Micpsi Moderate Poster
Joined: 13 Feb 2007 Posts: 505
Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2008 12:45 pm Post subject: The Pentagon flyover - how they pulled it off (video) |
This brilliant investigation thoroughly disproves the official story of what happened at the Pentagon on 9/11, using witnesses who contradict the government's data.
Video (104 min):
Various witnesses saw a low flying jet looking like an American Airlines plane flying towards the Pentagon but on a flight path that is different from the one officially recognised for Flight 77. Its purpose was to make people who had seen it believe that it was Flight 77, thus confirming the official scenario. It flew over the Pentagon at the last second. But people who saw it and then saw/heard an explosion at the Pentagon wrongly inferred that it had crashed there.
The C-130 reported by some people was to explain what witnesses saw if they had seen a plane that did not fit the scenario of Flight 77 flying low into the Pentagon. Its honest pilot, Steve O'Brien, did not realise that his flight (ordered to take off after other planes had been ordered to land) was being used as a ruse to create the legend that a commercial plane had crashed into the Pentagon. His testimony contradicts the official account. This and newspaper articles purported that the C-130 pilot claimed that he saw the plane hit the Pentagon. But he never said this. Actually, he contradicted this false report. He said he was too far away from the Pentagon to notice what caused the explosion he had seen. But the pilot's story was used to support the official story. This was completely dishonest journalism.
The E4B was meant also to cover for the mystery jet, making people think that they had mistakenly seen Flight 77. In other words, it was meant to create confusion amongst witnesses and - no doubt - confusion for any future investigators trying to sort out what happened at the Pentagon. Witnesses described it as white and as large as a Boeing 747 (which it was), so it could not have been Flight 77. Four witnesses: Pentagon police Sergeants William Lagasse and Chadwick Brooks, employee at the gas station Robert Turcios, and an auto mechanic who was up the street on Columbia Pike Edward Paik, said they saw a commercial-sized jet plane fly low north of the Citgo gas station towards the Pentagon. This contradicts the official story, based upon the line of knocked-down light poles, which are on the south side of the gas station. A witness, Steve Chaconas, flatly contradicts the officially approved route of Flight 77. The plane he saw and thought crashed into the Pentagon flew in from a completely different direction. It proves that the released 84 RADES flight data was fraudulent. There is no doubt that he saw the decoy plane that masqueraded as Flight 77.
The film debunks the story of Keith Wheelhouse, who claimed to have seen a SILVER (therefore AA) commercial jet fly into the Pentagon. He claimed to see the plane for at least 60 seconds. But it turns out that his location made this impossible. Either he is exaggerating, so that his testimony is unreliable, or else he is lying. No other witnesses confirmed his account. Another witness saw another plane (the C-130) pass him about three to five seconds after what he thought was the AA plane. He describes a completely different flight path from what Keith Wheelhouse claimed. Both are contradicted by the official 84 RADES flight path data, which prevents them seeing the C-130 because the flight path indicated by this data made this impossible for them!
Another witness, John O'Keefe, who claimed to see a AA plane fly towards the Pentagon saw a second JET (not a propeller-driven plane, which the C-130 was) in the background. He said he saw it for 45 seconds. This was impossible from his location and according to the official speed of the plane.
Other witness testimonies are inconsistent with what the pilot of the C-130 said was his flight path. So much for their identification of this plane as the AA plane!
Witnesses who saw an explosion after seeing a plane flying low made a false connection. Contrary to what they naturally assumed, the former was not caused by the latter. They were duped into thinking this so as to create the urban myth that some people had actually seen Flight 77 hit the Pentagon. That was the purpose of this mystery plane reported by the Pentagon police officers interviewed by the Citizen Investigation Team.
The black box data never had any plane flying over the DC area, contradicting what witnesses said who claimed to see Flight 77.
NBC reported at 9.40am a jet flying over the White House but at a time three minutes BEFORE official records say that an E4B took off from Andrews Air Force base, the attack having taken place about five minutes earlier. So NBC was reporting the decoy plane seen by various witnesses, NOT this E4B, as some 9/11 truth debunkers have argued.
The two planes (C-130 & E4B) seen by witnesses were decoys to create confusion and make people think they had seen Flight 77 fly into the Pentagon. There is, however, no evidence that the C-130 was guiding any plane into the Pentagon. There is so much secrecy surrounding the E4B that we cannot exclude the possibility that it was guiding some pilotless plane of some kind into the Pentagon. Flight 77 was never in the area at all. As the Pilots for 9/11 Truth have now proved
the flight data was fabricated, so that witnesses contradicting the official view could be written off as having seen a different plane (the mystery plane, the C-140 or the E4B).
Finally, the direction of the path of damage inside the Pentagon is inconsistent with an approach to the Pentagon NORTH of the Citgo gas station, as witnessed by the Pentagon policemen.
(These are the conclusions of Craig Ranke et al. My posting this thread is for the purpose of passing information, not necessarily because I endorse all his conclusions).
An issue not addressed by this investigation is why the dummy plane was not flown along the 'official' approach path to the Pentagon, i.e., south of the Citgo gas station. Were the perps so confident they could get away with misdirecting people on the ground that they did not bother to keep to the 'official' direction indicated by the knocked-down light poles and the orientation of the debris field inside the Pentagon? Or did they not pilot/remote-control this plane accurately enough to be able to follow the pre-planned path? The latter seems the more likely to me as the former possibility would have created the unnecessary risk of causing a serious discrepancy between witnesses and the official scenario, as in fact has now come to pass, with the testimony of the Pentagon police officers undermining the evidence of knocked-down poles and implying that the latter must have been blown up or pushed over somehow by the perps rather than knocked over by impact with a low-flying jet plane as large as a 100 ton Boeing 757. |