kookomula Validated Poster
Joined: 17 Sep 2005 Posts: 328
Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 12:03 pm Post subject: I think I know what the Holy Grail is........ |
Is the Holy Grail a Spiritual Journey?
In the summer of 2007, I began what I called meditating on the Y. I’m not sure why, I’m not sure how I came up with the idea. Initially, I thought I could make a book of ideas which related to now and the Y. I’d been reading about the bees and their apparent extinction and how it could be related to phone masts. On one of my old mobile phones the symbol representing the proximity to an ariel/quality of reception was a Y. I noticed that if I joined the Ys together it made a honeycomb pattern. I think from there I went on to look at the Y relating to the way in which I and most people, probably viewed the world. Through the stem of the Y, blinkered. This is where it becomes difficult to explain and if you want to understand you may have to draw what I am going to attempt to explain. Draw or imagine a boxy, bubble type Y, imagine you are using squared paper and allow two boxes for the stem, with the triangle on top but instead of leaving the gap of the Y open at the top, join it up to form a closed triangle. Now imagine, that you are looking through the stem of the Y like a pair of binoculars. At first I imagined a line just after the triangle begins to open up from the stem. I imagined that this is as far as most people look, the line is transparent, we are able to see through it and beyond but the majority of us are/were happy not to. I left the idea alone for a while and went back to it a couple of months later. The line for me was no longer there, just the stem and the triangle. I don’t think I did any more than look at it again and one evening realised that I was seeing triangular, I had moved down the stem and was now at the point where the stem met the triangle. I had previously looked at the triangle as a V. I remembered the V in Da Vinci’s ‘Last Supper’ painting, how it was supposed to be the womb. I didn’t really believe that and began looking at explanations, the origins of the letter V. Although interesting, none of the ideas really grabbed me. Soon after, thinking about the Y again, I drew it, how I've described above, and suddenly it hit me, the Y, with the top closed looked like the holy grail, the cup and I thought that’s what it is. I went to the internet, googled, holy grail spiritual journey and to my surprise, this was not a new idea. If this isn’t a new idea I thought, why I had I not heard about it? Why was I brought up to believe it was a cup?
Remembering a passage in a book I have, I read this.
“…….Rooted in Celtic myth and the powerful mysteries of early Christianity, the grail legends explore the theme of spiritual transformation…….Today, several esoteric movements use the grail as subject for meditation. They regard it as a symbol of the means of attaining spiritual perfection, rather like the alchemical Philosophers Stone”.
The Sacred Earth, Brian Leigh Molyneaux
On the same page as the passage about the grail, there is a picture of a labyrinth, which according to this author was the path of ignorance leading to hell, with Christ the saviour showing the way out. It just so happened that I know someone whos company logo was a labyrinth and it also just happened that I had a copy of his manuscript, an autobiographical book that he had just written about his own spiritual journey. The book is called ‘The Invisible Path’ and I opened it on the page where he talks about the labyrinth. By this time I am starting to believe that these connections I am making are not accidental. In the manuscript he says that a person meets the centre of the labyrinth four times on their journey.
So last night again, I look at the Da Vinci painting and I notice that there is no cup or chalice on the table, this, I have since found out has always puzzled people. The grail is there, and the writer of the Da Vinci code I think was right, that the triangle is the Holy Grail, it is the journey or the path that we travel that brings us closer to ourselves and ……..?
Jesus himself says on Ask the Real Jesus, the Time is Now!
So if the Holy Grail is not Mary Magdalene, is not the divine feminine and is not an actual cup, then what is it? Is there any truth to the legends of the Holy Grail? After all, these legends have been very persistent, and many people have become obsessed with finding the Holy Grail. Are all these people simply on a wild goose chase, or is there some hidden reality that people have not yet understood?
There is a reality to the concept of the Holy Grail. That reality has been kept secret from the general population for centuries because we of the Ascended Host deemed that people were not ready to grasp this truth. This was demonstrated by the fact that so many people followed the outer doctrines of orthodox Christianity instead of looking for the inner spiritual meaning of Christianity. Therefore, we were happy with the fact that people were seeking the Holy Grail as a material thing, a Cup of Christ.
As I explain throughout this website, and especially in my discourse on spiritual cycles, humankind has now risen to a higher state of consciousness. Therefore, it is time to reveal the true secret of the Holy Grail, and I am happy to do so here. Do you remember that The Da Vinci Code talks about the fact that you do not find the Grail but that the Grail finds you?
Yes, I thought that was a very profound statement. I was also struck by the fact that it sounds similar to the old saying that when the student is ready, the teacher appears.
And right there you have the secret of the Holy Grail. In reality, the Holy Grail is the open door between Heaven and Earth, between the spiritual realm and the material realm. The Holy Grail is therefore that which allows a human being, a son or daughter of man, to raise his or her consciousness to the level of the Christ consciousness and thereby become a son or daughter of God.
On a personal level, the Holy Grail is your Christ self. It is only through your Christ self that you can manifest Christ consciousness, and it is only through Christ consciousness that you can attain eternal life by becoming an ascended being.
The Holy Grail can also be a spiritual teacher. Such a teacher can be an ascended being, or it can be a person in embodiment who temporarily serves as a substitute for the Christ self until a student is ready to make contact with his or her Christ self. Yet it is extremely important to realize that the outer teacher must never become an idol that replaces the inner teacher of the Christ self.
If you allow an outer teacher or, as many people have done, an outer object, doctrine or church to replace the inner teacher, then you are following the way that seems right unto a man, but the ends thereof are the ways of death. This then becomes the outer path that I described in great detail in one of my discourses.
You will notice that I taught the multitudes in parables, and the reason was that they were not ready for my inner teachings. Those are the people who became fascinated by the idea that the Holy Grail was a cup, a physical object. And if only you could find that cup, then by drinking from it you would automatically receive eternal life without having to follow the rigorous path of spiritual initiation. This is truly the dream of an automatic or guaranteed salvation, and it is the greatest pipe dream found on this planet.
Although some seek to take Heaven by force, there are no shortcuts. You will never enter Heaven without following the inner path that leads to Christ consciousness. If you do not wear the wedding garment, you will not be able to enter the wedding feast, and you will find yourself in outer darkness, bound hand and foot by your own wounded psychology and false beliefs.
Even the notion that the Holy Grail is a woman and that a man will attain union with God through sexual union with a woman is the dream of an automatic salvation. However, there is a greater truth here in the sense that when a person attains balance between the masculine and feminine aspects of the soul, that person, be it a man or woman, will begin to have glimpses of Christ consciousness, which will lead to union with God. The dream that union with God can be produced as the automatic or guaranteed result of sexual union is the fallacy behind the practice of tantric sex that has been especially popular in the East. Take note that I am not saying the philosophy of rising the Kundalini is wrong or that this cannot be done through sex. I am saying that it is not an automatic result of sexual union.
There have always been people on this planet who attempted to take heaven by force and produce spiritual enlightenment without going through the work of healing their psychology and purifying their minds and hearts. These are the people who are not ready for the truth about the Holy Grail. These are the people who for centuries have been pursuing the quest for an outer object or some mysterious secret that will automatically give eternal life to anyone who finds it. The secret of eternal life is union with your Christ self, but that union will never be the automatic result of outer actions. It must be the inner mystical union spoken of by so many true spiritual philosophies found around the world.
When I was alone with my disciples, I taught them many things, including the fact that every human being has a Christ self and can attain union with that Christ self. Yet even my disciples were not able to fully grasp the truth behind this teaching. That is why I gave them the outer ritual of breaking the Bread of Life as a remembrance of me. The true inner meaning of that ritual is that the Bread of Life is the universal Christ consciousness, which has been broken for every human being in the form of that person's individual Christ self.
The individual Christ self then becomes the cup which can hold the blood, as a symbol of the stream of consciousness of the universal Christ mind. When your soul unites with your Christ self, you raise the chalice of a whole mind and soul, and thereby the stream of the universal Christ consciousness will begin to flow through you. Your thoughts, feelings and actions will then be built upon the rock of Christ, meaning the Christ consciousness, instead of the shifting sands of the human consciousness.
This is the true secret of the Holy Grail that people have been seeking for 2,000 years. If they had paid attention to one of my most important statements, they would not have sought outside themselves. My statement that the kingdom of God is within you demonstrates that the Holy Grail must be found inside of you, inside your mind, inside your consciousness.
Let me say that the Grail legend has truly served a purpose in terms of helping many souls have an outer focus for the true inner longing for the Christ consciousness. I am therefore not saying that there is anything wrong with people's fascination with the Grail. The problem is that many focus all attention on an outer object instead of seeking a deeper understanding.
I realize that many people will find my explanation to be far less colorful and romantic than the grail legend itself. Yet if they will shift their consciousness from being focused on the material world to focusing on the inner world, they will discover that the inner walk with Christ is far more romantic, exciting and rewarding than the pursuit of a material cup.
I am the Holy Grail.
Go into your heart and find me.
If you seek me with a pure heart and an open mind, you will find me.
And then I will surely give you eternal life.
In October 2005, I and an organisation named ‘Culture Shop’ put on a series of film nights where we showed Loose Change 2. I called the nights ‘Extend Your Field of Vision’. |