Pikey Banned
Joined: 25 Jul 2005 Posts: 1491 Location: North Lancashire
Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 1:29 pm Post subject: Effective 911 truth campaign methods: CAR BOOT SALES |
Based on my own personal input and experience to date with being an active 911 truth campaigner I totally agree with the following comments which appear on the website forum:-
"Untargetted distribution of leaflets, DVDs is a waste of resources" (Noel: General MPs)
"MPs respond to public opinion, therefore it is the public we should be concentrating our efforts" (Noel: ditto)
“It is a bad strategy as a whole for our movement to spend too much effort in trying to persuade MP's of the correctness of our case" (Noel ditto)
"only worth approaching MP's on the grounds once the story breaks.........waste of resources" (Ian Neal; ditto)
The non-cold selling campaign methods (i.e those were the public chooses themselves to come forward) are the most effective IMO.
From my own experience the most effective campaigning has been at car boot sales (the bigger the better!) :- set up a professional looking stall, I purchased a gazebo from Argos we stuck some deception dollars and posters around the brim, put some wallpaper tables around to place the books, dvds (Confronting the evidence) articles etc on.
Its better to sell the dvds £2-3 to raise some money for further resources and it also means that if people buy them there is a better chance that they will watch it. Use your discretion though, if someone does show an interest but is not willing to purchase or cannot afford to purchase then think about giving it away free!
It makes it a lot better as well if you play the dvds on a portable TV (“In plane site” is best IMHO). You will need a car battery (a powerful caravan battery is ideal: £40) an invertor (converts DC to AC: £20). With this method the public come to you: it works! You can also use part of the stall to sell some of own stuff as well, this also attracts further people to visit the stall. A crowd around a stall is a great attraction!
As well as the TV running you can play some calming background music on a CD player to create atmosphere.
Why not give it a try, it works and its fun!
Car booting can either be done as an individual but is obviously more powerful with a group behind the stall! People who approach the stall can then be engaged on a one to one basis. Dont preach though ask the public questions about 911 is the best way to start then gentle lead them into the evidence.
When the car booters visit the stall you could ask them to put their name cointact details ona petition supporting the objective of having an independent investigation into 911. Also it provides a great opportunity to recruit new people. If people are interested and wish to be involved try to get contact details or refer them to their local constituency group. If there is not a group suggest they instigate setting one up and offer help and support.
A Megaphone (re: loud haler) at the car boot is the next step!
I believe that 90% of the resources needs to hit the bottom of the pyramid and I do hope this information helps the campaign _________________ Pikey
Peace, truth, respect and a Mason free society
www.fmotl.com |
xmasdale Angel - now passed away
Joined: 25 Jul 2005 Posts: 1959 Location: South London
Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 2:33 pm Post subject: Car boot sales |
Some excellent suggestions there Pikey!
One important word of warning: I understand Jimmy Walter's DVDs have been let into the country free of import duty on condition they are not sold. You can, however, ask for a donation and use such donations to finance our activities - an important distinction.
'As well as the TV running you can play some calming background music on a CD player to create atmosphere,' wrote Pikey.
I fear the calming music will react with the music on the DVD soundtrack to create an awful cacophony.
' “In plane site” is best IMHO,' wrote Pikey.
The advantage of it is it's only one hour long. I've been more impressed by the Director's Cut version of Painful Deceptions which is on Confronting the Evidence; and more recently even more impressed by Loose Change, available from Andrew Johnson of this forum.
But I think for outdoor, summer events such as we're discussing we really need a short, 15 minute, DVD which summarises the main facts people are unaware of, just to give them enough to put doubt in their minds and to tempt them to research the topic for themselves.
And regarding contact details, please make sure the writing is legible; we've lost a lot of contacts that way. They may not want to leave their addresses or phone numbers, but if they just leave their e-mail addresses, please ask them to write what part of the country they are in so that they can be put in touch with others in their locality.
If forwarding their details to me or Mike (Wokingman) so that we can add them to our e-mailing list, please let us know whereabouts they are.
Also, if you have e-mail addresses of interested people, please ask them if they want to be put on the national e-mailing list, which will result in their receiving approximately two e-mails per month by blind copy and will enable them to keep up with news of the campaign in Britain and Ireland. It is a free service we offer to all supporters.
Noel |