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David Shayler silences Lone Critic at 911 Screening

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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
Trustworthy Freedom Fighter

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 3:47 pm    Post subject: David Shayler silences Lone Critic at 911 Screening Reply with quote

The following News item can be located at: http://www.911eyewitness.com/truth/index.php?name=News&file=article&si d=27

Is the American Press still Free?

This was the title of a controversial presentation at a prestigious press club in Tokyo, Japan, Tuesday, March 14. The New York Times Tokyo Bureau Chief, Jim Brooks, said that he couldn't attend an official press function about 9/11 or he would be fired. Coincidentally, the Reuters Bureau chief, Daniel Sloan, was also a strong opponent to the event being held, but he and Brooks were voted down by international members and the event was able to go ahead.

911Eyewitness was screened during dinner for 50 international journalists at the Tokyo, Foreign Correspondents Club of Japan and received tremendous applause.

Was this meeting the reason that the 911 Eyewitness site was hacked? Did this screening for influential journalists trigger a retaliatory attack on the news website?

Are the evildoers getting worried about the scientific analysis of controlled demolition presented in 911Eyewitness?

Could this line of inquiry be the weak link that they have no debunking defense against?
Long-standing FCCJ member Benjamin Fulford, former Tokyo Bureau Chief for Forbes Magazine, chaired the discussion about 9/11 evidence. He talked about his own personal epiphany after researching the evidence available on the net. He challenged the international press to do their own investigations to determine whether the bloggers have scooped the mainstream press on the true story behind the terrorism of Sept. 11, 2001.

Those in attendance were virtually unanimous in agreement that controlled demolition brought down the towers after watching 911Eyewitness.

The lone vocal critic who labeled 911Eyewitness analysis featuring Newton's Laws of Science as "propaganda" was quickly silenced by additional testimony from ex-MI5 agent David Shayler, stating 9/11 was an inside job, streaming from the internet on Google's video site.

The evening was a resounding success for 9/11 truth.

Japan is currently buzzing with numerous magazine articles on 9/11 and may prove to be a key ally in the fight for truth. Stay tuned for more...
Note: This morning we got the site operational again after it was brought down by hackers on the 14th. Coincidence that it was not available to the Conference?

An outstanding result for David Shayler and the team at 911 Truth Bristol.
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 5:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks for a very uplifting post Ian,


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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 6:34 pm    Post subject: WTC Collapse should be primary focus Reply with quote

From the Article above:
Are the evil-doers getting worried about the scientific analysis of controlled demolition presented in 911 Eyewitness?

Could this line of inquiry be the weak link that they have no debunking defense against?

Whilst there are many aspects of 9/11 that warrant further investigation, it is becoming increasingly evident that it is the focus on the WTC collapse (including Building 7), which is causing most concern amongst the spin-meisters of the orthodox version.

Once the WTC collapse has been assimilated, it's a short step to recognising that the entire 9/11 event was an extremely well-executed example of psychological warfare. So well-executed that the vast majority of the American and British people still fall for the 'smoke & mirror' story of the MSM.

However, the number of people seeing through the charade is increasing on a daily basis ........... and once they do see through it, there is no turning back!

Some may elect to 'shut it out', due to the perceived impact upon their material well-being, but many will mull it over and realise, just like Prof. Steven E. Jones, that this is too big to ignore.

Two weeks after presenting his paper, ('Why Indeed did the WTC Buildings Collapse?'), he withdrew the paper from the public domain after the G.W. Bush administration pressured Brigham Young University to twist his arm and order him to desist from making any further public statements.

In the last week of November 2005, Steve Jones issued the following statement, "I want to thank everyone for the attention, but it is best that I limit my appearances at this time. University officials and I have come to an understanding that in the best interest of all parties involved, it is better that I limit my speaking on 9/11 to academic peer reviews."

Fortunately, David Ray Griffin and James Fetzer didn't have to work too hard to convince Prof. Steve Jones that his paper was probably one of the most significant works in exposing the 9/11 fraud. The rest, as they say, is history. Along with David Ray Griffin & James Fetzer, Prof. Jones is one of the prime movers behind the 'Scholars for Truth' movement.

The primary lesson to be learned from this account is the recognition that it may take a while for people to comprehend the magnitude of what is unfolding. To accept the possibility of U.S. Government complicity is to undermine everything that one has been taught.

To all those who will be distributing flyers and DVD's at the 'Stop the War' march at the weekend, please don't despair if you don't get 'instant converts'. Sow the seeds and allow the 'slow burn' process to come into play.

It's a long haul.............but the truth will ultimately prevail.

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 11:35 pm    Post subject: Good One Ian Reply with quote


I echo Sonic's comments - & indeed, the truth will prevail.

By the way, have you (or anyone else) got any Word or PDF files of any flyers to hand out along with DVD's?

I've ordered 50 DVD's from KennyM & a decent succint flyer would be useful, if anyone has produced one for distribution.

I am not able to get to London this weekend, but I wish all 911 Truthers who will attend & aothers reading this to spread the word.

It's a long haul, but we can make it shorter.....
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ian neal
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 17, 2006 12:42 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

A big thank you for all involved in the Japan event

Here is the text for a leaflet we've printed for distribution on Saturday. 5000 to start with. More can be printed if there is demand. Thank you geoff

9/11 Truth Campaign
(Britain and Ireland)

A united call for a further investigation of 9/11 &
an independent inquiry into 7/7

www.nineeleven.co.uk info@nineeleven.co.uk

The 9/11 Commission failed in its mandate to give an independent, impartial, “full and complete accounting” of the attacks of September 11, 2001. Demand full disclosure and accountability. Demand answers to the questions. We seek the truth.

Check out the evidence yourself

It’s never been easier. Watch leading 9/11 documentaries on line or access 9/11 DVDs and books at cost price via the network’s forum. Debate and challenge the evidence. Watch the news footage and recordings from the day and discover the evidence the corporate media doesn’t want you to see and then ask yourself why? Why does the media continue to ignore the 9/11 truth movement, the lawsuits, the Able Danger investigations and the dodgy connections that link both ‘sides’ of the war of terror? What are they hiding about

• The intelligence ‘failures’
• The air defense ‘failures’
• The insider trading
• The collapses of WTC 1, 2 and 7
• The Pentagon crash site
• The Pennsylvania crash site
• Over 200 claimed smoking guns

Compelling and verifiable evidence and testimony directly challenges the 9/11 Commission’s report. This evidence is omitted from or contradicted by the report. Awkward questions presented to the commission by the Family Steering Committee remain unanswered. (Sources: David Ray Griffin: ‘9/11 Commission Report: distortions and omissions’ and Ian Henshall: 9/11 revealed)

One voice

We are a loose network of campaigners and researchers that has grown up since 2004. The network is growing rapidly with local groups and email clusters springing up around the country. The campaign recognizes that there is a diverse range of opinion amongst 9/11 truth campaigners. The campaign does not endorse any one position.

What we do say is when taken in totality the evidence overwhelmingly supports the need to reopen 9/11. We promote greater awareness and debate of 9/11. We seek support from across any manufactured political, social or religious divides. We seek tolerance, debate and diversity across the movement and reject all forms of hatred, bigotry, violence and fascism.

Who is challenging the official account?

Michael Meacher MP, John Pilger (journalist), Sibel Edmonds (FBI interpreter), Josef Bodansky, (director of the Congressional Task Force on Terrorism and Unconventional Warfare), David Shayler (former MI5 officer), Scott Ritter (UN Weapons Inspector), Andreas von Buelow (German government minister), Max Cleland (original 9/11 commissioner who resigned), Morgan Reynolds (economist in GW Bush administration), US and Icelandic Green Parties, Charles Grassley (Republican Senator), David Schippers (Attorney), Cynthia McKinney (US Congress), over 100 of family members, a majority of New Yorkers (source: 2004 Zogby International poll) and a growing global movement

9/11 and the War of Terror

9/11 has given us the ‘War on Terror’ and led to 3 dodgy dossiers, Anthrax terror cover-up, Niger Yellow Cake lies, Plamegate, two illegal and immoral wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, the Downing Street memo, the Hutton and Butler shams, 7/7 cover-up, extraordinary rendition, the Civil Contingencies Act, Guantanamo Bay and Abu Ghraib, over 100000 civilian deaths, a war bill estimated at $2 trillion, the rebirth of Star Wars and battlefields poisoned with depleted uranium (half life 4.5 billion years).

The sheer scale and audacity of the 9/11 cover-up and other lies suggests we are already living in a world of state managed propaganda where powerful elites and institutions collude to keep unpalatable truths from the people. The neo-cons and their shadowy nexus are bent on driving humanity towards a clash of civilisations. Any clash of religions is not God's will but their shadowy game to sow fear, division and war around the world. This is truly the clash of global fascism with global people power. United we can not be defeated.

Blair, on the eve of Operation Enduring Freedom, Afghanistan, said “This is a moment to seize. The kaleidoscope has been shaken. The pieces are in flux. Soon they will settle again. Before they do, let us re-order this world around us”. This is indeed the moment to seize but not as Blair foresaw it. We will transform the world and exposing the 9/11 cover-up is a key, maybe THE key. We will expose the war criminals and the lying liars that keep immune. Impeach Blair, Impeach Bush.

Become the campaign, email info@nineeleven.co.uk or visit www.nineeleven.co.uk

"We must speak the truth about terror. Let us never tolerate outrageous conspiracy theories concerning the attacks of September the 11th, …"
“President” GW Bush at the UN 11/10/2001

Fear and ignorance divide, Love and truth unite
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 17, 2006 8:04 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ian is there any chance of adding the financil cost to OUR COUNTRY for the war in Iraq to the flyer?

Many us know the cost to the people of America, both financially and in lives, but how many people know how many British lives have been lost and how much we the taxpayers of our country have to pay and exactly how many billions of pounds it has cost our country.


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