Pikey Banned
Joined: 25 Jul 2005 Posts: 1491 Location: North Lancashire
Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 8:14 am Post subject: April 08: NW Truthseeker events |
All welcome. Details-
Sands Arts Centre
Grange-Over-Sands 7.30 pm
Film and Talk by Derek Ellis on
‘How to Increase your Self Esteem.’
This information is vital and one of the most important
principles, fundamental to human life.
Admission £4
(Includes donation to our chosen worthy cause which is
Elizabeth Beckett of Alston.)
Hi Friends,
I am pleased to give you final details about our first Truthseeker event we have planned for April.
Next Thursday April 24th. at the Sands Arts Centre in Grange-Over-Sands, Derek Ellis is presenting a really important theme and that is how to raise your self esteem. I can confirm that our perception of our own self worth is a big key to our own health and happiness and this in turn affects the totality. The film that Derek has chosen shows the work of Dr. Nathaniel Brandon, who is a 'whizzo' on the psychology of self esteem.
http://www.nathanielbranden.com/catalog/splash.php |
Quote: | SUNDAY APRIL 27th. 11am - 6 pm.
Blackpool ‘Exhibition of the Universe
Opposite Central Pier and short distance from Dr. Who.
www. allthatis.co.uk
is hosting a gathering of like minded people
who are happy to share their ideas, inventions
and creative skills.
The theme is :-
Admission £6
The second April event is happening three days later on Sunday 27th. April and is being held at David Boyle's Exhibition of the Universe which is opposite Central Pier in Blackpool. David's exhibition is truly amazing - it is his life's work and very self-empowering. He will update us on 'Solar Steel' and describe a little about the exhibition. Look at www.allthatis.co.uk
I am very pleased to say that the following people have expressed interest in the day with view to sharing/presenting :-
Michael Brady and Dennis Glover (Alternative energy inventors.)
Oliver Smith www.waterboost.co.uk and (hopefully) sister Viccy who is a horse whisperer. Both Oliver and Viccy have a superb new idea for horse nutrition based on hemp.
Philip Sterling www.astrosound.co.uk
Derek Ellis www.mineralsupplement.blogspot.com
Jackie Glover and her friend Angela Cooper who will be sharing some of their work in sound healing.
Phil Clegg is coming along as well and will present his latest invention if it is finished in time.
Darren Deojee (not sure at this moment in time what he is hoping to share, but it promises to be excellent.)
I am happy to share some of my dowsing skills and perhaps a chant or two....
David has kindly agreed for presenters to come into the exhibition for free, but just contribute something for tea/coffee/biscuits. Other people are being asked to pay £6 and this covers entrance and refreshments.
A very cheap lunch can be bought in 'Funland' which nearby and there is a pay and display car park at the back of the exhibition. If you want to park further down on the South Shore near to the hotels, it is free parking and the trams run very frequently along the prom.
I hope we see you at both or one of these events and if you would like to share something at the day gathering, just let me know and we will certainly fit you in.
Love and light from Pen xx
PS Please tell your friends. |
More info. Phone Penny 015395 33880
e-mail peacepals@tesco.net _________________ Pikey
Peace, truth, respect and a Mason free society
www.fmotl.com |