xmasdale Angel - now passed away
Joined: 25 Jul 2005 Posts: 1959 Location: South London
Posted: Wed May 17, 2006 5:31 pm Post subject: Bush warned by German ambassador |
Kenyon has sent us this:
>It¹s just come to light that the German ambassador to the US at the time,
>Wolfgang Ischinger, personally called George W. Bush on Monday, August 6,
>2001 (about 3 weeks before the 9/11 attacks) to forewarn him of the attack.
>Ischinger had been informed by the Bundesamt fur Verfassungsschutz [German
>domestic secret service] as well as the BND [Bundesnachrichtendienst,
>foreign secret service] that an attack by a radical Arab group partially
>based in Germany was to occur on 10-11 September, 2001. The President was
>that time in residence at his farm in Texas. Ischinger was acting in direct
>response to instructions from German Foreign Minister Fischer. Subsequent
>the 9/11 attacks, the office of the US President, through the US Department
>of State, made an urgent request to the government of the Federal Republic
>of Germany that no reference whatsoever should be made to the official
>warnings given by Ambassador Ischinger [the following article is posted in
>its entirety on SPINE¹s website
>The German Intelligence Report
>Original Document including German and English Translation:
>Original German Document Scan PDF
>Source and authenticity of the document
>The following document was published in June of 2002. If genuine, it must
>rank as one of the most remarkable documents in history. It purports to be
>top-secret report from the German external intelligence agency, the
>Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND) prepared with assistance from an internal
>German intelligence agency, the BfV. Among the most important claims it
>makes are the following: German intelligence detected plans for an attack
>Arab extremists on the United States, to take place on September 10 or 11,
>2001. Israel was aware of the plans and wished the attack to take place
>without hindrance. The German ambassador informed the President of the US
>the impending attacks. He thanked the ambassador and said that he already
>knew. Subsequently, his administration urgently requested the suppression
>information on this warning. The report elaborates that among the various
>reasons for the attack being encouraged by the US administration was a
>desire to have a pretext to attack Afghanistan to secure a pipeline route
>for western oil companies to export oil from the Caspian basin. Despite
>angry denunciations of the authenticity of the report from various
>the German government has to the best of our knowledge not issued a denial
>of its authenticity. Even if it were to do so, the alleged urgent request
>for secrecy could provide grounds for such a denial. No other effective
>refutation of the accuracy of the report has been seen by the editors of
>this website. Consequently, it is presented for what it is worth as a
>possibly genuine document of immense historical significance.
>The above link to the four-part Fox news report on Israeli spying in and on
>the US does indeed corroborate certain parts of the BND report.
>Corroborative elements include (among other items) the alleged Israeli
>tactic of supplying unusable warnings, links to drug-dealing organized
>crime, and failure to share information supposedly developed on terrorists
>with the FBI.
>--------------------------------------------------------------------- ---
>On Monday 6, August, 2001, at 17:50, [German] Ambassador Ischinger
>personally notified the President of the United States that information
>developed by the Bundesamt fur Verfassungsschutz [German domestic secret
>service] as well as the BND [Bundesnachrichtendienst, German foreign secret
>service] indicated that an attack by a radical Arab group partially based
>Germany was to occur on 10-11 September, 2001. The President was at that
>time in residence at his farm in Texas. Our [the German's] Ambassador was
>acting in direct response to instructions from Foreign Minister Fischer.
>This information was developed from official surveillance of Arab extremist
>groups operating in the Federal Republic as well as from intercepted
>communications between the Embassy of Israel and the Israeli Foreign
>Ministry in Tel Aviv concerning this matter.
>The information was "gratefully received" by the US President who stated at
>the time that he was also aware of the same pending assaults.
>Subsequent to these attacks, the office of the US President, through the US
>Department of State, made an urgent request to the government of the
>Republic of Germany that no reference whatsoever should be made to the
>official warnings given by Ambassador Ischinger.
>In order to clarify the background of this matter, this Gesamtubersicht
>[overall survey] of the events leading to the assault was prepared, basing
>on extracts of reports from our [BND's] foreign stations. Overall, it is
>evident that the American authorities were aware of the pending attacks.
>they did nothing, is explained in the following.
>Background: General Overview
>Because of the Bush family's involvement in oil (Zapata Oil Company), many
>important and wealthy individuals and corporations with oil interests
>financially supported the Bush political career. Today, the Bush
>administration is therefore strongly influenced by major American business
>The candidate for American Vice President, Richard "Dick" Cheney, had been
>the Chief Director of the Halliburton Company. This company, based in
>Dallas, Texas, where Bush was Governor, is the largest oil service company
>in the world.
>Between 1991 and 1997, such important American oil companies as Texaco,
>Unocal, Shell, BP Amoco, Chevron and Exxon-Mobil became involved with the
>former Soviet state of Kazakhstan who holds enormous oil reserves. The
>government of Kazakhstan was eventually paid over $3 billions of corporate
>money to allow these companies to secure oil rights. At the same time,
>companies agreed further to give the sums of 35 billion US Dollar in
>investments in plant and equipment to the Kazakhstan projects. A
>confidential project report of said US firms announced that the gas and oil
>reserves in Kazakhstan would amount to 4 trillion US Dollar.
>The United States is not self-sufficient in oil and 50% of their supply is
>imported from various foreign sources. Some 80% of oil imported to the US
>comes from OPEC-Countries, the Arabian oil cartel. Because of the
>unconditional support by American political leaders of the state of Israel,
>these Arab governments have a very strained relationship with the USA.
>A further small percentage of oil imported to the US comes from Venezuela.
>Just recently, the US government has been attempting to overthrow the
>government of Chavez with the help of the CIA and replace it with a
>government "more sympathetic to American oil needs."
>A position paper prepared by the office of the later-Vice President Cheney
>states that the Kazakhstan oil reserves would be "more than sufficient to
>supply US needs for at least a decade" and would further "reduce American
>dependence on OPEC."
>Unocal Oil Company signed an agreement with the reigning Taliban forces as
>well as their opponents, the Northern Alliance, in order to permit an oil
>pipeline to be built through Afghanistan direct through Pakistan to the
>Indian Ocean. by this, the exorbitant rates charged by the Russian to use
>their pipelines would be avoided. Unocal then opened official offices in
>Uzbekistan, Pakistan, Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan to facilitate the
>construction of this oil pipeline.
>In December of 1997, official Taliban representatives were in the United
>States to attend a conference at Unocal headquarters in Texas to discuss
>Afghanistan pipeline. These talks failed because the Taliban made what
>Unocal felt were excessive financial demands.
>In 1998, internal strife in Afghanistan and inherent instability in
>reached such levels as to render the pipeline project impossible to
>In the same year, the Houston, Texas based firm of Enron suggested instead
>to build a $3 billion oil pipeline parallel to the Russian pipelines,
>running westwards rather than taking the shorter but more problematic route
>In a secret memorandum by Cheney, it is stated that the Unocal company was
>prepared to finance the southern route. According to this, this project
>would take five years to complete and its annual revenues from the
>successful completion of this pipeline would approximate $2 billions.
>however, and this had been the subject of a number of secret American
>reports, the only thing standing in the way of the construction of the
>pipeline was the basic opposition of the Afghanistan government and its
>political supporters.
>On May 8, 2001, the US Department of State, in the name of Secretary of
>State Powell, gave 43 million US Dollars to the Taliban in order to
>facilitate their cooperation in the pipeline project.
>On June 10, 2001, the BND warned the CIA office in the US Embassy to the
>Federal Republic [of Germany] that certain Arab terrorists were planning to
>seize American commercial aircraft for use as weapons of destruction
>significant American symbols. This was considered a general warning only.
>The Federal Republic's warning of August 6, however, was specific as to
>date, time and places of the attacks.
>On July 11, 2001, in Berlin, US officials: Thomas Simmons, a former
>Ambassador to Pakistan, Lee Coldren, State Department expert on Asian
>matters, and Karl Inderfurth, Assistant Secretary of State for Asian matter
>met with Russian and Pakistani intelligence officers. At this meeting,
>was under surveillance, it was stated by the Americans that the United
>States planned to launch military strikes against Afghanistan in October of
>that year. The purpose of these strikes was to topple the Afghanistan
>government and the Taliban in order to replace it with a government "more
>sensitive to the needs of American oil interests."
>In mid-August 2001, President of the Russian Federation Putin ordered that
>the American authorities be warned of pending attacks on government
>buildings inside the United States. This warning was conveyed to the US
>Ambassador in Moscow and via the Russian Ambassadors office directly to the
>US President.
>On August 20, the Government of France, through the American Embassy in
>Paris and their Embassy in Washington, issued a more specific warning. This
>warning specified the exact date, time and places of the attacks.
>On September 11, President Bush and top aides flew to the state of Florida
>so that the President could speak with children in a kindergarten. Also at
>that time, Vice President Cheney absented himself from Washington and went
>to the safety of the Presidential compound in the mountains of Maryland.
>It was noted in Washington that Cheney remained sequestered in Maryland for
>some time and only appeared in public surrounded by heavy security.
>The role of the Israeli Mossad in the terrorist attacks
>Note: The following two sections are considered to be extremely sensitive
>due to the special relationship between the Federal Republic [of Germany]
>and its Jewish citizens as well as the State of Israel. This material is
>compiled from German and American sources.
>During the term of President George HW Bush, the government of Israel made
>an official, but very secret, request to the American president. This
>request was to permit agents of the Mossad, Israeli Foreign Intelligence,
>enter the United States and conduct surveillance operations against various
>Arab groups residing in that country.
>The stated purpose of this surveillance was to permit Israeli early warning
>of terrorist plots against their country. Permission for this surveillance
>was granted with the caveat that the Mossad would have a liaison with the
>FBI and report any and all finding to that agency.
>However, these conditions were not observed. The Mossad not only did not
>inform the FBI of any of its findings, it is known to have engaged in
>commerce with several groups of Israeli criminals of Russian backgrounds.
>These groups were engaged in extensive criminal activities inside the
>States, to include the smuggling of the Ecstasy drug. Mossad agents were
>able to subvert American criminal investigations through their knowledge of
>American telephone surveillance of such groups.
>It is very evident from surveillance conducted against Mossad agents in the
>Federal Republic as well as interceptions of Israeli diplomatic
>communication from the Federal Republic to Tel Aviv, that the Mossad has
>successfully penetrated various extremist Arab groups in both the Federal
>Republic and the United States.
>These investigations disclosed in late May of 2001 that an attack was to be
>made against certain specified targets in the American cities of Washington
>and New York. But it was apparent that the Mossad was not only fully aware
>of these attacks well in advance but actually, though their own agents
>inside these Arab groups, assisted in the planning and the eventual
>execution of the attacks.
>That the Israeli government was fully aware of these attack is absolutely
>certain and proven. Diplomatic traffic between the Israeli Embassy in the
>Federal Republic and the Israeli Foreign Office made it very clear that
>Minister President Sharon was fully aware of this pending attack and
>urgently wished that no attempt was made to prevent the attacks.
>Although the Israeli officials were instructed to warn the American
>intelligence community that some kind of an attack might be possible, at no
>time were the specific dates and targets (known at that time to Israeli
>officials) to be given to the Americans.
>The rationale for this attitude was expressed in a conversation on August
>2001, between the Israeli Military Attaché in the Federal Republic to a
>member of the Israeli General Staff. There it was stated that Israel
>believed an attack on the continental United States would so inflame
>American public opinion that they would permit Israel to "cleanse" their
>state of "Arab terrorists and those who support such terrorists". This
>"cleansing" was explained as the expulsion of all Arabs, and even Christian
>groups, from the Palestine area.
>American intelligence officials have repeatedly expressed great concern in
>meeting with our people that the Israeli government, through a company
>called Amdocs, was able to conduct surveillance of all telephone
>communications within the United States. It was categorically stated that
>this Israeli-based firm was given the American contract with 25 of the
>largest American telephone companies. This contract was granted over the
>objections and concerns of the American intelligence community.
>The official reason given for this extraordinary arrangement that permitted
>Israeli agencies to observe all highly confidential investigative telephone
>calls was that the United States has a "special relationship" with the
>of Israel and they had requested this.
>The Israeli Political Influence in the United States
>It should be noted here that the professional Israeli lobby in America is
>huge in size and is considered even by our American colleagues to be a very
>powerful and entirely dominant factor in American politics.
>The American Israel Public Affairs Committee is the largest foreign lobby
>Washington and fourth most powerful lobby in the country. Other Israeli
>groups also include the Anti-Defamation League (from whose national
>along with the Israel Trade Mission and the many Israeli Consulates, many
>Mossad agents were working,) the Jewish Institute for National Security
>Affairs and the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America.
>These groups, in conjunction with Jewish dominated media giants like the
>York Times, the Washington Post, Newsweek Magazine, the Los Angeles Times,
>Time- Warner-AOL and their CNN news network, basically control the
>dissemination of news in the United States. It is therefore almost
>impossible for any news that would be considered in opposition to Israeli
>interests to appear before the American public, although such stories are
>readily available in most European media.
>The Role of the Christian Fundamentalists in American Politics
>The so-called "Christian Right" consists of Protestant fundamentalists,
>where the so-called Pentecostals play a dominant role. This is a very
>fanatical and aggressively missionary denomination that believes in the
>return of a living Christ to earth and the subsequent elevation of its
>members to heavenly paradise.
>In order for this appearance of Christ to occur, several factors must be in
>place according to the views of this denomination. In the first place, a
>number of Jews must convert to Christianity, and, in the second, there must
>be a rebuilding of the Jewish temple in Jerusalem. As the site of this
>temple is now occupied by a major Islamic mosque, it will be necessary to
>destroy this building.
>Starting as an Episcopalian, Bush tried other Protestant denominations
>before joining the Pentecostals. Apart from US President Bush and his
>Attorney General John Ashcroft, other members of his administration are
>members of this denomination, too, which is the second largest Christian
>denomination after the Catholic Church. As a considerable part of the
>American public sentiment is strongly opposed to religious fanatics, these
>facts have been kept very quiet.
>Bush and his entourage are very strong supporters of the State of Israel
>because of their belief, that the founding of this nation is viewed as
>another requirement for the return of Christ. For this reason, Bush
>unconditionally supports any program put forward by the Israeli government
>and is a devoted follower and supporter of Sharon, the Israeli right wing
>extremist Minister President.
>Attorney General Ashcroft has stated in a public sermon (he is a lay
>preacher of the Pentecostal church) that Muslims are "agents of the
>Anti-Christ" and must be destroyed in the so-called "Battle of Armageddon".
>According to the beliefs of fundamentalist Christians, this battle will be
>fought over Israel's existence and will lead to the end of the world and
>return of Christ.
>It is generally known in Washington that Bush is entirely guided by his
>religious beliefs and that he has been attempting repeatedly to force his
>views onto the American public by means of various disguised programs, such
>as religious control of charities, unconditional support of Israel, and so
>Summary and Outlook
>The terrorist attacks on American targets were fully known to many entities
>well in advance. The US President was fully informed as to the nature and
>exact time of these attacks.
>The US government in general and the US President in specific have become
>subservient to the wishes and plans of the Israeli government. As these
>plans encompass the removal of the Arab population of Israel and adjoining
>territories, it is evident that the population of the United States is
>pushed into a situation that could easily result in more, and terrible,
>attacks on their home country.
>In view of this possibility, the US authorities are determined to limit any
>discussion of the 11 September attacks to the official version as it
>regularly in the US media.
>It also appears from confidential sources that Bush's plans to attack Iraq
>are based mainly on a desire on the part of Israel to remove Saddam
>Tel Aviv views Hussein as a real threat and has already attacked that
>country before.
>There is also evidence that if Hussein is toppled by American military
>forces, the oil resources of Iraq would be put under the control of a
>consortium of the American oil interests that so avidly support the Bush
>Pullach, April 5, 2002
>--------------------------------------------------------------------- ---
>Commentary by SPINE Intelligence Expert
>The document purports to be from the German Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND),
>which has its headquarters at Pullach, near Munich. It was released by
>Gregory Douglas, author of Regicide: The Official Assassination of JFK at a
>meeting of the Barnes Review, in Washington DC. The original German
>document, complete with top secret classification markings and other
>details, is enclosed for scrutiny and verification. The document may or may
>not be genuine. It has not been proven to be a forgery. If Ambassador
>Ischinger did not go to Crawford, Texas, on the date named, nor made
>telephone contact with the President, then the document may not be
>If, on the other hand, Ischinger did telephone President Bush or go to
>Crawford to speak with him at the time and date mentioned, then the
>must have been a matter of extreme urgency. It will be possible for someone
>to verify or refute the facts of Ambassador Ischinger's whereabouts. If the
>document is genuine, it would go far to explain Germany's reluctance to get
>involved in the so-called War on Terror, including aggression against the
>innocent nations of Iraq and Afghanistan. Germany's public silence could
>well be explained by concern about the extremely sensitive relation of
>Germany to the state of Israel, and by the horrifying implications this
>document would have for its relation to its NATO ally, the USA. We offer
>this document for what it is worth. If anyone can find proof that it is
>spurious, we welcome such proof. If not, it must remain as a possibly
>genuine document with truly devastating implications. |