Caz Last Chance Saloon
Joined: 23 Apr 2006 Posts: 836
Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 1:48 pm Post subject: Mass Vaccinations in the UK; Preparing to manage death. |
What our government has been planning since at least July 2006; Influenza Pandemic, and since at least May 2008, 'A Framework for Planners Preparing to Manage Death':
The following is from the pdf 'Wiltshire and Swindon Local Resilience Forum, Joint Pandemic Influenza Response Form', available on the Wiltshire Police website, the 6th pdf on this page: id=91&Itemid=234
Quote: | 9.3.5 Mass Vaccination Procedures
The PCTs will be responsible for planning and co-ordinating mass vaccination to the general
All people presenting at mass vaccination centres will need to be screened to determine
their eligibility for the vaccine against the national priority groups.
People will be required to complete a card stating their name, address, date of birth and
name of GP. This will be checked by an administrator and another card issued to the patient
to entitle them to a first vaccine, which will be given immediately. There is likely to be a
follow up dose in four weeks. Acceptance of the completed card could also serve as an
implied consent. |
It also derives from the following:
which mentions 'Local Resilience Forums'
Quote: | Preparing for Pandemic Influenza - Guidance to Local Planners (including checklist for Local Resilience Forum plans) [PDF, 26 pages, 344KB] - This document replaces the previous CCS publication REVISED – Guidance: Contingency Planning for a Possible Influenza Pandemic from July 2006. (03/12/07) |
Quote: | Publications
Civil Contingencies
Edition 7 of the Local Authority & Emergency Services Information (LAESI) [External website] (06 October 2009)
Logistic Operations for Emergency Supplies - Guidance for Emergency Planners [PDF 19 pages, 391KB] (August 2009)
Emergency Response and Recovery - Full Document Download [PDF 347 pages, 1.6MB]
Emergency Response and Recovery - Consultation Report [PDF 12 pages, 215KB]
Expectations and Indicators of Good Practice Set for Category 1 and 2 Responders [PDF 1.23MB, 74 pages] (June 2009)
Counter-terrorism strategy (CONTEST) [External website]
National Risk Register
Community Risk Registers [External website]
The National Security Strategy report
Emergencies - Planning for and Managing: A good pratice guide for Higher Education Institutions - The Association of University Chief Security Officers (AUCSO) [PDF 190 pages, 1MB] (25/07/08 )
Key Communities, Key Resources: Engaging the capacity and capabilities of faith communities in Civil Resilience [External website] (17/06/08 )
Guidance for Faith Communities and Local Influenza Pandemic Committees [External website] (17/06/08 )
DCMS - Guide to Safety at Sports Grounds [External website] (04/06/08 )
Planning for a Possible Influenza Pandemic – A Framework for Planners Preparing to Manage Deaths [PDF, 59 pages, 448KB] (19/05/08 )
Preparing for pandemic influenza: supplementary guidance for Local Resilience Forum planners [PDF, 56 pages, 369KB] (19/05/08 )
Chartered Management Institute Business Continuity Survey 2009 [PDF 719KB, 24 pages] (23/03/09)
Chartered Management Institute Business Continuity Survey 2008 [PDF, 20 pages, 429KB] (17/03/08 )
Chartered Management Institute (CMI) Business Continuity Survey 2007 Report [PDF 561KB, 20 pages] (20/03/07)
2006 Chartered Management Institute (CMI) Business Continuity Survey [PDF 539KB, 16 pages]
Identifying People Who Are Vulnerable in a Crisis - Guidance for Emergency Planners and Responders [PDF, 31 pages, 718KB] (03/03/08 )
Developing a Multi-Agency Flood Plan (MAFP) - Guidance for Local Resilience Forums and Emergency Planners [PDF 47 pages, 736KB] (February 2008 )
Government Decontamination Services Newsletter 4 [PDF, 2 pages, 73KB] (08/02/08 )
The Pitt Review: Learning lessons from the 2007 floods - Interim Report (17/12/07)
Preparing for Pandemic Influenza - Guidance to Local Planners (including checklist for Local Resilience Forum plans) [PDF, 26 pages, 344KB] - This document replaces the previous CCS publication REVISED – Guidance: Contingency Planning for a Possible Influenza Pandemic from July 2006. (03/12/07)
Pandemic Flu - A national framework for responding to an influenza pandemic [External website] (22/11/07)
Overarching Government Strategy to respond to an Influenza Pandemic - Analysis of the scientific evidence base [PDF, 72 pages, 715KB] (November 2007)
Operations in the UK: The Defence Contribution to Resilience (Revised October 2007) [PDF, 317 pages 2.6MB]
The Role of the Insurance Industry in dealing with Civil Emergencies [PDF, 3 pages 134KB]
HSE Guidance on National Security considerations when dealing with requests for information held under Major Hazard and Environmental Pollution Prevention Regulations [PDF, 4 pages, 86KB] (24/04/07)
Civil Protection News - Issue 2: Spring 2007 [PDF, 12 pages, 479KB] (28/03/07)
Planning for Major Water and Wastewater Incidents in England and Wales: Generic Guidance [PDF, 27 pages, 324KB] (02/02/07)
Public Safety in Complex and Built Environments [PDF, 23 pages, 833KB] (12/01/07)
Data Protection and Sharing - Guidance for Emergency Planners and Responders [PDF, 36 pages, 948KB] (11/01/07)
Civil Protection News - Issue 1: November 2006 [PDF, 15 pages, 755KB] (03/11/06)
Evacuation and Shelter Guidance: [PDF, 63 pages, 277KB] Non-statutory guidance to complement Emergency Preparedness and Emergency Response & Recovery
Humanitarian Assistance in Emergencies: Non-Statutory Guidance on Establishing Humanitarian Assistance Centres [PDF, 58 pages, 517KB] Annex A - Template Leaflet [Word Document, 1 page, 56KB]
A detailed guide to roles and responsibilities in humanitarian assistance (Published by DCMS) [PDF, 27 pages, 264KB]
Literature and Best Practice Review and Assessment: Identifying People's Needs in Major Emergencies and best practice in Humanitarian Response [PDF, 112 pages, 1MB]
Introductory material on pandemic influenza for Businesses and other Organisations to help you communicate with your staff [PDF, 6 pages, 87KB]
Civil Contingencies Act 2004: Performance Assessment Frameworks Category 1 responders' performance against the duties mandated by the Act is now integrated into existing mainstream performance assessment frameworks. This note sets out the arrangements as to how each sector will be assessed. [PDF, 121KB, 8 pages]
Threat Levels: The System to Assess the Threat from International Terrorism [PDF, 382KB, 8 pages]
Pandemic Influenza Checklist for Businesses [PDF 129KB, 4 pages].
Civil Contingencies Act: a short guide (Revised) [PDF, 8 pages, 327KB]
CCS's booklet: Hurricanes Katrina and Rita - A Perspective [PDF, 38 pages, 228KB]
CCS's Conferences on Evacuation and Shelter: delegate presentations:
Health Aspects of Evacuation and Shelter - Emergency Preparedness from the UK Department of Health [PowerPoint presentation, 45KB]
Shelter or Evacuation? - Alan Goodwin, Deputy Chief Constable, ACPO Emergency Procedures Committee [PowerPoint presentation, 169KB]
Hurricane Katrina - Lessons Learned - Frank E Gutierrez, Coordinator, Harris County Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management [PowerPoint presentation, 1MB]
Hurricane Rita - Evacuation of a Major Urban Area - Harris County Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management [PowerPoint presentation, 52KB]
Protecting Against Terrorism This booklet has been produced by the Security Service for those who are responsible for the safety of others in businesses and in other organisations. It supersedes Bombs - Protecting People and Property, and contains protective security advice and information. [PDF, 42 pages, 879KB]
London Flu Pandemic Contingency Plan Prompt Document [PDF, 12 pages, 122KB]
Geographical Information Systems - Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management [PDF, 128 pages, 2.4MB - VERY slow download]
Civil Contingencies Act: Emergency Preparedness - individual chapters in .pdf form
Civil Contingencies Act: Emergency Response and Recovery - individual chapters in .pdf form
Civil Contingencies Act: Emergency Preparedness [PDF, 231 pages, 1.15MB]
The Needs of Faith Communities in Major Emergencies: Some Guidelines - Updated guidance from the Home Office and the Cabinet Office [PDF, 48 pages, 274KB]
Central Government arrangements for responding to an emergency: Concept of Operations The arrangements for the response to an emergency (irrespective of its cause) requiring co-ordinated UK central government action. It describes how the UK central government response will be organised, and the relationship between the central, regional and local tiers in England, as well as the relationship between the UK central government and the devolved administrations in Scotland and Wales and the Northern Ireland Administration.
CONOPS - PDF version [PDF, 26 pages, 376KB]
CONOPS - Word version [read only]
Guidance on Dealing with Fatalities in Emergencies (May 2004) [PDF, 94 pages, 677KB]
Working together to Support Individuals in an Emergency or Disaster [PDF, 202 pages, 2.85MB]
Report: The role of NGO volunteers in civil protection [PDF, 186 pages, 3.5MB]
Secure in the Knowledge: Building a Secure Business [PDF, 48 pages, 2.63MB] London First and ACPO booklet.
Expecting the Unexpected: Business Continuity in an Uncertain World [PDF, 32 pages, 522KB] - Joint publication from the National Counter Terrorism Security Office, London First and the Business Continuity Institute.
London Strategic Emergency Plan [External PDF] Updated: February 2009
Recovery: an emergency management guide [PDF, 25 pages, 120KB]
The Lead Government Department and its role - Guidance and Best Practice (CCS: March 2004) [PDF, 50 pages, 612KB]
The role of the Lead Government Departments in planning for and managing crises - The Framework for action [PDF 5 pages, 97KB]
Emergency Plan Exercising
Lessons Identified from UK Exercises and Operations – a Policy Framework [PDF, 7 pages, 158KB]
Initial lessons capture template [Word Document, 1 page, 38KB]
The exercise planners guide
Why exercise your disaster response
Risk Communication
Communicating Risk Guidelines [PDF 1.9MB] |
The full text of 'Wiltshire and Swindon Local Resilience Forum, Joint Pandemic Influenza Response Form' also available here:
This also relates to the document 'Flu Pandemic, A national framework for responding to an influenza pandemic'
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