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Daily Mail - Osama Bin Laden Died in 2002, Sue Reid

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Minor Poster
Minor Poster

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PostPosted: Fri May 19, 2006 6:38 pm    Post subject: Daily Mail - Osama Bin Laden Died in 2002, Sue Reid Reply with quote

Nov. 2, 2001, 12:00 PST -- On Oct. 31 the French daily Le Figaro dropped a bombshell. While in a Dubai hospital receiving treatment for a chronic kidney infection last July, Osama bin Laden met with a top CIA official -- presumably the chief of station. The meeting, held in bin Laden's private suite, took place at the American hospital in Dubai at a time when he was a wanted fugitive for the bombings of two U.S. embassies and last year's attack on the USS Cole. Bin Laden was eligible for execution according to a 2000 intelligence finding issued by President Bill Clinton before leaving office in January. Yet on July 14, 2001 he was allowed to leave Dubai on a private jet, and there were no Navy fighters waiting to force him down.

In 1985 Oliver North -- the only member of the Reagan-Bush years who doesn't appear to have a hand in the current war -- sent the Navy and commandos after terrorists on the cruise ship Achille Lauro. In his 1991 autobiography "Under Fire," while describing terrorist Abu Abbas North wrote, "I used to wonder: how many dead Americans will it take before we do something?" One could look at the number of Americans Osama bin Laden is alleged to have killed before Sept. 11 and ask the same question.

It gets worse, much worse. A more complete timeline listing crucial events both before and after the Sept. 11 suicide attacks, which have been blamed on bin Laden, establishes CIA foreknowledge of them and strongly suggests that there was criminal complicity on the part of the U.S. government in their execution. It also makes clear that the events that have taken place since Sept. 11 are based upon an agenda that has little to do with the attacks.

[June 19, 2002] -- As the revelations of Bush Administration foreknowledge have progressed from silence, to trickle, to cascade, the question has now changed from forcing the evidence into the open into one of forcing both the media and the people to avoid denying this information in the hopes that their desire for a sense of "normalcy" can be fulfilled. As many of us have known for years, normalcy went out the window forever when the first plane hit the tower. And what has been revealed will not be resolved with an expensive fact-finding commission, a few firing, or even an impeachment proceeding. What is needed in America -- and in the global economic system -- is an overhaul, not a tune up.

1. 1991-1997 - Major U.S. oil companies including ExxonMobil, Texaco, Unocal, BP Amoco, Shell and Enron directly invest billions in cash bribing heads of state in Kazakhstan to secure equity rights in the huge oil reserves in these regions. The oil companies further commit to future direct investments in Kazakhstan of $35 billion. Not being willing to pay exorbitant prices to Russia to use Russian pipelines, the major oil companies have no way to recoup their investments. [Source: "The Price of Oil" by Seymour Hersh, The New Yorker, July 9, 2001 - The Asia Times, "The Roving Eye Part I Jan. 26, 2002.]

2. January 1995 - Philippine police investigating a possible attack on the Pope uncover plans for Operation Bojinka, connected to World Trade Center (WTC) bomber Ramsi Youssef. Parts of the plan call for crashing hijacked airliners into civilian targets. Details of the plan are disclosed in Youssef's 1997 trial for the 1993 WTC bombing. [Source: Agence France-Presse, Dec. 7, 2001]

3. Dec. 4, 1997 - Representatives of the Taliban are invited guests to the Texas headquarters of Unocal to negotiate their support for the pipeline. Subsequent reports will indicate that the negotiations failed, allegedly because the Taliban wanted too much money. [Source: The BBC, Dec. 4, 1997]

4. Feb. 12, 1998 - Unocal Vice President John J. Maresca -- later to become a special ambassador to Afghanistan -- testifies before the House that until a single, unified, friendly government is in place in Afghanistan, the trans-Afghani pipeline needed to monetize the oil will not be built. [Source: Testimony before the House International Relations Committee: http://www.house.gov/international_relations/105th/ap/wsap212982.htm]

5. August 1998 - After the U.S. cruise missile attacks on Al Qaeda targets in Afghanistan in retaliation for the African embassy bombings, Unocal officially withdraws from participation in the CentGas trans-Afghani gas pipeline project. [Various sources, Unocal]

6. 1998 - The CIA ignores warnings from Case Officer Robert Baer that Saudi Arabia was harboring an Al Qaeda cell led by two known terrorists. A more detailed list of known terrorists is offered to Saudi intelligence in August 2001 and refused. [Source: Financial Times Jan. 21, 2001; "See No Evil" by Robert Baer (release date February 2002)]

7. April 1999 - Enron with a $3 billion investment to build an electrical generating plant at Dabhol, India loses access to plentiful LNG supplies from Qatar to fuel the plant. Its only remaining option to make the investment profitable is a trans-Afghani gas pipeline to be built by Unocal from Turkmenistan that would terminate near the Indian border at the city of Multan. [Source: The Albion Monitor, Feb. 28, 2002]

8. July 4, 1999 - President Clinton signs Executive Order 13129, which freezes Taliban assets in the U.S. and prohibits trade between the Afghan fundamentalist regime and U.S. entities. [Source: Federal Register, Vol. 64, No. 129, July 7, 1999]

9. 1998 and 2000 - Former President George H.W. Bush travels to Saudi Arabia on behalf of the privately owned Carlyle Group, the 11th largest defense contractor in the U.S. While there he meets privately with the Saudi royal family and the bin Laden family. [Source: Wall Street Journal, Sept. 27, 2001. See also FTW, Vol. IV, No. 7 - "The Best Enemies Money Can Buy"

10. March 2000 - An FBI agent, reportedly angry over a glitch in Carnivore that has somehow mixed innocent non-targeted emails with those belonging to Al Qaeda, destroys all of the FBI's Denver-based intercepts of bin Laden's colleagues in a terrorist investigation. [Source: The Washington Post, May 29, 2002]

11. 2000 (est.) - The FBI refuses to disclose the date of an internal memo stating that a Middle Eastern nation had been trying to purchase a flight simulator. [Source: Los Angeles Times, May 30, 2002]

12. August 2000 -- Suspected Al Qaeda operatives wiretapped by Italian police made apparent references to plans for major attacks involving airports, airplanes and the United States according to transcripts obtained by the Los Angeles Times. The Times suggests that the information might not have been passed to U.S. authorities (hard to believe), but it did report that Italian authorities would not comment on the report. The Times also noted that "Italian and U.S. anti-terrorism experts cooperate closely." [Source: The Los Angeles Times, May 29, 2002]

13. Oct. 24-26, 2000 - Pentagon officials carry out a "detailed" emergency drill based upon the crashing of a hijacked airliner into the Pentagon. [Source: The Mirror, May 24, 2002]

14. January 2001 - The Bush Administration orders the FBI and intelligence agencies to "back off" investigations involving the bin Laden family, including two of Osama bin Laden's relatives (Abdullah and Omar) who were living in Falls Church, Va. -- right next to CIA headquarters. This followed previous orders dating back to 1996 that frustrated efforts to investigate the bin Laden family. [Source: BBC Newsnight, Correspondent Gregg Palast, Nov. 7, 2001]

15. Jan. 30, 2001 - Sept. 11 hijacker Ziad Jarrah was questioned in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). A number of UAE, Middle Eastern, European, and U.S. sources were cited in this CNN report, which said the CIA requested Jarrah be interrogated because he had been in Afghanistan and was suspected to have ties to terrorists. An unnamed CIA spokesman said the other sources' claims that the agency knew anything about Jarrah before Sept. 11 were "flatly untrue." Jarrah's Jan. 30 detainment at the airport in Dubai, UAE came six months after he took flying lessons in the U.S. Jarrah was released because "U.S. officials were satisfied," said the report. [Source: CNN, Aug. 1, 2002 http://www.cnn.com/2002/US/08/01/cia.hijacker/index.html]

16. Feb. 13, 2001 - UPI terrorism correspondent Richard Sale -- while covering a trial of bin Laden's Al Qaeda followers -- reports that the National Security Agency has broken bin Laden's encrypted communications. Even if this indicates that bin Laden changed systems in February, it does not mesh with the fact that the government insists that the attacks had been planned for years.

17. May 2001 - Secretary of State Colin Powell gives $43 million in aid to the Taliban regime, purportedly to assist hungry farmers who are starving since the destruction of their opium crop in January on orders of the Taliban regime. [Source: Los Angeles Times, May 22, 2001]

18. May 2001 - Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage, a career covert operative and former Navy Seal, travels to India on a publicized tour, while CIA Director George Tenet makes a quiet visit to Pakistan to meet with Pakistani leader Gen. Pervez Musharraf. Armitage has long and deep Pakistani intelligence connections. It would be reasonable to assume that while in Islamabad, Tenet, in what was described as "an unusually long meeting," also met with his Pakistani counterpart, Lt. Gen. Mahmud Ahmad, head of the ISI. [Source: The Indian SAPRA news agency, May 22, 2001]

19. June 2001 - German intelligence, the BND, warns the CIA and Israel that Middle Eastern terrorists are "planning to hijack commercial aircraft to use as weapons to attack important symbols of American and Israeli culture." [Source: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Sept. 14, 2001; See

20. June 8, 2001 - Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL) publishes a story headlined, "Central Asia: Charges Link Russian Military to Drug Trade." According to the article, figures for 1999 published in a report by the United Nations Drug Control Program (UNDCP) revealed that 80 percent of the heroin consumed in Western Europe originated in Afghanistan and Pakistan. The UNDCP report also revealed half of the drugs in that 80 percent traveled through Central Asia. A study by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace published in March 2000 said Russian soldiers headquartered in Tajikistan were suspected of helping drug traffickers by providing them with transportation facilities. This was confirmed by a Russian intelligence officer who told the Moscow News weekly, "You can come to an arrangement [with custom officials] so that the search of military transport planes remains purely formal. The same goes for train convoys carrying military cargo [to Russia from Tajikistan]." [Source: www.rferl.org/nca/features/2001/06/08062001111711.asp]

21. July 2001 - FBI agents in Arizona write a memorandum warning about suspicious activities involving a group of Middle Eastern men taking flight training lessons in Phoenix. The memorandum specifically mentions Osama bin Laden and warns of connections to terrorist activities. [Source: The New York Times, May 14, 2002]

22. summer 2001 - The National Security Council convenes a Dabhol working group as revealed in a series of government e-mails obtained by the Washington Post and the New York Daily News. [Source: The Albion Monitor, Feb. 28, 2002]

23. summer 2001 - According to a Sept. 26 story in Britain's The Guardian, correspondent David Leigh reported that "U.S. department of defense official, Dr. Jeffrey Starr, visited Tajikistan in January. The Guardian's Felicity Lawrence established that U.S. Rangers were also training special troops in Kyrgyzstan. There were unconfirmed reports that Tajik and Uzbek special troops were training in Alaska and Montana."

24. summer 2001 (est.) - Pakistani ISI Chief Gen. Ahmad (see above) orders an aide to wire transfer $100,000 to Mohammed Atta who was, according to the FBI, the lead terrorist in the suicide hijackings. Ahmad recently resigned after the transfer was disclosed in India and confirmed by the FBI. The individual who makes the wire transfer at Ahmad's direction is Ahmad Umar Sheik, the lead suspect in the kidnapping and murder of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl. [Source: The Times of India, Oct.11, 2001.]

25. summer 2001 - The online newswire online.ie reports on Sept. 14 that an Iranian man phones U.S. law enforcement to warn of an imminent attack on the WTC in the week of Sept. 9. German police confirm the calls but state that the U.S. Secret Service would not reveal any further information. [Source:
http://www.fromthewilderness.com/free/ww3/online_ie_story.html ]

26. summer 2001 - Jordanian intelligence, the GID, makes a communications intercept deemed so important that King Abdullah's men relay it to Washington, probably through the CIA station in Amman. To make doubly sure the message got through it was passed through an Arab intermediary to a German intelligence agent. The message: A major attack was planned inside the U.S., and aircraft would be used. The code name of the operation was "The Big Wedding." "When it became clear that the information was embarrassing to Bush Administration officials and congressmen who at first denied that there had been any such warnings before Sept. 11, senior Jordanian officials backed away from their earlier confirmations." This case was authenticated by ABC reporter John K. Cooley. [Source: International Herald Tribune (IHT), May 21, 2002]

27. summer 2001 (est.) - The National Security Agency intercepts telephone conversations between bin Laden aide Khalid Shaikh Mohammed and Mohammed Atta and does not share the information with any other agencies. [Source: Jonathan Landay, Knight Ridder Newspapers, June 6, 2002]

28. June 26, 2001 - The magazine indiareacts.com states that "India and Iran will 'facilitate' U.S. and Russian plans for 'limited military action' against the Taliban." The story indicates that the fighting will be done by U.S. and Russian troops with the help of Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. [Source: indiareacts.com, June 26, 2001]

29. summer 2001 - Russian intelligence notifies the CIA that 25 terrorist pilots have been specifically training for missions involving hijacked airliners. This is reported in the Russian press and news stories are translated for FTW by a retired CIA officer. (Note: The story currently on the Izvestia web site has been edited to delete a key paragraph.) [Source: Izvestia, Sept. 12, 2001,

30. July 4-14, 2001 - Osama bin Laden receives treatment for kidney disease at the American hospital in Dubai and meets with a CIA official, who returns to CIA headquarters on July 15. [Source: Le Figaro, Oct. 31, 2001]
http://www.fromthewilderness.com/free/ww3/Le Figaro_osama_dubai.html

31. July 15, 2001 - Members of the G8, meeting in Genoa, Italy, discuss the Taliban, pipelines, and the handing over of Osama bin Laden. According to Pakistani representative Ambassador Naiz Naik, the U.S. delegation, led by former Clinton Ambassador to Pakistan Tom Simmons warned of a "military option" if the Taliban did not change position. [Source: Jean-Charles Brisard and Guillaume Dasquie, "Bin Laden: La Verite Interdite," pp76-7. Thanks to Prof. Peter Dale Scott]

32. July 2001 - Immediately after the G8 Summit three American officials -- Tom Simmons (former U.S. ambassador to Pakistan), Karl Inderfurth (former assistant secretary of state for South Asian affairs) and Lee Coldren (former State Department expert on South Asia) -- meet with Pakistani and Russian intelligence officers in Berlin and tell them that the U.S. is planning military strikes against Afghanistan in October. A French book released in November, "Bin Laden - La Verite Interdite," discloses that Taliban representatives often sat in on the meetings. British papers confirm that the Pakistani ISI relayed the threats to the Taliban. [Source: The Guardian, Sept. 22, 2001; the BBC, Sept. 18, 2001; The Inter Press Service, Nov. 16, 2001; Alexander's Gas and Oil Connections, Feb. 21, 2002]

33. July 2001 - The G8 summit at Genoa, Italy is surrounded by anti-aircraft guns, and local airspace is closed off after Italian and Egyptian officials (including President Hosni Mubarak) warn American intelligence that airliners stuffed with explosives might be used to attack President Bush. U.S. officials state that the warnings were "unsubstantiated." (But I wonder if they would have taken away the anti-aircraft artillery?) [Source: Los Angeles Times, Sept. 27, 2001]

34. July 26, 2001 - CBS News reports that John Ashcroft has stopped flying commercial airlines due a threat assessment. Ashcroft told the press that he didn't know anything about what had caused it.

35. Aug. 2, 2001 - U.S. ambassador to Pakistan, Christine Rocca (a former CIA officer), meets in Islamabad with a Taliban ambassador and demands the extradition of bin Laden. This was the last known meeting on the subject. [Source: Brisard and Dasquie, p 79. Thanks to Prof. Peter Dale Scott]

36. August 2001 - The FBI arrests an Islamic militant linked to bin Laden in Boston. French intelligence sources confirm that the man is a key member of bin Laden's network and the FBI learns that he has been taking flying lessons. At the time of his arrest the man is in possession of technical information on Boeing aircraft and flight manuals. [Source: Reuters, Sept. 13, 2001]

37. Aug. 11 or 12, 2001 ‚ U.S. Navy Lt. Delmart "Mike" Vreeland, jailed in Toronto on U.S. fraud charges and claiming to be an officer with U.S. naval intelligence, writes details of the pending WTC attacks and seals them in an envelope, which he gives to Canadian authorities. [Source: The Toronto Star, Oct. 23, 2001; Toronto Superior Court Records]

38. August 2001 - As reported in the IHT both a French magazine (name not given) and a Moroccan newspaper simultaneously report that a Moroccan agent named Hassan Dabou had penetrated Al Qaeda to the point of getting close to bin Laden, who was "very disappointed" that the 1993 bombing had not toppled the WTC. Dabou was called to the U.S. after reporting this, which curtailed his ability to stay in touch with the organization and gather additional intelligence that might have prevented the attacks. Though not proved beyond a doubt, these stories have been met with a wall of silence. [The IHT, May 21, 2002]

39. August 2001 - Russian President Vladimir Putin orders Russian intelligence to warn the U.S. government "in the strongest possible terms" of imminent attacks on airports and government buildings. [Source: MSNBC interview with Putin, Sept. 15, 2001]

40. August 2001 - President Bush receives classified intelligence briefings at his Crawford, Texas ranch indicating that Osama bin Laden might be planning to hijack commercial airliners. [CBS News; CNN, May 15, 2002]

41. late-August 2001 - Prince Turki, the pro-U.S. head of Saudi intelligence (also known to be close to bin Laden), is replaced by his more neutral half-brother, Prince Nawwaf who is an ally of Crown Prince Abdullah. [Source: Saudi Arabian Information Resource, Aug. 31, 2001; http://www.saudinf.com/ - Thanks to Prof. Peter Dale Scott]

42. August/September 2001 - The Dow Jones Industrial Average drops nearly 900 points in the three weeks prior to the attack. A major stock market crash is imminent.

43. August/September 2001 - According to a detailed 13-page memo written by Minneapolis FBI legal officer Colleen Rowley, FBI headquarters ignores urgent, direct warnings from French intelligence services about pending attacks. In addition, a single Supervisory Special Agent (SSA) in Washington expends extra effort to thwart the field office's investigation of Zacarias Moussaoui, in one case rewriting Rowley's affidavit for a search warrant to search Moussaoui's laptop. Rowley's memo uses terms like "deliberately sabotage," "block," "integrity," "omitted," "downplayed," "glossed over," "mis-characterize," "improper political reasons, "deliberately thwarting," "deliberately further undercut," "suppressed," and "not completely honest." These are not terms describing negligent acts but rather, deliberate acts. FBI field agents desperately attempt to get action, but to no avail. One agent speculates that bin Laden might be planning to crash airliners into the WTC, while Rowley ironically noted that the SSA who had committed these deliberate actions had actually been promoted after Sept. 11. [Source: Associated Press, May 21, 2002]

44. Sept. 3-10, 2001 - MSNBC reports on Sept. 16 that a caller to a Cayman Islands radio talk show gave several warnings of an imminent attack on the U.S. by bin Laden in the week prior to 9-11.

45. early-September 2001 - An FBI internal document, based upon field notes from Minnesota field agents discloses that the agents had been investigating and had questioned the "20th hijacker," Zacarias Moussaoui. The field notes speculate that Moussaoui, who had been taking flight lessons, might crash an airliner into the WTC. Interestingly, the field agents' requests to obtain a search warrant for his personal computer were denied. French intelligence confirms to the FBI that Moussaoui has ties to terrorist groups and may have traveled to Afghanistan. The agents also had no knowledge of the Phoenix memo (See Item #1Cool. One news story states that agents were in "a frenzy," absolutely convinced that he was "going to do something with a plane." [Source: Newsweek, May 20, 2002 issue, story by Michael Isikoff].

46. Sept. 1-10 2001 - In an exercise, called Operation "Swift Sword" and planned for four years, 23,000 British troops are steaming toward Oman. Although the 9-11 attacks caused a hiccup in the deployment, the massive operation was implemented as planned. At the same time two U.S. carrier battle groups arrive on station in the Gulf of Arabia just off the Pakistani coast. Also at the same time, some 17,000 U.S. troops join more than 23,000 NATO troops in Egypt for Operation "Bright Star." All of these forces are in place before the first plane hits the WTC. [Sources: The Guardian; CNN; Fox; The Observer; International Law Professor Francis Boyle, the University of Illinois.]

47. Sept. 4-5, 2001 - A freshman at Brooklyn's New Utrecht High School who had recently emigrated from Pakistan reportedly predicts the destruction of the World Trade Center a week prior to the 9-11 attacks, according to the JournalNews newspaper in White Plains, N.Y. Citing "three police sources and a city official familiar with the investigation" as well as confirmation from the FBI that the bureau had received this information, the paper reported that in the midst of a heated class discussion the student pointed to the World Trade Center from a third story window and said, "Do you see those two buildings? They won't be standing there next week." New York City Board of Education spokeswoman Catie Marshall confirmed for the JournalNews "that school officials reported the matter to police within minutes of the Sept. 11 attack" and students told the paper that "FBI agents and NYPD detectives descended on the school on Sept. 13 to interrogate the student [who made the prediction] and others in his class," which was "an English class for Arab-American students." [Source: The JournalNews, Oct. 11, 2001, http://www.thejournalnews.com/newsroom/101101/11warumors.html]

48. Sept. 5, 2001 - "Five hundred websites -- many of them with an Arab or Muslim connection -- crash when an anti-terrorism taskforce raids InfoCom Corp. in Texas," reported Britain's the Guardian on Sept. 10, 2001. A taskforce of approximately 80 federal agents and officials from the FBI, Secret Service, INS, Customs, Bureau of Diplomatic Security, IRS, and Commerce Department occupied InfoCom's office building in the Dallas suburb of Richardson, Texas for four days, "copying every hard disc they could find." InfoCom hosts many websites for Middle Eastern clients and is located across the street from the Holy Land Foundation, a charitable organization which has been alleged to have connections with terrorist groups. InfoCom's vice president of marketing, Ghassan Elashi, is also the chairman of the Holy Land Foundation. [Source: The Guardian, Sept. 10, 2001, http://www.guardian.co.uk/elsewhere/journalist/story/0,7792,549590,00. html]

49. Sept. 7, 2001 - Florida Governor Jeb Bush signs a two-year emergency executive order (01-261) making new provisions for the Florida National Guard to assist law enforcement and emergency-management personnel in the event of large civil disturbances, disaster or acts of terrorism. [Source: State of Florida website listing of Governor's executive orders]

50. Sept. 6-7, 2001 - Put options (a speculation that the stock will go down) totaling 4,744 are purchased on United Air Lines stock, as opposed to only 396 call options (speculation that the stock will go up). This is a dramatic and abnormal increase in sales of put options. Many of the United puts are purchased through Deutschebank/A.B. Brown, a firm managed until 1998 by the current executive director of the CIA, A.B. "Buzzy" Krongard. [Source: The Herzliyya International Policy Institute for Counterterrorism (ICT), http://www.ict.org.il/, Sept. 21, 2001 (Note:The ICT article on possible terrorist insider trading appeared eight days *after* the 9/11 attacks.); The New York Times; The Wall Street Journal; The San Francisco Chronicle, Sept. 29, 2001]

51. Sept. 10, 2001 - Put options totaling 4,516 are purchased on American Airlines as compared to 748 call options. [Source: Herzliyya Institute - above]

52. Sept. 6-11, 2001 - No other airlines show any similar trading patterns to those experienced by United and American. The put option purchases on both airlines were 600 percent above normal. This at a time when Reuters (Sept. 10) issues a business report stating, "Airline stocks may be poised to take off."

53. Sept. 6-10, 2001 - Highly abnormal levels of put options are purchased in Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley, AXA Re(insurance) which owns 25 percent of American Airlines, and Munich Re. All of these companies are directly impacted by the Sept. 11 attacks. [Source: ICT, above;
FTW, Oct. 18, 2001, http://www.fromthewilderness.com/free/ww3/oct152001.html]

54. 2001-2002 - It has been documented that the CIA, the Israeli Mossad, and many other intelligence agencies monitor stock trading in real time using highly advanced programs reported to be descended from Promis software. This is to alert national intelligence services of just such kinds of attacks. Promis was reported as recently as June 2001 to be in Osama bin Laden's possession and, as a result of recent stories by Fox, both the FBI and the Justice Department have confirmed its use for U.S. intelligence gathering through at least summer 2002. This would confirm that CIA had additional advance warning of imminent attacks. [Sources: The Washington Times, June 15, 2001; Fox, Oct. 16, 2001;
FTW, Oct. 26, 2001, - http://www.fromthewilderness.com/free/ww3/11_19_01_magic_carpet.html
FTW, Vol. IV, No. 6, Sept. 18, 2001 - http://www.fromthewilderness.com/free/ww3/sept1801.html;
FTW, Vol. III, No. 7, Sept. 30, 2000 - http://www.fromthewilderness.com/free/pandora/052401_promis.html]

55. Sept. 9, 2001 - President George W. Bush is presented with detailed war plans to overthrow Al Qaeda, according to U.S. and foreign sources speaking to NBC News. [Source: MSNBC, May 16, 2002. Thanks to Prof. Peter Dale Scott]

56. Sept. 10, 2001 - This item has been removed solely at the request of the party previously named in this entry. Recent court proceedings – which occurred after the news story we had cited - have indicated that there was no connection between the story listed here, the person named therein and the attacks of 9-11-01. At the request of the previously named party, FTW has replaced the $1,000 reward with a $1,000 donation to The Childrens Defense Fund on behalf of the named party and the issue is now amicably resolved without any hard feelings between that party and FTW.

57. Sept. 10, 2001 - According to Newsweek, a group of top Pentagon officials suddenly cancelled travel plans for the next morning, apparently because of security concerns. [Source: Newsweek, Sept. 24, 2001]

58. Sept. 10, 2001 - The Houston Chronicle reports the FBI was notified of a fifth grader from a Dallas suburb who told his teacher, "Tomorrow, World War III will begin. It will begin in the United States, and the United States will lose." The Chronicle was unclear on specifically when Garland, Texas school district officials told the FBI about the incident, but it was some time between Sept. 13, 2001 and the story's publication date of Sept. 19, 2001. [Source: Houston Chronicle, Sept. 19, 2001 http://www.chron.com/cs/CDA/story.hts/metropolitan/1055222]

59. Sept. 10, 2001 - San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown receives a call from what he described as "his security people at the airport" eight hours before the terrorist attacks "advising him that Americans should be cautious about their air travel," as reported by the San Francisco Chronicle. Brown was scheduled to fly to New York from San Francisco International Airport. He told the Chronicle the call "didn't come in any alarming fashion, which is why I'm hesitant to make any alarming statement." [Source: San Francisco Chronicle, Sept. 12, 2001, http://www.sfgate.com/today/0912_chron_mnreport.shtml]

60. Sept. 11, 2001 - The National Reconnaissance Office (NRO), the federal agency that runs many of the nation's spy satellites, schedules an exercise involving a plane crashing into one of the agency's buildings. "On the morning of Sept. 11, 2001," according to a website advertising a homeland security conference in Chicago run by the National Law Enforcement and Security Institute, CIA official John Fulton and his team "were running a pre-planned simulation to explore the emergency response issues that would be created if a plane were to strike a building. Little did they know that the scenario would come true in a dramatic way." Fulton is the head of the NRO's strategic gaming division. [Source: National Law Enforcement and Security Institute, http://www.nlsi.net, http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/ap/20020821/ap_wo_en_ge  /us_sept_11_plane_exercise_1]

61. Sept. 11, 2001 - After the attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon occur, National Public Radio's congressional correspondent David Welna reports, "I spoke with congressman Ike Skelton, a Democrat from Missouri and a member of the Armed Services Committee, who said that just recently the director of the CIA warned that there could be an attack -- an imminent attack - on the United States of this nature. So this is not entirely unexpected." [Source: http://www.thememoryhole.org/updates.htm]

62. Sept. 11, 2001 - United Air Lines flight 23, scheduled to fly from New York City to Los Angeles was delayed after four Muslim passengers began demanding that the plane take off immediately. This happened apparently after the first plane had hit the WTC. The passengers were thrown off the flight. [Source: The Globe and Mail, June 13, 2002]

63. Sept. 11, 2001 - Gen. Mahmud of the ISI (see #16), friend of Mohammed Atta, is visiting Washington on behalf of the Taliban. He is meeting with the Chairmen of the House and Senate Intelligence Committees, Rep. Porter Goss, R-Fla., and Sen. Bob Graham, D-Fla., [Source: MSNBC, Oct. 7, 2001; The New York Times, Feb. 17, 2002]

64. Sept. 11, 2001 - Employees of Odigo, Inc. in Israel, one of the world's largest instant messaging companies with offices in New York, receive threat warnings of an imminent attack on the WTC less than two hours before the first plane hits. Law enforcement authorities have gone silent about any investigation of this. The Odigo research and development offices in Israel are located in the city of Herzliyya, a ritzy suburb of Tel Aviv that is the same location as the Institute for Counter Terrorism, which eight days later reports details of insider trading on 9-11. [Source: CNN's Daniel Sieberg, Sept. 28, 2001; MSNBC Newsbytes, Brian McWilliams, Sept. 27, 2001; Ha'aretz, Sept. 26, 2001]

65. Sept. 11, 2001 - For 50 minutes, from 8:15 AM until 9:05 AM, with it widely known within the FAA and the military that four planes have been simultaneously hijacked and taken off course, no one notifies the President of the United States. It is not until 9:30 that any Air Force planes are scrambled to intercept, but by then it is too late. This means that the National Command Authority waited for 75 minutes before scrambling aircraft, even though it was known that four simultaneous hijackings had occurred. [Source: CNN; ABC; MSNBC; Los Angeles Times; The New York Times; www.tenc.net]

66. Sept. 11-12, 2001 - Nearly a month before the first reported outbreak, White House officials start taking the powerful antibiotic Cipro to treat anthrax. By the end of the year it will be known that the Ames strain of anthrax used in the attacks against Sens. Leahy and Daschle was produced by CIA programs coordinated through Fort Detrick, the Batelle Memorial Institute and the Dugway Proving Ground. [Source: NBC; CNN; www.tetrahedron.org, www.judicialwatch.org]

67. Sept. 13, 2001 - China is admitted to the World Trade Organization quickly, after years of unsuccessful attempts. [Source: The New York Times, Sept. 30, 2001]

68. Sept. 14, 2001 - Canadian jailers open the sealed envelope from Mike Vreeland in Toronto and see that is describes attacks against the WTC and Pentagon. The U.S. Navy subsequently states that Vreeland was discharged as a seaman in 1986 for unsatisfactory performance and has never worked in intelligence. [Source: The Toronto Star, Oct. 23, 2001; Toronto Superior Court records]

69. Sept. 15, 2001 - The New York Times reports that Mayo Shattuck III has resigned, effective immediately, as head of the Alex Brown (A.B.) unit of Deutschebank.

70. Sept. 29, 2001 - The San Francisco Chronicle reports that $2.5 million in put options on American and United airlines are unclaimed. This is likely the result of the suspension in trading on the New York Stock Exchange after the attacks, which gave the Securities and Exchange Commission time to be waiting when the owners showed up to redeem their put options.

71. Oct. 10, 2001 - The Pakistani newspaper The Frontier Post reports that U.S. Ambassador Wendy Chamberlain has paid a call on the Pakistani oil minister. A previously abandoned Unocal gas pipeline project from Turkmenistan, across Afghanistan, to Pakistan is now back on the table "in view of recent geopolitical developments."

72. Oct. 11, 2001 - The Ashcroft Justice Department takes over all terrorist prosecutions from the U.S. Attorneys office in New York, which has had a highly successful track record in prosecuting terrorist cases connected to Osama bin Laden. [Source: The New York Times, Oct. 11, 2001]

73. mid-October 2001 - The Dow Jones Industrial Average, after having suffered a precipitous drop has recovered most of its pre-attack losses. Although still weak and vulnerable to negative earnings reports, a crash has been averted by a massive infusion of government spending on defense programs, subsidies for "affected" industries and planned tax cuts for corporations.

74. Oct. 29, 2001 - The Bush Administration drafts "an executive order that would usher in a new era of secrecy for presidential records and allow an incumbent president to withhold a former president's papers even if the former president wanted to make them public," wrote the Washington Post. The order also required members of the public to prove "at least a demonstrated, specific need'" for a president's papers to be released. Critics contend this would overturn the 1978 Presidential Records Act, which releases documents after 12 years. The White House maintained that a Supreme Court decision in 1977 allows presidents various privileges for their records. [Source: Washington Post, Nov. 1, 2001, http://washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn/A20731-2001Oct31?language=printer  ]

75. Nov. 21, 2001 - The British paper The Independent runs a story headlined, "Opium Farmers Rejoice at the Defeat of the Taliban." The story reports that massive opium planting is underway all over the country.

76. Nov. 25, 2001 - The Observer runs a story headlined "Victorious Warlords Set To Open the Opium Floodgates." It states that farmers are being encouraged by warlords allied with the victorious Americans are "being encouraged to plant as much opium as possible."

77. Dec. 4, 2001 - Convicted drug lord and opium kingpin Ayub Afridi is recruited by the U.S. government to help establish control in Afghanistan by unifying various Pashtun warlords. The former opium smuggler who was one of the CIA's leading assets in the war against the Russians is released from prison in order to do this. [Source: The Asia Times Online, Dec. 4, 2001]

78. Dec. 25, 2001 - Newly appointed Afghani Prime Minister Hamid Karzai is revealed as being a former paid consultant for Unocal. [Source: Le Monde]

79. Jan. 3, 2002 - President Bush appoints Zalmy Khalilzad as a special envoy to Afghanistan. Khalilzad, a former employee of Unocal, also wrote op-eds in the Washington Post in 1997 supporting the Taliban regime. [Source: Pravda, Jan. 9, 2002]

80. Jan. 4, 2002 - Florida drug trafficking explodes after 9-11. In a surge of trafficking reminiscent of the 1980s the diversion of resources away from drug enforcement has opened the floodgates for a new surge of cocaine and heroin from South America. [The Christian Science Monitor, Jan. 4, 2002]

81. Jan. 10, 2002 - In a call from a speaker phone in open court, attorneys for Mike Vreeland call the Pentagon's switchboard operator, who confirms that Vreeland is indeed a naval lieutenant on active duty. She provides an office number and a direct dial phone extension to his office in the Pentagon. [Source: Attorney Rocco Galati; Toronto Superior Court records]

82. Jan. 10, 2002 - Attorney General John Ashcroft recuses himself from the Enron investigation because Enron had been a major campaign donor in his 2000 Senate race. He fails to recuse himself from involvement in two sitting federal grand juries investigating bribery and corruption charges against ExxonMobil and BP Amoco, which have massive oil interests in Central Asia. Both were major Ashcroft donors in 2000. [Source: CNN, Jan. 10, 2002; FTW, "The Elephant in the Living Room, Part I," April 4, 2002,

83. Jan. 23, 2002 - Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl is kidnapped in Pakistan. Pearl is reported dead on Feb. 21. Lead suspect Ahmad Umar Sheik, former colleague of Gen. Ahmad, is arrested on Feb. 12 and named as the lead suspect in the kidnapping and murder. Legal sources close to the Pakistani government tell FTW that Pearl was investigating the ISI. [Source: CNN.com]

84. Feb. 9, 2002 - Pakistani leader Gen. Musharraf and Afghan leader Hamid Karzai announce their agreement to "cooperate in all spheres of activity," including the proposed Central Asian pipeline. Pakistan will give $10 million to Afghanistan to help pay Afghan government workers. [Source: The Irish Times, Feb. 9, 2002]

85. Feb. 18, 2002 - The Financial Times reports that the estimated opium harvest in Afghanistan in the late-spring 2002 will reach a world record 4,500 metric tons.

86. mid-April, 2002 - World Bank chief James Wolfensohn, at the opening of the World Bank's offices in Kabul, states he has held talks about financing the Trans-Afghanistan gas pipeline. He confirms $100 million in new grants for the interim Afghani government. Wolfensohn also states that a number of companies have already expressed interest in the project. [Source: Alexander's Gas and oil Connections, citing an Agence France-Presse story]

87. May 13, 2002 - The BBC reports that Afghanistan is about to close a deal for construction of the $2 billion gas pipeline to run from Turkmenistan to Pakistan and India. The story states, "work on the project will start after an agreement is expected to be struck" at a summit scheduled for the end of the month. Unocal will build the pipeline. [Source: BBC, May 13, 2002]

88. May 2002 - A number of sources report progress on both oil and gas pipelines. Regional sources state that Unocal will re-emerge as a pipeline contender after withdrawing from the CentGas pipeline project in 1998. Unocal denies plans to revive the gas pipeline but curiously neglects to mention whether or not it has any interest in the oil pipeline, which local sources say is moving ahead. [Source: The Dawn Group of Newspapers, May 7, May 17, May 22, 2002]

89. May 30, 2002 - Afghanistan's interim leader, Hamid Karzai, Turkmenistan's President Niyazov, and Pakistani President Musharraf meet in Islamabad to sign a memorandum of understanding on the trans-Afghanistan gas pipeline project. The three leaders will meet for more talks on the project in October. The Turkmen-Afghan-Pakistani gas pipeline accord has been published and can be viewed at the following website: http://www.gasandoil.com/goc/news/nts22622.htm. [Source: NewsBase, June 5, 2002]

90. May 16, 2002 - White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer states unequivocally that while President Bush had been warned of possible hijackings, "The president did not -- not -- receive information about the use of airplanes as missiles by suicide bombers." [Source: CBS News, May 15, 2002]

91. May 19, 2002 - Former FBI Agent Tyrone Powers, now a professor at Anne Arundel Community College states on radio station KISS 98.7 that he has credible evidence suggesting that the Bush Administration did in fact allow the Sept. 11 attacks to further a hidden agenda. [Source: http://www.indymedia.org - May 20, 2002]

92. May 31, 2002 - FBI Agent Robert Wright delivers a tearful press conference at the National Press Club describing his lawsuit against the FBI for deliberately curtailing investigations that might have prevented the 9-11 attacks. He uses words like "prevented," "thwarted," "obstructed," "threatened," "intimidated," and "retaliation" to describe the actions of his superiors in blocking his attempts to shut off money flows to Al Qaeda and other terrorist groups. These are not words of negligence. They are words describing deliberate and malicious actions. [Source: C-SPAN website]

93. June 4, 2002 - Air Force Lt. Col. Steve Butler, who had called President Bush a joke and accused him of allowing the Sept. 11 attacks to happen, is suspended from his post at the Defense Language School in Monterey, Calif. and could face a court martial. [Source: Associated Press, June 4, 2002]

94. June 14, 2002 - Common Dreams website publishes an account from a former member of the 1/118th Infantry Battalion of the South Carolina National Guard: "My unit reported for drill in July 2001 and we were suddenly and unexpectedly informed that all activities planned for the next two months would be suspended in order to prepare for a mobilization exercise to be held on Sept. 14, 2001. We worked diligently for two weekends and even came in on an unscheduled day in August to prepare for the exercise. By the end of August all we needed was a phone call, which we were to expect, and we could hop into a fully prepared convoy with our bags and equipment packed." [Source: Common Dreams, http://www.commondreams.org/views02/0614-02.htm]

95. June 17, 2002 - Reuters reports that Butler's case has been resolved without the necessity of a court martial. (I guess so. There's enough material here to prove him right. -- MCR) [Reuters, June 17, 2002]

96. July 2, 2002 - Motions from Zacarias Moussaoui are unsealed in federal court, indicating that Moussaoui wants to testify before both a grand jury and Congress about the Sept. 11 attacks. Moussaoui claims to have information showing that the U.S. government wanted the attacks to happen. [Source: The Washington Post, July 3, 2002]

97. July 3, 2002 - The first-ever shipment of Russian oil, 200,000 metric tons, arrives in Houston. [Source: The Moscow Times, July 6, 2002].

98. July 6, 2002 - Afghan Vice President Hajji Abdul Qadir is assassinated by Afghan warlords. The New York Times reports that Qadir may have been assassinated by opium warlords upset by Qadir's efforts to reduce the rampant opium farming and processing that has taken place since the U.S. occupation. Qadir had been overseeing a Western-backed eradication program, according to the Times. However, the opium warlords of the region are same ones sponsored, protected, and in some cases released from prison by the CIA and who have been protected by President Bush's special envoy, Zalmay Khalilzad. It is reported that the raw opium is being refined near U.S. bases at Kandahar. [Sources: The New York Times, July 8, 2002; Far Eastern Economic Review, April 18, 2002]

99. July 26, 2002 - White House security prevented the legal watch-group Judicial Watch from serving Vice President Cheney with a lawsuit filed on behalf of Halliburton shareholders. Before becoming vice president Cheney was CEO of Halliburton, which has filed for bankruptcy. [Source: Cybercast News Service, cnsnews.com]

100. Aug. 2, 2002 - The FBI asked members of the House and Senate intelligence committees to take lie-detector tests as investigators try to determine who leaked information to CNN about communications in Arabic that made vague references to an impending attack on the United States. The communications were intercepted by the National Security Agency on Sept. 10 but weren't translated until Sept. 12. [Source: Associated Press story published in the Boston Globe, Aug. 2, 2002, http://www.truthout.org/docs_02/08.03A.fbi.lie.det.p.htm]

101. Aug. 5, 2002 - The Associated Press reported Russia's major role over the last five years in the trafficking of Afghan heroin into Europe. [Source: Santa Fe New Mexican, Aug. 5, 2002, www.sfnewmexican.com]

102. Aug. 16, 2002 - A Knight Ridder story discloses that members of Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld's staff have created a special planning unit for an invasion of Iraq. The unit is composed primarily of civilians and was spearheaded by conservative members of Rumsfeld's staff, such as Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz. The story was headlined, "White House Methodically Preparing for Iraq Campaign." [Source: Knight Ridder Newspapers, www.truthout.org/docs 02/08.17B.wh.prep.irq.p.htm]

103. Aug. 28, 2002 - The Globe and Mail of Canada reports Afghanistan will become the world's top producer of opium this year, surpassing Southeast Asia. [Source: the Globe and Mail, Aug. 28, 2002]

Now, let's go back to the Oct. 31 story by Le Figaro -- the one that has Osama bin Laden meeting with a CIA officer in Dubai in July 2001.

The story says, "Throughout his stay in the hospital, Osama Bin Laden received visits from many family members [There goes the story that he's a black sheep! --MCR] and Saudi Arabian Emirate personalities of status. During this time the local representative of the CIA was seen by many people taking the elevator and going to bin Laden's room.

"Several days later the CIA officer bragged to his friends about having visited the Saudi millionaire. From authoritative sources, this CIA agent visited CIA headquarters on July 15, the day after bin Laden's departure for Quetta.

"According to various Arab diplomatic sources and French intelligence itself, precise information was communicated to the CIA concerning terrorist attacks aimed at American interests in the world, including its own territory.

"Extremely bothered, they [American intelligence officers in a meeting with French intelligence officers] requested from their French peers exact details about the Algerian activists [connected to bin Laden through Dubai banking institutions], without explaining the exact nature of their inquiry. When asked the question, What do you fear in the coming days?' the Americans responded with incomprehensible silence.

"On further investigation, the FBI discovered certain plans that had been put together between the CIA and its 'Islamic friends' over the years. The meeting in Dubai is, so it would seem, consistent with 'a certain American policy.'"

Even though Le Figaro reported that it had confirmed with hospital staff that bin Laden had been there as reported, stories printed on Nov. 1 contained quotes from hospital staff that these reports were untrue. On Nov. 1, as reported by the Ananova press agency, the CIA flatly denied that any meeting between any CIA personnel and Osama bin Laden at any time

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PostPosted: Sun May 21, 2006 5:09 pm    Post subject: On 9/10 Osama Bin Laden Was In Pakistani Military Hospital Reply with quote

Rawalpindi is world famous because of:

1. a US TV report.

A CBS Report on US TV by Dan Rather and Barry Petersen, 28 Jan 2002, suggested that Osama bin Laden was in a Pakistani Military hospital in Rawalpindi on 10th September 2001, the day before the Attacks on America.

The Pakistani military HQ in Rawalpindi is used by resident US military and intelligence advisers, who routinely report to Washington.

If this report is correct, this suggests that the whereabouts of Osama bin Laden on September 11 were known to the Bush Administration. .

"CBS News has been told that the night before the September 11 terrorist attack, Osama bin Laden was in Pakistan.

"He was getting medical treatment with the support of the very military that days later pledged its backing for the U.S. war on terror in Afghanistan.

"Pakistan intelligence sources tell CBS News that bin Laden was spirited into this military hospital in Rawalpindi for kidney dialysis treatment.

"On that night, says this medical worker who wanted her identity protected, they moved out all the regular staff in the urology department and sent in a secret team to replace them.

"She says it was treatment for a very special person. The special team was obviously up to no good. 'The military had him surrounded,' says this hospital employee who also wanted his identity masked, 'and I saw the mysterious patient helped out of a car.'

"'Since that time,' he says, 'I have seen many pictures of the man. He is the man we know as Osama bin Laden. I also heard two army officers talking to each other. They were saying that Osama bin Laden had to be watched carefully and looked after.'

"Those who know bin Laden say he suffers from numerous ailments, back and stomach problems.

"Ahmed Rashid, who has written extensively on the Taliban, says the military was often there to help before 9/11.....

"PETERSEN (on camera): 'Doctors at the hospital told CBS News there was nothing special about that night, but they refused our request to see any records. Government officials tonight denied that bin Laden had any medical treatment on that night.
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PostPosted: Sun May 21, 2006 8:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Nov. 2, 2001, 12:00 PST -- On Oct. 31 the French daily Le Figaro dropped a bombshell. While in a Dubai hospital receiving treatment for a chronic kidney infection last July, Osama bin Laden met with a top CIA official -- presumably the chief of station. The meeting, held in bin Laden's private suite, took place at the American hospital in Dubai at a time when he was a wanted fugitive for the bombings of two U.S. embassies and last year's attack on the USS Cole. Bin Laden was eligible for execution according to a 2000 intelligence finding issued by President Bill Clinton before leaving office in January. Yet on July 14, 2001 he was allowed to leave Dubai on a private jet, and there were no Navy fighters waiting to force him down.
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 8:53 pm    Post subject: Guardian - Bin Laden probably in U.S. or dead Reply with quote

Dead or alive, on his 50th birthday ghost of the Hindu Kush haunts US


CIA think they know where Osama bin Laden is. So do local tribesmen - hiding in the White House

Declan Walsh in Islamabad
Saturday March 10, 2007
The Guardian

Osama bin Laden marks his 50th birthday today, most likely at a hideout in the tribal lands straddling Pakistan and Afghanistan. It's tempting to imagine the grey-bearded jihadi hunched over a cake with burning candles inside a cave, smiling henchmen gathered behind him.

In reality it's not likely to be much of a bash. Birthday parties are frowned upon by Wahhabi puritans such as the al-Qaida leader, who consider such celebrations a vulgar western import. But as he passes another milestone he at least has reason to enjoy a quiet smile.

Six years after 9/11, Bin Laden is maddeningly out of reach. Despite the world's largest manhunt and a $25m bounty he remains at large, the Scarlet Pimpernel of jihad. A powerful myth has swelled around him - the tall, stern-faced Saudi-born militant has become the ghost of the Hindu Kush, variously reported dead or alive at different points inside the epic mountain range. The Pakistani army thought it had him cornered in a village in the lawless North Waziristan tribal agency in 2003. A year later the Spanish newspaper El Mundo claimed to have located him inside a Muslim enclave of western China. After the mammoth earthquake that devastated northern Pakistan, Senator Harry Reid from Nevada announced that Bin Laden had perished under the rubble.

At about the same time a discreet team of American investigators arrived in Chitral, a quiet mountain retreat to the north, where they believed they had picked up the trail. Shortly afterwards angry local clerics blew their cover and they left.

Bin Laden's kidney problems have been the subject of intense speculation. Some watchers claim he is dependent on dialysis; others say this is nonsense. Last September a French regional paper, L'Est Republicain, quoting a French intelligence report picked up at a cocktail party in Pakistan, claimed he had died of typhoid in the tribal belt.

America's spies are convinced OBL, as they call him, is hiding in Pakistan's tribal belt. "To the best of our knowledge the senior leadership, number one and two, are there," said Admiral Mike McConnell, the new director of national intelligence, last week. Based on this the CIA is sending fresh operatives to trap him, ABC News reported last Tuesday.

But if the Americans think he is in the border areas, the tribesmen who live there think the opposite. Across the border in Afghanistan the belief that Bin Laden has already been caught by America - and is even hidden inside the White House - is remarkably common. "Many, many people believe such stories," said Sarah Chayes, a writer who lives in Kandahar. If America really has such strong soldiers and intrusive satellites, they conclude, Bin Laden must already be in the bag.

Most Afghans have little time for the man who sparked an invasion of their country in 2001. Nine out of 10 people view him negatively, according to a recent poll. But elsewhere in the Muslim world he is a man to be greatly admired.

"Osama is a hero," said Kamran Ali, a 23-year-old call centre operator in Islamabad. "Americans have done many bad things against Muslims. Osama stands up to them." Like many Pakistanis he discounted suggestions that Bin Laden was linked to the World Trade Centre attacks. "There's no proof of that," he said.

That sentiment is echoed across the Muslim world, said Abdel Bari Atwan, editor of the London-based al-Quds al-Arabi newspaper. But, he stressed, support for Bin Laden does not equate to a vote for terrorism.

"When people in Palestine voted for Hamas it was not for radicalism, they voted against corruption. This is the same. Because people hate American foreign policy and corrupt Arab dictatorships they have some sympathy for al-Qaida and Osama bin Laden. It doesn't mean they approve of al-Qaida's actions or September 11," he said.

Could Bin Laden be dead? Mullah Dadullah, a peglegged Taliban commander with a reputation for ruthlessness, claims to be in touch. "We exchange messages to share plans," he said in one of two recent interviews. "It's very hard for anyone to see Bin Laden himself now but we know he's still alive. He's not yet martyred."

The Emir, as Bin Laden is known to followers, is becoming increasingly bold. As-Sahab, the al-Qaida video production house, released more than 20 audio and videotapes from Bin Laden and his number two, Ayman al-Zawahiri, in 2006.

The messages are often long-winded and convoluted. Most of the time Bin Laden employs silence much more effectively, said Michael Scheuer, former head of the CIA's Bin Laden unit. "It suggests they are ready to attack again. It is a tremendously powerful and sophisticated approach," he said.

Meanwhile, in the mountain forests and remote valleys of the tribal belt, the hunt continues. The chase is remarkably similar to one that took place 70 years ago, in the twilight of the British empire. The story may give lessons, but not much heart, to the slippery jihadi's American pursuers.

In the 1930s and 40s the Faqir of Ipi, a proud and charismatic tribesman, led his own jihad against British forces in Waziristan, the same area now regularly touted as a possible Bin Laden hideout. The British tried to flush the faqir from his mountain cave hideout with the latest military technology of the time, RAF warplanes. At one point nearly 40,000 British and Indian troops were reportedly on his tail.

But the hunt failed and in 1947 the British abandoned Waziristan at the partition of India. The faqir, whose real name was Mirza Ali Khan, lived into peaceful retirement. He died 13 years later, by which time he had earned a nickname in the British press: the Scarlet Pimpernel of Waziristan.

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 9:12 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The messages are often long-winded and convoluted. Most of the time Bin Laden employs silence much more effectively, said Michael Scheuer, former head of the CIA's Bin Laden unit. "It suggests they are ready to attack again. It is a tremendously powerful and sophisticated approach," he said.

...Just proves that the US do not want OBL. He serves as a nice scape goat / Patsy for their false flag operations. In fact they have probably already provided him with a state of art dialasis machine and well qualified doctors.... Just so long as he stay's out of sight!
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 1:27 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Blimey! That isnt what it said ont the little msn news link i found (what a shocker Wink ) here it is (and isnt it a great big pile of nonsense)

great article by the way, real reporting without political overtones... everything i read these days seems to have some agenda im sick off it! straightforward stating of the facts doesnt make me feel like someones trying to nudge my veiwpoints one way or another... keep it up!
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 7:57 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Whilst in agreement with Afghanis on this one I think the location may be wrong...

Bin Laden is either in Hollywood film studios or in the Emir of Qatars Arab CNN-Al Jazeera.

This is the station that has exclusive copyright to his videos and as the headquarters of the US military mission is based there as well its logical to assume they are supplying the tapes...
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 6:28 pm    Post subject: The hunt for red herring Reply with quote

(An updated excerpt from: Common Sense: A Study of the Bushes, the CIA, and the Suspicions regarding 9/11 by Kenyon Gibson, © 2003)

On September 11, 2001 America’s leaders immediately rallied the public in support of a global search for Osama bin Laden, a man with whom they themselves had dealt with extensively, but who they then claimed was hiding in a cave in Afghanistan. One of the first reactions on the part of many people was that they were not going to find him. Six years on, after examining everyone with a beard and then killing many of them, along with some of their wives and daughters, bin Laden has not been taken by the crusaders.
The prescient attitude taken by those who had seen the pattern of war against “Goldstein” was not entirely genius; it was only obvious that if he were captured, that would be that, and Bush would have to deal with other issues such as the economy. Further, many didn’t believe that bin Laden orchestrated the attacks; he may have played some parts as directed, but it was a stretch all along to blame this entirely on him. He denied responsibility for them soon after , and in October of 2001 he had visitors on a high budget seek-and-destroy mission. They claim to have sought, but they did not find, and the attention span of the audience shifted. Filmmaker Spike Lee noted this, commenting: “For one minute, on 12 September, he was the most hunted man on the face of the planet. And now he has gone off into the foggy whatever.”
The foggy whatever is the space which bin Laden seems to inhabit, and previous attempts to catch him were, well, previous attempts to catch him were simply not made, as on three occasions when spies reported on his whereabouts and President Clinton approved an attack, only to have the CIA Director disapprove. On the Fourth of July, 2001, bin Laden was spotted in Dubai, having dropped in for kidney treatment at the American Hospital / / ; Tommy Franks, the American general in charge of the manhunt, spelled it out: “the goal has never been to get bin Laden.”
Perhaps that might have been made clear to British tourists Alan and Cindy Thompson, who ended up in the town of Zhob, Pakistan, after making an unexpected detour in 1998. They stayed there overnight, but left quickly the next day, as they discovered that bin Laden was in town. This alarmed them, and they discussed their surprise with American aid workers who told them of a similar experience in Kandahar, Afghanistan, where they had to move as their offices were right next door to bin Laden. The Thompsons dutifully reported their discovery, but were ignored by the FBI, the same agency that stonewalled its own agents in the US. Cindy states:

We were gobsmacked. We found it incredible that we were offering to give firsthand true information about the most wanted man in the world and the US embassy couldn’t even be bothered to get off their butts…it is about time that this story is told to the world to let the people know the truth…the hunt for bin Laden is a farce.

One person who, like a number of fortunate New Yorkers, ended up not going to work on the day of the attacks was Jesse Sirrs, an American intelligence analyst; ironically she had been invited to the Pentagon to discuss Afghanistan with a former colleague, but, having to attend to her nine-month-old daughter, she did not go in. Sirrs, a graduate of the Georgetown School of Foreign Service, was a specialist in Afghan affairs, and had been hired by the Defense Intelligence Agency which had made use of her extensive knowledge, including her command of Pashto and Farsi. She was highly regarded in her job, where she was noted for the ability to slip in and out of Afghanistan dressed as a native. In such a disguise, she was to get a glimpse of what happens to those whose disguise fails; as she was leaving Kabul the bodies of three suspected spies dangled from the ends of ropes for all to see and take heed. Unfazed, however, she continued her escapades, while wondering why the CIA was not sending in operatives, an oversight which she said seemed ludicrous. The failure of the CIA to catch, or even to attempt to catch bin Laden, bothered her, especially after the attacks on two of her nation’s embassies in Africa.
In October of 1998 she was able to manage another dangerous mission, which she accomplished using her own vacation days. She was able to meet Ahmed Shah Massoud, then leader of the Northern Alliance, the enemy of the Taliban. At that time, Unocal, a US based energy company, was courting the Taliban to build a massive pipeline; Unocal and a partner, Delta Oil, had promised the Taliban $100m in fees.
Sirrs had gone where no man from her agency had dared to go, and in her two- week operation had gathered a wealth of information including maps and photographs. Her quest to avenge the deaths of US embassy workers and make the world safer by getting rid of bin Laden was set to bear fruit.
However, the story takes an absurd twist; rather than being treated with respect on her return to work in the US, her badge was confiscated, she was barred from the building, and her evidence was taken away. Gail Sheehy, reporting on this strange incident for the New York Observer, quotes a senior colleague:

She had gotten the proper clearances to go, and she came back with valuable information, but her trip had caused a serious row involving several government agencies. The undersecretary of state and the CIA had been exchanging high-level messages. They were so intent on getting rid of her, the last thing they wanted to pay attention to was any information she had. Everybody was quick to turn on her.

Sirrs herself commented:

To be treated like I had done something wrong when I thought I was just doing my job was pretty shocking. The DIA gave me a list of charges, including going against the wishes of my husband. The charges tried to make me look like Mata Hari, having a crush on the Afghan resistance fighters – it was extremely insulting. They were playing like the Taliban.

None of this seems to make sense; bin Laden is still at large, and the people who we know had contacts with him and supported him are using his name to make money. Gen Franks was certainly not wrong when he said the goal was not to get bin Laden. Some people, however, might like to know just what the goal is; they might just have to ask Emmanuel Goldstein.

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 6:30 pm    Post subject: The hunt for red herring Reply with quote

(An updated excerpt from: Common Sense: A Study of the Bushes, the CIA, and the Suspicions regarding 9/11 by Kenyon Gibson, © 2003)

On September 11, 2001 America’s leaders immediately rallied the public in support of a global search for Osama bin Laden, a man with whom they themselves had dealt with extensively, but who they then claimed was hiding in a cave in Afghanistan. One of the first reactions on the part of many people was that they were not going to find him. Six years on, after examining everyone with a beard and then killing many of them, along with some of their wives and daughters, bin Laden has not been taken by the crusaders.
The prescient attitude taken by those who had seen the pattern of war against “Goldstein” was not entirely genius; it was only obvious that if he were captured, that would be that, and Bush would have to deal with other issues such as the economy. Further, many didn’t believe that bin Laden orchestrated the attacks; he may have played some parts as directed, but it was a stretch all along to blame this entirely on him. He denied responsibility for them soon after , and in October of 2001 he had visitors on a high budget seek-and-destroy mission. They claim to have sought, but they did not find, and the attention span of the audience shifted. Filmmaker Spike Lee noted this, commenting: “For one minute, on 12 September, he was the most hunted man on the face of the planet. And now he has gone off into the foggy whatever.”
The foggy whatever is the space which bin Laden seems to inhabit, and previous attempts to catch him were, well, previous attempts to catch him were simply not made, as on three occasions when spies reported on his whereabouts and President Clinton approved an attack, only to have the CIA Director disapprove. On the Fourth of July, 2001, bin Laden was spotted in Dubai, having dropped in for kidney treatment at the American Hospital / / ; Tommy Franks, the American general in charge of the manhunt, spelled it out: “the goal has never been to get bin Laden.”
Perhaps that might have been made clear to British tourists Alan and Cindy Thompson, who ended up in the town of Zhob, Pakistan, after making an unexpected detour in 1998. They stayed there overnight, but left quickly the next day, as they discovered that bin Laden was in town. This alarmed them, and they discussed their surprise with American aid workers who told them of a similar experience in Kandahar, Afghanistan, where they had to move as their offices were right next door to bin Laden. The Thompsons dutifully reported their discovery, but were ignored by the FBI, the same agency that stonewalled its own agents in the US. Cindy states:

We were gobsmacked. We found it incredible that we were offering to give firsthand true information about the most wanted man in the world and the US embassy couldn’t even be bothered to get off their butts…it is about time that this story is told to the world to let the people know the truth…the hunt for bin Laden is a farce.

One person who, like a number of fortunate New Yorkers, ended up not going to work on the day of the attacks was Jesse Sirrs, an American intelligence analyst; ironically she had been invited to the Pentagon to discuss Afghanistan with a former colleague, but, having to attend to her nine-month-old daughter, she did not go in. Sirrs, a graduate of the Georgetown School of Foreign Service, was a specialist in Afghan affairs, and had been hired by the Defense Intelligence Agency which had made use of her extensive knowledge, including her command of Pashto and Farsi. She was highly regarded in her job, where she was noted for the ability to slip in and out of Afghanistan dressed as a native. In such a disguise, she was to get a glimpse of what happens to those whose disguise fails; as she was leaving Kabul the bodies of three suspected spies dangled from the ends of ropes for all to see and take heed. Unfazed, however, she continued her escapades, while wondering why the CIA was not sending in operatives, an oversight which she said seemed ludicrous. The failure of the CIA to catch, or even to attempt to catch bin Laden, bothered her, especially after the attacks on two of her nation’s embassies in Africa.
In October of 1998 she was able to manage another dangerous mission, which she accomplished using her own vacation days. She was able to meet Ahmed Shah Massoud, then leader of the Northern Alliance, the enemy of the Taliban. At that time, Unocal, a US based energy company, was courting the Taliban to build a massive pipeline; Unocal and a partner, Delta Oil, had promised the Taliban $100m in fees.
Sirrs had gone where no man from her agency had dared to go, and in her two- week operation had gathered a wealth of information including maps and photographs. Her quest to avenge the deaths of US embassy workers and make the world safer by getting rid of bin Laden was set to bear fruit.
However, the story takes an absurd twist; rather than being treated with respect on her return to work in the US, her badge was confiscated, she was barred from the building, and her evidence was taken away. Gail Sheehy, reporting on this strange incident for the New York Observer, quotes a senior colleague:

She had gotten the proper clearances to go, and she came back with valuable information, but her trip had caused a serious row involving several government agencies. The undersecretary of state and the CIA had been exchanging high-level messages. They were so intent on getting rid of her, the last thing they wanted to pay attention to was any information she had. Everybody was quick to turn on her.

Sirrs herself commented:

To be treated like I had done something wrong when I thought I was just doing my job was pretty shocking. The DIA gave me a list of charges, including going against the wishes of my husband. The charges tried to make me look like Mata Hari, having a crush on the Afghan resistance fighters – it was extremely insulting. They were playing like the Taliban.

None of this seems to make sense; bin Laden is still at large, and the people who we know had contacts with him and supported him are using his name to make money. Gen Franks was certainly not wrong when he said the goal was not to get bin Laden. Some people, however, might like to know just what the goal is; they might just have to ask Emmanuel Goldstein.

The Hunt for Red Herring (with references)

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"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 6:09 pm    Post subject: Osama bin Laden is Either Dead or is Not Cooperating Anymore Reply with quote

Osama bin Laden is Either Dead or He is Not Cooperating Anymore

Osama bin Laden: “I was not involved in the September 11 attacks in the United States nor did I have knowledge of the attacks. There exists a government within a government within the United States. The United States should try to trace the perpetrators of these attacks within itself; to the people who want to make the present century a century of conflict between Islam and Christianity. That secret government must be asked as to who carried out the attacks. … The American system is totally in control of the Jews, whose first priority is Israel, not the United States.” Reference Link.

That comment was made during the first interview of Osama bin Laden after 9/11. Yes, I know, there are videos showing Osama discussing the 9/11 events that appear to confirm his involvement. “Appear” is the key word there. Let me tell you something…I was sitting with someone fully fluent in Arabic when they originally aired one of those videos (not the fake fat Osama) and the translation given to us on TV did not match his comments. What a surprise.

According to my translator, Osama was discussing the events as if he saw them on TV, not as if he ordered them. When he spoke about the fact that he did not think the towers would fall he was speaking as we all did that day. When we were watching the event or when we heard about the event at first we did not think the planes would take the towers down. Then again, neither Osama nor we knew at the time that the buildings were rigged to come down, as was WTC 7, a 47 story building that came down in seconds in a perfect controlled collapse even though it had not bee not hit.

When Osama mentioned on that first video that “the Atta group” was involved he was saying things like “they say” or “they are saying” as if he was commenting on what was being said by the media. The key phrases “they say” and “they are saying” were conveniently - and let me add intentionally - left out of the translation presented to the public.

On 9/11/2001, Osama bin Laden opted out. He was not about to be the latest Lee Harvey Oswald. We have not heard from or seen him since. In my opinion he has either been killed for the purpose of silencing him (just like Saddam) or he has died of other causes (bad health, running from his handlers who wanted to silence him.) Bush surely is not looking for him.

Remember, it was the Bush administration that halted the FBI bin Laden investigation prior to 9/11 (as a matter of fact it was one of the first things the Bush administration did when they entered office…and now we know why…not to allow him to conduct the events of 9/11 but to prevent the intelligence agencies from absolving him from the soon to be committed crimes), and since 9/11 they have shut down all operations designed to find him. They know he is dead…or maybe they are protecting their guy. Maybe they cut a deal with him. Maybe they gave him his life for a promise of silence. Whatever the reality , we know one thing for sure…the Bush administration has no interested in looking for him for ANY reason. It is part of the public record folks…they stopped looking both before and after 9/11. Really folks, what does that say to you? Wake up already.

Let us look at what has happened to Osama since 9/11. We don’t know. We have not seen him or heard from him once since he claimed that he was not involved. It is my guess that his involvement with the CIA ended when 9/11 took place. It is my opinion that he was clearly a patsy here. We all know that his power stemmed from the CIA/Carter administration creation of the Mujahadim during the Russian incursion into Afghanistan. We all know the bin Laden was trained and funded by the CIA. We all know that his little venture known as al Qaeda was created with the full assistance of elements within the government of the United States. These are the same elements that do not answer to our citizens, follow our laws, and operate outside the Constitutional apparatus known as checks and balances. These are the same elements that break international laws by helping to rig elections, train and fund terrorist rebels, provoke, support and carry out coups and assassinations of democratically elected world leaders including our own (JFK), and sell arms to our so called enemies, a la Ronald Reagan & George W. Bush senior during the Iran Contra scandal. Reference link.

It is my opinion that Osama wanted no part of 9/11, which clearly was going to place a huge target on Islam and Islamic people all over the world. 9/11 was the worst thing that happened to Islam in history. It turned the world against Islam. Do you really think Osama wanted that to happen? Realize the only benefits from the events of 9/11 were that the radicals in the White House, who had control of the skies that day got what they needed. What a coincidence. They got the new Pearl Harbor that they spoke of and wrote about and now they would suddenly be allowed to do everything they ever wanted to do! in Condoleezza Rice’s words, 9/11 was “an opportunity.” Do you think Osama wanted to give them an opportunity to “go medieval” on Islam?

It is high time that the American people realize that the real government, or I should say ruling body of the United States, operates outside the distraction we know as government. We have a so-called elected government to keep us quiet. It is there to keep us believing that we actually have some say in what goes on. But if you take a closer look at what is going on with our world you will realize that you would generally disapprove of every decision that is being made “in your name” by “your representatives” and “elected” officials. This ranges from handing our economic system over to private bankers to altering the genetic structure of your food supply to suppressing clean and free energy to starting and fueling wars to having a medial industry run by the people who make money if you remain sick. Fact is that your representative government does not represent you. Agendas are set, orders are given and laws are passed and you have no say whatsoever.

Osama bin Laden, like the US Government itself, is a prop. He is there to provide a plausible explanation for some of the actions that take place before our eyes. Yet, at closer look all the evidence is there. Reality is clear when you look behind the fog of the myths put forth by the establishment media, which at this point is nothing more than a PR firm for the real rulers of this nation. They rule from behind the scenes and they cloak themselves by creating a false reality using their mass media apparatus. The funny thing is that while their media tells you that you are looking at an apple, it is more than obvious than ever that the orange you are staring at is not the apple that they are telling you it is. All you have to do is look at it and think about it and admit it…then the game will be over. You will join the reality based world and you won’t fall for the lies put forth by the establishment media.

Osama bin Laden was not the perpetrator of 9/11 and that fact has been made clear by the the elements within our own government that have put forth, in desperation, one fake video or audio tape after another. These tapes are always timed to politically benefit the government officials with the closest and most loyal ties to the non-elected real bosses behind the scenes. Do the math people. It’s laughably obvious at this point. All you have to do is calm down, take some time…and look for yourself. Don’t listen to the the media telling you what you are supposed to see…just look and think for yourself. You don’t need to be told what you are seeing. The problem is that most people believe they are looking at an apple, even though they are looking at an orange. And they believe this because some authority figure told them to do so. Well assume the authority. Think for yourself. Then you will see the lies.

Let me ask you folks a question: Why is it that any time a celebrity sneaks out of the country to have a romantic meeting or secret wedding, the media is all over it. But when the yearly Bildererg meeting or the strange, sinister and rather disturbing gatherings at Bohemian Grove take place, the media cooperate and ignore the events? How is it that all the people who are accused by the so called crazy conspiracy theorists, get together in a secret and conspiratorial manner, and meet to discuss world agenda or to partake in rituals and activities the likes of which we saw in the movie Rosemary’s Baby, no press coverage is available. I’ll tell you why, because the people involved in these meetings control the media and they control our government.

The international bankers, Henry Kissinger, James Baker, the George Schultz, former US presidents, former heads of state from all over the world, all meet to take part in secret meetings and pagan rituals…and you call people like me crazy for daring to point this stuff out? Who is crazy? It’s not me. It’s not a myth…it’s documented. It’s photographed (to some extent) and nobody denies it. So why is it not believed when people like me point it out? I’ll tell you why…because nobody believes anything unless it is on TV…that’s why we need to take the criminals off the air and replace them with a real news media! We don’t need media reform…we need media replacement!

For the record, the corporate heads of the mass media show up at these secret disturbing events too. Small wonder. Reference Link

So get it through your head, the world is not what it appears to be on TV. Osama did not deliver 9/11, and if he was involved it was at the behest of people, American people, right here in the good old US. It was at the behest of people who were in a position to stand down NORAD and bring down WTC Building 7 while keeping its destruction and reconstruction out of the public conscience (yes, WTC 7, a 50 plus story building has been rebuilt already…with no fanfare or press conference…even on the anniversary of 9/11…I wonder why?)

By the way…these criminals who have hijacked our nation get away with it for one reason…our so called journalists are traitors. May I suggest we treat them as such. Then perhaps we can truly be free. But as long as the media are out of the control of the citizens, the criminals will thrive and remain hidden from view. Think about it!

"The people will believe what the media tells them they believe." George Orwell
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Mark Gobell
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 9:24 pm    Post subject: Finding Bin Laden Reply with quote


One of the most important political questions of our time is: Where is Osama bin Laden?

We use biogeographic theories associated with the distribution of life and extinction (distance-decay theory, island biogeography theory, and life history characteristics) and remote sensing data (Landsat ETM+, Shuttle Radar Topography Mission, Defense Meteorological Satellite, QuickBird) over three spatial scales (global, regional, local) to identify where bin Laden is most probably currently located. We believe that our work involves the first scientific approach to establishing his current location. The methods are repeatable and can be updated with new information obtained from the US intelligence community.



Osama bin Laden remains at large. Thought to be isolated from al-Qaeda's daily operations, bin Laden’s direction may no longer be a relevant factor in the group’s effectiveness. Yet the image of the bearded demagogue remains a source of inspiration to enemies of the West. Where is he? In his confirmation hearings before the Senate Intelligence Committee, then-CIA Director-designate Leon Panetta emphasized the hunt for Osama bin Laden as a top priority for the new administration (1). He remains the FBI's most wanted terrorist. A number of al Qaeda commanders have been captured or killed, including Mohammed Atef, Mohammad Saleh, Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, and Abu Zubaydah. And yet despite seven years of espionage and a $25 million reward for his capture, the mystery of bin Laden’s whereabouts persists (2). Perhaps the CIA has availed itself of every gizmo, gadget, and theory the world has ever known to bring bin Laden to justice. The public, on the other hand, has never seemed to engage wholeheartedly in the debate over the manhunt; nor, to our knowledge, has the scientific community offered up any testable hypotheses on the subject. In informal conversations in the Geography Department at UCLA, we began to ask ourselves if the biogeographic theories we use every day – theories that predict how plants and animals distribute themselves over space and over time – employed in conjunction with publicly available satellite imagery, could shed some light on this question. The outcomes of this musing, presented below, are our thoughts and experiment. By bringing these methodologies to bear, it is our hope that a long overdue debate might bring bin Laden back to the fore of the public consciousness – and possibly to justice. True to the scientific method, a biogeographer starts with the best information available, makes a set of assumptions, and employs theories and technologies to home in on a progressively testable hypothesis. There have been significant advances recently in biogeographic theory and remote sensing imagery that can be applied to provide testable propositions about bin Laden’s current location (3-4). Distance-decay theory and island biogeography theory are two biogeographic theories associated with the distribution of life and extinction that can be used to identify the location of bin Laden at global and regional spatial scales. Distance-decay theory states that as one goes further away from a precise location, there is an exponential decline in the turnover of species and a lower probability of finding the same composition of species (5-7). The theory of island biogeography states that large and close islands will have higher immigration rates and support more species with lower extinction rates than small isolated islands (8-9).

17 Feb 2009 FINDING OSAMA BIN LADEN Gillespie et al.
MIT International Review Page 2 of 17

These theories can be applied over varying spatial scales to posit bin Laden’s current location based on his last reputed geographic location. Distance-decay theory would predict that he is closest to the point where he was last reported and, by extension, within a region that has a similar physical environment and cultural composition (that is, similar religious and political beliefs). For instance, the further he moves from his last reported location into the more secular parts of Pakistan or into India, the greater the probability that he will find himself in different cultural surroundings, thereby increasing the probability of his being captured or eliminated. Island biogeographic theory predicts that bin Laden is in a larger town rather than a smaller and more isolated town where extinction rate would be higher. Finally, high-resolution analyses of a city can be undertaken to identify individual buildings that match bin Laden’s life history characteristics. For example, he reportedly has a small entourage of body guards, requiring a structure that contains at least three rooms. (See Table 1 for a complete list of life history characteristics used to derive structural building requirements.) The public also now has at its disposal a number of new remote sensing tools to put these theories into action to create testable hypotheses. There have been over 73 successful launches of earth-observation satellites between 2000 and 2007. Most of these satellites can be utilized by scientists to examine natural and man-made features on the earth’s surface. Although these satellites and sensors are not as high resolution as US intelligence satellites, some may be accurate enough to create working hypotheses on bin Laden’s current whereabouts.

True to the scientific method, a biogeographer starts with the best information available, makes a set of assumptions, and employs theories and technologies to home in on a progressively testable hypothesis.

Then perhaps you could apply all of your mumbo jumbo to tell us all, in plain English, why it is that you assume this person deserves your intense, scientific focus ?

You couldn't make this up

The Medium is the Massage - Marshall McLuhan.
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 14, 2009 7:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Even the BBC are beginning to doubt whether the public are still buying this garbage. Note the scare quotes in the title:

'Bin Laden' attacks Arab leaders

Page last updated at 14:44 GMT, Saturday, 14 March 2009

A new audio message said to be from al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden accuses moderate Arab leaders of conspiring with the West against Muslims.

Bin Laden, who has been America's most wanted man since the 9/11 attacks in 2001, also renews his attacks on Israel in the recording attributed to him.

It was broadcast by the Qatari-based TV channel al-Jazeera which did not say how it had been obtained.

Correspondents say the voice sounds similar to previous Bin laden tapes.

"It is clear that some Arab leaders have plotted with the Zionist-Crusader [Israel-Western] coalition against our people," the speaker on the tape says, without naming any leader.

"These are the leaders that America calls moderate."

He also accuses Israel of war crimes against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, where it waged an offensive earlier this year, leaving some 1,300 people dead.

Simon - http://www.patriotsquestion911.com/

David Ray Griffin - 9/11: the Myth & the Reality
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 2:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Osama bin Goldstein? This is my favourite:-


"We will lead every revolution against us!" - attrib: Theodor Herzl

"Timely Demise to All Oppressors - at their Convenience!" - 'Interesting Times', Terry Pratchett
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 12, 2009 12:19 pm    Post subject: Daily Mail - Osama Bin Laden Died in 2002? Reply with quote

Article in Daily Mail Saturday 12 Sept 2009 promoting DRGs latest book:-

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1212851/Has-Osama-Bin-Laden-de ad-seven-years--U-S-Britain-covering-continue-war-terror.html

Has Osama Bin Laden been dead for seven years - and are the U.S. and Britain covering it up to continue war on terror?
By Sue Reid

Last updated at 10:59 PM on 11th September 2009
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The last time we heard a squeak from him was on June 3 this year.
The world's most notorious terrorist outsmarted America by releasing a menacing message as Air Force One touched down on Saudi Arabian soil at the start of Barack Obama's first and much vaunted Middle East tour.
Even before the new President alighted at Riyadh airport to shake hands with Prince Abdullah, Bin Laden's words were being aired on TV, radio and the internet across every continent.
Genuine picture: Osama Bin Laden in October 2001
It was yet another propaganda coup for the 52-year-old Al Qaeda leader. In the audiotape delivered to the Arab news network Al Jazeera, Bin Laden said that America and her Western allies were sowing seeds of hatred in the Muslim world and deserved dire consequences.
It was the kind of rant we have heard from him before, and the response from British and U.S. intelligence services was equally predictable.
They insisted that the details on the tape, of the President's visit and other contemporary events, proved that the mastermind of 9/11, America's worst ever terrorist atrocity, was still alive - and that the hunt for him must go on.
More...The monster who wants to be a martyr: 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed is now aiming for execution
Behind all terror attacks against Britain, Bin Laden's Holy Warrior

Bin Laden has always been blamed for orchestrating the horrific attack - in which nearly 3,000 people perished - eight years ago this week. President George W. Bush made his capture a national priority, infamously promising with a Wild West flourish to take him 'dead or alive'.
The U.S. State Department offered a reward of $50million for his whereabouts. The FBI named him one of their ten 'most wanted' fugitives, telling the public to watch out for a left-handed, grey-bearded gentleman who walks with a stick.
Fake? Bin Laden two months later, when he was supposedly dead
Yet this master terrorist remains elusive. He has escaped the most extensive and expensive man-hunt in history, stretching across Waziristan, the 1,500 miles of mountainous badlands on the borders of Pakistan and Afghanistan.
Undeterred, Barack Obama has launched a fresh operation to find him. Working with the Pakistani Army, elite squads of U.S. and British special forces were sent into Waziristan this summer to 'hunt and kill' the shadowy figure intelligence officers still call 'the principal target' of the war on terror.
This new offensive is, of course, based on the premise that the 9/11 terrorist is alive. After all, there are the plethora of 'Bin Laden tapes' to prove it.

Yet what if he isn't? What if he has been dead for years, and the British and U.S. intelligence services are actually playing a game of double bluff?
What if everything we have seen or heard of him on video and audio tapes since the early days after 9/11 is a fake - and that he is being kept 'alive' by the Western allies to stir up support for the war on terror?
Incredibly, this is the breathtaking theory that is gaining credence among political commentators, respected academics and even terror experts.
Of course, there have been any number of conspiracy theories concerning 9/11, and it could be this is just another one.
But the weight of opinion now swinging behind the possibility that Bin Laden is dead - and the accumulating evidence that supports it - makes the notion, at the very least, worthy of examination.
The theory first received an airing in the American Spectator magazine earlier this year when former U.S. foreign intelligence officer and senior editor Angelo M. Codevilla, a professor of international relations at Boston University, stated bluntly: 'All the evidence suggests Elvis Presley is more alive today than Osama Bin Laden.'
9/11: Bin Laden originally insisted in official press statements that he had played no role in the atrocity
Prof Codevilla pointed to inconsistencies in the videos and claimed there have been no reputable sightings of Bin Laden for years (for instance, all interceptions by the West of communications made by the Al Qaeda leader suddenly ceased in late 2001).
Prof Codevilla asserted: 'The video and audio tapes alleged to be Osama's never convince the impartial observer,' he asserted. 'The guy just does not look like Osama. Some videos show him with a Semitic, aquiline nose, while others show him with a shorter, broader one. Next to that, differences between the colours and styles of his beard are small stuff.'
There are other doubters, too. Professor Bruce Lawrence, head of Duke University's religious studies' department and the foremost Bin Laden expert, argues that the increasingly secular language in the video and audio tapes of Osama (his earliest ones are littered with references to God and the Prophet Mohammed) are inconsistent with his strict Islamic religion, Wahhabism.

He notes that, on one video, Bin Laden wears golden rings on his fingers, an adornment banned among Wahhabi followers.
Bin Laden in 1998 (l) and, allegedly, in 2002: Sceptics have pointed to a thicker nose and the ring on his right hand as proof it is an imposter
This week, still more questions have been raised with the publication in America and Britain of a book called Osama Bin Laden: Dead or Alive?
Written by political analyst and philosopher Professor David Ray Griffin, former emeritus professor at California's Claremont School of Theology, it is provoking shock waves - for it goes into far more detail about his supposed death and suggests there has been a cover-up by the West.
The book claims that Bin Laden died of kidney failure, or a linked complaint, on December 13, 2001, while living in Afghanistan's Tora Bora mountains close to the border with Waziristan.
His burial took place within 24 hours, in line with Muslim religious rules, and in an unmarked grave, which is a Wahhabi custom.
The author insists that the many Bin Laden tapes made since that date have been concocted by the West to make the world believe Bin Laden is alive. The purpose? To stoke up waning support for the war on terror in Iraq and Afghanistan.
To understand Griffin's thesis, we must remember the West's reaction to 9/11, that fateful sunny September day in 2001. Within a month, on Sunday, October 7, the U.S. and Britain launched massive retaliatory air strikes in the Tora Bora region where they said 'prime suspect' Bin Laden was living 'as a guest of Afghanistan'.
This military offensive ignored the fact that Bin Laden had already insisted four times in official Al Qaeda statements made to the Arab press that he played no role in 9/11.
Indeed, on the fourth occasion, on September 28 and a fortnight after the atrocity, he declared emphatically: 'I have already said I am not involved. As a Muslim, I try my best to avoid telling a lie. I had no knowledge... nor do I consider the killing of innocent women, children and other humans as an appreciable act.'
Within hours of the October 7 strikes by the U.S. on Tora Bora, Bin Laden made his first ever appearance on video tape. Dressed in Army fatigues, and with an Islamic head-dress, he had an assault rifle propped behind him in a broadly lit mountain hideout. Significantly, he looked pale and gaunt.
Although he called President George W. Bush 'head of the infidels' and poured scorn on the U.S., he once again rejected responsibility for 9/11.
'America was hit by God in one of its softest spots. America is full of fear, from its north to its south, from its west to its east. Thank God for that.'
Then came a second videotape on November 3, 2001. Once again, an ailing Bin Laden lashed out at the United States. He urged true Muslims to celebrate the attacks - but did not at any time acknowledge he had been involved in the atrocity.
And then there was silence until December 13, 2001 - the date Griffin claims Bin Laden died. That very day, the U.S. Government released a new video of the terror chief. In this tape, Bin Laden contradicted all his previous denials, and suddenly admitted to his involvement in the atrocity of 9/11.
The tape had reportedly been found by U.S. troops in a private home in Jalalabad, Afghanistan, after anti-Taliban forces took over the city. A label attached to it claimed that it had been made on November 9, 2001.
Bush made Bin Laden's capture a national priority, claiming he could get his man - dead or alive
The tape shows Bin Laden talking with a visiting sheik. In it, he clearly states that he not only knew about the 9/11 atrocities in advance, but had planned every detail personally.
What manna for the Western authorities! This put the terrorist back in the frame over 9/11. The Washington Post quoted U.S. officials saying that the video 'offers the most convincing evidence of a connection between Bin Laden and the September 11 attacks'.
A euphoric President Bush added: 'For those who see this tape, they realise that not only is he guilty of incredible murder, but he has no conscience and no soul.'
In London, Downing Street said that the video was 'conclusive proof of his involvement'. The then Foreign Secretary, Jack Straw, added: 'There is no doubt it is the real thing. People can see Bin Laden there, making those utterly chilling words of admission about his guilt for organising the atrocities of September 11.'
Yet Professor Griffin claims this 'confessional' video provokes more questions than answers. For a start, the Bin Laden in this vital film testimony looks different.

He is a weighty man with a black beard, not a grey one. His pale skin had suddenly become darker, and he had a different shaped nose. His artistic hands with slender fingers had transformed into those of a pugilist. He looked in exceedingly good health.
Furthermore, Bin Laden can be seen writing a note with his right hand, although he is left-handed. Bizarrely, too, he makes statements about 9/11 which Griffin claims would never have come from the mouth of the real Bin Laden - a man with a civil engineering degree who had made his fortune (before moving into terrorism) from building construction in the Middle East.
For example, the Al Qaeda leader trumpets that far more people died in 9/11 than he had expected. He goes on: 'Due to my experience in this field, I was thinking that the explosion from the gas in the plane would melt the iron structure of the building and collapse the area where the plane hit and all the floors above it only. That is all we had hoped for.' (In reality the Twin Towers' completely fell down).
The words of the true Bin Laden? No, says Griffin, because of the obvious mistakes. 'Given his experience as a contractor, he would have known the Twin Towers were framed with steel, not iron,' he says.
'He would also known that steel and iron do not begin to melt until they reach 2,800 deg F. Yet a building fire fed by jet fuel is a hydrocarbon fire, and could not have reached above 1,800 deg F.'
Griffin, in his explosive book, says this tape is fake, and he goes further.
'A reason to suspect that all of the post-2001 Bin Laden tapes are fabrications is that they often appeared at times that boosted the Bush presidency or supported a claim by its chief 'war on terror' ally, British Prime Minister Tony Blair.
'The confession tape came exactly when Bush and Blair had failed to prove Bin Laden's responsibility for 9/11 and both men were trying to win international public support, particularly in the Islamic world, for the anti-terrorist campaign.'
Griffin suggests that Western governments used highly sophisticated, special effects film technology to morph together images and vocal recordings of Bin Laden.
So if they are fakes, why has Al Qaeda kept quiet about it? And what exactly happened to the real Bin Laden?
The answer to the first question may be that the amorphous terrorist organisation is happy to wage its own propaganda battle in the face of waning support - and goes along with the myth that its charismatic figurehead is still alive to encourage recruitment to its cause.

As for the matter of what happened to him, hints of Bin Laden's kidney failure, or that he might be dead, first appeared on January 19, 2002, four months after 9/11.
This was when Pakistan's President Pervez Musharraf told America's news show CNN: 'I think now, frankly, he is dead for the reason he is a kidney patient. The images of him show he is extremely weak.'
In his book, Professor Griffin also endorses this theory. He says Bin Laden was treated for a urinary infection, often linked to kidney disease, at the American Hospital in Dubai in July 2001, two months before 9/11. At the same time, he ordered a mobile dialysis machine to be delivered to Afghanistan.
How could Bin Laden, on the run in snowy mountain caves, have used the machine that many believe was essential to keep him alive? Doctors whom Griffin cites on the subject think it would have been impossible.
He would have needed to stay in one spot with a team of medics, hygienic conditions, and a regular maintenance programme for the dialysis unit itself.
And what of the telling, small news item that broke on December 26, 2001 in the Egyptian newspaper Al-Wafd? It said a prominent official of the Afghan Taliban had announced that Osama Bin Laden had been buried on or about December 13.
'He suffered serious complications and died a natural, quiet death. He was buried in Tora Bora, a funeral attended by 30 Al Qaeda fighters, close members of his family and friends from the Taliban. By the Wahhabi tradition, no mark was left on the grave,' said the report.
The Taliban official, who was not named, said triumphantly that he had seen Bin Laden's face in his shroud. 'He looked pale, but calm, relaxed and confident.'
It was Christmas in Washington DC and London and the report hardly got a mention. Since then, the Bin Laden tapes have emerged with clockwork regularity as billions have been spent and much blood spilt on the hunt for him.
Bin Laden has been the central plank of the West's 'war on terror'. Could it be that, for years, he's just been smoke and mirrors?

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1212851/Has-Osama-Bin-Laden-de ad-seven-years--U-S-Britain-covering-continue-war-terror.html#ixzz0QtU zWHJG


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PostPosted: Sat Sep 12, 2009 10:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Great article - hopefully will make the Zio-brained broadcasters think twice before approving OBL's next fake recording for the masses.
Talking of which here's a weird one...

Russia Today also focus on OBL for today's piece

911 reasons why 9/11 was (probably) an inside job. Part 3: Osama bin Laden
12 September, 2009, 20:30
Osama bin Laden was suspect number one on 9/11, yet the U.S. authorities commit yet another inexplicable act: they release all members of the bin Laden family who were residing at the time in the US.
Robert Bridge, Russia Today
Let’s imagine that a mass murder has been committed in Smalltown, America and the suspect is at large. Where is the first place the investigators will invariably go to search for clues as to either the whereabouts of the killer or his or her motives? Yes, to the immediate families of the suspected killer.
So why did the US authorities let the immediate kin of bin Laden escape on planes out of Dodge?
http://www.russiatoday.com/Top_News/2009-09-12/911-reasons-conspiracy. html

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 7:26 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The Daily Mail does come up with good articles, and crusades, on occassion: Diana, mercury and squalene in the swine flu vaccine, and now pushing DRG's book.
Like Alex Jones, the Mail reaches parts that other beers (us) are unlikely to have reached.

'And he (the devil) said to him: To thee will I give all this power, and the glory of them; for to me they are delivered, and to whom I will, I give them'. Luke IV 5-7.
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ian neal
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 10:53 am    Post subject: New 'bin Laden' tape Reply with quote

http://edition.cnn.com/2009/WORLD/meast/09/14/binladen.message/index.h tml?iref=werecommend
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 8:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Good old Grauniad - the only truthful headline I could find
Alleged Osama bin Laden recording released online
Audio attributed to al-Qaida leader comes as signs point to US military pressure in insurgent strongholds
Ian Black, Middle East editor - guardian.co.uk, Monday 14 September 2009
Osama bin Laden has taunted Barack Obama that he is "powerless" to stop the war in Afghanistan - two days after the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks and amidst signs that al-Qaida is under heavy US military pressure in its Pakistani havens.
Bin Laden's message, his first since one just before Obama's speech reaching out to the Muslim world in Cairo in June, accused the US president of following the strategy of George Bush and Dick Cheney to "promote the previous policies of fear to market the interest of big companies". But some analysts found it less strident than previous statements, perhaps reflecting al-Qaida's current weakness, and detected an attempt to exploit divisions of opinion within the US administration about policy towards Israel............
http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2009/sep/14/osama-bin-laden-obama-mess age

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 6:19 pm    Post subject: picture is tv presenter fiona bruce Reply with quote

the picure tony put up is fiona bruce, tv presenter, without all her glossy make up. this is symptomtic of our usual popular culture that pressurises women in particular to have to try to adhere as closely as possible to the cultural rules of what is 'attractive'. Especially those women in the public eye. notice also the usual pattern nowadays of a middle aged often portly male presenter teamed up with a glamourous model young woman. How many shows offer this the other way around? Womens bodies as commodities under capitalism = a different form of oppression that vilifies the showing of a mere hint of a bare ankle but still oppression.
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 8:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Did you know that 'pole dancers' are 'kicking up' a fuss and refusing to join the 'sex workers' union but want to join Equity (actors union) instead?
Will Equity have them? We shall see.

Dunno how we got here from OBL?

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 18, 2009 11:00 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Tony Gosling wrote:-

Dunno how we got here from OBL?

Ludicrous diversion! Laughing Laughing


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PostPosted: Fri Sep 18, 2009 1:27 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Would you like a whitewash - or should I say enquiry?

Pikey wrote:
Tony Gosling wrote:-
Dunno how we got here from OBL?

Ludicrous diversion! Laughing Laughing

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 8:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

FBI withdraw Osama 'wanted' photo... as it's really a Spanish MP
Daily Mirror - By Tom Worden 17/01/2010
Red-FACED American officials have withdrawn a photofit mugshot of terror chief Osama bin Laden - after admitting they used a Spanish politician's face.

The "wanted" image of the al-Qaeda leader as he might look now without his trademark long beard and turban was posted on the internet by the FBI.
But it was based on a photograph of Communist MP Gaspar Llamazares found on Google by an FBI technician who was dissatisfied with his collection of photofit facial features - and launched a web search, keying in "faces" with "Islamic names"...........
http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/top-stories/2010/01/17/fbi-withdraw-osama -wanted-photo-as-it-s-really-a-spanish-mp-115875-21973604/

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 1:58 pm    Post subject: CIA admits faking Osama confession video Reply with quote

In this video Alex Jones maintains there is a Washington Post article saying the CIA has admitted faking Osama bin Laden confession video. I haven't yet found the Washington Post article.


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PostPosted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 2:12 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

There seem to have been a number of fake videos some of which tried to make out OBL and Saddam Hussein were gay: http://letsrollforums.com/cia-admits-faking-bin-t21305.html?s=5a2ca4f5 01e5f93f0ede421485fca234&t=21305

I don't find a clear Washington Post assertion that the OBL confession vid was a CIA fake, but perhaps someone can google one up: http://blog.washingtonpost.com/spy-talk/2010/05/cia_group_had_wacky_id eas_to_d.html
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 12:13 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

What the WP actually said is they faked a crummy vid of OBL & mates boozing tround a campfire
just follow the links from Priz Plan
this is something of a non story
Priz plan over egging the pudding IMO

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 7:29 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Osama Bin Laden: Dead or Alive?

by David Ray Griffin

Global Research, October 9, 2009

Is Osama bin Laden still alive? I have dealt with this question in a recent little book entitled Osama bin Laden: Dead or Alive? The present essay summarizes the main points of this book.

Since the transference of power from the Bush administration to that of Barack Obama administration, the question of whether bin Laden is dead or alive has become more important.

Although George W. Bush famously said that he wanted Osama bin Laden “dead or alive,” he made clear that he was not serious about this. Besides stating that he was not concerned about bin Laden, he demonstrated this by diverting most of America’s military resources to Iraq. Bush could, of course, be unconcerned about bin Laden because he knew that, besides the fact that bin Laden had nothing to do with 9/11, he was probably dead anyway.

I do not know what President Obama and his people think about these matters, but their rhetoric presupposes that bin Laden was responsible for 9/11 and is still alive.

In November 2008, for example, a Washington Post story said:

“President-elect Barack Obama . . . intends to renew the U.S. commitment to the hunt for Osama bin Laden. . . . ‘This is our enemy,’ one adviser said of bin Laden, ‘and he should be our principal target.’”

In his White House address of March 27 of this year, President Obama said:

“[A]l Qaeda and its allies - the terrorists who planned and supported the 9/11 attacks - are in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Multiple intelligence estimates have warned that al Qaeda is actively planning attacks on the U.S. homeland from its safe-haven in Pakistan. . . . [A]l Qaeda and its extremist allies have moved across the border to the remote areas of the Pakistani frontier. This almost certainly includes al Qaeda's leadership: Osama bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahiri.”

Obama has appealed regularly to these intelligence estimates, which have invariably claimed that bin Laden is hiding in Pakistan, somewhere along its border with Pakistan. This claim has been used to justify the extension of US military activity into Pakistan, with the result that people now speak of the “AfPak war.”

One way to argue against this war is to point out that, if these intelligence experts do not even know whether bin Laden is alive, they certainly cannot know where he is and what he is thinking.

There are, to be sure, other good arguments against the this war, and many critics are making these arguments. But to point out that bin Laden is almost certainly dead provides an argument that goes to the heart of the publically articulated rationale for this war.

Of course, another way to argue against this war would be to point out that bin Laden had nothing to do with 9/11. But even though our own FBI has admitted that it “has no hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11,” a large part of the American population has been conditioned to reject all revisionism about 9/11 out of hand. As we saw recently with “the Van Jones affair,” people are considered unfit for public service if they once signed a document suggesting that the official account of 9/11 might not be fully true.

My little bin Laden book is primarily for people who, besides assuming that Osama bin Laden was responsible for the 9/11 attacks, also believe that the AfPak war is justifiable because we need to prevent him from planning another attack. Many such people will turn against the war if they become aware of convincing evidence that bin Laden is almost certainly dead. There is considerable evidence for this conclusion.

This evidence is of two types: objective evidence and testimonies.

Objective Evidence that Bin Laden is Dead

The objective evidence includes the following facts:

First, up until mid-December 13, 2001, the CIA had regularly been intercepting messages between bin Laden and his people. At that time, however, the messages suddenly stopped, and the CIA has never again intercepted a message.

Second, on December 26, 2001, a leading Pakistani newspaper published a story reporting that bin Laden had died in mid-December, adding:

“A prominent official in the Afghan Taleban movement . . . stated . . . that he had himself attended the funeral of bin Laden and saw his face prior to burial.”

Third, bin Laden had kidney disease. He had been treated for it in the American Hospital in Dubai in July 2001, at which time he reportedly ordered two dialysis machines to take home. If you have ever wondered what bin Laden was doing the night before the 9/11 attacks, CBS News reported that he was being given kidney dialysis treatment in a hospital in Pakistan. And in January of 2001, Dr. Sanjay Gupta said – based on a video of bin Laden that had been made in either late November or early December of 2001 – that he appeared to be in the last stages of kidney failure.

Fourth, In July of 2002, CNN reported that bin Laden’s bodyguards had been captured in February of that year, adding: “Sources believe that if the bodyguards were captured away from bin Laden, it is likely the most-wanted man in the world is dead.”

Fifth, the United States has since 2001 offered a $25 million reward for any information leading to the capture or killing of bin Laden. But this reward offer has produced no such information, even though Pakistan has many desperately poor people, only about half of whom have been supportive of bin Laden.

Testimonial Evidence that Bin Laden Is Dead

In addition to this objective evidence, we had considerable testimony in 2002, from people in position to know, that bin Laden was dead, or probably so. These people included:

• President Musharraf of Pakistan;

• Dale Watson, the head of the FBI’s counterterrorism unit;

• Oliver North, who said: “I'm certain that Osama is dead. . .

And so are all the other guys I stay in touch with”;

• President Hamid Karzai of Afghanistan;

• Sources within Israeli intelligence, who said that any new messages from bin Laden were “probably fabrications”;

• Sources within Pakistani intelligence, who “confirmed the death of . . . Osama Bin Laden” and “attributed the reasons behind Washington's hiding news on the death of Osama Bin Laden to the desire of the hawks of the American administration to use the issue of al-Qaida and international terrorism to invade Iraq.”

For this reason, perhaps, the stories about the demise of bin Laden largely came to an end in the latter part of 2002, when the United States was gearing up for its attack on Iraq. From then until now, there have been few such stories.

Recently, however, two former intelligence officers have spoken out. In October 2008, former CIA case officer Robert Baer suggested in passing during an interview on National Public Radio that bin Laden was no longer among the living. When Baer was asked about this, he said: “Of course he’s dead.”

In March of 2009, former Foreign Service officer Angelo Codevilla published an essay in the American Spectator entitled “Osama bin Elvis.” Explaining his title, Codevilla wrote: “Seven years after Osama bin Laden's last verifiable appearance among the living, there is more evidence for Elvis's presence among us than for his.”

This is an excellent article, with only one serious flaw. In 2007, Benazir Bhutto, being interviewed by David Frost, referred to Omar Sheikh as “the man who murdered Osama bin Laden.” Codevilla cited this statement as further evidence that bin Laden is dead. But Bhutto had simply misspoken: She had meant to say “the man who murdered Daniel Pearl,” which is the standard way of referring to Omar Sheikh. That she misspoke was shown the next day, when she told CNN: “I don’t think General Musharaf personally knows where Osama bin Laden is.” Ten days later, speaking to NPR, she reported having asked a policeman assigned to guard her house: “Shouldn’t you be looking for Osama bin Laden?” This flaw aside, Codevilla’s article provides good support for his claim that the widespread belief in bin Laden’s continued existence is not backed up by evidence.

What about the “Messages from Osama bin Laden”?

Many people, of course, assume that there is a lot of evidence that bin Laden is still alive, namely, the dozens of audio tape and video tape “messages from bin Laden” that have appeared since 2001. These tapes provide good evidence, however, only if they are authentic. The longest chapter of my book is devoted to this question.

I show, in the first place, that the technology for making fake audio and video tapes is now so advanced that even experts can be fooled. So although the press regularly tells us that intelligence agencies have authenticated the latest bin Laden tape, it is virtually impossible to prove a tape to be authentic.

It is sometimes possible, however, to prove a tape to be a fake. For example: If the person hired to play bin Laden writes with his right hand; if he is much heavier and darker than bin Laden was in a tape made about the same time; if he has fatter hands and shorter fingers; if his nose has a different shape. And if, in discussing the Twin Towers, he says that the fire melted the steel, whereas the real bin Laden would have known that a building fire cannot melt steel. I am speaking here of the video that was allegedly found by US troops in Jalalabad, Afghanistan, in November 2001, which is widely known as the “bin Laden confession video.”

Also obviously fabricated was the “October Surprise” video, which appeared on October 29, 2004, just in time to help George W. Bush get reelected. One clue that it was a fake, aside from its timing, is provided by its language. Bin Laden’s own messages were saturated with references to Allah and the Prophet Mohammed. But in this October Surprise video, Allah was mentioned rarely and the only “Mohammad” mentioned was Mohamed Atta. Also, whereas undoubtedly authentic bin Laden messages portrayed worldly events as cause or at least permitted by Allah, the speaker on this October Surprise video gave a purely secular account of events, even telling the American people: “Your security is in your own hands.”

The most obviously faked video is one that, appearing in 2007, was identical to the October Surprise video of 2004, except that the bin Laden figure now had a completely black beard, leading me to call it the video from “Blackbeard the Terrorist.” Although pundits tried, with straight faces, to explain why bin Laden might have dyed his beard, or put on a fake one, this video was best treated with the respect it deserved by a YouTube video featuring a actor wearing a very long, very black, beard, and saying:

Hello, long time no see. It is me, Osama bin Laden. And no, this not to be confused with just-for-men hair color commercial. . . . I make this video to prove to world that me still alive and kicking.

This video is very funny. But there is, of course, nothing funny about the fact that obviously fake bin Laden videos have been used, and are still being used, to justify the AfPak war, which continues to kill dozens if not hundreds of innocent people each week, including women and children attending weddings and funerals.


If my little book, by showing that bin Laden has probably long been dead, can help shorten this war, it will have served its main purpose.

Its other main point, to which a separate chapter is devoted, is that these fake bin Laden tapes appear to be simply one part of an extensive propaganda operation, in which the US military intelligence is using tax dollars – illegally – to propagandize the American public, with the aim of furthering the militarization of America and its foreign policy.

I hope my little book will stimulate the 9/11 truth movement, along with the anti-war movement in general, to take on more fully the task of exposing this propaganda effort, to which a growing portion of our tax dollars is being devoted.

Amazon: Osama Bin Laden: Dead or Alive?

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 10:28 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

“In early 1990, bin Laden, suffering from advanced kidney disease, was flown to an American facility in the Persian Gulf. From there, bin Laden flew to Los Angeles, landing in the Ontario airport, met by Albert Hakim, representing President Bush (41), Ollie North (free on appeal bond), Admiral William Dickie, attorney Glenn Peglau and General Jack Singlaub, one of the founders of the CIA. Hakim was the personal representative of President Bush and in overall charge of the project. ‘Bud’ McFarlane, an Iran-Contra figure pardoned by President Bush in 1992, was also a part of the group.

Bin Laden then left Los Angeles for Washington DC. There he stayed in the Mayflower Hotel. Meetings were held at the Metropolitan Club in Washington. Attorney Glenn Peglau stayed at the Metropolitan. While there, Peglau’s room was broken into and “items” removed. At no point is there record, classified or public, that this ‘working group’ was ever dissolved nor is there any record that Osama bin Laden’s status as a security operative working for the US government ever ended. In 2001, Osama bin Laden’s last public statement denied any involvement in the 9/11 attacks. There are no classified documents tying bin Laden to 9/11 or citing him to be a ‘rogue CIA operative.’”

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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