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Green Party Conference

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9/11 Truth Organiser
9/11 Truth Organiser

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 7:42 pm    Post subject: Green Party Conference Reply with quote

This letter has been given out to Green Party members arriving at their Conference in London today by Belinda on behalf of the Whole Truth Coalition. I was active in the Green Party for fifteen years and I'm appalled how the party has now lost its integrity and vision.

A Challenge to the membership of the Green Party of England and Wales

Dear Friends,

Please read this carefully if, as I do, you value the future direction and success of the Green Party in the British Isles.

Over the last four years a new phenomenon has emerged on the internet which is likely to spill over into direct political action at the grassroots and which will assign forever the conventional ‘old style’ confrontational politics to the dustbin. This grassroots challenge, which is gathering strength on a daily basis, is in pursuit of one thing only.....the TRUTH about the underlying reality of our modern world, and the methodology of those working to shape it to their own ends, rather than for the benefit of all its human and animal inhabitants.

For example, in the USA, the Green Party’s presidential candidate, the courageous former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, is asking for the truth about what really happened on 9/11. She knows there are huge problems with the official narrative of what happened on that fateful day, indeed with the whole ‘War on Terror’, which has claimed hundreds of thousands of innocent lives and is so voraciously eating into our civil liberties and basic freedoms. The US Greens are unashamedly a major player in this burgeoning American Truth Movement. The same cannot be said for the Green Party of England and Wales where the ‘leadership’ and ‘establishment’ of the party under Caroline Lucas and Jean Lambert has deliberately chosen to ignore this huge and ‘embarrassing’ issue in the vain hope that it would go away. Well it hasn’t and now the British Greens are left looking rather foolish and out of touch with reality.

I joined the then Ecology Party back in 1978. For a short period I was National Agent (my main success being to organise over 100 candidates for the 1983 General Election) before being elected twice onto Party Council. During that time I organised conferences and helped to build bridges between the so-called ‘fundis’ and the ‘realos’ as the Party agonised how to proceed after its breakthrough success in the 1989 European Elections. Some wonderful opportunities were lost then because of childish infighting and the inability of some key players, many of whom are still active in the ‘leadership’of the Party today, to work as a team.

When I joined the Ecology Party, we prided ourselves on being the ‘Anti-Party Party’ - we were determined to break away from the hierarchical structures of the other conventional parties. We wanted to empower and mobilise ordinary, decent people back into the decision-making processes and so overturn the tiny political elite who had, and still do have, a stranglehold on real power in this country and, indeed, the world. I just cannot believe that today the Green Party of England and Wales, a Party to which I gave fifteen years of my life, is now seeking to elect a ‘Leader’ just to keep the ‘controlled’ and ‘elite-owned’ media happy. And, worse still, the chances are that you will elect Caroline Lucas who, whilst I appreciate she has worked and campaigned extremely hard on many green and social issues, has failed repeatedly to question the events of 9/11 and the whole ongoing War on Terror, despite being given compelling information and evidence by myself and others (please email me for the evidence of this). Caroline, I'm afraid, is no Cynthia McKinney when it comes to pro-active truth-seeking!

It really does hurt me to say this, but the Greens in Britain today are largely an irrelevance as people on the internet and at the grass roots are waking up and making the connections which prove beyond all reasonable doubt that we’re heading for an Orwellian 'Big Brother' police state. This nightmare scenario is being assembled slowly but surely by a tiny, secretive global elite in order to ensnare all of us. This was what David Icke was saying at the recent Haltemprice and Howden by-election – an election that we can prove was a sham and a scam (go to www.wholetruthcoalition.org for the evidence).

And before you simply dismiss David Icke (whom the Green Party ‘establishment’ likes to demonise), please consider that in doing so you’d be refuting the findings of modern Quantum Physics and a mass of political and historical evidence, plus the collective knowledge and wisdom of the indigenous peoples around the world who have oral traditions going back thousands of years. I also happen to know, having met Cynthia McKinney myself, that she is open minded enough to want to meet with David at some point in the future to discuss his research. Closed minds, my friends, do not get to the truth!

I’m afraid the Green Party has stopped listening and learning and it has certainly stopped questioning. How many of you reading this know that there was a major hurricane, Hurricane Erin, off New York on the morning of 9/11? What do you know about Tesla, Directed Energy Weapons and the Hutchison Effect? Have you heard of HAARP and, if so, what is it for? Do you know that other planets in our solar system, including Mars and Jupiter, are displaying temperature increases and ‘climate change’ at the same time as Earth? Are you absolutely certain you can trust Al Gore - what do you really know about him and the Clinton administration he was involved in? What do you know about the Amero and the North American Union? What do you know about the UK training charity Common Purpose? And how much do you know about the Bilderberg Group, the Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations? Have you heard of Dr Royal Raymond Rife? And what really goes on in the Bohemian Grove? Who really funded and supported Adolf Hitler and the Nazis? And just what is this New World Order to which Gordon Brown many times referred in his pre-appointment speeches in 2007, and his predecessor Blair before him??

Please, can I ask all of you to take time out to do some very serious research of your own, once this conference is over. It is vital to educate and empower yourselves, indeed all citizens quickly, before the projected Orwellian nightmare kicks in. Along with my good friends and fellow truth-seekers Belinda McKenzie, Andrew Johnson and Penny Pullen, I’ve set up the Whole Truth Coalition (UK). Working with many other individuals, organisations and campaigns, WTC UK is acting as an information clearing-house to help people do their own research whilst encouraging the setting up of local Truth Groups to tackle head-on our elected representatives who, knowingly or unknowingly, are allowing the Hidden Elite to carry out their sinister agenda unchallenged. Please go to www.wholetruthcoalition.org.uk to find out more about what they – and we! – are doing.

Thank you for taking the trouble to read this – with possibly a major war brewing and economic problems already afflicting millions time is most certainly not on our side, so please take this warning seriously. The signs are extremely ominous that another 9/11-style 'false flag' operation leading to a war against Iran (and possibly others) is on the cards before the end of this year. Again, if you email me, I will send you information clearly showing 'Big Brother'-style preparations for massive civil unrest being made in this country by those 'in the know'.

With all best wishes and here’s hoping that the Green Party of England and Wales wakes up quickly to the ‘Big Picture’ and undertakes the right actions to expose what is REALLY going on, before it is too late.

‘All that is needed for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing’ (Tacitus). Greens are good people or they wouldn’t be ‘green’ – please put that goodness into real, intelligent action NOW!

Justin Walker (jrgwalker@aol.com)

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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 8:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

A well written letter.

A pity that mention is made of Mr Icke, whose extreme views (eg the insane reptile theory) serves to detract from the more serious issue of 911 truth.

Both Shayler and Icke should, in my opinion, not be used to to convert people to 911 truth. They both spoil good theories with moments of sheer madness.

A better idea would be to stick to the facts of 911, and the motives of corporate energy control.

The Greens recognise the energy issue more than any other party, and many would be able to relate to the MOTIVE behind 911 - which is one step to "waking up".
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paul wright

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 11:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

To be honest, I wouldn't have mentioned Icke either. That's an immediate turn off for the Greenies. And you can put forth all the info without
Mind you, I highly rate the DI info, so maybe that would be a dissimulating denial
You take your time and place, though, dont you

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9/11 Truth Organiser
9/11 Truth Organiser

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 06, 2008 8:25 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi Paul,

I'm of the opinion now that we push ahead with the 'big picture' on ALL fronts, including David Icke. He was in the Green Party with me and was pilloried without mercy by the so-called 'leadership of the party (they now have a real leader in Caroline Lucas who, I'm afraid, is a real disappointment to me). The simple fact is that David, as you well know, has been proved right on almost all the things he predicted all those years back - that now makes him credible. And if people can't get their heads around the 'reptilian thing' then David's track record to date should make honest and open minded people take a long hard look at what he is saying here. The same applies to the evidence that Judy Wood and Andrew Johnson are uncovering about so-called Free Energy.

We cannot be selective with the Truth - our motto must be 'TRUTH WITHOUT FEAR.... wherever it takes us! Or as Belinda said to me "The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth!"

Best wishes


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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 06, 2008 9:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Groan! Hutchison effect: not so much shooting oneself in the foot, rather shooting oneself in the head.
Magician's effects, and a 'confiscated' 'laboratory' look to me more like a clever 'red-herring' effect, than a serious explanation for the Twins' collapse. Just the sort of thing 'Black Ops' would spread, set us all at each others throats.
And get this absolutely straight - I am not accusing Justin, Belinda or any of the people I know of intentional dissinfo; but they are, unfortunately, making a big mistake (OK, IMO).

'And he (the devil) said to him: To thee will I give all this power, and the glory of them; for to me they are delivered, and to whom I will, I give them'. Luke IV 5-7.
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 06, 2008 10:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Don't forget Justin that there was a Green Party conference at the time of 9/11 and we (or I should say they, I wasn't there) passed a motion condemning the attacks, 'whoever carried them out' and warning against retribution that may be as bad or worse than the attacks.
No other party - certainly in the UK - came close to such a clear pacifist statement of policy. I have the motion on my office door.

Sounds like things have gone downhill and the pathetic Zero Carbon crew have got the whip hand. God, they're such boring zombies.

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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paul wright

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 12:25 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

outsider wrote:
Groan! Hutchison effect: not so much shooting oneself in the foot, rather shooting oneself in the head.

It's very real, outsider, whether you want a 9/ll tie-in or not
Personally, I'd have 'leaned out' an address to the Greens, knowing that the political Lucas (Club of Rome) strand holds some sway
There might be some there willing to be persuaded, but my best guess is there might be more willing to be convinced by a lesser frontal assault
Perhaps Justin will report on the response

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John White
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 12:56 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Groan! Hutchison effect: not so much shooting oneself in the foot, rather shooting oneself in the head.

It's very real, outsider, whether you want a 9/ll tie-in or not

Is it?

And the "9/11 Tie In" is, in itself, something I am highly suspicious of, there is no more solid evidence of "free" energy being used to bring down the towers than there is more conventional CD: all we really have is an official story that simply wont do

This seems to me propagandising 9/11 Truth to act as a vehicle for something completely other (that being the belief system of the UFOology crowd) and scarcely in the interests of Truth, either of 9/11 or of Free energy, to have such a cavalier disregard for where the evidence takes us and to play on the hopes of those who believe there is a hidden techno "solution" to the problems of humanities behaviour on this planet. It is rank opportunism and should be treated as such IE with a degree of contempt, no matter how well meaning. Dig deeper and it can only be viewed as cynically blatant, even manipulative

Sorry Justin, this letter just wont do, it is far to easy for the Green Party to reject: and they will. I wonder if this is really a letter set up to (subconsciously) fail when that inevitable rejection comes, yet providing something else to rail against to further reinforce the perspective amongst believers that they are "onto" something. Basic self-reinforcement

Furthermore this does not seem to be where Icke's stated 9/11 views lead either (of course, with Icke that could change: I assume you have had his ear recently to discuss this)

And that says nothing about Cynthia Mckinney: your letter drops her name repeatedly (and lambasts Green Party personalities for not being like her) and Hutchinson's at the bottom

Are you suggesting Cynthia Mckinney supports the "work" of Hutchinson, and by extension the theories of Wood? It certainly could be understood that you are from this letter: that is careless writing and unless you can demonstrate that is the case quite solidly, very misleading: I suspect that if anyone from the UK Greens contacted Mckinney, whose own 9/11 doubts are based on far more solid ground, such a notion would be rejected and that alone would be reason enough for the purpose of this letter to fail

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Last edited by John White on Sun Sep 07, 2008 1:09 am; edited 2 times in total
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paul wright

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 1:08 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Jeezus, John White, as a long term contributor to David Icke forums, you are becoming very conservative in your views
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John White
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 1:12 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

paul wright wrote:
Jeezus, John White, as a long term contributor to David Icke forums, you are becoming very conservative in your views

Is that a fault?

Should I be more "hoopy" to be "one of us"?

S*d that, I'll call it as I see it thank you very much, and since great stock is placed on "prediction" perhaps I'll be credited if I turn out to be right

If our dreams lead us to campaign where we are weakest then the basis of our dreams deserves to be challenged: it would be cowardice not to

And I want to see solutions: not false hopes

Do you really think this challenge to the Green Party is the most likely approach to be successful Paul? Perhaps focusing on that is more useful than how "conservative" I appear to be for calling a pig-in-the-poke when I consider I'm looking at one

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paul wright

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 1:19 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yes I think you should be more Hoopy to be one of us
Still I appreciate you've got other things on your mind like babies or something
Anyway, what was your prediction? I'd be most pleased if it turned out right

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John White
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 1:31 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

paul wright wrote:
Yes I think you should be more Hoopy to be one of us

Go there and you'll find Larry O' Hara waiting for you rubbing his hands in glee Paul

Still I appreciate you've got other things on your mind like babies or something


Anyway, what was your prediction? I'd be most pleased if it turned out right

That this letter wont achieve any change in the 9/11 position of the UK Green Party

I thought that was clear? But I don't suppose it will really make you pleased if it turns out to be right

We have that in common, me neither, I'm rarely pleased on occasions when I turn out to be right in matters such as this

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paul wright

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 1:41 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

ok, my first stab was wrong maybe
on the second I thought I'd more or less agreed with you anyway

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9/11 Truth Organiser
9/11 Truth Organiser

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 6:24 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Do you something, I don't care one jot whether the Green Party or any other party comes on board with the Truth movement - the whole political set up of competing parties is part of the Matrix and a part of the problem. The 'system' controls you through division - divide and rule. The objective of that letter was to simply to get individuals who are politically active to wake up and to start questioning.

And simply for the Greens to condemn the attacks on 9/11 is meaningless. Please remember that some of the Greens' leadership (and I know this for certain as I used to be friendly with the likes of Teddy Goldsmith, Jonathon Porritt, Paul Ekins, Sarah Parkin etc etc ) are committed to reducing considerably the world's population to more 'sustainable levels'....in other words, just as our NWO friends would like to see, the implementation of elitist Malthusian practices whereby 'useless eaters' are dealt with in drastic ways. Now that I have learnt something about cutting edge Quantum Physics, the wisdom of the indigenous peoples with oral histories and traditions going back thousands of years, the writings of people like David Icke etc etc that the world is not the finite 5 sense, 3 dimensional 'solid' world that we are taught and led to believe, but rather that everything is infinite and multi-dimensional, then the basic platform for the Green movement that we must all live within the 'finite' restraints of this 'physical' planet is very much called into question.

As regards the Hutchison effect et al, again the Greens like everyone else must simply LOOK AT THE EVIDENCE and decide for themselves. When I see footage of the remains of a column simply disintegrate before my eyes, when I see a physical debris pile far smaller than it should have been, when I see unexplained toasted and upturned vehicles etc etc, I want someone to explain rationally and scientifically what has happened. So far Dr Judy Wood, supported by Andrew Johnson, has been the most successful here in explaining what has happened IMHO (David Icke is also aware and open minded towards the work of Judy Wood). And when you know for certain that there is a hidden global elite who may well have access to technologies decades ahead of what is actually admitted to (remember the Stealth Bomber that put in an appearance during the The First Gulf War that amazed people) then a lot more possibilities become possible.

The Greens have got to wake up and realise that we are ALL the victims of suppressed information and suppressed technologies. Somehow, under the leadership of Caroline Lucas and her belief in the Matrix style of confrontational and divisive politics, this isn't going to happen. But hopefully individual Greens will, like I have done, step outside from the party system and embrace a much bigger and far more overwhelmingly important concept - namely the simple pursuit of TRUTH WITHOUT FEAR for the good of ALL.

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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 10:45 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

@ John White -
'And the "9/11 Tie In" is, in itself, something I am highly suspicious of, there is no more solid evidence of "free" energy being used to bring down the towers than there is more conventional CD: all we really have is an official story that simply wont do'

Just one thing I disagree with here: I believe there is ample evidence of conventional explosive demolition (firemen, William Rodrigues, Kenny Johannemann, news reporters all reporting explosions and effects commensurate with explosive devices); huge, up to 300-ton sections of steel ejected 390ft and embedded in nearby buildings like arrows (and I would hazard a guess that much smaller amounts of super-heated steel would have been ejected much further distances, possibly causing ancillary damage to cars etc); and PRIMARILY, THE EFFECTS OF HIGH EXPLOSIVE AND THERMITE/THERMATE DEMOLITION CAN BE REPEATEDLY DEMONSTRATED (apart from the use of HE being used for yonks to demolish tall structures, a tried-and-tested common-as-muck technology)), and absolutely none of the 'Hutchison Effect' which cannot be demonstrated; dubious unreapeatable, poorly regulated videod 'flying effects' simply will not do as evidence).
I'm not at loggerheads here; it's just that there is no equivalence between the 'evidence' for explosives, and the 'speculation' for Hutchison, though there may indeed be no 'solid evidence' (thanks to the steel being shipped to China-I bet the Chinese were dissapointed with their cheap shipment of 'vaporised' steel!!!) of either method.

'And he (the devil) said to him: To thee will I give all this power, and the glory of them; for to me they are delivered, and to whom I will, I give them'. Luke IV 5-7.
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John White
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 2:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sure Outsider, I see where your coming from. I didn't mean to imply equivalence so I appreciate you picking that up

My point was that we have things that point to CD (strongly) but can't categorically prove how it was done at the moment

Therefore the common ground amongst 9/11 Truthers should be the nonsensical explanation of NIST etc, and thats what I would "hit" the UK Green Party or any other group with when making the 9/11 Truth case

All the above IMHO of course

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paul wright

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 5:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

John White wrote:
paul wright wrote:
Yes I think you should be more Hoopy to be one of us

Go there and you'll find Larry O' Hara waiting for you rubbing his hands in glee Paul

Is Larry still banned,btw? I love Larry. I thought he was a real asset to this forum, - him and Stott....

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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 6:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Eh voila! Outsider, known to some 'Insiders' as the intrepid, indomitable Clousseau of the Surete, with his back to the wall, one hand grasping his trusty revolver, manouevred his mouse across the screen.
His investigation was soon amply rewarded; 'Wikipedia', with some prompting, and furtive glances at the revolver, spilled the beans:
Hurricane Erin of 2001 formed from a tropical wave to a Tropical Depression 6 on September 1st; intensified to Tropical Storm Erin on Sept. 2nd; dissipated on Sept. 5th; remnants re-organised to Hurricane Force on Sept. 9th, when it reached its peak wind speed of 120 mph; it weakened, and lost its identity on Sept. 17th.


'And he (the devil) said to him: To thee will I give all this power, and the glory of them; for to me they are delivered, and to whom I will, I give them'. Luke IV 5-7.
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 7:30 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

and you'll see why in the moderator's lounge

paul wright wrote:
John White wrote:
paul wright wrote:
Yes I think you should be more Hoopy to be one of us

Go there and you'll find Larry O' Hara waiting for you rubbing his hands in glee Paul

Is Larry still banned,btw? I love Larry. I thought he was a real asset to this forum, - him and Stott....

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 7:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

John White wrote:
we have things that point to CD (strongly) but can't categorically prove how it was done at the moment

But the various Scott Forbes interviews do actually explain that quite satifactorily Jonn

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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