fish5133 Site Admin
Joined: 13 Sep 2006 Posts: 2568 Location: One breath from Glory
Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 7:13 pm Post subject: US Firm To Have All Your Health Details (Sneakily) |
You know when you get that feeling you should have read the junk mail instead of binning it, especially when its an "opt out" option. Although this is Wirral you can bet they will try it elsewhere.
The leaflet sent out by our local PCT gave no indication that details were to go of to some US company. You had to opt out within 2 weeks of receiving the laeflet and guess when they sent them-- ye just before the school holidays when loads go off for a fortnights holiday.
9:13am Wednesday 23rd July 2008
By Justin Dunn »
EVERY adult in Wirral is to be unwittingly signed up to a privately-run telephone health advice line by the local Primary Care Trust.
Anyone who received a blue and white postcard through their letter boxes last week mentioning the proposed Wirral Keep Well scheme will now have their private health information stored “in a safe, secure environment” by an American-owned private call centre firm based in Boston, Massachusetts.
To ensure your information is not shared you must write to your GP practice manager telling them you want to opt out within two weeks of receiving the card, it says.
The scheme is also to include a second ‘opt out’ opportunity of NOT sharing your name and phone number with US-firm Health Dialog, which is wholly owned by Bupa.
Leah Fraser, Conservative councillor for Liscard, told the Globe: “This is the first stage of a plan by an American company to obtain as much data as possible about patients in Wirral.
“Contact which is traditionally between a patient and their GP will, increasingly, be replaced by a call to an unknown operator, in a US-based company with access to your private medical records. Given the Govern-ment’s appalling track record of handling sensitive personal data, I’m not hopeful. This development makes it more difficult for patients to control who does, and doesn’t, have access to their personal records. | ALTH_DETAILS/ _________________ JO911B.
"for we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against rulers of the darkness of this world, against wicked spirits in high places " Eph.6 v 12 |