Caz Last Chance Saloon
Joined: 23 Apr 2006 Posts: 836
Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 4:09 am Post subject: Does Raytheon traffic children? |
[Raytheon] E systems importing cocaine and kidnapping children for sale overseas(copy of pleading)
Quote: | [CTRL] FW: [Raytheon] E systems importing cocaine and kidnapping children for sale overseas(copy of pleading)
Fri, 4 Feb 2000 02:30:17 -0800
-Caveat Lector- <A HREF="">
</A> -Cui Bono?-
This stuff may be difficult to understand - if understood difficult to
believe - if believed difficult to bear.
I believe it is important to remove the veil of secrecy behind which such
activity can take place. I've been studying corruption and crime on high
government & corporate levels for several years, and for the past year or
so, have been focussing on the area where Mike Ruppert has spent the last 20
years - importation of heroin & cocaine, and money laundering by CIA &
associates, including many politicians & military personnel. This goes into
another area of covert trafficking in human misery.
Don't read it if you're not ready for some upsetting stuff.
Dave Hartley
-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Ruppert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, February 02, 2000 11:58 AM
Subject: RE: E systems importing cocaine and kidnapping
children for sale overseas(copy of pleading)
For the record -
I have slept in Win Richardson's home in Lone Oak, Texas. I have stood on
the lake shore where private E-Systems planes used to drop bales of cocaine.
I visited a small sail boat on the lake that was set up as an ELINT
Intelligence eavesdropping post on Win's house. I have met his wife and
daughter - the same daughter whose boyfriend was suicided.
Another brave former E-Systems employee (an accountant) named Michelle
Cooper, had once shared a lot of information with Win and me. She produced
documents showing how E-System funded Top Secret weapons and communications
research with drug money which they called "Black Rock" money.
Win Richardson is a solid, solid man. I have delivered documents for him to
investigator from the U.S. Senate.
It is no coincidence that E-Systems (now Raytheon) has always had a retired
or current DCI on it's Board. Years ago it was Adm. William Raborn. Today
it's (guess who?) John Deutch.
Mike Ruppert
-----Original Message-----
From: Herbert Jamieson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, February 02, 2000 1:05 AM
To: cia
Subject: E systems importing cocaine and kidnapping children for
sale overseas(copy of pleading)
From: "Herbert Jamieson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
----- Original Message -----
From: Winfred Richardson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, February 01, 2000 10:08 PM
Subject: [patriotawareness] Re: Proof gov is kidnapping andsellingchildren
> Attached is the brief filed in %th Circuit. Its long but will give a lot
> insight.
> Case No. 99-10682
> United States of America, ex rel, WINFRED E. RICHARDSON
> Plaintiff - Appellant
> v.
> Defendant - Appellee
> Brief In Support Of Appeal
> Plaintiff/Appellant Winfred E. Richardson files this appeal. because the
> lower court erred in its decision.
> The Court should grant Plaintiffs' because:
> 1) The ruling denies appellant the right to a trial by jury as guaranteed
> by the Constitution.
> · In Apodaca v. Oregon, Justice White observed: "Our inquiry must focus
> upon the function served by the jury in contemporary society. As we said
> Duncan, the purpose of trial by jury is to prevent oppression by the
> Government by providing a 'safeguard against the corrupt or overzealous
> prosecutor and against the compliant, biased, or eccentric judge.' In
> Williams; 'This is the fundamental of jury trial which brings it within
> mandate of Due Process' was added.
> a. One thing that is obviously clear is how far individuals in the
> government has gone, including breaking the law and trampling on the
> Constitution, in order to cover up wrong doing committed at and by
> b. A case in point is the DoJ's involvement in setting up 30 year IG/DCIS
> SSA Chris Hallien and it's attempt to falsely imprison him in order to
> cover up The DoJ, DoD and E-Systems RICO activities.
> c. E-Systems legal staff attempted to do the same to me by filing
> false charges against me with FBI National Security Agent Danny James.(A
> tape of the conversation with Agent James and the head of the Dallas
> of the FBI has been entered in the records).
> d. E-Systems delivered what looked like a 'wanted poster' (in the records)
> to the Hunt County Sheriffs Department at which time the Sheriff informed
> deputies that I was possibly a terrorist and they should use extreme
> caution when approaching me. An obvious attempt to have me legally
> murdered. When I asked the sheriff why he did it he informed me E-Systems
> wanted him to as they thought we were taking pictures of them changing the
> tail numbers on aircraft (Tpe entered of this conversation). In the State
> of Texas v. Michael Ferris the attorney for the Northeastern Drug
> Interdiction Task Force admitted knowing about the drug (cocaine)
> by or through E-Systems (transcript entered in records).
> · William's v Florida
> Mr. Justice White delivered the opinion of the Court.***
> In Duncan v. Louisiana we held that the fourteenth Amendment guarantees a
> right to a trial by jury in all criminal cases which--were they to be
> in a federal court would come within the Sixth Amendments guarantee.
> Although this was a criminal case Justice Whites statements shows it is
> applicable to civil cases as well and maybe more so.
> Justice White went on to state; Indeed, pending and after he adoption of
> the Constitution, fears were expressed that Article III's provision failed
> to preserve the common law right to be tried by a "jury of the vicinage."
> That concern, as well as the right to jury in civil as well as criminal
> cases, furnished part of the impetus for introducing Amendments to the
> Constitution which ultimately resulted in the jury provisions of the Sixth
> and Seventh Amendments..............Finally, contemporary legislative and
> Constitutional provisions indicate that where Congress wanted to leave no
> doubt that it was incorporating existing common law features of the jury
> system, it knew how to use express language to that effect. Thus, the
> Judiciary bill, signed by the President on the same day that the House and
> Senate finally agreed on the form of the Amendments to be submitted to the
> States, provided in certain cases for the narrower "vicinage" requirements
> which the House had wanted to include in the Amendments. And the Seventh
> Amendment, providing for a trial in civil cases, explicitly added that "no
> fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise re-examined in any Court of the
> United States, than according to common law.'
> Denying me a trial by jury is depriving me of Due Process.
> 2. Cruel and Unusual Punishment
> Any normal person would have to agree that it is cruel and unusual
> punishment to punish someone for obeying the law and rewarding the guilty
> party while doing so, and this is what the courts ruling does. All records
> prove the guilt of the defendant in this case. The law proscribes criminal
> prosecution for anyone who has knowledge of wrong doings and does not
> report them. Yet I followed the law and was punished by being ordered to
> pay the defendants court cost and attorneys fees!
> · In District of Columbia v. Carter, the Court held that the District of
> Columbia is not a "State or Territory" within the meaning of s 1983. None
> the less, although no federal statue expressly provides civil remedies for
> a federal officer's violation of a person's federal constitutional rights,
> the Court, in Bivins v. Six unknown named agents, held that the federal
> courts could award money damages, relying on Bell v. Hood for the
> that "where federally protected rights have been violated, it has been the
> rule from the beginning that courts will be alert to adjust their remedies
> so as to grant the necessary relief."
> 2) The Court erred in its decision due to false, misleading or incomplete
> information.
> A. The first thing every Judge instructs a jury to do is hear all the
> evidence before making its decision. In this case the Judge heard only one
> side before doing what he instructs jurors not to do. He ruled after
> hearing only one side.
> B. Plaintiffs' allegations are obviously well founded, and not baseless,
> Congressional and DoD investigators was able to find and confirm
> Plaintiffs' allegations and Defendants' on Illegal and Conspiratorial
> actions has kept Plaintiff for being able to keep Plaintiff out of court.
> Allegations plaintiff made are still being investigated and confirmed as
> shortly as a few months ago (tape confirming entered).
> 3) The fact that the que tam was kept sealed over six (6) years instead of
> the six (6) months shows there is problems and if it had been opened in
> six months, as it should have been, if it were not for DoJ personnel as
> well as possibly my E-Systems furnished attorney, there would be no
> 4) Investigators will confirm that, due to potential baggage, they used
> other peoples names on their reports, but will confirm it is my
> and the others just confirmed them.
> · The defendant has stated it has thousands of employees but wants to
> that because more than one knew of the wrong doings the allegations could
> not be his and this is ludicrous and an insult to any honest persons
> intelligence!
> 5) Due to a compromised or incompetent attorney, compromised possibly by
> the defendant there is no telling what has or has not be entered.
> · In the defendants opposition to plaintiffs motion to proceed IFP the
> defendant entered the courts ruling where my wrongful termination lawsuit
> was thrown out because of something not being filed.
> a. My attorney had told me it was thrown out because of it being part of
> this action.
> b. The court records prove otherwise.
> c. I was introduced to my attorney by a confirmed (by the AF/OSI, IG/DCIS
> and GAO) E-Systems plant. Ike Ellis stated an attorney had recommended Mr.
> Baxter to him. Mr. Ellis was claiming problems with E-Systems at the time
> and even filed a civil action himself, which he later dropped.
> d. The filed affidavit of Granville Gwin states; "You've reported us to
> OFCCP, NLRB and other government agencies and we are terminating you for
> e. The DoD and GAO both confirmed I was terminated for blowing the whistle
> and that there was fifteen (15) confirmed cases of retaliation and
> termination of witnesses and this was relay to Mr. Baxter.
> f. Col. Manning Crump admitted under oath he had given my name and
> information to the defendant. This lead to my termination. The Supreme
> Court has made a ruling that when names are to be kept in confidence and
> that confidence is betrayed then the individual and agency is responsible.
> g. Based on the above facts I ask the following question: How do you feel
> about an attorney that would lose well over one hundred thousand dollars
> ($100,000) in his own fees by not filing documents with the court in a
> and would now be in excess of a million? Incompetent or compromised?
> 6) Plaintiff reported Common Practice acts as Common Practice acts in a
> Conspiracy to Defraud the United States Government and his allegations has
> been confirmed by Congressional and DoD investigators and depended on his
> attorney to do the proper filing and it not being properly listed may
> possibly be due to illegal and conspiratorial acts by the Defendant as
> shown above.
> 7) Plaintiff has made it well known that he desired a jury trial. If it
> not been requested then it is possibly due to illegal and conspiratorial
> acts by the Defendant.
> a. It has been confirmed by Congressional and DoD investigators that the
> Defendant had a plant by the name of Ike Ellis to "get close to the
> Defendant" obviously with the intent to gain information and to mislead
> Plaintiff. Mr. Ellis has admitted he was planted by the Defendant and that
> he is a friend and neighbor of E-Systems President and General Manager
> Brian Cullen.
> b. Mr. Ellis asked Plaintiff if he had an attorney. When the Plaintiff
> stated 'not yet' Mr. Ellis stated an attorney had recommended Mr. Lance
> Baxter and that he, Mr. Ellis, had made an appointment with Mr. Baxter for
> himself and Plaintiff. Mr. Ellis and Plaintiff went to see and retained
> Baxter to represent them. Mr. Ellis dropped his suit shortly after filing.
> Mr. Baxter, the attorney the Defendant led the Plaintiff to, is the
> attorney that was representing the Plaintiff in this suit and the attorney
> that did the filing for the Defendant. If the Defendant controls the
> attorneys for both sides it is understandable the Plaintiff has not got
> anywhere, and why former CEO A.L. Lawson stated in a news interview,
> they may spank our hands and tell us not to do it anymore'.
> c. I was told by my former attorney Mr. Baxter that my wrongful
> suit was thrown out because it was part of this suit and only found out in
> Defendant/Appellee Raytheon E-Systems response to Plaintiffs' Motion to
> Proceed In Forma Pauperis attachment E, which states it was because
> Plaintiff made no response. It appears the Defendant did control my former
> attorney and could only be more obvious if Mr. Broodo represented both.
> 8 ) The Defendant has used others to 'get close' to the Plaintiff and
> information. Two of these who have admitted their use by the Defendant
> against the Plaintiff is Mr. Guy Morphew and Mr. Billy Rath (affidavit
> already submitted).
> 9) The Defendant Has Been Dishonest During Government Investigations and
> Had Others To Give False Information And Used Threats and Intimidation to
> Get People To Give False Or Misleading Information
> a. When the investigation began the government contacted the OFCCP to
> obtain records. Shortly after the Director of the OFCCP in Dallas wanted
> to come in to see him. I went with my attorney Mr. Baxter. The Union
> Officials interviewed by the OFCCP were former Union Officials and not the
> officials who were involved during the termination. One statement I saw
> openly false and will be easy to prove in court.
> b. The Defendants legal staff and others used threats and intimidation to
> get employees to give false information to investigators as well as
> instructing employees what to say and threatening to fire them if they
> deviated. This has been confirmed by investigators but the AUSA's involved
> refused to do anything about it.
> 10) The Defendant, And Defendants Legal Staff, Has Used Corrupt Officials
> In A Conspiracy To Falsely Imprison, Allegedly To Cover Up The Defendants
> RICO Activities.
> a. Defendants General Council sent AUSA Lynn Hastings a memo stating; it
> appears Mr. Richardson has went to the Congress and Washington press. AUSA
> Hastings then called the defendant in to her office and threatened to file
> charges on me if I talked to any current or former E-Systems employees,
> Congressional Committees or the press. SA Richard Bollinger, SA Ed Dowling
> and 'Carlos' was at the meeting and will confirm this.
> b. The Defendant had made up what looked just like a 'wanted poster' from
> the Plaintiff and Mr. Lewis Sams badge pictures and had it delivered to
> Hunt County Sheriffs Department. The sheriff posted it and informed
> deputies the Plaintiff and Mr. Sams were possibly terrorist and to use
> extreme caution when approaching them, in an attempt, Plaintiff believes,
> to have the Plaintiff and Mr. Sams killed legally.
> c. When the Plaintiff and Mr. Sams went to the Hunt County Sheriff and
> asked why he had put up the wanted poster and told deputies that, the
> sheriff stated the Defendant wanted him to as the Defendant was afraid the
> Plaintiff and Mr. Sams was afraid they were taking pictures of the
> Defendant changing the tail numbers on some of the aircraft at E-Systems.
> In The State of Texas v. Michael Ferris, Kent Williams, attorney for the
> Northeast Texas Drug Interdiction Task Force, admitted knowing about the
> drug smuggling by or through E-Systems. These were the planes in question.
> d. After a meeting at my house at which AF/OSI SA Richard Bollinger, DoD
> IG/DCIS SSA Chris Hallien, FBI SA Mark Briant and a judge met with the
> Plaintiff, the three agents were followed to Greenville, around Greenville
> as they met others, then to the Hunt County line by Hunt County Deputies.
> e. Plaintiff had reported to the agents how employees of the Defendant,
> Hunt County Sheriffs Department, the then DIS agent at E-Systems and
> were following and harassing witnesses and their families. The agents had
> been skeptical of the reported incidents until the actions mentioned in 1,
> 2 and 3 above. After the above mentioned incidents thirty (30) year
> SSA Chris Hallien began investigating the Sheriff's Department.
> f. A deputy informed me the sheriff informed deputies not to worry about
> SSA Hallien because the Defendant was going to have SSA Hallien indicted.
> informed SSA Hallien and other Congressional and DoD investigators of
> g. In a conversation with Mr. Sams and his wife I was informed: the
> government had threatened to file criminal charges against him if he
> drop his wrongful termination suit against E-Systems, as he would have
> continued to mischarge if he had not been terminated. Mr. Sams was called
> before a grand jury and told what to say, and that if he deviated the
> government would file the criminal charges against him, and this testimony
> was used to get an indictment against SSA Hallien, which forced his
> retirement.
> h. Mr. Billy Rath, who was being used by Defendants legal staff to keep
> track of me, was called in by Ms. Nancy Hampton, one of the Defendants
> attorneys, and asked if he thought the Plaintiff would ever quit pursuing
> his case. Mr. Rath stated no, that Plaintiff felt he had been cheated out
> of his job and until he got his job back or compensation for his job he
> would keep pursuing it. Ms. Hampton then picked up the phone and called
> National Security Agent Danny James, in the Dallas office, and knowingly
> filed the false charge of extortion against the Plaintiff.
> i. Twenty-year employee, Mr. Billy Rath was also a senior estimator. Mr.
> Rath had informed me how Defendants legal staff was using him and also
> that and other information to the government investigators. The Defendant
> has a fire block that stops employees from gaining access to pornography
> the Internet. The Defendant checked Mr. Rath's computer for pornography
> found none. At this point they brought in a specialist who put in a disk
> and found pornography they claimed Mr. Rath had pulled up. Mr. Rath was
> fired or forced to resign. The specialist's wife was living with Mr. Rath.
> Mr. Rath invited her to leave around the first part of December. Three
> months later she filed some kind of assault with a weapon against Mr.
> 154th District Judge Beacum changed court dates, moving them up, Mr. Rath
> would not be notified and would be arrested for not being in court.
> j. Judge Beacum was also the visiting judge when the pedophile that
> molested my daughter was captured after jumping probation and was wanted
> for over six years. Judge Beacum ruled the pedophile had not broken any
> laws and turned the pedophile loose.
> k. I went to the courthouse to get a list of Judge Beacum's contributors
> and it was not on file and his office refused to give me a copy.
> 11) Possible Reasons The Government or Corrupt Officials Are Aiding
> a. Defendant's documents shows where there was bribery or attempted
> of a government official.
> b. The governments knowledge of defective aircraft as well as crashes with
> loss of life which it refused to do anything about and this includes the
> Presidents aircraft as well as King Fauds.
> c. Defendant's documents shows Defendants and NSA's involvement in the
> German bribery scandal.
> d. The Defendants or governments involvement in the before mentioned drug
> smuggling using government aircraft and operated under AFSOC contracts.
> e. The treasonist sale of state of the art technology that comprises the
> security of Israel as well as our on military in that region.
> f. I was asked, by a Congressional Committee, to see if there was certain
> individuals still working for the Defendant that was involved with the
> 'Finders' a group that was/is kidnapping then selling children overseas on
> a scale that requires a money laundering operation. It is supported by a
> ten page Treasury Department, Customs Agents report.
> g. I was asked, by a Congressional Committee, if I knew of, or had
> information concerning Defendants possible involvement in 'Brownstone'.
> This is where government officials were photographed with young boys
> performing oral sex on them.
> h. Per Senator John DeCamp children were provided for the entertainment
> certain officials at the Republican Convention when it was held in Dallas.
> This may have ties to Raytheon Systems, 'Brownstone' and the 'Finders'.
> i. I was informed a couple of weeks after President Clinton's election in
> November 1992 that word had come down from Washington for the DoJ to
> decline on all issues before Clinton is sworn in. I reported this to
> Congressional and DoD investigators. January 10 1993, days before
> Clinton was sworn in, the DoJ declined on all issues.
> j. The preparer of the GAO Report on E-Systems, SA William Davis, stated
> that he had been forced to rewrite the report, watering it down, several
> times in order to make it acceptable to the Republicans.
> k. When the Republicans gained the majority in the House and Senate, the
> first thing they did, even before they were sworn in, closed this and
> investigations, which the Democrats say they are going to reopen when they
> gain back the majority.
> l. The DoD refuses to do anything about the confirmed firing of Defendants
> employees for blowing the whistle and/or giving information, although the
> terminations are confirmed.
> m. The DoD admitted to Government Affairs, and an employee of the DoD
> confirmed it to the Plaintiff, the DoD has never ruled in favor of a
> defense contractor whistleblower.
> n. Allegedly a report was given to Government Affairs that there is an
> agreement between the DoD and DoJ not to prosecute certain government
> contractors.
> o. Given all of the above information, and the fact that judges are
> political appointees, what sane or semi-sane person would not want a jury
> trial. It also shows the Defendants and Defendants legal staffs lack of
> credibility.
> p. The Defendants council mentioned to the judge, in a telephone meeting,
> that due to the amount of monies involved a settlement was impossible, as
> if this was a reason for the judge to throw out this complicated case. The
> government estimate of the rip off's is 25 to 30% of all contracts and
> company is/was doing over three billion dollars a year in business with
> government. The Defendant never tried to settle and why should they when
> they own enough political influence and officials to get away with
> anything, not to mention the probability of controlling my former
> and the tens, if not hundreds, of millions of dollars, confirmed by the
> government investigators, which also prove plaintiffs allegations are not
> baseless, and they have ripped the tax payers off for enough to buy off
> almost anyone.
> Almost daily there is even politicians speaking about how corrupt the
> system is and how it is corrupted by 'donations'. If this is not true then
> why would the Republicans close an investigation when it has been
> the tax payers has been ripped of for hundreds of millions of dollars? Why
> did the DoJ close their part of the investigation after the word come down
> from Washington to decline on all issues before Clinton took office? Was
> to cove up the kidnapping then sale of children overseas or the drug
> smuggling or the donations? I realize I must now file a separate civil
> action against the corrupt government officials involved, but I listed the
> actions to show how they have effected this action. The same thing
> in Irwin Rautenbergs case Air Sea Forwarders v. E-Systems after E-Systems
> purchased Air America and took over the CIA's contracts with that company.
> The government did everything it could to aid E-Systems but in that case
> Mr. Rautenberg had the money to fight, which I have been illegally denied,
> to prevent me from obtaining justice and proper fight this action. I,
> Winfred E. Richardson, Plaintiff, therefore requests that the Court grant
> Plaintiffs appeal.
> Respectfully submitted,
> ____________________
> Winfred E. Richardson
> P.O. Box 94
> Lone Oak, Tx 75453
> 903-447-4211
> _________________
> The recovered monies are a matter of record shown on the investigators
> reports.
> At 12:36 PM 1/30/00 -0600, you wrote:
> >Pool of children for sexual purposes:
> > Harris,etc.
> >The two INSIGHT articles , by Timothy W. Maier, in my estimation, prove
> >conclusively that sex with children is on the agenda of Democrats ANd
> >Republicans and U.N. Diplomats. There is a sighting of 121 children in a
> >mechanically disabled plane at Denver Airport headed for Europe. I cannot
> >prove this. It is anecdotal ,therefore. However, children were definitely
> >used for sex at the 1993 APEC Pacific Rim APEC COnference, contractred by
> >FBI,National Security Agency, and Ron Browb abd Bill CLinton. They were
> >placed there to be videotaped by having sex with dignitaries from 15
> >at the 1993 Pacific Rim Conference in Seattle.I personally think this
> >is enough to impeach Clinton, but I have found no SUpreme COurt of
> >Congressman who agrees with me, so they much be indulgindg in the same??
> >Herb Jamieson
> >Houston
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