Disco_Destroyer Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 5:03 pm Post subject: Ancient technology in Gaddafi's Ancestral Homeland |
Libya - Faction Two - The Monarchy - NWO Pedophile Trade - Ancient technology in Gaddafi's Ancestral Homeland
Posted By: Rayelan [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 21-Feb-2011 14:38:30
It's hard for people to understand what is really going on in Libya because the background of this incredibly complex country has never been told to the West.
After World War 2 Libya was a divided country like Germany and Austria and probably more countries than we have been told about.
Libya was/is made up of three parts that were cobbled together into one country. In the early post-war period, Tripolitania and Cyrenaica remained under British administration, while the French controlled Fezzan.
From Wiki:
Prior to World War II Libya had been a colony of Italy until Italian forces were driven out by the Allies in 1943. Libya came under the control of France and the United Kingdom as a UN Trusteeship in 1947 when Italy formally relinquished its claim to Libya. As part of the arrangement the United Kingdom and France governed the three historical regions of Libya Tripolitania, Cyrenaica and Fezzan. The UK was responsible for Tripolitania and Cyrenaica and France was responsible for Fezzan. On 21 November 1949, the UN General Assembly passed a resolution that Libya should become independent before 1 January 1952.
When Libya declared its independence on 24 December 1951 it was the first country to achieve independence through the United Nations and one of the first former European possessions in Africa to gain independence. The Kingdom of Libya was proclaimed a constitutional and a hereditary monarchy and Idris was proclaimed king. Previously, the USSR had sought a Mandate over Libya following the end of World War II.
Who was King Idris?
Idris, GBE (Arabic: إدريس الأول), born Sayyid Muhammad Idris bin Sayyid Muhammad al-Mahdi al-Senussi (12 March 1889 – 25 May 1983) [1], was the first king of Libya, reigning from 1951 to 1969, and the Chief of the Senussi Muslim order.
Idris was a bloodline royal descended from Sayyid Muhammad ibn Ali as-Senussi (1787 - 1860), the founder of the Senussi order.
Sayyid Muhammad ibn Ali as-Senussi was born near Mostaganem, Algeria, and was named al-Senussi after a venerated Muslim teacher. He traced his lineage to Fahtimah, the daughter of Mohammed.
Al-Senussi faced many obstacles in Mecca from the reigning Imams and from the Ottoman Empire. Finding the opposition in Mecca too powerful Senussi settled in Cyrenaica, Libya in 1843, where in the mountains near Sidi Rafaa' (Al Bayda) he built the Zawia Baida ("White Monastery"). There he was supported by the local tribes and the Sultan of Wadai and his connections extended across the Maghreb.
He preached a form of Islam that appears to have disappeared. He took aspects from the Sufis. He taught that each individual could invoke Ijtihad... but ONLY for himself!! Ijtihad is a method of legal reasoning i.e. a technical term of Islamic law that describes the process of making a legal decision by independent interpretation of the legal sources, the Qur'an and the Sunnah. The opposite of ijtihad is taqlid, Arabic for "imitation".
While the word has the same root as jihad, the shared etymology is worth noting, as both words touch on the concepts of struggle or effort. Ijtihad is a verb and means to "struggle with oneself", as through deep thought. Ijtihad is a method of legal reasoning that does not rely on the traditional schools of jurisprudence (madhabs).
Al-Senussi did not tolerate fanaticism and forbade the use of stimulants as well as voluntary poverty. Lodge members (monks) were to eat and dress within the limits of Islamic law and, instead of depending on charity, were required to earn their living through work.
No aids to contemplation, such as the processions, gyrations, and mutilations employed by Sufi dervishes, were permitted. He accepted neither the wholly intuitive ways described by Sufi mystics nor the rationality of the orthodox ulema; rather, he attempted to achieve a middle path.
The Bedouin tribes had shown no interest in the ecstatic practices of the Sufis that were gaining adherents in the towns, but they were attracted in great numbers to the Senussis. The relative austerity of the Senussi message was particularly suited to the character of the Cyrenaican Bedouins, whose way of life had not changed much in the centuries since the Arabs had first accepted the Prophet Mohammad's teachings.
In 1855 Senussi moved farther from direct Ottoman surveillance to Al-Jaghbub, a small oasis some 30 miles northwest of Siwa. He died in 1860, leaving two sons, Mahommed Sherif (1844 - 1895) and Mohammed al-Mahdi, to whom was passed the succession.
King Idras was descended from this royal/religious house and was seen as the Chief of the Senussi Muslim order.
He was King of Libya from 1951 to 1969 when he was deposed by the Libyan army under the leadership of Muammar al-Gaddafi in a coup.
King Idras was just about to abdicate, in favor of his nephew, Crown Prince Hasan as-Senussi.
My husband, Gunther was with the CIA at the time. Longtime readers of RMNews know that Gunther was a member of Faction Two, a worldwide group of exiled royals who oppose the City of London, and their worldwide banking cartels.
A member of Gunther's group told me that the real reason that the people of Libya wanted to be rid of the King was because he did nothing to stop the new world order pedophiles from raiding Libya for sex slaves.
Mu'ammar al-Qadhafi (also written as Qaddafi, Gheddafi, and Khadafi, among others)came from a nomadic family that fought against Italian rule. The family was from the Fezzan region of today's Libya.
Fezzan is an age old nation with ties to ancient Egypt. See this link for the royal pyramid tombs.
Libya is also known to have secret pyramids under the sands.
It is possible that Muammar Al-Gaddafi is a descendant of the ancient royals of that area who trace their roots to Egyptian royalty.
After Gaddafi came to power, he turned his country into an Islamic Socialist state.
The United States supported Gaddafi up until Carter's presidency. With no american support, Gaddafi began to make friends with US enemies. President Reagan sent bombers in to bomb Gaddafi's home, killing an adopted son. This brought him back under US control.
When the United States needed a fall guy to take the wrap for the downing of PanAm 103, Gaddafi agreed (under duress) to take the fall. Most researchers believe that Iran paid a Palestinian to arrange the bombing in a tit for tat for the downing of an Iranian Air Bus by an American Naval warship.
Gaddafi may or may not have worked with Faction Two for most of his reign. I don't have the answer to this.
Faction Two was given free reign to excavate many of the long hidden pyramids and palaces. Some going all the way back to the beginning of civilization on earth.
I suspect that there was still working off world technology in these treasures.
I suspect the violence in Libya is more complicated than anything we can imagine.
I also suspect that the protection of the long hidden Libyan treasures is part of the reason that Gaddafi is using force to stay in power.
It would be interesting to know if George Soros is behind the revolution.
There is a war going on for the control of ancient technology. While Soros appears to be working with the new world order... since he was created by the new world order, he is actually working for himself. He believe that the technology hidden in the deserts of Fezzan... Gaddafi's ancestral home, contains the technology that will give him a new body that will live for thousands of years.
According to men who worked with Gunther, this is not fiction... it is truth.
I have cobbled together this history of Libya because there is more to what is going on there than any of us know.
There is much more to the history of Libya... such as Lake Tritonis... The location is unclear. The lake is mentioned as being in Libya, a land the ancient Greeks believed encircled their world, "washed on all sides by the sea," Herodotus said,[1] "except where it is attached to Asia." In their knowledge, Libya extended from Ancient Egypt, the Nile Valley and its basin, to the Atlantic Ocean and along the south of Ancient Egypt.
Human life is supposed to have sprang from this lake. There are also rumors of ancient technology being at the bottom of this lake... which is no longer there. Possibly this ancient technology is housed in some of the pyramids that are still buried under the sand.
If and when the pyramids are uncovered, Libya will become MORE of a tourist attraction than Egypt.
If Gaddafi... who uses the royal Al-Gaddafi is a descendant of the ancient rulers of Fezzan, then his bloodline traces back to the royal family of Egypt. He and his family could possibly be the protectors of this ancient treasure. _________________ 'Come and see the violence inherent in the system.
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