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9/11 + the Role of Israel

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 15, 2008 3:53 pm    Post subject: 9/11 + the Role of Israel Reply with quote

9/11 + the Role of Israel ......AlicetheKurious

The crime of the September 11 attacks, and whether or not there is reason to deduce a major Israeli role.

When a crime is committed, who is and who is not a legitimate suspect depends on the answers to the following questions:

1) Who benefited from the crime? The bigger the benefit, the higher the suspect ought to go on the list of possible perps.

2) Who had the means to carry out the crime? This is where a proper investigation becomes crucial, to determine HOW the crime was carried out. Once we know what resources the crime required, then it becomes possible to narrow the list of suspects to those who had the necessary resources.

3) What was the motive (or motives) for the crime? Before the crime was committed, which suspects had objectives that were difficult, if not impossible to achieve, that were miraculously realized as a direct result of the crime?

4) Given the means and motive, which suspect(s) had the opportunity to carry out the crime? This is related to timing: what specific window of opportunity were the perps in a position to know about and exploit?

Based on these four questions, Israel (along with its agents) shoots to the top of the list of suspects. Here's why:

1) Whether financially, politically or militarily, Israel (and its agents) is the single largest beneficiary of the September 11 attacks. Individuals linked at the highest level to the Israeli government, made billions of dollars. The 9/11 attacks directly produced the monstrous "Department of Homeland Security" -- not only headed and staffed with zionist zealots, but perfectly positioned to divert massive amounts of taxpayers' cash to Israeli firms and agents, also providing plenty of funds to buy new allies and friends.

Corporations linked to the Israeli government were deluged with lucrative new contracts. New so-called 'security-sharing agreements' were signed between Israel and its agents embedded in Western nations, bizarre arrangements in which these nations effectively surrendered their sovereignty and the privacy of their citizens to the Mossad.

Israel was able to exploit the so-called "War on Terror" to launch a massive re-invasion and re-occupation of the territories it had ceded to the Palestinian Authority under the Oslo Agreement, in early 2002. Under the cover of this "War" Israel proceeded to openly and unapologetically assassinate the Palestinian leadership, including its former "peace partner" Yasser Arafat, without a peep of protest from the "free world" at this and so many other cold-blooded murders.

Israel's longstanding efforts to dehumanize and demonize its Muslim and Arab victims acquired a gloss of legitimacy and respectability. The 9/11 attacks opened the floodgates of vicious, racist propaganda portraying Arabs and Muslims as the enemy of Americans, and the Israelis as valuable allies. If, as can be shown, the myth of the 19 hijackers falls apart the closer one examines it, then it becomes reasonable to ask whether there was a specific intent to associate the attacks with Arabs and Muslims, and, that being the case, who would have a strong motive to do so.

Israel's old dream of infiltrating and destroying Iraq was realized as a direct result of the 9/11 attacks, which were blamed by its propaganda agents on the evil mastermind Saddam Hussein. A right-wing zionist fanatic and Likudnik, Jay Garner, was installed as Iraq's new ruler. Israeli "security consultants" joyfully swarmed into the country -- hundreds of Israeli companies were granted lucrative contracts and sub-contracts, all at the expense of the American and Iraqi people (the former paid with their wealth and the lives of their cannon-fodder soldiers, the latter paid with their wealth, their lives and their future).

All of this, and more, was made possible by the September 11 attacks.

2) In terms of who had the means to carry out the attacks, Israel and its agents are once again well-positioned. When we take into account the fact that the owners of the buildings, the firms responsible for the buildings' and airport security, the agents embedded within the Pentagon and NORAD's most sensitive security installations, as well as powerful individuals deeply embedded at the federal, state and city levels are linked to the Israeli government, it becomes clear that the resources to carry out the attacks -- and cover up incriminating evidence -- were more than sufficient for them to have done so.

3) In addition to the substantial benefits accruing to Israel and its agents that I outlined in point 1), which have literally transformed the globe in accordance with the most extremist zionists' feverish desires during the seven years since the attacks, we have a clear, unambiguous motive stated before the fact: the two documents produced by a cohesive group of zionist fanatics prior to their installation at the highest levels of decision-making power in the U.S., with the (s)election of George W. Bush in 2000.

These two documents, which have been described as the neocons' very own Mein Kampf, constitute strong evidence of a powerful motive for the 9/11 attacks by the very people who commanded the resources to carry them out, many of whom are little more than embedded agents working for Israel. The grandiose, terrifying plans outlined in these two papers seemed little more than the crazed mutterings of a few maniacs, who have been described as almost a sect -- until the September 11 attacks "changed everything" and miraculously gave them their 'catastrophic and catalyzing' event - like a new Pearl Harbor'.

In his fascinating analysis written in March of 2003, Pepe Escobar explains the roots and objectives of the Project for a New American Century, which in effect have become the objectives of the United States:


"It's no surprise that Bush, on February 26, chose to unveil his vision of a new Middle Eastern order at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), a right-wing Washington think tank. The PNAC's office is nowhere else than on the 5th floor of the AEI building on 17th St, in downtown Washington. The AEI is the key node of a collection of neoconservative foreign policy experts and scholars, the most influential of whom are members of the PNAC.

The AEI is intimately connected to the Likud Party in Israel - which for all practical purposes has a deep impact on American foreign policy in the Middle East, thanks to the AEI's influence. In this mutually-beneficial environment, AEI stalwarts are known as Likudniks. ...

The AEI's foreign policy agenda is presided over by none other than Richard Perle. As Perle is a longtime friend and advisor to Rumsfeld, he was rewarded with the post of chairman of the Pentagon's Defense Policy Board: its 30-odd very influential members include former national security advisers, secretaries of defense and heads of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Perle is also a very close friend of Pentagon number two Wolfowitz, since they were students at the University of Chicago in the late 1960s. Perle now reports to Wolfowitz.

On September 20, 2001, Perle went on overdrive, fully mobilizing the Defense Policy Board to forge a link between Saddam and al-Qaeda. The PNAC sent an open letter to Bush detailing how a war on terrorism should be conducted. The letter says that Saddam has to go "even if evidence does not link him to the attack". The letter lists other policies that later were implemented - like the gigantic increase of the defense budget and the total isolation of the Palestinian Authority (PA), as well as others that may soon follow, like striking Hezbollah in Lebanon and yet-to-be-formulated attacks against Iran and especially Syria if they do not stop support for Hezbollah."...............

The Bush administration strategy in the past few months of totally isolating the PA's Yasser Arafat and allowing Israeli premier Ariel Sharon to refuse as much as a handshake, was formulated by the PNAC. Another PNAC letter states that "Israel's fight is our fight ... for reasons both moral and strategic, we need to stand with Israel in its fight against terrorism". The PNAC detested the Camp David accords between Israel and the Palestinians. For the PNAC, a simmering, undeclared state of war against Palestine, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Iran is a matter of policy.

Perle, a former assistant secretary of defense for international security affairs under Reagan, is also a member of the board of the Jerusalem Post. He wrote a chapter - "Iraq: Saddam Unbound" - in Present Dangers, a PNAC book. He is very close to ultra-hawk Douglas Feith, who was his special counsel under Reagan and is now assistant secretary of defense for policy (one of the Pentagon's four most senior posts) and also a partner in a small Washington law firm that represents Israeli suppliers of munitions seeking deals with American weapons manufacturers. It was thanks to Perle - who personally defended his candidate to Rumsfeld - that Feith got his current job. He was one of the key people responsible for strategic planning in the war against the Taliban and is also heavily involved in planning the war against Iraq.

David Wurmser, former head of Middle Eastern projects at the AEI, is now special assistant to PNAC founder John Bolton, the undersecretary of State for arms control and a fierce enemy of multilateralism. Wurmser wrote Tyranny's Ally: America's failure to defeat Saddam Hussein, a book published by the AEI. The foreword is by none other than Perle. Meyrav Wurmser, David's wife, is a co-founder of the Middle East Media Research Institute [MEMRI].

In July 1996, Perle, Feith and the Wurmser couple wrote the notorious paper for an Israeli think tank charting a roadmap for Likud superhawk and then-incoming Israeli prime minister Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu. The paper is called "A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm".

Perle, Feith and the Wurmsers tell Bibi that Israel must shelve the Oslo Accords, the so-called peace process, the concept of "land for peace", go for it and permanently annex the entire West Bank and the Gaza Strip.

The paper also recommends that Israel must insist on the elimination of Saddam, and the restoration of the Hashemite monarchy in Baghdad. This would be the first domino to fall, and then regime change would follow in Syria, Lebanon, Iran and Saudi Arabia. This 1996 blueprint is nothing else than Ariel Sharon's current agenda in action. In November last year, Sharon took the liberty to slightly modify the domino sequence by growling on the record that Iran should be next after Iraq. ...

Chalmers Johnson is president of the Japan Policy Research Institute, based in California, and author of Blowback: The Costs and Consequences of American Empire. A war veteran turned scholar, he could never be accused of anti-Americanism. His new book about American militarism, The Sorrows of Empire: How the Americans lost their Country, will be published in late 2003. Some of its insights are informative in confirming the role of the PNAC in setting American foreign policy.

Johnson is just one among many who suspect that "after being out of power with Clinton and back to power with Bush ... the neocons were waiting for a 'catastrophic and catalyzing' event - like a new Pearl Harbor" that would mobilize the public and allow them to put their theories and plans into practice. September 11 was, of course, precisely what they needed. National Security Advi Condoleezza Rice called together members of the National Security Council and asked them "to think about how do you capitalize on these opportunities to fundamentally change American doctrine, and the shape of the world, in the wake of September 11th". She said, "I really think this period is analogous to 1945 to 1947 when fear and paranoia led the US into its Cold War with the USSR".

Johnson continues: "The Bush administration could not just go to war with Iraq without tying it in some way to the September 11 attacks. So it first launched an easy war against Afghanistan. There was at least a visible connection between Osama bin Laden and the Taliban regime, even though the United States contributed more to Osama's development as a terrorist than Afghanistan ever did. Meanwhile, the White House launched one of the most extraordinary propaganda campaigns of modern times to convince the American public that an attack on Saddam Hussein should be a part of America's 'war on terrorism'. This attempt to whip up war fever, in turn, elicited an outpouring of speculation around the world on what were the true motives that lay behind President Bush's obsession with Iraq."

The Iraq war is above all Paul Wolfowitz's war. It's his holy mission. His cue was September 11. Slightly after Rumsfeld, on September 15, 2001 at Camp David, Wolfowitz was already advocating an attack on Iraq. There are at least three versions of what happened that day. As a reporter, the Washington Post's Bob Woodward (remember Watergate) used to bring down presidents; now he's a mere presidential public relations officer. In his book Bush at War he writes that Bush told Wolfowitz to shut up and let the number 1 (Rumsfeld) talk. The second version, defended by the New York Times, says that Bush listened attentively to Wolfowitz. But a third version relayed by diplomats holds that in Bush's executive order on September 17 authorizing war on Afghanistan, there's already a paragraph giving free reign to the Pentagon to draw plans for a war against Iraq.

4) Opportunity. In view of the fact that Israeli agents and Israeli-linked encryption and electronic security companies were in position at the highest echelons of the Pentagon and the White House before, during and after the September 11 attacks, it's hard to imagine a more ideal scenario to pull off such an operation.

Who benefited? Check.

Motive? Check.

Means? Check.

Opportunity? Check.

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