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101 ways to fight NWO ( Expose 9/11)

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PostPosted: Sat May 06, 2006 3:29 pm    Post subject: 101 ways to fight NWO ( Expose 9/11) Reply with quote

1. Local Access TV.

Buy vidoes exposing New World Order and play them on your local access television. Its simple, you buy the video, you buy time on Local Access TV and then you put up flyers around your local area asking everybody to watch. At the minimum you can call up your friends and relatives and be like "Hey check out this documentary being played on Local Channel." This way if they still remain brainwashed after watching the documentary, they won't consider you a "crazy". Even in small town you can reach tens of people with Local Access TV.

2. Bookstore.

Go to bookstores around your area. You will find many books on New World Order in "speculation/metaphysical" section. Take like five of them out and hold them in your hands as if you are going to buy them. Here is a list of books compiled by somebody. Its leaves out many other good books, but I expect you would yourself know good books on NWO.


Take those books and when nobody is looking quietly keep them near the Bestseller books area. You can also keep those books near "Mystery/Suspense" books area. Those who enjoy reading "mystery" books are more likely to read them. Then pick up another book, act as if you are looking through it. Leave those other 5 - 10 books on NWO there. When nobody is looking, keep that book back and leave!

3. Library Computer.

If you can log in anonymiously or using Guest user, then open a window with www.infowars.com or www.rense.com or any other good sites with great information. Then minimize it. When nobody is looking, leave!

4. Bumper Sticker.

If you have your own car, then there is no excuse not to put on a Bumper Sticker. Here are two good bumper stickers I recommend:

i). www.cafeshops.com/cp/prod...re.4745804

ii). www.store.yahoo.com/infow...bumst.html

This takes no effort at all. Furthermore each day you drive, tens if not hundreds of new people will look at these.

5. Radio Talk Shows.

Call into those neo/phony conservative talk shows. You know which ones. Be clever though because they have call screeners. Be like, "I want to talk about such and such", whatever is getting other callers through. Then when you are talking about that, in the middle of the conversation drop a website or two like www.infowars.com or www.rense.com Be like "Damn liberals are trying to raise taxes again, oh yeah by the way did you hear about Microchips from www.infowars.com ?" Its important to drop the website, these neo/phony conservative talk shows have millions of listeners. Hundreds AT LEAST will visit the sites.

6. Newspaper Boxes.

There are many newspaper boxes around the area. Get some copies of Free Special issue of American Free Press from here.


Get as many as you can afford. Then take these copies and a rock and put the copies on top of the newspaper box early in the morning. Put stickers on the AFP copies that say "Free: Take One". Keep the rock on top of them to keep them from flying away in wind. Walk away!

7. Library Tables.

Go to the local library tables with the copies of American Free Press. Read to sit down. When nobody is looking, leave the copy of AFP issue and move to another table/sofa. This way leave copies around in the library for everybody to read. People who come to library don't mind reading stuff!

8. Library Books.

Look around your local, school or college for books that are popular and checked out often. Also take a look at the books in the new books section. Take about 10 of these books and sit down in an isolated corner. Earlier you should have printed out a page full of URL's for great websites like www.infowars.com , www.rense.com , www.whatreallyhappened.com . Then cut these URL into individual pieces. When you are sitting down in the corner with the books, stick these cut outs in the main index page of the book. Keep the books back. Repeat with more books.

9. Internet News message boards.

A lot of news sites have message boards. Hundreds if not thousands of people post messages. So what can one do? Simple. Post messages with websites like www.propagandamatrix.com or www.infowars.com in their headings. Then post some more websites and information about New World Order in their subject. This takes like 5 minutes. So do it everyday!

10. Gun Shows.

Take lots of copies of Alex Jones' documentary: Road To Tyranny or flyers with information to Gun Shows in your state and pass them around to folks.

Here is Gun Show Calendar from NRA:www.mynra.org/frame.cfm?u...lendar.asp

11. Letters to Editor.

Write some letters to your local newspapers about Patriot Act II. Use this analysis and provide the link so people can check out the entire analysis. Write letters to alternative newspapers too.

Patriot Act II: www.infowars.com/print_pa...lysis.html

12. Emails.

If you want to wake up your friends and relatives without worrying about what they will think of you, I will suggest this. Make a different account. And then email them information on NWO and URL's to various sites.

13. Radio Station.

Call/Email your local radio station(s) asking them to pick up radio shows which talk about NWO. Alex Jones Show is the best in my opinion.

14. Park Benches.

Leave pamphelets/booklets exposing NWO on the park benches when nobody is looking. Then start walking. George Humprehy's Common Sense and Uncommon Sense are the best booklets.

15. Library Subscription.

Ask your local, school or college librarian to subscribe to American Free Press or Media Bypass as an alternative newspaper.

American Free Press: www.americanfreepress.net/

Media Bypass: www.mediabypass.com/

16. T-Shirts.

When you are going out to places where many people go, wear T-Shirts with URL for sites with info. on NWO.

T-Shirt 1: www.cafeshops.com/cp/prod...re.4608957

T-Shirt 2: www.store.yahoo.com/infow...ggunc.html

17. Gym.

When you are doing aerobic exercises in the gym like the Bike, have your flyers with you. Keep it infront of you as if you are reading it while doing the Bike. Then when nobody is looking, leave. Next person will read it.

18. Pay Phone booth.

Leave your flyers near the pay phone and bounce.

19. Stickers.

Put the stickers on the bark of trees, dumpsters and stuff when nobody is looking. Sticker:


20. Bathrooms.

When you go to malls, parks, restaurants etc, take some paper cutouts with you with sites such as www.infowars.com , www.rense.com , www.whatreallyhappened.com , www.propagandamatrix.com printed on them. Leave these cutouts in the restrooms when nobody is looking. At least some people will visit the sites.

21. Internet Chat rooms.

Go to various free chat rooms on the Internet. Remember these good websites like www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.com www.copvcia.com www.apfn.org . Type in the websites with some funny message like "Monkey learned to speak: Website". In place of 'Website', put in one of those from above or any you like.

22. Internet Message boards. (see #9 - duplicated?)

Unlike news boards, these are boards for specifc topic/theme like Second Amendment etc. You have to post messages skillfully otherwise the Mods. will give you a boot. Don't forget to put URL's for good sites in your post.

23. Videos to Library.

Donate the above mentioned videos to local library and local video store. But first make sure they will keep them for all patrons to check out.

24. Videos to friends and family.

Show the videos that you have to all your friends and relatives who are open minded.

25. Rallies.

There are a lot of ongoing rallies on different issues. Pass out flyers and tapes.

26. Teach your kids to think for themselves.

Read your kids assignments for school, and point out statist propaganda. The best lesson we can teach our children is to always question the world around them , instead of blindly accepting what they are told. Also give them a solid understanding of the philosophy of Liberty. Give them literature from American Revolution and the books of ancient and modern philosophers of Liberty.

27. Homeschool!!!

If you can, Homeschool your kids.

28. Build your own web site

Take on issues in your local community that the media doesn't report on, or doesn't tell the whole truth. This also helps you tailor your message(s) to selected people.

29. Promote your web site ... or others by taking some white or fluorescent shoe polish and writing the URL on the back of your car window. (Some good websites: www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.com )

This one works absolutely GREAT. When your car is parked, you still get the message out! Talk about an attention grabber!!! It works like a charm.

30. Create a banner

If you aren't shy, create a banner that you can carry on public sidewalks or medians. Have one person carry the banner while others distribute literature. Do this everywhere and anywhere the public is present.

31. Use MegaPhones - bullhorns can be purchased at your local Radio Shack.

In light of the banner and information being distributed, exercise your 1st Amendment right to it's max! Preaching stimulates questions by those who hear. What an opportunity!

Street preachers have been very effective in getting their message out using these two methods. Unity and numbers are great!

32. Flyers under car winshield wipers.

Make the url big enough to read from inside the car so that those who just try to discard it by turning wipers on will see the addy.

33. Rental Inserts

Do you rent movies and/or games? Before returning a video, tape, or DVD, insert a flyer in the casing. CSR's at the video store check to see if a VHS is rewinded, so make sure you rewind your videos and insert the flyer behind the VHS so they don't take it out. Conceal your flyer as much as possible. The next person who purchases the rental will discover your flyer.

34. Gather information.

Check out what one chapter of JBS is doing: www.nolajbs.net/news/earth.charter.shtml Do a search for your own area and do the same. Going for the jugular, be wise as a serpent and harmless as a dove.

35. Umbrella Paint

This is an unusual thing to do, but, nevertheless, it's interesting. If you work in a CBD or around/below public upper levels, you can paint a message on your umbrella so when you use it in the rain, people can see it from above.

40. Answering Machine Greeting

This one is self-explanatory

41. Video Presentation

Rent a projector, and play one of alex jones's videos(get them from www.infowars.com) at your local community center or library, put an ad in the local newspaper for it. Don't charge money for it though because you can only do this for non commercial purposes.

42. Send copies of relevant books and video's to your local council.

43. Join conspiracy.meetup.com

Meet like minded people and get together to spread the word.

44. Deception Dollars

Get these from either Prison Planet or www.deceptiondollar.com and leave them around places. People pick up anything that looks like money and they will pick these up. They have some great websites.

45. Put Audio on NWO on Music sharing networks. Use the names of popular songs.

46. Put Video on NWO on file/video sharing networks. Use the names of popular movies.

47. Write Reviews

Write Reviews to popular books on various sites like Amazon, B & N et. al but in the review plug in the good websites like www.infowars.com Heh!

48. Blackboard Broadcast

If you are a college student and have a class that's the first class of the day, (right when the school opens,)... Get to school 20 or 30 minutes ahead of everybody else and write www.infowars.com up in the corner of the blackboard with the admonition "SAVE" .....the instructor will assume another teacher put it there and it might infect a whole days worth of students with Jonseian philosophy!

49. Know your rights
Carry the Bill of Rights in your pocket , wallet , purse. Educate others on them.

50. Free Ads
There are many free newspapers out there like Pennysaver , Nifty Nickel etc , Recycler etc, that placing ads in costs nothing. Youll have to offer an item for sale or a position,:direct the readers to 911research.wtc7.net/index.html or a URL of choice.

51. Free Ads online
There are many sites that allow Free Ads online too. Put URL for good sites like www.rense.com in those Ads.

52. Run for Office (on Pro-Constitution, Anti-NWO platform)

This will give you a public forum to bring all of these issues discussed here into the public arena and also access to some media to spread the word.

53. Friends to Public meetings.
Take a group of friends to public meetings and start talking about International Conspiracy and start educating others around you and pass out literature.

54. Join the John Birch Society
Heck ... start your own Chapter!

55. Billboard

Get together with a group of friends and put up a billboard with a classic message and a link to a good educational website.

56. Expose a local UN Earth Charter Initiative

Go to the official Earth Charter web site and search for your state/ city. You will then get a contact name, e-mail address, and number. Contact the organizer to get some general information. Attend their next summit and take notes (don't blow your cover - you'll be asked to leave). After the summit, put together a brief description of their purpose onto a flyer, e-mail, and/or newsletter and distribute your report with a copy of TNA's New World Religion Reprint. Make sure you leave your name and contact info on it so that people interested in your campaign can increase your efforts. Include your friends and family, as well as leaders in your neighborhood (Church leaders, educators, politicians, talk show hosts, business owners, etc.) Don't expect victory right off the bat ... it's a very long process that takes work. Keep in mind that if you haven’t established credibility, you will be doing that first. In the long run, it will pay off. More importantly, don’t quit. As you repeat this process, more ideas will come to mind and you will have more than enough to keep you busy.

For more information, Click here. By the way, my contact info in the introductary video changed, which is one of the reasons we're doing another video.

57. Challenge the Earth Charter organizer to a radio debate.

This works great if you have a contact in the radio industry. It's also best to inform the broadcaster (that's what we call an opinion molder). I contacted the organizer and challenged her to a debate, but she backed out.

58. Road Signs

Put Signs on the side of the Road. Example:
Truth - www.infowars.com

59. Take Advantage of Holidays

Tailor your InfoMinistry towards specific holidays. For example: Halloween calls for something devilish. LOL! Why not distribute literature to 'trick or treaters' about the evils of the NWO? With Thanksgiving next, you can use pro-Constitutional literature to re-educate your loved ones as well as allowing them to be thankful that we are still free. Use your creativity

60. Flyers/ Posters
Make posters on paper and go around town leaving them on utility poles, put learn the truth then direct them to alex jones websites, alot of people in my town do this to advertise yard sales and it is effective.

61. Send letter to Editor of local newspaper and also local college & school newspapers. Tailor it with dexterity but drop the names of some good books and/or websites into that letter.

62. Paid Ads
Take out advertisements in Local newspapers, college and high school papers. They don't cost as much.

63. October 24th - United Nations Day
Use this day go crazy in literature distribution, editorials, call talk shows, etc. exposing the UN. This one is free: Constitution vs UN Charter

64. Circulate a petition to Get US Out of UN!
You can emphasize this on UN Day. John Birch Society is leading the fight against UN globalists.

65. Print out www.infowars.com and www.whatreallyhappened.com on pieces of paper.
Leave those pieces in the bestselling books in any book stores and other stores.

66. Print out www.prisonplanet.com and www.keepandbeararms.com on with info. on Second Amendment.
Leave those in magazines related to guns and hunting.

67. Forum Mania
Team up with likeminded people and post lots of information on online Media Forums.

68. Give Alex Jones Videotapes and/or good books on NWO to your friends or family members as gifts on special occasions.

69. Organize a Small Play
If you are a Pre-school teacher or in charge of a youth group, put on a play on a special occasion that exposes the Insiders and end your play with a great literature distribution.

70. Hire an unemployed freedom lover.
Get together with your friends and pool $100+. Then hire some unemployed freedom lover at $10 an hour. Give him job like distributing 100 flyers in one hour etc.

71. Deception Dollars
Leave Deception Dollars around Arcades where young people will pick them up. Also leave them around vending machines, as they are likely to get looked at there.

72. Write a review

Write a review for book(s) or video(s) on NWO and submit it to your local political/social magazine or newspaper or journal. Be clever. You might have to write a skeptical review to get published but write it in such a way as to raise readers' curiosity.

73. Run for some political office. (see #64)

Run on pro-freedom, anti conspiracy platform. Main objective is to attract media attention to get the word out.

74. Bulk Distribution
Ask the businesses, restaurants, shops in your area if you can leave around free newspapers for people to pick up. Then get Media Bypass, American Free Press, or The New American in bulk and leave them.

75. Write reviews
Write reviews for popular books on online book selling sites. IN those reviews cleverly sneak in the sites like www.infowars.com and www.prisonplanet.com Don't be too overt! Be Subtle.

76. Start your own Band
Expose the NWO with some of your very own blazing lyrics and deafening guitar licking riffs.

77. Organize a Concert
Have bands which expose NWO! play at the concert. Distribute lots of literature.

78. Be Self-Employed
This gives you more independence.

79. Buy Guns. Only half of the people own guns. You must know some friend who doesn't own a gun. Take him to the range or hunting and get him interested in marksmanship and hunting.

80. Sport Jocky!
Get 12 people together and go to a proffesional sporting event (football was the suggestion) with each person having a letter painted on their chest: I-N-F-O-W-A-R-S-.-C-O-M, which would get the ESPN camera guys attention and possibly get a shot on national TV and a blurb on ESPN. A friend of mine suggested this one and if nothing else it would get people wondering why these people would bear the cold to expose these letters.

81. Recycle
While taking a load of rubbish to the dump, I stopped into the 'recycling shop', for a sticky beak.
Someone had thrown out a swag of 3 hour video cassettes that looked like they had only ever been used once to tape "Gone with the wind, Ghost Busters" etc. Movies. -- I guess they didn't know they could record over old tape? [No, there were no rude ones , and I wouldn't tell you even if there was!]
They all had hard black cases as well!
Usually a 3 hour tape is about $3 here in Aussie land - I picked up 30 tapes for $10, with hard cases included!
Keep an eye out at second hand stores as well..
Of course the idea is to copy "The Road To Tyranny" onto them for free distribution.
And when you do give the tapes away, ask the recipient [usually someone you'll be seeing again I suppose ] if they could get you another tape to replace the original. [Provided they want to keep the video] If they can't swallow the facts , ask them to give it back so you can give it to someone else with an open mind and a back bone.

82. Video Recorder Patch Up
Get your self a cheap second hand video recorder, and patch two, three, four, of them together to multiple record all from one source. The "RCA" patch/join leads are only a few bucks.[The same goes for DVD recorders when/if they ever get cheap enough]

83. Video Presentation to Freedom Groups.
Show Alex Jones' video tapes to your local Pro Second Amendment, Property Rights, Free Enterprise and other freedom organizations.

84. Essay Contest
Sponsor an essay contest for students in college and high school on the topic of NWO.

85. Homeless Man. If you see any homeless person hire him temporarily to display some big poster with address of good websites on them.

86. Put flyers on the message boards of stores etc.

87. Shop from Independent and small businesses.

88. Build a File on Different Topics of Conspiracy.
You can show this whole file to your friends and family members if you get into a debate or are trying to persuade them.

89. Go to college campus nearby and just randomly start to hand out flyers, cd's and tapes to college students. Do it as often as you can.

90. Form Local Educational Groups.
Get together with a few people around you. The more people you have, the more effective educational activism you can do.

91. Study Propaganda, Marketing, Psychology, Logic/Reasoning, Austrian School of Economics. All of these will be useful in detecting and countering statist lies.

92. Movie Halls.
Leave around flyers after you have watched a movie. People usually arrive early and they will start reading the flyers to pass time.

93. Go to meetings of Leftists organizations.
And pass out literature which points them to the Pro-Freedom websites. Don't make the literature overtly pro-free enterprise because they will recognize it. Main thing is having them visit websites.

94. Word of Mouth.
Go to a public place with your friends and start talking about the conspiracy loudly and frequently mention the websites like www.infowars.com You might get some more people wanting to learn and atleast few others will check out the websites in curiosity.

95. Website Exchange
Exchange your website's link with other websites. It doesn't matter what kind of websites they are as long as they exchange links.

96. Write a Fictional Story.
Write a fictional story which subtly exposes the conspiracy. Publish the story or atleast give it out to your friends to read.

97. Pet
If you have a pet , you can paint www.infowars.com or something on it and parade him around the town.

98. Start your own Newspaper.
You can get subscriptions from people in your area and educate them through the newspaper.

99. Invite speakers with expertise on NWO to your area. Advertise the event and distribute literature at the end of it.

101. Print this whole list and give it to everybody you know in the Freedom Movement!

Most Importantly : Do these activities and spread the word.

http://www.global-conspiracies.com/101_ways_to_fight_the_new_world_ord er.htm
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