, occult adepts, Mahatmas or the White Brotherhood, who are said to be immortal, and to materialise and dematerialise anywhere at will. More recently New Age channeler Phyllis Schlemmer, for instance, has stated that her "Council of 9" are the same Secret Masters that Blavatsky and Alice Bailey channeled. These Masters are said to rule the world by occult means.

Alice Bailey's books (channeled to her through "Master DK") and the many organisations that she spawned (such as the Lucis Trust, the New Group of World Servers and the Goodwill Foundation), have had a reactionary and racist influence on the whole New Age movement. Her work has been avidly studied at Findhom, the 'Light Centre' and New Age Mecca, in Scotland. She adopted from Madame Blavatsky the thoroughly racist concept of Root Races, condemns indigenous dark peoples to extinction, to make way for the Aryan/white Caucasian peoples whose time this is to be. Alice Bailey was right-wing, light obsessed and demonised darkness. When the atomic bombs were exploded over Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945, her "Master DK" welcomed this as a great spiritual event because it would "liberate" light from within the dark womb of the atom or matter; justifying the destruction of the Japanese people, who, they said, were due to leave their physical form and belonged to an earlier Root Race anyway! It should come as no surprise to find that the Nazis studied Blavatsky's writings. And like Blavatsky, Alice Bailey was also anti-semitic. (see note 2)

Racist thinking like this thrives within the New Age movement David Spangler, the American guru at Findhorn in the early 70's, was an admirer of Alice Bailey's teachings, and wrote of how we are to overcome the ancient shamanic (lunar/female/Goddess) mind which hears the voices of Nature. According to him it is with the "Aryan mind" that human mental powers came into their own and brought the Masters into being. This "Aryan mind" is the alienated dualistic onlooker consciousness of Western patriarchy which has set about dominating and destroying the Earth, turning Her from a biosphere into a technosphere.

Alice Bailey's Master DK also claims that the "Secret Masters" have all along been influencing men's (and I mean men's) minds, implanting ideas and sudden inspirations that have led to inventions and scientific "break­throughs" such as the splitting of the atom, and taking an instrumental role in the creation of patriarchies, industrialism, imperialism and the birth of male science.

When I consider the way that US controlled multinational corporations, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and so on wage war against the Earth, holding Third World and Eastern bloc countries to ransom, wrecking entire economies as well as the livelihoods of peasants and women everywhere, destroying whole ecosystems all around the world in the name of freemarket capitalism and the New World Order, this doesn't seem totally far-fetched. I can't help wondering what the members of Alice Bailey's organisations might be up to. Are they in fact heading capitalist corporations, wielding financial and political power?

Calling in the Light

Christianity has demonised and desacralised Earth, seeing it as dark and female. The "God" of the Christians (Moslems, Hebrews, etc.) on the other hand, is eternal light and male by definition. I call him the absentee landlord as he clearly is not seen as indwelling in "his creation". This is in contrast to the ancient Mother Goddess who was/is both dark and light, both of this world and of the Otherworld, the Mother of the living as well as Mother of the spirits.

Ramala, an entity channeled from Glastonbury, advocates the removal of darkness from the world and is oblivious to the fact that life evolved in a world of both light and darkness, and that we grow in the dark womb, and that nothing would live, heal, or grow without darkness, nor would we dream or communicate with the spirits. In contrast, African shaman Malidoma Patrice Somé says in "Of Water and the Spirit" that for his people, the Dagara, who are matrilinear, darkness is sacred and it is forbidden to illuminate it since that scares the spirits away. The night is the day of the spirits, and of the Ancestors who come to speak with us and share their wisdom. I understand that the Neolithic people of Europe were most likely related to the present-day shamanic arctic peoples, they were not white and Indo-European. They saw the Dark Goddess as the lifegiving Earth while the White Goddess was the Mother of the Spirits.

"Archaic Goddess" 1996

Ramala says that since all matter is mortal, it is in order, in our quest for consciousness, to sacrifice aspects of Nature! This at a time when Earth has been abused & raped beyond Her endurance. It also assumes that Nature is not conscious. This reminds me of a spokesman for president Chirac who said to the Guardian newspaper (see note 3) that the continuing nuclear tests in the Pacific, under the Mururoa atoll and against world opinion, were about "the freedom of man rather than the contemplation of the innocence of nature." Many New Agers would agree with this and most New Agers live in cities where electrification is god and the maternal darkness is truly banished, and nuclear power, the Matricide which rips apart the womb of matter to create artificial light, is seen as a necessity.

Alice Bailey's "The Great Invocation" has been promoted worldwide, becoming a sort of New Age hymn. It has been translated into 75 or so languages, and is used as a sort of hypnotic mantra, repetitively invoking Light, the Will of God, and the Plan on Earth. New Agers constantly call in "the Light" , in meditations and in gatherings, but the light they are invoking is not of this world, and I fear they are preparing for a mass death while speaking of Earth healing and Earth transformations.

I experienced the white light of the Otherworld as I flew with my brain-dead son on great white wings in a kind of 'near-death' experience.

New Agers' channeled entities, Masters and Extra-terrestrials, seem to be envious of, and hostile to Mother-born life on this Earth. What is called " Rebirth into light" seems to be about the destruction of the lifegiving Dark Mother, who all patriarchs, it seems, hate and fear.

Flight from the Body

In many channeled books - from "Starseed Transmissions: an Extraterrestrial Report" written by Ken Carey in 1982 during eleven days when he claimed to be overshadowed by the Archangel Raphael, (who sounds more like an Alien hostile to life on Earth), to the recently published "The Only Planet of Choice" channeled by the medium Phyllis Schlemmer over a period of more than 20 years from "The 9", a sort of Intergalactic council or cosmic board of directors from a "zone of cold and super­conductivity". There is a repeated theme that Earth is a lower and fallen realm, and above all that She has no autonomous creative powers to create life. Instead we are "seeded" from other planets, and/or we are a failed genetic experiment carried out by "space brothers". There is definitely something inherently wrong in being biologically human, living in a physical body. In many channeled books it is said that super-computers exist in space and one can be excused for thinking that "God" is the ultimate linear, left-brain, alienated computer-mind. This is of course our inheritance from Christianity and other patriarchal monotheistic religions that set out to desacralise and demonize the Earth, which they say is full of illusionary form and female darkness. The Devil is the creation of those who deny the Goddess. Christianity seeks to separate spirit from matter, mind from body, and declare matter and body female, lower, impure. It is said that Male spirit seeks to free itself from female matter. This is also what the digital/Net/Virtual Reality computerised revolution is about, as the computer/machine is envied for its "purity"; pure linear mind "fathered" by scientists, originally developed to facilitate the making : of the Hydrogen bomb in the 40's. A flight from the "messy"-bleeding-excreting body born of woman. Those who follow this line of thought clearly hate the dark Mother Earth so much that they welcome Her destruction or see Her as disposable.

Virtually all channeled books in recent years accept that our future will be computerised and genetically engineered. Most of the books are written by white Americans who are oblivious to what the USA is doing in the world at large, where US multi­nationals, who are a law unto themselves and aspire to create a US dominated World Order, rip off the Third World and indigenous peoples, stealing their land, seed and even genetic material. In return they have introduced the misnamed "Green Revolution" and sterile genetically engineered "improved" seed that can only be maintained at great cost and dependence on foreign petrochemical companies, the purchase of tractors, etc. Vandana Shiva, the Indian scientist and ecofeminist, writes in "Staying Alive: Women, Ecology and Development" that indigenous women peasants of India were always the guardians and care-takers of the soil, the seed, the trees, the waters, and perceive Nature and the Earth as a great sacred living Mother/Shakti. To claim that we are seeded or genetically engineered in an imperialist way from other planets strangely reflects today's realities. Genetic scientists plan to manipulate genes and our DNA, to produce hybrid animals and plants. They also imperialise women's bodies. Women scientists have warned again and again of how male scientists desire to become "male mothers", to clone themselves, that they speak of women as "foetal environments" and ovarian "egg farms". Surrogate motherhood has been created and birth itself becomes increasingly high-tech and alienated, especially in the USA, as women are wired up and "managed" by male obstetricians. In the ancient world, however, birth was considered a sacrament, an experience that opens one up to shamanic realms and states, and women gave birth within the sacred precincts of the Great Mother, presided over by priestesses who were also midwives and healers.

It has struck me when reading about the innumerable UFO abduction experiences, as retold by so many Americans - being taken into the computerised environment of a space-ship, being operated on and prodded/examined by terrifying masked alien beings in a blinding light - that this is strikingly similar to the actual experience of a hospital birth. The terrified new­born child dragged out of its bleeding mother - (in the USA it is now so common with perfectly unnecessary caesareans and also hysterectomies for that matter) held up and slapped by alien masked beings in a near-blinding light which hurts the child's sensitive eyes (see note 4). I wonder whether this experience is replayed and experienced as an alien abduction at times of heightened psychic emotion and/or stress? Just a thought.

It has also been suggested that the so-called aliens or ETs might be our own future (genetically modified?) selves returning on time-travel visitations. For what purpose I don't know. Barbara Hand Clow in "The Pleiadian Agenda" and Barbara Marciniak in "Earth: Pleiadian Keys to the Living Library" certainly claim that the Pleiadian beings, which they channel in a sort of stream of consciousness, are our past as well as future selves. For a change their books are not antifeminist; they even speak of the Goddess and of sexuality and women's blood as sacred. (see note 5)
The Destruction of the Earth

The New Age movement, heavily influenced by Alice Bailey's ideas, appears to see Earth as redundant, an old dark indigenous Mother to transcend. They speak of Her as low-fallen-dense-material. Since they desire to escape Earth they welcome in ETs, Aliens, Space "Brothers" and they imagine that life and humans were "seeded" here or genetically engineered from space and other planets. They cannot even imagine that life originated here, that we were born of the Earth Mother, who is a great spirit, a planetary being in space, who gives us consciousness and all that we are.

When New Agers speak of coming Earth-transformations they actually seem to mean the death of Nature, of Earth Herself. On the bidding of "the Lord" above She is to sacrifice Herself, becoming Light-filled and ascending into the Fifth dimension of bodylessness and eternal light. To my knowledge this is a state reached only after death.

For example Diana Luppi, the woman channeler for the "Intergalactic Council" suggests that Earth Herself has asked for the "coming evolutionary jump" and has been preparing a long time for the arrival of the ETs who are coming to reclaim the planet in the name of "the Light" (male "God") who is "the source of all life and creation". According to her we are to rejoin the "cosmic family" away from Earth's "dysfunctional system" - in American therapy-speak.

In the meantime, she writes, the Council's invisible fifth-dimensional starships are encircling the Earth, and wait for the time when those of us, the starpeople who have preprogrammed DNA, "detonate" at a preset time. This is so that this elite, planted here, will be able to include more light than the mere human type. We are cautioned that it'll all be traumatic as Earth changes. The thing to remember is that "you are an inter-dimensional Master and an expert at transforming collapsible realities". She believes that since everything is predestined it would only prolong the agony to do anything to stop the corporate destruction and rape and pollution of Earth and its dark peoples. It would also be "negative" to dwell on such things. In the current environmental crisis attitudes like these are particularly alarming. It seems that these New Agers are trying to brainwash people into passivity and non-action just when action is needed the most. In whose interests are they working?

John Keel, who was an investigator into the paranormal in the 70s, speaks of Ultraterrestrials (UTs), and thinks that they are not from other planets but are beings who occupied Earth long before us but who are now invisible to us (see note 6). Keel thinks that the UTs are Earth's original inhabitants, and have appeared in many guises over the many millennia. They appear, or are able to materialise, where there are magnetic anomalies and faultlines in the Earth's crust - such at the ancient sacred sites of the Goddess -that act as sort of gateways or windows into other realities. These are the sites where Shamankas and Shamans in all ages undertook spirit-flights into the world of the spirits and the Ancestors seeking powers of healing and prophecy. Shamanism is thought have been originally an ancient ecstatic women's tradition based on our lunar/menstrual mysteries

In legend the UTs have come down to us as the Elementals, Nature spirits, the Little People, Faeries or Shining Ones, Castaneda's Allies, as ghosts and the spirits of the dead, as Earth Lights and White Ladies, and now most recently, as Extraterrestrials and Immortal Masters. They appeared in the messages of spiritualist mediums at the end of the last century and now in New Age channelings. The Entities are said to possess great magical powers and can take any form they wish or that is projected on them. They might also be responsible for the present day crop circles and UFO flaps.

"Spirits of the Sky, Earth & Underworld" 1996

Keel thinks that magic beliefs were always fundamentally about how to work with and transform electromagnetic energies and atomic structures, and that occultists might have been forcing electrical energy to assume visible, physical form when calling up spirits. I myself believe that ancient peoples walked easily between the realms and that there was a communication at all times between us and Earth's spirits in the way there is between a mother and her children. The Elementals or UTs were never really hostile to us until recently, even though they would play tricks on us and occasionally a shaman or initiate would get caught in their realm. Maladoma has strange things to say about this as does Castaneda. In the highlands of Scotland Faery women were the givers of wisdom to mortal women, but with Christianity women were accused of "Witchcraft" if they communicated with the Faeries and the Faery women were described as baby-snatchers and tricksters.

Maladoma also writes that Earth Herself has many vortex points through which one can reach almost anywhere, to any realms of the spirit in initiations. But our whole training in the West has been to silence our right brain - the Isis or Moon mind - through which we can hear the voices of Nature and the spirits. We are now so cut off that as a result we have put ourselves in mortal danger because most of us no longer hear the voice of Earth as She warns us. Perhaps this is why these Entities are now coming at us as some kind of repressed monsters of the patriarchal Id.

It is also possible that Entities from an entirely different order of reality, and who are truly hostile to us, have been able to enter into our Earth sphere as a result of atmospheric nuclear tests and the bombs that were detonated over Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945. A blast of energy was set off into space that might have been detected by beings from other worlds who then arrived here to help or warn us, or to abuse us. Psychics had warned President Truman in 1945 not to detonate the atomic bomb because they thought that it might do damage to Earth's Etheric shield (the electromagnetic ionosphere - Gaia's magnetic mantle) allowing hostile entities to enter, not from other planets but from other realities. It was only two years later in June 1947, that the pilot Kenneth Arnold set off the original UFO scare with his sightings of luminous flying objects. Atomic explosions disrupt the energy channels and work on levels far beyond the merely physical and create disharmony that reverberates throughout this universe and beyond. Does it even affect the world of the dead and the Ancestors, endangering our very rebirth?

I recently read an article about HAARP, which is the High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Programme that is being carried out in Alaska (see note 7). At first I thought that the article was written by some paranoid person but then I saw a programme on TV where the physicist who has developed HAARP quite matter of factly spoke of weather manipulation and of altering and tampering with Earth's very ionosphere, the huge plasma layer that is an electrically-charged sphere that surrounds Earth's upper atmosphere. It is in other words Earth's protective shield. The patent of the HAARP transmitter, or "Sky buster", or ionospheric heater, belonged originally to one of the biggest oil companies but is now in the hands of CIA and US military and defense departments, who by any definition are terrorists as they threaten all our lives. They aim to zap the upper atmosphere with a focused electromagnetic beam, thus lifting and heating areas of the ionosphere. Electromagnetic waves will then bounce back to Earth penetrating everything, living and dead. This Star Wars technology is potentially the ultimate lethal threat to Earth-life. While the US military see it as a way of penetrating oceans to locate enemy submarines, to knock out enemy electronic communication in time of war and trace oil, minerals, uranium underground, the frequency range will also disrupt human mental functionings. In fact this is planned as is environmental warfare, using polar ice melting, ozone depletion, earthquake engineering, weather control, ocean wave control etc.
What is going on? We already have electromagnetic critical mass in the environment. Could they in fact short-circuit the Earth? Nostradamus prophesied that a King of Terror will come from the skies in the seventh month of 1999, and Hitler, who was 1 mediumistic, seems to have had communications with this terrifying (radioactive?) being. Extraterrestrials are now appearing in channelings who claim that we are their creatures, that we were seeded or engineered by them, and that therefore they are entitled to come here and do what they like to us. John Keel commented in 19716) that one of the most popular theories in cultist circles was that we were seeded on Earth from some interplanetary group which has observed and guided our progress ever since. This is what Erich von Daniken had popularised in the 60s in his books "Chariots of the Gods and Return to the Stars". Keel comments that in that case they have been doing a lousy job of it in the last centuries, and I would say during the whole of the 5000 years, or so destructive patriarchal era. If they have guided us all this time " then one can only draw the conclusion that the oppression of women, the destruction of the Earth and the death of Nature, as well as racism and imperialism all happened with their blessing.
Reading Alice Bailey channeling her Master DK in the 30s and 40s one certainly gets that impression.

New Age Tampering with Earth's Energies

In a world where frontiers are closing everywhere in the Western world against dark peoples fleeing from famines, torture and wars -most of this as a result of the globalisation of poverty imposed and sanctioned by this same Western world - white New Agers jetset freely, speaking of themselves as global citizens, the world their oyster.

New Agers travel the world to sacred places where they attempt to manipulate Earth's sacred energies, planting crystals at standing stones and in similar places. Their plan is to facilitate the entry into this realm of extraterrestrials by changing the energy patterns of the Earth, and this, not Earth healing, was also the purpose of the so-called "Harmonic Convergence" in August 1987.

I was recently at a New Age festival in Cornwall and heard one such New Age jetsetter, the Australian channeler Sandy Stevenson speak of her journeys around the world (see note Cool. She also boasted that she spent most of her time already in the fifth dimension and is personally tapped into the Masters!

Sandy announces in the final section of her book "The Awakener" that Earth is now functioning on the New Higher Vibrational Leyline system. At midnight on 25th November 1996 the Earth "slipped free" of the "denser" energy leyline system that Earth has used since the days of Atlantis. She told us how on that night she had been on the Cornish coast carrying an "Atlantean laser crystal" and had cut the last of the four corner cords that held the old leyline. Earth was now getting ready for the final stages of her "ascension", to be completed by 2012. It seems the so-called "light force" have been focusing light into sacred sites and leyline points throughout the world, creating a grid/leyline system to replace the old one. This is apparently part of "The Divine Plan for Earth".

As a lover of the Earth and her ancient sacred sites, I felt very close to evil when I heard her speaking and I could see clearly how New Agers using occult powers, taught by the likes of Alice Bailey, are attempting to tamper with Goddess Earth and Her ancient sacred powers. Things will get even crazier as the Millenium approaches and even more so with 2012, the end of the Mayan calendar and according to some New Agers the end of time.
I too would like to see the transformation of the Earth - but in ways totally other than what New Agers are anticipating. My dream would be for oppressed peoples to rise up, Earth's women to throw off our chains, and patriarchy finally come to an end.

If the patriarchal gods are spacemen, as some claim, then they must come from a space of envy and spite towards Mother Earth. That they claim to act out of "higher values", morality and spirituality is incredible. They fraudulently claim that our destruction is a step upwards towards the immortality of the individual soul and that Earth's destruction is Her rebirth into a higher and illumined form. These are lies that the New Age movement has adopted and must be thoroughly questioned if we want to survive on, and with, our beautiful and sacred Mother Earth.

Blessed Be
Monica Sjoo
Jan 1998.

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 10:52 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

In his fearless exposee Unholy Alliance A History of Nazi Involvement with the Occult Peter Levenda pins the rise of Nazism in the 1930s and Himmlers particularly nasty form of nature worship on the Theosophists.
They believe in the Isis, Osiris legend the ancient Egyptians believed.
Isn't it a coincidence that all the freemasonic symbolism is borrowed from the Egyptians too - such as the pyramid.

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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Rowan Berkeley
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 11:09 am    Post subject: Levenda - hahaha... Reply with quote

he was the man behind the more successful of the various bogus Necronomicons - yep, here we are:

The Doom that Came to Chelsea
Alan Cabal, New York Press, June 3, 2003

Into this bubbling swamp of spiritual fecundity stepped Peter Levenda, aka "Simon." Charming, soft-spoken and aloof, well-versed in all aspects of occult theory and practice, he eased his way to the center of the scene. The Necronomicon was a team effort. Herman provided the sponsorship, while the design and layout were the work of Jim Wasserman of the OTO, a raving cokehead from Jersey named Larry Barnes whose daddy had the production facilities and a fellow who called himself Khem Set Rising (who also designed the sigils). The text itself was Levenda’s creation, a synthesis of Sumerian and later Babylonian myths and texts peppered with names of entities from H.P. Lovecraft’s notorious and enormously popular Cthulhu stories. Levenda seems to have drawn heavily on the works of Samuel Noah Kramer for the Sumerian, and almost certainly spent a great deal of time at the University of Pennsylvania library researching the thing. Structurally, the text was modeled on the wiccan Book of Shadows and the Goetia, a grimoire of doubtful authenticity itself dating from the late Middle Ages. "Simon" was also Levenda’s creation. He cultivated an elusive, secretive persona, giving him a fantastic and blatantly implausible line of bs to cover the book’s origins. He had no telephone. He always wore business suits, in stark contrast to the flamboyant Renaissance fair, proto-goth costuming that dominated the scene. He never got high in public...
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 12:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

TonyGosling wrote:
In his fearless exposee Unholy Alliance A History of Nazi Involvement with the Occult Peter Levenda pins the rise of Nazism in the 1930s and Himmlers particularly nasty form of nature worship on the Theosophists. .

This comprehensive popular history of the occult background and roots of the Nazi movement shows how the ideas of a vast international network of late 19th- and early 20th century occult groups influenced Nazi ideology, from Madame Blavatsky and Aleister Crowley to the Thule Gesellschaft, the Order of the Golden Dawn, the Order of the Eastern Temple, and the pseudoscientific expeditions to Iceland and Tibet of the Ancestral Heritage Research and Teaching Society. Nazi appropriation of the occult was a weird farrago of astrology, Freemasonry, racism rooted in occultism and popular European folklore (the Cathars, the Holy Grail, the Knights Templar, the Arthurian legends). It also traces the Nazi movements as they continued their activities after the war (the Nazi ratlines to South America, the Colony of Righteousness in Chile) or "morphed" into neo-Nazi, skinhead and satanic groups such as the Christian Identity and White Aryan Resistance movements.

Before we get into believing more of what appears in the controlled media about the Nazis, perhaps we should first re-examine the stuff already in circulation...

Have you taken leave of your senses today? Link deleted for utterly inappropriate thread hijacking, make a topic in "other controversies" if you wish but be sure your on sound ground JW

Belief is the Enemy of Truth www.dissential.com
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 12:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

right I was going to say: good thread! Might be better off in "Bigger Picture" than GC in future
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 9:40 pm    Post subject: new agers stuff Reply with quote

a very good article by monica sjoo a well known feminist.
couldnt agree with her more. new agers are anti-democratic as decisions are reached by someone ( who is on a higher spiritual plane than you) being channeleed by some superior being or spirit and as they are superior, cannot be questioned. if you do then its because you are stuck in negative energy and need your auras realigned! re: theres a good sociologcal analysis on findhorn - i forget the author.
all tyrants hate democracy and i mean this in the true definition of the word, ie by the people for the poeple of the people not by for of military industrial banking elites.

"injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere" Martin Luther king
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paul wright

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 12:08 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Still without Bailey, however racist, radionics would not be where it is today. And without the etheric tools to challenge them on their own territory. While we have to confront them in 3D media land it's also worth a look at confronting them at how they manipulate the background energy source
We have to use our own etheric weapons against them, if you'll excuse the militaristic term

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 2:59 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I think all of this fear-mongering about "the Satanic New Age Movement" serves only to distract us from the real issues.

Central Banks, privatised money printing, plutocracy...

Good old-fashioned Christianity has proven to be more lethal to humankind than the New Age movement, thus far.

And you can have all of the New Age thought in the world driving Nazi philosophy, but you still won't create the Third Reich unless you've got bankers and industrialists backing it with money and resources.
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 7:10 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Oh dear - the usual anti-Christ baggage. How many times do I have to remind people here...

Does Ian Paisley have a 'judge not lest ye be judged' bone in his body? Does he have a 'love thy enemies' bone in his body?

If you want to believe that those fuelling the sort of racism and hatred we are seeing in Palestine now or Northern Ireland before the Good Friday agreement are men of God you're about as wide of the mark as a man can be.

On your second point - through freemasonry, which is a deist belief system, much like the New Age movement - the bankers ARE fuelling it. Try going to your masonic bank manager and explaining you want to set up a New Age guru training camp. He'll jump at the chance - wait tiil the money's in your account then take off on the holiday of a lifetime Wink

And if you want to work out if someone's a Christian or not don't believe what the papers tell you about them, compare what they say and do to Jesus' sermon on the mount in the book of Matthew. You'll soon see if they're con men or not. It's the favourite cover for tyrants =- God told me to do it - don't be so naive as to believe them

egw wrote:
Good old-fashioned Christianity has proven to be more lethal to humankind than the New Age movement, thus far.
And you can have all of the New Age thought in the world driving Nazi philosophy, but you still won't create the Third Reich unless you've got bankers and industrialists backing it with money and resources.

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 11:24 pm    Post subject: A Report On Nazism in the New Age Movement Reply with quote

Spotted this over on the Israel forum

A Report On Nazism in the New Age Movement


New Age Religion is based on a blend of every religious and occult system in the world. It rejects only Torah-based Judaism and early (pre-Constantine, pre-Gnostic, Judaic) Christianity. This blend is known as "The Ancient Wisdom” and is outlined in a 19th-century Western system called "Theosophy". New Age Books are the primary source of New Age teachings.

The most prominent among them and the ones used in almost all New Age circles are:

•Reappearance of the Christ, Externalization of the Hierarchy, The Rays and the Initiations, Education in the New Age, The Problems of Humanity, Masters of Wisdom. All these books were written by New Age leader and occultist Alice Bailey.
•The Secret Doctrine and Isis Unveiled by Helena Blavatsky (The founder of Theosophy)
•Revelation: the Birth of a New Age David Spangler (Lorian Association)
•The Open Conspiracy, Blueprints for a World Revolution by H.G. Wells.
•The New Genesis: Shaping a Global Spirituality by Robert Muller (former UN assistant general secretary).
•The Aquarian Gospel. ( A Gnostic work)

The Biological Origins of Man

In 1905, Jorg Lanz von Liebenfels, a member of the Nazi party in Germany, published a magazine called “Ostara”, named after the Teutonic God of Beauty. The magazine was filled with occult teachings and beliefs. The following serves as his explanation for the evolution of mankind.

• The first race to evolve on Earth was the Astral race, a race of pure spirit, the purest form of existence.
• The second race was known as the Hyperborean race. They used to live on a now vanished continent in the northern ocean
• The third race was called the Lemurians, who fell because of interbreeding with animals.
• The fourth race was known as the Atlantean’s who possessed psychic powers and lived in gigantic cities. They were destroyed by a great flood.
• The fifth race was known as the “Race of Hope”, the founders of the ancient Greece culture, and they soon would rise to the pinnacle of spirituality, to the form of the Aryan.

Origins of Man in the New Age

The New Age movement provides the same explanation for the genesis of mankind, although, not in the same order. The 1st root race in the New Age is stated as Lemuria, and the 2nd Atlantean. Each root-race goes through stages which produce "subraces", which act as stair-steps upward toward the next race in which mankind acquires new attributes and abilities. According to Alice Bailey, these changes take place every 2000 years, and are reflected in the astrological signs. In order to reach each new subrace, the highest form of mankind must make a collective "quantum leap" across an evolutionary gap; other inferior strains are left behind and eventually die out as the newly empowered root takes over. The new subrace is considered literally a new, "mutated" species of man. This species possess a high level of human consciousness and has attained godhood. When humanity is ready to make a leap to the next subrace, a new age will begin. Astrologically, this is called the Age of Aquarius.

The old age being replaced is called the Age of Pisces, which ushered in Christianity. The Jews, who refused to leave their "Age of Aries" (the time of the Torah) to enter the Age of Pisces, (to merge with Christianity) are doubly behind in their evolutionary development (Bailey, _Reappearance of the Christ_, p.81) and as a result, double trouble is caused by the lingering influence the Jewish religion has on society.

The evolutionary process occurs in three different ways:

• Reincarnation- Each soul returning many times to different bodies.

• Karma- A Hindu term which means life contains rewards or punishments for good or bad deeds done in previous or present lives. This is called the cosmic law of nature. People have to pay for their ancestors’ mistakes as well as their own. Bailey called the Holocaust the working out of Jewish Karma. As Bailey/DK wrote in 1949: "Today the law [of racial karma] is working, and the Jews are paying the price, factually and symbolically. They regard themselves as the chosen people. It is Humanity which is the chosen people. They demand the so-called restitution of Palestine, wresting it away from those who have inhabited it for many centuries." Bailey continues: "They have never yet faced candidly and honestly (as a race) the problem of why the many nations, from the time of the Egyptians, have neither liked nor wanted them. The evil karma of the Jew today is intended to end his isolation, to bring him to the point of renouncing a nationality that has a tendency to be somewhat parasitic within the boundaries of other nations." (_Esoteric Healing_, p.263ff)

• Eugenics- Improving the race through breeding. The success of the next quantum leap to a new subrace is jeopardized when people with “defects” interbreed with healthy ones. The outer defects such as signs of negative karma make it easier to identify the spiritually "inferior" strains of humanity which endanger human progress. They either have to be strictly segregated from contact with superior strains of humanity or their life spans have to be cut short by denying them reproduction. According to the New Age, Jews defy laws of human evolution: because they refuse to die out and give way to the "superior root".

• Balance with the Earth -While man is certainly obligated to take better care of the planet's resources, in the NA value system the Earth does not exist to serve and sustain man; nor is man, for all his uniqueness in nature, to be regarded as superior to nature in any way. Both concepts, derived from Judaism, are arrogant and wrong. Mankind is not to overburden mother earth in any way. According to NA philosophy, the primary way man is a burden on nature is through over population.

• The NA borrows the term "survival of the fittest", also known as "social Darwinism". This is important is order to make the leap to a new subrace. Therefore those seen fit are the ones who have no genetic defects and have paid their karma in full. Bailey said "When humanity has solved the Jewish problem .Racial fusion will then be possible and then there will be peace on earth." (Alice Bailey, _Externalisation_ II, p.77). The two purging processes - natural disasters and organized "population assistance" programs driven by eugenicist philosophy - help the evolutionary progress by purging the human race of residue from inferior races, which will increase the "purity of the root stock" as all "natural selection" tends to do

• Human evolution is now on hold until the Jews disappear as a group. When Jews forget that they are Jews, "we shall see a very different world." (_The Destiny of Nations_ p.34-35). The NA does not distinguish between religious and secular Jews. "What I say here has no specific reference to any individual; I am considering the world problem, centering around the Jews as a whole." (_Externalisation_ II, p.74, emphasis mine) And lest we try to belittle the effect of the Jews by noting other migrating peoples in history, the "Tibetan Master" emphasizes: "There is no other problem like it in the world today." (_Humanity_ p.103) The Jews are "the problem child within the family of nations." (p.104)

The New Age Apocalypse

According to the New Age Movement Christ or Maitreya will appear physically in the not to distant future. The hierarchy will control world affairs through this man. . (Alice Bailey, _Externalisation_, p.570.)

The Hierarchy’s Plan for the Jews and Judaism

The "Tibetan Master" DK also known as Alice Bailey’s spirit guide indicates” The present world faiths must return to their early simplicity, and orthodox Judaism, with its deep seated hate, must slowly disappear; all must be changed in preparation for the revelation which Christ [Maitreya] will bring." (_Externalisation_ IV, p.543)

The Rainbow Bridge

The New Age believes in a planetary rainbow bridge", created by the upward thrust of spiritual/mental energies from humanity at one end and the downward response of the Hierarchy at the other, which will eventually "unite Humanity and the Hierarchy". (fully dissected in Bailey's _Education in the New Age_ chap.) . Initiates into the New Age movement have to work towards building this bridge in order to hasten the Hierarchy’s appearance here on earth. When Maiterya comes everyone will be expected to attain an "altered state of consciousness" or "Luciferic initiation" by submission to Lucifer as the leading divinity representing the Logos. David Spangler calls "the angel of man's evolution" (_Reflections on the Christ_, p.37), a journey to "godhood" which includes a personal experience of the "knowledge of good and evil NA'ers confirm that this knowledge is what Lucifer offered to Eve in the Garden, and it's being offered again today.

Foster Bailey (husband of Alice Bailey) made it clear that the NA initiation would not only be mandatory but would create a caste system: "[Young and old alike] will have to live with the New Age standards. Those who do not will end up as irreconcilable outcasts." (_Things to Come_, p.39) Those who cannot surrender (having no souls), or who will not (not sufficiently developed in their spiritual journey), will simply be "sent on to their next life" in a global "cleansing action" (Alice Bailey, _The Rays and the Initiations_ p.754-755). Murder will not be a crime here, due to NA beliefs in reincarnation and karma.

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 9:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Here's an audio interview with Peter Levenda

Sinister Forces
A Grimoire of American Political Witchcraft
by Peter Levenda
A three-volume shocking alternative to the conventional views of American history.
The roots of coincidence and conspiracy in American politics, crime, and culture are examined in this book, exposing new connections between religion, political conspiracy, and occultism. Readers are taken from ancient American civilization and the mysterious mound builder culture to the Salem witch trials, the birth of Mormonism during a ritual of ceremonial magic by Joseph Smith, Jr., and Operations Paperclip and Bluebird. Not a work of speculative history, this exposé is founded on primary source material and historical documents. Fascinating details are revealed, including the bizarre world of "wandering bishops" who appear throughout the Kennedy assassinations; a CIA mind control program run amok in the United States and Canada; a famous American spiritual leader who had ties to Lee Harvey Oswald in the weeks and months leading up to the assassination of President Kennedy; and the "Manson secret."
Peter Levenda has researched the material for this book over the course of 25 years, visiting more than 40 countries and gaining access to temples, prisons, military installations, and government documents. He is president of the international division of a telecommunications company and the author of Unholy Alliance. He lives in Miami, Florida.

TonyGosling wrote:
In his fearless exposee Unholy Alliance A History of Nazi Involvement with the Occult Peter Levenda pins the rise of Nazism in the 1930s and Himmlers particularly nasty form of nature worship on the Theosophists.
They believe in the Isis, Osiris legend the ancient Egyptians believed.
Isn't it a coincidence that all the freemasonic symbolism is borrowed from the Egyptians too - such as the pyramid.

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 10:10 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Exposing Jim Jones, Sirhan Sirhan, Alice Bailey, Ayn Rand and the rest

Sinister Forces
A Grimoire of American Political Witchcraft

by Peter Levenda

A three-volume shocking alternative to the conventional views of American history.

The roots of coincidence and conspiracy in American politics, crime, and culture are examined in this book, exposing new connections between religion, political conspiracy, and occultism. Readers are taken from ancient American civilization and the mysterious mound builder culture to the Salem witch trials, the birth of Mormonism during a ritual of ceremonial magic by Joseph Smith, Jr., and Operations Paperclip and Bluebird. Not a work of speculative history, this exposé is founded on primary source material and historical documents. Fascinating details are revealed, including the bizarre world of "wandering bishops" who appear throughout the Kennedy assassinations; a CIA mind control program run amok in the United States and Canada; a famous American spiritual leader who had ties to Lee Harvey Oswald in the weeks and months leading up to the assassination of President Kennedy; and the "Manson secret."

Peter Levenda has researched the material for this book over the course of 25 years, visiting more than 40 countries and gaining access to temples, prisons, military installations, and government documents. He is president of the international division of a telecommunications company and the author of Unholy Alliance. He lives in Miami, Florida.
From Norman Mailer's review of Book One—The Nine:

Face-to-face with twenty-five years of research gathered from no less than forty countries, most writers would have looked to come up with any number of spy, horror, and suspense novels suggested by this trove of material. Peter Levenda, however, tackled it head-on. So, he set himself the near-to-impossible task of pulling together such diverse threads as pop culture, archaeology, anthropology, poetry, religion, the occult, and a host of government actions overt and hidden. In return, he has produced the first installment of a thesis that is by turns compelling, cautious, maddening, and intriguing.

This book lives with the premise that there is a Satanic undercurrent to American affairs. Since there is a world of clues and indications to support the thesis, but very little qualifies as hard evidence, the author is enmeshed in a labyrinthine task. Given the bewildering enormity of the attempt, one can forgive Sinister Forces its serious faults for in recompense we are offered astonishing coincidences, improbable but factual interconnections, occasional exposures of buried government history, outright assassinations and inexplicable historic conjunctions that scream out for explanation where none can be provided. Conspiratorialists will drown in new floods of old forgotten material, rationalists will throw this book across the room, then get around to picking it up and reading a little further before they throw it down again in a fury at the uneasy possibility that the Devil could conceivably also be a part of our ongoing and inexplicable American history. Worse! What if it—as Levenda looks to indicate—it all goes back to the earliest American inhabitants, back to the mysterious mound-building Pre-Columbian cultures of Kentucky up through the Salem witch trials on to the Twentieth Century mind-control experiments, the obfuscations surrounding UFOs, and Manson, and Sirhan, and November 22 in Dallas? The first of these three volumes of Sinister Forces is already ten books in one. Depending on one’s reading inclinations, this is either a disaster or a great bargain.

Sinister Forces by Peter Levenda
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"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 16, 2017 1:05 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ayn Rand Made US a Selfish, Greedy Nation
By Bruce E. Levine, AlterNet 17 December 11
http://readersupportednews.org/opinion2/277-75/8958-ayn-rand-made-us-a -selfish-greedy-nation

Thanks in part to Rand, the United States is one of the most uncaring nations in the industrialized world.

Ayn Rand's "philosophy" is nearly perfect in its immorality, which makes the size of her audience all the more ominous and symptomatic as we enter a curious new phase in our society.... To justify and extol human greed and egotism is to my mind not only immoral, but evil. - Gore Vidal, 1961

nly rarely in U.S. history do writers transform us to become a more caring or less caring nation. In the 1850s, Harriet Beecher Stowe (1811-1896) was a strong force in making the United States a more humane nation, one that would abolish slavery of African Americans. A century later, Ayn Rand (1905-1982) helped make the United States into one of the most uncaring nations in the industrialized world, a neo-Dickensian society where healthcare is only for those who can afford it, and where young people are coerced into huge student-loan debt that cannot be discharged in bankruptcy.

Rand's impact has been widespread and deep. At the iceberg's visible tip is the influence she's had over major political figures who have shaped American society. In the 1950s, Ayn Rand read aloud drafts of what was later to become Atlas Shrugged to her "Collective," Rand's ironic nickname for her inner circle of young individualists, which included Alan Greenspan, who would serve as chairman of the Federal Reserve Board from 1987 to 2006.

In 1966, Ronald Reagan wrote in a personal letter, "Am an admirer of Ayn Rand." Today, Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) credits Rand for inspiring him to go into politics, and Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) calls Atlas Shrugged his "foundation book." Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) says Ayn Rand had a major influence on him, and his son Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) is an even bigger fan. A short list of other Rand fans includes Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas; Christopher Cox, chairman of the Security and Exchange Commission in George W. Bush's second administration; and former South Carolina governor Mark Sanford.

But Rand's impact on U.S. society and culture goes even deeper.

The Seduction of Nathan Blumenthal

Ayn Rand's books such as The Virtue of Selfishness and her philosophy that celebrates self-interest and disdains altruism may well be, as Vidal assessed, "nearly perfect in its immorality." But is Vidal right about evil? Charles Manson, who himself did not kill anyone, is the personification of evil for many of us because of his psychological success at exploiting the vulnerabilities of young people and seducing them to murder. What should we call Ayn Rand's psychological ability to exploit the vulnerabilities of millions of young people so as to influence them not to care about anyone besides themselves?

While Greenspan (tagged "A.G." by Rand) was the most famous name that would emerge from Rand's Collective, the second most well-known name to emerge from the Collective was Nathaniel Branden, psychotherapist, author and "self-esteem" advocate. Before he was Nathaniel Branden, he was Nathan Blumenthal, a 14-year-old who read Rand's The Fountainhead again and again. He later would say, "I felt hypnotized." He describes how Rand gave him a sense that he could be powerful, that he could be a hero. He wrote one letter to his idol Rand, then a second. To his amazement, she telephoned him, and at age 20, Nathan received an invitation to Ayn Rand's home. Shortly after, Nathan Blumenthal announced to the world that he was incorporating Rand in his new name: Nathaniel Branden. And in 1955, with Rand approaching her 50th birthday and Branden his 25th, and both in dissatisfying marriages, Ayn bedded Nathaniel.

What followed sounds straight out of Hollywood, but Rand was straight out of Hollywood, having worked for Cecil B. DeMille. Rand convened a meeting with Nathaniel, his wife Barbara (also a Collective member), and Rand's own husband Frank. To Branden's astonishment, Rand convinced both spouses that a time-structured affair-she and Branden were to have one afternoon and one evening a week together-was "reasonable." Within the Collective, Rand is purported to have never lost an argument. On his trysts at Rand's New York City apartment, Branden would sometimes shake hands with Frank before he exited. Later, all discovered that Rand's sweet but passive husband would leave for a bar, where he began his self-destructive affair with alcohol.

By 1964, the 34-year-old Nathaniel Branden had grown tired of the now 59-year-old Ayn Rand. Still sexually dissatisfied in his marriage to Barbara and afraid to end his affair with Rand, Branden began sleeping with a married 24-year-old model, Patrecia Scott. Rand, now "the woman scorned," called Branden to appear before the Collective, whose nickname had by now lost its irony for both Barbara and Branden. Rand's justice was swift. She humiliated Branden and then put a curse on him: "If you have one ounce of morality left in you, an ounce of psychological health-you'll be impotent for the next twenty years! And if you achieve potency sooner, you'll know it's a sign of still worse moral degradation!"

Rand completed the evening with two welt-producing slaps across Branden's face. Finally, in a move that Stalin and Hitler would have admired, Rand also expelled poor Barbara from the Collective, declaring her treasonous because Barbara, preoccupied by her own extramarital affair, had neglected to fill Rand in soon enough on Branden's extra-extra-marital betrayal. (If anyone doubts Alan Greenspan's political savvy, keep in mind that he somehow stayed in Rand's good graces even though he, fixed up by Branden with Patrecia's twin sister, had double-dated with the outlaws.)

After being banished by Rand, Nathaniel Branden was worried that he might be assassinated by other members of the Collective, so he moved from New York to Los Angeles, where Rand fans were less fanatical. Branden established a lucrative psychotherapy practice and authored approximately 20 books, 10 of them with either "Self" or "Self-Esteem" in the title. Rand and Branden never reconciled, but he remains an admirer of her philosophy of self-interest.

Ayn Rand's personal life was consistent with her philosophy of not giving a * about anybody but herself. Rand was an ardent two-pack-a-day smoker, and when questioned about the dangers of smoking, she loved to light up with a defiant flourish and then scold her young questioners on the "unscientific and irrational nature of the statistical evidence." After an x-ray showed that she had lung cancer, Rand quit smoking and had surgery for her cancer. Collective members explained to her that many people still smoked because they respected her and her assessment of the evidence; and that since she no longer smoked, she ought to tell them. They told her that she needn't mention her lung cancer, that she could simply say she had reconsidered the evidence. Rand refused.

How Rand's Philosophy Seduced Young Minds

When I was a kid, my reading included comic books and Rand's The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged. There wasn't much difference between the comic books and Rand's novels in terms of the simplicity of the heroes. What was different was that unlike Superman or Batman, Rand made selfishness heroic, and she made caring about others weakness.

Rand said, "Capitalism and altruism are incompatible....The choice is clear-cut: either a new morality of rational self-interest, with its consequences of freedom, justice, progress and man's happiness on earth-or the primordial morality of altruism, with its consequences of slavery, brute force, stagnant terror and sacrificial furnaces." For many young people, hearing that it is "moral" to care only about oneself can be intoxicating, and some get addicted to this idea for life.

I have known several people, professionally and socially, whose lives have been changed by those close to them who became infatuated with Ayn Rand. A common theme is something like this: "My ex-husband wasn't a bad guy until he started reading Ayn Rand. Then he became a completely selfish jerk who destroyed our family, and our children no longer even talk to him."

To wow her young admirers, Rand would often tell a story of how a smart-aleck book salesman had once challenged her to explain her philosophy while standing on one leg. She replied: "Metaphysics-objective reality. Epistemology-reason. Ethics-self-interest. Politics-capitalism." How did that philosophy capture young minds?

Metaphysics-objective reality. Rand offered a narcotic for confused young people: complete certainty and a relief from their anxiety. Rand believed that an "objective reality" existed, and she knew exactly what that objective reality was. It included skyscrapers, industries, railroads, and ideas-at least her ideas. Rand's objective reality did not include anxiety or sadness. Nor did it include much humor, at least the kind where one pokes fun at oneself. Rand assured her Collective that objective reality did not include Beethoven's, Rembrandt's, and Shakespeare's realities-they were too gloomy and too tragic, basically buzzkillers. Rand preferred Mickey Spillane and, towards the end of her life, "Charlie's Angels."

Epistemology-reason. Rand's kind of reason was a "cool-tool" to control the universe. Rand demonized Plato, and her youthful Collective members were taught to despise him. If Rand really believed that the Socratic Method described by Plato of discovering accurate definitions and clear thinking did not qualify as "reason," why then did she regularly attempt it with her Collective? Also oddly, while Rand mocked dark moods and despair, her "reasoning" directed that Collective members should admire Dostoyevsky, whose novels are filled with dark moods and despair. A demagogue, in addition to hypnotic glibness, must also be intellectually inconsistent, sometimes boldly so. This eliminates challenges to authority by weeding out clear-thinking young people from the flock.

Ethics-self-interest. For Rand, all altruists were manipulators. What could be more seductive to kids who discerned the motives of martyr parents, Christian missionaries and U.S. foreign aiders? Her champions, Nathaniel Branden still among them, feel that Rand's view of "self-interest" has been horribly misrepresented. For them, self-interest is her hero architect Howard Roark turning down a commission because he couldn't do it exactly his way. Some of Rand's novel heroes did have integrity, however, for Rand there is no struggle to discover the distinction between true integrity and childish vanity. Rand's integrity was her vanity, and it consisted of getting as much money and control as possible, copulating with whomever she wanted regardless of who would get hurt, and her always being right. To equate one's selfishness, vanity, and egotism with one's integrity liberates young people from the struggle to distinguish integrity from selfishness, vanity, and egotism.

Politics-capitalism. While Rand often disparaged Soviet totalitarian collectivism, she had little to say about corporate totalitarian collectivism, as she conveniently neglected the reality that giant U.S. corporations, like the Soviet Union, do not exactly celebrate individualism, freedom, or courage. Rand was clever and hypocritical enough to know that you don't get rich in the United States talking about compliance and conformity within corporate America. Rather, Rand gave lectures titled: "America's Persecuted Minority: Big Business." So, young careerist corporatists could embrace Rand's self-styled "radical capitalism" and feel radical - radical without risk.

Rand's Legacy

In recent years, we have entered a phase where it is apparently okay for major political figures to publicly embrace Rand despite her contempt for Christianity. In contrast, during Ayn Rand's life, her philosophy that celebrated self-interest was a private pleasure for the 1 percent but she was a public embarrassment for them. They used her books to congratulate themselves on the morality of their selfishness, but they publicly steered clear of Rand because of her views on religion and God. Rand, for example, had stated on national television, "I am against God. I don't approve of religion. It is a sign of a psychological weakness. I regard it as an evil."

Actually, again inconsistent, Rand did have a God. It was herself. She said:

"I am done with the monster of 'we,' the word of serfdom, of plunder, of misery, falsehood and shame. And now I see the face of god, and I raise this god over the earth, this god whom men have sought since men came into being, this god who will grant them joy and peace and pride. This god, this one word: 'I.'"
While Harriet Beecher Stowe shamed Americans about the United State's dehumanization of African Americans and slavery, Ayn Rand removed Americans' guilt for being selfish and uncaring about anyone except themselves. Not only did Rand make it "moral" for the wealthy not to pay their fair share of taxes, she "liberated" millions of other Americans from caring about the suffering of others, even the suffering of their own children.

The good news is that I've seen ex-Rand fans grasp the damage that Rand's philosophy has done to their lives and to then exorcize it from their psyche. Can the United States as a nation do the same thing?

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 28, 2019 11:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

A Scientific Analysis of the Writings of Alice A. Bailey and their Applications.

Robert A. Herrmann Ph. D.
[Note: This is a slight revision of my original 1982 article. The exhibits and quotations used are in accordance with the Fair Use doctrine of the copyright law relative to criticism, teaching, education, scholarship and research. Much of the material quoted and some exhibits were supplied free-of-charge, and all material quoted or displayed is available to the general public. What is presented here will seem to some who have no belief in the supernatural or who have the belief that humanity is endowed with nonsupernatural but extrasensory powers as utter nonsense. Hence, if this applies to you, please do not read any further for your presuppositions preclude you from having any comprehension of the following material.]

Abstract: Terms such as the New Age and similar expressions are used to express a particular form of ethical or "theological" doctrine stated in the writings of Alice A. Bailey. The terms used by Bailey and others are, at this time, being, and they will continue to be, altered. However, the concepts expressed within her theology have not and will not be altered. These concepts are the major concern of this investigation.
Many manifestations of this theology are covert. The covertly controlled individuals or organizations often us different code words, deny that they are associated with "diabolic" forces; but, they do promulgate the same materialistic Bailey philosophy. As one example, organizations that attempt to build, create, or produce "God's kingdom" on earth are often covertly controlled by Bailey's god and claim no association with other such groups that overtly follow Bailey's theology.

The overt manifestations tend to vary but still follow the patterns dictated by Bailey. For example, consider the emphasis today upon various "psychic" endeavors. These are all associated, covertly or overtly, with Bailey's theology. This doctrine, in whole or in part, has exceptional appeal and is being embraced by many individuals and organizations who are being deceived relative to its true intent. Those individuals most likely to accept portions, if not all, of Bailey's doctrine are those who believe in "psychic" powers, where such powers are considered as either relative to spirit beings or produced by extranatural processes not associated with spirit beings. Further, the liberal Christian community will consider Bailey's supernaturalism as harmless and will tend to embrace this Bailey doctrine since it affirms the concepts of "ecumenicalism" or the belief that all theologies are converging to a universe doctrine.

The atheistic community considers Bailey's supernaturalism as harmless and is embracing Bailey's concepts due to her desire to destroy orthodox religions, in general, and use their resources for, what she considers to be, the "true" benefit of humankind. Due to Bailey's dislike for orthodox Judaism and conservative Christianity, her theology will be accepted by many Moslems for this specific reason. Since the technical aspect of her theology is based upon Buddhism and Hinduism, individuals who assert these beliefs are easily converted to the Bailey mysticism. Those individuals who are the least likely to accept Bailey's New Age theology are orthodox Jewish and conservative Christians who accept the Bible in its fundamental first century interpretation.

Due to the factors stated above, it is important that the public be made aware of the true nature of the Bailey "theology." Using the writings of the founder of the New Age theology, a theology that is purposely disguised through application of code words, it is shown in this article that this theology is, in all of its variations, absolutely occult in character and leads to one of the most evil forms of demonic possession. This theology is designed to prepare humankind for the "appearance," in one form or another, of the Antichrist. Some of the actual methods used to produce such demon possession are discussed. It is established that the true leader of the New Age movement, Bailey's god, is the Scripturally defined Adversary (Satan) and that the "prayer" entitled "The Great Invocation" is actually a satanic invocation designed to call forth the Antichrist.

0. Scientific Method Employed
1. Introduction and Brief History
2. The Masters and Overshadowing
3. Master Jesus, Bailey's Christ and God
4. The Solar Angels and Humanity
5. From Bethlehem to Calvary
6. Methodology and the Kingdom of God
7. The New Age [Bailey] Ethics
8. The Greatest Danger
9. The Plan, More Code Words and the Great Invocation
10. References
11. Internet Examples
0. Scientific Method Employed
The scientific method employed is generally termed probabilistic analytical reasoning. In particular, the following procedures are followed: A particular Bailey term or phrase A that denotes an entity or concept is considered. Within the Bailey writings A has an associated collection of describing sentences, A's describing set. Statements in this set describe such things as A's behavior, or attributes or relations with other terms or phrases. Within the Scriptures, as they would be interpreted when first written, a term or phrase B that denotes an entity or concept is located which has a describing set that is highly similar to the Bailey describing set for A. The more closely Bailey's describing set corresponds to the Scriptural describing set and the greater the number of such corresponding sentences within the sets, leads to an identification of the Bailey term or phrase with the Scriptural term or phrase (i.e. A = B).

On the other hand, using the same approach, if Bailey's describing sentences for A do not correspond in this probabilistic sense to the describing sentences for the Scripturally described B, then this leads to the conclusion that A and B do not denote the same entity or concept. In a few cases, my experience with the occult is used to clarify particular concepts and this has adjoined additional information to a describing set. A vast amount of mathematical analysis can be done using describing sets.

1. Introduction and Brief History
[Important added note. In this analysis, it will be established that it is dangerous for an individual or organization to adhere partially to Bailey's theology due to the actual controlling influences that govern even those aspects that may appear as entirely harmless. When an important Bailey concept is first presented, it will be setoff by use of two * symbols.]

In Oct. 1982, the Lucis Trust published in the Reader's Digest a full page advertisement called "The Great Invocation." This scientific analysis is a detailed exposition of the significance of this advertisement.

The "flower" pictured in this advertisement is one of the many "Lotuses" employed in occult symbolism (Exhibit 1, (2, p. 823)). The "Great Invocation" is actually the third of a series of invocations written from 1935 through 1945 (Exhibit 2 (6, p. v)). This is the same as the one that has appeared on the Internet at http://www.lucistrust.org and has not been altered from the last one in Exhibit 2. In what follows, you will not only be exposed to the true occult concepts and practices used today, but also the basic method used to control even those individuals who do not believe in the supernatural - the method of occult *overshadowing*. But, before proceeding, we present a brief history of the individuals involved with the creation of the "Great Invocation."

Alice A. Bailey (abbr. A.A.B.) (1880 -1949) and Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (H.P.B.) (1831 - 91) are apparently the founders of the New Age or Aquarian Age movement (1, p. 255) which today is linked to well over 10,000 organizations within the U. S. A. alone. As stated by Bailey, the preparatory period was from 1875-1890 and the teachings where preparatory and ". . . written down by H.P.B." (1, p. 255). The intermediate teachings were ". . . given 1919-1949 . . . written down by A.A.B." (1, p. 255). "Other teachings will be . . . emerging after 1975 . . . to be given on a world wide scale via radio." (1, p. 255).

Bailey writes that H.P.B. was "That great disciple who lighted her torch in the East and brought the light to Europe and America in 1875." (2, Dedication). However, unbiased scholars give the following assessment of H.P.B. First, she ". . . claims to have mediumistic powers." (3, p. 55). Her control was John King "a spirit claiming to have been in life the famous pirate Henry Morgan." (3, p. 131). Moreover, Bailey admits that H.P.B. was, at the least, a conscious medium.

"In fifty years time, the need for true psychics and conscious mediums (such as H.P.B., for instance) will be very great . . . ." (2, p. 757).
H.P.B. founded the well-known occult society the Theosophical Society in New York City on 13 Sept. 1875 (3, p. 248). She apparently was an assistant to a spirit medium and had a well-known hatred for Christianity (3, p. 249). She faked seances and made experiments with hashish prior to the founding of the Theosophical Society. During the period 1875 - 1890, her activities were investigated by the Society for Psychical Research. Richard Hodgson reported that H.P.B.'s Theosophical Society utilized conjuror's apparatuses such as "shrines" with false backs and the like (3, p. 250). The Society for Psychical Research described H.P.B. as "one of the most accomplished, ingenious and interesting impostors of history." (3, p. 55). Apparently, after this investigation, she concentrated upon being a "conscious" or "mental" medium.

A "mental medium" receives communication by various types of extrasensory perception. Relative to this present day, from my experience, these are the only procedures that have any merit. In the case of H.P.B., after the methods of "apport" were exposed, she concentrated upon telepathy as received from one of the Masters about whom a great deal more will be detailed. This *telepathic procedure* utilizes the "seer" approach where an individual transcribes information received be "reading" from the "astral light." This may be more simply described as ordinary telepathic information being received from "some" source that can control human mental impressions.

Alice A. Bailey became associated with the Theosophical Society and studied intensely occult methodology and its technical language. She left the Theosophical Society for a

". . . Teaching on the New Discipleship . . . . This changed technique negates the old attitudes such as that portrayed in the Theosophical literature . . . . That earlier presentation was useful but has now served its purpose." (2, pp. 251 - 252.
According to Foster Bailey, A.A.B.'s second husband, A.A.B. began her "telepathic" work in 1919 (2, p. vi). This telepathic collaboration with her "Tibetan" (to be further delineated) lasted 30 years and, indeed, we are told that

"During the long course of the work the minds of the Tibetan and A.A.B. became so closely attuned that they were in effect . . . a single joint projecting mechanism." (2, p. vii).
In the year 1922, A.A.B. founded the Lucifer Publishing Co. that later that same year was incorporated in New Jersey as the "A non-profit educational corporation" under its new name the Lucis Publishing Co. This publishing company is now part of the Lucis Trust. This is attested to by the library card catalogs and holdings that can be found in Vol. 30, Mansell, 1969, The National Union Catalog Pre-1956 Imprints page 473. (Exhibit 3). The twenty-four not independent books written by Bailey are the basic textbooks for the New World Order (4, pp. 190-192) or what some call the New Age, the New Religion, the New this or the New that. Much of the direct evidence is taken from five of the most important of these textbooks as listed in the references. Indeed, there is such a vast amount of evidence that it is difficult to know exactly where to start.
Foster Bailey writes,

"A Treatise on Cosmic Fires [Reference 2] . . . carries inherent evidence that it will stand as the major and most far-reaching portion of the thirty-year teachings . . . ."(2, p. vi).
This "treatise" is almost entirely astrology and spiritualism in a modern mode. We are also told that the book "The Rays and The Initiations" is to be utilized as a school text for advanced initiates. Moreover, a major and continuing effort must be the wide distribution of these New Age Bailey books throughout the entire world (TMW, pp. 6-7). As an indication of this wide distribution, the "textbooks" have been translated from English into Spanish, Dutch, German, Greek, Italian, Russian, Polish and Portuguese. The Lucis Trust has, at the least, three worldwide offices in New York, London and Geneva. (TMW).

2. The Masters and Overshadowing
The concept of the Masters, Masters of Wisdom, the Unknown Chiefs, the Secret Chiefs, Brothers and all other such synonyms can be traced back approximately to 1750 and the Spanish-French occultist the Martine's de Pasqually (1715? - 1779). The term Secret Chiefs was introduced by Baron Hund (1722 - 1776) for his Strikt Observanz Masonic system. The basic approach is an *evolutionary approach where an individual spiritually evolves* into higher and more meaningful forms until one actually becomes totally a spirit being on various evolutionary levels. Further, Pasqually apparently introduced the human biological evolution concept prior to Darwin's expanding it to other biological entities. "Masters" is an interesting concept especially when one considers the historical period when the concept was first advanced publicly. The "Masters" concept has been employed by the theosophists and other "seers" for over 200 years. The Masters form a major portion of the occult mysteries of Blavatsky, Bailey, Olcott, Crowley, Leadbeater, Besant and hundreds of other occultists of lesser fame. The "theology" that the Masters "teach" is widespread. It is a major part of many large "religious" organizations. One such organization is the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

A Master can be defined basically as a perfected man or adept whose task it was (or is) to watch over and guide humanity along its path of spiritual and physical evolution - with concentration on the spiritual. Spiritual always refers to supernatural spirituality. Masters are godlike adepts with their "physical plane" headquarters in various mountain areas especially in the Himalayas and Tibet. The Lucis Trust steadfastly claims that it is a fact that the Masters exist on this physical plane and even on the "dense physical plane" (i.e. the natural universe). (GI, p. 9). However, unbiased investigation, even after expeditions to Tibet, have failed to produce a modern manifestation of a Master in dense physical form.

It is not the purpose of this research to discuss these "adepts" in any detail. This investigation is intended to relate the occult meanings of the entities symbolized within "The Great Invocation" to their Christian or Judaic counterparts if such exist. Thus, except for names and the like, a subsidiary analysis of the Masters that are not claimed to be associated with Judeo-Christian theology will not be specifically undertaken. It should be pointed out, however, that the Masters concept as it is utilized at present is obviously an attempt to avoid the charge that the telepathic communication with the Masters is communication with the "dead." However, as it will be established, the attempt to convince the skeptic that the telepathic communication is not a direct result of a subliminal implanting of the thought patterns from some supernatural spiritual entity is doomed to failure since Bailey writes that this is one of the major intentions of the initiation process. This is found when the Wesek festival is discussed. In this discussion, Bailey also gives the actual procedures being used, at this very moment, to overshadow specially selected individuals. Some care should be exercised when reading the following since a few of the words are "code" words and do not carry the standard meaning. In particular, the words or phrases are "pure, servers of the race, inspiration, His Lord, Great Lord, His Master." I have added a few remarks denoted by [ . . . ]. Please pay particular attention to Bailey's description of the first stage of overshadowing.

". . . many cases of overshadowing will be seen and will demonstrate in a three fold manner . . . . .prepared disciples and highly evolved men and women, will be found who will be doing the work along the lines intended, one who will be occupying places of prominence which will make them available for the reaching of the many; their bodies will also be sufficiently pure to permit of the overshadowing. It will only be possible in the case of those who have been consecrated since childhood [as I was], who have been servers all their lives or who, in previous lives . . . [Yes, the concept of *reincarnation* is a basic requirement of the New Religion.] First. *An impression upon the physical brain of the man or women, of thoughts, plans for work, ideals* . . . which (emanating from the Avatar [Hindu: An incarnation of a deity in physical (earthly) form]) *will yet be unrecognised by him* [This is a very important aspect of overshadowing.] . . . .This is literally a form of higher telepathy . . . . Second. The overshadowing of the chela [Hindu for disciple] during his work (such as lecturing, writing, or teaching) and his illumination for service. He will be conscious of this . . . and will seek more and more to be available for use, rendering himself up in utter selflessness to the inspiration of His Lord. Third. The conscious co-operation of the chela is necessitated in the third method of overshadowing. In this case, he will (. . . ) surrender himself and step out of his physical body, handing it over for the use of the Great Lord or one of His Masters . . . he renders up his body, and stands aside for a specific length of time." (2, p. 756-757).
Certain portions of the above Bailey description can be related slightly to the Christian concept of being "indwelt by the Holy Spirit" on various spiritual levels. However, type three corresponds more closely to the concept of "being possessed by a spirit entity." An Avatar is definitely a spirit being.

"All Avatars in the strict sense of the word are liberated souls . . . a Master in physical plane incarnation is a type of avatar for He is a 'free soul' and therefore only is incarnate for specific purposes." (2, p. 722).
From the Christian perspective, among others, the only non-demonic (supernatural) spirit that overshadows is the Holy Spirit. "That is to say, the exalted Christ is now experienced in, through and as Spirit. Christ now cannot be experienced apart from the Spirit: the Spirit is the medium of union between Christ and the believer (1 Cor 6:17)." (5, p. 703). We also have ". . . the Spirit is conformed to the character and work of Christ and only that spirit which displays that character and testifies to Jesus the Christ is to be recognized as the Spirit of God. (1 John 4:1-3, 6; 5:6-Cool" (5, p. 704). Hence, the basic Christian doctrine implies that any Avatar or the like that is not a manifestation of the Holy Spirit, can only overshadow (possess) an individual by means of a Scripturally defined demonic (evil) spirit or the spirit of the antichrist. (1 John 4:1-3).

In the next section, it will be easily demonstrated that the only entity that could have supernaturally indwelt the New Testament Jesus in any manner whatsoever is not the same entity that indwells any of Bailey's Masters, including Master Jesus. Further, statements written by Bailey will show, beyond any doubt, that she and individuals that accept any major aspect of her theology are the Scripturally define antichrists (1 John 2:22).

[Note: In this analysis, the term "demon" will often be used both as a noun, adjective, and as an adverb.]

Bailey's second Master has the name Master Djwhal Khul or simply Master D. K. Moreover, "he" also is called by the more familiar name - The Tibetan. Bailey almost always writes as if she is taking dictation from her Master.

"A.A.B. takes down to my dictation an average of seven to twelve pages of typing (single-spaced) each time she writes for me; but owing to the exigencies of my work I cannot dictate to her every day, though I have found that she would gladly take my dictation daily if I so desired; . . . " (1, p. 251). [Master D. K.] ". . . is the latest of the adepts taking initiation, having taken the fifth initiation in 1875, and is therefore occupying the same body in which He took the initiation . . . . His body is not a young one, and He is a Tibetan." (4, p. 57).
Bailey gives more descriptions of Masters in the chapter The Lodge of Masters to be found in reference 4. Further,
"The Master, however, can build a body through which He can approach incoming disciples . . . . He will normally build this body in semblance of the human form, doing so instantaneously [sudden appearance] and by an act of the will, when required." (1, p. 705).
Bailey lists in her various books other members of the Hierarchy. There is Master Jupiter, Master Morya, Master Koot Humi (of Kasmiric origin), Master Jesus (the Master Bailey claims that the Christians follow), Master Rakoczi (who has a home in the Carpathian mountains). Indeed, Bailey informs us that Master R. overshadowed Comte de St. Germain, Roger and Francis Bacon. We are told that he is called "the Count." [I wonder how this relates to Bram Stoker's "Count."] Then for science there is Master Hilarion, who was as ". . . an earlier incarnation . . . Paul of Tarsus." In 1922, Master H. occupied a Cretan body. There was the Master Serapis, Master P. and many others. (4, p. 53-61). Exhibit 4 (4, p. 48-49) is a key diagram that shows various Masters and their relation to the Great Lords, Sanat Kumara, Solar Logos and others. The line diagram on page 48 indicates the inner relations for these spirit forms.

3. Master Jesus, Bailey's Christ and God
The particular Masters in which we are interested, both in their supernatural and dense physical plane manifestations, form a portion of the Planetary Hierarchy. This Hierarchy will be discussed shortly. Our immediate concern, however, is with the identity of Bailey's Master Jesus. Bailey tells us that in 1922,

"Master M., the Master K. H. and the Master Jesus are interesting Themselves closely with the work of unifying, as far as may be, eastern and western thought, so that the great religions of the East, with the later development of Christian faith in all its many branches, may mutually benefit each other. Thus eventually it is hoped one great universal Church may come into being." (4, p. 55-56).
Now Master D. K. (through Bailey) tells us that Master Jesus

". . . is presently [1922] living in a Syrian body, and dwells in a certain part of the Holy Land . . . . His pupils are frequently distinguished by fanaticism . . . . He is tall and spare with rather a long thin face, black hair, pale complexion and piercing blue eyes . . . . He is well-known in Bible history, coming before us first as Joshua the Son of Nun, appearing in the time of Ezra as Jeshua, taking the third initiation, as related in the book of Zechariah, as Joshua, and in the Gospel story He is known for two great sacrifices that in which He handed over His body for the use of the Christ . . . . As Appollonius of Tyana, He took the fifth initiation . . . ."(4, p. 56). [Bailey writes,] ". . . the Mahommedan faith will be found linked to the Christian faith because it embodies the work of Master Jesus as He overshadowed one of His senior disciples, a very advanced initiate, Mahomet." (1, p. 254).
*Bailey claims that Master Jesus and the Jesus of the New Testament are one and the same*. She writes, ". . . The Master Jesus, the inspirer and director of the Christian Church everywhere . . . ."(4, p. 46). Further, ". . . this can be noted in the Gospel story . . . of the Master Jesus." (6, p. 83). Clearly, Bailey's intent is to correspond Master Jesus to Jesus Christ. For more direct evidence, Bailey states

"Christianity will be in a state of chaotic division and upheavals. When this takes place . . ., the Master Jesus will take certain initial steps towards reassuming control of His Church, . . . " (6, p. 573).
Numerous other references can be cited that immediately lead to the conclusion that Bailey would like us to believe that her Master Jesus that appears in position 6 under the direction of (c) the Venetian Master and controlled by (C) that Mahachohan in Exhibit 4, page 49, is the Christ Jesus. Observe also that on page 48, Master Jesus is connected to The Bodhisattva (The Christ, The World Teacher). Please note that according to the diagram, Master Jesus is only a "far-away" disciple of the Bailey's christ and, as will be specifically shown, *Master Jesus is not the Christ Himself as the concept is Scripturally defined*. However, the most important and, indeed, absolute evidence where Bailey attempts to establish that Jesus Christ is the same as her Master Jesus is the entire book From Bethlehem to Calvary; the Initiations of Jesus written without the aid, we are told, of Master D. K. This will be analyzed shortly.
First, it is necessary to consider the Planetary Hierarchy and to identify Bailey's "Christ" and Bailey's orthodox God. Notice that in Exhibit 4, Sanat Kumara, the *Lord of the World* (The Ancient of Days, the One Initiator) appears at the top of the spirit entities for the Planetary Hierarchy. Below Sanat Kumara in influence is the Bodhisattva (the "Christ"). Further, below we find Master Jesus. Once the identify of Bailey's Sanat Kumara is determined, then the identify of all of the other spirit beings controlled by this entity will become clear.

The original Sanat Kumara is the mind-born son of the Hindu god Brahma. Brahma is the creator god who was later joined by Visnu and Siva and these form the Hindu trinity. Bailey equates the Christian concepts of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit with the Hindu gods Siva, Visnu and Brahma, respectively. However, the Hindu trinity form distinctly different gods and it is required that they be worshiped in idol form. The idol representation of Brahma has four heads and four arms, for example (2, p. 36). It is also important to this analysis that the Masters, the Great Lords (in this case, the Manu, Bodhisattva and Mahachohan) as well as Sanat Kumara and his brothers (the Three Kumaras) have achieved this purely spirit or semi-spirit positions through various occult initiations processes. In many cases, Bailey claims that this supernatural process is the counterpart of the ordinary secular evolutionary models for the physical universe. However, Bailey's process has a special variation.

As an example, Bailey's description for Sanat Kumara states that

"The Planetary Logos [a spirit form] of our earth scheme, one of the Seven Spirits before the throne, took physical incarnation, and, under the form of Sanat Kumara, the Ancient of Days, the Lord of the World, came down to this dense physical planet and has remained with us ever since. Owing to the extreme purity of His nature and the fact that He is (from the human standpoint) relatively sinless, and hence incapable of response to aught on the dense physical plane, He was unable to take a dense physical body such as ours, and has to function in His etheric body." (4, p. 2Cool.
[Note: Once we identify Sanat Kumara, the meaning of the term "pure" will also be very clear.] Further, we learn that with the Sanat Kumara there ". . . come a group of other highly evolved Entities, who represent His own individual karmic group and those who are the outcome of the triple nature of the Planetary Logos." (4, p. 29).
In order to place these spirit entities in their proper linear perspective, please refer to Exhibit 5 (2, p. 293). This shows the evolution of the Universe (spiritually) as it "now" appears. From the Unknown or as Bailey writes it "ONE ABOUT WHOM NAUGHT MAY BE SAID" we have seven spirits of the highest order, the Cosmic Logi. Under each Cosmic Logos are seven Solar Logi and under each Solar Logos are seven Heavenly Men. The earth's Heavenly Man is Sanat Kumara. Bailey tells us that 18 million years ago Sanat Kumara appeared on the scene (4, p. 2Cool. However, we are explicitly told that many of these spirit entities obtained their lofty positions through general evolutionary processes (4, p. 13) and many started as human beings (4, p. 222).

At this point, we can now easily identify Sanat Kumara. First, Bailey employs many distinct synonyms for Sanat Kumara throughout her writings. He is claimed to be Sanat Kumara, the Ancient of Days and The Lord of the World as well as the Youth of Endless Summers (4, p. 28, 3Cool. Bailey claims that Sanat Kumara is the entity that the orthodox Christians call God (6, p. 465). Also, the Ancient of Days, the One Initiator, is claimed to refer to the Old Testament God. The other synonyms Bailey uses are from Hinduism.

Obviously, for a hundred different reasons, Sanat Kumara does not correspond to the Ancient of Days as described in the Scriptures. Sanat Kumara does not exhibit the most outstanding attributes of the God - Jehovah. The claim that Sanat Kumara is not the one and only one creator God, the God of everything, (indeed, Bailey's Unknown) immediately eliminates Sanat Kumara as being the Old Testament Ancient of Days. Further, the claim that Sanat Kumara also corresponds to a major deity of an idolatrous religion is yet another of many, many reasons why this spirit being is not, but would like to be, the Old Testament God. The claim that he is the orthodox God of Christianity falls for the same reasons among many, many others. This leaves use with the title that Bailey uses more than any other - The Lord of the World. This can be directly translated to be the Scripturally described created spirit entity called the Adversary, Satan, the Devil (9, p. 523). Hence, whenever Bailey and the followers of her theology use the term "God" in a Judeo-Christian context they mean the Scripturally defined spirit being called Satan. I also point out that the original name given to Bailey's publishing company was the Lucifer Publishing Company who is a ruler of a planetary center (Exhibit 9 (6, 107)).

It is apparently true that in early Rabbinic usage "Lord of the World" or "King of the World" is synonyms with God. But in the Scriptures as they have been accepted for 2,000 years, and especially in the New Testament, Lord of the World is absolutely synonymous with the term Adversary (Satan). It is also interesting to point out that in all of the Scriptural quotations employed by Bailey she apparently never quotes Luke 4:6 - 7 relative to the "world".

"And the devil said unto him, All this power will I give thee, and the glory of them: for this is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will I give it. If thou therefore wilt worship me, all shall be thine"
Now that the evidence indicates that Bailey's Sanat Kumara is the Adversary, the next step is to identify Bailey's christ and determine whether he corresponds, in any manner whatsoever, to the Christ of the Scriptures. Note that the spirit entity The Bodhisattva is the department head of the Sanat Kumara's Love-Wisdom aspect and Bailey defines The Bodhisattva as "The Lord Maitreya, Who is known in the occident as the Christ . . . . The Bodhisattva is the Head of all religions of the world." (4, p. 216). This is also stated in the World Goodwill Web page where the *Bailey's "Christ" is claimed to carry names as they have been given him in various religions such as "The Lord Mitreya, Krishna, the Imam Mahdi and the Messiah."* Since Bailey's christ has not as yet made an appearance in physical form, then Bailey christ is, obviously, not Christ Jesus. Bailey's "Christ" has attributes of idolatry and also comes about by reincarnation since the Lord Maitreya is to be in a physical manifestation the fifth reincarnation of Buddha (3). Hence, it is certainly not the Messiah of the Old Testament. Bailey actually states that her *"Christ" is not the entity that differentiates Christianity from all other world religions*.

"The Tibetan has asked me to make clear that when he is speaking of the Christ he is referring to His official name as Head of the Hierarchy. The Christ . . . ; He does not belong to the Christian world any more than to the Buddhist, the Mohammedan or any faith. There is no need for any man to join the Christian Church in order to be affiliated with the Christ." (6, p. 558 (footnote)).
Of course, from a New Testament viewpoint, Bailey's Christ has attributes that directly contradict the attributes and statements made by Jesus and all of His Apostles. Further, since she specifically denies that the New Testament Jesus is the Christ, and the Master Jesus is but a disciple of the true "Christ," then she and any individual who follows this aspect of her theology, in any manner whatsoever, is an antichrist. Since it is rather obvious that Sanat Kumara is the Adversary, then Bailey would have done under the guise of love and wisdom what such great Satanists as Aleister Crowley did not attempt to do. Since Masters are produced by the occult process of overshadowing and *Bailey claims that the Master Jesus established the Christian Church*, then Bailey may have committed the very serious Biblical sin of implying that Jesus the Nazarene was indwelt by a demon or satanic spirit. Due to the seriousness of this Scriptural sin, more direct evidence needs to be developed. (For more evidence relative to the Bailey's "Christ," see section 7.)

4. The Solar Angels and Humanity
The Bailey category of Deva (angles) has many subdivisions and these subdivisions carry many names such as the greater or the lesser Builders (4, p. 217). The greater Builders are categorized as the Solar Pitris (Hindu: semi-Divine deceased forefather), Agnishvattas, (2, p. 679) and Fire Devas (2, p. 679). The lesser Builders are called such things as the Lunar Pitris (2. p. 612-613). It will be noticed that on page 682 of reference 2 (Exhibit 6 ) that Bailey has expanded H.P.B.'s terminology somewhat to include Solar Pitris as a Solar Angel. Apparently H.P.B. considers Pitris only to be "Lunar" or a lower aspect. It is much more important, however, to consider H.P.B.'s terminology that appears in the footnote on page 614 of reference 2. (Exhibit 7) H.P.B. calls Solar Angles, Solar Gods. They give humankind two "principles" the Lower mind and Higher mind. Then on page 950 of reference 2 (Exhibit Cool, Bailey gives us the exact description for the Solar Angles (i.e. Solar Gods) as stated in the Secret Doctrine of H.P.B. They are the Fallen Angles. Further, they are the Serpents of Wisdom as well as having a nature of Knowledge and Love. Once again observe that the ruler of the "Humanity" department of the Planetary Hierarchy is Lucifer. (Exhibit 9)

For what purposes are the Fallen Angles employed? We are told that

"The work of the Agnishvattas [Fallen Angles] . . . is to unit the higher three principles - atma, buddhi, manas and the lower three, and thus become in very truth the middle principle in man." (2, p. 681). [They give man the "Higher Mind" (2, p. 614) and thus they work directly upon a human beings "brain."]
Bailey relates exactly how they "benefit" humanity .
"As the Solar Gods descend ever nearer to the physical plane, and their descent assume a steadily increasing control of the lunar nature [lower mind], the thoughts and desires of men are consequently purified and refined. . . . The Solar Angles blaze forth in all their glory . . . " (2, p. 951).
[Note that Bailey often uses the term "man" or "men" to mean mankind, male or female.] These Fallen Angels yield the Ego (2, p. 617) and thereby "redeem humanity" and "endow him with human affections and aspirations." (2, footnote p. 951). Of course, the Fallen Angels, as Scripturally defined, are demonic spirits that can only endow mankind with Scripturally defined evil.
Are the Fallen Angels related to Sanat Kumara? Bailey claims that the Fallen Angles in the form of the greater Builders are related to a specific Christian concept.

"From the Christian standpoint, the greater Builders are the Holy spirit, . . . . " (2, p. 617).
From a Scriptural viewpoint, this may be the most evil correspondence an individual can make, equating the Holy Spirit with demonic spirit beings. But, as will be discussed in another Internet paper, this exceptional evil correspondence is exactly what is being done today within the "psychic" community. In her analogy to electricity, Bailey states that "The greater Builders are the positive aspects . . . . "(2, p. 612). Relative to the entities called The Brothers of Light, Bailey states that "The Brothers of Light co-operate with the positive aspect in, and of, all forms - the building devas of evolutionary intent - in order to bring about the purposes of the Heavenly Man . . . ." (2, p. 615). Thus, translating the code words, one has that demonic spirit beings work for Sanat Kumara (Satan), and they perform Sanat Kumara's mental overshadowing of mankind.
These and hundreds of other pieces of direct evidence lead to only one conclusion. Bailey's theology is controlled completely by all of the satanic concepts described within the Scriptures. Bailey, along with all of the followers of this theology, have an immediate god which is the Adversary. Bailey's telepathic control as well as the entities that control the followers of this theology are demons. Bailey and all of the followers of this theology may have committed the most grievous of Scriptural sins. If they have actually used Holy Spirit procedures for their work, then they have blasphemed the Holy Ghost. But, most certainly, they have used satanic methods and controls for their work as well as claiming that Jesus Christ is a demon controlled individual.

Although Bailey attempts to hid the true identity of her "Christ," the identity is now rather obvious. In the occult diagram of in Exhibit 4, as with all such diagrams, the diagrammatically nearest non-Kumara entity to "S" (Sanat Kumara) is always the most significant. Notice that this entity is "B," Bailey's "Christ." If the three entities had equal weight, they should be grouped along an arc of a circle. The Scriptures teach that the "closest" entity to the Adversary and the entity that has not formally appeared, yet, in its full earthly form is THE Antichrist of Revelations. There is no doubt that the true identity of Bailey's "Christ" is not as she has described him but, rather, he is the Antichrist.

Many individuals who do not believe that such spirit forms exist in objective reality would pass off Bailey's claims as harmless if the secular aspects of her "theology" are inconsistent with her supernatural concepts. Shortly, the material aspects of Bailey's New World Order will be investigated and it will be determined whether or not her secularized "theology" is truly harmless. Before this investigation, let us see exactly how devious and how much a liar Alice A. Bailey really was.

Now that certain, but not all, Bailey code words have been identified, then, in order not to mar Bailey's ingenious linguistic techniques, within the Bailey quotations these code words or phrases are indicated only by the { . . . } notation. The actual Scriptural meanings for these code words will then be given at the end of many of the long quotations.

5. From Bethlehem to Calvary
If Christians with their usual amount of Scriptural knowledge were to first read this 1937 book, they might be favorably impressed through the first hundred pages. Indeed, this is the very first Bailey book I read since it is the only Bailey authored book in the U. S. Naval Academy library and it is located in the section on "religion." Fortunately, I began to observe certain Scriptural errors. Now this book, it is claimed, was not dictated by Master D. K., but, we are told, Master D. K. does endorse it completely.

Bailey utilizes every Scriptural and extrabiblical reference she can in her attempt to show that Jesus of Nazareth, the New testament Jesus, was not the only "Christ" manifested in the flesh, "Son of God" or "Messenger" - a direct Scriptural contradiction if all of the Scriptures are consulted. For example, she writes on page 6,

"Yet St. Augustine tells us that 'that which is called the Christian religion existed among the ancients, and never did not exist from the beginning of the human race until {Christ} came in the flesh, at which time the true religion, which already existed, began to be called Christianity.' " {Master Jesus}
On page 8, Bailey writes,
"We know much of the exoteric teaching. Orthodox and theological Christianity is founded on it, as are all the orthodox formulations of the great religions."
Throughout this treatise, Bailey continually uses the terms "Christ" and "God" and "Jesus" as if they are, to her, one and the same entity. As shown above, this is a deception on her part and a direct lie as to her true beliefs since this book was written after she presented her true beliefs in her other writings.
What Bailey attempts, and others attempt even today, is to show that Jesus of Nazareth went through five great episodes ("Birth, Baptism, Transfiguration, Crucifixion, Resurrection") in order to become a Master and only much later does Bailey call these episodes *initiations*. "Their significance for us and their *re-interpretation* in modern terms is our task." (7, p. 15). This quotation is our first strong clue as to Bailey's methods - methods used by many cults that are present today - re-interpretation.

Bailey claims that "The religion of Buddha, though preceding that of {Christ}, expresses the same basic truths . . . ." (7, p. 19). {Master Jesus} Then some strange comments begin to creep into her introduction.

"The story of {Christ's} birth at Bethlehem can be paralleled in practically every detail in the lives of earlier messengers from God." (7, p. 21). {Master Jesus}
We then discover exactly what Bailey considers the "kingdom of God." She writes on page 45, "This world is the kingdom of {God}." {Satan} Then on page 54, Bailey writes, ". . . and He had been preceded by other great {Sons of God}." {Masters} Bailey continues along this same line attempting to show that Jesus the Nazarene is simply an overshadowed disciple of Bailey's "{Christ}" [the indwelling spirit being Satan, the Antichrist or Master Jesus depending upon context] as was Buddha, Bailey claims. But, we now come to the remarkable statement
". . . before the advent of Christianity men recognized Him [Bailey's "Antichrist" concept produced by Satanic overshadowing] as the beloved Krishna of the Hindu faith . . . ." (7, p. 83).
Checking out a dictionary yields the following: "Krishna. In Hindu mythology, the eighth son of Visnu" and a picture of this idol god is shown (8, p. 1009, Sup. p. 65).
Further along in this treatise, we find the interesting statement that "The majority of these great {Sons of God} were curiously enough, born in a cave and usually of a virgin mother." (7, p. 100). {Masters} "All of them 'descended into hell and rose again on the third day'." (7, p. 102). Bailey claims that "Zarathustra," Buddha, Krishna and other Sons of God behaved exactly as {Jesus} did during their life times. {Master Jesus}

Bailey continues in a very methodical rhetoric to prepare the way for yet more startling conclusions.

"{Christ} stands alone because He was the greatest, the highest and truest that has ever appeared, but not because - dare I say it? - He was the greatest that ever could appear. One dare not so limit {God }." (7, p. 157). "{Christ} has given us the highest and the most inclusive revelation . . . . But how shall we dare to say that no more is possible to {God}, when we are ready to receive it?" (7, p. 158). ". . . *the {Christ} was one of the long line of manifesting {Sons of God}*." (7, p. 332). ". . . Many men have died violent deaths. In this, {Christ} was in no wise different from thousands of other far-seeing men and reformers down the ages. In none of these respects was {Christ} really unique." (7, p. 366). "History tells us many of these {Sons of God} died and rose again, and finally ascended into Heaven." (7, p. 414). "Purification of the self leads one up to the portal of initiation, and then one can tread the Way, the Way that {Christ} trod from Bethlehem to Calvary." (7, p. 482). {God = Satan} {Christ = Master Jesus} {Sons of God = Masters}
One can immediately determine from these last quotations that the Adversary controlled completely the mind of Bailey. You might also recognize statements that Bailey has made that form a portion of other so-called "Christian" doctrines. Indeed, this one book has many contributions to make to this investigation, but rather than to continue in this piecemeal manner, it seems much better to consider certain categories separately. In so doing, we will often begin each category with quotations taken from Bailey's From Bethlehem to Calvary even though it was written after she developed and wrote down most of her basic doctrine.

6. Methodology and The Kingdom of God
What possible method could Bailey apply in order to substantiate her conclusions? The method is the well-known process of *re-interpretation of Scriptural concepts and dialectic argument*. First, let us recall one of the major concepts within basic Christian doctrine - The Kingdom of God - a concept that Bailey completely reverses.

"As depicted in the preaching of Jesus, the kingdom of God may be characterized as being opposed to everything present and earthly, to everything here and now. It is absolutely miraculous . . . . Man can therefore, neither hasten the coming of the kingdom of God by doing battle with God's enemies (as the Zealots hoped) nor force it to appear by scrupulous observations of the law (as the Pharisees hoped). He can only await its coming in patience and confidence . . . . This kingdom is coming in the form of a cosmic catastrophe . . . . The facts that the kingdom is the gift of God . . . . The kingdom of God is utterly transcendent and supernatural: it comes from above, from God alone." (10, p. 385-386).
Now what does Bailey claim is the kingdom of God?

"*This world is the kingdom of {God}* . . ."( 7, p. 45). "It is time that the Church woke up to its mission which is to materialise the kingdom of {God} on earth, today, here and now." (7, p. 369). "People are no longer interested in a possible heavenly state or probable hell. They need to learn that the *kingdom is here, and must express itself on earth* . . . ." (7, p. 370). "But {Christ} founded a kingdom on earth . . . ." (7, p. 501). "*We can produce, and as a race give birth to, the next kingdom in nature, which {Christ} called the kingdom of {God}* . . . ." (7, p. 454). ". . . the question, however, arises whether we may hasten the process . . . so expedite matters that the kingdom and its laws may hold sway earlier than would otherwise be the case." (7, p. 483). "However, it is possible to hasten the coming of the kingdom . . . ." (7, p. 485). "*The true Church is the kingdom of {God} on earth* . . . ." (7, p. 487). "How will this condition of {God's} kingdom materialise on earth?" (7, p. 489). ". . . {Christ} certainly opened the door into the kingdom, *the rest of the work rests upon our shoulders*; . . ." (7, p. 491). "*{He} came to found the kingdom of {God } on earth* . . . ." (7, p. 505). "The kingdom is now organised on earth . . .." (7, p. 505). {God = Satan} {Christ, He = Master Jesus}
Is this kingdom of God on earth simply a momentary aberration or has it become a continuing theme? In 1946, Bailey takes the following dictation from her control Master D. K.

". . . the long-awaited *kingdom of {God} is simply the appearance of soul-{controlled} men on earth in everyday life and at all stages of that {control}*." (6, p. 588). ". . . when the facts of the presence on earth . . . of the Kingdom of {God} will be accepted: . . . ." (6, p. 589). ". . . the eternal existence of the kingdom of {God} on earth is established." (6, p. 561). [In 1947, we have] ". . . to make public the already existent Kingdom of {God}." (6, p. 661). {God = Satan} {control = demon control}
In Oct. 1982, the Lucis Trust supplied (free of charge) this investigator with a long list of pamphlets and booklets. What do these say about this kingdom of God on earth?

"The bringing of the kingdom of {God}, the preparation for the coming {Christ} and salvaging of mankind . . . ." (SH, p. Cool. "The {Christ} stands in patient silence, attentive to the effort that will make {His} work materialise on Earth . . ." (ROC, p. 3). "Let us forget distance, remoteness and vagueness and realize that we are talking of *exact and literal happenings on our planet*." (ROC, p. 12). ". . . and finally the self-evident truth that *only through humanity itself can the divine {Plan} work out*." (TMW, p. 10). "It then sums it all up in the clarion words: 'Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.' Always the emphasis is laid upon the place of appearance and of manifestation: the earth." (GI, p. 14). {God = Satan} {Christ, His = Antichrist} {Plan = Satanic Plan}
And the same ideas are repeated over and over again. Before continuing the methodology of Bailey, it might be better at this moment to discover additional information about the Bailey meanings for the terms love and evil. Recall that the Fallen Angles have a nature of Knowledge and Love. This in itself is a significant characterization for the term "love." Any additional information will aid us greatly as we continue to discuss the "Plan" and the other concepts that Bailey employs. We will return shortly to other Scriptural re-interpretations and Bailey's use of dialectic argument.

7. The New Age [Bailey's] Ethics
Throughout most of Bailey's writings the term "love" is in continual use. One consistent meaning for Bailey's "love" concept is that is manifests itself in "service to humanity." Are these Bailey concepts consistent with our previous code word identifications?

With respect to service, Bailey emphases the New Group of World Servers. This group is the major element of the "Plan." Often the terms used to describe the service this group will "lovingly" supply are general rather than specific in character. It seems that all individuals will be placed into two categories. Those who will not be members of this elite group of World Servers are,

". . . those people who, clinging to *reactionary methods of finding and expressing truth, prefer obedience to authority* to clear thinking and self-imposed guidance of their own {soul}." {demon controlled soul}
You can easily determine from what follows in this investigation that the term *"reactionary" refers to all of the methods and processes used within, at the least, fundamental Judeo-Christine doctrine*. The "authority" accepted by individuals who will not be members of the New Group of World Servers is the authority of religious doctrine such as the Bible.
Then we have those who will populate this new, never before, existing group.

". . . those who, while affirming the fundamental {truths} by which humanity has evolved, are *sensitive to {soul} impression*, and recognise that response to human need and spiritual {unfoldment} are determining factors which lead humanity into a new age of peace and plenty." (NGWS, p. 3). {truths = Satanic truths} {soul = demonic} {unfoldment = demonic unfoldment}
Remember that Bailey's *initiation process, where an ordinary human being can become a Master or even a godlike spirit being* much like Sanat Kumara, is modeled on the physical theory of evolution. Note the not yet identified terms peace and plenty. But what does Bailey's control consider as "peace"? The world servers must ". . . *repudiate violently the unproven*." (NGWS, p. 3). The term violently, as will be seen, means very violently and the term unproven refers to anything that might be accepted on faith such as a supernatural kingdom of God. Indeed, the "plenty" will only go to the New Group of World Servers and "peace" will be maintained by the most violent of means. Members of this group must also have goodwill and foster right human relations. The concept of what are "right human relations" is not directly but only indirectly defined within Bailey's writings. As it will be demonstrated, such relations are those that are to be dictated by the Antichrist. This fact is shown by what is considered the most important characteristic for the leaders of the New Group of World Servers.

"They can be regarded as the embodiment of the emerging kingdom of {God} on earth, but it should be remembered that *this kingdom is not a Christian kingdom* . . . ." (NGWS, p.5). {Satan}
Additional characteristics for members of the New Group of World Servers can be found in the Lucis Trust booklet with this title. There are different subgroups within this group. First, we seem to have a description for the leaders.

". . . they *embrace all religions, all science and all philosophy*. Their characteristics are synthesis, *inclusiveness*, intellectuality, and fine mental development . . . . They *recognise no authority save that of their own {souls}*." (NGWS, p. 7). {demon controlled souls}
Note the code word inclusiveness. This means that they all follow, in complete subservience, the dictates of the Antichrist. Indeed, they probably have no choice in the matter. Now the next in line of service use the methods of secular mind control. They
". . . are the intellectual, highly educated men and women . . . . They utilize all the known methods to reach the general public. They *stir the middle class to activity and, through them, arouse the masses*." (NGW, p. 6).
These methods and, indeed, the very wording of this quotation should be very familiar to you.
As pointed out above, one of the most important terms used within these Bailey descriptions is the term "inclusiveness." Inclusiveness is the absolute of Bailey's "right human relations" and characterizes her concept of "love." ". . . a spirit of love (which is a spirit of inclusiveness . . . .)" (7, p. 469). The antithesis to this concept is represented by the term separateness. This *concept of separativenss is, to Bailey, the highest of all of the evils*. Bailey has a great deal to say as to what is not to be considered as evil today. In fact, as certain quotations will indicate, the "evils" described in Judeo-Christian doctrine are no longer evil within Bailey's New Age ethics.

"Our interpretation of sin and its penalty has been at fault . . . ." (7, p. 343). "Christianity has produced such sad, weary, and sin-conscious men." (7, p. 345). "Theology over-reached itself with its 'miserable sinner' complex and its emphasis upon the necessity for purification by blood." (7, p. 336). "But we have been so preoccupied with the subject of sin that we have forgotten *our divinity*; . . . " (7, p. 330). "The question of evil is too large to elucidate at length, but it might be defined simply as adherence to *that which we should have outgrown, the grasping of that which we should have left behind*." (7, p. 354).
Thus, to Bailey, *there are no longer any absolutes relative to sin*. Hence, *no basic behavior requirements as stated in Judeo-Christian and other religious doctrine*. This idea is prevalent today [1997] with many so-called Christian groups; "we have evolved and we should have outgrown these sin concepts." Indeed, sin is now whatever her New Group of World Servers declare and should no longer be guided by the Scriptures.
As to the concept of "separation," Bailey writes

"When we are *separative in our attitudes* or *do anything which produces separation*, we are transgressing a fundamental law of {God}." (7, p. 355). "It is the sense of separateness, this emphasis upon *personal and individual good, which is the nature of sin*." (7, p. 356). "Separateness is hatred, aloneness and division." (7, p. 356). {God = Satan}
One might wonder how an emphasis upon personal and individual good could ever be considered as sin? This is directly counter to the Declaration of Independence of the United States is it not? Indeed, in order to entice many to accept her theology, many statements that appear in the free booklets contradict this specific meaning for Bailey's term "separateness."
(*)The "freedoms" we have of association is termed as "separateness" by Bailey's demon control. Any personal "rights" that might separate one from the control of Bailey's god and anything that would alter an individual's complete unwavering allegiance to Bailey's god is separateness.(*)
We now have the basic meaning for Bailey's code word "separateness" and when this code word is used you should refer back to this basic meaning.
Shortly, using Bailey's own words, we will discover what Bailey considers the *worst form of separateness - the following of fundamental Judeo-Christian doctrine*. But, first it seems that Bailey's control may have had some difficulty in defining the term "love;" a term she uses thousands of time.

"The expression of divine love is still in the making; the world is not yet full of love and few there are who understand the true meaning of the word. But - speaking symbolically - when the United Nations has emerged into factual and actual power, the welfare of the world will then be assured. What is that welfare but love in action?" (ROC, p. 9).
The United Nations plays an very important role in Master D. K.'s plan for it is from this or similar platforms that the satanic "Plan" is to be presented and controlled.
It is by examining Bailey's concept of evil that the true meanings of such terms as love, goodwill, service and right human relations are ascertained. In 1937, Bailey made a comment about the coming conflict in Europe. You will notice that her control considers this conflict a "right and good" thing.

"The disintegration in the world at this time is right and good, provided we understand why it is taking place and by what it should be succeeded. *Destruction, that is carried on with a view to eventual construction is right and proper . . . some ideas must exist as to subsequent reconstruction.*" (7, p. 463).
Master D. K. even calls this *destruction-construction* concept *The Principle of Conflict* and the results produce *The Ray of Harmony through Conflict*.(1, p. 623).
What I am about to relate may be difficult to believe and even more difficult to read. As is well-known, probably the greatest event in modern Bible prophesy since 70 A. D. is the official return of the Jews to Palestine in May 1948. There is no doubt that this one event would be highly repugnant to Bailey's controlling force since it would clearly indicate the beginning of its end. On the other hand, if individuals doubt the existence of such supernatural forces, then I feel they would be hard pressed to account for what I am about to relate. What appears next is, from Bailey's viewpoint, one of the most evil examples of "separateness" that has ever occurred.

Bailey wrote many of these quotations in 1948. (1, p. 620). Research indicates that other portions were written, at the least, during the period from March 1946 - March 1949.

"The Poles and the Irish are prime 'catalysts of conflict' and are constantly instigating difficulties between peoples. . . . *Today the Jewish people are engineering trouble*, and it is interesting to note that the main contention in the past of Poland, lately of the Irish, and today of the Jews, is territory, thus evidencing a most distorted sense of values. . . . They [the Jews] were also, during the years immediately following the war [World War II], under the control of a glamour imposed by the Zionist Dictators, who were attempting (somewhat unsuccessfully) to be to the Jewish people what Stalin and his group, and Hitler and his gang, have been to their people. . . . They worked through the same methods - terrorising, withholding information, browbeating their opponents, making false claims and bribing and corrupting. . . . They are claiming a land to which they have no possible right . . . . *The Jew has ever been (could he but usefully remember it) the symbol of humanity - evolving, seeking, restless, materialistic, *separative* and greedy*." (1, p. 634-635)
As to The Holocaust, Bailey's demon control down plays the significance of this most evil of events.
"The Jewish people . . . ; they forget that millions in the world today have suffered as they have suffered and that - for instance - there are eighty per cent of other people in the concentration camps of Europe and only twenty per cent Jews. . . . I have enlarged thus upon the Jewish conflict because it is the symbol of all past conflicts in human history, based upon universal selfishness and the greed of undeveloped humanity, . . ." (1, p. 635). "Now they [the United Nations] have made another [mistake]. . . . for it is the American Jews who have created the situation, with relatively little help or endorsement from Jews of other nations. The United States . . . have thrown the weight of their influence into the conflict on the side of aggression and of territorial theft. They could have worked for the Principle of Harmony and permitted time and the non-*separativeness* of the nations to adjust and solve the Jewish problem." (1, p. 636).
In the next quotations, you will discover that Bailey's control *approves of the teachings of Marx and Lenin but not how their teachings have been implemented* in Russia. This proves that Sanat Kumara is not all knowing since in 1981 it was irrefutably demonstrated that combining Marxism with any supernatural philosophy, including Bailey's, would yield a highly overtly inconsistent, contradictory and dangerous philosophy that would be overthrown (11). [Indeed, as is well-know, this 1982 prediction has occurred.] Also we have the introduction of two new code phases - *the Great White Lodge that aids in the externalization of Bailey's theology and the Black Lodge that attempts to externalize the precepts of the Judeo-Christian and similar doctrine*.

"The major battle in the word today is that of the freedom of the average citizen to think for himself and to come to his own decisions and conclusions. [This is logically inconsistent with other Bailey statements relative to separateness and appears to be used only as a deceitful appeal to human pride.] It is here that the major quarrel between the {Great White Lodge} and the {Black Lodge} is to be found. It is a battle in which humanity itself is the decisive factor, and for this reason th

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 28, 2019 11:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

A Scientific Analysis of the Writings of Alice A. Bailey and their Applications.

Robert A. Herrmann Ph. D.
[Note: This is a slight revision of my original 1982 article. The exhibits and quotations used are in accordance with the Fair Use doctrine of the copyright law relative to criticism, teaching, education, scholarship and research. Much of the material quoted and some exhibits were supplied free-of-charge, and all material quoted or displayed is available to the general public. What is presented here will seem to some who have no belief in the supernatural or who have the belief that humanity is endowed with nonsupernatural but extrasensory powers as utter nonsense. Hence, if this applies to you, please do not read any further for your presuppositions preclude you from having any comprehension of the following material.]

Abstract: Terms such as the New Age and similar expressions are used to express a particular form of ethical or "theological" doctrine stated in the writings of Alice A. Bailey. The terms used by Bailey and others are, at this time, being, and they will continue to be, altered. However, the concepts expressed within her theology have not and will not be altered. These concepts are the major concern of this investigation.
Many manifestations of this theology are covert. The covertly controlled individuals or organizations often us different code words, deny that they are associated with "diabolic" forces; but, they do promulgate the same materialistic Bailey philosophy. As one example, organizations that attempt to build, create, or produce "God's kingdom" on earth are often covertly controlled by Bailey's god and claim no association with other such groups that overtly follow Bailey's theology.

The overt manifestations tend to vary but still follow the patterns dictated by Bailey. For example, consider the emphasis today upon various "psychic" endeavors. These are all associated, covertly or overtly, with Bailey's theology. This doctrine, in whole or in part, has exceptional appeal and is being embraced by many individuals and organizations who are being deceived relative to its true intent. Those individuals most likely to accept portions, if not all, of Bailey's doctrine are those who believe in "psychic" powers, where such powers are considered as either relative to spirit beings or produced by extranatural processes not associated with spirit beings. Further, the liberal Christian community will consider Bailey's supernaturalism as harmless and will tend to embrace this Bailey doctrine since it affirms the concepts of "ecumenicalism" or the belief that all theologies are converging to a universe doctrine.

The atheistic community considers Bailey's supernaturalism as harmless and is embracing Bailey's concepts due to her desire to destroy orthodox religions, in general, and use their resources for, what she considers to be, the "true" benefit of humankind. Due to Bailey's dislike for orthodox Judaism and conservative Christianity, her theology will be accepted by many Moslems for this specific reason. Since the technical aspect of her theology is based upon Buddhism and Hinduism, individuals who assert these beliefs are easily converted to the Bailey mysticism. Those individuals who are the least likely to accept Bailey's New Age theology are orthodox Jewish and conservative Christians who accept the Bible in its fundamental first century interpretation.

Due to the factors stated above, it is important that the public be made aware of the true nature of the Bailey "theology." Using the writings of the founder of the New Age theology, a theology that is purposely disguised through application of code words, it is shown in this article that this theology is, in all of its variations, absolutely occult in character and leads to one of the most evil forms of demonic possession. This theology is designed to prepare humankind for the "appearance," in one form or another, of the Antichrist. Some of the actual methods used to produce such demon possession are discussed. It is established that the true leader of the New Age movement, Bailey's god, is the Scripturally defined Adversary (Satan) and that the "prayer" entitled "The Great Invocation" is actually a satanic invocation designed to call forth the Antichrist.

0. Scientific Method Employed
1. Introduction and Brief History
2. The Masters and Overshadowing
3. Master Jesus, Bailey's Christ and God
4. The Solar Angels and Humanity
5. From Bethlehem to Calvary
6. Methodology and the Kingdom of God
7. The New Age [Bailey] Ethics
8. The Greatest Danger
9. The Plan, More Code Words and the Great Invocation
10. References
11. Internet Examples
0. Scientific Method Employed
The scientific method employed is generally termed probabilistic analytical reasoning. In particular, the following procedures are followed: A particular Bailey term or phrase A that denotes an entity or concept is considered. Within the Bailey writings A has an associated collection of describing sentences, A's describing set. Statements in this set describe such things as A's behavior, or attributes or relations with other terms or phrases. Within the Scriptures, as they would be interpreted when first written, a term or phrase B that denotes an entity or concept is located which has a describing set that is highly similar to the Bailey describing set for A. The more closely Bailey's describing set corresponds to the Scriptural describing set and the greater the number of such corresponding sentences within the sets, leads to an identification of the Bailey term or phrase with the Scriptural term or phrase (i.e. A = B).

On the other hand, using the same approach, if Bailey's describing sentences for A do not correspond in this probabilistic sense to the describing sentences for the Scripturally described B, then this leads to the conclusion that A and B do not denote the same entity or concept. In a few cases, my experience with the occult is used to clarify particular concepts and this has adjoined additional information to a describing set. A vast amount of mathematical analysis can be done using describing sets.

1. Introduction and Brief History
[Important added note. In this analysis, it will be established that it is dangerous for an individual or organization to adhere partially to Bailey's theology due to the actual controlling influences that govern even those aspects that may appear as entirely harmless. When an important Bailey concept is first presented, it will be setoff by use of two * symbols.]

In Oct. 1982, the Lucis Trust published in the Reader's Digest a full page advertisement called "The Great Invocation." This scientific analysis is a detailed exposition of the significance of this advertisement.

The "flower" pictured in this advertisement is one of the many "Lotuses" employed in occult symbolism (Exhibit 1, (2, p. 823)). The "Great Invocation" is actually the third of a series of invocations written from 1935 through 1945 (Exhibit 2 (6, p. v)). This is the same as the one that has appeared on the Internet at http://www.lucistrust.org and has not been altered from the last one in Exhibit 2. In what follows, you will not only be exposed to the true occult concepts and practices used today, but also the basic method used to control even those individuals who do not believe in the supernatural - the method of occult *overshadowing*. But, before proceeding, we present a brief history of the individuals involved with the creation of the "Great Invocation."

Alice A. Bailey (abbr. A.A.B.) (1880 -1949) and Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (H.P.B.) (1831 - 91) are apparently the founders of the New Age or Aquarian Age movement (1, p. 255) which today is linked to well over 10,000 organizations within the U. S. A. alone. As stated by Bailey, the preparatory period was from 1875-1890 and the teachings where preparatory and ". . . written down by H.P.B." (1, p. 255). The intermediate teachings were ". . . given 1919-1949 . . . written down by A.A.B." (1, p. 255). "Other teachings will be . . . emerging after 1975 . . . to be given on a world wide scale via radio." (1, p. 255).

Bailey writes that H.P.B. was "That great disciple who lighted her torch in the East and brought the light to Europe and America in 1875." (2, Dedication). However, unbiased scholars give the following assessment of H.P.B. First, she ". . . claims to have mediumistic powers." (3, p. 55). Her control was John King "a spirit claiming to have been in life the famous pirate Henry Morgan." (3, p. 131). Moreover, Bailey admits that H.P.B. was, at the least, a conscious medium.

"In fifty years time, the need for true psychics and conscious mediums (such as H.P.B., for instance) will be very great . . . ." (2, p. 757).
H.P.B. founded the well-known occult society the Theosophical Society in New York City on 13 Sept. 1875 (3, p. 248). She apparently was an assistant to a spirit medium and had a well-known hatred for Christianity (3, p. 249). She faked seances and made experiments with hashish prior to the founding of the Theosophical Society. During the period 1875 - 1890, her activities were investigated by the Society for Psychical Research. Richard Hodgson reported that H.P.B.'s Theosophical Society utilized conjuror's apparatuses such as "shrines" with false backs and the like (3, p. 250). The Society for Psychical Research described H.P.B. as "one of the most accomplished, ingenious and interesting impostors of history." (3, p. 55). Apparently, after this investigation, she concentrated upon being a "conscious" or "mental" medium.

A "mental medium" receives communication by various types of extrasensory perception. Relative to this present day, from my experience, these are the only procedures that have any merit. In the case of H.P.B., after the methods of "apport" were exposed, she concentrated upon telepathy as received from one of the Masters about whom a great deal more will be detailed. This *telepathic procedure* utilizes the "seer" approach where an individual transcribes information received be "reading" from the "astral light." This may be more simply described as ordinary telepathic information being received from "some" source that can control human mental impressions.

Alice A. Bailey became associated with the Theosophical Society and studied intensely occult methodology and its technical language. She left the Theosophical Society for a

". . . Teaching on the New Discipleship . . . . This changed technique negates the old attitudes such as that portrayed in the Theosophical literature . . . . That earlier presentation was useful but has now served its purpose." (2, pp. 251 - 252.
According to Foster Bailey, A.A.B.'s second husband, A.A.B. began her "telepathic" work in 1919 (2, p. vi). This telepathic collaboration with her "Tibetan" (to be further delineated) lasted 30 years and, indeed, we are told that

"During the long course of the work the minds of the Tibetan and A.A.B. became so closely attuned that they were in effect . . . a single joint projecting mechanism." (2, p. vii).
In the year 1922, A.A.B. founded the Lucifer Publishing Co. that later that same year was incorporated in New Jersey as the "A non-profit educational corporation" under its new name the Lucis Publishing Co. This publishing company is now part of the Lucis Trust. This is attested to by the library card catalogs and holdings that can be found in Vol. 30, Mansell, 1969, The National Union Catalog Pre-1956 Imprints page 473. (Exhibit 3). The twenty-four not independent books written by Bailey are the basic textbooks for the New World Order (4, pp. 190-192) or what some call the New Age, the New Religion, the New this or the New that. Much of the direct evidence is taken from five of the most important of these textbooks as listed in the references. Indeed, there is such a vast amount of evidence that it is difficult to know exactly where to start.
Foster Bailey writes,

"A Treatise on Cosmic Fires [Reference 2] . . . carries inherent evidence that it will stand as the major and most far-reaching portion of the thirty-year teachings . . . ."(2, p. vi).
This "treatise" is almost entirely astrology and spiritualism in a modern mode. We are also told that the book "The Rays and The Initiations" is to be utilized as a school text for advanced initiates. Moreover, a major and continuing effort must be the wide distribution of these New Age Bailey books throughout the entire world (TMW, pp. 6-7). As an indication of this wide distribution, the "textbooks" have been translated from English into Spanish, Dutch, German, Greek, Italian, Russian, Polish and Portuguese. The Lucis Trust has, at the least, three worldwide offices in New York, London and Geneva. (TMW).

2. The Masters and Overshadowing
The concept of the Masters, Masters of Wisdom, the Unknown Chiefs, the Secret Chiefs, Brothers and all other such synonyms can be traced back approximately to 1750 and the Spanish-French occultist the Martine's de Pasqually (1715? - 1779). The term Secret Chiefs was introduced by Baron Hund (1722 - 1776) for his Strikt Observanz Masonic system. The basic approach is an *evolutionary approach where an individual spiritually evolves* into higher and more meaningful forms until one actually becomes totally a spirit being on various evolutionary levels. Further, Pasqually apparently introduced the human biological evolution concept prior to Darwin's expanding it to other biological entities. "Masters" is an interesting concept especially when one considers the historical period when the concept was first advanced publicly. The "Masters" concept has been employed by the theosophists and other "seers" for over 200 years. The Masters form a major portion of the occult mysteries of Blavatsky, Bailey, Olcott, Crowley, Leadbeater, Besant and hundreds of other occultists of lesser fame. The "theology" that the Masters "teach" is widespread. It is a major part of many large "religious" organizations. One such organization is the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

A Master can be defined basically as a perfected man or adept whose task it was (or is) to watch over and guide humanity along its path of spiritual and physical evolution - with concentration on the spiritual. Spiritual always refers to supernatural spirituality. Masters are godlike adepts with their "physical plane" headquarters in various mountain areas especially in the Himalayas and Tibet. The Lucis Trust steadfastly claims that it is a fact that the Masters exist on this physical plane and even on the "dense physical plane" (i.e. the natural universe). (GI, p. 9). However, unbiased investigation, even after expeditions to Tibet, have failed to produce a modern manifestation of a Master in dense physical form.

It is not the purpose of this research to discuss these "adepts" in any detail. This investigation is intended to relate the occult meanings of the entities symbolized within "The Great Invocation" to their Christian or Judaic counterparts if such exist. Thus, except for names and the like, a subsidiary analysis of the Masters that are not claimed to be associated with Judeo-Christian theology will not be specifically undertaken. It should be pointed out, however, that the Masters concept as it is utilized at present is obviously an attempt to avoid the charge that the telepathic communication with the Masters is communication with the "dead." However, as it will be established, the attempt to convince the skeptic that the telepathic communication is not a direct result of a subliminal implanting of the thought patterns from some supernatural spiritual entity is doomed to failure since Bailey writes that this is one of the major intentions of the initiation process. This is found when the Wesek festival is discussed. In this discussion, Bailey also gives the actual procedures being used, at this very moment, to overshadow specially selected individuals. Some care should be exercised when reading the following since a few of the words are "code" words and do not carry the standard meaning. In particular, the words or phrases are "pure, servers of the race, inspiration, His Lord, Great Lord, His Master." I have added a few remarks denoted by [ . . . ]. Please pay particular attention to Bailey's description of the first stage of overshadowing.

". . . many cases of overshadowing will be seen and will demonstrate in a three fold manner . . . . .prepared disciples and highly evolved men and women, will be found who will be doing the work along the lines intended, one who will be occupying places of prominence which will make them available for the reaching of the many; their bodies will also be sufficiently pure to permit of the overshadowing. It will only be possible in the case of those who have been consecrated since childhood [as I was], who have been servers all their lives or who, in previous lives . . . [Yes, the concept of *reincarnation* is a basic requirement of the New Religion.] First. *An impression upon the physical brain of the man or women, of thoughts, plans for work, ideals* . . . which (emanating from the Avatar [Hindu: An incarnation of a deity in physical (earthly) form]) *will yet be unrecognised by him* [This is a very important aspect of overshadowing.] . . . .This is literally a form of higher telepathy . . . . Second. The overshadowing of the chela [Hindu for disciple] during his work (such as lecturing, writing, or teaching) and his illumination for service. He will be conscious of this . . . and will seek more and more to be available for use, rendering himself up in utter selflessness to the inspiration of His Lord. Third. The conscious co-operation of the chela is necessitated in the third method of overshadowing. In this case, he will (. . . ) surrender himself and step out of his physical body, handing it over for the use of the Great Lord or one of His Masters . . . he renders up his body, and stands aside for a specific length of time." (2, p. 756-757).
Certain portions of the above Bailey description can be related slightly to the Christian concept of being "indwelt by the Holy Spirit" on various spiritual levels. However, type three corresponds more closely to the concept of "being possessed by a spirit entity." An Avatar is definitely a spirit being.

"All Avatars in the strict sense of the word are liberated souls . . . a Master in physical plane incarnation is a type of avatar for He is a 'free soul' and therefore only is incarnate for specific purposes." (2, p. 722).
From the Christian perspective, among others, the only non-demonic (supernatural) spirit that overshadows is the Holy Spirit. "That is to say, the exalted Christ is now experienced in, through and as Spirit. Christ now cannot be experienced apart from the Spirit: the Spirit is the medium of union between Christ and the believer (1 Cor 6:17)." (5, p. 703). We also have ". . . the Spirit is conformed to the character and work of Christ and only that spirit which displays that character and testifies to Jesus the Christ is to be recognized as the Spirit of God. (1 John 4:1-3, 6; 5:6-Cool" (5, p. 704). Hence, the basic Christian doctrine implies that any Avatar or the like that is not a manifestation of the Holy Spirit, can only overshadow (possess) an individual by means of a Scripturally defined demonic (evil) spirit or the spirit of the antichrist. (1 John 4:1-3).

In the next section, it will be easily demonstrated that the only entity that could have supernaturally indwelt the New Testament Jesus in any manner whatsoever is not the same entity that indwells any of Bailey's Masters, including Master Jesus. Further, statements written by Bailey will show, beyond any doubt, that she and individuals that accept any major aspect of her theology are the Scripturally define antichrists (1 John 2:22).

[Note: In this analysis, the term "demon" will often be used both as a noun, adjective, and as an adverb.]

Bailey's second Master has the name Master Djwhal Khul or simply Master D. K. Moreover, "he" also is called by the more familiar name - The Tibetan. Bailey almost always writes as if she is taking dictation from her Master.

"A.A.B. takes down to my dictation an average of seven to twelve pages of typing (single-spaced) each time she writes for me; but owing to the exigencies of my work I cannot dictate to her every day, though I have found that she would gladly take my dictation daily if I so desired; . . . " (1, p. 251). [Master D. K.] ". . . is the latest of the adepts taking initiation, having taken the fifth initiation in 1875, and is therefore occupying the same body in which He took the initiation . . . . His body is not a young one, and He is a Tibetan." (4, p. 57).
Bailey gives more descriptions of Masters in the chapter The Lodge of Masters to be found in reference 4. Further,
"The Master, however, can build a body through which He can approach incoming disciples . . . . He will normally build this body in semblance of the human form, doing so instantaneously [sudden appearance] and by an act of the will, when required." (1, p. 705).
Bailey lists in her various books other members of the Hierarchy. There is Master Jupiter, Master Morya, Master Koot Humi (of Kasmiric origin), Master Jesus (the Master Bailey claims that the Christians follow), Master Rakoczi (who has a home in the Carpathian mountains). Indeed, Bailey informs us that Master R. overshadowed Comte de St. Germain, Roger and Francis Bacon. We are told that he is called "the Count." [I wonder how this relates to Bram Stoker's "Count."] Then for science there is Master Hilarion, who was as ". . . an earlier incarnation . . . Paul of Tarsus." In 1922, Master H. occupied a Cretan body. There was the Master Serapis, Master P. and many others. (4, p. 53-61). Exhibit 4 (4, p. 48-49) is a key diagram that shows various Masters and their relation to the Great Lords, Sanat Kumara, Solar Logos and others. The line diagram on page 48 indicates the inner relations for these spirit forms.

3. Master Jesus, Bailey's Christ and God
The particular Masters in which we are interested, both in their supernatural and dense physical plane manifestations, form a portion of the Planetary Hierarchy. This Hierarchy will be discussed shortly. Our immediate concern, however, is with the identity of Bailey's Master Jesus. Bailey tells us that in 1922,

"Master M., the Master K. H. and the Master Jesus are interesting Themselves closely with the work of unifying, as far as may be, eastern and western thought, so that the great religions of the East, with the later development of Christian faith in all its many branches, may mutually benefit each other. Thus eventually it is hoped one great universal Church may come into being." (4, p. 55-56).
Now Master D. K. (through Bailey) tells us that Master Jesus

". . . is presently [1922] living in a Syrian body, and dwells in a certain part of the Holy Land . . . . His pupils are frequently distinguished by fanaticism . . . . He is tall and spare with rather a long thin face, black hair, pale complexion and piercing blue eyes . . . . He is well-known in Bible history, coming before us first as Joshua the Son of Nun, appearing in the time of Ezra as Jeshua, taking the third initiation, as related in the book of Zechariah, as Joshua, and in the Gospel story He is known for two great sacrifices that in which He handed over His body for the use of the Christ . . . . As Appollonius of Tyana, He took the fifth initiation . . . ."(4, p. 56). [Bailey writes,] ". . . the Mahommedan faith will be found linked to the Christian faith because it embodies the work of Master Jesus as He overshadowed one of His senior disciples, a very advanced initiate, Mahomet." (1, p. 254).
*Bailey claims that Master Jesus and the Jesus of the New Testament are one and the same*. She writes, ". . . The Master Jesus, the inspirer and director of the Christian Church everywhere . . . ."(4, p. 46). Further, ". . . this can be noted in the Gospel story . . . of the Master Jesus." (6, p. 83). Clearly, Bailey's intent is to correspond Master Jesus to Jesus Christ. For more direct evidence, Bailey states

"Christianity will be in a state of chaotic division and upheavals. When this takes place . . ., the Master Jesus will take certain initial steps towards reassuming control of His Church, . . . " (6, p. 573).
Numerous other references can be cited that immediately lead to the conclusion that Bailey would like us to believe that her Master Jesus that appears in position 6 under the direction of (c) the Venetian Master and controlled by (C) that Mahachohan in Exhibit 4, page 49, is the Christ Jesus. Observe also that on page 48, Master Jesus is connected to The Bodhisattva (The Christ, The World Teacher). Please note that according to the diagram, Master Jesus is only a "far-away" disciple of the Bailey's christ and, as will be specifically shown, *Master Jesus is not the Christ Himself as the concept is Scripturally defined*. However, the most important and, indeed, absolute evidence where Bailey attempts to establish that Jesus Christ is the same as her Master Jesus is the entire book From Bethlehem to Calvary; the Initiations of Jesus written without the aid, we are told, of Master D. K. This will be analyzed shortly.
First, it is necessary to consider the Planetary Hierarchy and to identify Bailey's "Christ" and Bailey's orthodox God. Notice that in Exhibit 4, Sanat Kumara, the *Lord of the World* (The Ancient of Days, the One Initiator) appears at the top of the spirit entities for the Planetary Hierarchy. Below Sanat Kumara in influence is the Bodhisattva (the "Christ"). Further, below we find Master Jesus. Once the identify of Bailey's Sanat Kumara is determined, then the identify of all of the other spirit beings controlled by this entity will become clear.

The original Sanat Kumara is the mind-born son of the Hindu god Brahma. Brahma is the creator god who was later joined by Visnu and Siva and these form the Hindu trinity. Bailey equates the Christian concepts of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit with the Hindu gods Siva, Visnu and Brahma, respectively. However, the Hindu trinity form distinctly different gods and it is required that they be worshiped in idol form. The idol representation of Brahma has four heads and four arms, for example (2, p. 36). It is also important to this analysis that the Masters, the Great Lords (in this case, the Manu, Bodhisattva and Mahachohan) as well as Sanat Kumara and his brothers (the Three Kumaras) have achieved this purely spirit or semi-spirit positions through various occult initiations processes. In many cases, Bailey claims that this supernatural process is the counterpart of the ordinary secular evolutionary models for the physical universe. However, Bailey's process has a special variation.

As an example, Bailey's description for Sanat Kumara states that

"The Planetary Logos [a spirit form] of our earth scheme, one of the Seven Spirits before the throne, took physical incarnation, and, under the form of Sanat Kumara, the Ancient of Days, the Lord of the World, came down to this dense physical planet and has remained with us ever since. Owing to the extreme purity of His nature and the fact that He is (from the human standpoint) relatively sinless, and hence incapable of response to aught on the dense physical plane, He was unable to take a dense physical body such as ours, and has to function in His etheric body." (4, p. 2Cool.
[Note: Once we identify Sanat Kumara, the meaning of the term "pure" will also be very clear.] Further, we learn that with the Sanat Kumara there ". . . come a group of other highly evolved Entities, who represent His own individual karmic group and those who are the outcome of the triple nature of the Planetary Logos." (4, p. 29).
In order to place these spirit entities in their proper linear perspective, please refer to Exhibit 5 (2, p. 293). This shows the evolution of the Universe (spiritually) as it "now" appears. From the Unknown or as Bailey writes it "ONE ABOUT WHOM NAUGHT MAY BE SAID" we have seven spirits of the highest order, the Cosmic Logi. Under each Cosmic Logos are seven Solar Logi and under each Solar Logos are seven Heavenly Men. The earth's Heavenly Man is Sanat Kumara. Bailey tells us that 18 million years ago Sanat Kumara appeared on the scene (4, p. 2Cool. However, we are explicitly told that many of these spirit entities obtained their lofty positions through general evolutionary processes (4, p. 13) and many started as human beings (4, p. 222).

At this point, we can now easily identify Sanat Kumara. First, Bailey employs many distinct synonyms for Sanat Kumara throughout her writings. He is claimed to be Sanat Kumara, the Ancient of Days and The Lord of the World as well as the Youth of Endless Summers (4, p. 28, 3Cool. Bailey claims that Sanat Kumara is the entity that the orthodox Christians call God (6, p. 465). Also, the Ancient of Days, the One Initiator, is claimed to refer to the Old Testament God. The other synonyms Bailey uses are from Hinduism.

Obviously, for a hundred different reasons, Sanat Kumara does not correspond to the Ancient of Days as described in the Scriptures. Sanat Kumara does not exhibit the most outstanding attributes of the God - Jehovah. The claim that Sanat Kumara is not the one and only one creator God, the God of everything, (indeed, Bailey's Unknown) immediately eliminates Sanat Kumara as being the Old Testament Ancient of Days. Further, the claim that Sanat Kumara also corresponds to a major deity of an idolatrous religion is yet another of many, many reasons why this spirit being is not, but would like to be, the Old Testament God. The claim that he is the orthodox God of Christianity falls for the same reasons among many, many others. This leaves use with the title that Bailey uses more than any other - The Lord of the World. This can be directly translated to be the Scripturally described created spirit entity called the Adversary, Satan, the Devil (9, p. 523). Hence, whenever Bailey and the followers of her theology use the term "God" in a Judeo-Christian context they mean the Scripturally defined spirit being called Satan. I also point out that the original name given to Bailey's publishing company was the Lucifer Publishing Company who is a ruler of a planetary center (Exhibit 9 (6, 107)).

It is apparently true that in early Rabbinic usage "Lord of the World" or "King of the World" is synonyms with God. But in the Scriptures as they have been accepted for 2,000 years, and especially in the New Testament, Lord of the World is absolutely synonymous with the term Adversary (Satan). It is also interesting to point out that in all of the Scriptural quotations employed by Bailey she apparently never quotes Luke 4:6 - 7 relative to the "world".

"And the devil said unto him, All this power will I give thee, and the glory of them: for this is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will I give it. If thou therefore wilt worship me, all shall be thine"
Now that the evidence indicates that Bailey's Sanat Kumara is the Adversary, the next step is to identify Bailey's christ and determine whether he corresponds, in any manner whatsoever, to the Christ of the Scriptures. Note that the spirit entity The Bodhisattva is the department head of the Sanat Kumara's Love-Wisdom aspect and Bailey defines The Bodhisattva as "The Lord Maitreya, Who is known in the occident as the Christ . . . . The Bodhisattva is the Head of all religions of the world." (4, p. 216). This is also stated in the World Goodwill Web page where the *Bailey's "Christ" is claimed to carry names as they have been given him in various religions such as "The Lord Mitreya, Krishna, the Imam Mahdi and the Messiah."* Since Bailey's christ has not as yet made an appearance in physical form, then Bailey christ is, obviously, not Christ Jesus. Bailey's "Christ" has attributes of idolatry and also comes about by reincarnation since the Lord Maitreya is to be in a physical manifestation the fifth reincarnation of Buddha (3). Hence, it is certainly not the Messiah of the Old Testament. Bailey actually states that her *"Christ" is not the entity that differentiates Christianity from all other world religions*.

"The Tibetan has asked me to make clear that when he is speaking of the Christ he is referring to His official name as Head of the Hierarchy. The Christ . . . ; He does not belong to the Christian world any more than to the Buddhist, the Mohammedan or any faith. There is no need for any man to join the Christian Church in order to be affiliated with the Christ." (6, p. 558 (footnote)).
Of course, from a New Testament viewpoint, Bailey's Christ has attributes that directly contradict the attributes and statements made by Jesus and all of His Apostles. Further, since she specifically denies that the New Testament Jesus is the Christ, and the Master Jesus is but a disciple of the true "Christ," then she and any individual who follows this aspect of her theology, in any manner whatsoever, is an antichrist. Since it is rather obvious that Sanat Kumara is the Adversary, then Bailey would have done under the guise of love and wisdom what such great Satanists as Aleister Crowley did not attempt to do. Since Masters are produced by the occult process of overshadowing and *Bailey claims that the Master Jesus established the Christian Church*, then Bailey may have committed the very serious Biblical sin of implying that Jesus the Nazarene was indwelt by a demon or satanic spirit. Due to the seriousness of this Scriptural sin, more direct evidence needs to be developed. (For more evidence relative to the Bailey's "Christ," see section 7.)

4. The Solar Angels and Humanity
The Bailey category of Deva (angles) has many subdivisions and these subdivisions carry many names such as the greater or the lesser Builders (4, p. 217). The greater Builders are categorized as the Solar Pitris (Hindu: semi-Divine deceased forefather), Agnishvattas, (2, p. 679) and Fire Devas (2, p. 679). The lesser Builders are called such things as the Lunar Pitris (2. p. 612-613). It will be noticed that on page 682 of reference 2 (Exhibit 6 ) that Bailey has expanded H.P.B.'s terminology somewhat to include Solar Pitris as a Solar Angel. Apparently H.P.B. considers Pitris only to be "Lunar" or a lower aspect. It is much more important, however, to consider H.P.B.'s terminology that appears in the footnote on page 614 of reference 2. (Exhibit 7) H.P.B. calls Solar Angles, Solar Gods. They give humankind two "principles" the Lower mind and Higher mind. Then on page 950 of reference 2 (Exhibit Cool, Bailey gives us the exact description for the Solar Angles (i.e. Solar Gods) as stated in the Secret Doctrine of H.P.B. They are the Fallen Angles. Further, they are the Serpents of Wisdom as well as having a nature of Knowledge and Love. Once again observe that the ruler of the "Humanity" department of the Planetary Hierarchy is Lucifer. (Exhibit 9)

For what purposes are the Fallen Angles employed? We are told that

"The work of the Agnishvattas [Fallen Angles] . . . is to unit the higher three principles - atma, buddhi, manas and the lower three, and thus become in very truth the middle principle in man." (2, p. 681). [They give man the "Higher Mind" (2, p. 614) and thus they work directly upon a human beings "brain."]
Bailey relates exactly how they "benefit" humanity .
"As the Solar Gods descend ever nearer to the physical plane, and their descent assume a steadily increasing control of the lunar nature [lower mind], the thoughts and desires of men are consequently purified and refined. . . . The Solar Angles blaze forth in all their glory . . . " (2, p. 951).
[Note that Bailey often uses the term "man" or "men" to mean mankind, male or female.] These Fallen Angels yield the Ego (2, p. 617) and thereby "redeem humanity" and "endow him with human affections and aspirations." (2, footnote p. 951). Of course, the Fallen Angels, as Scripturally defined, are demonic spirits that can only endow mankind with Scripturally defined evil.
Are the Fallen Angels related to Sanat Kumara? Bailey claims that the Fallen Angles in the form of the greater Builders are related to a specific Christian concept.

"From the Christian standpoint, the greater Builders are the Holy spirit, . . . . " (2, p. 617).
From a Scriptural viewpoint, this may be the most evil correspondence an individual can make, equating the Holy Spirit with demonic spirit beings. But, as will be discussed in another Internet paper, this exceptional evil correspondence is exactly what is being done today within the "psychic" community. In her analogy to electricity, Bailey states that "The greater Builders are the positive aspects . . . . "(2, p. 612). Relative to the entities called The Brothers of Light, Bailey states that "The Brothers of Light co-operate with the positive aspect in, and of, all forms - the building devas of evolutionary intent - in order to bring about the purposes of the Heavenly Man . . . ." (2, p. 615). Thus, translating the code words, one has that demonic spirit beings work for Sanat Kumara (Satan), and they perform Sanat Kumara's mental overshadowing of mankind.
These and hundreds of other pieces of direct evidence lead to only one conclusion. Bailey's theology is controlled completely by all of the satanic concepts described within the Scriptures. Bailey, along with all of the followers of this theology, have an immediate god which is the Adversary. Bailey's telepathic control as well as the entities that control the followers of this theology are demons. Bailey and all of the followers of this theology may have committed the most grievous of Scriptural sins. If they have actually used Holy Spirit procedures for their work, then they have blasphemed the Holy Ghost. But, most certainly, they have used satanic methods and controls for their work as well as claiming that Jesus Christ is a demon controlled individual.

Although Bailey attempts to hid the true identity of her "Christ," the identity is now rather obvious. In the occult diagram of in Exhibit 4, as with all such diagrams, the diagrammatically nearest non-Kumara entity to "S" (Sanat Kumara) is always the most significant. Notice that this entity is "B," Bailey's "Christ." If the three entities had equal weight, they should be grouped along an arc of a circle. The Scriptures teach that the "closest" entity to the Adversary and the entity that has not formally appeared, yet, in its full earthly form is THE Antichrist of Revelations. There is no doubt that the true identity of Bailey's "Christ" is not as she has described him but, rather, he is the Antichrist.

Many individuals who do not believe that such spirit forms exist in objective reality would pass off Bailey's claims as harmless if the secular aspects of her "theology" are inconsistent with her supernatural concepts. Shortly, the material aspects of Bailey's New World Order will be investigated and it will be determined whether or not her secularized "theology" is truly harmless. Before this investigation, let us see exactly how devious and how much a liar Alice A. Bailey really was.

Now that certain, but not all, Bailey code words have been identified, then, in order not to mar Bailey's ingenious linguistic techniques, within the Bailey quotations these code words or phrases are indicated only by the { . . . } notation. The actual Scriptural meanings for these code words will then be given at the end of many of the long quotations.

5. From Bethlehem to Calvary
If Christians with their usual amount of Scriptural knowledge were to first read this 1937 book, they might be favorably impressed through the first hundred pages. Indeed, this is the very first Bailey book I read since it is the only Bailey authored book in the U. S. Naval Academy library and it is located in the section on "religion." Fortunately, I began to observe certain Scriptural errors. Now this book, it is claimed, was not dictated by Master D. K., but, we are told, Master D. K. does endorse it completely.

Bailey utilizes every Scriptural and extrabiblical reference she can in her attempt to show that Jesus of Nazareth, the New testament Jesus, was not the only "Christ" manifested in the flesh, "Son of God" or "Messenger" - a direct Scriptural contradiction if all of the Scriptures are consulted. For example, she writes on page 6,

"Yet St. Augustine tells us that 'that which is called the Christian religion existed among the ancients, and never did not exist from the beginning of the human race until {Christ} came in the flesh, at which time the true religion, which already existed, began to be called Christianity.' " {Master Jesus}
On page 8, Bailey writes,
"We know much of the exoteric teaching. Orthodox and theological Christianity is founded on it, as are all the orthodox formulations of the great religions."
Throughout this treatise, Bailey continually uses the terms "Christ" and "God" and "Jesus" as if they are, to her, one and the same entity. As shown above, this is a deception on her part and a direct lie as to her true beliefs since this book was written after she presented her true beliefs in her other writings.
What Bailey attempts, and others attempt even today, is to show that Jesus of Nazareth went through five great episodes ("Birth, Baptism, Transfiguration, Crucifixion, Resurrection") in order to become a Master and only much later does Bailey call these episodes *initiations*. "Their significance for us and their *re-interpretation* in modern terms is our task." (7, p. 15). This quotation is our first strong clue as to Bailey's methods - methods used by many cults that are present today - re-interpretation.

Bailey claims that "The religion of Buddha, though preceding that of {Christ}, expresses the same basic truths . . . ." (7, p. 19). {Master Jesus} Then some strange comments begin to creep into her introduction.

"The story of {Christ's} birth at Bethlehem can be paralleled in practically every detail in the lives of earlier messengers from God." (7, p. 21). {Master Jesus}
We then discover exactly what Bailey considers the "kingdom of God." She writes on page 45, "This world is the kingdom of {God}." {Satan} Then on page 54, Bailey writes, ". . . and He had been preceded by other great {Sons of God}." {Masters} Bailey continues along this same line attempting to show that Jesus the Nazarene is simply an overshadowed disciple of Bailey's "{Christ}" [the indwelling spirit being Satan, the Antichrist or Master Jesus depending upon context] as was Buddha, Bailey claims. But, we now come to the remarkable statement
". . . before the advent of Christianity men recognized Him [Bailey's "Antichrist" concept produced by Satanic overshadowing] as the beloved Krishna of the Hindu faith . . . ." (7, p. 83).
Checking out a dictionary yields the following: "Krishna. In Hindu mythology, the eighth son of Visnu" and a picture of this idol god is shown (8, p. 1009, Sup. p. 65).
Further along in this treatise, we find the interesting statement that "The majority of these great {Sons of God} were curiously enough, born in a cave and usually of a virgin mother." (7, p. 100). {Masters} "All of them 'descended into hell and rose again on the third day'." (7, p. 102). Bailey claims that "Zarathustra," Buddha, Krishna and other Sons of God behaved exactly as {Jesus} did during their life times. {Master Jesus}

Bailey continues in a very methodical rhetoric to prepare the way for yet more startling conclusions.

"{Christ} stands alone because He was the greatest, the highest and truest that has ever appeared, but not because - dare I say it? - He was the greatest that ever could appear. One dare not so limit {God }." (7, p. 157). "{Christ} has given us the highest and the most inclusive revelation . . . . But how shall we dare to say that no more is possible to {God}, when we are ready to receive it?" (7, p. 158). ". . . *the {Christ} was one of the long line of manifesting {Sons of God}*." (7, p. 332). ". . . Many men have died violent deaths. In this, {Christ} was in no wise different from thousands of other far-seeing men and reformers down the ages. In none of these respects was {Christ} really unique." (7, p. 366). "History tells us many of these {Sons of God} died and rose again, and finally ascended into Heaven." (7, p. 414). "Purification of the self leads one up to the portal of initiation, and then one can tread the Way, the Way that {Christ} trod from Bethlehem to Calvary." (7, p. 482). {God = Satan} {Christ = Master Jesus} {Sons of God = Masters}
One can immediately determine from these last quotations that the Adversary controlled completely the mind of Bailey. You might also recognize statements that Bailey has made that form a portion of other so-called "Christian" doctrines. Indeed, this one book has many contributions to make to this investigation, but rather than to continue in this piecemeal manner, it seems much better to consider certain categories separately. In so doing, we will often begin each category with quotations taken from Bailey's From Bethlehem to Calvary even though it was written after she developed and wrote down most of her basic doctrine.

6. Methodology and The Kingdom of God
What possible method could Bailey apply in order to substantiate her conclusions? The method is the well-known process of *re-interpretation of Scriptural concepts and dialectic argument*. First, let us recall one of the major concepts within basic Christian doctrine - The Kingdom of God - a concept that Bailey completely reverses.

"As depicted in the preaching of Jesus, the kingdom of God may be characterized as being opposed to everything present and earthly, to everything here and now. It is absolutely miraculous . . . . Man can therefore, neither hasten the coming of the kingdom of God by doing battle with God's enemies (as the Zealots hoped) nor force it to appear by scrupulous observations of the law (as the Pharisees hoped). He can only await its coming in patience and confidence . . . . This kingdom is coming in the form of a cosmic catastrophe . . . . The facts that the kingdom is the gift of God . . . . The kingdom of God is utterly transcendent and supernatural: it comes from above, from God alone." (10, p. 385-386).
Now what does Bailey claim is the kingdom of God?

"*This world is the kingdom of {God}* . . ."( 7, p. 45). "It is time that the Church woke up to its mission which is to materialise the kingdom of {God} on earth, today, here and now." (7, p. 369). "People are no longer interested in a possible heavenly state or probable hell. They need to learn that the *kingdom is here, and must express itself on earth* . . . ." (7, p. 370). "But {Christ} founded a kingdom on earth . . . ." (7, p. 501). "*We can produce, and as a race give birth to, the next kingdom in nature, which {Christ} called the kingdom of {God}* . . . ." (7, p. 454). ". . . the question, however, arises whether we may hasten the process . . . so expedite matters that the kingdom and its laws may hold sway earlier than would otherwise be the case." (7, p. 483). "However, it is possible to hasten the coming of the kingdom . . . ." (7, p. 485). "*The true Church is the kingdom of {God} on earth* . . . ." (7, p. 487). "How will this condition of {God's} kingdom materialise on earth?" (7, p. 489). ". . . {Christ} certainly opened the door into the kingdom, *the rest of the work rests upon our shoulders*; . . ." (7, p. 491). "*{He} came to found the kingdom of {God } on earth* . . . ." (7, p. 505). "The kingdom is now organised on earth . . .." (7, p. 505). {God = Satan} {Christ, He = Master Jesus}
Is this kingdom of God on earth simply a momentary aberration or has it become a continuing theme? In 1946, Bailey takes the following dictation from her control Master D. K.

". . . the long-awaited *kingdom of {God} is simply the appearance of soul-{controlled} men on earth in everyday life and at all stages of that {control}*." (6, p. 588). ". . . when the facts of the presence on earth . . . of the Kingdom of {God} will be accepted: . . . ." (6, p. 589). ". . . the eternal existence of the kingdom of {God} on earth is established." (6, p. 561). [In 1947, we have] ". . . to make public the already existent Kingdom of {God}." (6, p. 661). {God = Satan} {control = demon control}
In Oct. 1982, the Lucis Trust supplied (free of charge) this investigator with a long list of pamphlets and booklets. What do these say about this kingdom of God on earth?

"The bringing of the kingdom of {God}, the preparation for the coming {Christ} and salvaging of mankind . . . ." (SH, p. Cool. "The {Christ} stands in patient silence, attentive to the effort that will make {His} work materialise on Earth . . ." (ROC, p. 3). "Let us forget distance, remoteness and vagueness and realize that we are talking of *exact and literal happenings on our planet*." (ROC, p. 12). ". . . and finally the self-evident truth that *only through humanity itself can the divine {Plan} work out*." (TMW, p. 10). "It then sums it all up in the clarion words: 'Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.' Always the emphasis is laid upon the place of appearance and of manifestation: the earth." (GI, p. 14). {God = Satan} {Christ, His = Antichrist} {Plan = Satanic Plan}
And the same ideas are repeated over and over again. Before continuing the methodology of Bailey, it might be better at this moment to discover additional information about the Bailey meanings for the terms love and evil. Recall that the Fallen Angles have a nature of Knowledge and Love. This in itself is a significant characterization for the term "love." Any additional information will aid us greatly as we continue to discuss the "Plan" and the other concepts that Bailey employs. We will return shortly to other Scriptural re-interpretations and Bailey's use of dialectic argument.

7. The New Age [Bailey's] Ethics
Throughout most of Bailey's writings the term "love" is in continual use. One consistent meaning for Bailey's "love" concept is that is manifests itself in "service to humanity." Are these Bailey concepts consistent with our previous code word identifications?

With respect to service, Bailey emphases the New Group of World Servers. This group is the major element of the "Plan." Often the terms used to describe the service this group will "lovingly" supply are general rather than specific in character. It seems that all individuals will be placed into two categories. Those who will not be members of this elite group of World Servers are,

". . . those people who, clinging to *reactionary methods of finding and expressing truth, prefer obedience to authority* to clear thinking and self-imposed guidance of their own {soul}." {demon controlled soul}
You can easily determine from what follows in this investigation that the term *"reactionary" refers to all of the methods and processes used within, at the least, fundamental Judeo-Christine doctrine*. The "authority" accepted by individuals who will not be members of the New Group of World Servers is the authority of religious doctrine such as the Bible.
Then we have those who will populate this new, never before, existing group.

". . . those who, while affirming the fundamental {truths} by which humanity has evolved, are *sensitive to {soul} impression*, and recognise that response to human need and spiritual {unfoldment} are determining factors which lead humanity into a new age of peace and plenty." (NGWS, p. 3). {truths = Satanic truths} {soul = demonic} {unfoldment = demonic unfoldment}
Remember that Bailey's *initiation process, where an ordinary human being can become a Master or even a godlike spirit being* much like Sanat Kumara, is modeled on the physical theory of evolution. Note the not yet identified terms peace and plenty. But what does Bailey's control consider as "peace"? The world servers must ". . . *repudiate violently the unproven*." (NGWS, p. 3). The term violently, as will be seen, means very violently and the term unproven refers to anything that might be accepted on faith such as a supernatural kingdom of God. Indeed, the "plenty" will only go to the New Group of World Servers and "peace" will be maintained by the most violent of means. Members of this group must also have goodwill and foster right human relations. The concept of what are "right human relations" is not directly but only indirectly defined within Bailey's writings. As it will be demonstrated, such relations are those that are to be dictated by the Antichrist. This fact is shown by what is considered the most important characteristic for the leaders of the New Group of World Servers.

"They can be regarded as the embodiment of the emerging kingdom of {God} on earth, but it should be remembered that *this kingdom is not a Christian kingdom* . . . ." (NGWS, p.5). {Satan}
Additional characteristics for members of the New Group of World Servers can be found in the Lucis Trust booklet with this title. There are different subgroups within this group. First, we seem to have a description for the leaders.

". . . they *embrace all religions, all science and all philosophy*. Their characteristics are synthesis, *inclusiveness*, intellectuality, and fine mental development . . . . They *recognise no authority save that of their own {souls}*." (NGWS, p. 7). {demon controlled souls}
Note the code word inclusiveness. This means that they all follow, in complete subservience, the dictates of the Antichrist. Indeed, they probably have no choice in the matter. Now the next in line of service use the methods of secular mind control. They
". . . are the intellectual, highly educated men and women . . . . They utilize all the known methods to reach the general public. They *stir the middle class to activity and, through them, arouse the masses*." (NGW, p. 6).
These methods and, indeed, the very wording of this quotation should be very familiar to you.
As pointed out above, one of the most important terms used within these Bailey descriptions is the term "inclusiveness." Inclusiveness is the absolute of Bailey's "right human relations" and characterizes her concept of "love." ". . . a spirit of love (which is a spirit of inclusiveness . . . .)" (7, p. 469). The antithesis to this concept is represented by the term separateness. This *concept of separativenss is, to Bailey, the highest of all of the evils*. Bailey has a great deal to say as to what is not to be considered as evil today. In fact, as certain quotations will indicate, the "evils" described in Judeo-Christian doctrine are no longer evil within Bailey's New Age ethics.

"Our interpretation of sin and its penalty has been at fault . . . ." (7, p. 343). "Christianity has produced such sad, weary, and sin-conscious men." (7, p. 345). "Theology over-reached itself with its 'miserable sinner' complex and its emphasis upon the necessity for purification by blood." (7, p. 336). "But we have been so preoccupied with the subject of sin that we have forgotten *our divinity*; . . . " (7, p. 330). "The question of evil is too large to elucidate at length, but it might be defined simply as adherence to *that which we should have outgrown, the grasping of that which we should have left behind*." (7, p. 354).
Thus, to Bailey, *there are no longer any absolutes relative to sin*. Hence, *no basic behavior requirements as stated in Judeo-Christian and other religious doctrine*. This idea is prevalent today [1997] with many so-called Christian groups; "we have evolved and we should have outgrown these sin concepts." Indeed, sin is now whatever her New Group of World Servers declare and should no longer be guided by the Scriptures.
As to the concept of "separation," Bailey writes

"When we are *separative in our attitudes* or *do anything which produces separation*, we are transgressing a fundamental law of {God}." (7, p. 355). "It is the sense of separateness, this emphasis upon *personal and individual good, which is the nature of sin*." (7, p. 356). "Separateness is hatred, aloneness and division." (7, p. 356). {God = Satan}
One might wonder how an emphasis upon personal and individual good could ever be considered as sin? This is directly counter to the Declaration of Independence of the United States is it not? Indeed, in order to entice many to accept her theology, many statements that appear in the free booklets contradict this specific meaning for Bailey's term "separateness."
(*)The "freedoms" we have of association is termed as "separateness" by Bailey's demon control. Any personal "rights" that might separate one from the control of Bailey's god and anything that would alter an individual's complete unwavering allegiance to Bailey's god is separateness.(*)
We now have the basic meaning for Bailey's code word "separateness" and when this code word is used you should refer back to this basic meaning.
Shortly, using Bailey's own words, we will discover what Bailey considers the *worst form of separateness - the following of fundamental Judeo-Christian doctrine*. But, first it seems that Bailey's control may have had some difficulty in defining the term "love;" a term she uses thousands of time.

"The expression of divine love is still in the making; the world is not yet full of love and few there are who understand the true meaning of the word. But - speaking symbolically - when the United Nations has emerged into factual and actual power, the welfare of the world will then be assured. What is that welfare but love in action?" (ROC, p. 9).
The United Nations plays an very important role in Master D. K.'s plan for it is from this or similar platforms that the satanic "Plan" is to be presented and controlled.
It is by examining Bailey's concept of evil that the true meanings of such terms as love, goodwill, service and right human relations are ascertained. In 1937, Bailey made a comment about the coming conflict in Europe. You will notice that her control considers this conflict a "right and good" thing.

"The disintegration in the world at this time is right and good, provided we understand why it is taking place and by what it should be succeeded. *Destruction, that is carried on with a view to eventual construction is right and proper . . . some ideas must exist as to subsequent reconstruction.*" (7, p. 463).
Master D. K. even calls this *destruction-construction* concept *The Principle of Conflict* and the results produce *The Ray of Harmony through Conflict*.(1, p. 623).
What I am about to relate may be difficult to believe and even more difficult to read. As is well-known, probably the greatest event in modern Bible prophesy since 70 A. D. is the official return of the Jews to Palestine in May 1948. There is no doubt that this one event would be highly repugnant to Bailey's controlling force since it would clearly indicate the beginning of its end. On the other hand, if individuals doubt the existence of such supernatural forces, then I feel they would be hard pressed to account for what I am about to relate. What appears next is, from Bailey's viewpoint, one of the most evil examples of "separateness" that has ever occurred.

Bailey wrote many of these quotations in 1948. (1, p. 620). Research indicates that other portions were written, at the least, during the period from March 1946 - March 1949.

"The Poles and the Irish are prime 'catalysts of conflict' and are constantly instigating difficulties between peoples. . . . *Today the Jewish people are engineering trouble*, and it is interesting to note that the main contention in the past of Poland, lately of the Irish, and today of the Jews, is territory, thus evidencing a most distorted sense of values. . . . They [the Jews] were also, during the years immediately following the war [World War II], under the control of a glamour imposed by the Zionist Dictators, who were attempting (somewhat unsuccessfully) to be to the Jewish people what Stalin and his group, and Hitler and his gang, have been to their people. . . . They worked through the same methods - terrorising, withholding information, browbeating their opponents, making false claims and bribing and corrupting. . . . They are claiming a land to which they have no possible right . . . . *The Jew has ever been (could he but usefully remember it) the symbol of humanity - evolving, seeking, restless, materialistic, *separative* and greedy*." (1, p. 634-635)
As to The Holocaust, Bailey's demon control down plays the significance of this most evil of events.
"The Jewish people . . . ; they forget that millions in the world today have suffered as they have suffered and that - for instance - there are eighty per cent of other people in the concentration camps of Europe and only twenty per cent Jews. . . . I have enlarged thus upon the Jewish conflict because it is the symbol of all past conflicts in human history, based upon universal selfishness and the greed of undeveloped humanity, . . ." (1, p. 635). "Now they [the United Nations] have made another [mistake]. . . . for it is the American Jews who have created the situation, with relatively little help or endorsement from Jews of other nations. The United States . . . have thrown the weight of their influence into the conflict on the side of aggression and of territorial theft. They could have worked for the Principle of Harmony and permitted time and the non-*separativeness* of the nations to adjust and solve the Jewish problem." (1, p. 636).
In the next quotations, you will discover that Bailey's control *approves of the teachings of Marx and Lenin but not how their teachings have been implemented* in Russia. This proves that Sanat Kumara is not all knowing since in 1981 it was irrefutably demonstrated that combining Marxism with any supernatural philosophy, including Bailey's, would yield a highly overtly inconsistent, contradictory and dangerous philosophy that would be overthrown (11). [Indeed, as is well-know, this 1982 prediction has occurred.] Also we have the introduction of two new code phases - *the Great White Lodge that aids in the externalization of Bailey's theology and the Black Lodge that attempts to externalize the precepts of the Judeo-Christian and similar doctrine*.

"The major battle in the word today is that of the freedom of the average citizen to think for himself and to come to his own decisions and conclusions. [This is logically inconsistent with other Bailey statements relative to separateness and appears to be used only as a deceitful appeal to human pride.] It is here that the major quarrel between the {Great White Lodge} and the {Black Lodge} is to be found. It is a battle in which humanity itself is the decisive factor, and for this reason th

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Sat May 23, 2020 9:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

In the book by Alice Anne Bailey, The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, we learn :

“That in place of Christianity the Mystery Religions will be restored by the Church (Vatican II) and Freemasonry.”[1]

For this to be so either the Church and Freemasonry have always served those with the will to global domination, or they have been infiltrated and taken over by something other than that which created them. History presents the latter modus operandi as the reality of the situation, especially when it comes to the ‘supposedly’ Protestant network Freemasonry.[2] And :

What was the character of King Solomon and who is rebuilding his temple?

To further add to a major deception played by those who really control global events against the people of the world, Benjamin Disraeli (Prime Minister of England 1844) had this too say :

“The World is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.”

The Protestant Reformation was a schism created by Rome (the empire) to serve Rome. To build a global empire of materialism (East India Conglomerates), Rome had to divide or lose the authority over the Vatican system, which has Christ as her foundation.

To divide, Rome had to create a revulsion enough that many thousands of people would turn away from her authority, only then could a division become a possibility.

Freemasonry began as the network to protect Protestant nations from falling back into the hands of Rome, or this is what they claim, but the reality is Freemasonry began when the Rosicrucians merged with the beleaguered Mason Guilds when the great cathedral build came to a close. The Jesuits were formed to combat the expansion of the Protestant networks and ultimately to bring them back under the yoke of Rome. See Here

From the book, Rulers Of Evil, we learn :

“subtle provision in Vox clamantis transferred most Templar estates to the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem, who took possession after King Philip’s death. In Germany and Austria, the Templars became ‘Rosicrucians and ‘Teutonic Knights.

Teutonic Knights grew strong in Mainz, birthplace of Gutenberg’s press. Six centuries later, as the ‘Teutonic Order, the Knights would provide the nucleus of Adolf Hitler’s political support in Munich and Vienna.”

“The Edinburgh lodge would become the headquarters of Scottish Rite Freemasonry, which Masonic historians call ‘American Freemasonry because all but five of the signers of the Declaration of Independence are said to have practiced its craft. In Spain and Portugal the Templars became the ‘Illuminati in whom I’igo had taken membership at Manresa, and ‘Knights of Christ. It was under the red part cross of the Knights of Christ that Columbus had taken possession of what he called ‘las Indias for King Ferdinand V of Spain, grandfather of I’igo’s discreet patron, Charles I and V, the Holy Roman Emperor.”

“As early as August of 1523, as I hypothesised in the previous chapter, this vast yet fragmented subterranean empire Roman Catholicism’s unseen root-system binding together the world belonged to I’igo de Loyola. His spiritual dynasty, which continues to this day, would use this system to cause God-fearing men who hated the papacy to perform, without realising it, exactly how the papacy wanted them to.

“The Inquisition’s effect, of course, was to send the more resourceful of the ‘heretics, Protestants and Liberals who escaped torture or execution scurrying underground, or into the burgeoning world of commerce, or into regions where Protestant civil authorities kept Inquisitors at bay. Yearning for a less intrusive religious experience, they joined attractive philosophical fraternities where they could speak freely against Roman Catholicism. For this ostensible reason, these fraternities or cults or lodges operated in secrecy. In fact, they were the remnants of the Templar network Rosicrucians, Teutonic Knights, the numerous and various rites of Freemasonry. Like the Templars and the Jesuits, they were religious hierarchies of strict obedience. They differed from the Jesuits, however, in that their pyramid culminated in an ultimate authority no brother could identify with certainty. The highest master of a Lodge received commandments from an ‘Unknown Superior, a Superior whose will the master’s whole struggle up the degrees had trained him to obey without question. What the masters never realised was that this mysterious personage, as we shall examine in more detail later, was in fact none other than the Black Pope.

“Freemasonry was the natural, the reasonable, the only intelligent way for the Roman Catholic Church to control the ongoing affront of Protestantism, the increase in ‘divine right kings heading their own national churches independent of Vatican control, and the incredible explosion of international mercantilism. The Jesuit General is the disembodied eye substituting for the pyramid’s missing capstone, the stone the builders rejected.”

“Both Freemasonry and the Society of Jesus are humanist religious orders, secretive, fraternal, socially conscientious and politically active questing, like Aeneas, the prototypical Roman, for the greatest good for the greatest number. Both orders hold Tradition, Reason, and Experience in equal if not greater esteem than the Bible, employ carefully structured programs of gnostic visualisation to achieve an ever-increasing knowledge of the divine, condone ‘the end justifies the means, and require absolute obedience, secured by blood oath, to a hierarchy of superiors culminating in the Jesuit General, whose orders are so wisely suited to the recipient that they are obeyed as though willed by the recipient himself.

(Quoted from the book, Rulers Of Evil by Tupper Saussy, pp. 40-41, 58-59, 120-121)

The Jesuit Order today has its first openly Jesuit Pope in Francis. It is clear his agenda is not of the Vatican theology or tradition, yet the power hungry Vestey’s would indeed benefit from the new theology, in fact we can say the current expression of Catholicism is entirely the outlook of the current expression of the Jesuit Order. What this presents is the fact not only has Freemasonry, especially the Scottish Rite, been subject to takeover by the illumined, so too the Vatican. With Vatican II being the brainchild of the Illuminist’s from inside the South American Continent, the centre of power for the Vestey.

This suggests also that Zionism is the child of the same.

https://thebridgelifeinthemix.info/history/in-profile-the-esoteric-age nda/#sthash.4Uh8Uhjy.dpbs

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 1:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

New Age movement
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J. Gordon Melton
Distinguished Professor of American Religious History, Institute for Studies in Religion, Baylor University; Director, Institute for the Study of American Religion, Woodway, Texas. Author of La Chiesa...
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New Age movement, movement that spread through the occult and metaphysical religious communities in the 1970s and ʾ80s. It looked forward to a “New Age” of love and light and offered a foretaste of the coming era through personal transformation and healing. The movement’s strongest supporters were followers of modern esotericism, a religious perspective that is based on the acquisition of mystical knowledge and that has been popular in the West since the 2nd century AD, especially in the form of Gnosticism. Ancient Gnosticism was succeeded by various esoteric movements through the centuries, including Rosicrucianism in the 17th century and Freemasonry, theosophy, and ritual magic in the 19th and 20th centuries.

In the late 19th century Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, cofounder of the Theosophical Society, announced a coming New Age. She believed that theosophists (who embraced Buddhist and Brahmanic notions such as reincarnation) should assist the evolution of the human race and prepare to cooperate with one of the Ascended Masters of the Great White Brotherhood whose arrival was imminent. Blavatsky believed that, as the world’s hidden leaders, members of this mystical brotherhood guided the destiny of the planet. Her ideas contributed to expectation of a New Age among practitioners of Spiritualism and believers in astrology, for whom the coming of the new Aquarian Age promised a period of brotherhood and enlightenment.

Blavatsky’s successor, Annie Besant, predicted the coming of a messiah, or world saviour, who she believed was the Indian teacher Jiddu Krishnamurti. In the 1940s Alice A. Bailey, founder of the Arcane School (an organization that disseminated spiritual teachings), suggested that a new messiah, the Master Maitreya, would appear in the last quarter of the 20th century. Bailey also established the “Triangles” program to bring people together in groups of three to meditate daily. Participants in the program believed that they received divine energy, which they shared with those around them, thus raising the general level of spiritual awareness.

After Bailey’s death, former members of the Arcane School created a host of new independent theosophical groups within which hopes of a New Age flourished. These groups claimed the ability to transmit spiritual energy to the world and allegedly received channeled messages from various preternatural beings, especially the Ascended Masters of the Great White Brotherhood. For example, Scotland’s Findhorn Foundation believed that its purported contact with a variety of nature spirits produced spectacular agricultural feats, despite the poor soil and climate of the group’s settlement.

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As expectations of a New Age increased in the 1960s, a new organization, the Universal Foundation, appeared. Its wealthy leader, Anthony Brooke, traveled widely beginning in the mid-1960s, predicting that an apocalyptic event would occur during the Christmas season of 1967. Although the event never took place, an international network of New Age groups emerged.

While esotericism grew, its major representative, theosophy, suffered significant setbacks. In the 1880s Blavatsky was accused of faking miraculous events associated with her contact with the Ascended Masters. In the early 20th century the Theosophical Society was hurt again, this time by a series of sex scandals involving its leaders, and Besant was personally embarrassed by the defection of Krishnamurti in 1929. Nonetheless, the society was a significant catalyst in promoting public acceptance of the notion of psychic reality and conducted a program to raise awareness of other religious traditions among its members and the predominantly Christian general public.

Birth of the movement
In 1970 American theosophist David Spangler moved to the Findhorn Foundation, where he developed the fundamental idea of the New Age movement. He believed that the release of new waves of spiritual energy, signaled by certain astrological changes (e.g., the movement of the Earth into a new cycle known as the Age of Aquarius), had initiated the coming of the New Age. He further suggested that people use this new energy to make manifest the New Age. Spangler’s view was in stark contrast to that of Bailey and her followers, who believed that the new era would arrive independent of human actions. Spangler’s perspective demanded an active response and shifted the responsibility for the coming of the New Age to those who believed in it.

Returning to the United States in the mid-1970s, Spangler became the major architect of the movement. He presented his ideas in a set of popular books beginning with Revelation: The Birth of a New Age (1976) and attracted many leaders from older occult and metaphysical organizations to the growing movement. The collapsing psychedelic movement also provided new supporters, including spokespersons such as noted psychologist Richard Alpert, who, like Timothy Leary, was an advocate of the use of hallucinogenic drugs to achieve mystical experiences. Alpert, however, found enlightenment in India, and returning to the West as Baba Ram Dass, he disavowed the drug experience and advocated more traditional spiritual disciplines. Simultaneously, periodicals were published to disseminate information and to create a sense of community within the decentralized movement. As the movement grew, bookstores opened that specialized in the sale of New Age books, videos, and meditative aids.

Fundamental ideas
The New Age movement united a body of diverse believers with two simple ideas. First, it predicted that a New Age of heightened spiritual consciousness and international peace would arrive and bring an end to racism, poverty, sickness, hunger, and war. This social transformation would result from the massive spiritual awakening of the general population during the next generation. Second, individuals could obtain a foretaste of the New Age through their own spiritual transformation. Initial changes would put the believer on the sadhana, a new path of continual growth and transformation.

Although most followers of New Age teachings believe that the new era is still to come, Benjamin Crème announced that a world saviour, or Maitreya, would appear in 1982. The initial interest stirred by that prediction waned when the Maitreya failed to appear, but Crème continued to use his organization, Share International, to foretell the saviour’s imminent arrival.

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New Age movement
New religious movement

Realizing the New Age
Traditional occult practices (e.g., tarot reading, astrology, yoga, meditation techniques, and mediumship) were integrated into the movement as tools to assist personal transformation. Transpersonal psychology (an approach combining Eastern mysticism and Western rationalism to understand psychological health and spiritual well-being) and other new academic disciplines that study states of consciousness encouraged the belief that consciousness-altering practices (such as Zen meditation) could be practiced apart from the particular contexts in which they originated. Moreover, many other techniques used to achieve personal transformation were enlisted in the effort to bring about “planetary healing” and societal transformation.

The movement also spoke to the sick and psychologically wounded, especially those who had been unable to find help though traditional medicine and psychotherapy. Aligning themselves with the Holistic Health movement—which advocated alternative and natural healing practices such as massage, natural food diets, chiropractic, and acupuncture—believers in the New Age promoted spiritual healing. They also sought the integration of older divinatory practices (astrology, tarot, and I Ching) with standard psychological counseling.

Two transformative tools, channeling and the use of crystals, were identified with the New Age movement as it peaked in the 1980s. Many New Agers discovered their psychic abilities and became known as channels. Either consciously or in a trance, they claimed to establish contact with various preternatural or extraterrestrial entities who spoke through them on a wide range of spiritual, philosophical, and psychological topics. Some of the beings who “spoke” through channels (e.g., Seth, Ramtha, and Lazarus) became popular teachers themselves, and some of the more popular channelers founded new organizations.


Drawing upon the myth of Atlantis, one channeler, Frank Alpert, proposed the use of crystals as healing-transformative tools. He suggested that the ancient civilization had lived off the power of crystals and fell because of its ruler’s unwise and immoral use of them. Crystals were thought to be great reservoirs of energy and distinct healing and of transformative powers that could be released for personal benefit. In the 1980s they were among the most popular items at New Age stores and conventions; however, critics were quick to point out the unscientific nature of the movement’s claims for crystals.

Some members of the movement found support for their belief in their ability to transform world culture in a story about monkeys learning to wash food. According to the story, reportedly taken from the anthropological literature, a number of monkeys learned by example to wash their food. After the 100th monkey had absorbed the lesson, all monkeys jumped ahead in consciousness and started washing their food. The story turned out to be a significant distortion of the scientific report; however, many New Agers believed that if a small critical mass of people adopted the more advanced perspective of the New Age, there would be a sudden explosion of higher consciousness throughout the world. The 100th-monkey idea led to a series of mass gatherings beginning with the Harmonic Convergence, which was a set of coordinated gatherings of people at various places around the world on August 16–17, 1987 that was designed to bring about a leap in human consciousness.

Post-New Age
By the end of the 1980s, the New Age movement had lost its momentum. Although primarily a religious movement, it was derided for its acceptance of unscientific ideas and practices (especially its advocacy of crystals and channeling). Then Spangler, Los Angeles publisher Jeremy Tarcher, and the editors of several leading New Age periodicals announced that although they still adhered to the goals of personal transformation, they no longer believed in the coming New Age. By the mid-1990s, it was evident that the movement was dying, and New Agers in Europe began to speak of the move from “New Age to Next Stage.”

The New Age movement proved to be one of the West’s most significant religious phenomena of the 20th century. It improved the image of older esoteric religious groups, which continue to be referred to as the New Age community, and allowed many of its largest groups to find a place in the West’s increasingly pluralistic culture. Although its vision of massive social transformation died, the movement attracted hundreds of thousands of new adherents to one branch or other of the Western esoteric-metaphysical tradition. More than one-fifth of adults in the West give credence to astrology; an equal number have practiced some form of meditation. Three to five million Americans identified themselves as New Agers or as accepting the beliefs and practices of the New Age movement in the late 1980s. The continuing presence of New Age thought in the post-New Age era is evident in the number of New Age bookstores, periodicals, and organizations that continued to be found in nearly every urban centre.

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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