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Two recent newsletter - discussion welcome

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Keith Mothersson
Angel - now passed away
Angel - now passed away

Joined: 01 Aug 2005
Posts: 303
Location: Perth

PostPosted: Sun Mar 09, 2008 12:33 pm    Post subject: Two recent newsletter - discussion welcome Reply with quote

Dear friends,
On Tuesday we will be picking up the new All Faiths for 911 Truth booklet from the printers. It looks great - I hope you'll agree (pdf version attached, I can send the doc version if you want). It is in colour with two photos, the Declaration and Appeal, resources, contacts explanation of the project, etc.

We are having an AFF911T recall meeting at Carrington St mosque hall in Glasgow (near start of Gt Western Rd) from 7.00 sharp on Tuesday, so if you live nearby and/or would like to be with us please feel free to come along. Paul and I will be briefing attenders about developments in the 911 truth movement, and I hope Imam Shah and Bishop Hare Duke will have ideas about outreach to faith communities/interfaith etc.

Copies will be available for distributing to faith contingents (not just to everyone, please) at the March 15th protest against the wars (meet Blythswood Sq at noon. then march to Glasgow Green for rally). If you can help please contact Paul Carline on 01968 661448.

I will be going South to do something similar at the big London demo, and help spread these outreach tools around the 911 truth network.

The printing of 10k cost £800, plus layour £25, plus there will be costs incurred in distributing parcels, repying to orders, etc. So we are aiming for £1000 of which I have hard promises of £300 so far, plus people are owing me money to the tune of £350 (more actually).

To pay the printers I have had to borrow £500 from my long-suffering partner, and would very much like to be able to pay her back as soon as possible.

I any of you are in a position to help - but NOT otherwise - it would be incredibly kind/useful if you send me a cheque made out to keith Forrester-Paton, at 2b Darnhall Cr, Perth PH2 0HH.

Alternatively you may like to help in other ways, e.g. order a few copies for your own outreach locally.... preferably including a little for postage.

Paul will be reporting on his Amsterdam trip in , as I will on my trip South.

Meanwhile, I'll also FW to you the latest info about David Ray Griffin's latest book - which is an Open Letter to Congress and the Media about the 25 biggest 911 contradictions.

Disappointingly he hasn't yet tackled the new peaks of 911 truth coming into view, but is still consolidating the existing plateau (which to my mind include some wrong bits!) - albeit with a sharp focus to Congress and the media for a proper investigation, which will certainly amp up the pressure in Washington.

News from Japan and Euope seems good.

All for now, Take care,
1738 783677

Then I also sent around David Ray Griffin's mailshot about his new book, setting out first some of the sources of information I have come across which make me worry about this 'official alternative truth' version - for pragmatic purposes of getting an Inquiry, I guess.

Dear friends for 911 TRUTH,

[added now: Truth is a Process -which can often have unexpected twists and turns along the way. Sometimes when we get to one plateau we can't climb higher without climbing down first from things we assumed at an earlier stage to be true.

Another way to make sense of things is that the people who designed the whole 911 event, also scripted in various long term plots, fall-back or back-up stories, like layers of an onion, so that if they got forced back from the outer truth, they still wouldn't have to reveal the biggest secrets - (Directed Energy Weapons and Video Fakery ?) called a 'limited hang-out story' by detectives, I am told]

I am enclosing the latest book release info from David Ray Griffin, whose services to the 911 truth movement are immense, certainly have been up to now.

Compare Griffin's 'consolidation of our plateau' , as I call it - based on pointing out INTERNAL contradictions to the official 911 stories, with what I consider the pioneering work of Dr Judy Wood (www.drjudywood.com) , Morgan Reynolds (www.nomoregames.net ) , Andrew Johnson (www.checktheevidence.com) and Ace Baker's study of the Fox film supposedly taken of the 'hjacked plane' going through the South Tower and out the other side with undamaged nose cone ! www.acebaker.com/9-11/ABPlaneStudy/Chopper5Velocity2.html

Hopefully Griffin and the Europeans can secure the kind of Inquiries which won't just cement in place the supposed truths of how the buildings fell and whether there were any planes crashing into buildings that day (never mind hijacked ones!)

See also CB Brooklyn's Debunking thr 9/11 'Anti-No-Plane-Theory' Myths here
http://www.checktheevidence.co.uk/cms/index.php?option=com_content&tas k=view&id=163&Itemid=60

which concludes:
" Let us review…

The media (i.e. MSNBC):
* promote the “official” version as “the truth” [ie. gravity driven collapse consequent upon fire and aircraft impacts KM]

* ridicule the “alternate” version as the “offensive wacky conspiracy theory” [i.e. Steven Jones - controlled demoltion using thermite enhanced military explosives]

* shun the “REAL” version and [Wood andd Reynolds] court cases [showing so many weird phenomena around the WTC then and still ongoing that is is impossible not to conclude that some new kind of energy weapon was trialed that day - note Star Wars budget got a HUGE boost two days later, having proved its worth?)]

Plants in the ”truth movement” (i.e. Steven Jones):

* promote the “alternate” version as “the truth”

* ridicule the “REAL” version as “offensive wacky conspiracy theory”

We can now understand why many “truthers” shy away from no-planes/TV-Fakery. Seems the 9/11 coverup perps tricked the “truth movement” with a well orchestrated plan of deception! Will these theories really “damage” the “truth movement”, or has the movement merely been tricked into thinking so?

Many “truthers” often wonder why the mainstream media hasn’t broken the “inside job” story yet. The reason is simple: The 9/11 perps have not been exposed. (Check the “Suppression Timeline” linked above.)

Only after the real 9/11 perpetrators are widely exposed will the media break! "

Anyway - please study these different angles and make up your own mind! Debate welcome on the Scottish section of the site: but with civility please.

(By the way, lest I be accused of pourely pushing my own hobby horses, I happen to know Paul Carline also believes that 911 truth is an ongoing process, and admires the work of Woods, Reynolds et al.)

all the best, Keith

----- Original Message -----
From: David Griffin
To: Griffin David
Sent: Saturday, March 08, 2008 2:03 AM
Subject: Griffin, "9/11 Contradictions: An Open Letter to Congress & the Press"

"No matter how you feel about who is responsible for the 9/11 attack, at least we need a thorough, independent, unbiased investigation. In this book, Griffin provides 25 useful questions--contradictions worthy of honest answers."---Jim Hightower, author of Swim against the Current and editor of The Hightower Lowdown

“David Ray Griffin, writing specifically for members of Congress and the media, has presented the often incredible but true details of 25 major contradictions in the Bush administration’s accounts of 9/11. This book, based on careful research but written in a fast-moving, readable style, blows apart the notion that The 9/11 Commission Report presents an accurate account of what happened on September 11. It makes crystal clear the need for a new investigation.”---Bill Christison, former senior CIA official

“When the smoke finally cleared from the pile of rubble on September 11, 2001, we were left with a host of burning questions. The 9/11 Commission did not provide the answers, despite their extensive mandate. 9/11 Contradictions is a work that needed to be written. With characteristic clarity and focus, David Ray Griffin masterfully lays out the most critical of these questions. Now the challenge is to finally get real answers.”---Lorie Van Auken, widow of Kenneth Van Auken, killed at WTC 1 on 9/11/01, and member of the Family Steering Committee for the 9/11 Commission

9/11 Contradictions:

An Open Letter to Congress and the Press

David Ray Griffin

Part 1 Questions about Bush Administration and Pentagon Leaders

1. How Long Did George Bush Remain in the Classroom?

2. When Did Dick Cheney Enter the Underground Bunker?

3. Was Cheney Observed Confirming a Stand-Down Order?

4. Did Cheney Observe the Land-All-Planes Order?

5. When Did Cheney Issue Shootdown Authorization?

6. Where was General Richard Myers?

7. Where Was Donald Rumsfeld?

8. Did Ted Olson Receive Calls from Barbara Olson?

Part 2 Questions about the US Military

9. When Was the Military Alerted about Flight 11?

10. When Was the Military Alerted about Flight 175?

11. When Was the Military Alerted about Flight 77?

12. When Was the Military Alerted about Flight 93

13. Could the Military Have Shot Down Flight 93?

14. Had 9/11-Type Attacks Been Envisioned?

Part 3 Questions about Osama bin Laden and the Hijackers

15. Were Mohamed Atta and the Other Hijackers Devout Muslims?

16. Where Did Authorities Find Atta’s Treasure Trove of Information?

17. Were Hijackers Reported on Cell Phone Calls?

18. Is There Hard Evidence of Bin Ladin’s Responsibility?

Part 4 Questions about the Pentagon

19. Could Hani Hanjour Have Flown American 77 into the Pentagon?

20. What Caused the Hole in the C Ring?

21. Did a Military Plane Fly Over Washington during the Pentagon Attack?

Part 5 Questions about the World Trade Center

22. How Did Rudy Giuliani Know the Towers Were Going to Collapse?

23. Were There Explosions in the Twin Towers?

24. Were There Explosions in WTC 7?

25. Did the WTC Rubble Contain Evidence that Steel Had Melted?

“David Ray Griffin is America's bulldog on 9/11. His demand that the amazing contradictions in the story be explained resonates with millions of people.”-—Paul Craig Roberts, former associate editor of the Wall Street Journal and assistant secretary of the US Treasury during the Reagan administration

“So who cares that the 9/11 Commission chose to believe that Dick Cheney did not enter the White House bunker until “shortly before 10:00, perhaps at 9:58,” twenty minutes after the strike on the Pentagon? Surely the vice president would not fib, so the Commission threw out the testimony of several eyewitnesses, including Norman Mineta, the transportation secretary. Mineta must have been making it all up when he testified that he joined Cheney in the bunker at about 9:20 and heard Cheney reaffirm an apparent stand-down order just before the Pentagon was struck. Such conflicting testimony is typical of the many serious ‘9/11 Contradictions’ documented in David Ray Griffin’s highly readable book. We need a truly independent investigation to put Cheney and Mineta under oath, along with the still unidentified ‘young man’ who, Mineta reported, kept coming into the bunker and, after telling Cheney ‘the plane is ten miles out,” asked him whether ‘the orders still stand’---about 12 minutes before 125 people in the Pentagon were killed. What were those orders?”---Ray McGovern, former CIA analyst and presidential briefer [but remember Mineta was V-P of the world's biggrest arms manufacturer, Lockheed Martin - KM]

“Because the 9/11 attacks became the excuse for myriad disastrous changes in U.S. foreign and domestic policy, unraveling the true history of those events is the paramount exigency of our times. By virtue of pointing out an astonishing number of irreconcilable contradictions in the official story of 9/11, David Ray Griffin’s 9/11 Contradictions is a must read, not only for the Congress and the press, but also for any American concerned about the truth, because those contradictions suggest that we have not yet been told the truth about 9/11.”---David L. Griscom, research physicist, Fellow of the American Physical Society, retired from the Naval Research Laboratory

“This book describes in very straightforward and non-technical terms some major inconsistencies in the government’s official story about the events on September 11, 2001. It points out many attempts in the 9/11 Commission’s report to cover up evidence . . . . As an engineer, I am especially troubled by the cover-up of evidence relevant to the collapse of the three major World Trade Center buildings. I hope that Congress and the public will heed this call for a full and impartial investigation to determine what really did happen on that fateful day.”---Jack Keller, Emeritus Professor of Engineering at Utah State University and member of the National Academy of Engineering

"The Congress and the press may not pay attention, but this scholarly yet accessible analysis is must reading for Americans concerned about good government and effective democracy. Every reader will reach the only logical conclusion: 9/11 truth is not yet known."---Joel S. Hirschhorn, former official at the Congressional Office of Technology Assessment and author of Delusional Democracy: Fixing the Republic Without Overthrowing the Government

“According to St. Timothy, ‘God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.’ In 9/11 Contradictions, David Ray Griffin, demonstrating once again what a fearless spirit and powerful mind can do, shows the official account of 9/11 to be so riddled with contradictions as to be essentially worthless.”---Catherine Austin Fitts, assistant secretary of housing in the George H. W. Bush administration

9/11 Contradictions ($20) can be purchased from good bookstores everywhere, from Interlink Books (sales@interlinkbooks.com), or for $13.60 from Amazon.com (http://www.amazon.com/11-CONTRADICTIONS-Letter-Congress-Press/dp/1566 567165/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1204675681&sr=1-1).

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