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Globalist NWO New World Order is what exactly?
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 2:08 pm    Post subject: Globalist NWO New World Order is what exactly? Reply with quote

By Joan M. Veon


For the last 13 years as I have covered global meetings and studied the ever shifting economic and political structure of this New World Order of ours, I have been very saddened to realize that we the people have absolutely no voice in government. Over and over again, the president passes executive orders that bypass Congress and if that was not bad enough, our elected representatives have determined that “they know better than you and me.” Most of the change that is occurring today is because elected officials have decided that we the people are not smart enough to understand and we are being bypassed by them. If that were not bad enough, they go along to get along instead of opposing presidential policy that is out of sync with the Constitution.

Furthermore, we have seen the structure of government change as government assets are carved up and sold to the highest bidder through various privatization schemes. Then there is the co-managing of government by corporations and non-governmental organizations known as public-private partnerships. In fact the future structure of government is public-private partnerships. Just ask the people of New Orleans, just look at the Chicago Skyway and the Indiana Toll Road, just look at President Bushes space program of “Moon, Mars and Beyond.” Just look at the report by the Center for Strategic and International Studies on “Public Works, Public Wealth” which basically says government needs deeper pockets: corporations to the rescue! Can you imagine having to pay a toll to use any part of the road you now travel on? Guess again, corporations are about to fight for the right to convert our roadways to toll ways and for any part of infrastructure to be public-private partnership! What gold there is in “them there hills”! This is the tip of the iceberg.

Government as we know it is changing as it gives away its power to the highest bidder. Just recently, Norway overthrew their Democratic Socialist government so they can privatize more of their state assets! What that means is that every time a public-private partnership is set up, representative government diminishes. Yes, that’s right. What will happen after all our assets have been divided up among the corporations? You and I will still be paying our taxes to keep the shell of government afloat so they can meet the United Nations Millennium Development Goals of reducing poverty in the world by 50% or to provide foreign aid to bribe various third-world governments in order to comply with the New World Order. Basically, the United States is becoming a feudalistic state. In medieval Europe, feudalism was a system in which the serfs were privileged to live on the estate of a duke or prince in order to be protected by him and his castle moat. In return, the serfs they gave a portion of their crops and paid a monthly wage for this opportunity.

Just when I think we have no power, I saw Wall Street and the Federal Reserve reverse their steps last week, and realized WE THE PEOPLE HAVE POWER-IT IS THE ONLY POWER THE MONEY MONSTERS UNDERSTAND: CONSUMER SPENDING! In order to understand our power OVER THE NEW WORLD ORDER, we must understand the present economic system that has come into being. There are four components: the Markets, Capitalism, the Federal Reserve, and a paper-monetary system.

Last week, we saw a classic case of how Wall Street and the Federal Reserve needing to save the economy from you and me. All of a sudden, it was announced on September 11 that the oil and gold market rise was over. That same day, CNBC’s Larry Kramer forecasted that oil will never go back to $75bbl, and that it is time to buy drug stocks. The price of gas at the pump began to drop and according to CNBC the next day, “Consumers are feeling better, more secure, and richer over lower energy.” CNBC then went on to show SUV’s and tell us, “Maybe it is time to buy an SUV.”

We were then told that GM and Ford are going to lay off and close plants. Ford announced they will no longer manufacturer the gas-guzzling SUV which has been the favorite of Americans for the past 10 years.

Between higher interest rates, growing consumer debt spurred on by lower interest rates, and $75bbl. oil, Wall Street changed its tune. In fact they did a little dance. Here and there we have been told that the housing market is slowing down. Some of America’s largest homebuilders now have one year’s supply of new homes. First Toll Brothers, now KB Homes. The housing markets in California, Nevada and Florida have slowed tremendously in light of higher mortgage rates and the Fed’s determination to fight the same inflation they have created.

Wall Street would have us believe that the reason for oil dropping from $75bbl to $60 bbl, almost overnight, is a result of the new oil reserve found in the Gulf, even though it will take 7-10 years to bring it on line. The real truth is they are in trouble.

As a result of my experience as an investment professional, I determined several years ago that capitalism is an “ism” like socialism, Fabian socialism, communism, and Marxism. The nature of capitalism is that it has to have new markets, new products, and new customers constantly and continuously, otherwise it will fall and the market will drop and the economy will go into a recession or depression. Capitalism needs constant turnover over money. How fast money changes hands will determine how strong demand is for a product. Capitalism, therefore, is like the game of Pac Man. In that game, the winning goal is to get the Pac Man to eat as much of its enemy before it is eaten, in other words, survival of the fittest. In this regard, Marx was right.

Another thing about capitalism, a famous economist by the name of Joseph Schumpeter wrote a book in 1942 by the name of Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy in which he said “[I]n dealing with capitalism, we are dealing with an evolutionary process…capitalism is a form of economic change and not only never is, but never can be stationary.” There it is. Capitalism must have a new product, a new consumer, and a new market.

Currently the SUV’s have tanked as a result of the high cost of energy. Look at the prospects for auto companies: sell a new, innovative fuel efficient car to all those families who have SUVs!!! There will be pain for both the company which needs to retool and downsize, and for the family which will now get a greatly reduced trade-in for their gas-guzzler. But for the economy, a new demand has been created that will stimulate it-for a while. Basically this benefit also has a negative.

The downside of capitalism is seen in the fact that capitalism over produces. Right now both GM and Ford have a huge inventory of the old gas guzzling models and not enough of the new efficient models. Dealers also have too many SUVs which they will end up taking a loss since there is no longer the demand for the big one. You see, capitalism cannot determine how long the market will demand a particular product or sometimes the variable that will change the demand. The same is true with home builders. With 45 year low interest rates, they could not build them fast enough. Now with higher mortgage rates, there is about a year’s supply of inventory.

The Federal Reserve is a private corporation that was voted the job of managing the monetary system of the United States in 1913 by a quorum of insider legislators who waited for their opposition to go home for the Christmas holidays on December 24 at 11:45 p.m. Basically the Federal Reserve is not federal nor does it have reserves. The truth is that they create money out of thin air and then they charge the U.S. government for borrowing it at “current” interest rates. All you have to do is take a look at the paper money in your wallet. It is a “Federal Reserve Note-This note is legal tender for all debts, public and private.” The Federal Reserve is not the U.S. Treasury. It is a central bank or private corporation controlled by its owners who are private. The Federal Reserve does not issue an annual report nor does it pay taxes on their taxable income. President James A. Garfield said in 1881 that “Whoever controls the volume of money in our country is absolute master of all industry and commerce…and when you realize that the entire system is very easily controlled by a few powerful men at the top, you will not have to be told how periods of inflation and depression originate.”

Dr. Carroll Quigley, Bill Clinton’s mentor at Georgetown University wrote about the purpose of central banks in his book, Tragedy and Hope:

[T]he powers of financial capitalism had another far-reaching aim, nothing less than to
Create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and economy of the world has a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements.

Perhaps what we have seen happen in the last few weeks is the change in market cycles that benefit those in control of creating them. After the crash of the NASDAQ in which $7T changed hands from those who “bought and held” to those who sold, the Federal Reserve dropped interest rates to 45 year lows to stimulate the economy. In early 2005, they began to increase interest rates from 1% to its current rate of 5 ¼%. In doing so, they have changed the economic climate for homes. As a result of easy credit, is the consumer tapped out and not able to buy more which is what the capitalistic system needs?

In the United States, taking the dollar off the gold standard occurred in two steps: In 1933, Roosevelt confiscated all gold bullion held by private individuals but he allowed foreign countries who had gold dollar certificates to cash them in at the “gold window.” Then in 1971, President Nixon closed the gold window and refused to convert a foreign country’s demand for gold by using the gold backed dollars. At that time, the world system decided to join the U.S. and use a fiat monetary system of plain paper. This unaccountable system of finance benefits only the central banks of the world. Governments can borrow, the central banks can print and charge interest on higher and higher governmental debts. Dr. Carroll Quigley wrote in Tragedy and Hope,

When a currency is off the gold standard, fluctuation of exchange [which is then created], can go on indefinitely. The unbalance of international payments is worked out by a shift in exchange rates.

The bottom line is the dollar has dropped in value since 1971 by over 70%. Why? Our government deficits escalated to over $11T at this time.

Furthermore, in a paper monetary system, usury becomes the order of the day. For Americans, we have seen directly what usury is. In 1980, our government passed the Monetary De-Regulation Act in which they removed ceilings and floors on interest banks had to pay and charge on savings. Bankers can now pay the “going” rate of interest rather than a minimum amount. As an example, on savings accounts banks are paying ¾ of 1% while charging up to 9% on auto loans and 8.25% on second mortgages, besides 18-35% on credit cards. Is this fair? No. Time to stop it.

The bottom line is that Wall Street and our central bank made a huge mistake by raising interest rates at the same time when energy was going up. What they now know is that the power of the consumer is gone-or is it? They are not able to put gas in their SUVs and they are not buying new ones. Furthermore, they cannot afford a new home which has doubled in price as a result of 45 year low interest rates. In other words, there is very high inventory of SUVs by all the auto dealers and the home builders.

However this is GOOD NEWS BECAUSE IT IS THE CONSUMER WHO HAS SPOKEN. We have the power to bring the system which they created down. Let’s use their system to stop them. It is very simple: STOP BUYING AND STOP CHARGING!!!

We have not been using our power properly. Instead, we have agreed to their terms and their system. The Consumer is over extended. While we may not be up to our eyeballs in debt, it is time to get out of their system. We can use their system to make demands to change their hold on us. They need you and me to constantly buy, to determine that we need to look like the magazine pictures of what is acceptable on any given day, they need you and me to prop up their monstrous capitalistic system by buying newer and bigger so they can earn more interest. They need you and me to march to their tune. IT IS TIME TO STOP AND TELL THEM TO MARCH TO OUR TUNE. All this without a bullet being fired.

You know what they tell co-dependents. Get healed and then your marriage will change. We can change this evil, feudalistic system by not buying and not charging, emergencies excluded. This is what needs to be done:

Get financially well. If you have debt, stop buying until you pay OFF your current debts. If you need something new, start visiting the consignment shops. There are different level of consignment shops from Goodwill to high-ended clothing shops.

When you have finished paying off your credit cards, learn to live within your means. We have all been guilty of believing the beautiful advertisements that tell us we too can be beautiful with a new house, new car, new furniture, new kitchen, new shoes, new dress, new tools, etc. Joy comes from within.

For things you need, start going to flea markets, neighborhood garage sales, antique stores, and auctions. Read the “For sale” ads. The idea is NOT TO BUY IN THE DEPARTMENT STORES, but from one another. Create an alternative to their system.

When you send your credit card payment, write a note saying you can’t afford 18% to 35% and for that reason you are going to close your account. Tell MasterCard and Visa that you are not going to pay 18% any more. Keep one open for emergencies.

For Christmas, a retailer’s biggest opportunity to get people to buy, make your Christmas presents this year, next year, and the year after.

Start going to your county council meetings and vote down new spending appropriations. The answer is NO to further economic projects that will increase our debt. Tell them NO to usurious interest rates. NO to new bond projects that will increase our burden of debt for many years to come. Vote out the high spenders who advocate “economic growth.”

Write to your Congressman and Senator and tell them to repeal the 1980 Monetary De-Regulation Act and return interest rates on credit cards to fair rates instead of Mafia level interest rates and while you are at it, tell them to repeal the Federal Reserve Act.

Tell your neighbors, spread the word. STOP BUYING AND STOP CHARGING. Let’s break their dysfunctional system


'Suppression of truth, human spirit and the holy chord of justice never works long-term. Something the suppressors never get.' David Southwell
Martin Van Creveld: Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: "Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother."
Martin Van Creveld: I'll quote Henry Kissinger: "In campaigns like this the antiterror forces lose, because they don't win, and the rebels win by not losing."
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 3:28 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Personally I've reached the situation where I want the whole system changed. We don't need any of this 'dependency culture'. Back to communities, no taxes, no lawyers, no councillors, no hidden agenda education, no creches, no lying media, no subsidies, organic food, proper health.

Yes it would be a small term shock but everuone's lives would improve no end. Working from 9-5, for nonsense is no longer on my agenda. We have been manipulated into this modern society.

And no... I'm not saying we return to pre-industrial times. I'm saying if everyone was free of the influences we have on our lives, imposed on us, generally... we could choose what we want to do for the community and a balance would naturally occur.

What we have now is a completely false system imposed from above that serves the elite few, and for one way to start, learn about the Money scam!
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 3:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Cruise4 wrote:
Personally I've reached the situation where I want the whole system changed. We don't need any of this 'dependency culture'. Back to communities, no taxes, no lawyers, no councillors, no hidden agenda education, no creches, no lying media, no subsidies, organic food, proper health.

Yes it would be a small term shock but everuone's lives would improve no end. Working from 9-5, for nonsense is no longer on my agenda. We have been manipulated into this modern society.

And no... I'm not saying we return to pre-industrial times. I'm saying if everyone was free of the influences we have on our lives, imposed on us, generally... we could choose what we want to do for the community and a balance would naturally occur.

What we have now is a completely false system imposed from above that serves the elite few, and for one way to start, learn about the Money scam!

You are completely correct and not the first to point this (painful to some) home truth out on the forum...

Belief is the Enemy of Truth www.dissential.com
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 10:53 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Cruise4 wrote:
What we have now is a completely false system imposed from above that serves the elite few, and for one way to start, learn about the Money scam!

The system does what we tell it to. What we need to do is take the power back and decentralise all systems of power and influence. The masses have to recognise the system has been abused to benefit the minority and the elite.

But as always, it's one thing to talk the talk, we're not walking the walk.

reality is a manufactured illusion
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Angel - now passed away
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 9:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Speak for thineself, Oh Faust! ;-) Some of us have not sold out.

Criuse4 - what you say is music to my ears.

A very simple ascetic life can be equally as pleasurable and immeasurably richer than being just another cog in the NWO vacuum-cleaner. I know, as I've been living off a small piece of land for decades now. Can't remember the last time I needed to use that filthy lucre stuff that is driving the world to total meltdown now, thanks to a few very greedy psychopaths.

Life can be such a never-ending thrill, living from hand to mouth. You maintain dexterity of action and thought with very little effort and no distractions.

The only snag is when the CIA types move in, like they've done in Darfur (and just about anywhere else there are resources to rape) - then it all goes to hell...

Time to clean out the stables - in more ways than one.


pee ess: For those who wonder how I get on the net in such 'straightened circumstance' - it's easy, given an old bike or reclaimed solar panel, a years saving and an ebay laptop at the end of it and of course an ISP who prefers veggies to dosh - there, I AM lucky ;-)
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landless peasant
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 12:47 pm    Post subject: The New World Order is what? Reply with quote

What do people mean when they say The New World Order? I have heard A New World Order called for many times but what does a term like fighting The New World Order really mean? There is no group called The New World Order so who are we meant to be fighting? Sun Tzu said to know your enemy and yourself but we know nether.

I'm starting to believe that the whole 9/11 truth movement is a set up, the people behind 9/11 knew a truth movement would grow up around it and would use that when the time is right. I can't help but think we are being manipulated here! Worst still we tend to think we are on the right track now, we are getting to the truth. That's a dangerous place to be.

Seems like 9/11 truth movement is being manipulated, and was always going to be. But by who? How deeply are the likes of the CIA involved in 9/11 truth movement?
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 1:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

What do people mean when they say The New World Order? I have heard A New World Order called for many times but what does a term like fighting The New World Order really mean? There is no group called The New World Order so who are we meant to be fighting? Sun Tzu said to know your enemy and yourself but we know nether.

The New World Order is an Agenda to control the plannet with a

One World Government (To dictat to everyone what they can and cannot do)
One World Army (To stop anyone standing up to the facsist order)
One World Bank & Electronic Currency (No more Paper Money, money is the route of all control. When the truth is we don't need money.)
And a Micro-chipped Poplutation (Micro-Chipping babys at birth)

They will sell this is in a really posative way, but it will be a SINISTER AGENDA to control what you think, what you do, what you say, what you eat etc....

There will be NO FREEDOM what so ever.

I wish a had David Icke link to give you, he has done some great radio interviews on this subject.
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 1:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


"When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty." ~ Thomas Jefferson
"Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." ~ Pennsylvania Historical Review (1759)
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 1:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm starting to believe that the whole 9/11 truth movement is a set up, the people behind 9/11 knew a truth movement would grow up around it and would use that when the time is right. I can't help but think we are being manipulated here! Worst still we tend to think we are on the right track now, we are getting to the truth. That's a dangerous place to be.

Yes that's right, controling the evidence comes to mind. They are infilltrating and manipulating The Truth Movement, and the cover up is just as important to them as the actual fase Flag Attack on 9/11. People are ment to think it was a controled demolition with conventional exposive's on the the Twin Towers (The main event.) But it wasnt IMO.
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 1:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Organisations and Secret Sociaties like The Bilderberg group, CFR, Club of Rome, Skull & Bones, The Freemasons, Nights Templars, Nights of Malta, The City of London, The Vaticain, Jesutits, Europeon Royle Familys. And many more.......


I think CIA, MI5/MI6 Mosad etc... Are more involed in carrying out the bombings/Terror attacts. But I could be wrong.

Ask yourself why is (Boy) George Bush Subservient to The Queen of England ?

Local sh*t in the UK
Common Purpose

Last edited by Stephen on Tue Jan 29, 2008 2:22 pm; edited 3 times in total
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 1:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Stephen wrote:
I'm starting to believe that the whole 9/11 truth movement is a set up, the people behind 9/11 knew a truth movement would grow up around it and would use that when the time is right. I can't help but think we are being manipulated here! Worst still we tend to think we are on the right track now, we are getting to the truth. That's a dangerous place to be.

Yes that's right, controling the evidence comes to mind. They are infilltrating and manipulating The Truth Movement, and the cover up is just as important to them as the actual fase Flag Attack on 9/11. People are ment to think it was a controled demolition with conventional exposive's on the the Twin Towers (The main event.) But it wasnt IMO.

Get a grip Stephen.

People were "meant to think" it was 19 muslim hijackers, justifying an unlimited war on terror and as a by-product, US expansionism in the Middle East.

Your version has been devised to neutralize your paranoid sub-cult and those it might associate with - i.e. real activists.

Dissolution of the Global Corporations.
It's the only way.

It's them or us.
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 2:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


http://search.live.com/results.aspx?srch=105&FORM=IE7RE&q=new+Wold+Ord er

http://search.live.com/results.aspx?q=Gordon+Brown+New+World+Order&FOR M=SSRE2
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 2:10 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Stephen wrote:

lol - isn't that the new nico haupt video? Laughing
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 2:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The phrase Novus Ordo Seclorum (Latin for "New Order of the Ages")

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 2:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

gruts wrote:
Stephen wrote:

lol - isn't that the new nico haupt video? Laughing

Nar mate, you know who I mean the secret society called the Jesuits. Wink
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 8:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

landless peasant wrote:
What do people mean when they say The New World Order? I have heard A New World Order called for many times but what does a term like fighting The New World Order really mean? There is no group called The New World Order so who are we meant to be fighting? Sun Tzu said to know your enemy and yourself but we know nether.

I thoroughly recommend reading "The Historical Continuity of Empire", by Jerry Russell and Richard Stanley, and the rest of "Psychopaths, Secret Societies and the New World Order" as at http://www.911-strike.com/continuity.htm

What stands out for me in these essays is the well argued case that "they" today are logically the inheritors of the power that "they" had from the earliest stages of civilisation. Put very simply, once a ruling clique establish a certain level of power, having been clever and ruthless enough to achieve it, why or how would they ever lose it?

It is particularly stunning and incredible to contemplate that a powerful and reputable person, a company president or a Senator, or the Ruler of our Country, could possibly be a true psychopath, a man devoid of conscience. Yet we maintain that this is quite frequently the case, from the beginning of history down to the present day.

I also recommend reading "The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion: Proof of an Ancient Conspiracy" by Ivan Fraser and "TPOTLEOZ" itself as at http://www.biblebelievers.org.au/proof.htm

This is usually referred to as as notorious, anti-semitic, and a forgery, which it may indeed be. In case you are wary of following my recommendation, I disavow and repudiate any suggestion that it justifies jew hatred, which I affirm is a disgraceful and disgusting ideology. I think it should be read by all "truth seekers" though, as it provides a much needed reminder of the evil some people are capable of dreaming up, and a fascinating insight into the psychology of the rulers and the ruled. You rightly identify the importance of knowing ourselves. If you are anything like me, instinctively and ardently opposed to bigotry and "racism" as commonly meant by that word, reading The Protocols and examining the feelings that arise (including fear of violating the the taboo) will be a valuable (if possibly unsettling) experience, and is worthwhile for that self insight alone.
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Joined: 25 Jul 2005
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 10:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

According to my Latin Dictionary that is...

Wrong wrong wrong!!

Please people stop trotting out what you hear repeated and check your facts.


in latin means


or more correctly in English


Stephen wrote:
The phrase Novus Ordo Seclorum (Latin for "New Order of the Ages")

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung

Last edited by TonyGosling on Wed Apr 23, 2008 5:28 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 4:35 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


Secular \Sec"u*lar\, a. [OE. secular, seculer. L. saecularis,
   fr. saeculum a race, generation, age, the times, the world;
   perhaps akin to E. soul: cf. F. s['e]culier.]
   1. Coming or observed once in an age or a century.
      [1913 Webster]

            The secular year was kept but once a century.
      [1913 Webster]

   2. Pertaining to an age, or the progress of ages, or to a
      long period of time; accomplished in a long progress of
      time; as, secular inequality; the secular refrigeration of
      the globe.
      [1913 Webster]

   3. Of or pertaining to this present world, or to things not
      spiritual or holy; relating to temporal as distinguished
      from eternal interests; not immediately or primarily
      respecting the soul, but the body; worldly.
      [1913 Webster]

            New foes arise,
            Threatening to bind our souls with secular chains.
      [1913 Webster]

   4. (Eccl.) Not regular; not bound by monastic vows or rules;
      not confined to a monastery, or subject to the rules of a
      religious community; as, a secular priest.
      [1913 Webster]

            He tried to enforce a stricter discipline and
            greater regard for morals, both in the religious
            orders and the secular clergy.        --Prescott.
      [1913 Webster]

   5. Belonging to the laity; lay; not clerical.
      [1913 Webster]

            I speak of folk in secular estate.    --Chaucer.
      [1913 Webster]

   Secular equation (Astron.), the algebraic or numerical
      expression of the magnitude of the inequalities in a
      planet's motion that remain after the inequalities of a
      short period have been allowed for.

   Secular games (Rom. Antiq.), games celebrated, at long but
      irregular intervals, for three days and nights, with
      sacrifices, theatrical shows, combats, sports, and the

   Secular music, any music or songs not adapted to sacred

   Secular hymn or Secular poem, a hymn or poem composed for
      the secular games, or sung or rehearsed at those games.
      [1913 Webster]

Secular \Sec"u*lar\, n.
   1. (Eccl.) A secular ecclesiastic, or one not bound by
      monastic rules. --Burke.
      [1913 Webster]

   2. (Eccl.) A church official whose functions are confined to
      the vocal department of the choir. --Busby.
      [1913 Webster]

   3. A layman, as distinguished from a clergyman.
      [1913 Webster]

More like "New Age".


"When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty." ~ Thomas Jefferson
"Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." ~ Pennsylvania Historical Review (1759)
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 4:40 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

FYI, just found this on Wikipedia:


The word seclorum does not mean "secular", as one might assume, but is the genitive (possessive) plural form of the word saeculum, meaning (in this context) generation, century, or age. Saeculum did come to mean "age, world" in late, Christian, Latin, and "secular" is derived from it, through secularis. However, the adjective "secularis," meaning "worldly," is not equivalent to the nominative plural possessive "seclorum," meaning "of the ages."[1]

Thus the motto Novus Ordo Seclorum can be translated as "A new order of the ages." It was proposed by Charles Thomson, the Latin expert who was involved in the design of the Great Seal of the United States, to signify "the beginning of the new American Era" as of the date of the Declaration of Independence.

... so, indeed, we shouldn't believe everything that we're told!

Now go write out "Novus Ordo Seclorum" a thousand times before sunrise, or I'll cut your b*ll*cks off.
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landless peasant
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 10:25 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks for all your reply s people I will read thru them all and hopefully gain a better understanding, and post when I'm done:)
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 9:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Jim wrote:
FYI, just found this on Wikipedia:


The word seclorum does not mean "secular", as one might assume, but is the genitive (possessive) plural form of the word saeculum, meaning (in this context) generation, century, or age. Saeculum did come to mean "age, world" in late, Christian, Latin, and "secular" is derived from it, through secularis. However, the adjective "secularis," meaning "worldly," is not equivalent to the nominative plural possessive "seclorum," meaning "of the ages."

I bow not to this wikipedia explanation which has been circulating in books about banking for at least the last 35 years.

This is a grammatical myth which I see as an attempt to extract the issue of God which is a key part of the NWO's programme for winning hearts and minds and mass social engineering.

After all, who am I to pick up my latin dictionary and take what it says at face value?

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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paul wright

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 10:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I think 'of the ages' fits in their Virgil based interpretation. Their version of the new age is where one particular 'god' fits worldwide. Or such is ther intent. You know, secular or related to one faked up god, depending on how you view the matter, something for everyone in the slave camp.
It all works

Word mod cl/cul
An internal 'cl' might be rendered by 'cul'

secul.orum N 2 2 GEN P N
seculum, seculi N N [EEXCM] Later
world/universe; secular/temporal/earthly/worldly affairs/cares/temptation;

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Mark Gobell
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 11:57 am    Post subject: Re: The New World Order is what? Reply with quote

landless peasant wrote:
What do people mean when they say The New World Order?

One of the possible routes to an answer might be to ask the question of those that use the term.

Such us our own Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, who has used the term New World Order on several occasions since not being elected as Prime Minister.

I am still waiting for a response from Number 10 to the very same question, sent many weeks ago.

You can ask him or his minions the same question here

Be sure to post their reply won't you.

If you ever get one that is.

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 11:08 pm    Post subject: Excellent question Reply with quote

Earliest source I can find for the phrase is from 1941
First time this quotation has ever been posted on the web. I just checked.
Seems pretty clear to me, a New World Order' is the central objective of Nazi political control. Which by no means died in 1944.
Thankfully, though these C21 Nazi control freaks are convinced it is possible, they can and will never achieve it.
They will rather burn the world to the ground trying, and failing.

Closing paragraphs of
STRANGE CONFLICT by Dennis Wheatley
First published by Hutchinson, 1941
Spoken by Wheatley's protagonist Monseigneur le Duc de Richleau, Knight of the Most Exalted Order of the Golden Fleece. The Duc is addressing his friends Simon Aron, Marie Lou, Rex Van Ryn and Richard Eaton who he's just helped rescue from a Nazi-Voodoo priest who has been remote viewing Britain's vital Atlantic convoy routes:

…"Whether or not Hitler and Mussolini themselves are great masters of Black Magic, nobody can possibly contest that it is through such ambitious and unscrupulous men, German, Italian and Japanese, that the Powers of Darkness are working and in recent years have acquired such a terrifying increase of strength upon our earth.
"The New World Order which they wish to bring about is but another name for Hell. If through them Evil prevailed, every man and woman of every race and colour would finally be enslaved, from the cradle to the grave. They would be brought up to worship might instead of right and would be taught to condone, or even praise, murder, torture and the suppression of all liberty as 'necessary' to the welfare of 'the State'.
"Incontestable proof of that has already been given us by the way in which the young Nazi-educated Germans have behaved in Poland, Czechoslovakia, Norway, Holland, Belgium and France. They butchered old men, women and children who did not even seek to oppose them. That was part of the Plan, and they obeyed the order to commit these murders in cold blood without a single recorded instance of any protest against them by officers or men. Seven years of the Totalitarian poison has been enough for the Evil to grip five million German youths and with it their hearts have gone cold and stony. If they triumph, within seventy years such words as justice, toleration, freedom and compassion will have ceased to have a place in the vocabularies of the races of mankind.
"In the New World Order all family life will be at an end, except for the conquerors, and only the worst elements, spiritually, will be allowed to procreate fresh generations to populate a world divided into masters and slaves. The right to homes and children of their own would be reserved to the Overlords; the rest would be herded into barracks and reduced to the level of robots without the right to read or speak or even think for themselves. There could be no revolt, because every officer, priest, deputy, editor, magistrate, writer and other leader of free thought and action in the conquered countries would already have been executed by the firing-squads; and leaderless herds cannot prevail against tanks, tear-gas, bombs and machine-guns.
"And unless men are free how can they progress upon the great spiritual journey which all must make?
"This war is not for territory or gain or glory, but that Armageddon which was prophesied of old. That is why all the Children of Light. wherever they may be, captive or free, must hold on to their spiritual integrity as never before and must stick at nothing, physically, in the fight, lest the whole world fall under the domination of these puppets who are animated by the Powers of Darkness."
As he ceased speaking they knew that although it would be many days before their burns, weals and wounds were healed there had come into their hearts a little glow of warmth. The Battle was still far from being over, but they had done the thing which they had set out to do. Their Victory was an episode¬ no more-in the Titanic struggle that was in progress, but the flame which animated their spirits was burning an the brighter for it, and they were returning to fight on for the England that they loved.
It seemed that the Duke guessed their thoughts, for he spoke again. "As long as Britain stands the Powers of Darkness cannot prevail. On Earth the Anglo-Saxon race is the last Guardian of the Light, and I have an unshakable conviction that, come what may, our island will prove the Bulwark of the World."

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung

Last edited by TonyGosling on Wed Apr 23, 2008 3:25 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 10:22 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

TonyGosling wrote:

I bow not to this wikipedia explanation which has been circulating in books about banking for at least the last 35 years.

Well, yeah, because why let facts get in the way of preconceived notions.

This is a grammatical myth which I see as an attempt to extract the issue of God which is a key part of the NWO's programme for winning hearts and minds and mass social engineering.

Well yes, because as everyone knows, especially in the US, you just can't get into power unless you're a raging atheist. Rolling Eyes

"What about a dance club that only let in deaf people? It would really only need flashing lights, so they'd save a lot of money on music." - Dresden Codak
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 9:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Wikipedia is facts?
Bush and Cheney are followers of Jesus?

In what dimension/what planet pray tell?

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 9:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Rather than trying to define NWO lets look at what is happening in this NWO. Bearing in mind the first time I heard the term was Bush snr after the first gulf war (pre 911). Latterly our own Mr Brown has mentioned it at a business conference. So supposedly it has to do with "peace and security" and with money and trading.(Global markets)
More recently we see predominantly the US trying to dominate Iraq and Afghanistan in this NWO so its also about territory and power.
Closer to home we have the moves towards a European super state in this NWO.
All this stuff about microchipping in this NWO suggests its about control.
From religous and other points of view we also have suggestions of one world government, one world currency, one world religion.
Is there much we can do about it?

"for we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against rulers of the darkness of this world, against wicked spirits in high places " Eph.6 v 12
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 11:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Dennis Wheatley wrote:
"In the New World Order all family life will be at an end, except for the conquerors, and only the worst elements, spiritually, will be allowed to procreate fresh generations to populate a world divided into masters and slaves. The right to homes and children of their own would be reserved to the Overlords; the rest would be herded into barracks and reduced to the level of robots without the right to read or speak or even think for themselves......." Gateway to Hell

I am just amazed that this New World Order has been known about and written about by dodgey Occultists for such a long time.

Actually Dennis Wheatley was on the side of the angels but I'm not sure he understood white magic to be the outer portico of black magic. At least that's the way I see things.

He was basically a Buddhist wasn't he - he believed very strongly in reincarnation anyway. Certainly an amazingly engaging writer - probably one of the handful of best this country and this language have ever produced.

Some legal tosh (dark forces again no doubt) with copyright has left his books out of print for many years now (despite him selling tens of millions of books in the 50's 60's and 70's) so you have to get them here or here etc. You will hardly ever see any in second hand bookshops!

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 1:27 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

TonyGosling wrote:
Wikipedia is facts?
Bush and Cheney are followers of Jesus?

In what dimension/what planet pray tell?

I think they are followers of the Christ whose first name begins with A.

"for we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against rulers of the darkness of this world, against wicked spirits in high places " Eph.6 v 12
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 1:56 pm    Post subject: Re: The New World Order is what? Reply with quote

landless peasant wrote:
What do people mean when they say The New World Order? I have heard A New World Order called for many times but what does a term like fighting The New World Order really mean? There is no group called The New World Order so who are we meant to be fighting? Sun Tzu said to know your enemy and yourself but we know nether.

I'm starting to believe that the whole 9/11 truth movement is a set up, the people behind 9/11 knew a truth movement would grow up around it and would use that when the time is right. I can't help but think we are being manipulated here! Worst still we tend to think we are on the right track now, we are getting to the truth. That's a dangerous place to be.

Seems like 9/11 truth movement is being manipulated, and was always going to be. But by who? How deeply are the likes of the CIA involved in 9/11 truth movement?



Basicially, banking families through the use of central banks.
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