kbo234 Validated Poster
Joined: 10 Dec 2005 Posts: 2017 Location: Croydon, Surrey
Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 10:04 pm Post subject: BT closes Catholic website after MP complaints |
BT closes Catholic website after MP complaints
March 16th, 2009 by Monitor
The website of a bunch of demented Catholics has been shut down by BT after complaints by a group of MPs, who claimed it was anti-semitic.
A look at CatholicVoice.co.uk (catchy strapline “Combating the antichristic conspiracy of the Khazar ‘Jew’ supremacists in honour of the Sacred Head of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Seat of Divine Wisdom.”) via the WaybackMachine confirms that it is indeed amazingly anti-semitic - but in such an extreme fashion that it is more likely to provoke gales of laughter, rather than hatred.
Under a photo of the Turin Shroud is their mission statement:
Most Sacred Head of Jesus, Temple of Divine Wisdom and Providence against Error, preserve us from those who conspire against Thee. Mercifully deliver the bullying antichrist Jews from their delusions, and save their poor souls from the dread fires of eternal Hell.
The first article on the Wayback-preserved site is entitled “Various Nations Will be Annihlated”, and begins
So spoke Our Lady of Fatima in 1917, warning us of the many temporal punishments that would ensue should the ecclesiastical hierarchy spurn Her heavenly requests. Ninety years have now passed. Our blind, apostate hierarchy considers the Message of Fatima even more irrelevant to this century than they did to the last. As a consequence, all the nations of Christian Europe, long since internally corrupted by Ashkenazi-Jew supremacism (via its gentile arm Freemasonry), are now set for extinction. Nations formed by Divine Providence over hundreds of years will formally fall to these Judeo-Mongols from Khazaria and their satanic federal Europe. Since these nations have rejected Christendom, Heaven will now give them over to Satandom.
About 50 killjoy MPs, led by John Mann (Lab), sought to deprive the public of this goon-show quality source of biscuit-munching comedy by tabling the following Early Day Motion:
That this House notes the vile and anti-Semitic nature of the website www.catholicvoice.co.uk; notes that it is run by a known fascist and seeks to inspire hate against the Jewish community amongst others; understands that according to Nominet’s WHOIS service it is based in the United Kingdom through ISP provider Plusnet in contradiction with that organisation’s own hosting policies and remains available to be viewed by the world; calls on Plusnet to stop hosting the website content; and calls for the domain name to be revoked and believes that those who are writing, commissioning and uploading vile hate speech should face the full force of the law.
The loon in charge of the website is one Timothy Johnson from Sheffield, and he’s rather miffed. He believes the actions raise concerns about civil liberties and the free discussion of controversial and provocative subjects on the internet. Whatever your opinion of the dribbling cracker-necker’s religious convictions, you have to admit he has a point.
If MPs and ISPs think we need protecting from this kind of drivel, it won’t be long before the whole country is given over to Satandom. |
TonyGosling Editor
Joined: 25 Jul 2005 Posts: 18335 Location: St. Pauls, Bristol, England
Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 10:26 pm Post subject: |
Looks like some good stuff has almost certainly been thrown out with the bathwater. The writer appears to be a Brit. Any more info on him appreciated.
One of the site's pages mirrored here and here's a partial list of now disappeared page titles.
The War of Antichrist against the Church and Christian Civilization
The War of Antichrist with the Church and Christian Civilization.
A Reading Course in Homeric Greek: 1. Answer Key. - Truly there is no better way of educating oneself than by learning Ancient Greek.
The Whole Truth About Fatima, Volume I, by Frère Michel de la Sainte Trinité.
The Blessed Virgin vs. the Khazar Jew Supremacists
Three times Our Lady explicitly mentioned Russia in Her Secret.
The Plot Against the Church, Part 3
The Hebrew people was chosen by God as preserver of the true religion.
Protocols of Zion - 3. It must be noted that men with bad instincts are more in number than the good.
World War Three - Khazar Supremacists Won't Get Their World War 3.
Teresa Helena Higginson
Quote: | Satan's power base to crumble
Above us lie three distinct tiers of spiritual Evil and socio-political Terror. We may not recognise or even acknowledge them, but they affect us all nonetheless.
1. A public tier comprising the senior minions of government and media. These venal, ambitious worldlings and members of secret societies are willing to do whatever it takes to please their overlords in the second tier and to satisfy their own vain personal ambitions. The more devious amongst them make sham professions of Christianity the better to deceive the unwary.
2. A covert tier comprising the real unelected rulers of this world. These are the anonymous wire-pullers of the first tier. They are the Synagogue and indeed Bank of Satan, the “Jewish” supremacist elite mystically referred to by Our Lady in the Secret of Fatima as Russia owing to their Khazar origins. At their heart rule the Rothschild dynasty.
3. A spiritual tier comprising the prince of this world himself, Satan, the father of lies and “a murderer from the beginning” (Jn 8:44), and his hordes of rebel angels. These savage spirits are consciously worshipped by the luciferian second tier who have been duped by the same promise the devil made to Jesus during His forty days in the wilderness: “All these kingdoms will I give thee, if falling down thou wilt adore me.” (Mt 4:9).
As one ascends from the first to the third tier of this diabolical pyramid, not only does the evil become ever more intense but its members become ever more invisible to those of weak and unspiritual minds, particularly those who foolishly profess not to believe in Satan in the first place. To be so entirely and irremediably deceived in these vitally important matters is undoubtedly a massive spiritual punishment, certainly appropriate for those who throughout their lives have spurned God’s many advances calling them away from the paths of damnation and eternal misery.
Many choose to limit their understanding of evil to their own personal experiences and temptations. Petty, shabby evil of a minor nature they can therefore grasp, and in public figures they often profess to find it amusing. But anything significantly more serious they begin to feel distinctly uncomfortable with. And systematic, sustained, satanic evil on a global scale appears to be entirely beyond the scope of their understanding. They would prefer to see all such manifestations as merely accidental or the product of nothing more sinister than mental derangement. Those who would hold otherwise they lampoon as crackpots and conspiracy theorists. And should they hear public figures denounced as conspiring against the people, they like to take refuge in delusional quips like: “They’re simply too stupid to be able to do anything like that!”
9/11 reveals all three tiers of evil working closely together. Almighty God even manifested the presence of Satan in the smoke, but of course most people are simply too “sophisticated”nowadays even to look at, let alone talk about, such pictures with an open mind. Just what would their friends and family think about them if they did? Politicians and media personnel who go out of their way to discredit Charlie Sheen's recently aired expressions of doubt over the official story are emphatically part of the first tier of evil.
Of course Satan could never have exercised such terrible influence over the world, had Church leaders not compromised over the centuries with Our Lord’s sworn enemies, the Synagogue of Satan. Historically the Church was always strongest when she actively defended herself against the wickedness of the latter. But since the end of the Middle Ages and the abandonment of the Holy Inquisition (whose true history has been buried by the very people it would have exposed had it still been operational), her enemies have grown ever stronger, plaguing society over the centuries with the humanism and occultism of the Renaissance, the apostasy of the Reformation, international fractional-reserve banking, the pest of Freemasonry and other secret societies, virtually all modern wars and revolutions, Communism and its holocaust of 100 million (mainly Christians), and finally the nigh total dissolution of faith and morals by means of deliberately contrived heresies and the satanic propaganda of virtually all forms of modern media.
And how do our Catholic leaders react to all this today? Well, they barely mention the reality of Satan and Hell, certainly never in convincing, passionate terms; they treat the Synagogue of Satan as though it were the legitimate successor of the Holy Israel of old and as though its essential hermeneutic system were that of the Old Testament rather than that of the horrible Talmud and other sordid literature like the Protocols of the Elders of Zion (stupidly conceived as inauthentic); and finally they act as though the secret societies themselves, the third and most public tier of the evil pyramid, did not even exist. Even when God sent His Blessed Mother to Earth in 1917 to offer the popes of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries the miraculous remedy to all this satanic evil and its horrible consequences in both this world and the next, what did they do? At best ignore it, at worst spurn it. And so far, Pope Benedict XVI has not broken the mould; his theological commentary on the Third Secret of Fatima in 2000, when he was the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, was truly scandalous.
So Satan holds sway. And his minions in the first and second tiers play out a daily charade: they feign to be working for the common good whilst, behind the scenes, systematically working for the common hurt. They have elevated this particular type of deceit into an art form. They pretend to be working for people’s health whilst deliberately poisoning them and suppressing proven natural cures (e.g. vitamin B17 for cancer); they pretend to be assisting in people’s education whilst all the time labouring to dumb them down and make them more gullible; they pretend to be trying to raise people’s living standards whilst systematically working to impoverish them (e.g. through the iniquitous and ever-growing tax burden); they pretend to be concerned about the environment whilst systematically working to wreck it (e.g. intensive aerosol spraying, aka chemtrails); they pretend to be worried about terror and hate-crimes, and yet today they are the true agents of terror (e.g. 9/11 and the London bombings) as well as the true hate-criminals – spiritually Christophobic, and geopolitically Islamophobic.
Yet Satan’s sway, invincible as it may seem at present, is of limited duration and the promised “time of peace” may well be near at hand. If we are interpreting the Secret of Fatima aright, the Catholic hierarchy and the faithful, led by the Holy Father himself, will first be martyred in great numbers; the Mass will be outlawed and there will be but few priests to say it. And then, at last, the few remaining bishops and their newly elected pope, forced to their senses by the horrible massacre of their brethren, will finally feel impelled to obey the Blessed Virgin Mary and consecrate Russia to Her Immaculate Heart.
The promised miracle will take place almost immediately thereafter. All three tiers of the satanic conspiracy will be blown apart in a most astounding manner, and mystical Russia, that is the Khazar Jewish elite whose clandestine knowledge uniquely positions them to appreciate the magnitude of this miracle and therefore the Blessed Virgin’s demonstrably infinite superiority over Satan, will be converted, overpowered by God’s grace as was Saul on his way to Damascus, almost despite themselves. Did not Our Lady tell us to pray for those most in need of God's mercy at the end of each decade of the Rosary? Well, none fit this appellation so well as those in the second tier of evil. The world will be aghast at the miracle of their conversion, and the newly reformed Church, whose numbers have by now swollen to several billions, will sing the glories of the ever-glorious Mother of God in a manner never before seen in this world, praising Her wondrous Heart openly alongside that of Her blessed son Jesus.
Timothy Peter Johnson
5 April 2006
_________________ www.lawyerscommitteefor9-11inquiry.org
"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung |