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Opening New Fronts

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PostPosted: Thu May 18, 2006 8:31 am    Post subject: Opening New Fronts Reply with quote

It's good, at the end of a day's hard labour, to look in on this forum. After 8 or 10 hours spent with The Sleeping, it's a true tonic to be amidst the company of those awake. So many of you have so much to offer.

My spare time is pretty limited and I've decided that the most effective I can be is to prompt participants in OTHER forums to begin questioning the facts of 9/11. I can spend time contributing here, but I can seldom offer something new that one of you quick-witted b****** hasn't already addressed. So I decided some time ago to use your combined effectiveness as a sort of database with which to arm myself addressing new challenges. I'm a true believer in the power of critical mass. And this means, I think, banging on new doors.

I'm long past being offended by derisory jibes from people who think my beliefs are somewhat "off kilter", as, I imagine are many, perhaps most of you. .

I have no real fear about going into new environments and giving a little shake-up. There's not much I could lose but a whole lot to achieve.

One of these forums can be found at www.com

I've been a fan of the music since I was a young teenager and dropped by the website a little while ago...go to FORUM and a thread that is entitled "BUSH AND BLAIR RESIGN..."

At over 1,500 views on a thread by a memberlist of about half that here at "nineeleven", (250 members) it might be possible that some people, who were otherwise fairly unquestioning, are now beginning to question...

Which can only be good news.

If any of you feel like dropping by and adding your twopenny-bit, then please do so. It's real hard to start at the beginning on a new site, and so easy to communicate here.

It's ASTOUNDING how little people are aware of, isn't it?



Last edited by Dog on Tue Jun 27, 2006 4:20 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Thu May 18, 2006 10:12 am    Post subject: MAXIMUM Respect To You George... Reply with quote

Reading your post, I can totally sympathise with you.

Most people are too busy getting on with their own lives to find time to stop and look at the BIG picture.
When you tell them things they might not be aware of, particularly details of a 911 conspiracy, it is so un-
believably EVIL than they cannot and will not accept it. For me, this is how these people have got away with
it up until now... ie. the majority of us just cannot believe that anyone could commit such an EVIL deed.

And I don't use the word lightly because these people are EVIL, make no mistake about it.

But life on this planet, always has been and always will be, a battle between GOOD and EVIL and..
I'm very happy to say that you have chose the right side, George .. Laughing

If you can only convince one person to believe you George then you have made this World a better place.

Here's a free ebook download that will explain in minute detail:
"why evil dwells on this planet" and what part it plays in our everyday life.
http://jahtruth.net/twh.pdf .. Very Happy
I stumbled accross it while visiting this web site:
Keep up the good work.
Vaporizer pipe

Last edited by Solomon on Fri Feb 18, 2011 4:45 pm; edited 3 times in total
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PostPosted: Thu May 18, 2006 10:17 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

George your idea of going into other forums and feeding in some facts about 9/11 is great, and you obviously have a real grasp of the issues. But try and avoid baiting them.You need to get them on your side first, then when they respect you, you will get away with a bit of wind up! I've found that if I just come out with this stuff without giving people time to process it, they resist because they feel they are being stampeded. Then they label you as a conspiracy nut and it's hard to regain the ground. It seems to be about sneaking in under the radar, gaining people's trust, and then when they trust you a bit presenting an argument which they can agree with to some degree at every point until you hit them with "so that's why 9/11 must have been an inside job". Then they will begin to look at the facts for themselves, which is what they really need to do. It's genius when you quote TheThe lyrics, though, that really annoys them!!
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PostPosted: Thu May 18, 2006 10:34 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Two very good and important posts.

I think that Solomon makes a very good point about Evil.

The problem I find with trying to 'educate' people on matters like this is they cannot get past the first hurdle, which is the notion that a group of people that have been 'elected' and who are supposed to be trusted, would do anything that would hurt its the people for their own gain. No matter what evidence you put before them, how you present it, or what it will result in, people just cannot get past the thought of: 'They would never do something like that'

People judge other people according to their own usually high moral standards. Thats the problem, the PTB dont have any.

As Solomon says George, 'keep up the good work'.
We will succeed!
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PostPosted: Fri May 19, 2006 9:57 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Cheers, fellas.

As a quick aside to your comments Jayhawk;

Good advice and thanks. However I do see some mileage in being somewhat robust initially. After all, it's not a Jamie Oliver recipe being discussed. I have posted simultaneously on the "Arts, Culture and Entertainment" forum too ("Favourite authors/books", "favourite films", "Introduce yourself"," World cup 2006 " etc) and have found that I have quite a bit in common with many of the members..and of course we all have the music of The The as a common factor. I hope that these other non-political postings are an indication that I am somewhat more than a "conspiracy theory nut". It's great to take your mind off things for a while and chat about books for a change. And it is in no way an obsequious gesture. Sharing common ground is wholly rewarding. And these folks here seem pretty decent to me....they just have a hard learning curve ahead of them.

Thanks all the same Jayhawk...your comments are much appreciated. And if you are banging on new doors yourself, be sure to let us know!
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waking life
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PostPosted: Sun May 21, 2006 4:08 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Many people just don't want to hear any of this, so will immediately shout conspiracy theorists. These people will be the last to wake up as they just go with popular opinion, and would hate to be in the minority on anything.

I have come accross many others who think they know it all from reading the likes of Chomsky, who is held aloft as some kind of genius. He claims to believe the findings of the warren commission, so there goes any credibility he had.

The only explanation for this is that he is purposely keeping otherwise intelligent people from the truth, in effect he is a double agent.

The trouble is most people are too proud to admit they have been taken for a ride, and unless they feel these issues directly affect them will continue to sit on the fence.

Any ideas how to get these people onside?
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PostPosted: Sun May 21, 2006 8:12 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The main hurdle to get over is the phrase conspiracy theory. That is always the thing that gets thrown at me.
is an interesting attempt to approach it from the other direction, but too long.
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Angel - now passed away
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PostPosted: Sun May 21, 2006 9:26 am    Post subject: Re: Opening New Fronts Reply with quote

George wrote:
So I decided some time ago to use your combined effectiveness as a sort of database with which to arm myself addressing new challenges. I'm a true believer in the power of critical mass. And this means, I think, banging on new doors.

That's just what we need George. You'll find some websites will censor you if you publicly question the Bush/Blair line. Urban75 particularly springs to mind.

George wrote:
I'm long past being offended by derisory jibes from people who think my beliefs are somewhat "off kilter", as, I imagine are many, perhaps most of you. I have a beautiful sister who confided in her mother that I'd "lost the plot." A step-father who thinks I have a "propensity for the morose."

And a girlfriend of eight years (up until a year ago) who, whilst still a friend and most definately a girl, is alas no longer a girlfriend. Apparently, I'm "obsessed" with September 11th.

Relationship and family proiblems seem to be par for the course. My relationship seems to be about to break up after 35 years and 9/11 scepticism seems to be doing good business for the divorce lawyers.

I'll take a look at those websites you mention. Try Flamesong and Rinz which are sympathetic, also Impeach Blair and Schmoontherun. One of our supporters is blogging about 9/11 on the Celtic (Glasgow football club) website.

More power to you George

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Angel - now passed away
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PostPosted: Sun May 21, 2006 10:02 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

jason67 wrote:
Two very good and important posts.

I think that Solomon makes a very good point about Evil.

The struggle between good and evil is what lies at the heart of all good stories. The Lord of the Rings is the one which keeps springing to my mind. The Hobbits of the Shire don't want to know, don't want to think outside their own comfortable little lives, and those that do, Bilbo and Frodo, are regarded as crazy conspiracy theorists.

Saruman, the most spiritually advanced good wizard, falls prey to temptation and makes a Faustian pact with Evil. Gandalf realises that he could fall for the same temptation and therefore won't trust himself with the ring.

But it's those Hobbits, the simple little trusting people who wake up from their comfortable lives to the evil which threatens, who turn out to be the saviours of civilization, though they must bear all sorts of trials and tribulations as a result of their commitment.

jason67 wrote:
The problem I find with trying to 'educate' people on matters like this is they cannot get past the first hurdle, which is the notion that a group of people that have been 'elected' and who are supposed to be trusted, would do anything that would hurt its the people for their own gain. No matter what evidence you put before them, how you present it, or what it will result in, people just cannot get past the thought of: 'They would never do something like that'

People judge other people according to their own usually high moral standards. Thats the problem, the PTB dont have any.

I ask them questions (Socratic method of teaching) such as: do they think criminals are motivated by power?

If so, do they think criminals would never use deception to enter the top echelons of power?

People respond so much better to being asked for their opinions than to being told what's what. Socrates used to play the ignorant fool and ask questions all the time.

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Angel - now passed away
Angel - now passed away

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PostPosted: Sun May 21, 2006 10:42 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

waking life wrote:
Many people just don't want to hear any of this, so will immediately shout conspiracy theorists. These people will be the last to wake up as they just go with popular opinion, and would hate to be in the minority on anything.

You could try asking them whether they would agree that by definition when two or more people plan to commit a crime a conspiracy exists. Then ask them if they would agree that any theories about how that crime was carried out are by definition "conspiracy theories". Then ask them if it is reasonable when considering conspiracies to look at the evidence in order to decide which theory best fits it and whether the government or the media's favoured conspiracy theory is always the correct one. If they say it is, ask them whether the government and media were right about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, Saddam's ability to launch attacks againd "British interests" within 45 minutes, Blair's assertion that he had taken no decision to go to war, and the government's assertion that Iraq was buying yellow cake uranium in Niger.

waking life wrote:
I have come accross many others who think they know it all from reading the likes of Chomsky, who is held aloft as some kind of genius. He claims to believe the findings of the warren commission, so there goes any credibility he had.

The only explanation for this is that he is purposely keeping otherwise intelligent people from the truth, in effect he is a double agent.

There has to be a strong suspicion that he is.

In Britain an associate of Chomsky's, Milan Rai, has endeared himself to the Peace movement by deliberately getting himself arrested in Parliament Square, then using his position to launch his book, 7/7: The London Bombings and the Iraq War
~ Pluto Press Paperback - February 24, 2006. The book lambasts the Blair government for taking Britain into war, but presumes the guilt of the four alleged London bombers though they have never been tried or convicted. It demands an enquiry into 7/7 but not one which examines who was behind the attacks. He even managed to persuade Quaker Peace and Social Witness to sponsor his book launch. He has held public meetings promoting his book all over the country but at them has used various methods to avoid answering questions from the public about why he presumes the guilt of those who have never faced trial.

You can draw your own conclusions about what games he is playing but don't get yourselves sued for libel, unless you want to be.

waking life wrote:
The trouble is most people are too proud to admit they have been taken for a ride, and unless they feel these issues directly affect them will continue to sit on the fence.

Any ideas how to get these people onside?

Just the few I've mentioned above, plus it might be beneficial to get into the good books of the peace movement by getting yourself arrested for breaking Blair's new oppressive laws.

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