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Death and destruction in a Jerusalem seminary

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 06, 2008 9:56 pm    Post subject: Death and destruction in a Jerusalem seminary Reply with quote

No, no-one can assume this is a Hamas attack because it sets their cause back by miles. More likely a secular detonator for a divide and rule religious war. Let's hope the media don't do their dirty work for them.


http://english.aljazeera.net/NR/exeres/9D9C103A-8E02-45EF-A335-46DB5BA AF766.htm

Hamas labelled the shooting as "heroic".

Sami Abu Zuhri, a spokesman for the Palestinian group, said: "This heroic attack in Jerusalem is a normal response to the crimes of the occupier and its murder of civilians."

Taher al-Nunu, another spokesman, blamed the attack on Ehud Olmert, the Israeli prime minister, and Ehud Barak, the defence minister.

'Suppression of truth, human spirit and the holy chord of justice never works long-term. Something the suppressors never get.' David Southwell
Martin Van Creveld: Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: "Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother."
Martin Van Creveld: I'll quote Henry Kissinger: "In campaigns like this the antiterror forces lose, because they don't win, and the rebels win by not losing."
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 2:06 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

It is not beyond the mossad to have set this up.
Ofcourse they woud simply let the gunman into position through many checkpoints and security checks and metal detectors.


Last edited by karlos on Fri Mar 07, 2008 9:17 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 8:00 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

karlos wrote:

.....It is not beyond the mossad to have set this up.

Is it really necessary to make such a suggestion at a time like this?

Like many on this site I view Mossad as one of the premier agencies of evil we are trying to expose.

However I cannot believe they would do this against the youth of their own religious community.

Remember that these victims are from the land-grabbing 'fundamentalist' faction of Talmudic Judaism. They are Mossad's Zionist spiritual support. Mossad may be a bunch of degenerates but they obviously try to direct their evil outwards and not inwards.

Apart from that, it demeans us all to suggest such a thing. This is a real tragedy for real people and it is not a good thing to use it to speculate in such a wild fashion.
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 9:21 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

what better way to shore up support?
sacrifice a few and then kill usually an average THIRTY times the number of Palestinians in an orchestrated revenge attack

the reality is in the wider world people look upon these killings as:
So shall ye sow - so shall ye reap

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 9:28 am    Post subject: Report does not add up Reply with quote

I’m beginning to think this was a hoax rather than a Mossad asset actually killing anyone. The report doesn’t add up.

Apparently the shooter let off 600 rounds with his assault rifle and handgun, with a belt for extra ammunition and he killed 8 students and wounded 11. Excuse me!!? 600 rounds = 8 dead and 11 wounded. Where students celebrating a religious festival in one place or where they, for some reason, in different rooms? What was this guy shooting at? The walls?

How did he get into the seminary carrying an assault rifle? CNN reports that people were shocked that he was able to do this given Jerusalem's security. The Jerusalem Post asks whether there was a guard at the gate.

Who killed him? The Post reports that a 40-year-old teacher got on a roof (!?) and shot at him. Then undercover agents come in and, after a fire fight, kill him. The BBC report that the same guy shot the ‘terrorist’ in the head with two shots. Last night, CNN say that a local Israel Defence Force person killed him and then two undercover agents nearby finished him off. Which is it?

There were initial reports of two shooters. This magically turned into one. First the ‘terrorist’ had a bomb belt that was not detonated. But then we are told it was a belt carrying bullets. But CNN showed fire coming out of a first floor room. Where did the fire come from?

Where are the student witnesses? There are no witness reports from students who escaped after being shot at. Nothing from any of the students wounded. Nothing from any teacher, apart from the 40-year-old marksman. But there are itesreports of a medic who was shot at. How did he get there?

Why no blood? Look at the pictures on the BBC and Jerusalem Post websites. Very little blood. No blood seen anywhere near any wounded students being taken into ambulances. No pictures of the dead ‘terrorist’. No pictures of anyone else dead.

How come we were told that ‘Palestinians were celebrating’ on Channel 4 exactly the same time as the first reports of the attack? The vicious people celebrating line was used by Israel’s scary UN ambassador later on CNN. Who reported this celebration and connected it to the attack?

Updated Mar 7, 2008 9:06
Mercaz Harav hit by capital's worst terror attack since April '06

Police confirmed Friday morning that the Palestinian terrorist who opened fire at central Jerusalem's Mercaz Harav Yeshiva late Thursday night, killing eight students and wounding 11 others, carried a blue Israeli identity card and came from east Jerusalem.

A student wounded in the shooting attack in Jerusalem's Mercaz Harav Yeshiva is evacuated to Sha'arei Tzedek Hospital.

Speaking to Israel Radio, Police Operations Department commander Asst.-Cmdr. Yoram Ohayon said that the attacker was from the village of Jabil Mukaba, near east Talpiyot. He said police were checking whether the gunman had accomplices and how he made his way to the yeshiva.

Meanwhile, Jerusalem police chief Cmdr. Aharon Franco told the radio station that during overnight searches, police had found a car they believed was used by the terrorist. Franco said that it was the car the attacker worked with on a regular basis, estimating that it was the vehicle he used to travel to central Jerusalem to perpetrate the attack.

The names the victims of the shooting attack were released Friday morning.

An assault on the heart of Zionism
They were identified as: Yohai Lifshitz, 18, from Jerusalem; Yonatan Yitzhak Eldar, 16, from Shilo; Yonadav Haim Hirschfeld, 19, from Kohav Hashahar, Neria Cohen, 15, also from the capital, Segev Peniel Avihail, 15, from Neve Daniel, Avraham David Moses, 16, from Efrat, Roee Roth, 18, from Elkana and Doron Meherete, 26, from Ashdod.

The funerals of all eight fatalities are due to take place at 10 a.m. Friday.


"There were horrendous screams of 'Help us! Help us!'" recounted Avrahami Sheinberger of the ZAKA emergency rescue service, one of the first to respond to the scene. "There were bodies strewn all over the floor, at the entrance to the yeshiva, in various rooms and in the library."

As security forces raced to the scene, the gunman fired round after round of ammunition into the library at the seminary, religious Zionism's flagship institution. About 80 students had gathered in the library to celebrate the Hebrew month of Adar II, which begins on Friday evening.


Initial reports of a second terrorist on the loose proved unfounded.


At the same time, police arrived at the scene and an intense gunfight erupted with the terrorist lasting several minutes, witnesses said. The scent of gunpowder wafted in the air as undercover police stormed the building.


Rescue workers recounted a grisly picture of students hiding under desks and locking themselves in classrooms to avoid being caught in the hail of bullets.

Yerach Toker, a paramedic for United Hatzola of Israel, said he saw several dead yeshiva students on the library's floor. "Some of them were still holding sacred Jewish books smeared with blood from which they were learning before they were murdered," he said.

"I heard an explosion and I quickly understood that this was gunfire," said Nuri Davidov, 21. "We hid in a room and, from a window, we could see the terrorist opening fire at other students."

"We had just finished evening prayers and suddenly we heard a burst of gunfire," said Dr. Yitzhak Luber, who was attending a class at the yeshiva. "We all immediately ducked on the floor."

Jerusalem police spokesman Shmuel Ben Ruby said the dead gunman was wearing a vest that at first appeared to be an explosives vest but turned out to be a belt holding extra ammunition.

Outside the yeshiva after the attack, crowds of angry onlookers shouted "Death to Arabs!" as rescue workers rushed the wounded to city hospitals.

Franco said that there was no specific intelligence warning about such an impending attack, although there were general alerts for terrorist attacks in the city…

…Hizbullah's Al-Manar satellite television station announced Thursday that a relatively unknown Israeli Arab group called the Martyrs of Imad Mughniyeh and Gaza was responsible for the shooting attack. "Galilee Freedom Battalions - the Martyrs of Imad Mughniyeh and Gaza claimed responsibility for the Jerusalem operation," read the message that flashed across Al-Manar's screen…

…In Gaza City, residents went out into the streets and fired rifles in the air in celebration after hearing news of the attack on the yeshiva.

At Shaare Zedek Medical Center, which is only a few minutes' drive from the yeshiva, the most seriously wounded student - who had bullet holes in many parts of his body - was rushed to the operating room. Spokeswoman Shoham Ruvio said he looked about 18 years old. Two other wounded students were in moderate condition, while four were lightly wounded. The age of the wounded was estimated at 16 to 28…

…According to eyewitnesses, the students initially thought that the gunfire was fireworks - part of a party underway to celebrate the beginning of Adar II…

BBC online

Thursday, 6 March 2008, 22:25 GMT

Eyewitness: School 'like slaughterhouse'

Medics say they faced shocking scenes as they entered the building

Students and members of the emergency services have been describing horrific scenes that followed an attack by a gunman at a Jerusalem seminary.

One medic arrived at the scene as gunfire was still being exchanged.

"The terrorist was shooting at us. We all hide under the cars, under the buses that were here.

"When we got in after the police guys sterilised the place, there was a terrible scene.

"We saw young guys, 15-, 16-year-old guys lying on the floor with their Bibles in their hands, all dead on the floor because the terrorist guys went inside the place and killed those eight or nine young guys who were only here learning in Jerusalem."


Yehuda Meshi Zahav, head of the Zaka rescue service, entered the library after the attack.

I shot him twice in the head. He started to sway

Yitzhak Dadon
"The whole building looked like a slaughterhouse," he told the Associated Press news agency. "The floor was covered in blood. The students were in class at the time of the attack.

"The floors are littered with holy books covered in blood."

Students are reported to have jumped out of the building as the gunman opened fire.

One of the students, Yitzhak Dadon, said the attacker was wearing torn jeans and fired at the students with a Kalashnikov assault rifle. Mr Dadon said he shot the attacker twice in the head, wounding him.

"I laid on the roof of the study hall, cocked my gun and waited for him. He came out of the library spraying automatic fire," he said.

"I shot him twice in the head. He started to sway and then someone else with a rifle fired at him, and he died."

The Palestinian leadership has been split between Mr Abbas's Fatah faction, in control of the West Bank, and Hamas, who have ruled Gaza since forcing out Fatah last year.

The Palestinians - without Fatah - have been engaged in a US-launched peace process with the Israelis since late last year.

"Those celebrating these murders have shown themselves to be the enemies not only of Israel, but the enemies of peace and reconciliation," said Mark Regev, the Israeli government spokesman.

While UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon condemned the attack, the Security Council failed to agree on a statement on Thursday night.

The Libyan representative said his country and several others wanted the council to couple any condemnation of the Jerusalem shootings with one against Israel for killing large numbers of civilians, including children, in Gaza.

But Russian envoy Vitaly Churkin - who currently chairs the Security Council - asked how bad a terrorist attack had to be for specific condemnation, without going through the entire history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Settler connection

The gunman entered the library at the Mercaz Harav seminary on Thursday evening, where about 80 students were gathered, and fired an AK-47 rifle for several minutes, witnesses say.

Students scrambled to flee the scene, jumping out of windows, witnesses said. Most of those killed were reported to be teenagers. At least nine people were injured.

A student reportedly shot the gunman twice before an off-duty Israeli army officer killed him.

The head of the Zaka rescue service described a scene of carnage at the seminary.

"The whole building looked like a slaughterhouse. The floor was covered in blood," said Yehuda Meshi Zahav. "The floors are littered with holy books covered in blood."

A previously unknown group called the Jalil Freedom Battalions - the Martyrs of Imad Mughniyeh and Gaza claims to have carried it out, according to Lebanese Hezbollah media.

Imad Mughniyeh, a senior Hezbollah leader and military commander, was killed in a car bomb in Damascus on 12 February.

The fact that the school is at the heart of the settler movement in the occupied West Bank may have been the reason why it was targeted, BBC Middle East editor Jeremy Bowen says.

Many of its students are on special courses that combine religious study with service in combat units in the Israeli army.

There will be an Israeli response to this attack, our Middle East editor adds - the question is how severe it will be.

'God's vengeance'

Mr Ban criticised the "deliberate killing and injuring of civilians" in what he called a "savage attack".

But in the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip, gunmen fired into the air after news broke about the attack.

A loudspeaker in Gaza City reportedly broadcast the message: "This is God's vengeance."

Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri said the group "blesses the heroic operation in Jerusalem" calling it a "natural reaction" to Israeli attacks.
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 5:28 pm    Post subject: Re: Report does not add up Reply with quote

insidejob wrote:
I’m beginning to think this was a hoax rather than a Mossad asset actually killing anyone. The report doesn’t add up.

Some good actors here then:

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 6:48 pm    Post subject: What dead bodies? Reply with quote

Some good actors here then:


No, the funeral attenders in the photographs weren't acting. They were crying after seeing the dead bodies riddled with bullets. Oh, wait, perhaps they didn't because the bodies were covered up. So, they cried after imagining dead bodies riddled with bullets. And clearly, this is hard evidence that shows it wasn't a hoax.

More evidence that the hoax theory is wrong is that burials took place within hours of the incident. Obviously, the families took one hour to get over the shock of their children being murdered by a 'terrorist', and got down to the business of organising the funeral. And, their possession of ESP meant that thousands knew the time and place of the funeral.

The family of the 'terrorist' said he worked at the school. More evidence. He knew how to evade security and where he was going. And, of course, a school of religious fanatics would employ a member of the Hamas-Hizbollah-Al Qaida terrorists.

So, there you have it. Nothing strange there, then.
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 08, 2008 10:46 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi inside job...this guy gives you a 'maybe'.

Whether you're right or wrong, some thoughts are just too horrible to entertain.....but I suppose "9/11 was an inside job" is also just such a thought.

This writer is right about Talmudism however. It is more-or-less straight Luciferianism.

Ethno-centric, other-hating, Christ-hating etc...The fact that it openly states that Jews can do what they like ( murder, rape, steal, you name it....yes, it's all there in black and white) to the 'Goyim' (i.e. us) is, in itself, astonishing. The fact that large numbers of Jews hold this as their religion confounds the mind.

One can wonder why some of the precepts of Islam are denigrated in our press and media but the Talmud is never questioned.

Mind you, there's a pretty simple answer as to why that happens (or doesn't).

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 08, 2008 11:41 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Some Background......

Interesting. The yeshiva was reportedly a militant messianic yeshiva founded by the appropriately named Rabbi Kook, son of the founder of the powerful Gush Emunim fanatic settler movement.

"All of Gush Emunim's spiritual authorities and many of its leaders were educated in Yeshivat Merkaz ha-Rav, whose founder was Avraham Yitzhak ha-Cohen Kook, the first Ashkenazi chief rabbi of Eretz Yisrael." http://members.tripod.com/alabasters_archive/zionist_fundamentalism.ht ml

According to the teachings of their spiritual mentor, Rabbi Tzvi Yehuda Kook, the Gush, or at least the rabbis who lead it, are themselves the collective incarnation of the Messiah. Since, in biblical prophecy, the Messiah was to appear riding on an ass, he identified the ass as those errant, secular Jews who remain in stubborn ignorance of the exalted purpose of its divinely guided rider. In the shape of those early Zionists they had, it is true, performed the necessary task of carrying the Jews back to the Holy Land, settling it and founding a state there. But now they had served their historic purpose; now they had become obsolete in their failure to renounce their beastly, ass-like ways—and to perceive that Zionism has a divine, not merely a national, purpose.

The mainstream secular Zionist leadership had wanted the Jewish people to achieve “normality,” to be as other peoples with a nation-state of their own. The messianics—and indeed, though for emotional more than doctrinal reasons, much of the nationalist right—hold that that is impossible; the Jews’ “eternal uniqueness” stems from the covenant God made with them on Mount Sinai.

So, as Rabbi Shlomo Aviner, a Gush leader and head of a yeshiva that studies the ancient priestly rites that would be revived if and when the Temple were rebuilt, put it, “while God requires other, normal nations to abide by abstract codes of ‘justice and righteousness,’ such laws do not apply to Jews.” Since Zionism began, but especially since the 1967 war and Israel’s conquest of the remainder of historic Palestine, the Jews have been living in a “transcendental political reality,” or a state of “metaphysical transformation,” one in which, through war and conquest, Israel liberates itself not only from its physical enemies, but from the “satanic” power which these enemies incarnate.

The command to conquer the Land, says Aviner, is “above the moral, human considerations about the national rights of the Gentiles in our country.” What he calls “messianic realism” dictates that Israel has been instructed to “be holy, not moral, and the general principles of morality, customary for all mankind, do not bind the people of Israel, because it has been chosen to be above them.”

It is not simply because the Arabs deem the land to be theirs that they resist this process—though, in truth, it is not theirs and they are simply “thieves” who took what always belonged to the Jews—it is because, as Gentiles, they are inherently bound to do so. “Arab hostility,” says another Gush luminary, Rabbi Eliezer Waldman, director of the Kiryat Arba settlement’s main yeshiva, “springs, like all anti-Semitism, from the world’s recalcitrance” in the face of an Israel pursuing “its divine mission to serve as the heart of the world.”

So force is the only way to deal with the Palestinians. So long as they stay in the Land of Israel, they can only do so as “resident aliens” without “equality of human and civil rights,” those being “a foreign democratic principle” that does not apply to them. But, in the end, they must leave.

There are two ways in which that can happen. One is “enforced emigration.” The other way is based on the biblical injunction to “annihilate the memory of Amalek.” In an article on “The Command of Genocide in the Bible,” Rabbi Israel Hess opined—without incurring any criticism from a state Rabbinate whose official duty it is to correct error wherever it finds it—that “the day will come when we shall all be called upon to wage this war for the annihilation of Amalek.” He advanced two reasons for this. One was the need to ensure “racial purity.” The other lay in “the antagonism between Israel and Amalek as an expression of the antagonism between light and darkness, the pure and the unclean.”


Condoleezza Rice wasted no time in calling the attacks: "an act of depravity and terrorism." Seven men were killed, and 35 other men were wounded, only two seriously (according to updates).

Compare and contrast with her response a few days ago, to the killing of 120 people by the Israeli occupation army, among whom were dozens of women and children, including babies as young as 2 days old: she expressed her "concern for Gaza's civilians".

Alicethe Kurious

So, in view of the fact that Israel is committing massive, daily acts of terrorism against the Palestinian population, then according to the zionist apologists' own arguments "there can be absolutely no doubt of the legality" of targeting that particular yeshiva.

http://www.rigorousintuition.ca/board/viewtopic.php?p=170716&highlight =#170716
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 08, 2008 12:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

they been fighting for 100 years or more and they hate each other

is everything based on conspiracy theory?

if youre a jew try walking around pl -you wont be able to

Puzzling Evidence
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