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Caz Last Chance Saloon
Joined: 23 Apr 2006 Posts: 836
Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 12:29 pm Post subject: Second Life Virtual World now being trialed in schools |
Second Life Virtual World trialed in schools.
Quote: | Second Life (abbreviated as SL) is a virtual world developed by Linden Lab which launched on June 23, 2003 and accessible via the Internet. A free client program called the Second Life Viewer enables its users, called Residents, to interact with each other through avatars. Residents can explore, meet other residents, socialize, participate in individual and group activities, and create and trade virtual property and services with one another, or travel throughout the world, which residents refer to as the grid. Second Life caters for users aged over eighteen, while its sister site Teen Second Life is restricted to users aged between thirteen and eighteen. |
Second Life
Teen Second Life being trialed in schools: xt-practice-in-resourcing-personalisation---schome-nagty.html
Quote: | Next Practice in Resourcing Personalisation - Schome-NAGTY
Teen Second Life Pilot
NAGTY are collaborating with The Open University, The Universities of Warwick and Liverpool and the National Physical Laboratory, in exploring whether Teen Second Life will afford the development of networked learning communities. Teen Second Life is a virtual reality world that provides almost totally open-ended opportunities for avatars (virtual representations of real world participants) to interact with each other and with the virtual world. The Schome community, based at the Open University, has invested in an island, Schome Park in the Teen Grid (which is for students aged 13 to 17). 200 members of the NAGTY community on Schome Park are involved in the pilot project. 75 of these children come from disadvantaged and under-represented Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) communities. They will be supported by experts from The Universities of Warwick and Liverpool and the National Physical Laboratory, working in three groups. These are Ethics and Philosophy, Archaeology and Physics.
The aims of the pilot are to
• explore the potential and limitations of second life both from technical and educational perspectives
• investigate young people's engagement within Second Life in relation to their engagement with the existing NAGTY online community tools
• investigate the learning that takes place within Second Life.
Overall, the pilot will enable students to co-develop and co-design Schome, a new form of education system which will meet needs of society and individuals in the 21st century. | xt-practice-in-resourcing-personalisation---villiers-high-school.html
Quote: | Next Practice in resourcing Personalisation – Villiers High School
The virtual school
The field trial will seek to test the concept of the virtual school through piloting its use within a four week unit of learning for Science, English and Maths in Year 9 and Year 12. Students will use the "virtual school" during their timetabled Science, English and Maths lessons. The school teachers will use these lesson times to offer small group tutorials and drop-in sessions enabling more personalised learning. The virtual school will enable students to learn independently and to continue their learning beyond the school day. Students will never meet their 'virtual' teachers, but will be supported via email and phone contact. The "virtual" teacher will check on progress, mark assignments and identify those students needing additional support. Students will also have the opportunity to communicate with other students following the same course in a safe ‘chat room'. |
More on education and Second Life:
Students and safety in Teen Second Life:
Quote: | How can My Teen get Help in Teen Second Life?
Linden Lab staff can be spotted in-world with the last name Linden and the title Liaison. Liaisons are always reachable via our in-world Instant Messaging feature.
How can I Share My Teen’s Second Life Experience?
We encourage you to become involved in your teen’s Second Life experience. Ask them to show you around the world and to keep you informed about their in-world social and creative activities. Because only authorized adults are allowed in Teen Second Life, we do ask that you not actively operate your teen’s avatar yourself. However, if you enjoy your experience with your teen you are welcome to visit Second Life’s separate world for adults where you can have an avatar and account of your own. |
Second Life for adults has had the following problem:
Quote: | ‘At this mock high school women are tortured in dungeons below the classrooms……’ |
Are Linden Labs (Laboratories) to be trusted??
Quote: | ‘After the reports I logged on to find wonderland but it was gone. Linden Lab, the creator of second life, says it was not involved in dismantling the area. The company says ‘we have no firm evidence of wrongdoing from our own investigation in Wonderland, nor from our Abuse Report channel….’ |
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Caz Last Chance Saloon
Joined: 23 Apr 2006 Posts: 836
Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 12:38 pm Post subject: |
Quote: | Schome will be an education system that meets the needs of society and individuals in the 21st century [1]. The term schome was coined by Peter Twining [2] in early 2005 (or possibly late 2004?) and is a synthesis of the words school and home - which explains the byline not school - not home - schome.
Schome will value and support people in learning throughout their lives (cradle to grave). It will include flexible use of both physical and virtual spaces to support learning processes and enhance community.......
The main focus of work on schome is currently on the use of a virtual world environment to give people 'a lived experience' of radically different models of education.
Schome Park, an island in the Teen Grid of Second Life® world, is being used to collect evidence about approaches to supporting learners.
The educational models being used on Schome Park fit within the scope of the eSIR Reference Statement (Twining et al. 2006 Appendix 1) and draw upon a wide range of approaches to education [4] evident in the educational systems in use in different countries [5] and informed by prominent educational thinkers [6]. Find out more about Schome Park [7].
Why do we need schome?
There is a growing consensus of evidence from a range of different sources that suggests that our current compulsory education system needs to change in order to meet the needs of society (e.g. Beare 2001; Hargreaves 2004). This is reflected in growing rates of disaffection in schools (Webb & Vulliamy 2004) as evidenced by: growing teenage truancy rates in schools e.g. see BBC News [8] and the growing migration of parents away from school and towards homeschooling (Curtis 2004).
Recognition of problems with the current school system underpins initiatives such as Building Schools for the Future, which aims to rebuild or renew every secondary school in England over a 10 to 15 year period (BSF 2006). However, it is clear that many of the fundamental assumptions upon which schools are based are the very factors that render schools ineffective in the Information Age (Cuban 2001). In addition, because of the constraints under which they have to operate, it is “very difficult for school communities to collectively analyse and redesign their practice” (Engeström et al 2002 p.211).
Worth noting that Building Schools for the Future are connected to FEMA via the website. |
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Life Validated Poster
Joined: 11 Nov 2008 Posts: 558 Location: Lancashire
Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 2:24 pm Post subject: |
Hi All.
I feel a good investigation into the reality of Obumers new youth programmes will connect with all this. What I feel we are witnessing here is the total programming of our children to except the Fourth Riech as it explodes onto the world stage, an extension of the Common Purpose programme. Given the success of the CP operation I feel they are ready to move into the next stage, which second life is almost certainly a part of this diabolical agenda. Caz has brought something very important into the arena here with all her hard work and inspired digging, we all need to further this investigation so we can make one hell of a mess of it.
Since Caz and I began to work together on this, and having placed it on my site, the amount of government departments in the UK, EU and indeed the US monitoring my site has expanded to a startling degree, so we can safely say....we are onto them in a big way, and they do not like it. That my friends is our que to move with ever more vigor against them. _________________ KEEP IT REAL |
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Caz Last Chance Saloon
Joined: 23 Apr 2006 Posts: 836
Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 1:16 pm Post subject: |
‘Community Cohesion’ is now being developed in schools in London.
‘To prevent our kids from becoming terrorists’.
From: 165.pdf
Quote: | We look at what central and local government can and should do. The Home Office should
review the links between its work on community cohesion and anti-terrorism. Schools
have a vital role……. | Guess this is why is quite north London I see three police strolling past the house. (Looks more and more like this: Stepford. )
Interesting comments in this report from the House of Commons:
Quote: | We examined how media coverage has affected issues of international terrorism and
community relations: the overwhelming evidence was that it had had a powerful and often
negative impact. Representatives of the media appeared unaware or dismissive of this. We
believe that the media must live up to their responsibilities to report fairly and accurately.
We also conclude that suggestions that there has been a Government strategy to
manipulate media coverage of terrorism are unfounded. The Government should develop
a strategy to ensure that the extent and limitations of the proposed offence of incitement to
religious hatred are understood by all. |
[quote]97. Among the most significant recent developments had been the passing of a law to ban
the wearing of obvious signs of religion in schools. Although this affected kippas, Sikh
turbans and large crucifixes, it was widely taken to be aimed at Muslim girls wearing
headscarves. We were told that only a few children had been excluded from school as a
result of the ban. Some of our interlocutors said, however, that it was too early to tell
whether the law had contributed to an increase in the alienation of Muslim youth.[/quote]
Increase in alienation of Muslim youth, more like it.
Similar to Schome, I suspect (not school, not home, but 'schome'.)
(Schome also in 'Second Life' virtual world: |
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