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False flag alert? South Korean ship hit / Tonkin pt2?
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David Rose
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 5:16 pm    Post subject: False flag alert? South Korean ship hit / Tonkin pt2? Reply with quote

false flag alert? Do the Americans want to start a war between North and South Korea?

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/northkorea/7528140/Sout h-Korean-navy-ship-with-104-onboard-sunk.html

South Korean navy ship with 104 onboard sunk
A South Korean navy ship with 104 people onboard was sunk near the North Korea border on Friday.

Published: 3:36PM GMT 26 Mar 2010
South Korean naval ships
South Korean naval ships Photo: EPA

South Korea's military said a ship from its navy was sinking in the Yellow Sea but could not immediately confirm if it had fired at an unidentified vessel.

The Seoul government convened an emergency security meeting after the sinking of its ship off the Seoul-controlled island of Baengnyeong.

The 1,500-ton vessel sank between 9:00 p.m. (1200 GMT) and 10:00 p.m. near the island but the cause of the incident was unknown, the Navy said. A rescue operation was underway.

MBC television said about half the crew had so far been saved.

Yonhap news agency quoted officials as saying there was an explosion in the rear of the ship but the cause was unknown.

The disputed border in the Yellow Sea was the scene of deadly naval clashes in 1999 and 2002.

Earlier on Friday, North Korea's military accused the United States and South Korea of trying to topple the Pyongyang regime and said it was ready to launch nuclear attacks to frustrate any provocations.

The military General Staff cited a South Korean newspaper report as evidence of "desperate moves of the US imperialists and the South Korean puppet warmongers" for regime change.

"Those who seek to bring down the system in the DPRK (North Korea)... will fall victim to the unprecedented nuclear strikes of the invincible army," a General Staff spokesman told the official Korean Central News Agency.
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 5:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

wow saw a threat article just hours ago oops here we go again :0
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 5:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

http://www.aolnews.com/world/article/north-korea-threatens-nuclear-str ikes-on-united-states-south-korea/19415409

(March 26) -- North Korea is threatening to unleash "unprecedented nuclear strikes" against South Korea and the U.S. as those two countries prepare for possible instability in the totalitarian communist state.

"Those who seek to bring down the system in the (North), whether they play a main role or a passive role, will fall victim to the unprecedented nuclear strikes of the invincible army," North Korea's military told state media today. It described the North's communist system as an "impregnable fortress."

North Korean leader Kim Jong Il, right, appears at a March 6 rally. A South Korean newspaper has reported that officials from the United States plan to meet with Chinese and South Korean defense experts about control of Pyongyang's weapons should the government collapse.

Pyongyang is believed to have enough weaponized plutonium for at least half a dozen atomic bombs. The country conducted its second atomic test last year, prompting tighter U.N. sanctions. Diplomats from Washington and Seoul continue to prod the North to return to international talks aimed at halting its nuclear program.

Earlier this month, a South Korean newspaper reported that representatives from the U.S. Pacific Command would meet with defense experts from South Korea and China next month to discuss how to control the North's weapons if its regime collapses.

Any expectations for such a collapse are the "pipe dream of a lunatic wishing for the sky to fall," the official Korean Central News Agency said today. The North is "capable of frustrating any plot and provocation at a single strike," it said.

Such rhetoric is quite common from North Korea, which has previously threatened nuclear attacks in response to what it calls plots for regime change by the West -- a sensitive topic inside the reclusive, closed state, considering the health of its leader, Kim Jong Il.

Kim is 68 and suffered a stroke in August 2008. Earlier this week, the head of a South Korean think tank said Kim is also suffering from kidney failure, which requires dialysis. He's widely believed to be preparing to hand over power to his youngest son.

While state media spout assurances to North Koreans about the strength of their government, the country is succumbing to severe food shortages and famine. A bungled attempt at currency reform last year sparked huge inflation and rare public unrest.

Meanwhile, the top American commander in South Korea, Gen. Walter Sharp, testified before the House Appropriations Committee this week and warned of the possibility of further turmoil in the North. He cited the country's weak economy, the malnourishment of soldiers and the general population, and the nation's nuclear weapons.

"The possibility of a sudden leadership change in the North could be destabilizing and unpredictable," Sharp said. South Korean media have reported that the U.S. and Seoul are coordinating military contingency plans for when Kim dies.

The North accuses Washington and Seoul of plotting to topple its government -- a claim both capitals deny.

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 5:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

http://www.aolnews.com/story/skorean-navy-ship-sinks-in-waters-near/96 6108?cid=13
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 6:12 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Wonder if NetinYeehaw ordered it for getting the cold shoulder??
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 6:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

http://www.businessinsider.com/gold-soaring-on-rumors-of-korean-ships- firing-on-each-other-2010-3

CONFIRMED: South Korean Ship Goes Down, Gold Soaring

Joe Weisenthal | Mar. 26, 2010, 11:29 AM

Update 4: Here's what you need to know about the state of the South Korean economy.
http://www.businessinsider.com/heres-what-you-need-to-know-about-the-s outh-korean-economy-2010-3#south-korea-employment-situation-has-improv ed-1

Update 3: The President has convened an emergency security meeting. http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601087&sid=aYY8beCyZl1o&pos=9

Update 2: According to YONHAP news agency, 104 sailors were on board and only 58 have been accounted for. http://english.yonhapnews.co.kr/national/2010/03/27/13/0301000000AEN20 100327000100315F.HTML

Update: And now WSJ says a Korean ship went down near the border, probably due to a torpedo. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704100604575145683306658 178.html?mod=djemalertNEWS

Original post: Check out gold! Rumor going around has to do with hostilities between the Koreas.

This comes the same day comments from North Korean media about Kim Jon Il wanting to drop a nuke on the west, so you can see why folks are jittery. http://www.businessinsider.com/north-korea-threatens-unprecedented-nuc lear-strikes-on-america-2010-3

Of course though folks Kim Yong Il picked up the phone and dialed a local news wire to tell us this lol

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 11:24 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I believe this is somewhat more premeditated than just Bibi merely throwing another tantrum.

1) Deflection and diversion whilst NWO regroups over Iran & attempts to strongarm China

2) Just when US+South Korea happen to be holding 'exercises'

3) A little regarded report a week or two ago of a certain submarine passing through Suez (link disappeared - anyone?)


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PostPosted: Mon Mar 29, 2010 6:42 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


Two explosions on Moscow underground... suicide bombings, blamed on terrorist group.

And on the Korean Warship: Sunken section of South Korean naval vessel found

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 29, 2010 7:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

they gave a possible cause for the warship sinking as a mine threat.
Think for yourself....Question Authority
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 17, 2010 11:44 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


North Korea denies sinking South's warship

A huge offshore crane is being used to salvage parts of the sunken ship
North Korea has denied sinking a South Korean warship near their disputed maritime border last month.

"As South Korea can't identify the cause of the accident, they are using the media to attribute it to us," said a statement carried by state media.

It is the first official comment by Pyongyang on the incident, in which more than 40 sailors were killed.

South Korean media has has pinned the blame on the North, but official statements have been more circumspect.

There has been speculation in the South that the naval vessel was hit by a North Korean torpedo.

South Korean officials have also previously suggested the ship could have struck an old mine left over from the 1950-1953 Korean War.

North Korea accused the South of "a foolish attempt" to link the incident to Pyongyang, said an official statement published by the Korean Central News Agency.

Salvage operation

Fifty-eight crew survived, but 46 sailors died in the incident on 26 March.

Salvage workers found 36 bodies in the shattered hull of the Cheonan, a 1,200-tonne navy gunboat.

Two more bodies were recovered earlier, and another eight sailors remain unaccounted for.

The bow section of the vessel is due to be raised in about a week's time.

The Cheonan sank close to the sea border which marks North and South Korean territorial waters.

The North does not accept the maritime border, known as the Northern Limit Line, which was drawn unilaterally by the US-led United Nations Command at the end of the Korean War.

The sea border has been the scene of deadly clashes between the navies of the two Koreas in the past.

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 6:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

631. March and April/4 plot (4/2/2010)

This March is a busy month for Feds to prepare "false flag terror attacks" for Iran war and the framed drug case. The designated action day was in early March when my wife had a trip in China. Then there was another chance on March 27 when there was a family party to celebrate my mother's birthday.

U.S. positioning 'bunker-busters' for possible Iran strike
By Haaretz Service

The United States is transporting 387 "bunker-buster" bombs to its air base on the island of Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean as part of preparations for a possible strike against Iran's nuclear facilities, according to a report in Scotland's Sunday Herald.
Neither the United States nor Israel have ruled out military action if diplomacy fails to resolve the long-running row over Iran's disputed nuclear ambitions.


On 3/23, Google shuts down its search engine business in China. That once again justifies for a possible cyber attack in the Internet.

On 3/25, Osama bin Laden, in tape, threatens to kill Americans

DUBAI, March 25 (Reuters) - Osama bin Laden, in a fresh audiotape, threatened to execute any Americans taken prisoner by al Qaeda if accused Sept. 11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed is executed, al Jazeera television reported on Thursday. (Writing by Cynthia Johnston)
http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSLDE62O18C20100325?type=hotStocksNew s

On 3/25, The Epoch Times warned that "U.K. faces Nuclear terrorist threat."

Next day, 26 Mar 2010

A South Korean navy ship with 104 people onboard was sunk near the North Korea border on Friday.


I think if I had gone to my mother's birthday party on 3/27, the sunken South Korean war ship would have developed to a war crisis like the Tonkin Bay case in Vietnam War era. There would be "terror attack" in Europe and in the US which would lead to war on Iran.

Then how do you view the two explosions blasted Moscow's subway station which killed 38 people on 3/29? That is the continuation of the pre-preparation of the major "terror attack" planned in Europe and in US. The new action date is set on 4/4. 4/5 is Chin Ming Festival - a Chinese memorial day to recall their ancestor. 4/4 is Sunday; my family members will go to the cemetery to commemorate my father who passed away five months ago. The re-union day of my family has become the action day in Feds' plot. It becomes very evident since this January.
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 24, 2010 11:57 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

S.Korea warship sunk by 'strong impact'
Foreign 2010-04-24 16:27
SEOUL, April 24 (AFP) - First inspections of the bow of a South Korean warship show it was hit by an outside impact of considerable force, a military official said Saturday, as suspicion increasingly falls on North Korea.
The Cheonan sank and was split in half after a mystery blast on March 26 close to the disputed border of the two Koreas, leaving 40 sailors confirmed dead and six others still unaccounted for.
Seoul has been careful not to point the finger directly at the North over the incident in the Yellow Sea, which has stoked already tense ties, and Pyongyang has denied it was to blame.
However, the South's Yonhap news agency Thursday quoted a senior military source in Seoul as saying it was suspected that North Korean submarines attacked the ship with a heavy torpedo.
On Saturday salvage teams took their first look at the bow section after it was hauled to the surface a day earlier, finding another body and more evidence a strong external blast was to blame.
Quoting an unidentified military official, Yonhap said initial inspections confirmed a large iron gate was off its hinges and a chimney was missing.
"This means there was a strong impact from the outside," the official said....


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PostPosted: Thu May 13, 2010 7:05 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Seoul probes explosives on sunken ship
Thu, 13 May 2010 15:47:30 GMT
Seoul says it is checking metal fragments from a South Korean warship that sank in March against a North Korean torpedo it obtained off the west coast in 2003.
"Comparisons are underway to check if metal pieces recovered from the Cheonan are made of material similar to that of a North Korean torpedo," a military official, speaking on condition of anonymity, told Yonhap news agency on Thursday.
Seoul has opened an extensive probe into the incident, near the South's disputed sea border with the North, which left 46 sailors dead.
South Korean Defense Minister Kim Tae-Young had earlier said traces of high explosive were found on the warship wreckage, AFP reported.
Seoul says Pyongyang may be behind the incident. The North, however, has repeatedly denied any involvement. A full report on the incident is expected next week.
Tensions between the two Koreas, which are technically still at war, remain high over the incident. International efforts to resolve the standoff have so far made little progress.
http://www.presstv.ir/classic/detail.aspx?id=126393&sectionid=35102040 5

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PostPosted: Sun May 16, 2010 6:29 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

(Reuters) – Investigators probing the deadly sinking of a South Korean navy ship in March near the North have concluded that a torpedo was the source of an explosion that destroyed the vessel, a news report said on Friday.

The team of South Korean and foreign investigators found traces of explosives used in torpedoes on several parts of the sunken ship as well as pieces of composite metal used in such weapons, South Korea’s Yonhap news agency said quoting a senior government official.
Forensics have identified residues of a German-made torpedo.

Forensics have identified residues of a German-made torpedo.

South Korean officials have not officially accused the North but made little secret of their belief Pyongyang deliberately torpedoed the 1,200-tonne corvette Cheonan in March near their disputed border in retaliation of a naval firefight last year.

The metallic debris and chemical residue appear to be consistent with a type of torpedo made in Germany, indicating the North may have been trying to disguise its involvement by avoiding arms made by allies China and Russia, Yonhap quoted the official as saying.

North Korea has denied involvement and accused South Korean President Lee Myung-bak’s government of trying to use the incident for political gains ahead of local elections in June.

In this article http://rediscover911.com/2010/05/whats-new-in-false-flags-attacks/#mor e-804, allegedly, Israeli subs use German made torpedoes.

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PostPosted: Wed May 19, 2010 9:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

This incident reported on Newsnight this evening in the most biased possible way. It's like the idea of a false flag has never occured to the reporter Sue Lloyd-Roberts
There couldn't be anybody out there with submarines trying to spark conflicts between the Koreas now could there??
No suggestion that her 'contact' could be a double agent.
She comes across as supendously naive.
It's clear that the BBC are doing everything they can to deny the entire idea of the false flag in any situation and dumb their viewers and listeners down.
One for Mary Whitehouse perhaps?



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PostPosted: Thu May 20, 2010 8:26 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

There are three possibilities:

1 It was an extraordinarily stupid attack by North Korea

2 It was a false flag operation by South Korea

3 It was a false flag operation by shadowy forces who seek to gain from provoking a new Korean war
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PostPosted: Thu May 20, 2010 5:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I plump for number 3!
xmasdale wrote:
There are three possibilities:
1 It was an extraordinarily stupid attack by North Korea
2 It was a false flag operation by South Korea
3 It was a false flag operation by shadowy forces who seek to gain from provoking a new Korean war

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PostPosted: Mon May 24, 2010 10:09 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2010/05/24/obama-tells-military-prepar e-n-korea-aggression/

"The president has directed his military commanders to coordinate closely with their Republic of Korea counterparts to ensure readiness and to deter future aggression," the White House said Monday.

April 24: Sunken South Korean naval ship Cheonan is lifted from waters near the disputed sea border with North Korea.

WASHINGTON -- The White House said Monday that President Barack Obama "fully supports" the South Korean president and his response to the torpedo attack by North Korea that killed 46 South Korean sailors.

The administration said it endorsed President Lee Myung-bak's demand that "North Korea immediately apologize and punish those responsible for the attack, and, most importantly, stop its belligerent and threatening behavior."

Seoul can continue to count on the full backing of the United States, the White House said.

"U.S. support for South Korea's defense is unequivocal, and the president has directed his military commanders to coordinate closely with their Republic of Korea counterparts to ensure readiness and to deter future aggression," the White House said.

The South Korean president said Monday that his nation would no longer tolerate the North's "brutality" and said the repressive communist regime would pay for the surprise March 26 torpedo attack.

He also vowed to cut off all trade with the North and to take Pyongyang to the U.N. Security Council for punishment over the sinking of the warship Cheonan.

The attack was South Korea's worst military disaster since the Korean War.

Speaking earlier in Beijing, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said the North must be held accountable and she is pushing to get the support of China, North Korea's top ally, for diplomatic action.

A team of international investigators concluded last week that a North Korean submarine launched the torpedo that split the Cheonan in two.

Obama, in response to North Korea's pattern of "provocation and defiance of international law" has ordered U.S. government agencies to review their policies toward Pyongyang.

The White House said Secretary of Defense Robert Gates remains in close contact with the South Korean defense minister and will meet with him next month in Singapore.

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PostPosted: Mon May 24, 2010 10:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

again I feel we are not being given the evidence to scrutinize! Is it all too dubious? Can it be interpreted in many ways?

http://edition.cnn.com/2010/WORLD/asiapcf/05/24/south.korea.naval.exer cises/index.html?eref=igoogle_cnn

South Korean President Lee Myung-bak, meanwhile, announced Monday that his country was suspending trade with North Korea, closing its waters to North Korean ships and adopting a more aggressive military posture toward its neighbor.
Lee said his country was adopting a posture of "proactive deterrence" toward the North. He promised that "combat capabilities will be reinforced drastically" and that he will focus on improving national security readiness and military discipline.
"If our territorial waters, airspace or territory are violated, we will immediately exercise our right of self-defense," Lee said.
Lee said the alleged attack violated the armistice and nonaggression agreements between the two countries, and said he will refer the incident to the United Nations Security Council "so that the international community can join us in holding the North accountable."
North Korea's government has emphatically denied any responsibility for the incident. Last Friday, North Korea threatened to back out of the nonaggression pact with South Korea after Lee vowed "resolute countermeasures" against the North. On Monday, the North Korean government threatened to fire at South Korean loudspeakers if they resume broadcasting along the heavily armed border between the new nations, South Korea's Yonhap news agency reported.
"Firstly, from now on [North Korea] will regard the present situation as the phase of a war," North Korea's Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of Korea said Friday, according to Yonhap.
Should South Korea take steps to retaliate, North Korea will "strongly react to them with such merciless punishment as the total freeze of the inter-Korean relations, the complete abrogation of the north-south agreement on nonaggression and a total halt to the inter-Korean cooperation undertakings," the committee's statement said, Yonhap reported.

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PostPosted: Tue May 25, 2010 9:28 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

As the economic crisis gets worse it is more than likely that America will divert attention with another war.

After all Korea is one of the old axis of evil countries alongside Iran.
Whilst the lanugage is no longer used in those terms, the snake may have changed its skin, it still remains a snake.

War becomes a continuation of policy by other means as it was in the past and as it will be in the future...
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PostPosted: Tue May 25, 2010 7:35 pm    Post subject: Korean stand-off: US soft power play to maintain aggression Reply with quote



excerpt from: Korean stand-off: US soft power play to maintain aggression towards Iran

by Finian Cunningham, 25 May 2010

The tripartite Iranian declaration poses a potentially fatal blow to the US strategy of isolating Tehran, a strategy that has noting to do with Iran’s alleged nuclear ambitions and everything to do with Washington’s deep desire for “regime change” – to bring the Islamic Republic back under US geopolitical control. The independence of Iran from western geopolitical imperatives in a vital energy region is what is at stake, not alleged nuclear ambitions.

A measure of how determined the US is in its need to subjugate the Iranian government can be seen from its curious, cuddly bear diplomacy over conflict in Korean Peninsula. An apparent act of war by a nuclear armed state is being cynically downplayed by the US simply because it needs China to effect further aggression towards Iran – a state which has neither nuclear weapons nor at war with anyone.

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PostPosted: Tue May 25, 2010 8:13 pm    Post subject: War anyone Reply with quote

Is it a coincidence that Korea has become a war possibility as Iran has faded?

Even though more US ships have gone to the Middle East, it will be v difficult for the US and Israel to justify a strike on Iran. They would also get big criticism from the most of the world.

It may be why Korea has been brought back to attention. A Korean war has the added benefit of blocking a route for oil to China. It may also be more of a Brzezinski strategy. He was never convinced about the war on terror or war in the Middle East. He wanted some way of dealing with the big powers - China, Russia and perhaps even India.

The NWO are running into the ground and are in desperate need of a war to help get them out of the mess of their own making.
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PostPosted: Tue May 25, 2010 9:12 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

We are in "Bay of Tonkin" territory.


Like, how difficult is it to fire a torpedo from a sub to sink a ship and point at North Korea? If the North Koreans were the least bit media savy, they'd have a big Putin-esque group hug, swear to track down the rouge offenders and offer an international investigation all assistance.

Hey, they may have already done that...

So... who could have done it?


http://www.militaryphotos.net/forums/showthread.php?160396-Israeli-Sub marine-Transits-Suez-Canal

It would fire the right type of german torpedo...
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PostPosted: Wed May 26, 2010 10:59 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Good to see Hilary is keeping a clear head and a balanced view of the whole subject......

Could she try any harder to start a war??? Sad

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PostPosted: Wed May 26, 2010 5:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Meanwhile Turkey is threatening consequences if Isreal attacks/deports any of the Gaza Humanitarian Flotilla and...
http://www.infowars.com/u-s-expands-covert-military-disruption-of-iran  /

sounds like 'Ouch time' Surprised


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PostPosted: Wed May 26, 2010 6:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The Asia Times has just confirmed that the investigation blaming North Korea is a fraud and a failure.


The investigation team did not prove at all the presence of a North Korean submarine at the scene of the sinking at the time of one of the world’s greatest military exercises, as illustrated by telltale failures:

Failure to identify the name of a suspect small, primitive museum piece-like North Korean submarine and the names of its crew. A Toyota vehicle abandoned at the scene of a terrorist attack does not mean that either Japan or Toyota Motor Corporation was responsible for the action.

Failure to discuss the manner in which the suspected slow-moving North Korean submarine managed to penetrate South Korean waters, operate in shallow waters (depth of less than 30 meters) without being detected by the state-of-art radar and sonar-mounted US and South Korean ships and get away scot-free after the corvette sank in an explosion with a column of water so high (about 100 meters), so flashy and so noisy that a sentry on the shore of the Island of Baekryon witnessed it.
Failure to cite one of the world’s greatest war games that was going on at the scene. Yonhap reported on March 26 from Pyongtaek City on the west coast of South Korea that “The Foal/Eagle US-South Korean joint exercise is currently underway in the West Sea as US Aegis ships arrived May 25 at the Pyongtaek Naval Base where the Second Fleet is headquartered”.

Failure to discuss the presence in the war games on the fateful March 26 night of four Aegis ships, the USS Shiloh (CG-67), a 9,600-ton Ticonderoga class cruiser, the USS Curtis Wilbur (DDG-54), a 6,800-ton Arleigh Burke class guided-missile destroyer, the USS Lassen, a 9,200-ton Arleigh Burke class guided-missile destroyer and Sejong the Great, a 8,500-ton South Korean guided-missile destroyer, most probably supported by US nuclear and South Korean German Type 209 and 212 AIP submarines.

Failure to refer to the German explosives found at the wreckage of the corvette despite an initial announcement. The Korea Times reported on May 7, “The multinational investigation team is also closely looking into the possibility that a North Korean submarine fired a German-made torpedo used both by the South Korean and American navies in an attempt to dodge its responsibility.”



Also check out

http://beforeitsnews.com/news/48/745/The_Sinking_of_the_Cheonan:_We_Ar e_Being_Lied_To.html


It is clear that we are being lied to and manipulated into believing that North Korea is behind the sinking of the South Korean vessel, the Cheonan. It is impossible to draw conclusions at this time as to who is responsible but we can conclude based on the evidence, that the official story is yet another lie being pawned off on the American people. This lie is obvious and could be used to instigate military action against the people of North Korea.
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Wed May 26, 2010 7:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

no surprises there then :0 maybe as with OBL they'll release it in due course Surprised
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Wed May 26, 2010 9:28 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


Russia sends its mightiest warships for drills in Far East

Flagships of three Russian fleets have united in Russia's Far East for the large-scale naval exercises in the Sea of Japan in June, a Pacific Fleet spokesman said on Wednesday.
The flagship of the Black Sea fleet, the Moskva missile cruiser, arrived at a naval base near Vladivostok on Wednesday and teamed up with the flagship of the Northern Fleet, the Pyotr Veliky nuclear-powered guided-missile cruiser, and the flagship of the Pacific Fleet, the Varyag guided-missile cruiser.
"After the Moskva crew has had a short rest, warships of three Russian fleets will sail to the Sea of Japan to complete combat training tasks and hold naval drills," the official said.
During the exercises, warships of the three Russian fleets will conduct live firing at naval and aerial drones and practice combat interoperability and repelling simulated attacks by hostile submarines and aircraft.
Earlier reports indicated that the naval drills would be part of the Vostok-2010 strategic exercises in Siberia and the Russian Far East in June-July.
The land drills will involve units from the Far Eastern, Siberian and Volga-Urals military districts.
The units will practice the deployment of additional troops to strengthen the existing military contingent in the region in case of a potential military conflict.
Russia holds Vostok strategic exercises every two years. More than 8,000 troops took part in Vostok-2008.

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PostPosted: Thu May 27, 2010 6:19 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

This is a long (and sometimes rambling) article, however, I have summarised the main points below.

a) There is strong evidence to suggest there was a US submarine sunk at the same time and a campaign to supress any suggestion of this is obvious

b) For reasons given in the article, the most likely scenario is this was an accident, of friendly fire; the sub sunk by the warship and vice versa

c) The Korean right jumped on the opportunity with elections coming up in June

Tanaka Sakai

Translated by Kyoko Selden

On 26 March, 2010 near Baengnyeong Island (White Wing, also known as Baekreong) to the South of the northern limit line, the maritime demarcation line between South and North Korea, South Korea’s large patrol boat Cheonan (Heaven’s Peace) exploded and sank. Already, more than one month after the accident, the cause of the sinking has not been confirmed. In early April, the South Korean government announced that either a torpedo struck or an underwater mine exploded, sinking the ship, indicating that it was not destroyed by an explosion or accident inside the boat but by an external cause.

The stern of the Cheonan docked on a barge off Baengnyeong Island on 7 May, 2010. Lee Jung-hoon.

However, it remains an enigma as to who fired or set off a torpedo or underwater mine. The South Korean right, claiming that a North Korean semi-submersible ship fired a torpedo, demands that the South Korean government launch a revenge attack on the North. The left and pacifists in the South suggest that the warship may have touched off an underwater mine installed in the 1970s by the South Korean military to prevent North Korean infiltration and still left there.

136 underwater mines were installed in response to the tensions in the Yellow Sea and, ten years later, fewer than ten percent had been removed

Baengnyeong Island is only 20 kilometers from North Korea in an area that the North claims as its maritime territory, except for the South Korean territorial sea around the island. At present there are two demarcation lines on the sea. South Korea and the US (UN) claim that the Northern Limit Line (NLL), which runs just north of Baengnyeong Island, is the demarcation line between North and South. However, since 1999, North Korea has claimed that the Military Demarcation Line further south is the border between North and South. About 5,000 South Koreans live on Baengnyeong Island and regular ferries link it from Inchon. In the reconciliation between North and South in the year 2000, North Korea recognized this ferry route and the sea around the island as an area where South Korean and American boats can navigate freely. At the same time, North Korea has regarded American and South Korean boats entering the sea area beyond that as violating the economic zone of North Korea.


In the vicinity of Baengnyeong Island South Korea constantly confronts the North Korean military. The Cheonan was a patrol boat whose mission was to survey with radar and sonar the enemy’s submarines, torpedoes, and aircraft, and to attack. If North Korean submarines and torpedoes were approaching, the Cheonan should have been able to sense it quickly and take measures to counterattack or evade. Moreover, on the day the Cheonan sank, US and ROK military exercises were under way, so it could be anticipated that North Korean submarines would move south to conduct surveillance. It is hard to imagine that the Cheonan sonar forces were not on alert.

South Korean military spokespersons told the media immediately after the incident that the probability of sensing torpedoes two kilometers away with sonar was over 70 percent. Later the probability was reduced to over 50 percent because the water is only 30 meters deep. This reduction, I believe, is for the purpose of theorizing North Korean responsibility for the attack.


The sinking of the Cheonan remains unsolved. But around the time of this incident another sinking occurred that has hardly been reported in Japan. Near the site of the sinking of the Cheonan, a colossal object, which appears to be a US submarine, was found to have sunk. An ROK underwater team searched for, and on April 7 South Korea’s KBS TV showed, a US helicopter carrying what seems to be the body of a US soldier. KBS is a public broadcasting station with the highest credibility in South Korea.

Following the sinking of the Cheonan, in the course of conducting an underwater search, a member of the special unit of the ROK Navy, UDT-SEAL (Underwater Demolition Team, Sea Air Land) Han Joo-ho, lost consciousness and later died. This was a secondary disaster. While collecting information on the death of Warrant Officer Han, KBS learned that his memorial took place neither near where the rear of the ship was found (the first buoy), nor near where the head of the ship was found (second buoy). Rather, it was six kilometers away near the third buoy, between the first and second buoy, that is, at a location that had nothing to do with the Cheonan sinking.

A map provided by KBS TV. The third buoy to the East of Baengnyeong Island is where the head of the Cheonan sank, and the rear of the Cheonan sank to the West.

The map of the search generally reported: two black dots to the South of Baengnyong are where the halves of Cheonan reportedly sank. The third buoy is not shown. [my highlight]

US and ROK troops at work searching the sea several hundred meters from the cliff of the island. The first and second buoys where the Cheonan sank are both separated from the island by about two kilometers, and are not right in front of the cliff as shown in this Yonhap News photo. This is likely to be the place of the third buoy where the US submarine sank. But there South Korean reports claim that this is the location of the search for the Cheonan survivors.


(When a boat is discovered on the sea bed, divers connect a buoy with a rope to the sunken boat, so that the location can be specified from above. After the explosion split the Cheonan in two, the two halves separated, drifting on the fast tide. They were discovered 6.5 kilometers apart.)

Warrant Officer Han, who dove at the third buoy, lost consciousness and later died. KBS, while investigating UDT-SEAL and other sources on the sea bed at the location of the third buoy, learned that something like a large submarine had sunk and that the interior of the submarine was quickly searched under US military jurisdiction.

The US military so rushed this search that it did not wait for decompressors necessary for underwater search to arrive before sending ROK troops underwater. Although the safe duration of the time for diving is as short as fifteen minutes, the US military pushed ahead to make the Koreans search the complex interior of the boat so that even skilled UDT-SEAL personnel lost consciousness one after another. And in that situation, the accident involving Warrant Officer Han occurred. Some UDT-SEAL officers claimed that “US divers declined to carry out such a dangerous operation, so they made our ROK team do the work.”

A Suppressed KBS TV Scoop

ROK and US authorities did their best to hide the fact that a US submarine sank at about the same time as the Cheonan. The ROK authorities did not announce the sinking of the US submarine, nor did they call Warrant Officer Han’s death an accident which occurred while searching inside a US submarine. Instead, they announced that he died while searching for Cheonan survivors’ bodies. Warrant Officer Han was honored as a national hero.


However, the memorial for Warrant Officer Han was performed not at the site of the Cheonan, but at the site of the sunk US submarine. US Ambassador Kathleen Stevens and Commander-in-Chief Walter Sharp of US forces in Korea attended. They praised Han and offered solatium to the bereaved family. The attendance by high US officials and monetary payments probably were for the purpose of suppressing anti-American sentiment that might blame the delayed search for Cheonan survivors caused by the precipitous US search for its own victims, resulting in Han falling victim.

An object like a corpse pulled up from the sea at the third buoy was taken away not by an ROK helicopter but by a US military helicopter. This too suggests that what sank at the third buoy was not an ROK ship but a US military boat.

The search and recovery of the Cheonan was given to a civilian company and the command of the operation was in the hands of a Korean barge. The search at the third buoy was conducted by a special ROK UDT-SEAL team and the latest ROK light-weight aircraft carrier, the Dokdo, served as the command center. What can be assumed from this disparity is that the US and ROK military prioritized the search for the American submarine at the third buoy over the search and recovery of the Cheonan. This is especially the case for the US military, which commands the ROK military. After the incident, the start of the search and recovery of the Cheonan was delayed, probably because US and ROK authorities prioritized the search for the US submarine.

KBS TV in the 9 o’clock news featured this under the title, “The Mysterious Third Buoy. Why?” Subsequently, a number of ROK newspapers and magazines reported on the incident. The ROK authorities vigorously criticized these reports and sued KBS for “false reporting” and maligning the government. After the trial, the KBS website had to stop displaying film and articles about the incident.

The Mysterious Third Buoy. Why?

A gag order was issued to the UDT-SEAL team. When it was found that the problem of the third buoy was not about the ROK authorities but about the US military, official pressure increased and KBS and other Korean media stopped reporting on the incident. As in Japan, the Korean media, which is subject to American authority, seems to share an implicit rule not to inquire into US military matters.

A Nuclear Submarine Armed with Nuclear Weapons was Underwater?

KBS, which reported on the existence of the third buoy, was criticized for filing a false report. Thereafter, the possibility that the Cheonan was attacked by an American submarine was regarded as a dangerous and groundless rumor, and was virtually suppressed in South Korea.

However, the suspicion that the Cheonan sank as a result of friendly fire surfaced within the South Korean media immediately after the event. On the day of the incident, ROK and US forces were conducting the joint military exercise Foal Eagle to the south of Byaengnyeong Island. According to a joint US-ROK announcement, the exercise was to have been completed on 18 March, but the actual exercise was prolonged to 30 April. On the day of the incident, the exercise was underway. After the incident, the US-ROK authorities made no mention of the fact that the joint military exercise was in progress. But the day after the incident, various ROK media and newspapers reported that the Cheonan might have been sunk by friendly fire during the military exercise.

In response to the report, ROK authorities acknowledged that the military exercise was in progress, but stated that it was not taking place near Byaengnyeong. Rather, it was off the coast of Taeon, Chungchong Namdo, which is about 100 kilometers to the south of Byaengnyeong. ROK authorities announced that the Cheonan did not participate in the military exercise. But a high-speed ship can reach Byaengnyeong from Taeon in two to three hours. Since last year, the DPRK has been criticizing the US and ROK for threatening activity in approaching its maritime area during ROK-US joint military exercises. This time, too, US and ROK ships may have gone north close to Byaengnyeong island. If the Cheonan had sunk during the exercise, the ROK authorities, in order to avoid criticism from North Korea, would not make such an announcement. Although the authorities announced that the Cheonan did not participate in the exercise, it is possible that the announcement deviates from the fact.

The Jaju Minbo of the ROK (left wing) analysed the KBS News report. What is interesting is the analysis of the geographical environment of the third buoy where the submarine sank. The American submarine sank in the offing several hundred meters off the coast near cliffs that are called Yongteurim Rocks, on the southern side of Byaengnyeong. Around Byaengnyeong Island there are many shoals where submarines can run aground while underwater, but the sea in front of the cliffs is deep. There, the northern and eastern sides are divided by land and if North Koreans tried to watch Byaengnyeong from their territory, they would not be able to locate a US submarine on the south side of the island. North Korea recognizes the sea area around Byaengnyeong as ROK territory. A boat moving underwater near the island would not be attacked by the North Korean military, making this a safe hiding place for a US submarine.

On the basis of this kind of geographical information, novelist Soo Hyon-o, a specialist in military affairs, told the Jaju Minbo: “Perhaps the American submarine adopted a posture of near war. Meaning that it can send a missile toward North Korea during an emergency while underwater in the sea near Byaengnyeong Island. Using the sea around the rocks as a base, it can intercept DPRK communications from the opposite shore of the island.”


Byaengnyeong Island is the nearest point in South Korea to Pyongyang . . . about 170 kilometers. For the US-ROK military, it is the best place to counterattack in the event of emergency, and it is also well placed for radio interception. If the US places a submarine near Byaengnyeong Island and it stays for a long time, in the event of a North Korean attack on Seoul, the submarine can fire a missile within minutes.

A submarine employed for such an operation is undoubtedly an atomic submarine, which can stay under water for one month. An atomic submarine extracts oxygen using electric power generated by the atomic reactor on the boat by electrolysis of sea water. Unlike a diesel submarine, such a boat does not have to surface at all. Many US atomic submarines can be loaded with nuclear missiles. In order to counter North Korea, which claims to be armed with nuclear weapons, the US military might maintain a nuclear-armed submarine at all times near Byaengnyeong Island, the closest point to North Korea.

If the US and ROK military installed a missile aimed at North Korea on Byaengnyeong Island, they would be fiercely criticized by North Korea, which would agitate ROK citizens who regard citizens of the North as their brethren, necessitating removal of such a missile. However, a US submarine loaded with atomic missiles underwater near the island would have the same effect as a land-based missile at a time of emergency. It would not be known by the North, nor would there be a need to inform ROK citizens about it. Thought about in this way, the possibility of a US submarine armed with nuclear weapons being near Byaengnyeong Island is almost greater than its not being there.

Many US atomic submarines have more than 100 crew members. They operate the submarine by night and day shifts, so the crew is large. If a US submarine sank under the third buoy, there could have been many victims, their number comparable to those who died in the Cheonan incident. There is also the fear of radioactivity leakage. What the US military hastened to recover from the sunken submarine could have been a nuclear warhead. That is why the UDT-SEAL team of the ROK military was made to conduct the search hastily. Warrant Officer Han’s death on duty occurred in the process.

The sinking of the Cheonan was widely reported immediately, but the sinking of the American submarine was concealed by the US government, and the ROK authorities were made to assist in the concealment. The reason for concealing the sunken submarine is probably to prevent North Korea and ROK citizens from knowing that a US submarine was underwater near Byaengnyeong Island for the purpose of attacking North Korea in time of crisis. If that fact became known, the North would be angry and attempt some form of retaliation, and anti-US sentiment among ROK citizens would be fanned. But, because KBS and others reported on the sinking of the US submarine, even though handled as an error, the North can be presumed to have grasped the steps of this event fairly well.


The discussion so far has not come to the most important question: why did the Cheonan and the American submarine sink? I will address this now. The Jaju Minbo article, which analyzed the report by KBS TV, writes that a North Korean submarine came South, attacked the Cheonan and the US submarine, and may have sunk both boats. However, in my view, the possibility of the North having done this is extremely low.

Right after the Cheonan sinking, the US and ROK governments announced that there was little possibility that the Cheonan sank as a result of North Korean attack. If there had been a North Korean submarine attack, the North Korean government, after a few days, might have proudly announced that it had sunk both ROK and US boats. If US and ROK governments announced before then that the sinking was probably not the result of a North Korean attack, both governments would risk being criticized by citizens, and high officials would have had to assume responsibility and resign. If it was truly not an attack from the North, the US and ROK governments would be expected to quickly announce that it was not from the North. Jaju Minbo, a leftwing newspaper close to North Korea, perhaps simply wanted to show the power of North Korean military.

[edit] If a military exercise was going on, then other US and ROK ships were present. So if a North Korean submarine did attack, the US and ROK would have fiercely counterattacked and sunk it. Even if they failed to sink it and it escaped, if there had been an attack from the North, then the US and ROK could stand in the position of justice for simply having defended themselves, so they would immediately have announced that such a battle had occurred.

The North feared that the US and ROK would use the joint military exercise as a pretext to move north and attack its nuclear facilities. Pretending to conduct a military exercise as a cover for a real attack is a plausible US military strategy. For the North to attack in such a situation would be suicidal as it would give the US and ROK a pretext for war.

If the boat was not sunk by an attack from the North, the remaining possibility is that an error occurred. I suspect that the US military had not informed the ROK that an American submarine was stationed underwater near Byaengnyeong Island. If the American submarine that sank at the third buoy was underwater for a long time, it follows that it did not participate in the joint exercise that day (it had other duties).

I think it likely that the US submarine, which was off the coast to the south of Byaengnyeong, happened to approach closer to the shore than expected and ROK forces, mistaking it for a North Korean submarine, fired. When the US submarine returned fire, both boats sank as a result of a friendly attack due to a misconception. The US submarine must have known of the approach of the Cheonan with the use of a passive sonar used for receiving communication. But if the American military was keeping the presence of the submarine secret from the ROK, then the US submarine could not communicate by radio with the Cheonan.

The Cheonan was attacked from the port side. The ROK authorities announced that the Cheonan at that time was heading northwest. If that is really the case, then the boat’s port faced the open sea. The American submarine underwater near the shore would have attacked from the island side, the reverse of the open sea side. This contradicts the above hypothesis. Except, in order to hide the friendly attack by the US military ship, the possibility exists that the ROK authorities announced the direction of the Cheonan in reverse. (If they announced that the Cheonan was attacked from the island side, then the North Korea attack theory would not be possible and the suspicion of a friendly attack would become stronger.)


Following the sinking of the Cheonan, media and political circles in South Korea uniformly expressed condolences. Concerts and entertainment events were canceled one after another. The rightwing suddenly became active, demanding that the government “counterattack North Korea.” ROK local elections will take place in June. The Cheonan political situation will greatly influence the campaign.


An opposition member of the ROK National Assembly challenged the Minister of National Defense, demanding that the truth be revealed and noting that the sinking of the Cheonan may have been a mistake made by the US military. He was criticized by rightwing media as “a foolish congressman trusting conspiracy theorists.” The same label was applied by the mass media to US and Japanese representatives who sought to inquire into the truth of 9/11.

Rep. Park Yongson Engages the Minister of National Defense over “The American Inadvertent Bombing Theory,” which was Officially Rejected as False

Following the sinking of the Cheonan, if the US and ROK had announced that the Cheonan was attacked by the North and they would counterattack, the result would have been full-scale war. However, the US military in South Korea is moving toward withdrawal. The command in case of emergencies is scheduled to be transferred from the US to the ROK military in 2012. Moreover, leadership of international politics in the Korean peninsula is in process of transfer from the US to China with the approval of US administrations from Bush to Obama.

Within the military-industrial complex centered in the Pentagon, there must be opponents of multipolarization who wish to reverse this. They do not wish to sit back and watch East Asia fall under Chinese hegemony in this manner, with US military withdrawal. They naturally seek to take advantage of the Cheonan incident to induce war between South Korea and North Korea, and, as at the time of the Korean war, develop it into war between the US and China so as to reverse multipolarization in East Asia. Although I may be projecting too far, one may even suspect that they provoked the friendly attack by concealing from the ROK military the underwater navigation of the US submarine around Byaengnyeong Island.

If a great war again erupts on the Korean peninsula triggered by the Cheonan Incident, even if Japan does not bribe the US with the “sympathy budget”, the stationing of US forces in Japan would continue, and the US would again view Japan as an unsinkable aircraft carrier. The Japanese economy would thus again benefit from Korean special procurements after sixty years. This would be a desirable outcome for Japanese who favor dependency on the US.

However, amidst the strife centered, US multipolarists appear to be stronger than the military-industrial complex (and US-Britain centrists). The result is that the Cheonan Incident has not led to a second US- Korean War. Further, what is regrettable for those in Japan and the ROK who wish to continue dependence on the US, the US has transferred to China the role of mitigating the aggravated North-South relationship.

Chairman Hu Jintao of China, on 30 April, talked with President Lee Myung-bak who attended the opening ceremony of the World Expo in Shanghai. Three days later he hosted a visit from North Korean President Kim Jong-il, making possible a China-North Korea summit. It is unclear whether Six-Party talks will be held subsequently, but China has certainly strengthened its role as mediator between North and South Korea.

Many South Korean citizens have come to distrust government pronouncements on the Cheonan Incident. In the ROK, the fact that the American submarine sank near the third buoy may change at some future time from “conspiracy theory” to fact. As long as ROK national policy remains one of dependence on the US, the matter of the third buoy will have to be suppressed. But to the extent that the ROK moves toward multipolarization (emphasizing China and coexistence between North and South), the lid will be taken off.

This is an updated version of an article that was originally published at Tanaka Sakai’s website on May 7, 2010.


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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Thu May 27, 2010 1:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

http://www1.voanews.com/english/news/asia/North-Korea-Reneges-On-Naval -Agreement-with-South-95004154.html

The general staff of the North Korean People's Army issued a notice Thursday dismantling a wide range of security guarantees it has observed for years.

Pyongyang says it will completely nullify a bilateral agreement with the South that was put in place to prevent clashes in waters west of the Korean peninsula. That is the maritime region where North Korea has disputed a sea border for decades and where an international team of investigators concluded a North Korean submarine sank a South Korean patrol ship in March, killing 46 sailors.

The North says it will stop using maritime shortwave radio frequencies with the South and cut off other means of emergency communication.

That warning came as South Korea's navy conducted anti-submarine warfare drills off its west coast. South Korea and the United States have announced they will conduct a joint anti-submarine exercise, widely expected to take place within a matter of weeks.

http://edition.cnn.com/2010/WORLD/asiapcf/05/27/north.korea.south.kore a.warning/index.html?hpt=T2

Seoul, South Korea (CNN) -- North Korea reacted to a South Korean anti-submarine exercise early Thursday by saying it would meet "confrontation with confrontation" and war with "all-out war," according to North Korean state-run media.
"Now that the puppet group challenged the DPRK [North Korea] formally and blatantly, the DPRK will react to confrontation with confrontation, and to a war with an all-out war," according the KCNA news agency.

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