i just wanted to dispel that myth and show what is possible.
can anybody honestly see a reason for not having them? sure the price needs to be reduced and few changes needed but is it really that hard to come up with something if the planet being saved is really an issue?
we are talking about people who can go into space and make technological advances on a daily basis, where the hell is the electric car? it seems to me there is no excuse for them not being around by now, especially if global warming is real and such a problem.
Watch "Who killed the electric car?" it's a torrent somewhere.
Folks need to do this themselves. Instantly they say, I don't know how, I am not mechanically minded, I wish I was able, I know nothing about cars.
I say, learn how, become mechanically minded, become able, learn about cars.
I've posted a lot of stuff about using water as fuel, right now I'm building better and better magnet motors and electrolysisers. I am not special, I have no money, no special equipment but I'm giving it a go.
A lot of people are content to sit about waiting for someone else to come up with a solution. The little red hen springs to mind.
A lot of people are content to sit about waiting for someone else to come up with a solution.
i agree but with the scientific community on top of everyone else, how the slight problems of the electric car (ie mass producing at effective prices) is a problem that cannot be overcome is puzzling. you'd think by now the problem would of been solved. i was suggesting the technology was being held back or ignored as the only problems listed with them are minor ones (we can work out how to go into space but not how to make electric cars cost effective, rubbish. there is no intrest in bringing the technology about more like.) as oppose to thinking everyone else should come up with the solution while the rest sit there and do nothing and leave it to the scientists only. but imo the solutions are already there and excuses are used to suppress it and one i hear everday folk use is, they cannot go as fast as a petrol car.
my only point where the scientific community and goverments are concerned is if globel warming is real and a concern why are they not pushing ahead with it? and if they are whats the hold up? the problems do not seem to major to me that qualified scientists and designers cannot overcome the problem.
We still run our transport system on a 100 year old model. Why? Because it pays to keep it that way.
Wouldn't it be good if we could modify our existing cars ourselves? Two fingers up to the system. Sorry guv'nor I don't need your crappy 'lectric pumped for miles down ugly vision polluting pylons.
The * motor was originally a magnet motor. Then Mazda wanted to make it a hydrogen engine. A visit soon told them, "no hydrogen here sunshine, buy the bloody oil and shut the hell up!" That's why the RX7 was plagued with the carbon tips burning out. They were never meant to run on petrol.
Meanwhile the masses are brainwashed, 9-5. Wear your "suit" with its "collar" and "cuffs" and a "tie" round your neck! That's right slave people don't look now but we got you by the balls!
Modern electro-magnetic theory is kindergarten. It's time we at least moved up to the infants class!
LOL it wouldn't let me write wankel
Reminds me of Apocalypse Now, "We train our boys to drop fire on children. But we don't let them write fuck on their airplanes........... because it's obscene!" _________________ Govern : To control
The only reason we don't have them is cause GM and big oil want to keep us dependent. Same reason we dont have the pre injection carburettor which offers 100mpg.
Even back in the 90's we hasd the technology, so now with the improvements in batteries that keep happening they would be even better. Every time you get a new mobile the battery is smaller lighter an has more capacity. _________________ www.wytruth.org.uk
Joined: 27 Mar 2006 Posts: 486 Location: Manchester
Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2007 11:42 pm Post subject:
Great clip Marky 54.
I've been trying to spread the word on 'Who Killed the Electric Car' for some time and should like to point out that its about £4 on DVD at Amazon.
I tried to get my Uni's 'Open Media Society' to screen it but they just blanked me and insinuated that 'their range of topics are already interesting enough'.
I think it would be wise to try and get screenings of WKTEC organised so that average Joes can see what is being kept from them. Demand would be huge for such vehicles if only people knew. Demands being the only way to get these types of vehicles back on the road and powered from the sun.
I also agree that the suppression doesn't seem to fit the GW/CC agenda and hence points toward it being bogus or a desire by the powers that be, to ensure we wreck the planet for the last bucks worth of oil sales.
Catfish, my hat goes off to you for what your endeavouring to do and I'd just like to ask what your opinion is of the Hummingbird Permanent Magnet motors and the Sundance Generator that the Tesla Electric Company demonstrated across America in their film 'The case for Free Electricity'? They look the dogs if they are genuine. _________________ The Peoples United Collective TPUC.ORG
Joined: 13 Sep 2006 Posts: 2568 Location: One breath from Glory
Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2007 1:40 am Post subject:
Has that speedy electric car been on Top Gear? Perhaps we could let Jeremy drive it instead of Hammond and with a bit of luck....... _________________ JO911B.
"for we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against rulers of the darkness of this world, against wicked spirits in high places " Eph.6 v 12
Back in the 1930's in the US, Standard Oil (Rockefeller) collaborated with General Motors, The Firestone Tyre and Rubber Co, Mack Truck and Philips Petroleum in a project called National City Lines. This basically meant buying out the electric tram systems in over 100 major US cities and then scrapping them to make way for cars, trucks and other oil driven vehicles. This consortium was fined $5000 in 1949 for such an act by a court in Chicago which of course was nothing at all and by then the damage had been done anyway.
Okay I've watched the Dennis Lee film. He doesn't really explain the Hummingbird motor so I can't comment at all.
The Sundance generator is just like something I've been dreaming up recently!
The coils arranged around the side in a U shape are just like the magneto on a lawnmower or a portable generator.
A lawnmower has no battery, no ignition coil yet still gets an umpteen thousand volt charge to the spark plug.
The lawnmower uses a magneto, a U shaped bit of metal with a primary coil wound on one leg of the U and a secondary on the other. The spark is created when the magnets embedded in the flywheel are forced past the magneto. On starting this is done by pulling the cord.
A bunch of magneto's around the wheel would produce a lot of volts. The size of the coils Lee is using would produce even more. This is simple and I don't see why it shouldn't work.
You guys may find this funny. I was deeply moved by "Who Killed The Electric Car?" earlier this year. I watched it on a transatlantic flight and when I came back to the UK, I got the video and made my friends watch it. I started investigating the conspiracies involved in killing off the EV1. And guess what? Type "conspiracy" and "Bush" into google and what do you get? 9/11. I came across "9/11 Mysteries" and was just knocked out: all my previous suppressed worries about 9/11 and my LIHOP fears became engaged...
So my interest in 9/11 was all derived from "Who Killed the Electric Car?" - it's a great and strangely moving documentary. The link between the two: Oil.
(I'm reminded of the British controlling salt production in India (just watch Ganhdi)).
Oil threatens civilization! (War, cost, pollution, limited resource etc). We need to move away from the Oil economy asap. As soon as suitable Electric Cars become available (or "Plug-in Hybrids") remember to go out and buy one!
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