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Chemtrails - banned from GrumpyOldSod

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 3:51 am    Post subject: Chemtrails - banned from GrumpyOldSod Reply with quote

I just thought i'd inform this forum that i've been banned from the the following website: www.grumpyoldsod.com

I was trying to tell them about chemtrails and how they may be dangerous to peoples health.

But they have labeled me a nutcase for putting forward all these ideas and have banned me.

They can seem to get their heads around the possibility that goverments could be so evil to their own people.

I have never been banned from any site before and i feel very upset, but i was only trying to warn them.

That is what you get for having peoples best intrests at heart it seems.

At no time was i ever rude or nasty to anyone, and i didn't try to put anybody down either.

I tryied to put my case with sensible arguments but all most of them could do was respond with slander.

No wonder why David Icke calls them sheeple.

But they also belive the offical story of 9/11 as well.

I really have never come across such closed minded, narrow minded people in all my life.

I was only trying to help them.

Apparently an MP who has outed the fact about chemtrails is Norman Baker.

He is a Liberal Democrat In the constituancy of lewes.

I'm going to email him for more information.

But also a long time ago i seem to remember a person from my past who said that they have already invented cures for some of the illnesses that they say today are not able to be cured.

The reason for witholding them is one the cost of producing the cure on a mass scale.

And two, if they started to cure people of fatal illnesses there would very quickly become a huge world population crisis.

So a balance must be kept between the birth rate and the death rate of the people of this world, otherwise it could lead to serious problems.

Chemical spraying to enduce slow death could be a covert way of keeping that balance equal, or if they wanted to increase the death rate to compensate for the birth rate.

But i do feel very sad about being banned as i was only trying to spread news of a possible danger to the people.

One sure way for evil to prevail, is for the good to do nothing.
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 8:26 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Don't worry Louise, it does happen, I'm afraid that you must just take this sort of thing 'on the chin'.

Recently some of us were discussing on a science forum the impossibility of the physics regarding the three world trade centres collapsing into their own footprints at near freefall speeds and accelerations (as per the official explanation) without some other energy source available to pulverise the concrete and render the steel supports useless. They just could not see this, refusing even to look at any peer reviewed papers written by qualified scientists who have researched this, and by the end of it they were arguing that 'black was white'. Yup, it is quite scary to realise just how brainwashed the masses of people are, and they think we're 'conspiracy nutcases' (and worse!!!). You've simply seen this brainwashing firsthand now, that is all.

Others on this forum were arguing on a structural engineers' blog, and getting much the same response.

But that is not to say that you and others should not be discussing these matters on relevant forums, even though you know there will be rejection. On the contrary, although I may argue the case with those who similarly argue back, in reality I think of the people, and they are the most, who read the postings but do not comment. It is some of those who may be exposed to the questions for the first time and may start to look at them for themselves, not the dogmatic 'black is white' posters.

To me it shows just how easy it is for the ruling powers to manipulate public opinion. The latest breathtaking arrogance for me is to appoint Blair as Middle East Peace envoy. A man who, in my opinion, has illegally invaded two Middle Eastern countries and killed thousands of innocent citizens in those countries, not to mention the lives lost of our own young men and women in our armed forces, forces which should be deployed for defensive purposes only. Blair should be arrested and taken to the Hague to answer charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity!!!
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 9:21 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks for your reply spiv.

These people on that other site seem only to trust the mainstream media (OOOPS!!!!!!).

I don't think hey know how the mainstream media is controlled and how the news that is released is controlled.

Also they don't seem to be able to learn from history, the past lies, cover-ups and false flags that the goverment has commited that is now part of public record.

it's like knowing something terrible is going to happen, like a plane is going to crash or something.

And your trying to warn people to save their lives, but they dismiss you as being a nutcase and don't belive you.

So people die just because they thought you were a nutcase.

In fact i have heard of that happening, some person has had a dream of a terrible event and they've tried to warn people.

People have ignored them and that event has happend and people have died.

Also it seems that only people with prominance and significance get belived, a person who has virtually nothing (like me) is brushed off as a nutcase.

For example if i said something people won't belive me, if then Gordon Brown said the same thing people would just except it without question.

But we'd be both just as right (or wrong) as each other.

One sure way for evil to prevail, is for the good to do nothing.
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Long Tooth
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 11:54 am    Post subject: Re: I have been banned Reply with quote

Louise wrote:
I just thought i'd inform this forum that i've been banned from the the following website: www.grumpyoldsod.com

I was trying to tell them about chemtrails and how they may be dangerous to peoples health.

But they have labeled me a nutcase for putting forward all these ideas and have banned me.

They can seem to get their heads around the possibility that goverments could be so evil to their own people.

I have never been banned from any site before and i feel very upset, but i was only trying to warn them.

That is what you get for having peoples best intrests at heart it seems.

At no time was i ever rude or nasty to anyone, and i didn't try to put anybody down either.

I tryied to put my case with sensible arguments but all most of them could do was respond with slander.

No wonder why David Icke calls them sheeple.

But they also belive the offical story of 9/11 as well.

I really have never come across such closed minded, narrow minded people in all my life.

I was only trying to help them.

Apparently an MP who has outed the fact about chemtrails is Norman Baker.

He is a Liberal Democrat In the constituancy of lewes.

I'm going to email him for more information.

But also a long time ago i seem to remember a person from my past who said that they have already invented cures for some of the illnesses that they say today are not able to be cured.

The reason for witholding them is one the cost of producing the cure on a mass scale.

And two, if they started to cure people of fatal illnesses there would very quickly become a huge world population crisis.

So a balance must be kept between the birth rate and the death rate of the people of this world, otherwise it could lead to serious problems.

Chemical spraying to enduce slow death could be a covert way of keeping that balance equal, or if they wanted to increase the death rate to compensate for the birth rate.

But i do feel very sad about being banned as i was only trying to spread news of a possible danger to the people.

I got banned from the channel 4 forum within 2 minutes of posting links to michael meiring, the american secret agent who blew his own legs off making bombs in the phillipines, within 20 seconds of posting, a shill pounced on me, accusing me of being a nutcase, asking for refrences, i replied within a minute, giving links to phillipine and asian newspapers were the story was huge. he replied, ''you have caught me'' with which i was banned and my post removed!!!! no explanation ever from channel 4 of why i was banned, but i already know why. Wink

For others, the thought of truth is too much to contemplate. Much easier to be safely the middle of the herd, rather than be 'alone' in the wilderness of the truth prairie. Its a coping mechanism for people, to believe in officialdom.

you cannot have mrs jones questioning the lies of why her little johnnie is going off to wars, no no no, hes a hero to her and nothing we say or do will change her views, the truth is too painful to confront, so she ignores it and clings to fantasy.

the majority of people are brainwashed, indoctrinated etc from cradle to grave, the system sees to that. You should feel good about yourself and not let idiots like those on that forum get you down. you see how things work, you see throught he deciets and lies, nobody can take that away from you, laugh at their stupity. they think they are living in 'heaven' when they are living in 'hell'. ( please religioso's dont ambush me on that analogy)

As for illnesses being cured, you are correct, the pharmaceutical industry dosant want cancer cured, everytime a pill is despensed that means a sale, to cure cancer would mean billions of sales eradicated instantly, they do not want that.

Imagine no more manufactured wars, everytime a bullet or bomb is dropped, thats another sale, another profit. War, pharmaceuticals and oil, thats huge business, all strings pulled by the same people behind the scenes.

Of course mrs jones dosant want to hear these things, shes too knackered after slaving 9 hours a day to even think for herself, especially on £6 a hour before tax, she's thinks shes doing well, a car thats not paid for she calls her own, a house she will not own for 25 years, which she thinks is hers, struggling through life she is brainwashed to believe she is 'free' because she has democracy, why the newspapers, radio and tv keeps telling her continuously, and besides compared to the death and poverty worldwide, she believes in the fantasy that she is well off. And look at my little johnnie marching off to war to save those iraqis and bring them freedom and democracy, oh what a hero he is.

The reality is too frightning to even contemplate for her, she needs the safety of the middle of the herd, if she wanders to the loneliness of the wilderness to seek truth, the herd will never allow her back into its midst, her workmates and family will ostracise her, she becomes the blacksheep nutcase. so she forms her views, as a defense mechanism, to stay firmly in the warmth and security of the herd.
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Mark Gobell
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 12:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Nice post LT.

For others, the thought of truth is too much to contemplate. Much easier to be safely the middle of the herd, rather than be 'alone' in the wilderness of the truth prairie.

So be careful, otherwise you may be forced to endure the excruciating pains of individual thought, feelings and the ultimate curse of a call to action.

There's safety in numbers
When you learn to divide
How can we be in
When there is no outside

All shades of opinion
Feed an open mind
But your values are twisted
Let me help you unwind . . .

The Medium is the Massage - Marshall McLuhan.
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 1:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Very nice poem Mark Gobell.

These wars in iraq and Afghanistan are they all part of the plans to Build an american empire?.

If so i guess it will expand to other middle eastern countrys.

Also the middle east is very rich in natrual resorces not just oil i suspect, so if bush can get control of all of those he will be even more powerfull.

But what of countrys like Pakistan and India?.

They have nuclear power so woudn't they be a threat to the american empire?.

I got a feeling that something else might happen in america before the elections come around again whitch i think is next year sometime, something will happen to keep George Bush in charge perhaps.

Or they could simply rig the vote maybe so he stays in charge.

If he has started on a big plan for the world, surely he's got to stay there and see the plan through, i don't think he'd like to hand the reigns of that plan to anybody else.

And all this really started when 9/11 happend, it paved the way for what was to come.

On the guestbook where i got banned i think that they are getting frustrated as to why the troops are over there still and why britain and america are not pulling their troops out.

But to keep troops over there is to keep defence spending hiigh and that's what america wants.

I did try to urge them to read "rebuilding america's defences" by PNAC.

But i was probably ignored, after all i'm just a nutcase arn't i.

Also i think that america has built permenant bases over there as well.

One sure way for evil to prevail, is for the good to do nothing.
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marky 54
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 2:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

the website you got banned from certainly fits.

not only are the called grumpyoldsods but they have the words, don't walk, don't smoke, don't drink, don't think on the front page, they must be using it as a code.
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Mark Gobell
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 3:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The lines were not written by me Louise, they're from a song called Not One of Us by Peter Gabriel.

Glad you liked them though.

As for the long term plans for the Middle East, good question.

Indisputably about resources, US & British hegemony, the Balkanization of Iraq, probable confrontation with Iran & Syria, longer term geo-strategy vis Russia & China etc

As for Pakistan, the writing is on the wall for General Musharraf's Military Junta.

If Pakistan and India are not forced into some conflict before too many more years I'd be surprised.

I wouldn't be surprised if Pakistan will eventually become just another front in the never ending war of terror, once they've outlived their usefulness as an eastern buffer to Iran that is and once the well runs dry of ISI trained useful Jihadists

As for Bush, he, like all US Presidents is limited to two terms, unless of course they rip up that part of their constitution before 4.11.8

There is growing speculation that the neo-fascists currently occupying the White House are not going to relinquish control very easily.

They've already stolen two elections so three in a row is a safe bet.

The Medium is the Massage - Marshall McLuhan.
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 21, 2007 1:10 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

This is a message for: marky 54

Whatever you do DON'T go on that website i got banned from and tell them about your UFO experience.

The responce you'll get dosen't bear thinking about.

One sure way for evil to prevail, is for the good to do nothing.
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 21, 2007 5:55 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

personally i have been banned from many noticeboards
there are plenty more you can write on.
Unfortunately many places just dont want to hear the truth or are too scared too.
Im surprised this board hasnt banned me too the amount i disagree with people Very Happy

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 21, 2007 4:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I think that if this movements intentions is to dig into everything and find the truth.

I think we are going to have to take mickey taking and intimidation as the people who are behind these dirty evil secrets get more and more desprate to defend them and keep them concealed.

But always it is important to remember what side we are on and what we are fighting for.

It is also important to remember that they will use every dirty, evil, cunning, manipulative, invasive, devious, deceptive, tricking tactic against us to try to make us fail.



One sure way for evil to prevail, is for the good to do nothing.
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 12:58 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


It would be good to have a list of half decent places to post - like where haven't you been banned from?

karlos wrote:
personally i have been banned from many noticeboards
there are plenty more you can write on.
Unfortunately many places just dont want to hear the truth or are too scared too.
Im surprised this board hasnt banned me too the amount i disagree with people Very Happy

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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