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Globalist 'Nationcide'=White Season on BBC2?

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 08, 2008 11:28 pm    Post subject: Globalist 'Nationcide'=White Season on BBC2? Reply with quote

Recent tv series about the current state of race relations, mass immigration past and present...how nation states are being subsumed based on the US model of multiculturalism

White Season


Street scene

Watch the full Newsnight report

By Jackie Long
BBC Newsnight

In towns and cities across the country, many white people it seems, are ill at ease. Marginalised. Angry. And ignored.

A Newsnight poll surveying the attitudes of white Britain on a range of issues from the economy, to crime and immigration, shows working class people in particular, feel their lives have got tougher over the past ten years.

As for the future, they see little sign of things getting any better, with the majority of white working class people believing no-one speaks for them in Britain any more.

White Briton poll details

Newsnight White Season poll [170KB]
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When we went out to test the poll findings in Derbyshire, few were offering up much dissent.

"I feel it's got worse and it's going to get worse," said Marie Rhodes, a barmaid at the Shirland Miners Welfare Club.

When asked why, Marie didn't talk about the economy or the specifics of the NHS but rather the loss of something to her, much bigger.

"It makes you sad because it's not your country any more. You feel, or should I say I feel, that I shouldn't be here any more. You don't feel as though you belong in the English country any more."

Marie's colleague Gary Unwin agrees. For him, the root of the problems facing Britain is immigration.

The pressure on public services, lack of housing, the fight for jobs, all he says, are caused by one thing.

"We've got far too many immigrants coming over into this country now," he said. "If they want a house and they've got five or six kids, they get one before the English do."

I don't know what the world's coming to. I'm glad I'm going out, not coming in.
Sheila Bentley, 92

And he agreed wholeheartedly with the 27% of working class people in the Newsnight survey who said, they believed, immigrants were putting their job at risk.

"They're paying them a lot less money than they've got to pay the Englishman so they take them on and the English men can't find jobs. They hold the Englishman back from getting a job."

So would he ration services or prioritise them in some way? "To tell you the truth, I wouldn't even let them into the country because they're just taking what Englishmen are entitled to."

But is there evidence that immigration is to blame for what people like Gary and Marie feel is happening to white working class communities like theirs?

Both conceded that immigration hasn't actually impacted directly on their lives. Shirland - an old mining village - remains almost exclusively white.

NHS operation
There seem to be people who come over to this country, who live abroad, purely and simply to have an operation

Since the pit closed in the mid-60s, jobs have been hard to find and like many such working class communities life can be tough.

But the perception, even fear, of immigration was almost overwhelming for both of them. And they were not alone.

Out on the streets of Matlock, a pretty spa town a few miles away, and there too, immigration was a major concern.

Anne, for example, was positive about her own experiences of the NHS but went on: "There seems to be, not that I know personally, but there seem to be people who come over to this country, who live abroad, but purely and simply to have an operation then go back and they haven't actually put money into the pot."

And that was typical of others. For some white working class people, being white it seems, is now seen almost exclusively through the prism of how their lives compare with those of the immigrants fighting to share the resources on offer.

"There certainly seems to be a tendency towards catering for minorities these days," said Marky Goodwin, echoing the views of 77% of working class people in the poll, who believe the British population is expected to fit in with new immigrants rather than the other way round.

Enoch Powell
I am filled with foreboding; like the Roman, I seem to see 'the River Tiber foaming with much blood'.
Enoch Powell

White Season

And like 88% of white working class people questioned, he also felt it was difficult to criticise immigration without being labelled a racist.

"Yes, definitely. You have to tread on eggshells every time you talk about it these days," he said.

But Katharine Lowe says not everyone is so quick to blame the problems faced by some white communities on immigration.

She says she wasn't surprised by the poll finding that 59% of working class white people felt schools were being asked to teach too many children who don't speak English.

'No future'

"People have limited opinions of things they haven't experienced themselves," she said. So what do they do? "Blame it on something that people have no knowledge of."

Back in the Shirland Miners Welfare Club and the OAPs were finishing their weekly game of bingo.

For 92-year-old Sheila Bentley there's no doubt that nobody speaks for people like her anymore.

She says she's depressed by the unfairness of people from "outside" - though she doesn't specify immigrants at any stage - being given houses that should belong to those born and bred here.

And she criticises a benefits system which doesn't, she says, benefit people like her.

Is she hopeful about the future for the white working classes? "There's not much future for these little ones. I don't know what the world's coming to. I'm glad I'm going out, not coming in."
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 09, 2008 6:20 pm    Post subject: Typical divide and rule Reply with quote

There is something very worrying about BBC's White season.

BBC's White season believes that the voice of white English, working-class people are not listened to. If the programme and BBC online comments are anything to go by, then this is not surprising because they talk a lot of nonsense. BBC's Have Your Say demonstrates the rubbish:

Added: Saturday, 8 March, 2008, 15:09 GMT 15:09 UK
White people of ALL classes are routinely discriminated against in the UK; even the BBC has a “positive” pro black employment agenda, which extends into its Black and Asian only radio and TV programmes, and BBC News. This comes on top of the usual anti-white insults where a myriad of Black only organisations are allowed to flourish, such as the Black Police Association and the Black Music Awards, but when whites wish to enjoy last Night at the Prom’s, we are accused of Nationalistic jingoism.
Kevin O'Sullivan, Halstead, United Kingdom

Added: Saturday, 8 March, 2008, 08:21 GMT 08:21 UK
Here's a question for those who abuse the white working classes. What are the unemployment statistics amongst the descendants of the Afro Caribbean/Indian immigrants who were brought in to under cut UK workers in the 50s and 60s? Since most of these communities live in cities where Eastern Europeans are deemed necessary to keep the places running one must assume that all of the earlier migrant community is in FULL employment or we could not justify abusing the white working classes as idle.
Peter Grimes

Figures don't show a higher rate of unemployment among black people; they don't show under-representation in senior positions and when politicians say black peope should go to the Proms, they are being politically correct because only white people should be allowed to go. nonsense.

For white working-class people, black migration has been a 'disease' that has been killing them. Journalist, Tim Lott was born working class. He believes the 'do-gooding', white, liberal middle-class have supported black people against working-class whites. In 'The Independent', 9 March 2008, he even blames black neighbours for his mother's suicide:

'My mother hanged herself in the house she lived all her life, in Southall, west London, a town that had changed beyond all recognition. It is today the least white place in the whole of Britain.

'She wrote in her suicide note: "I hate Southall, I feel so alone." In case anyone dare accuse her of any racism, she may have hated Southall, but my mother was incapable of hating people. She worked in the last years of her life as a dinner lady in an all-Asian school and was much loved. But she was lost. Her world had disappeared.'

So, there you have it, black people are dangerous to this country, even if you love them, living next door to them kills you.

White people would have us believe that employers and the government discriminate in favour of black people. Yet, if they were asked to support a law that would force white working-class people to have the same life chances in work, housing, politics, education, health etc as revealed by independent research, how many would support that? Answer = 0.

White people don't believe their own arguments about blacks and white migrants receiving better treatment than they do. What white people really fear is that they are losing their 'right' to positive discrimination because they are white.

Another important issue is that the working class as a whole is losing out. New Labour is reducing the protections working class people had. The health service is being run down. The middle classes are more and more the people to benefit from education. In fact, social mobility for working-class people was higher in the 1970s. For all this, white working-class people blame 'black Poles'.

But there is something far more sinister about the season as revealed the programme and the Newsnight discussion on Thursday 5 February. The voice that the BBC is giving the white working class is one that belongs to the British National Party.

The first programme looked at a working men's club in Wisbey, Bradford. A majority of the white participants criticised black people for being abandoned by Labour, for feeling betrayed, living in Bradford, taking over the city with 15% of its population and for violence that they predict. One young person almost relished the idea of a future racial clash - he had a Union Jack with a swastika painted on it.

But giving a voice to BNP supporters and sympathisers as if they represented the white working class was not accidental. Currently, the Wisbey ward was represented by Labour. In 2004, Wisbey elected a BNP councillor. Workingmen's clubs are renown for its racism, so the BBC producers would know that they would have racist members. They could then claim that these clubs represent white working class people - even though the club they looked at has been in decline.

It seems that the BBC's White season has been taken over by elite social manipulators. They are pushing the media into inventing stories that supports Samuel Huntingdon's a clash of Western civilization with Islam thesis. The phoney war on terror, the attack on multiculturalism, the attack on 'political correctness' are being used to drag race equality back, as far as possible, into the 1970s.

This will set the framework for what is to come. The plan is for the global economy to contract. People will lose their livelihoods and living standards. The white working-class will then direct their anger towards ‘black Poles’ rather than to those who control the economy. Black people notice this growing blame towards them. They will conclude that they will have to physically defend themselves against white anger.

What’s worrying is the numbers of white working-class people who are falling for this.

Recent tv series about the current state of race relations, mass immigration past and present...how nation states are being subsumed based on the US model of multiculturalism

conspiracy analyst - so the attacks on 'multiculturalism'? Why are black people being blamed for racism? Why the attacks on 'political correctness'? Why do the media and policiticians forever complain about immigration? Why the media complaints about Christmas under attack? Why did Trilateral Commisson Samuel Huntingdon write a book about the 'Clash of Civilizations' rather than 'The Compatibility of Civilizations'? Why the attack on Lee Jaspers and the funding of black organisations?

This is what Communities Secretary, Ruth Kelly said in August 2006:

"...As time passes, the challenges of integration become more apparent to those who have settled here. Second and third generation immigrants can face a struggle. Not to adapt to life in the UK - but to reconcile their own values and beliefs with those of their parents and grandparents...

"And as this complex picture evolves, there are white Britons who do not feel comfortable with change. They see the shops and restaurants in their town centres changing. They see their neighbourhoods becoming more diverse. Detached from the benefits of those changes, they begin to believe the stories about ethnic minorities getting special treatment, and to develop a resentment, a sense of grievance...

..I believe this is why we have moved from a period of uniform consensus on the value of multiculturalism, to one where we can encourage that debate by questioning whether it is encouraging separateness."

She is arguing a move AWAY from 'multiculturalism'. Your argument about an elite multicultural agenda used to attack nationalism is totally bogus.
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 09, 2008 9:01 pm    Post subject: Re: Typical divide and rule Reply with quote

insidejob wrote:
.....Your argument about an elite multicultural agenda used to attack nationalism is totally bogus.

No it isn't.

The elite try to destroy any unifying or collective rallying concept that has the potential to oppose them. Strong identification with nation, family, religion or race pose a potential threat to their long term agenda.

Forget the details....these are very mixed and muddled........and people can point to politicians quotes to make one case or the opposite. Half the time it seems that the politicians themselves are not clear about what case they are trying to make.

People in this country (not just the white people) feel more and more that they are powerless, have no input whatsoever into the way politicians are taking society and that their individuality is abused rather than respected.

This is no accident. As someone who works inside the education system, it has become obvious to me that this is precisely the purpose of all new policy.

As a character in Disraeli's Coningsby said, "there is a 'public pretext' and a 'real agenda'. In education the public pretext is the 'standards' agenda. This is bogus and has to fail (and it almost always does) in order to implement the real agenda which is ever-increasing control. A large factor in the effectiveness of this control is the sense of powerlessness and demoralisation inculcated in we, the victims, because the the continual aforementioned failure and the attendant harrassment that it inevitably beckons.

This process and these mechanisms are repeated in every area of our national life. Government does not create this culture itself....all these policies that do the elite's dirty work are generated by think-tanks funded and controlled by this elite.

Personally, I'm all for treating all people and all races with absolute fairness. I also enjoy the diversity of London and its many vibrant cultures.

This doesn't mean that it wasn't absolutely fair comment for Tim Lott to bewail the alienation his mother suffered when a 'ghetto' of particular immigrants formed itself around her and she found herself an alien in her own country. It wouldn't happen in Weybridge. I have a couple of friends who got out of East Ham for exactly the same reason.

If you expect your life and lifestyle to be protected by government, why should these people not expect the same.

However, these are sad asides to the main event.

Everything that is happening to us is devised to divide, disempower and rule.

Yes, the white race in Britain are at a loss. Those who would centre their sense of identity on this have a major problem. A good thing too perhaps as their sense of 'Britishness' was always an unpleasant and potentially destructive one.

For someone like me who sees himself as a Christian, the public trashing of Christianity is a more serious matter. The Christian faith is obviously under serious attack by educators and the media. It's place in society and, more importantly, the principles of Universality and respect for absolute goodness have more or less faded away. The primacy of man, with all his self-serving compromises, has displaced God as a dominant idea.

One small example to illustrate the onslaught against Christianity. The only overtly Christian character in popular culture is Dot Cotton in Eastenders. She is written as a 'harmless' character who can quote chapter and verse for every biblical quote she delivers (I've never met anyone in real life who does this this). She is also dopey and stupid and has one son.........who is truly evil.

Thanks for that BBC.

Islam also (obviously) is under attack.

The family is under attack from all directions....from the 'sex as recreation' culture promoted in all the media (there is a regular columnist in The Independent whose column is entitled 'Sleeping Around'. This woman roams London looking for an ever-better shag so she can tell the whole world about it).
The public promotion of Homosexuality and feminism can also be interpreted as an attack on the traditional family and its purpose and values. (not that there isn't a good side to these developments as well). the point to realise is that the reason certain paradigms are promoted is not for their 'good sides' (although this is how they are sold) but for their divisiveness and the advantages that affords the elite and their agenda.

See here:

http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?docid=3218585954111617501&q=aaron+ russo+rockefeller&total=97&start=0&num=10&so=0&type=search&plindex=6

Enough already
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 09, 2008 11:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Another US import for these shores?

Fracturing America: Politicians Serving Americans Bowls of Outhouse Soup

General News
Submitted by: Anonymous "

By Frosty Wooldridge
March 10, 2008

A friend of mine, George Sura, in Fort Collins, Colorado said, “Immigration is the most formidable weapon of mass destruction threatening America today. Ironically, invaders have put our country at risk without firing a shot. The White House, the heavies in Congress and the smaller fish in state legislatures do not seem to have the collective intellectual depth or common sense to see what is upon us and how rampant immigration will degrade the lives and opportunities of our progeny. Everyday brings American closer to irreversible chaos.“

Behind this issue are blind forces to reckon with. No politician, political party, corporation, religious fervor, investment, pop morality or individual aspiration should come before country. Ever! The brokers who recklessly advocate or condone pervasive immigration are steersmen with Titanic-like wheelhouse credentials. We need to throw such people out of the wheelhouse to bring this Republic back on a viable course. With McCain, Obama or Hillary certain to sit in the White House, you can expect more of the same invasion with even MORE help in the next four years. You can expect an added eight to 10 million more immigrants by 2012 with another two million of their children. You can expect 20 to 30 million illegals to become legal American citizens with FULL voting rights. You can expect our English language to shatter like glass across the pavement and conflict in communities throughout America. You can expect downgrading of our educational standards to fit third world levels. You will see a profound degradation of the American Dream into the American Nightmare. You will witness a cultural upheaval in America that rocks the foundation of this nation off its moorings. Today, California sloshes knee deep in its 37.5 million population overload. It grows by 1,650 people daily! (Source: www.capsweb.org)

By 2050, if this immigration-driven population phenomenon continues, California explodes to 79.1 million people. Source: “Projecting the U.S. Population to 2050” by Jack Martin and Stanley Fogel, March 2006. If you think Los Angeles’ smog, traffic, water and power shortages create problems today, hold on to your girdle because you ain’t seen nothing yet! In Dr. Otis Graham’s “Unguarded Gates: A History of America’s Immigration Crisis”, he writes, “Most Western elites continue urging the wealthy West not to stem the migrant tide, but to absorb our global brothers and sisters until their horrid ordeal has been endured and shared by all--ten billion humans packed onto an ecologically devastated planet.” In literary terms, it’s called ‘hubris’ or false pride. Many of Shakespeare’s protagonists suffered this self-destructing trait.

Today, Obama, Hillary and McCain maximize ‘hubris’ through their actions. Hillary, McCain or Obama will not only legalize up to 30 million illegals, they will support doubling legal immigration to 2.1 million annually. They already voted for it in 2007. That’s like seeing your child with his clothes on fire running out of a burning building, but instead of spraying him with water, the firemen spray gasoline on your child. In this case, Hillary, McCain or Obama pour more ‘gasoline’ onto the fire by adding millions of immigrants into our country. What astounds me stems from the fact that most Americans sit on the sidelines watching it happen, but don’t raise their voices in protest!

What are some of the results? We gang-tackle our civilization by adding incompatible cultures, religions and languages. We kill our educational system. We overload our infrastructure. We demean citizenship. Assimilation cannot occur. We fracture our identity. We devolve our nation. For a simple example: France burned in December 2006 when immigrants firebombed 10,000 cars, burned houses, killed French citizens and caused three weeks of mayhem. With that child on fire illustration, what’s burning in this country? For starters, we’re burning the foundation of our society by destroying our most precious bond—our English language. Without a single language, we shall cease to continue as a cohesive civilization...

Samuel Huntington wrote the best seller: “Who Are We?” He stated, “By 2001 Congress appropriated $446 million for bilingual programs, supplemented by huge amounts of state funding.” Ironically, so many legal and illegal immigrants find they don’t have to speak English because none of their friends speak it. Koreans, Vietnamese, Hmongs, Middle Easterners, Russians and dozens of other immigrants can’t speak English and won’t invest in becoming Americans. Thus, these new immigrants live in America, but they cannot speak and don’t think like Americans. What’s more, they don’t care. They’re not invested. They enclave themselves into their separate groups. Los Angeles stands as a polyglot of seething anti-American bias by Mexicans and their children. One look at Detroit’s growing Muslim population illustrates what happened to Paris, France, i.e., complete separation from the host country by new immigrants. When you add millions of immigrants that can’t speak our national language, they emotionally, physically and intellectually separate. A nation cannot long survive when its citizens cannot speak to one another. Dr. Vernon Briggs of Cornell University said, “Efforts in the United States to reduce the incidence of poverty have been hampered, since 1965, by the parallel revival from out of the nation’s distant past of the phenomenon of mass immigration.”

As these people pile up on our shores, can’t speak English and possess no skills, we engender separation. They succumb to a profound racism and distrust against their host country. “Immigrants devoted to their own cultures and religions are not influenced by the secular politically correct façade that dominates academia, news-media, entertainment, education, religious and political thinking today,” said James Walsh, former Associate General Counsel of the United States Immigration and Naturalization Service. “They claim the right not to assimilate, and the day is coming when the question will be how can the United States regulate the defiantly unassimilated cultures, religions and mores of foreign lands? Such immigrants say their traditions trump the U.S. legal system. Balkanization of the United States has begun.”

For example, Muslims practice female genital mutilation. It’s a 6th century Dark Ages barbarism in the 21st century. It occurs today in Detroit and Colorado and wherever Islam grows in America. Seven years ago, so many cases of infected little girls’ genitalia from razor and glass cuts, landed in Colorado hospitals from the ritual that lawmakers passed a new law to stop it. The practice didn’t stop; it torpedoed underground. What happens when Muslims become the majority and vote it into legal practice? What happens when Mexicans vote horse tripping, c*** fighting, bull fighting, Santeria (animal sacrifice already occurring in Florida) and dog fighting into law? Have you seen a country devolve? In the Middle East, Muslims stone women to death for adultery. They won’t let women drive. Women can’t go out in public without a male relative at their side. They demand separate swimming pool times for men and women. They make women hide their faces via a burka into “non-beingness.” Unfortunately for most people, Islam is a very aggressive religion with a prime directive to become “THE” world religion. As to the “lifeboat” metaphor for America, how many people does it take to sink a lifeboat? Short answer: the last one to come aboard that overwhelms the craft’s ability to remain afloat.

As we degrade our ability to maintain our civilization by adding disparate cultures, languages and the least educated and poorest of the planet, we reduce ourselves into the same kind of conditions they fled. At the same time, not one, single core problem has been solved in their countries. We import their dilemmas into our country. On top of that we add 100 million people to our country. And we stand around picking our noses and scratching our butts while Obama, Hillary and McCain flush our country into a miserable future. As my grandfather said, “Those dang politicians keep serving us more outhouse soup, but we don’t have enough sense to close the door.”

Take action: www.fairus.org ; www.firecoalition.com ; www.alipac.us ; Take action: www.thesocialcontract.com ; www.numbersusa.com ; www.capsweb.org ; www.vdare.com ; www.immigrationcounters.com ; www.proenglish.org ; www.patriotunion.org ; www.SafeAmericaAct.com; www.cairco.org ; www.politicaltruthandfact.com ; WWW.immigrationshumancost.org ; www.limitstogrowth.org ; www.balance.org

Frosty Wooldridge has bicycled across six continents – from the Arctic to the South Pole – as well as six times across the USA, coast to coast and border to border. In 2005, he bicycled from the Arctic Circle, Norway to Athens, Greece. He presents “The Coming Population Crisis in America: and what you can do about it” to civic clubs, church groups, high schools and colleges. He works to bring about sensible world population balance at his website www.frostywooldridge.com "
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 10, 2008 1:13 am    Post subject: wrong direction Reply with quote

before i launch into this thing I have to declare an interest, My father was an economic migrant to this country ok he was white but he had english as a second language and was interned during the war for his troubles, that having been said i do not feel anything other than british well maybe scottish but i have come to hate all forms of nationalism, its the most pernicious disease and has become the new western religion, what was that famous quote " patriotism the last refuge of scoundrels"

Immigtants are not the problem in this country its the lack of coherent integration, which decent human being would deny their fellows the chance to prosper in peace and security in this world with all its resource and diversity. That having been said multiculturism is a pipe dream what we end up with is not coffee coloured happy revellers enjoying harmony but mulltiple ghettos filled with suspicion.

The forces of globalisation will allow this ferment since it is so divisive and while we are at each others throat these forceswill enslave all of us.

On Andrew Marr this morning (sunday) that little c*** SIR!!! Kelvin Mc KenzieHad the affrontery to call the Government, Socialists, Maybe on the planet Kelvin comes from but socialists dont make me laugh.

Remember back in the tory eighties the mantra was flexible working the way ahead and the hoohaa when the minimum wage was established it was all a con minimum wage has become the wage and F*** you and your pension rights holiday entitlement ans sickness benefit.

While the banks and stockmarkrt were booming the leaders of commerce and industry were lauded for their wisdom and foresight now that we are in the s*** we are expected to bail them out and let them start again full of rapacious greed.

But us, we are looking in the wrong direction neighbour against neighbour look what they are doing to our children education has been abandoned in favour of churning out factory fodder incapable of independant thought while those in power rape developing countries for the cream of their universities who end up pulling pints and working in kitchens for the wage , Try getting an electrician or plumber in Warsaw.

This country is wealthy and has a history of tolerance we the people have given away our share of the former if we allow the blinkered view and cease to be tolerant we will have lost everything.

But we hav abdicated responsibility for ourselves and given it to politicians for whom we cannot even be bothered to vote so they and there forces of repression are on the march , we should take a leaf out of the french book if they dont like whats going on they are at the barricades in a nano second while we are borrowing wads of cash to devour pap on our new 32" plasmas.

A popular revolution is long overdue in this country we need some civil disobedience here, yess there will be some cracked heads and there will be no hesitation in shooting us down in the street but if we do not claim back our country for the people our childrens children will be born into bongage.

I apologise for this rant and wish I was better educated and more eloquent in my discourse but I have real fear for all our futures Identify the real enemy before its too late[/u]

Democracy is about representation we are being ruled Claim back our country.
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 10, 2008 1:41 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Please don't try to say multiculturalism is part of some conspiracy. I've already passed my facepalm quota for the day.
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 10, 2008 9:20 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

zennon wrote:
Please don't try to say multiculturalism is part of some conspiracy. I've already passed my facepalm quota for the day.

Multiculturalism was the states response to the battles in the 1970's and 1980's over jackbooted policing of innner city ghettoes. It didn't solve any problems, it just paid lip service to them creating a whole 'anti-racist' industry whose sole premise was to create separate self-sustaining culturally ethnic ghettoes. One would not be better or worse than the other.

With the onset of mass migration in the 1980's to the EU accepting the lowest common denominator ie traditional village standards whether they are African, Asian or Latin American became a point of principle. Anybody raising a question or objecting to certain cultural norms was immediately branded a 'racist'. This stifled debate and led to the situation we are in today where we have to accept for instance that the Holocaust is the preserve of only one ethnic group, or that female genital mutilation anothers, or marrying first cousins as an accepted fact never to be criticised or even broached.

This is a recipe for disaster an acceptance of the race to the bottom across all levels whether they be economic, cultural or political. When governments state that only for instance 13,000 Poles arrive and the figure ends up being x50 of that is it the peoples fault that they believe all politicians are liars or when they cant get a dentist or see a GP as no equal growth in services have occurred to supplement the rises in population? The EU has created a single EU market without asking the peoples of Europe has brought together under one single roof societies whose average income is 1/3 less of the dole in this country.

If all that is being played is a race to the bottom at least lets be honest about it. The globalist politicians of Europe have as an aim to create societies whereby all standards arrived at by European nation states over the last 500 years become erased. All cultural norms are to be accepted, any workplace practices around the world also. Replacing the norms of each European nation state from their past, their history, their religions, their traditions etc is part and parcel of creating a globalised NWO soup kitchen...of globalised communities with no sense of purpose or direction each suspicious of each and each united in the 'war on terror' against the modern version of the dirty Jew, the muslim backbacker on a London tube. This is what we are up against and this has to be fought.
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 10, 2008 11:56 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

conspiracy analyst wrote:
zennon wrote:
Please don't try to say multiculturalism is part of some conspiracy. I've already passed my facepalm quota for the day.

Multiculturalism was the states response to the battles in the 1970's and 1980's over jackbooted policing of innner city ghettoes. It didn't solve any problems, it just paid lip service to them creating a whole 'anti-racist' industry whose sole premise was to create separate self-sustaining culturally ethnic ghettoes. One would not be better or worse than the other.

There is no such thing as a "self-sustaining cultural ghetto". There are only ethnic enclaves where immigrant communities are both forced to stay in certain areas because of racial discrimination (in all aspects of social life), and the preference to live with people you most identify with; I don't see the problem with the latter.

With the onset of mass migration in the 1980's to the EU accepting the lowest common denominator ie traditional village standards whether they are African, Asian or Latin American became a point of principle. Anybody raising a question or objecting to certain cultural norms was immediately branded a 'racist'. This stifled debate and led to the situation we are in today where we have to accept for instance that the Holocaust is the preserve of only one ethnic group, or that female genital mutilation anothers, or marrying first cousins as an accepted fact never to be criticised or even broached.

There always has been mass immigration, Firstly the Jews, then the Irish. The only difference here is that those coming here in the 60s were not white; couple that with Enoch Powell's infamous speech and to complain on this basis alone is inherently racist.

The ones who do "object to certain cultural norms" are usually ignorant tools who swear by the Daily Mail. The tolerant cultural relativism that exists within the British liberal establishment and society as a whol, evidently stops within reason i.e. forced marriage, genital mutilation etc. As long as they don't break the law I don't see what the problem is.

This is a recipe for disaster an acceptance of the race to the bottom across all levels whether they be economic, cultural or political. When governments state that only for instance 13,000 Poles arrive and the figure ends up being x50 of that is it the peoples fault that they believe all politicians are liars or when they cant get a dentist or see a GP as no equal growth in services have occurred to supplement the rises in population? The EU has created a single EU market without asking the peoples of Europe has brought together under one single roof societies whose average income is 1/3 less of the dole in this country.

The Labour government is only doing what it thinks is best for the economy an over the last ten years they've proved their abilities. If joining the EU was counter-productive opposition parties would jump at the chance the point it out and rubbish the government. The fact that they haven't done this (to the most important policy in considering who to elect) speaks volumes.

If all that is being played is a race to the bottom at least lets be honest about it. The globalist politicians of Europe have as an aim to create societies whereby all standards arrived at by European nation states over the last 500 years become erased.

That's just not true since standards in real terms are improving. For example 50 years ago before mass immigration the working class were restricted to renting poor quality flats and lived on very little. Now they own their own homes, have cars, and are very much better off. So no, you're wrong there.

All cultural norms are to be accepted

Since the law has not changed to allow these groups any major special rights, and are not given special treatment (and if anything discriminated against in the system), you're wrong there also.

any workplace practices around the world also.


Replacing the norms of each European nation state from their past, their history, their religions, their traditions etc is part and parcel of creating a globalised NWO soup kitchen...of globalised communities with no sense of purpose or direction each suspicious of each and each united in the 'war on terror' against the modern version of the dirty Jew, the muslim backbacker on a London tube. This is what we are up against and this has to be fought.

No, it's called individualism. If you have a problem with individual liberty you're very much stuck circa 1950.
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 10, 2008 1:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

zennon wrote:
....... If you have a problem with individual liberty you're very much stuck circa 1950.

Are you telling us that promoting individual liberty is a part of New Labour's agenda?
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 10, 2008 2:37 pm    Post subject: Hypocrisy test Reply with quote

The following argues that the complaints of white working-class people about multiculturalism and their ‘silenced voice’ is bogus, racist and hypocritical. The real issue is one of political education but the dominant opinion expressed on this matter suggests that working-class white people have a gap where their brain ought to be.

Why is it that white people on the BBC Have Your Say pages complain about the supposed problems of current immigration from Eastern Europe and then go on to blame multiculturalism, political correctness?

‘Added: Monday, 10 March, 2008, 06:47 GMT 06:47 UK
There was racism but the pendulum swung past middle into reverse racism. Majority needs are ignored in favour of minority needs. With the flood of immigrants that minority becomes larger, more diverse and more demanding of goverment that pampers to them. Frequently played race cards silence English voices and we must accept new cultures whilst our culture is erroded beyond recognition. We have been sold down the river. Maybe this is why as the immigrants flood in the English are flooding out.
Alan, Swindon’

What is Alan talking about? Is it Eastern Europeans or is it black migrants?

‘Added: Monday, 10 March, 2008, 03:43 GMT 03:43 UK
"Why don't you people stop complaining and actually do something about it?
[Stunmai], Shrewsbury, MA, United States "

Such as? Any time we attempt to do that, the PC brigade smear us as racist, which is offensive and lazy.
Us white working class are made to feel like 2nd class citizens in our own country, under New Labour it seems almost as though the country is run for the benefit of immigrants, muslims particularly. I for one never asked for the changes that we've had forced upon us....
fair to middl eng, Middle England, United Kingdom’

There are over a million of migrants from Australia and New Zealand in this country and they comprise a large proportion of overstayers. They do jobs English, white working-class people could do and they have been doing this for years and years. No one complains about them (nor should they) but, of course, they are white. For a lot of white, working-class people ‘black Poles’ are currently flooding into the country.

There are hundreds of thousands of white Brits living in Spain. Spanish people complain about this. Is anyone willing to write a letter to a Spanish newspaper in an area where British people have settled, to say they support Spanish people complaining about this British migration? They could highlight Tim Lott’s story about his mother committing suicide because of immigration as a warning to Spanish people. How about it?

BBC Radio 1 current policy is to play records that are popular as reflected by their sales. The policy towards Asian records is not to play such records on their station irrespective of the sales and even if sales of a record is higher than other records played on Radio 1. Many people writing to BBC Have Your Say are angry about the BBC’s Asian Network and don’t believe Asians should have their own station.

Would anyone wish to write to the BBC arguing for closing down the BBC Asian station but keeping Radio 1’s music policy and argue that Asian people’s licence fees should go to financing white people’s taste in popular music?

Life chances
I am willing to write to the government to argue that laws should be enacted to seek to ensure that the job opportunities experienced by black people should also be experienced by working-class white people, so if black people have to make 100 applications to secure a post, this should be the case for working-class white people. Is anyone willing to support me?

Conspiracy analyst – if multiculturalism is the NWO weapon you claim it to be, why haven’t they arranged for Asian music to be played in prime time on Radio 1?

I agree with some of the statement below but the discrimination is based on class and not on race. I am hostile to the ridiculous claptrap about women's rights groups, lesbians and feminists.

‘Added: Monday, 10 March, 2008, 11:38 GMT 11:38 UK
White working class men, paerticularly are discriminated against in education, by the Police, in finding work, as students, by womens rights groups, lesbians and feminists and by politicians as well as in the media, especially in surveys and in editorial comments in all the papers
Robin Owens, Winchester
Recommended by 14 people’
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 10, 2008 4:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

conspiracy analyst wrote:
zennon wrote:
Please don't try to say multiculturalism is part of some conspiracy. I've already passed my facepalm quota for the day.


There is no such thing as a "self-sustaining cultural ghetto". There are only ethnic enclaves where immigrant communities are both forced to stay in certain areas because of racial discrimination (in all aspects of social life), and the preference to live with people you most identify with; I don't see the problem with the latter.

Where jobs and work only go to ethnic citizens and the only language is spoken is an ethnic one for much of the labour force then what is being created is an ethnic cultural ghetto with norms and standards from the village back home, not a European city.

There always has been mass immigration, Firstly the Jews, then the Irish. The only difference here is that those coming here in the 60s were not white; couple that with Enoch Powell's infamous speech and to complain on this basis alone is inherently racist.

If mass migration has always existed how come it isn't recorded in any census from the last two hundred years. Jews and Irish arriving isn't evidence of mass migration from the over 200 hundred nationalities that currently reside in London. But then again you are probably one of those New Labourites who argue there is no such thing as the... English.


The ones who do "object to certain cultural norms" are usually ignorant tools who swear by the Daily Mail. The tolerant cultural relativism that exists within the British liberal establishment and society as a whol, evidently stops within reason i.e. forced marriage, genital mutilation etc. As long as they don't break the law I don't see what the problem is.

Accepting the standards of the 6th century does not one make one tolerant cultural relativist but a defender of the race to the bottom in all walks of life, from working conditions (where under New Labour we have people dying on beaches to collect cockles) to enforced marriages of underage girls. The law is broken countless of times with the encouragement of the state, the politicians, the judiciary and the legal profession. Anything goes is the mantra nowadays. Its a free for all.


The Labour government is only doing what it thinks is best for the economy an over the last ten years they've proved their abilities. If joining the EU was counter-productive opposition parties would jump at the chance the point it out and rubbish the government. The fact that they haven't done this (to the most important policy in considering who to elect) speaks volumes.

This is where one laughs. Labour is doing everything best for the bankers and the corporations. Nothing more nothing less. Open slavery will be the outcome of the process of replacing all domestic labour with globalised labour. There is no opposition for they are all the same...

That's just not true since standards in real terms are improving. For example 50 years ago before mass immigration the working class were restricted to renting poor quality flats and lived on very little. Now they own their own homes, have cars, and are very much better off. So no, you're wrong there.

So I assume the 8 odd million people on some form of benefits are a figment of my imagination, of kids being shot (34 on the last count in London alone), of people living 10 to a room, of working at or below the minimum which no one can live on are figments of my imagination. We do inhabit different countries. One is your New Labour paradise mine is a New Labour hell.


any workplace practices around the world also.


No long ago they were paying indian workers 10p an hour to finish a temple in West London. I assume that is best practice raising the standards of the working class by bolting their wages through the floor?

No, it's called individualism. If you have a problem with individual liberty you're very much stuck circa 1950.

Im not as modern as you think. I dont like to get involved in colonial invasions, I am not into slavery, I am not into dumbing everything down to zero. In short I have standards. Ones you clearly lack...
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 10, 2008 5:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Diversity is not about inclusion. It is about maintaining power.
The BBC works to maintain imperial power. They'll take up the banner of any disgruntled group to maintain divisions thus leading to power re establishing control.
I don't know any black people or white people. I know friends and strangers with less or more melanin. Racism is a misnomer, an ontological cul de sac. There is only one race, the human race. We all have a need for family and community bonding and culture is my enemy. We are all mullato scum as far as the ruling minority is concerned. We clash in terms of cultural differences. These terms "black and white" are wonderfully polarising and exercise create ontological force on human consciousness. What the Billionaires bs Corporation does not what you to know is what bonds as people so they can stoke the fires of enmity and destroy collective action. Destroy the white mind cos it defines & labels the black. Don't be afraid to live in the paradox of greyness, beyond either or.
At some point in the history of this garden planet there were no humans. So we are all aliens. The cro magnon wiped out the neanderthals. We are all the products of genocide.
All these division bell ringers are fear based liars to self.
Black? White? Definitions devised from times of slavery.
We are human and I know your * stinks as strongly as mine.
Sticking to superficial colours and cultural differences only recreates and reinforces a space that will disallow one to move beyond the surfaces of life.
I'm insane anyhow and good luck with your career in psychiatry.
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 10, 2008 5:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

kbo234 wrote:
zennon wrote:
....... If you have a problem with individual liberty you're very much stuck circa 1950.

Are you telling us that promoting individual liberty is a part of New Labour's agenda?
It's a by-product of economic liberalism, to which New Labour subscribes.

Last edited by zennon on Mon Mar 10, 2008 6:19 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 10, 2008 6:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

conspiracy analyst wrote:

Where jobs and work only go to ethnic citizens and the only language is spoken is an ethnic one for much of the labour force then what is being created is an ethnic cultural ghetto with norms and standards from the village back home, not a European city.
Firstly it was a LABOUR government that brought in legislation to stop racial discrimination in the first place. So you have to at least give them credit for that.

Secondly, I can tell you don't know many ethnic minorities because you seem to think that all of them, or at least a sizeable chunk, can't speack English, despite most of them being BORN here.

Thirdly stop making it out as if they're are not British, and seem to come from some village somewhere. If you don't accept that the vast majority of ethnic minorities are born here, can speak English just as well as anyone else, and are fully British, then you can go f*ck yourself because you'd be an uneducated racist bigot.


If mass migration has always existed how come it isn't recorded in any census from the last two hundred years. Jews and Irish arriving isn't evidence of mass migration from the over 200 hundred nationalities that currently reside in London. But then again you are probably one of those New Labourites who argue there is no such thing as the... English.
Do you know anything about British history? Immigrants have been coming here en mass since the dawn of time. The Romans, the Vikings, all recorded, need I go on?

And since when does New Labour argue there is no such thing as the English?

Accepting the standards of the 6th century does not one make one tolerant cultural relativist but a defender of the race to the bottom in all walks of life, from working conditions (where under New Labour we have people dying on beaches to collect cockles)
They were illegal immigrants! If they were legal they wouldn't have died, but given the basics and training to get into the job market. Are you denying that the quality of life has increased in the last 50 years?

to enforced marriages of underage girls. The law is broken countless of times with the encouragement of the state, the politicians, the judiciary and the legal profession. Anything goes is the mantra nowadays. Its a free for all.
That is a load of bullsh*t. That's illegal, why on earth would they encourage the forced marriage of under-aged girls? And how do Labour encourage breaking the rules?

This is where one laughs. Labour is doing everything best for the bankers and the corporations. Nothing more nothing less. Open slavery will be the outcome of the process of replacing all domestic labour with globalised labour. There is no opposition for they are all the same...
"Globalised labour" gives people jobs who would otherwise have very few prospects, AND gives the consumer cheaper produce. How that amounts to "slavery" is beyond me.

So I assume the 8 odd million people on some form of benefits are a figment of my imagination
Labour using the "Third Way" has done more to get people OFF benefits as than Tories ever did. But they differ from the Tories because they offer training to get into the job market instead of leaving them to the social darwinism of the free market.

of kids being shot (34 on the last count in London alone)
Are you seriously trying to imply that Labour are responsible for gang culture?

of people living 10 to a room
You do realise that ethnic minorities are more likely to be overcrowded? Irony?

of working at or below the minimum which no one can live on are figments of my imagination.
I agree, the minimum wage should definately be increased.

No long ago they were paying indian workers 10p an hour to finish a temple in West London. I assume that is best practice raising the standards of the working class by bolting their wages through the floor?
What are you talking about? It was New Labour that introduced the minimum wage which the Tories opposed! Do you have a problem with the minimum wage or that fact that it was an Indian? I really don;t get your type. When ethnic minorities work they're "stealing our jobs", when they don't they're "spongers". Make up your mind!

I don't want to come off as hostile or anything (after all, we are on the same side), and if it seems that way I apologise. But you come off as a racist/xenophobe bigot, and that's not very nice.
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 10, 2008 6:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Insidejob, I wouldn't take the BBC's HYS as representative of British opinion, those who post on there usually have such inane views no will listen in "real life".
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 10, 2008 7:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

zennon wrote:
kbo234 wrote:
zennon wrote:
....... If you have a problem with individual liberty you're very much stuck circa 1950.

Are you telling us that promoting individual liberty is a part of New Labour's agenda?
It's a by-product of economic liberalism, to which New Labour subscribes.

There does still exist a certain narrowly-defined liberty in the UK......in the workplace (and elsewhere), engaging with gnats and arguing and fighting about trivial details of the parameters that define our condition....all this is positively encouraged.

....but you try objecting to or even engaging with the camels we have all dopily been duped into swallowing.....

.....like, (hmmm let me think) 9/11 for instance.

.....or the the money scam.....the fact that 97% of our money is created out of nothing by private corporations, the banks, when we could, through other processes create the money for ourselves without interest.

....that through this mechanism and through media control these same private interests control our so-called government and have succeeded in brainwashing the public mind into believing that what we have is a genuine democracy.

.....try objecting to the fundamentals of our top-down think-tank driven social reality. Try pointing out the dishonesty of the overt agendas, that their failure is necessary in order to drive the governing classes real agenda...which is ever more control.....of our lives and our very thoughts.

......try standing up and critically engaging in an open fashion with these kind of issues and you'll soon see how just how free you really are.

You're, for now, more or less as free as a bird provided you don't rock the boat. The agencies who have been plying our minds and our lifestyles with this rubbish since the day we were born even rely on you to do their work for them by jumping on anyone who suggests such dysfunction is deliberately set up to happen and calling them a 'nut' or a 'conspiracy theorist' or somesuch other derogatory epitaph.

Most people, as you will know, fall right in line and behave exactly as expected.

If large numbers do not 'wake up' soon and begin to 'get it' it will be an absolute disaster for us all and for our descendants.

We are being suckered (our terror is yet to come) into accepting what has become a rapid descent towards a 'New World Order'.....ID cards, RFID chips, the disappearance of the nation state etc.....these things are coming to pass before our very eyes.

It is my perception that masses of ordinary people are now 'catching on'.....thanks to the internet and the activities of groups like our own.

If you're satisfied with the 'liberty' we have got.....well, I'm puzzled by that, but fine...

....I am certainly not.... and the notion of our 'liberty' will remain a joke while the 9/11 criminals continue to walk around as free people.

Murdering criminals are defining our common purpose and our destiny. Our purpose, as they attempt to define it, is to focus on our short-term material needs and our destiny is to serve them.


Anyone who is prepared to accept such a reality cannot possibly be understanding what is really going on.

Anyone who co-operates for short-term comfort is a fool.

Anyone who co-operates for personal advantage is a fiend.
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 2:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Looks like this programe is an excersise in divide and conquer as this thread is demonstrating.

Sure nobody listens to the White working class, just as nobody listens to the Blacks, Indians or Arab working class.

Like most western countries now the indigenous population have been taught to hate their own culture through years of programing through the media. Our governments have a philosophical belief that national boundaries are not important as globalism has been fed to our rulers through the top educational establisments. It's nothing to do with helping anybody or 'bringing people together' or any nonsense like that, it's just economics.

This position that our governments hold is used to create the illusion that they care more about ethnic minorities and immigrants than the indigenous population when in reality the government doesnt care about anybody.

The public sector do have a racist recruitment policy against whites (males in particular)however, as we've heard the mainstream news reports of Police authorities settling out of court when brougt to book over binning hundereds of white males application forms. No such thing as positive discrimination I'm afraid, everything should be on merit, obviously. However this is not the fault of the ethnic citizen but that is what they want you to think.

The Daily Mail etc... do not want you to blame the government for not controlling the borders they just want people to get angry agains the immigrants i.e. devide and conquer. Tell most people concerned with immigration that it's the governmetns fault and they will look at you blankly. Similarly ask most liberals to discuss immigration and they are unable to criticize it in any way atall, such is the level of braincuffedness.


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PostPosted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 9:22 pm    Post subject: Class and national pride – oh my God! Reply with quote

And how exactly has some white, working-class males ‘expressed their national pride’ when going abroad with the England football team? They attack white foreigners in their own country but had particular feelings for those with dark skins. For them, patriotism is conquering Jonny Foreigner. Many people abroad simply hated it when England was playing in their country because they would be accompanied by white working-class, male fans.

Thankfully, since the South Korea/Japan World Cup this disgraceful and embarrassing spectacle is not as common as it used to be.

And how on Earth can white English people drivel on about black and other immigration and multiculturalism reducing national identity and being used to introduce globalism when they're in a state with four different nations is beyond me. Are white English people blind and deaf?

The only people who think ‘British’ describes their national identity are white (and black) people in England. Many Catholics and Protestants in Northern Ireland would rather be in a state of their own. Welsh people feel they are a colony. And Scots regard the English as ‘the auld enemy’. Yet, it’s black Poles people who are destroying British nationalism!!??

Do you remember Kevin Keegan attacking Scottish fans during the Euro finals when England beat Scotland? Scots fans booed the British National Anthem. (Yes, conspiracy analyst, Scots did this not black Poles) Firstly, why do English people think that the British National Anthem is their anthem and not Scotland’s, and Wales’ as well? Secondly, we have a ‘national anthem’ that boasts about ‘wading in Scot’s blood’. (Check the lyrics. Scots know it even though English people don’t.)


But I think I should do a rethink. People on BBC Have Your Say do talk nonsense, but is this partly because of an MI5 psyops operation. Given we are told that there are 2,000 Muslim extremists, otherwise regarded as nutters, plotting and planning to dirty bomb us; and we’ve been given a parade of (ridiculous) ‘terror plots’ that's been stopped ‘just in the nick of time’. It’s a surprise there isn’t more hatred of dark skinned people.

And it’s not just white people who can be duped. Black people, particularly African-Caribbean, got hysterical not too long ago over what has to have been another MI5 psyops. This was in Birmingham in October 2005. Some African-Caribbean idiots ran around with a fairy story about how 19 Muslims men gang raped a black teenager in a shop. Black people inside and outside Birmingham believed this nonsense. I was called names for saying it was stupid. Yet, no one could find this teenager. Evidently, she’d been beamed up to the Starship Enterprise. Violence between Muslims and African-Caribbeans followed and people died. It took some black group no one had ever heard of to get publicity by destroying some Muslim graves to get African-Caribbeans to realize that someone else could exploit this thing for their own agenda.

It was clearly a psyop. The African-Caribbeans who did the violence was a young, criminal gang. Their leader was thought to be a police informer. But he was suddenly arrested and jailed not long before all this started. The police shot another African-Caribbean criminal in the street again, not long before it started. There was a former drug dealer now turned ‘community leader’, who went ‘round saying on television that there was going to be ‘war between Asians and African-Caribbeans’. The whole thing was wound up up by a Muslim legal challenge supported by white politicians against a black Garveyist organization.David Blunkett was determined to continue the challenge even after Muslims backed down. This mean the organization was angry about Muslims. And there was Darcus Howe and a television programme six months before claiming that racial minorities were at war with one another and particularly Muslims bullying African-Caribbeans, without much evidence.

This programme was extremely important. It set up the framework by which African-Caribbeans ‘understood’ their conflict with Muslims. When I spoke some proper community leaders to ask them to explain why Muslims were into ‘ethnic cleansing’, they said Darcus Howe said so.

In the short term, their psyop worked beautifully. In the long term, the idea of a war between Asians and African-Caribbeans is silly. If one could be engineered, it would only last a couple of days. People in Birmingham have already forgotten theirs.

But it shows that it’s not only white working-class people who are vulnerable to manipulation.
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 11:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Firstly it was a LABOUR government that brought in legislation to stop racial discrimination in the first place. So you have to at least give them credit for that.

Secondly, I can tell you don't know many ethnic minorities because you seem to think that all of them, or at least a sizeable chunk, can't speack English, despite most of them being BORN here.

Thirdly stop making it out as if they're are not British, and seem to come from some village somewhere. If you don't accept that the vast majority of ethnic minorities are born here, can speak English just as well as anyone else, and are fully British, then you can go f*ck yourself because you'd be an uneducated racist bigot.

A couple of million Poles have arrived let alone, Somalians, Iraquis, Kurds, Albanians etc. The true figure is probably closer to 4-5 odd million FOREIGN born citizens who never grew up in the UK, never went to school here, were never socialised here know nothing about the past the present or even the future.

This new wave of immigration has nothing to do with the old one in the 1950's through to the 1970's. Britain then had almost zero unemployment now it has only 75% of people working out of a population of 30 million of working age.

I never swore at you yet you chose to swear at me only because your arguments hold no water and you feel strong in using the word racism and f... with an asterix... Usually anglo-saxon globalists talk as you do pretending that they aren't english or that the english never actually existed and that it was all a figment of our imagination in particular when they had an Empire spanning a quarter of the globe.

Do you know anything about British history? Immigrants have been coming here en mass since the dawn of time. The Romans, the Vikings, all recorded, need I go on?

And since when does New Labour argue there is no such thing as the English?

Evidently not as much as you. I do not recall 200 hundred nationalities arriving on these shores in the past 1,000 odd years. Anyone who dares to do their own investigation at the National Archives in Kew gardens can see the figures. Miniscule amounts of immigration have existed here since the middle ages. The only exception were the Irish forced out of their lands by the British Empire in the engineered Victorian holocaust known as the potato famine. Nothing like what is happening now. But then again as you live in a New Labour paradise anything can be said anything goes to justify globalism which is your raison d'etre.

They were illegal immigrants! If they were legal they wouldn't have died, but given the basics and training to get into the job market. Are you denying that the quality of life has increased in the last 50 years?

Well I dont recall being a child in London and being mugged or shot for a mobile or a pair of trainers. I dont also recall widespread drug use as if its confetti. But then again like I said before I'm old school I never adapted with the times. I thought dying for 10p was a mark of a decline in civilisation and a decline in the quality of life. But thats just me. Others consider this an improvement in the quality of life. After all when the majority of them are black they see it as a blessing. I dont.

to enforced marriages of underage girls. The law is broken countless of times with the encouragement of the state, the politicians, the judiciary and the legal profession. Anything goes is the mantra nowadays. Its a free for all.


That is a load of bullsh*t. That's illegal, why on earth would they encourage the forced marriage of under-aged girls? And how do Labour encourage breaking the rules?

So much bullsh*t that there is a report in todays paper dealing with the extent of this crisis. When girls leave schools underage and come back married then the school authorities play the game of covering up. When her husband is brought over the Embassies around the world process the visa, immigration authorities fast track the process and the free for all I have described previously continues the values of the village to which the girl was not born into, or does not know of to be perpetuated for all eternity...


"Globalised labour" gives people jobs who would otherwise have very few prospects, AND gives the consumer cheaper produce. How that amounts to "slavery" is beyond me.

How wonderful. I knew we lived in paradise but I needed you to explain it. Sure beats anything that I read or see around me. I always was proud of these 99p stores and the minimum wage non-unionised jobs. It makes me proud to be british, in particular with our great engineering history and our history of trade-unionism.

No long ago they were paying indian workers 10p an hour to finish a temple in West London. I assume that is best practice raising the standards of the working class by bolting their wages through the floor?

What are you talking about? It was New Labour that introduced the minimum wage which the Tories opposed! Do you have a problem with the minimum wage or that fact that it was an Indian? I really don;t get your type. When ethnic minorities work they're "stealing our jobs", when they don't they're "spongers". Make up your mind!

The majority of people on the dole are white english not ethnic minorities although some ethnic minorities have high rates of unemployment due to the position of their women.

I don't want to come off as hostile or anything (after all, we are on the same side), and if it seems that way I apologise. But you come off as a racist/xenophobe bigot, and that's not very nice.

Who comes off what I let others decide for themselves. You are a globalist. I ain't. The difference being I can openly state what I am. You hide behind high sounding phrases like 'racism' 'progress' etc. when in reality you are interested in generalising a new dark age.
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