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Brian Haw (RIP) says 9/11 Inside Job attacked by Nick Cohen
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ian neal
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 9:16 pm    Post subject: Parliament Square news Reply with quote

Latest from www.parliament-square.org.uk


Dear supporters of Brian Haw and the right to protest near Parliament,

Welcome to those you have recently joined this list. Since I last wrote
to everyone there has been much activity in the Square. Supporters
continued to stay there with Brian for some weeks and still a few
remain. The display is much reduced from what is was after the police
night time operation to remove it but it continues to make an impact.
In fact the area has now become a spot of demonstrations of many kinds
which take place almost every day. Read Brian's statement to the courts
about the loss of his possessions -

Since I last wrote to you the 5th anniversary of Brian being in the
Square calling for peace and justice has been commemorated - see
http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2006/05/340346.html?c=on#c148852 for
pictures and a report. Many of Brian's supporters gathered to celebrate
this incredible achievement.

Brian has won a victory against SOCPA as Westminster City Council
conceded to the limited use of his megaphone after court proceedings.
Brian is again the only person who is able to use a loudspeaker for
protest reasons. See the press release below for more on this story.

The latest news is that one of the court cases against Brian has been
dropped when the police decided to withdraw the summons. Brian had
initially been charge with demonstrating with authorisation despite the
fact that at the time he had been the only person in the country who
could demonstrate without asking police permission first. The charge
was later changed to one of obstruction. See the article below for more.

The challenges to the ban on unauthorised protest under the Serious
Organised Crime and Police Act continue every week with Sunday picnics
(www.peopleincommon.org) and a series of challenges by individual
supporters of Brian which has put the repressive new law on the front
page of the Independent and into other media yet again -
Steve Jago, Barbara Tucker and Charity Sweet have all been given hassle
and arrested for exercising their right to freedom of speech. See the
links to articles below for more details.

Finally, Brian is in court this Monday 24th for failing to comply with
SOCPA conditions. Support will be welcome - see below.

Many thanks for your continuing support.



Lots of coverage and discussion about the events in Parliament Square
can be found on Indymedia:

Particular articles of interest include:

parliament square 'forgotten protestor' faces deportation

today's successful socpa challenge

new socpa madness - illegal to carry a magazine article

One SOCPA for them, another SOCPA for us.

Blair laid bare: the article that may get you arrested
In the guise of fighting terrorism and maintaining public order, Tony
Blair's Government has quietly and systematically taken power from
Parliament and the British people. The author charts a nine-year assault
on civil liberties that reveals the danger of trading freedom for
security - and must have Churchill spinning in his grave
By Henry Porter
29 June 2006, Independent

Now, it's even considered seditious to read my article - The arrest of
Steve Jago under anti-terror laws convinces me to support David
Cameron's plan for a home-grown bill of rights
Henry Porter, Sunday July 2, 2006, The Observer
http://politics.guardian.co.uk/conservatives/comment/0,,1810940,00.htm l

Police hold mother-of-three for reading 'Independent' outside Downing
By Terry Kirby, Independent
01 July 2006

SOCPA - a send-off for ex-sergeant major edwin linton

SOCPA woman's child threatened by police this afternoon
03.07.2006 03:00

SOCPA - news of a brian haw court victory - allowed to use megaphone
03.07.2006 03:36

SOCPA - successful protest for blair this morning (pics coming)
12.07.2006 14:36

arrested for trying to deliver a letter


24 July 10am Horseferry Road Magistrates Court - Brian's pre trial
review for the charge of failing to comply with the SOCPA conditions the
police set on his protest.

27th July 10.15am at Southwark Crown Court - Chris Coverdale to appeal
on the basis of the law against a SOCPA conviction of demonstrating
without authorisation and using a megaphone. When Maria took an appeal
to the crown court her case was thrown out so this case could be
interesting. Meet outside at 0945 A

28th July at Marylebone Magistrates Courts - Peter D. on trial for
demonstrating without authorisation. He was assaulted by police during
the process. He is defending himself so support all the more welcome.

September - Steve Jago on trial - more later.



http://www.lse.co.uk/ShowStory.asp?story=XV2027310P&news_headline=case _dr

Case dropped against peace protestor Brian Haw
Thursday, 20th July 2006, 14:12
Category: Politics
---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---
Parliament Square's only permanant peace protester walked free from
court after allegations he deliberately obstructed the police were

Brian Haw, 57, who has been camped outside the House of Commons since
June 2001 campaigning for peace, was said to have blocked officers when
they tried to remove a banner at his vigil reading 'Bliar War Criminal'.

He was arrested in March this year and charged - but today, the CPS said
it did not feel it was in the public interest to continue the
prosecution against him.

Mr Haw, 57, appeared at the City of Westminster Magistrates Court
sporting a 'Sack Blair' t-shirt and maintained he was a victim of police

His barrister, Kate Aubrey-Johnson, told the court: "Mr Haw is extremely
distressed that the police have repeatedly brought charges against him
which are unsupported by evidence or fly in the face of the evidence.

"On this occasion he was charged with obstructing the police when in
fact he was seeking to retain a banner which was his own property and
marked as his own property. This banner he ultimately retained when he
left the police station.

"A true reflection of his behaviour is the fact that the police did not
handcuff him when they transported him to Charing Cross police station,
reflecting his demeanour on that day.

"At the time of his arrest he was the only protestor in the country
exempt from the new legislation and yet he was still being dragged off
the pavement. He has real concern that this now amounts to a campaign of
intimidation against him by the police."

The campaigner was charged after police swooped on March 26 and tried to
seize a banner saying 'Bliar War Criminal' and as Mr Haw tried to retain
it he was arrested.

Prosecutor Joe Sentante said during the ten-minute hearing: "We have
reviewed the case against Mr Haw and we have decided it is not in the
public interest to continue so we ask for the summons to be withdrawn."

Deputy Chief Magistrate Daphne Wickham ordered the CPS to pay Mr Haw
£4.90 for his travel expenses to his solicitor.

Mr Haw, who was accompanied by two fellow campaigners, still faces a
charge of breaching the conditions imposed upon his makeshift camp. A
limit was imposed upon his protest stating it must not exceed three
metres in width, two metres in height, and one metre in depth.

District Judge Timothy Workman entered a not guilty plea on his behalf
and he will appear before the City of Westminster Magistrates Court on
July 24.

Outside court Mr Haw said: "The case was dropped because it was
ridiculous and wasn't going to work."

He added: "These (court cases) make me more indignant. We are people
with no previous criminal records and they are alleging we are serious

"We are not going to go away. I am responsible as a British Citizen for
what is being done in my name. Unless we carry on and stand up we are as
responsible because we can't say that we didn't know about the torture
and slaughter going on.

"I want Tony Blair to stand trial for war crimes."

The Serious Organised Crime and Police Act (SOCPA) regulations were
brought in to prevent protests within one kilometre of Parliament.

Mr Haw went to the High Court to overturn a ruling that his camp on
Parliament Square, in protest about sanctions on Iraq, should be
disbanded under SOCPA.

He claimed because the camp had been set up before the new act came into
effect it could not be applied retrospectively. In May this year the
decision was overturned by the Court Of Appeal and the current
conditions restricting the size and items on display were imposed.

Copyright © 2006 National News +44(0)207 684 3000



Mark Thomas has proposed for a "mass lone demo" on Monday 24th June for
5:30pm. The idea is for individuals to submit an application to hold a
demonstration on this day at this time on any subject they feel
passionate or feel they could use to make a mockery of the law on
demonstrating in Parliament Square by choosing an unusual matter to
protest on.

As the applications must be submitted a week before the actual protest,
it may be a bit late to submit one now for Monday although you could try
and do it under the 24 hour aspect of the law. Alternatively you could
join one of the lone demos that will be taking place - contact
tricia_bird@yahoo.com or fizza.qureshi@gmail.com for more info.



* More than 300 killed
* 500,000 flee their homes
* All major road destroyed, no supplies reaching many areas
* Apartment buildings, churches, mosques, petrol stations bombed
* Lebanon's largest dairy farm and pharmaceutical plant destroyed
* Desperate need for water, medicines and sanitation for those fleeing
Israel's bombardment


(Note change of assembly point)
(Nearest tube: Embankment. Please note there are some tube restrictions
this weekend)

ROUTE: Whitehall Place, Trafalgar Square, Pall Mall, Piccadilly,
Berkeley Street, Grosvenor Square (by US Embassy), Park Lane, Hyde Park.

ORGANISED BY: Stop the War Coalition, Palestine Solidarity Campaign,
Muslim Association of Britain, British Muslim Initiative, Lebanese

organise the demonstration on 22 July, contact the StWC office:
office@stopwar.org.uk, Tel 020 7278 6694. Stewards' meeting point
Embankment Tube at 10.00am

Edinburgh, Exeter, Glasgow, Kirkcaldy, Manchester, Newcastle, Norwich,
Sheffield, York. Details: http://tinyurl.com/naz5d


Achieving Civil and Social Rights - Towards a 21st Century Constitution

Open Action Forum, Wednesday 26th July 6.30pm

In the present climate of a failing British state and creeping
authoritarianism we need to find a way to work together as individuals
and groups to transform our political culture. Recent reports indicate
that both the major political parties are now considering
constitutional reform, and there are even hints of support for a
written constitution.

We propose a series of alternative events aimed at a grassroots
campaign around:

[1] an inclusive written constitution that embraces the aspirations of
the powerless majority

[2] a civil and social rights mobilisation in support of its terms.

You are invited to attend the launch of our Open Action Forum, on July
26th 2006, to debate these goals, share campaign stories and help plan
future events together. We hope you will be free to come and join us.

Organisers and sponsors so far include: Mark Barrett (People in
Common); A World to Win; Dr Ghayasuddin Siddiqui (Muslim Parliament of
Great Britain in a personal capacity), The Creative Forum and others.

VENUE: D2 - Diorama Arts Centre, 3-7 Euston Centre, Regents Place
London, NW1 3JG.
Nearest tubes: Warren Street, Euston



On 22nd July 2005, Jean Charles de Menezes, a innocent young Brazilian
man was shot dead by police at Stockwell tube station. On 2nd June 2006
Mohammed AbdulKahar was shot in a near fatal attack by police. His
family (the Kalams) and his neighbours (the Dhogras) were subject to
brutal assaults during the mistaken 'anti-terror' raids in Forest Gate.
To mark the one year anniversary of Jeans death - this unique platform
of the three families together with leading civil liberty figures ask:
is justice
possible in the war on terror.

2.3OPM - 5.00PM
(nearest tube Euston/Kings Cross)

INAYAT DHOGRA (Dhogra Family - Forest Gate)
HAROLD PINTER (Nobel Laureate)
GARETH PEIRCE (leading civil liberties lawyer and lawyer for the
MIKE MANSFIELD QC (Bloody Sunday Inquiry)
BIANCA JAGGER (International human rights activist)
LORD STEYN (Chair of Justice) invited
chair : ASAD REHMAN (Newham Monitoring Project)

(NOTE: The meeting will start with a minutes silence in conjunction with
the memorial service taking place in Gonzagas, Brazil at the marking
moment that Jean was killed)

for further info: justice4jean@hotmail.co.uk and www.justice4jean.com
PO BOX 273, Forest Gate, London E7 Tel: 07765707632 / 0208 470 8333

supported by:
newham monitoring project, newham muslim alliance, radical activist
network, islamic forum europe, islamic society of britain, mpac, npac,
stop political terror, muslim association of britain, inquest, lets
talk, ymo, islamic human rights commission, 1990 trust, respect,
hizb-ut-tahrir, stop the war coalition



Address: 3, North End Crescent, West Kensington, London, W14 8TG

"When you hear 'anti-war protest band' you tend to think this is going
to be heavy on the message and light on entertainment
This bands live show has got it about right, its strong on message and
its good rock entertainment too"

Any profits the band makes will go to International Red Cross 5.00
Advance 7.00 on the door Buy Advance Tickets on line at
www.ticketweb.co.uk search for solidarity park (85p booking fee)



Wednesday 12 July 2006, 11.30am-12noon, Parliament Square.

Brian Haw will be resuming the use of his megaphone after nearly of year
of silence. He has been granted limited use of his megaphone during the
arrival of Tony Blair to Prime Ministers Questions in the House of
Commons on a Wednesday morning in addition to other times.

On Friday 30 June 2006 Brian Haw was granted the limited right to use a
megaphone by Westminster City Council. The ruling is significant in that
it challenges the totality of the ban on the use of loudspeakers by
protestors that was introduced last year in legislation under the
Serious Organised Crime and Police Act.[1]

After the ban on loudspeakers came into place in 2005 Mr Haw applied for
permission to continue to use his megaphone but was turned down by
Westminster City Council. Mr Haw's solicitors mounted a legal challenge
and the Council agreed that the decision could not stand and that the
matter would be reconsidered by the Council.[2]

The Council agreed that Mr Haw is allowed to use his megaphone between
11.30 and 12noon on a Wednesday, and outside the hours of 9.30 and 4.30
each weekday and with no restriction on Saturdays and Sundays.

Noise tests have found that the noise from Mr Haw's megaphone is no
higher than that from other sources such as traffic.

1. Section 137 of SOCPA (Loudspeakers in designated area) states that
the ban on the use of loudspeakers in the Designated Area does not apply
if 'consent [is] granted by a local authority under Schedule 2 to the
Noise and Statutory Nuisance Act 1993 (c. 40).

2. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/london/5061892.stm

Parliament Square Peace Campaign
for supporters of Brian Haw and the right to protest
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 9:21 pm    Post subject: Brian Haw and SOCPA The Movie Reply with quote

The serious organised crime and police act 2005, was designed to rid parliament square of veteran peace activist Brian Haw. He's still there and many others have fought the law in imaginative and sometimes comic ways. This thought-provoking and hard-hitting documentary tells the story.


"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 24, 2007 9:55 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Police = Mob Enforcers = Gestapo. Whilst there may be good police, thats a contradiction whilst this transformation is allowed to continue! Major Crime figures remain free, kids are being put on the Terrorist Database for handing out flyers! Any Police out there that are under the impression they are doing their job are seriously deluded. Qualifications needed? To be thick, easily lead, afraid of authority, pay over principle, psychopathic tendancies, like to dress up, point weapons at unarmed citizens and to turn the other way when serious crime occurs, or assist in making it happen.
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 10:19 am    Post subject: Gestapo Watch - Brian Haw fenced in, rest evicted Reply with quote

There trying to stop Brian protesting, they have put up fences around the grass.



I know that the London group have started demonstrating here on the 11th of every month, maybe this is one of the reasons why they are trying to stop people going there.
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 11:35 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The Gestapo are clearly rattled by a genuine movement which is building here. Done by the weasels pictured below while Londoners' campaigners are busy over at Heathrow.

UK Evictions-Peace Campers
Peace campaigners were evicted from camping on a green outside the British parliament Friday when their tents were taken down.

The Greater London Authority (GLA) erected a security fence around Parliament Square, saying it did not want the green to become an "illegal camp site."

But veteran peace campaigners, Brain Haw, who has been continuing a vigil against the Iraq war since 2001, is being allowed to stay after previous attempts to evict him were ruled illegal by the High Court.

The mass evictions come after there has been a sudden growth to 28 in the number of camps being set up on the green since parliament adjourned for its summer recess last month.

The GLA has complained that the illegal campers, which have included homeless people as well as anti-war protesters, created a public health hazard because of the lack of facilities.

"The mayor of London respects Brian Haw's peaceful protest but others have clearly overstepped the mark," a spokesman for Ken Livingstone said.

"If other people wish to camp in London, there are a number of locations with the appropriate facilities such as toilets and showers," the BBC quoted the spokesman saying.

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 5:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thats handy they have provided a fence for our banners and Plaquards Laughing
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Mick Meaney
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 2:48 pm    Post subject: Brian Haw (RIP) says 9/11 Inside Job attacked by Nick Cohen Reply with quote


British anti war campaigner, Brian Haw, talks about 9/11, this is very short clip but a much longer one (about an hour) will be uploaded soon. Brian has been living in a peace camp in Parliament Square since 2001.

RINF Alternative News and Media
Anti-Slavery International
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 06, 2007 5:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Can't wait for the full version. Nice one Mick. Brian Haw is bravery incarnate. Stop paying tax and you stop killing kids fact!
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 06, 2007 10:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

50000 children dying of hunger and thirst a day.

Puts everthing in perspective. Just how pathetic the power brokers of our nations are.

Why is there not more power put into combatting this situation?

And to remain on topic, encouraging to see Brian Haw stating that 911 was an inside job.
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Mick Meaney
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 07, 2007 12:00 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Here you go http://rinf.com/alt-news/911-truth/brian-haw-041107/1665/
RINF Alternative News and Media
Anti-Slavery International
Movement for the Abolition of War
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 07, 2007 1:48 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Cheers Mick, super job. Guess I'll brave the gales and stay up and watch it!
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 09, 2007 3:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


'Come and see the violence inherent in the system.
Help, help, I'm being repressed!'

“The more you tighten your grip, the more Star Systems will slip through your fingers.”

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 4:45 pm    Post subject: Wallinger's Brian Haw exhibit wins Turner prize Reply with quote

Channel 4 tonight will be announcing the winner of the Turner prize after the 7 o'clock News.
The favourite to win is MarkWallinger who created a recreation of Brian Haw's protest on Parliament Square.
Should be interesting.

Audio interview
As you may already know Brian Haw will be running as an independant candidate for London Mayor in 2008.
If any of you want to join the campaign as volunteers please get in touch with me asap and i will forward your details.
Brian will be the only anti war, anti sleaze and anti corruption candidate and so deserves the support of all genuine supporters of Truth, Liberty and Peace.
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 7:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well done Mark!

Thumbs Up

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 8:10 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


he won !!!

Next it's Brian for mayor!

But the Guardian's arse correspondent Charlotte Higgins has deliberately played down the anti war side. Now there's a suprise.

Guardian wrote:

Bear man walks away with Turner prize
Charlotte Higgins, arts correspondent
Monday December 3, 2007
Guardian Unlimited
Turner prize 2007: Sleeper by Mark Wallinger
Bear cheek ... still from Sleeper by Mark Wallinger.

It was the man in the bear suit who won it: Mark Wallinger, 48, has been awarded this year's Turner prize, 12 years after his first nomination, when he lost out to Damien Hirst. His film Sleeper, 154 minutes of footage of the artist wandering around a deserted German gallery disguised as a bear (but recognisable by his very particular gait), has baffled and entranced visitors to the Turner prize exhibition by turns.

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 9:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

It cost him around £90,000 to make

I know this is great news and everything, but 90 grand !!!

Maybe I’m just getting old. I remember when £90,000 was a lot of money

Simon - http://www.patriotsquestion911.com/

David Ray Griffin - 9/11: the Myth & the Reality
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 10:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Back when The Sweeney was on that was a tidy haul for a bank robbery.

QuitTheirClogs wrote:
I remember when £90,000 was a lot of money


"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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paul wright

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 12:11 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm pretty sure that a national campaign must be launched to ensure Brian gets at least a pretty good showing on the back of this
I'd agree that Brian Haw for London mayor is a very important campaign

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 8:22 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

TonyGosling wrote:

But the Guardian's arse correspondent Charlotte Higgins has deliberately played down the anti war side. Now there's a suprise.

One of the presenters on BBC Breakfast was just as biased and showed the front page of the Guardian and said something along the lines of "man dressed in bear wins Turner prize. But is it art?"

Blatant censorship Evil or Very Mad

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 3:37 pm    Post subject: Nick Cohen attacks Brian Haw for saying 9/11 Inside Job Reply with quote

and mentions RINF!

The Turner judges have been hoodwinked

Mark Wallinger's award shows that the liberal establishment still can't confront the truth

Nick Cohen
Sunday December 9, 2007
The Observer

Brian Haw's 'anti-war' protest in the middle of Parliament Square is still going, six years on from when he first planted his ragged banners on the grass in the traffic island. Politicians have tried to censor him, the police have forced him to shorten his once straggling display, but he survives and looks as if he will stay there until he drops.

I found the banners a bleak sight when I trudged by. Like so many others, Haw can't ask who is killing whom in Iraq. There are no slogans expressing his disgust at the death squads of the Baathists and Iranian-backed Shia militias, nor of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the late leader of al-Qaeda in Iraq, who explained that he would murder Iraq's Shias indiscriminately so that they would retaliate and 'show the Sunnis their rabies and bare the teeth... and drag them into the arena of sectarian war'. The placards about Afghanistan continue the theme and don't manage a word of criticism of the Taliban's crimes and ideology. Western governments are responsible for the woes of humanity; no one else is worth mentioning.

The best justification for Haw's morality is that if British and American troops in Iraq and Afghanistan cannot guarantee order, they are indirectly responsible for atrocities committed by their opponents. As the inevitable conclusion is that they should try harder to defeat their enemies, it is not a point that Haw would want to hear.

For all his double standards, I was not as shocked by his protest as I expected to be. Familiarity breeds indifference as much as contempt, and in any case the arguments around Haw were never about whether he was right or wrong, but whether the government had the right to silence him. As freedom includes the freedom to be purblind, it didn't, and the efforts of New Labour to close down his demonstration were as great a sign as its laws against the incitement of religious hatred that it could not tolerate the robust debates of free societies.

Last week, however, Haw stopped being a lone protester you must defend regardless of his views. His ideology went mainstream and he became the darling of the art establishment.

The Turner judges gave Mark Wallinger the 2007 prize for his recreation of Haw's original line of banners denouncing 'baby killers' and 'B-liar', displayed first at Tate Britain and now at Tate Liverpool. The judges praised Wallinger directly and Haw by implication for 'the immediacy, visceral intensity and historic importance' of a work that 'combines a bold political statement with art's ability to articulate fundamental human truths'.

Hyperbole at this intensity usually conceals insecurity. I wonder whether the Turner judges blustered because they knew in their hearts that in the current climate in liberal England Wallinger would have made a 'bold political statement' if he had put a piece defending the government in the Tate.

As it was, he produced lifeless propaganda that even the converted found preachy. His State Britain is merely a reproduction of Haw's protest - the Tate's equivalent of an Airfix model - and an aesthetically and politically inferior reproduction at that. Even after the police cut back their number, Haw's tattered banners stained with mud and rain are far more powerful, not least because of their location opposite the Parliament whose politicians he despises. Wallinger's clean-cut copy, by contrast, sits in a gallery where it runs no risks; a deodorised protest that will never worry the authorities.

Just to make sure gallery visitors get the message, a history of the demonstration accompanies the exhibit. No one, not Wallinger, not the staff of Tate Britain or Tate Liverpool, not the Turner judges found it odd that Haw the 'peace campaigner' began his protest in the summer of 2001 when the second Iraq war did not begin until the spring of 2003.

The chronology should have alerted them that they were celebrating a man happy to duck into the darkest corners of the left. Haw says he was moved to demonstrate by George Galloway's Mariam Appeal, a charity meant to help Iraqis who were the victims of both United Nations sanctions and Saddam Hussein's genocidal regime. If Haw knew in 2001 that Galloway had flown to Baghdad to salute Saddam's 'courage, strength and indefatigability', after the tyrant had ordered the extermination of the Kurds, it didn't bother him. He probably couldn't have known at the time that Saddam had turned the UN's oil-for-food programme from a relief operation to help starving Iraqis escape the worst effects of sanctions and his rule into a scam to enrich him, his sons and his supporters overseas. Among the beneficiaries was the Mariam Appeal, which was meant to be helping the hungry, but received hundreds of thousands of dollars from a Jordanian businessman who was selling Iraqi oil.

Haw has no excuse for not knowing about the Mariam Appeal now. The Commons Standards and Privileges Committee reported in July that 'there was strong circumstantial evidence that the oil-for-food programme was used by the Iraqi government, with Mr Galloway's connivance, to fund the campaigning activities of the Mariam Appeal'. He also ought to know that al-Qaeda was responsible for the slaughter on 9/11 - it's hardly a secret. But in a video for the 'alternative' news site rinf.com, Haw announces that '9/11 was an inside job, yes it was', organised by the American government and Hollywood, apparently.

Like Holocaust denial, 9/11 conspiracy theories are too much for the type of person who sits on the Turner prize jury, but anything else goes. They share with Haw the inability to walk and chew gum at the same time - to oppose George W Bush while supporting the victims of Baathism and Islamism.

Call me a cockeyed optimist, but I don't think the moral blindness of the intelligentsia can last much longer. Obviously, some who have lost their bearings after Iraq will never find them again and stagger around bellowing for the rest of their days, but the hysterical mood is lifting from others. When they regain their wits, I hope they will see the decision of art grandees to celebrate Haw and his hagiographer as the low point from which the only way was up.


"We will have to repent in this generation not merely for the vitriolic words and actions of the bad people, but for the appalling silence of the good people.” Martin Luther King
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 3:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

As unpopular as this may sound - i don't believe Brian really does think it was 'an inside job' (whatever that incredibly vague statement means). When i first saw the RINF video i thought it was a little exploitative because of that same reason - and sets Brian (and us) up as easily dismissable. Has the extended video of Brian that was promised by RINF been posted yet? I should add that i'm quite often at Parliament Square - as is Andy - but have never ever heard Brian talk about the events of 9/11 being as is described.
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ian neal
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 5:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Nick Cohen is the type of 'commentator' that really pushes my commitment to non-violence to its limits. It's his smugness more than his lies and ignorance that really infuriate.

He conveniently side steps any evidence that interferes with his pre-conceived conclusions (or should that be his editorial brief)

Forget that the UN inquiry into the 'oil-for-food' programme that showed the UN/US corruption dwarfed anything the gorgeous one may have got up to or the catelogue of war-profiteering

Forget that Al-zarqawi shows all the hall marks of having been a CIA created bogeyman or that the death squads are not what they appear to be and show all the hall marks of a clandestine CIA backed operation.

Forget that Iraq was run by this man and if anyone should know how to run clandestine death squads it is surely Necroponte.

Oh and make sure you get the main messages in the article. Namely that Brian Haw (a man with more integrity in his little finger than Nick has in his whole body) can be written off as a conspiracy theorist (how mad is that?), that assuming he is accurately reported as believing that '9/11 was an inside job' he is moral and intellectual equivalent of a 'holocaust denier' and that since the rate of carnage is slowing, only mad people like Brian will carry on protesting whilst all 'reasonable' guardian reading people can now setlle down, move on and go back to sleep, safe in the knowledge that at least Bush, Blair and Brown aren't as mad as Saddam, the taliban or al qaeda (except they are).

May the love I'm sending Nick heal his sick and twisted heart Very Happy
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Mick Meaney
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 5:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Whenever rinf is mentioned in the msm ya gotta treat it the same way no matter what's being said, good or bad.

As for Cohen, what do you expect from someone who supported the Iraq war?

gareth, here's the full interview so you can see it in context http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=1014833884200176340&hl=en

A little bit about how this came about.. was heading down to London for the campaign meeting last month and decided I would go see Brian Haw to find out his views on 9/11 (had no idea what he thought about it).

Mentioned this in an email to Andy who kindly informed me that Brian Haw had said "9/11 was an inside job" on a STW platform, so that made it very easy to raise the subject with him.

Uploaded the "9/11 is an inside job" bit when I got home, being the part of the interview that would interest most people (the full version needed editing which would take a few days).

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John White
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 5:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Good link Mick, thanks for that

Hatchet job jorno's huh? two a penny

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 5:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

What about Nick Cohen winning the 'nonsense of the year' award?
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 5:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

"You hang the Hitlerites after they have murdered millions of people. What were you thinking before they had killed millions? Aren't dozens of corpses enough to make you think? Does it take millions of corpses to stir your humanity?"

If one questions the actions of the Zionist nazi whores you are an anti-semite.

Strange, that it is not politically correct to mention the present day holocaust against Muslims.

Why are so many Jews in denial.?
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 6:21 pm    Post subject: Blair-faced lies Reply with quote

Ian Neal:
Nick Cohen is the type of 'commentator' that really pushes my commitment to non-violence to its limits. It's his smugness more than his lies and ignorance that really infuriate.

I only feel like that now with honest, decent but naive folk who authoritatively tell us utter rubbish without having searched out a single fact for themselves.

Once I could accept that some people were doing this on purpose, I could emotionally detach. You can never be sure, of course, but such a lot of this just looks like Blair-faced lies.
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ian neal
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 6:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

blackbear wrote:
Why are so many Jews in denial?

For the same reason so many non-jews continue to deny what is staring them in the face and no doubt for the same reasons many germans denied what their leaders were up to in WWII.

As for Cohen being '* of the year'. That's a tricky one. 9/11 truth movement has been the subject of so many hatchet jobs this year. More than ever before. It's almost like we are ruffling some peoples' feathers.

And so this year, there are many many candidates deserving of the title. It almost seems unfair to single out Nick for special recognition. Having said that presenting Nick with the inaugural gold plated turd for his 'services to war' would make great press.
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Mark Gobell
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 7:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ian Neal wrote:
Nick Cohen is the type of 'commentator' that really pushes my commitment to non-violence to its limits.


Adda boy !

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Mark Gobell
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 7:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

During my travails through the victims of the July 7 bombings, rest their souls, apophenia kinda grabbed me by the boo-boos.

Gladys Wundowa + UCL + Palestinian resistance + Ted Honderich

Guess who pops up?

Why, Nick Cohen of course.

Oh, and David Aaronovitch.

Read it and weep.


The Medium is the Massage - Marshall McLuhan.
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