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Possible Flase Flag Presidential Assassination?

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Johnny Meadows
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 2:06 pm    Post subject: Possible Flase Flag Presidential Assassination? Reply with quote

Over the years there has been much speculation about a possible presidential assassination being stage-managed by the military/CIA and being blamed on an Iranian in order to justify support for a war with Iran. 4 years ago I thought it would be Bush (see article below) but now, thanks to some intelligent criticism and feedback, a case can equally be made with Obama being used in this scenario.

I'm hoping to publish the article pretty soon, but it's still at a rough stage (some sources still need to be cited). I would therefore like as much feedback/devils advocates as possible to strengthen the arguments for/against and determine whether it is an actual possibility. Thesis vs Antithesis equals Synthesis. This is an Open Thread to all intelligent posters and I'm interested in feedback. True, it may have been a case of "right idea, wrong president" as they tend to get rid of the "good guys", not the bad ones for maximum impact. Let's hope in either case it doesn't become a reality.

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Johnny Meadows
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 2:07 pm    Post subject: New 9/11 Reply with quote

THE NEW 9/11

Why the possible Assassination of George W. Bush will be an inside job.

By Johnny Meadows,
28th August 2008
Last updated: 8th October 2008

Over the next few weeks, there is a grave possibility that President Bush will be assassinated as part of a joint military/intelligence operation designed to further expedite the formation of a New World Order. If the blame is put on an Iranian patsy, it will politically destabilize the United States and provide a perfect opportunity for Vice-President Dick Cheney to step in as interim president, declare martial law and ignite a war with Iran before the elections. According to reports, the CIA have already been in Iran since 2007 setting up the pieces for the next war. Consider the following:

• Iran is the only Middle-Eastern country aside from Iraq that has threatened to sell their oil in Euros and circumvent buying the United States’ several-trillion dollar national debt which the Saudis do thanks to a plan set in motion by Bilderberg luminary Henry Kissinger. According to author and lecturer Lindsey Williams, notable figures in the oil industry have recently given the Iranian government an ultimatum to sell their oil in U.S. dollars, or else. (i)
• The Bilderbergers require a new war to continue destabilising the Middle East (create a problem), plunder their vast resources and forge a New World Order (offer the solution) in its wake. Bilderberger Wolfowitz’s PNAC document “Rebuilding America’s Defenses Abroad” clearly shows Iran as their next intended target. (ii)
• They have hiked up the price of oil to give the USA the incentive to invade Iran. At their 2007 meeting, the Bilderberg Group announced they would increase the price of oil from $3.50 a gallon to between $4 - $5. This is now giving the United States the incentive to pillage Iran for its huge oil reserves, even though there is evidence that Alaska has enough reserves to last them another 200 years. (iii)
• People will not fall for the "WMD" lie a second time, so a majority consent will have to be manufactured with yet another false-flag “terrorist” operation – a New 9/11 - in order to justify the next invasion.
• A presidential assassination fits the bill this time round. It will politically destabilise the country, create a state of National Emergency and provide the incentive for (1) the Declaration of Martial Law, (2) the incentive for a new war with the alleged Muslim aggressors, and (3) the excuse to control the US population using subdermally implantable RFID microchips under the false pretext of “national security” - as was proposed at the 2008 Bilderberg meeting. (iv)
• Day by day, a deliberate hatred is being fostered towards President Bush, even though it is evident he's a puppet of the CFR’s Dick Cheney and Bush Sr. and ultimately their controllers within the Bilderberg Group.
• Bob Woodward, assistant managing editor for The Washington Post, was recently chastised for revealing that both Dick Cheney (CFR) and Bush Jr. were being “advised” by Dr. Kissinger.(v)
• Bush Jr. is the only one in his cabinet who is NOT a member of the CFR even though most presidents, including Bush Sr. have been in the past. Was this done intentionally to keep him in the dark about CFR policy? Another notable exception was President John F. Kennedy, who was also assassinated. (vi)
• According to reports, within the last year Bush has been calling for a new 9/11 which will be ten times worse than the previous one.
• He has recently visited Middle Eastern countries lecturing about human rights, thus giving the appearance of taunting Muslims, inciting further hatred and giving the incentive for "Al CIA-da" to attack.
• We’re being told regularly on TV that he has been the least popular President ever.
• A book has recently been published: “The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder” further compounding this justified notion.(vii)
• In July, the Israelis averted an alleged "Al Qaeda" plan to target Bush's helicopter.(viii)
• He was greeted with angry protests in London last June when 2,000 people protested in Parliament Square against his wishes to attack Iran.(ix)
• According to former Naval Intelligence officer Milton William Cooper, it was the Bilderberg Group’s Policy Committee that gave the order to assassinate President Kennedy (x). This was at a time when he threatened to split the Central Intelligence Agency up for lying about the Bay of Pigs invasion. It is rather curious therefore, that the Bilderberg Group met at Washington D.C. this year. What do they have in store for the President this time round?
• The “Death of a President” docudrama - made in 2006 - paints an eerily credible portrayal of what may happen "2 years in the future" when Bush is assassinated during a protest march.(xi)
• Several other presidential assassination movies have since cropped up: Shooter, Vantage Point, and the remake of The Manchurian Candidate. The first Manchurian Candidate movie was released shortly before Kennedy’s assassination.
• None of them show a black president, so an Obama hit is less likely at this time, as would be the motives for such an action by an alleged Muslim aggressor.
• Furthermore, Hollywood movies such as ‘300’ foster support for a war with Iran (Persia) and can be likened to pre-war propaganda by the military-industrial complex. The TV drama ‘Band of Brothers’ was released just two days before September the 11th.(xii) Now they’re working on a Band of Brothers 2 (The Pacific) which shall be released in 2009. (xiii)
• Members of Satanic Orders such as the ‘Skull & Bones’ are involved in sacrificial rituals, some of which may involve their own members.
• According to The History Channel documentary Secret Societies, Bush's Skull & Bones Society nickname is 'Temporary'(xiv)
• Bush is a pawn of the Bilderberg Group through the Skull & Bones Society and the CFR members in his cabinet. Pawns are often sacrificed in games of chess for a better chance of winning the overall game.
• Bilderberg policy takes 2 years to come into full effect within the country they meet.
• Bilderberg met in D.C. this year, which means a large scale event may occur in the USA quite soon. A year after their meeting in Turkey, there has already been a successful "Al CIA-da" terror attack. And leaders of the terrorist organisation 'Ergenokon' were recently imprisoned for planning a military coup to oust the Turkish Prime Minister by 2009 (within 2 years of the Bilderberg meeting).
• Last year it was reported that Kissinger Associates was advising presidential hopefuls to take a pro-war stance against Iran if they wanted to succeed.
• Bilderberger Zbigniew Brzezinski is currently Obama’s advisor.(xv)
• Obama is being touted as a favourite by the Bilderbergers who invited both him and Hillary Clinton to their 2008 meeting.(xvi)
• Bush declared at a recent meeting with the Israeli Parliament that he would start a war with Iran before his term is out and that he plans for Barak Obama to shoulder the burden of this war.(xvii)
• In Alex Jones’s documentary Endgame (2007), researcher Daniel Estulin stated that Bilderberg were not going to start a war with Iran.(xviii). This may very well be disinformation. Veteran sleuth Jim Tucker contends they have been discussing an attack for several years now. In Bilderberg 2007, it was reported that the Turkish delegates unanimously stated that if there was to be a war with Iran, Turkey would have nothing to do with it. This lead the Bilderberg Group to reply that a war with Iran would not involve ground troops, but an aerial bombing campaign. (xix) This shows they have clearly been considering it for quite some time.
• Such disinformation may have been deliberately disseminated to placate the many European Bilderberg Attendees so that the Policy Committee may wash their hands of responsibility if it were to arise eventually. I can only imagine Dr. Kissinger stating “Well, Dick Cheney started it all. We had nothing to do it” so that he may continue with his deathly New World Order policies and avoid being reprimanded for future war-crimes. It will not be the first time this strategist and mega-manipulator has started a war, washed his hands of responsibility and carried off the hypocritical title of being a diplomat. (xx)
• Some observers consdier that Bush Jr. is nothing more than Dr. Kissinger’s puppet. At the time when Kissinger was National Security Advisor to a confused President Nixon, both he and General Alexander Haig were the true acting president(s). (xxi)
• There is also the possibility of engineering a "Civil War" which will give an incentive for UN forces to invade the United States in order to "keep the peace". This may be why certain Illuminati-backed "freedom fighters" are being kept alive, to be used as "leaders" of the revolt, especially ones who aid the "let's hate Bush" campaign in line with the Bilderberg agenda. If Bush were assassinated, it would also give them the excuse to round up many dissenters as well.
• Kissinger declared at the 1992 Bilderberg meeting: “Today Americans would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order; tomorrow they will be grateful. This is especially true if they were told there was an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead with world leaders to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well being granted to them by their world government.” (xxi)

This quote could very well have suggested today's CIA-trained and controlled “Al Qaeda” terrorists, a probable Civil War, as well as a false-flag alien invasion scenario staged with the aid of NASA to convince the nations of the world to give up their sovereignty and band together under a one-world military dictatorship (see NASA’s ‘Project Bluebeam’) (xxiii). For the New World Order to emerge, all it may take this time is for Bush to take a dive in the final round of his presidency.

So when CNN, Fox News and other such news outlets declare: “Ladies and Gentlemen, the President has just been shot!”, please understand it is most likely part of the Global Elite's strategy to further remove our powers, our freedoms and our sovereignty and expedite the coming together of a One World fascist military dictatorship run by the power-hungry elite. Let’s hope this particular scenario, which I certainly don’t advocate, will not become an eventuality.


(i)“The Energy Non-Crisis”, Lindsey Williams, http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3340274697167011147&hl=en
(ii) “Rebuilding Americas Defenses Abroad”, p.17, Project for the New American Century, http://www.newamericancentury.org/RebuildingAmericasDefenses.pdf
(iii) see “The Energy Non-Crisis”
(iv) “Secret Bilderberg Agenda To Microchip Americans Leaked”, Paul Joseph Watson, Prison Planet, Tuesday, June 10, 2008 http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/june2008/061008_secret_agenda.htm
(v) “Woodward: Kissinger Advising Bush”, The Associated Press, Friday, September 29, 2006, http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/09/29/AR2006 092900380.html
(vi) “The True Story of The Bilderberg Group”, Daniel Estulin, Trine Day © 2007, p.66.
(vii) http://www.huffingtonpost.com/vincent-bugliosi/the-prosecution-of-geor ge_b_102427.html
(viii) Israel Arrests 6 In Alleged Al Qaida Plot Targetting Bush http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/07/18/israel-arrests-6-in-alleg_n_1 13522.html
(ix) France 24 News Report, Sunday June 15th 2008, see also:
http://www.smh.com.au/news/world/george-bush-terrorist/2008/06/16/1213 468269739.html
(x) “Behold A Pale Horse”, Milton William Cooper (US Naval Intelligence), p. 215
(xi) Wikipedia article on “Death of A President”: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_a_President
(xii) http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0185906/
(xiii) “The Pacific” (2009), http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0374463/
(xiv) Aired on February 2002. Thanks to David Icke for the tip-off!
(xv) “Zbigniew Brzezinski to be the real power behind an Obama throne”, By Eric Walberg http://onlinejournal.com/artman/publish/article_3536.shtml
(xvi) Hillary & Obama In Secret Bilderberg Rendezvous http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/june2008/060608_hillary_obama.htm
(xvii) “A Turkish Businessman’s Warning”: http://www.internetajans.com/default.asp?NID=57256
(xviii) Alex Jones’s “Endgame” http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=1070329053600562261&hl=en
(xix) Bilderberg 2007 Press Conference at the Orient Express Hotel by Jim Tucker: https://secure.gn.apc.org/members/www.bilderberg.org/phpBB2/viewtopic. php?t=2087&start=15
(xx) The Trials of Henry Kissinger, 80 mins. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-2815881561030958784&hl=en
(xxi) “The True Story of the Bilderberg Group”, Daniel Estulin, Trine Day © 2007, p.58
(xxii) Attributed to Henry Kissinger in an address to the Bilderberg meeting at Evian, France, May 21, 1992. http://thinkexist.com/quotation/today-americans-would-be-outraged-if-u -n-troops/347294.html
(xxiii) “NASA Project Bluebeam”, by Serge Monast © 1994 http://educate-yourself.org/cn/projectbluebeam25jul05.shtml
(xxiv) “De Telegraaf front page says sources inside AVID helped CIA map air attack”, Steve Watson. http://infowars.net/articles/august2008/290808Iran.htm

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Johnny Meadows
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 2:12 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

https://secure.gn.apc.org/members/www.bilderberg.org/phpBB2/viewtopic. php?t=2724&start=18

Re: Khanem's above post on Barack Obama, this is also a very good point as there are definite clues. Obama is being sold as a New JFK and something does feel more probable about it. They usually sacrifice the good guys, and in order to manufacture majority consent for the next war, the Satanically controlled elite would have to sacrifice the most popular president, not the least.

The Illuminati imagery of the Obama campaign (the sun rising over the sea = shining light over the masses = The Son/Jesus over his flock) also makes it likely that the Illuminati are keeping watch over him. I think they have the "shining light" Luciferian Torch symbol over JFK's tomb as well.

Obama's speech yesterday was exactly 45 years to the day after Martin Luther King's "I had a dream" speech. Also, according to a Facebook Obama/Biden supporter, there are parallels between his campaign and the 1959 campaign. Nixon & McCain are bumblers relying only on experience. Kennedy / Obama are "poised, mature, vibrant, and have personality. Obama is brilliant, intellectual, charming, and a unifier. Johnson, Kennedy's pick for Veep, was a seasoned politician who brought the party together. Biden, Obama's pick is a seasoned politician who is bringing the two folds of the party together." (Source: facebook Obama/Biden campaign)

So, Obama is being sold as a JFK/Martin Luther King type "good guy" leader. Does this mean they will sacrifice him just like the other two? If an unsuspecting Iranian is used in the stage-managed military ordeal, the Pro-war Biden could then become president and launch an invasion. According to this article, Biden is a serious warmonger: http://www.rense.com/general83/biden.htm

Also, notice Obama's podium was a runway leading to a circle, much like the one Bush had a few years ago. This is similar to the Male / Female symbology used in Sacred Geometry (architecture) and the Qabalah, whereby the straight line referes to masculine penetrative energies and the circle the receptive feminine. When a straight line penetrates a circle, that's a qabalistic symbol for a creation ritual. I think they have something similar around Diana's grave - a small circular canal with a straight one penetrating it. In the Qabalah, they use a daggar penetrating a cup/chalice for their creation rituals.

I'm beginning to think my "Bush hit" hypothesis is a case of "right idea, wrong president"? Please advise.
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Johnny Meadows
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 8:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Here's a few articles on the recent Obama threat. Congrats to Khanem for pointing out the possibility:

http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/washington/2008/08/obama-assassina.htm l


CBS4 News bulletin: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yuN4qh6meR4

I'm assuming the Bilderberg Policy Committee had nothing to do with it, as if they had they would surely have succeeded. And I'm still wondering why Bush's Skull & Bones nickname is Temporary. A White Supremicist hit on Obama would justify racial hatred and perhaps a civil war, but would not justify attacking Iran, unless they make it appear to be an Iranian operation. This must all be considered a hypothesis at this time.
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paul wright

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 10:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks for all this. I can't imagine any other reason why Obama should make or nearly make the White House for any other reason than as an assassination target/victim
Why else would a black man have Brezinski backing
It would be a little bit obvious and well predicted, but whatever else reason could they have for promoting or allowing him so far?
They must be holding it as an option

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Johnny Meadows
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 5:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Any chance the possible Bush hit might occur in October?

Year: 2+0+0+8 = 10
Month: October = 10
Date: ??? On the 10th, 19th or the 28th?

If such a scenario unfolds on one of those dates, it's most likely a Masonic organisation like the ritualistic Skull & Bones that are behind it.
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 9:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Over the years there has been much speculation about a possible presidential assassination being stage-managed by the military/CIA and being blamed on an Iranian in order to justify support for a war with Iran. 4 years ago

Somehow dont think the American public as daft as they are would fall for that one--too obvious.
9/11 supposedly saudi arabian hijackers = invade Iraq.

Cant see why American public would see that Iranian President would want US president assassinated.

False Flag closer to Iran might do it.The Northwoods document suggested the Cuban false flag options would possibly need a bit of international exposure as well. Britains a bit nearer; perhaps something on our soil and we ask US to do our dirty work.

"for we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against rulers of the darkness of this world, against wicked spirits in high places " Eph.6 v 12
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 11:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

This is the latest versio of the article - just in

THE NEW 9/11
Why the possible Assassination of George W. Bush will be an inside job.

By Timucin Leflef,
3rd October 2008
(on the forum since 28th August 2008)

Over the next few weeks, there is a grave possibility that President Bush will be assassinated as part of a joint military/intelligence operation designed to further expedite the formation of a New World Order. If the blame is put on an Iranian patsy, it will politically destabilize the United States and provide a perfect opportunity for Vice-President Dick Cheney to step in as interim president, declare martial law and ignite a war with Iran before the elections. According to reports, the CIA have already been in Iran since 2007 setting up the pieces for the next war. Consider the following:

• Iran is the only Middle-Eastern country aside from Iraq that has threatened to sell their oil in Euros and circumvent buying the United States’ several-trillion dollar national debt which the Saudis do thanks to a plan set in motion by Bilderberg luminary Henry Kissinger. According to author and lecturer Lindsey Williams, notable figures in the oil industry have recently given the Iranian government an ultimatum to sell their oil in U.S. dollars, or else. (i)
• The Bilderbergers require a new war to continue destabilising the Middle East (create a problem), plunder their vast resources and forge a New World Order (offer the solution) in its wake. Bilderberger Wolfowitz’s PNAC document “Rebuilding America’s Defenses Abroad” clearly shows that Iran is their next intended target. (ii)
• They have hiked up the price of oil to give the USA the incentive to invade Iran. At the 2007 meeting, the Bilderberg Group announced they would increase the price of oil from $3.50 a gallon to between $4 - $5. This is now giving the United States the incentive to pillage Iran for its huge oil reserves, even though there is evidence that Alaska has enough reserves to last them another 200 years. (iii)
• People will not fall for the "WMD" lie a second time, so a majority consent will have to be manufactured with yet another false-flag “terrorist” operation – a New 9/11 - in order to justify the next invasion.
• A presidential assassination fits the bill this time round. It will politically destabilise the country, create a state of National Emergency and provide the incentive for (1) the Declaration of Martial Law, (2) the incentive for a new war with the alleged Muslim aggressors, and (3) the excuse to microchip and control the US population under the false pretext of “national security” - as was proposed at the 2008 Bilderberg meeting. (iv)
• Day by day, a deliberate hatred is being fostered towards President Bush, even though it is clearly evident that he's a puppet of the CFR’s Dick Cheney and Bush Sr. and ultimately their controllers within the Bilderberg Group.
• Bob Woodward was recently chastised for revealing that both Dick Cheney (CFR) and Bush Jr. were being “advised” by Bilderberg luminary Henry Kissinger.(v)
• Bush Jr. is the only one in his cabinet who is NOT a member of the CFR even though most presidents, including Bush Sr. have been in the past. I wonder if this was done to keep him in the dark about something? Another notable exception was President John F. Kennedy, who was also assassinated. (vi)
• According to reports, within the last year Bush has been calling for a new 9/11 which will be ten times worse than the previous one.
• He has recently visited Middle Eastern countries lecturing about human rights, thus giving the appearance of taunting Muslims, inciting further hatred and giving the incentive for "Al CIA-da" to attack.
• We’re being told regularly on TV that he has been the least popular President ever.
• A book has recently been published: “The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder” further compounding this justified notion.(vii)
• In July, the Israelis averted an alleged "Al Qaeda" plan to target Bush's helicopter.(viii)
• He was greeted with angry protests in London several weeks ago when 2,000 people protested in Parliament Square against his wishes to attack Iran.(ix)
• According to former Naval Intelligence officer Milton William Cooper, it was the Bilderberg Group’s Policy Committee that gave the order to assassinate President Kennedy (x). This was at a time when he threatened to split the Central Intelligence Agency up for lying about the Bay of Pigs invasion. It is rather interesting, therefore, that the Bilderberg Group met up at Washington D.C. this year. What do they have in store for the President this time round?
• The “Death of a President” docudrama - made in 2006 - paints an eerily credible portrayal of what may happen "2 years in the future" when Bush is assassinated during a protest march.(xi)
• Several other presidential assassination movies have since cropped up: Shooter, Vantage Point, and the remake of The Manchurian Candidate. The first Manchurian Candidate movie was released shortly before Kennedy’s assassination.
• None of them show a black president, so an Obama hit is less likely at this time, as would be the motives for such an action by an alleged Muslim aggressor.
• Furthermore, Hollywood movies such as ‘300’ are clearly designed to foster support for a war with Iran (Persia) and can be likened to pre-war propaganda by the military-industrial complex. The TV drama ‘Band of Brothers’ was released two days before September the 11th.(xii) Now they’re working on a Band of Brothers 2 (The Pacific) which shall be released in 2009. (xiii)
• Members of Satanic Orders such as the ‘Skull & Bones’ are involved in sacrificial rituals, some of which may involve their own members.
• According to The History Channel documentary Secret Societies, Bush's Skull & Bones Society nickname is 'Temporary'(xiv)
• Bush is a pawn of the Bilderberg Group through the Skull & Bones Society and the CFR members in his cabinet. Pawns are often sacrificed in games of chess for a better chance of winning the overall game.
• Bilderberg policy takes 2 years to come into full effect within the country they meet.
• Bilderberg met up in D.C. this year, which means a large scale event will occur in the USA quite soon. A year after their meeting in Turkey, there have already been several "Al CIA-da" terror attacks. And leaders of the terrorist organisation 'Ergenokon' were recently imprisoned for planning a military coup to oust the Turkish Prime Minister by 2009 (within 2 years of the Bilderberg meeting).
• Last year it was reported that Kissinger Associates was advising presidential hopefuls to take a pro-war stance against Iran if they wanted to succeed.
• Bilderberger Zbigniew Brzezinski is currently Obama’s advisor.(xv)
• Obama is being touted as a saviour by the Bilderbergers who invited both him and Hillary to their 2008 meeting.(xvi)
• Bush declared in a recent meeting at the Israeli Parliament that he would start a war with Iran before his term is out and that he plans for Barak Obama to shoulder the burden of this war.(xvii)
• In Alex Jones’s documentary Endgame, researcher Daniel Estulin stated that Bilderberg were not going to start a war with Iran.(xviii). This may very well be disinformation. Veteran sleuth Jim Tucker contends they have been discussing an attack for several years now. In Bilderberg 2007, it was reported that the Turkish delegates unanimously stated that if there was to be a war with Iran, Turkey would have nothing to do with it. This lead the Bilderberg Group to reply that a war with Iran would not involve ground troops, but an aerial bombing campaign. (xix) Therefore, they have clearly been considering it for quite a while.
• This lie may have been deliberately disseminated to placate the many European Bilderberg Attendees so that the Policy Committee may wash their hands of responsibility if it were to arise eventually. I can only imagine Dr. Kissinger stating “Well, Dick Cheney started it all. We had nothing to do it” so that he may continue with his New World Order policies and avoid being reprimanded for future war-crimes. It will not be the first time this strategist and mega-manipulator has started a war, washed his hands of responsibility and carried off the hypocritical title of being a diplomat. (xx)
• Bush Jr. is Kissinger’s puppet. Nothing more. At the time when Kissinger was National Security Advisor to a confused President Nixon, both he and General Alexander Haig were the true acting president(s). (xxi)
• It is my estimation therefore, that Estulin’s inside information is clearly a whitewash. Has he forgotten these people are liars?
• There is also the possibility of engineering a "Civil War" which will give an incentive for UN forces to invade the United States in order to "keep the peace". This may be why certain Illuminati-backed "freedom fighters" are being kept alive, to be used as "leaders" of the revolt, especially ones who aid the "let's hate Bush" campaign on a par with the Bilderberg agenda. If Bush were assassinated, it could give them the excuse to round up many dissenters as well.
• Kissinger declared at the 1992 Bilderberg meeting: “Today Americans would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order; tomorrow they will be grateful. This is especially true if they were told there was an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead with world leaders to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well being granted to them by their world government.” (xxi)

This quote can very well suggest CIA trained and controlled “Al Qaeda” terrorists, a Civil War, as well as a false-flag alien invasion scenario staged with the aid of NASA to convince the nations of the world to give up their sovereignty and band together under a one-world military dictatorship (see NASA’s ‘Project Bluebeam’) (xxiii). For the New World Order to emerge, all it may take this time is for Bush to take a dive in the final round of his presidency.

So when CNN, Fox News and other such news outlets declare: “Ladies and Gentlemen, the President has just been shot!”, please understand it is all part of the Global Elite's strategy to further remove our powers, our freedoms and our sovereignty and expedite the coming together of a One World fascist military dictatorship run by the power-hungry elite. Let’s hope this particular scenario which I certainly don’t advocate, will not become an eventuality.


(i)“The Energy Non-Crisis”, Lindsey Williams, http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3340274697167011147&hl=en
(ii) “Rebuilding Americas Defenses Abroad”, p.17, Project for the New American Century, http://www.newamericancentury.org/RebuildingAmericasDefenses.pdf
(iii) see “The Energy Non-Crisis”
(iv) “Secret Bilderberg Agenda To Microchip Americans Leaked”, Paul Joseph Watson, Prison Planet, Tuesday, June 10, 2008 http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/june2008/061008_secret_agenda.htm
(v) “Woodward: Kissinger Advising Bush”, The Associated Press, Friday, September 29, 2006, http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/09/29/AR2006 092900380.html
(vi) “The True Story of The Bilderberg Group”, Daniel Estulin, Trine Day © 2007, p.66.
(vii) http://www.huffingtonpost.com/vincent-bugliosi/the-prosecution-of-geor ge_b_102427.html
(viii) Israel Arrests 6 In Alleged Al Qaida Plot Targetting Bush http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/07/18/israel-arrests-6-in-alleg_n_1 13522.html
(ix) France 24 News Report, Sunday June 15th 2008, see also:
http://www.smh.com.au/news/world/george-bush-terrorist/2008/06/16/1213 468269739.html
(x) “Behold A Pale Horse”, Milton William Cooper (US Naval Intelligence), p. 215
(xi) Wikipedia article on “Death of A President”: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_a_President
(xii) http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0185906/
(xiii) “The Pacific” (2009), http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0374463/
(xiv) Aired on February 2002. Thanks to David Icke for the tip-off!
(xv) “Zbigniew Brzezinski to be the real power behind an Obama throne”, By Eric Walberg http://onlinejournal.com/artman/publish/article_3536.shtml
(xvi) Hillary & Obama In Secret Bilderberg Rendezvous http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/june2008/060608_hillary_obama.htm
(xvii) “A Turkish Businessman’s Warning”: http://www.internetajans.com/default.asp?NID=57256
(xviii) Alex Jones’s “Endgame” http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=1070329053600562261&hl=en
(xix) Bilderberg 2007 Press Conference at the Orient Express Hotel by Jim Tucker: https://secure.gn.apc.org/members/www.bilderberg.org/phpBB2/viewtopic. php?t=2087&start=15
(xx) The Trials of Henry Kissinger, 80 mins. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-2815881561030958784&hl=en
(xxi) “The True Story of the Bilderberg Group”, Daniel Estulin, Trine Day © 2007, p.58
(xxii) Attributed to Henry Kissinger in an address to the Bilderberg meeting at Evian, France, May 21, 1992. http://thinkexist.com/quotation/today-americans-would-be-outraged-if-u -n-troops/347294.html
(xxiii) “NASA Project Bluebeam”, by Serge Monast © 1994 http://educate-yourself.org/cn/projectbluebeam25jul05.shtml
(xxiv) “De Telegraaf front page says sources inside AVID helped CIA map air attack”, Steve Watson. http://infowars.net/articles/august2008/290808Iran.htm

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Johnny Meadows
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 6:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Much appreciated guys. I really needed the feedback as I had suspected as much. The Bush hit idea is 4 years old, so it would be an insult to our intelligence if they do go through with such a scenario. I don't know whether posting it here constitutes as "publishing", but the important thing is that we've gone on record about it should it happen. If it doesn't, then it won't destroy anyone's career.
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 8:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

there is a native american curse, apparently, on the white house since 1880. every president that is elected on an even number and a zero has died in office (I got an american friend to check this and he confirmed it but not done this myself). ronald reagan avoided this due to nancy's use of an astrologer, apparantley.
Bush was elected on a zero and a zero so maybe he will avoid it. (the zero card is the fool in the tarot by the way). I've always felt as a cia trained "fool" and the least favoured bush offspring GWB was expendable. The Bushes are a new money dynasty stretching back only a few generations, so they are also expendable or could be called upon to push forth a sacrificial lamb to guarantee historical placement. I have been saying since he came into office he would get whacked. he is like an anti-Kennedy. they will play this card. and the new church of media will reel in awe at it's prophetic powers, cos they made that film a few years ago, "The Assasination of GWB", which smacked to me of a well framed
media set up. Just to frighten the children........
I came across the curse of the oval office at www.trufax.org
Sorry if this appeared on this thread already but i couldn't be arsed to read it. be happy.
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Johnny Meadows
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 8:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks tomcatma, that certainly sheds some light on it. Yes, it's all pre-planned like a well written script. The details may change, but the overall goals remain the same. Looks like it may be worth our while publishing officially, even if it doesn't arise as it's probably an out-dated scenario.

BTW: The latest version is now the 2nd post on this thread as opposed to Tony's update. Apologies, Tony - hope this doesn't break the site's protocol. I'm trying to save e-paper by recycling (doing my bit for the environment)
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 4:05 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, this case is less likely to happen now that public opinion is strongly opposed to a war with Iran. Thanks for the feedback.

It was an interesting area to explore. I even had a dowser tell me the plan had existed but there's only a 20% chance of it happening now (cue Twilight Zone music)

I agree, the manufactured Economic Collapse could very well be the real 9/11 this time. In 1975 Bilderberg met up in Turkey. Shortly after the country was put in Political turmoil through state-sponsored terrorism and division into left-wing and right-wing groups (the manufactured problem). After the military coup in 1980 - their solution - the country was put under economic control by a process of artificial inflation caused by the Turkish central bank overprinting money beyond capital +GNP. This devalues currency and many high salary earners were forced into low paid jobs.

It appears the various shocks they use in their silent war are firstly political, then economic, so I agree with the other posters in that the economic downturn could very well be their new 911.
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Mark Gobell
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 9:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I have no idea if this Daily Mail "truth speech" even has any relevance.

Daily Mash Your Brains Up wrote:
Police uncover 'skinhead plot to assassinate Obama and kill 102 black people'

By Mail Foreign Service

Last updated at 8:50 PM on 27th October 2008

The U.S. government says it has disrupted a plot to assassinate U.S Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama and kill 102 black people.

Reports say that the 'skinhead plot' involved plans to shoot or decapitate 102 black people in a murder spree in the state of Tennessee.

In court records unsealed today, agents said they disrupted plans to rob a gun store and target an unnamed, but predominantly African-American high school, by two neo-Nazi skinheads - racists youths who shave their heads.

Police say they have uncovered a plot to assassinate U.S. Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama and kill 102 black people

Jim Cavanaugh, special agent in charge of the Nashville field office for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, said the two men planned to shoot 88 black people and decapitate another 14.

The numbers 88 and 14 are symbolic in the white supremacist community.

The men also sought to go on a national killing spree, with Obama as their final target, Cavanaugh told The Associated Press.

'They said that would be their last, final act - that they would attempt to kill Sen. Obama,' Cavanaugh said.

'They didn't believe they would be able to do it, but that they would get killed trying.'

Source: Daily Mail 27th October 2008

More, erm, news articles sourced from the Daily Mail's erm, Mail Foreign Service are here

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 12:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


Skinheads held over plot to kill Obama

By Deborah Charles

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Two white supremacist skinheads were arrested in Tennessee over plans to go on a killing spree and eventually shoot Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama, court documents showed on Monday.

Daniel Cowart and Paul Schlesselman were charged in a criminal complaint with making threats against a presidential candidate, illegal possession of a sawed-off shotgun and conspiracy to rob a gun dealer.

The plot did not appear to be very advanced or sophisticated, the court documents showed.

"We're unsure of their ability or if they have the wherewithal to carry out any of their threats," said a source close to the investigation.

Obama would be the first black president in U.S. history if he defeats Republican John McCain in the November 4 election. Concerns about Obama's safety led the Secret Service to provide round-the-clock protection from early in his campaign.

The suspects met over the Internet about a month ago, said an affidavit filed by Brian Weaks, a special agent with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.

"The individuals began discussing going on a 'killing spree' that included killing 88 people and beheading 14 African Americans," Weaks said in the affidavit.

The men stole guns from family members and also had a sawed-off shotgun. They planned to target a predominately black school, going state to state while robbing individuals and continuing to kill people, Weaks said in the affidavit.

"They further stated that their final act of violence would be to attempt to kill/assassinate presidential candidate Barack Obama," he said.


The men planned to wear white tuxedos and top hats during the assassination attempt, which would have involved driving as fast as they could towards Obama and shooting him from the windows of the car.

They planned their first house robbery for last Wednesday but ended up leaving without breaking in. Instead they bought ski masks, food and rope to use in their robbery attempts.

Cowart and Schlesselman were arrested later that day in Crockett County in western Tennessee and made initial appearances in federal court in Memphis on Monday.

They remain in custody and are scheduled to return to court on Thursday for a detention hearing, the Memphis Commercial Appeal newspaper reported on its website.

They wrote racially motivated words and symbols on the exterior of Cowart's vehicle, including a swastika and the numbers "14" and "88" on the hood of the car.

ATF special agent in charge James Cavanaugh said "H" is the eighth letter of the alphabet and 88 stood for "Heil Hitler."

"The U.S. Secret Service takes all threats against presidential candidates seriously and is actively investigating the allegations," said Richard Harlow, special agent in charge of the Secret Service-Memphis Field Office. "The Secret Service does not comment on this type of investigation."

(Editing by John O'Callaghan)

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 12:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

tomcatma wrote:
there is a native american curse, apparently, on the white house since 1880. every president that is elected on an even number and a zero has died in office (I got an american friend to check this and he confirmed it but not done this myself). ronald reagan avoided this due to nancy's use of an astrologer, apparantley.
Bush was elected on a zero and a zero so maybe he will avoid it. (the zero card is the fool in the tarot by the way). I've always felt as a cia trained "fool" and the least favoured bush offspring GWB was expendable. The Bushes are a new money dynasty stretching back only a few generations, so they are also expendable or could be called upon to push forth a sacrificial lamb to guarantee historical placement. I have been saying since he came into office he would get whacked. he is like an anti-Kennedy. they will play this card. and the new church of media will reel in awe at it's prophetic powers, cos they made that film a few years ago, "The Assasination of GWB", which smacked to me of a well framed
media set up. Just to frighten the children........
I came across the curse of the oval office at www.trufax.org
Sorry if this appeared on this thread already but i couldn't be arsed to read it. be happy.

I had a circular e-mail explaining similar 1999/2000 ahead of Bush election. Explaining that numericaly that Bush was next! I recieved it more than once from different sources!!
Where does this (nonesence?) come from?

Also I recieved several saying Bush was trouble and also that he would be the worst Pres ever?? Is that laying the seeds so that people don't question??

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 9:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

An interesting point made by a poster back in February from the Bilderberg.org forum regarding the following quote:

"A few days ago, Michael Chertoff, head of Homeland Security, essentially told reporters that he fears the next 9/11, which could be a suitcase nuke. Yesterday, in threatening to veto a waterboarding ban, Bush said, and I quote, "terrorists are planning new attacks on our country... that will make Sept. 11 pale by comparison. Now add this little tidbit: Presidential Directives NSPD51 & HSPD20 ... essentially new Homeland security directives."

"NSPD51 & HSPD20 = These orders would place the United States under total Martial Law and Military Dictatorship in the event of another attack. This Executive Order allows the President to declare a National Emergency at any time, and freeze everything...including a national election. Congress is powerless to prevent such an Executive Dictatorship, as long as the President advises Congress in a timely matter. Let's see how this one rolls out..."

https://secure.gn.apc.org/members/www.bilderberg.org/phpBB2/viewtopic. php?p=6522&highlight=#6522

Although the probability is now zero, it's interesting to note that the directives had already been put in place to freeze the outcome of a National Election!
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 7:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

http://www.nytimes.com/2008/11/14/washington/14intel.html?_r=1&oref=sl ogin

C.I.A. Chief Says Qaeda Is Extending Its Reach
The director, Michael V. Hayden, identified North Africa and Somalia as places where Qaeda leaders were using partnerships to establish new bases. Elsewhere, Mr. Hayden said, Al Qaeda was “strengthening” in Yemen, and he added that veterans of the fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan had moved there, possibly to stage attacks against the government of Saudi Arabia.

He said the “bleed out” from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan also extended to North Africa, raising concern that the countries there could be used to stage attacks into Europe. Mr. Hayden delivered his report in a speech to the Atlantic Council of the United States in Washington, and it offered a mixed assessment of Al Qaeda’s ability to wage a global jihad.

Well with all this info they'd be easy to round up?

http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/us_and_americas/article515 8569.ece
Barack Obama is warned to beware of a ‘huge threat’ from al-Qaeda
Security officials fear a ‘spectacular’ during the transition period

Ooh look 9/11 pic for good measure

Barack Obama is being given ominous advice from leaders on both sides of the Atlantic to brace himself for an early assault from terrorists.

General Michael Hayden, director of the CIA, this week acknowledged that there were dangers during a presidential transition when new officials were coming in and getting accustomed to the challenges. But he added that no “real or artificial spike” in intercepted transmissions from terror suspects had been detected.

“At present there are policemen standing on policemen at possible targets. That won’t be the case three months into the new administration.”

lol Policemen on top of policemen in the event of a biological/nuclear attack would surely waste more policemen?

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 7:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

White rage: The rednecks out to kill Obama

Or, another meth amphetamine drunk gets pulled over . . .

When millions watched Barack Obama give his history-making victory speech in Grant Park on election night, one thing stood out starkly – the bulletproof screen surrounding him. But just how serious is the threat of assassination to the President-elect?

By Andrew Gumbel
Sunday, 16 November 2008

Shawn Adolf and his cousin Tharin Gartrell fancied that 28 August, 2008 would be a good day for the next president of the United States to die. They had the guns – Gartrell was later caught with a Ruger Model M77 Mark II bolt-action rifle with an attached scope and bipod, and a Remington Model 721, also with a scope. They were believers in a radical white supremacist ideology that gave them the motivation they needed to risk their own lives, if necessary, to prevent a black man from entering the Oval Office. (Or, as a friend reported Adolf as saying: "No nigger should ever live in the White House.")

And they had at least the outlines of a plan. They checked into the downtown Denver hotel where they believed Barack Obama was staying, and talked about the ways they could try to gun down the Democratic nominee on the day he was due to accept his party's nomination at an outdoor sports arena before an adoring crowd of more than 70,000 people.

Like many assassins before them, both the successful ones and the idle fantasists, Adolf and Gartrell took their inspiration from popular culture. They considered hiding a rifle inside a hollowed out television camera – an idea they borrowed from the Kevin Costner-Whitney Houston vehicle The Bodyguard. (It is also similar to the way al-Qa'eda operatives posing as a news crew assassinated Ahmad Shah Massoud, the leader of Afghanistan's Northern Alliance, on 9 September, 2001, but it is far from clear whether Adolf and Gartrell had any notion of this.)

They toyed with the idea of hitting Obama from as far away as 750 yards, using one of their high-powered rifles; according to their friend Nathan Johnson, who may or may not have been part of the plot, they had in mind the conspiracy theory that President Kennedy was not shot by Lee Harvey Oswald from the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository building, but rather by professional assassins stationed on the "grassy knoll" above Dallas's Dealey Plaza.

None of these plans was ever remotely realistic, however. Adolf and Gartrell may have had some fearsome weaponry, and a vague affiliation with a white supremacist biker gang called the Sons of Silence, which disavowed them the moment they were arrested. But they were also rank amateurs living in a crystal methamphetamine-induced haze of paranoia and race hatred. (One can't help thinking Adolf's name went to his head, at least a little, as he fingered the swastika ring on his finger.) They had no clue how to circumvent the security surrounding Obama – prosecutors who examined their plans laughed them off as ludicrously naïve. And they couldn't even figure out what every half-interested member of the press corps knew, that Obama was not staying at the Hyatt Regency, the temporary HQ of the Democratic National Committee, but at a different hotel altogether.

Four days before Obama's acceptance speech, Gartrell was pulled over for drunk-driving in the Denver suburb ' of Aurora after a patrol officer spotted his rented Dodge Ram truck swerving erratically, and the whole plot, such as it was, fell apart almost instantly. Certainly, the officer found plenty inside the truck to sound alarm bells – the two high-powered rifles, a silencer, a bulletproof vest, camouflage clothing, and three fake identification cards. But it was also clear that Gartrell was high on meth as well as drunk. The truck contained enough drug-making equipment to be considered a mobile meth lab.

Gartrell ratted out Johnson and Adolf almost as soon as he was taken in and photographed for his singularly striking mugshot. (With his bleached blonde hair, heavy silver earrings and pierced lip, he looks like the neo-Nazi from central casting.) Johnson was in the room at the Hyatt Regency, and wasted no time in talking himself – insisting he had no idea about any assassination plot while almost simultaneously telling the world Adolf was planning to "go down in a blaze of glory" and take Obama with him.

Adolf was a tougher proposition, the only one of the three with a serious criminal record, including burglary, forgery, drugs and weapons raps. At the time of his arrest he was wanted on eight outstanding charges and had recently skipped out on a $1 million bail payment. He was staying at a different hotel in the Denver suburbs. When the police arrived, he jumped out of his sixth-floor room on to the roof of the hotel kitchen four floors below, then jumped again to the ground, breaking his ankle as he landed. He didn't make it far. He, too, was found to be high on meth. When asked why he was wearing a bulletproof vest, he said he was convinced someone wanted to kill him.

We will no doubt learn more colourful details about the trio of would-be assassins when their trial begins this week. Intriguingly, though, they are being prosecuted on drugs and weapons charges only. Their prosecutor, Troy Eid, has said he is absolutely confident the "meth heads", as he calls them, never posed a risk to Obama or anyone else.

Not everyone is happy with this decision. After all, marginal people have hatched assassination plots before, and sometimes succeeded – one thinks of John Hinckley hitting President Reagan in 1981. And Barack Obama was never just another presidential contender; as the first African American to come even close to the highest political office on the planet, in a country whose history is spattered with the blood of racial animus, he is, by common consent, a target several orders of magnitude more tempting than the average for an extremist fringe of kooks, crazies, anti-government militia types, Ku Klux Klan members and other white race warriors, all of whom tend to be unforgiving in their ideological fervour, not to mention armed to the teeth.

He was granted 24-hour Secret Service protection just a few months into his campaign, in May 2007, after his friend and fellow Illinois senator, Dick Durbin, raised the alarm on his behalf. (Usually candidates receive that protection far later in the election cycle, after they have their party primaries sewn up.) We don't know exactly how hard the Secret Service has had to work on his behalf, although we do know that two men from the old confederate South – one from North Carolina, the other from Florida – were arrested and charged with making threatening statements against him in July. We know that effigies of Obama being lynched, or sliced through the head with a hatchet, have popped up periodically around the country – one on the campus of the University of Kentucky, another in Orange County, California in the run-up to Halloween.

We also know that Obama's supporters have been almost maniacal in their desire to prevent him sharing the tragic fate of the Kennedys and Martin Luther King. On a couple of occasions during primary season, when security ' guards at Obama campaign events stopped searching people's bags because of the backlog of people trying to get in, sympathetic reporters, bloggers and ordinary members of the public complained as loudly as they knew how. Likewise, when someone at a Sarah Palin rally in Clearwater, Florida in early October reacted to a mention of Obama's name by shouting "kill him!", there was such a clamour on the internet that the Secret Service made a rare public announcement saying it was launching an official investigation.

How much of a risk of assassination does Obama face? The most immediate, comfortable answer to that is: not much. The Secret Service has vastly improved its procedures and protocols since the spate of political assassinations of the 1960s and early 1970s. No president would now be allowed to drive at a snail's pace in an open-top car through the centre of a major city, as John Kennedy did in Dallas on 22 November, 1963. The sheer numbers of Secret Service members assigned to presidential protection has increased dramatically since the attempt on Reagan's life – we don't have exact figures on how much, but we do know that when one unhinged man toyed with the idea of tossing a grenade at President Bush in Atlanta in 2005, he never got remotely close enough to give it a real try.

The more worrying answer is that Obama will almost certainly inspire a large number of assassination plots because of the colour of his skin, and that it only takes one of them to be blessed with luck, proper organisation and a little official incompetence to pose a serious threat. When asked how much of a risk he faces, he has acknowledged that the color of his skin will be a problem for some people. And he knows that Colin Powell, the only other African American of significant stature in recent times to consider a run at the White House, decided not to pursue the presidency in part because his wife, Alma, feared for his safety.

"There's not any question he's under more threat than most politicians," said Mark Potok, one of America's leading researchers into hate groups who edits a monthly Intelligence Report for the Alabama-based Southern Poverty Law Center. "I think we are seeing a kind of perfect storm of conditions that might well help white supremacist movements grow, and grow rapidly.

"We have changing demographics, and the Census Bureau projection that whites will lose their majority status in America by 2040. We have the tanking economy, and now... a black man in the White House. This makes some Americans feel they are losing their world – the sense that the country their forefathers built is slipping away from them."

The number of racist hate groups tracked by the Southern Poverty Law Centre has grown by almost 50 per cent during the Bush administration years, from about 600 in 2000 to almost 900 now. In contrast to the 1990s, when the "angry white man" phenomenon fuelled the militia movement and led to the white-supremacist inspired Oklahoma City bombing, much of this new growth has been triggered by virulent hostility to immigrants pouring in from Mexico.

It is entirely possible, though, that the emphasis will change now that Obama is about to enter the White House. Certainly, the neo-Nazi movement senses an opportunity: to judge by the endless chatter on far-right websites, they see a President Obama as the best recruiting tool they've had in years. "Obama will be a signal, a clear signal for millions of our people," the former Louisiana Ku Klux Klan leader and erstwhile candidate for governor, David Duke, wrote earlier this year in an essay he called A Black Flag for White America. "Obama is like that new big dark spot on your arm that finally sends you to the doctor for some real medicine. ... Obama is the pain that let's [sic] your body know that something is dreadfully wrong... Millions of European Americans will inevitably react with new awareness of their heritage and the need for them to defend and advance it."

That logic suggests the far right is not, in fact, itching to pull the trigger on Obama. Except that we are hardly dealing with rational people. The neo-Nazi magazine National Socialist wrote a cover story in September purporting to debunk the "myth" that Obama might be assassinated. But the cover also showed a photograph of the candidate in the crosshairs of a rifle (altered to look like a swastika) under the headline: "Kill this NIGGER?" And the piece went on to suggest that Obama, backed by Communists and Jews, planned to commit genocide against working white people.

Likewise, the "imperial wizard" of the Ku Klux Klan, an Indiana railway worker who calls himself Ray Larsen, denied any intent to attack Obama when interviewed on television a few months ago. But he added: "If that man is elected president, he'll be shot sure as hell."

If that doesn't have the Secret Service worried, it should. Some security experts have already started drafting memos with ideas on how to keep Obama better protected using state-of-the-art technology – for example, hand-held TeraHertz scanners that would-be assassins could not spot. Martin Dudziak, a Virginia-based security specialist who has worked on counter-terrorism issues, pointed out glumly that it is unusually difficult to profile would-be attackers. As he put it in a memo drafted in October: "There are frankly and very unfortunately, a lot of people in the USA who have deep-rooted 'phobic' hatred of an African American... being president. We should not try to deny this sombre reality."

If the inept Denver plot was not warning enough, news of another planned anti-Obama assault broke at the end of last month with the arrest of two White Power advocates in Tennessee. Daniel Cowart and Paul Schlesselman didn't appear to be any more competent than Adolf and Gartrell. They had grand schemes to kill more than 100 African Americans, and fantasised about killing Obama dressed in white dinner jackets and top hats, but they couldn't so much as rob a house – they gave up on their intended target after spotting a guard dog out back and got picked up after shooting out the windows in a church.

Still, they had some serious weapons: a sawn-off shotgun, high-powered rifles and a couple of handguns. And Cowart appears to have been a founding member of a hate group called the Supreme White Alliance. While their dreams of killing Obama might have been fanciful, some of their other plans might not. "They might well have shot up a black high school, or hurt a group of black children," Potok said.

And it is entirely conceivable that other, more competent criminals will follow them. Obama may not have appeared remotely daunted when he delivered his victory speech in Chicago's Grant Park on election night, but it is worth remembering that he was also speaking behind a bulletproof glass shield. Such precautions, one suspects, will be the rule rather than the exception over the next four or eight years.

"There is a boiling rage just beneath the surface," Potok added. "We're talking about a minority, clearly, of whites. It's hard to say how large that group of people is. But I think this represents the beginning of a real white backlash in a certain quarter of the population."


Post racial, clearly. . .

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 27, 2008 1:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

LaRouche Fields Question on British Assassination Threat


New York warns of possible al Qaeda attack 26 Nov 2008 U.S. authorities have warned of a possible 'al Qaeda' threat to transit systems in and around New York City, a Homeland Security official said on Wednesday. New York police said they were increasing security in response to the warning but said this was "in an abundance of caution." "The New York City Police Department is aware of an unsubstantiated report indicating that al Qaeda terrorists discussed targeting mass transit in New York City and the vicinity," Deputy Police Commissioner Paul Browne told Reuters. [Is Bush preparing a second 9/11-style attack, so that he can invoke martial law and destroy what's left of the US before January 20? --LRP]

New York Alert Based on Possible Al-Qaeda Planning 26 Nov 2008 The U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the FBI issued a joint warning to state and local officials yesterday about a possible al-Qaeda [al-CIAduh] plot to attack the New York subways, a DHS spokeswoman said. The alert was based on "plausible but uncorroborated information" from late September that al-Qaeda was considering the action against the largest U.S. subway system, said Laura Keehner, the department's spokeswoman.

L.A. tightens security after New York's terrorism alert 26 Nov 2008 The report of a threat of terrorist violence against the New York transit system has prompted Los Angeles officials to increase security. Details from City News Service: Local mass transit routes will be under extra security through the holidays, especially after a report of a possible Al Qaeda terrorist threat to New York City's transit systems, according to the Metropolitan Transportation Authority.

Russian analyst predicts decline and breakup of U.S. 24 Nov 2008 A leading Russian political analyst has said the economic turmoil in the United States has confirmed his long-held view that the country is heading for collapse, and will divide into separate parts. Professor Igor Panarin said in an interview with the respected daily Izvestia published on Monday: "In 2006 a secret agreement was reached between Canada, Mexico and the U.S. on a common Amero currency as a new monetary unit. This could signal preparations to replace the dollar. The one-hundred dollar bills that have flooded the world could be simply frozen. Under the pretext, let's say, that terrorists are forging them and they need to be checked."

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Johnny Meadows
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Joined: 11 Jan 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 10:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

It's interesting to note that almost 2 years after I wrote that article, Alex Jones is now saying the Neocons may be planning an Obama False Flag operation which they may blame on 9/11 Truth Activists:

Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MGEo6knbYLc&feature=topvideos

Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZcAtLkD4dlw&feature=related


I still wonder whether that article - which again travelled the net - was a possible reason I was suspiciously assaulted in 2008 in the way Jim Tucker predicted? It happened within 2 weeks of writing it and just outside the internet cafe where I moderate from for the bilderberg.org forum. Were we doing something right?

The fact that Iran are now selling their oil in Euros rather than Dollars - scuppering Kissinger's ongoing plan of selling off their Several Trillion Dollar US National Debt to the Middle East - would certainly give Bilderberg a strong incentive. Also, according to this German article, the US Senate may have already given the green-light to bomb Iran:

Could these be possible clues re: Prez hit?

* Subliminal message in Pepsi Logo reads "{Obama logo} isded": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xe4yGRGSWQg

* Columbian Nostradamus Child predicts Obama assassination attempt end of October: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VmzJGXRHteI
"COLOMBIA (May 26. 2009): In a somber and sad prediction a 6-year-old little boy who has been predicting the future since he was 3-years-old says that U.S. President Obama will suffer an assassination attempt in 5 months, that's in late October 2009."

If it happens, it'll could conceivably be manufactured and orchestrated by a private US Intelligence firm. Also, it could merely be an attempt, as per the kid above, but would still be significant enough to ignite a war.
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