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When Love Of Profits Clashes With The Love Of The Prophet(1)
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moeen yaseen
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 04, 2006 8:44 pm    Post subject: When Love Of Profits Clashes With The Love Of The Prophet(1) Reply with quote


We are living in a time when the Illuminati are laughing at the start of their perfect storm. 9/11, cartoons, Islamophobia and trade boycotts have been set loose and all hell set loose. 9/11 was just the start of the show with fireworks followed by the Global War on Terrorism aka War on Islam. This demonic cabal are clearly putting Iran in the firing line next. And it is not surprising that the deliberate provocation, ridicule and insult to the Prophet Muhammad was calculated to create a divide between US and THEM.
The cartoons connect Western historic perceptions of Muhammad with the new ones of his clothing associated with bombs and terrorism i.e. 9/11.
We have arrived at a sad state of affairs in the annals of history when a faith asociated with SOLUTIONS for humanity has been twisted as the cause of PROBLEMS.
Any idiot who knows anything about Islam knows that this was trespassing a red line. Muslims love NOT worship Muhammad as nonMuslims love free speech. Also let us not be fools and pretend this was a case of free speech which has limits it was blatant ridicule and provocation IN THE CONTEXT of a global cultural, economic and military assault on Muslims.
As I have stated before Muslims will NOT accept victimisation and the powers in the West will understand that there will be no winner when the love of PROFITS clashes with the love of the PROPHET. As I write this
piece the newswires are reporting burning of European embassies(Syria)trade boycott of countries reprinting the articles(Iran), Danes ordered to return to Denmark. In the madness set to unfold never forget that this was another case of humans going mad. NO it was deliberate and calculated. More importantly those behind this will be the losers. Laughing

http://www.islamonline.net/English/EuropeanMuslims/Community/2006/02/0 1.SHTML

Last edited by moeen yaseen on Fri Nov 24, 2006 9:09 pm; edited 3 times in total
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 04, 2006 9:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The key question is why are the ptb singling out Muslims?

Is there something unique about the the Muslim religion?

I was surprised when I discovered the Muslim religion does not permit usary!

That is massive threat to the ptb, the elite bankers/moneymen (Rothschilds, Rockefellers etc).

Perhaps this could be the reason why Muslims are their targets!

Peace & truth


Peace, truth, respect and a Mason free society

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 04, 2006 11:33 pm    Post subject: The New Pearl Harbour - Act 2 Reply with quote

The New Pearl Harbour - Act 2

On Page 25 of his book titled 'The Grand Chessboard' Zbigniew Brzezinski states, "The public supported America's engagement in World War II largely because of the shock effect of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour."

The issue here is that the events of December 7, 1941 were undoubtedly a shock to the American Public .... but as we now know, Franklin D. Roosevelt was desperate to bring America into the Second World War and deliberately set about baiting the Japanese into attacking the Pacific fleet, anchored in Pearl Harbour.

Page 51 of the document published by PNAC in September 2000 titled, Rebuilding America's Defenses' states, "Further the process of transformation (America establishing global military dominance), even if it brings about revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event - like a new Pearl Harbour"

The Pathocracy in Washington has already used this script to brilliant effect with the execution of wars on Afghanistan and Iraq. The legacy of 9/11 is in plain site. Fortunately, it is becoming increasingly apparent to the American public that the war in Iraq is not going as well as G.W. would have them believe. Consequently, the NeoCon Cabal is well aware that the American public are unlikely to support an attack on Iran ........despite all the column/inches being devoted to the Iranian quest for atomic weapons. We also know that the cry of WMD is a cover for the real issue of the Iranian Oil Bourse, which is scheduled to start trading in Euros on March 21st.

The Cabal are also alert to the fact that the majority Europeans are not supporters of the war in Iraq and definitely do not support the US in its aggressive posturing towards Iran. So how to change this?

Setting off a limited nuclear device in the US and blaming it on the Iranians might stir up sufficient support in the US, for Bush to then order the troops into Iran but as he himself has said, " .......fool me once .....!"
So even if the American people do get fooled again, the main problem with this scenario is that it doesn't engage the Europeans.

So how about this for an alternative? Let's run some cartoons in the European press which will really piss-off the Muslims; let's make sure that that the cartoons are sent to every Muslim leader and every Muslim fundamentalist and make sure that all 1.3 billion Muslims knows that these cartoons emanated from DENMARK. The US (& the UK), can distance themselves from the stupidity of the DANES. Then with whipped up fervour spreading around the Muslim world, a few attacks on various Danish Embassies, then the Cabal can sneak in a 'Big One' at a Danish Embassy in say France or Germany or even the UK (nailing NATO and the EU in one fell swoop), blame it on the Iranians and ....... Bob's yer uncle ........... World War * III!!

Alternatively, everyone takes a pace back and realises that someone is taking the piss ......... just like Saddam & Khomeni paused for breath & stopped bombing the nonsense out of each other in 1988 ......... once they realised that the US was feeding them both with sufficient weaponry to annihilate each other!

This is a time for true leadership. The European Media along with National & EU leaders need to be offering unequivocal apologies for any offence that has been caused and acknowledging that such crass insensitivity is both unfortunate and regrettable.

Meanwhile, the leaders of Muslim Nations & Muslim communities within non-Muslim nations are being tested to the extreme. The temptation will be to get caught up in the fervour and antagonism of the moment ..... but perhaps now is the time to take a look and see who is manipulating whom!

The events of Pearl Harbour & 9/11 have presented the global community with an opportunity to see through the Machiavellian manipulations of the Cabal. See through it and start to play them at their own game............ or fall for it; Hook, Line & Sinker!

For all those who call themselves 'Leaders', now is the time to demonstrate that the mantle is deserved.

There are many of us who dream of, and aspire towards, an era of Global Tolerance; ending the Political Ponerology that masquerades under the guise of 'Freedom & Democracy'.

Moeen, if you believe it to be appropriate, please feel free to distribute this within the Muslim Community.

With much love, hope & humility in my heart,

Ian R. Crane
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paul wright

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 05, 2006 11:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Best analysis Ian, but who are these leaders?
You'd make a good one for the disaffected and perceptive white folks in the UK, but who's going to stop all those deluded muslims waving placards saying 'We love al-Qaeda' or '7/7 is going to happen again'
Appears the Imams are bought and sold, (or cowed) as is the Prime Minister of Iran and so many throughout the muslim world
We've got that professor of Islamic studies in some Scottish university or the old guy from the Birmingham mosque
No-one apparently to say this is all a put on
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Angel - now passed away
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 06, 2006 11:39 am    Post subject: Can we not learn from the past? Reply with quote

So many problems are all bound together here.

Firstly the assumption that those cartoons were published deliberately in order to stir up trouble. That may very well be true and Moeen and Tony have produced circumstantial evidence to suggest it could be, but is it not wise to avoid accusations which may not be true?

Then there is Moeen's implication that the invisible hand of the *illuminati* have orchestrated this further clash of the Islamic with the secular world. Again this may be true, but to my understanding the existence of the *illuminati* cannot be proved, however fond many of our supporters are of invoking them to explain bad events. Either you intuitively feel it to be true or you don't. Isn't it a bit like believing in the Holy Ghost or in the infallible authority of the Bible or the Koran? None of these things can be proved and therefore you set yourself up for mockery if you insist that doubting the truth of the official 911 theory implies a belief in the existence of the *illuminati*.

The 9/11 truth network is a coalition between, on the one hand, pragmatists who seek scientific proof of an inside job, and on the other hand, esotericists who believe in the theory of the illuminati and usually in many other conspiracy theories too. I know it's hard, but both the pragmatists and the esotericists need to tolerate each other if this truth movement is to be effective.

I wish tempers would cool on this issue of Danish cartoons, but it is probably being stirred up on both sides. While I think it is stupid and crass to publish something which was likeley to cause so much violence and hatred, I do think religious people should be able to take a bit of ridicule. The secular ideals which emerged during the 18th century Age of Enlightenment enabled secular states to be established in which people were for the first time able to express themselves freely without interference from church or state. Such states enabled people of different faiths and beliefs, from the devout to the atheistic, to live side by side free to express themselves as they wished in an atmosphere of mutual tolerance. This clashes with the current demand for censorship or for law changes to prohibit negative comments about Islam or about any other faith. If the strength of a faith depends upon it never being mocked, it can't be much of a faith. I speak here as a Quaker (a faith which has seen much mockery and persecution, but which today enjoys freedom in secular states).

Do people have a right to be protected from hearing views which challenge their basic beliefs?

From 1618 to 1648 Europe fought the Thirty Years War originally over whether governments of one religion were entitiled to support their co-religionists in other countries and who in those countries were dissidents. That war established the principle that governments should not seek to undermine each other using their coreligionists in other countries as a fifth column.

England is full of churches which contain statues which have been defaced (literally) in the name of religion. The Civil War which raged throughout Britain and Ireland in the 1640s contained elements of the current row about what images about religion are proper and acceptable. The Puritains took the same view as many Moslems today do: that images and statues are a breach of the second of the ten commandments. The Catholics, and what are today known as *high church* Anglicans and Episcopalians, took the view that sacred images were an aid to the worship of God and that defacing them was blasphemous. Though at certain stages of Islamic history only abstract (non-figurative) art was permitted, at other stages pictorial art was permitted which gave rise for example to the exquisite school of Persian miniature painting.

Today, Protestants and Catholics, Muslims, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, Jains, Zoroastrians, Rastafarians, Bahais, Atheists and Agnostics are able to live peacefully side by side in secular states. Are we about to see a backlash against secularism which will end this state of peace?

What lessons can be learnt from Turkey, a Eurasian Muslim country which, after losing their empire, in the early 20th century opted for secular government?

Is the secular state now under attack in Europe from those who seek special privileges for their own religion? Can we not from the settlements of the quarrels of the past about these things learn to live peacefully side by side today?

I hope so.


---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------

Hi Guys,

This is excellent work and deserves a global tv broadcast. You have pinpointed and nailed the specific culprit in the demonic cabal. Well done. Everyone else must NOT read this but BETHECHANGE and forward it on- that is the least we can do
to promote and establish truth and justice.


---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: "Keith Mothersson" <keith.mothersson@phonecoop.coop>
Date: Sun, 5 Feb 2006 23:29:02 -0000

>Thanks to Tony Gosling of the Bilderbergwatch site for sending on this
>nugget: Cheers, Keith
>----- Original Message -----
>From: <tony@tlio.org.uk>
>To: <keith.mothersson@phonecoop.coop>
>Sent: Sunday, February 05, 2006 6:31 PM
>Subject: UPDATE: Bilderberg and the Islamic hate cartoon connection
>> This is being sent on behalf of tony@tlio.org.uk
>> as part of the mailing list that you joined.
>> List: PEPIS
>> URL: http://www.bilderberg.org/bilder.htm#pepis
>> ------------------------------------------------------------
>> Please do also check out last years' Bilderberg date and venue dicoverer
>Marek Tysis' new analysis of this year's meeting.
>> And join the hunt to track them down!
>> Be prepared, his English is a bit ropey but the analysis excellent. Anyway
>you can get slick but content free presentation any day by just switching
>your TV on!
>> www.bilderberg.org/2006.htm
>> go well,
>> Tony
>> Thought you might be interested:
>> *************************************************************
>> MERETE ELDRUP, managing director of company that published the
>> anti-Islamic cartoons in Denmark (JP/Politikens Hus)
>> is married to ANDERS ELDRUP, who has attended the last FIVE Bilderberg
>> meetings.
>> She is a former Head of Secretariat at the Ministry of Economic and
>> Business Affairs and Deputy Director of the Danish Energy Authority.
>> She must be a useful contact for her husband. He is chairman of DONG,
>> the big State-owned energy company ('Danish Oil and Natural Gas'), which
>> will soon be privatised:
>> <https://www.dong.dk/portal/page?_pageid=196,34880&_dad=portal&_schema =P
>> Interestingly, a previous editor-in-chief of 'Politiken', another of
>> JP/Politikens Hus's newspapers, namely Toger Seidenfaden, was also a
>> long-time Bilderberger.
>> *************************************************************
>> Regards,
>> --
>> banana
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 06, 2006 1:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I have just sent this to the BBC NEWS HAVE YOUR SAY ref. Are Protests over Cartoons Justified? I doubt it will get past the Moderator but who knows. Suggest we all have a bash at getting through.

"Perhaps these cartoons are not quite what they seem. Marete Eldrup, managing director of the company that produced these inflamatory anti-Islamic cartoons in Denmark is married to Anders Eldrup, a leading member of the Bilderberg Group which has secretive strategic agendas affecting us all - a very dangerous thing for democracies. Somebody out there wants to increase the divide between Western and Islamic cultures for a specific reason."

Connect to Infinite Consciousness - enjoy the ride!
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ian neal
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 06, 2006 2:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

In any area that we cannot 'prove' our suspicions (such as a hidden hand behind these cartoons, 7/7 questions, illuminati, etc) there are easy and tried and tested journalistic ways to voice these suspicions based on evidence without saying we have proof. Justin's comment sets a good tone. There is no disputing that Bilderberg meetings are real
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ian neal
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 06, 2006 3:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I think it is important to point out that these cartoons were COMMISSIONED by the paper as well as published, so increasing the degree of intent to cause offense

Background on wikipedia (warning contains images of the actual cartoons)

More background
globalresearch and here
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 06, 2006 4:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'd like to point out that the majority of oil and gas resources are located in Muslim countries. In fact, about 90%. Colombia is probably the only non-muslim country with major oil deposits.

More specifically, these protests have had the effect of helping push through UK "anti-terror" legislation.

They are an example of problem-reaction-solution (Hegelian principle). Problem: As detailed above, deliberately provoke the Muslim community. Reaction: Again, this has been shown in detail in the forum already, with raids on embassies, boycotts, etc. Solution: Push through legislation criminalising dissent\protests.

The thing with the "anti-terror" laws is that criticising the government can be construed as helping the terrorists (read: "glorifying\encouraging\aiding" terrorism). This is explained in detail on an www.infowars.com article (if I can remember the title, I'll post a link later).

"All we need is the right major crisis, and the nations will accept the New World Order." - David Rockefeller
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 06, 2006 10:42 pm    Post subject: Where are you getting your information? Reply with quote

sr4470 wrote:

I'd like to point out that the majority of oil and gas resources are located in Muslim countries. In fact, about 90%. Colombia is probably the only non-muslim country with major oil deposits.

I'm not sure where you are getting your information from but the following league table will show you that Columbia is a long way down the list of oil producing countries.


Now I am very well aware that there are various sources from which this information is derived and subsequently compiled; as a result, there may be some slight differences of opinion on reported reserves and annual production ......... but reservoir analysis is a tenous 'science' and that is before we even get into the debate of what percentage of the reservoir is actually 'recoverable'.

You are most definitely correct in your observation that, "..... the majority of (known) oil and gas resources are located in Muslim countries." But Columbia is a long way down the league table in 36th place!

It is important that the current focus on events in Eurasia does not distract completely from US antagonism of South American regimes. Hugo Chavez of Venezuela is currently trying to procure more weapons in anticipation of a US invasion of the Lake Maricaibo region. Venezuela just happens to sit at 6th or 7th place in the oil & Gas league tables, depending upon the latest projections of Russian reserves.

Actrually, the only reason that I comment on your observation, is that this is the second or perhaps even the third time this evening that you have posted a comment or statement that does not stand up to scrutiny!

Are you having having an off-day ........... or jerking the chain?

Al K Myst
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 06, 2006 10:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I said its "non-muslim", just wanted to help bring attention to why Islam is targeted so much. I'm referring to satellite imaging, so its probably why my figure for it was off.

alkmyst wrote:
Actually, the only reason that I comment on your observation, is that this is the second time this evening that you have posted a comment or statement that does not stand up to scrutiny!

Are you having having an off-day ........... or jerking the chain?

Al K Myst

Hehe, well I happen to have my attention rather divided...I'm a technician by trade. Truth-seeking isnt my regular job Wink

I've substantiated my other post as well and provided references.

"All we need is the right major crisis, and the nations will accept the New World Order." - David Rockefeller

Last edited by sr4470 on Mon Feb 06, 2006 10:51 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 06, 2006 11:16 pm    Post subject: Time for Discernment! Reply with quote

sr4470 wrote:

I've substantiated my other post as well and provided references.

To refer to the Canary Wharf incidents and quote Paul Joseph Watsons's conjecture as 'evidence' is perhaps stretching a point ......to say the least!

So, where exactly did you see the reports to support your following comment:
From what I can find, 3 of the "bombers" were shot by police after the explosions

Otherwise, the only report of the Canary Wharf incident is the Reuters report. Now I absolutely acknowledge that something would seem to have occured at Canary Wharf, which needs further investigation but the information needs to be from tangible sources. Reuters should definitely be asked who filed the report and the reporter should appear before an independent inquiry!

Meanwhile, one of the reasons that I have such tremendous respect for this particular forum is the general quality of discussion and reliability of information shared .......... usually based upon some very serious and deep research.

Most of us have also come across misinformation, disinformation and deliberate obfuscation and most participants on this forum (IMHO) apply an appropriate level of discernment before posting.

I'll leave you to your 'technical' tasks ............. unless you wish to furnish me with a copy of the MI5 advertisement that appeared in your local Guardian newspaper?

Who do you work for exactly?

Al K Myst
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 06, 2006 11:37 pm    Post subject: Re: Time for Discernment! Reply with quote

I've answered this over in the 7\7 section.

Did you need to repeat that here? Arent you going to ask what satellite images I used?

"All we need is the right major crisis, and the nations will accept the New World Order." - David Rockefeller
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 12:02 am    Post subject: Satellite Imaging Reply with quote


Thanks for the offer of a scan of the MI5 ad' in your local paper. I'd really like to see a copy once you have an opportunity to scan it. My Email address is in my profile.

As for the satellite images, you could have got them from any number of sources. It is not the images that are important, it is the interpretation and analysis which really matters. So based upon your observation about Columbian oil resources, either you know something that is not yet common knowledge and Ecopetrol have not yet announced .......... or your analytical skills need some fine tuning!

Of course it may well be that Columbia does have significantly larger reserves than are posted but if my memory serves me correctly there are some significant issues with the indigenous U'wa peoples in the N.E. of the country.

By the way, had you been able to identify the sources to support your initial comments about the 'shootings', it could well have been one of the most significant pieces of information in bringing about the collapse of the whole 7/7 charade.

Meanwhile, let's keep digging. The more evidence accumulated before the publication of the Governments 'Narrative', the quicker we will be able to identify the 'Omissions & Distortions'.

Al K Myst
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moeen yaseen
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 1:39 am    Post subject: WHEN LOVE OF PROFITS CLASH WITH THE LOVE OF THE PROPHET Reply with quote


There is no doubt in my mind that some of the discussion here is at the forefront of this debate globally. Thanks to the sentiments of Ian his advice to forward his message has been executed already. I firstly wish to announce that I have ensured that tomorrow a leading British Muslim thinker and activist known to me -Daud Pidcock will appear again on IRNA i.e. the Islamic Republic of Iran's News agency and will attempt to highlight the involvement of the HAND OF THE ILLUMINATI. Daud has researched this topic for 30 years and the relationship to controlling the money supply globally via the financially usurious debt based system enslaving us all.
Both Daud and IRNA should be applauded for going where the so called champions of free speech fear to tread. This is the time TOBETHE CHANGE not to be FEAREDOFCHANGE.
Also Noel's point needs to be addressed. Some of us were also around and active in 1989 concerning the Rushdie affair. The difference this time is that we have many satellite tv channels and the internet globally inclusive of the global Muslim world. This means we are really in a global village and that any action especially one that is threatening will have serious repercussions globally. No ONE is immune now and there will be consequences of any action including this email globally. Secondly we can not ignore that there is a war going and perhaps it should be spelt out clearly that this War on Global Terror is viewed by most Muslims globally as a War on Islam and Muslims by Western imperial powers terrorising others. Muslims have had enough and will ensure that they are respected and we learn to live and let live or we all go down. The wave of Islamophobia(virulent) witnessed especially since the Bosnian Holocaust
to now has not been forgotten and it is imperative that a European civil rights movement emerges.
Coming to Noel's point. I wish to state that his view is very Eurocentric in terms of how to deal with religion. The European experience of religion or should I state Pauline Christianity has not been easy to say the least. There is no doubt about that but then to argue from a secular or atheistic perspective that Muslims in particular should somehow revel in being ridiculed and insulted beggar's belief. This is no joke. The principle of free speech has to be interpreted and contested. It does not give a licence to insult and blaspheme. This is an EXTREMIST position. It implies exercising freedom without responsibility; fuelling RACISM, ISLAMOPHOBIA, SOCIAL UNREST and CIVIL WAR of which there is a danger of eruption in places such as Beirut. Neither does freedom of speech imply that Muslim extremists advocating nihilism and a license to incite murder be tolerated.
Having said that we should all focus on what is written below and deal with the crisis brewing namely of build up to world war 3.


http://www.larouchepac.com/pages/otherartic_files/2006/060204_iran_fus e.htm
http://www.larouchepac.com/pages/press_releases_files/2006/060131_war_ declaration.htm

http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=viewArticle&code=MEY200 60204&articleId=1885



http://islamonline.net/English/News/2006-02/05/article03.shtml Laughing

Last edited by moeen yaseen on Fri Nov 24, 2006 9:17 pm; edited 4 times in total
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 11:54 am    Post subject: Media Circus Reply with quote

It is the case that the ‘Danish cartoons’ were commissioned and published in September 2005. The cabal of did not get the response they wanted from publication in Denmark, so they decided to escalate, first by publishing in Norway, and then by publishing throughout Europe. This re-publication was all based on the completely bogus explanation of expressing solidarity with the free speech rights of their beleaguered Danish colleagues. Of course, free speech was never the issue.
The cabal wanted to provoke the kind of violent protests in the Middle East that it felt would be useful in promoting anti-immigration policies in Europe, defending the Israeli violence against the Palestinians, and stirring up an ‘US & Them’ scenario for their twisted political function. They would have kept publishing until they got the response they wanted. It wasn't either Danish Imams or the Saudis who created the problem; it was entirely the work of a group of European extreme right-wing editors.

We can now see the Bildeberg connections coming to light! More info on this here http://thetruthserumblog.blogspot.com/2006/02/bilderberg-and-prophet-c artoons-plot.html

From http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Middle_East/HB07Ak03.html

Free press? How come we hear so little from the same free press about European governments helping the US ferry people - on no fewer than 800 flights over four years, according to Amnesty International - to be tortured in places where it is legal to do so? How is it that nobody in the European free press is talking much about the fact that Iran stopped any further discussion of its nuclear program because the three EU leaders who were parleying with them reneged on their side of the bargain, by not ensuring Iran security in the event of a foreign invasion?

We hear nothing from the free press about the fact that the success of Hamas in the recent elections may have more to do with its schools and health clinics for beleaguered Palestinian communities (while the generous 'international community' has abandoned them) than with its purported Islamic fundamentalism.

The 'free' media in the West do not bother to investigate the events of September 11, 2001, or allegations that the Central Intelligence Agency itself may have been involved in the Bali bombings of 2002. It does not make any demands of the Bush administration to release the more than 1,700 pictures and videos of tortures and humiliations at Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo that the Pentagon has kept away from the public eye.

We have to hear from bloggers on the Internet about the US forces in Iraq kidnapping women and girls related to suspected insurgents. Needless to mention, no dead American soldiers are shown on the TV screens of the Western media (though there is no bar on showing those killed by suicide bombers in Baghdad). How often is it remembered, not to speak of responsibility taken for the fact, that genocidal UN sanctions prosecuted by the West killed more than a million innocent people in Iraq in the 1990s? The free media in the West keep secret from the public the fact that the US has for years given asylum to proven terrorists such as Orlando Bosch and Luis Posada, wanted by Latin American governments for blowing up planes and suchlike. They are exempt from the 'war on terror'.

Above all, the media do little to ask for the impeachment of the consummate liars and mass-murderers who occupy elected positions in more than one Western democracy today, even as they pretend to teach lessons in political morals to less fortunate countries.

Free press? Or cowardly media eager to please the wealthy masters?"[url][/url]
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ian neal
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 2:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Spot on Sinclair IMO. This does in deed appear to be deliberate provocation and the corporate media are their willing puppets

Moeen, you are also right that the GWoT is a war on Islam and Muslims, certainly on one level. I would frame it even more simply as the forces of fascism versus humanity. Non muslims and muslims must stand together in resisting the rise of hate and fascism.

It is certainly the intension of the PTB that the GWoT is perceived to be a clash of civilisations and the cartoons are just the latest disinformation to polarise debate and to paint Islam as irrational and 'anti-freedom' in the eyes of non Muslims. It also no doubt sows seeds of division amongst muslims around the globe on how to react to this provocation.

In terms of understanding the power and significance of usuary or debt-based money. I recommend this DVD (www.moneymasters.com). Moeen, do you have any other resources/DVDs you would recommend for people unfamiliar with the ways of international finance?
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 11:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

A wealth of information. Dont let the title misguide you.

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Angel - now passed away
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 3:49 pm    Post subject: Jesus cartoons were rejected by same Danish newspaper Reply with quote


Just exercising the freedom of the press to censor and twist the truth to start wars and destroy civilization all in the name of circulation and profits - as well as a new world order where money and the press control - ok - the old world order super sized with a face lift.

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Posted By: FarSight3 <Send E-Mail>
Date: Monday, 6 February 2006, 7:11 p.m.


There is an interesting twist in the madeup psyops of the Muhammed - "cartoons".

Christopher Bollyn has already pointed out here that Flemming Rose, the "cultural editor" of Danish Jyllands-Posten, who commissioned and first published the cartoons, has clear ties to the Neo-Con ideologue Daniel Pipes....

Suspicion guaranteed.

Now the British The Guardian has stated that Jyllands-Posten has refused to run drawings lampooning Jesus Christ before in 2003, as it has emerged today.

The Danish daily "turned down the cartoons of Christ three years ago, on the grounds that they could be offensive to readers and were not funny...."

I have watched the Muhammed-cartoons - and I don't think they were funny either...

In April 2003, Danish illustrator Christoffer Zieler submitted a series of unsolicited cartoons dealing with the resurrection of Christ to Jyllands-Posten.

Zieler received an email back from the paper's Sunday editor, Jens Kaiser, which said: "I don't think Jyllands-Posten's readers will enjoy the drawings. As a matter of fact, I think that they will provoke an outcry. Therefore, I will not use them."

The illustrator told the Norwegian daily Dagbladet, which saw the email: "I see the cartoons as an innocent joke, of the type that my Christian grandfather would enjoy...."

Meanwhile embassies are burning and despite of calming voices the rant of a few has been causing victims already.

Contacting an Egyptian blogger - he too found the "outcry" ridicolous and is advising his readership to continue buying Danish products and to see the AGENDA behind this MEDIA-INDUCTED CAMPAIGN.

Muhammed would laugh his a.. off.

Although I am sure - he would not even smile about those "cartoons". I didn't find them funny likewise. Pink Panter was more funny indeed.

All roger, dear rabbit?
Far Sight 3

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FarSight3 -- Monday, 23 January 2006, 7:31 a.m.
TRIVIA 019: PICTURES WORTH MILL.300 $s... *PIC* (views: 656)
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FarSight3 -- Thursday, 2 February 2006, 7:06 a.m.
Reader: "LOOMING DEFEAT" OF THE "DARK SIDE"... (views: 596)
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 4:15 pm    Post subject: Cartoons and Bilderberg Reply with quote

War without end while we search for the elusive Emmanuel Goldstein who is
carrying a kidney dialysis machine through the mountains of Afghanistan
along with the hospital staff and laboratory to run it (opps -
transliteration again).


Tuesday, February 07, 2006
The Denmark Cartoons

The Denmark Cartoons

by Anwaar Hussain

The derogatory cartoons that have the Islamic world in throes of violent
protests were first published in September 2005 by Danish newspaper
Jyllands-Posten. They were later republished in Austria in January, and then
at the beginning of February in a number of European newspapers in France,
Germany, the Netherlands, Italy and Spain.

There have since been angry and sometimes violent protests across the
Islamic world, Britain and France. At least six deaths have been reported
thus far. A hornets’ nest has been stirred with the end of the rapidly
escalating crisis nowhere in sight.

Has it all happened innocuously and accidentally or is it a deliberate
attempt towards an ulterior motive?

To answer this question let us go back in time to May 2005.

Only four months before the crisis, between May 5 to May 8, 2005, a group of
powerful men from today’s finance, industry and politics huddled together in
the warm and cozy rooms of the 5-star Dorint Sofitel Seehotel Überfahrt in
Rottach-Egern, Germany. Outside the hotel, private and state guards
patrolled with automatic weapons and sniffer dogs. The gray Bavarian skies
rained on.

This secretive cabal of powerful men otherwise goes by the name of
Bilderberg Group (a simple Google query will throw up thousands of results).
The Bilderberg Group is the only private international organization that
Time magazine rated 10 for secrecy on a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being most

So what do the defamatory cartoons have to do with the Bilderbergs? Let us
first have a look at the names of just some of the attendees of the May 2005
conference. These were;

Josef Ackermann, Chairman, Group Executive Committee. Deutsche Bank AG,

Joaquin Almunia Amann, Commissioner, European Commission

José M. Durno Barroso, President, European Commission, Portugal

Franco Bernabe, Vice Chairman, Rothschild Europe, Italy

Martin S. Feldstein, President and CEO, National Bureau of Economic
Research, U.S.A.

William C. Ford, Jr., Chairman and CEO, Ford Motor Company, U.S.A.

Timothy F. Geithner, President, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, U.S.A

Donald E. Graham, Chairman and CEO, The Washington Post Company, U.S.A.

Richard N. Haass, President, Council on Foreign Relations, U.S.A.

Jaap Hoop de Scheffer, Secretary General, NATO, Netherlands

Allan B. Hubbard, Assistant to the President for Economic Policy and
Director of the National Economic Council, U.S.A.

John M. Keane, President, GSI, LLC; General, US Army, Retired, U.S.A.

Henry A. Kissinger, Chairman, Kissinger Associates, Inc., U.S.A.

Neelie Kroes, Commissioner, European Commission

Michael A.Ledeen, American Enterprise Institute, U.S.A.

William J. Luti, Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Near Eastern & South
Asian Affairs, U.S.A.

Jessica T. Mathews, President, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace,

Kenneth B. Mehlman, Chairman, Republican National Committee, U.S.A.

Elena Nemirovskaya, Founder and Director, Moscow School of Political
Studies, Russia

Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands

Andrzej Olechowski, Leader Civic Platform, Poland

Norman Pearlstine, Editor-in-Chief, Time Inc., U.S.A.

Richard N. Perle, Resident Fellow, American Enterprise Institute for Public
Policy Research, U.S.A.

Friedbert Pflüger, Member of Parliament, CDU/CSU Fraktion, Germany

H.R.H. Prince Philippe, Belgium

Rato y Figaredo, Rodrigo de, Managing Director, IMF

David Rockefeller, Member, JP Morgan International Council, U.S.A.

Judith Rodin, President, The Rockefeller Foundation, U.S.A.

Dennis B. Ross, Director, The Washington Institute for Near East Policy,

H.M. the Queen of Spain

Peter D. Sutherland, Chairman, Goldman Sachs International;

Jean-Claude Trichet, Governor, European Central Bank

James D. Wolfensohn, President, The World Bank, U.S.A.

Paul Wolfowitz, President designate, The World Bank, U.S.A.

And of course there were the usual prime ministers and U.S. government
officials. Also present were the movers and shakers of the Western media
including media heads from almost all the countries whose press chose to
publish the insulting cartoons. The names of Messers Michael Ledeen, Richard
Perle and Paul Wolfowitz, however, must ring some bells. (Click here for the
complete list)

Also on the list of attendees was one Anders Eldrep from Denmark. Anders
Eldrep (sometimes spelled as Eldrup) happens to be married to one Merete
Eldrep. This lady is the managing director of company JP/Politikens Hus (JP
for Jyllands-Posten) that published the slanderous anti-Islamic cartoons in

Neither Anders Eldrep is an ordinary Tom, Dick or Harry nor his wife exactly
a babe in woods not to have understood the repercussions of their actions.

Merete Eldrep, the wife, is a former Head of Secretariat at the Ministry of
Economic and Business Affairs and Deputy Director of the Danish Energy

And Anders Elderp, her illustrious husband, is the current Chairman of
Denmark’s Oil and Natural Gas Company DONG and has been Permanent Secretary,
Ministry of Danish Finance up to the year 2001. He also has attended the
last FIVE Bilderberg meetings thus far. Interestingly, a previous
editor-in-chief of 'Politiken', another of JP/Politikens Hus's newspapers,
namely Toger Seidenfaden, too was a long-time Bilderberger.

Now a little more about the Bilderberg Group.

In a rare interview given to BBC, Etienne Davignon, 73, the chairman of the
Bilderberg Group and a former Belgian diplomat and European Commissioner,
dismissed claims that the Bilderberg Group is part of a global conspiracy to
rule the world by a self-selected elite of movers and shakers. His dismissal
is as natural as publicly admitting the cabal’s sinister agenda would have
been unnatural. Please read the interview to form up your own opinion. In my
judgment the sole aim of the group is implementing a Euro-American, some say
Anglo-American, blueprint of a New World Order for the express benefit of
these elites.

The Bilderberg discussions are structured on the principle of reaching
accord rather than through ceremonial resolutions and voting. Such is the
power and status of the active members that if an agreement for action is
arrived at, the resulting decision is expected to be implemented in the West
as a whole.

In the post 9/11 geo-political milieu particularly, the group’s aim has been
to buttress the foreign policies of the governments of the United States and
Great Britain or, more simply, to help execute the precise formula sold
internationally by the Bush/Blair combo. This new world order, with the
group’s unflinching support, is being shoved down the collective throat of
the world citizenry under the guise of “global war on terrorism”, and of
establishing “democracy”, “peace”, and “freedom” in the world.

Just three quotes from the lamb talk of these Anglo-American leaders make
clear enough readings of their intentions;

"Out of these troubled times [Iraq/Kuwait conflict], our fifth objective --
a new world order can emerge: a new era...We're now in sight of a United
Nations that performs as envisioned by its founders." September 11, 1990 -
Iraq Speech by President George H. W. Bush

"Our mission is clear: to rid the world of evil" - Pres. George W. Bush,
post-Sept. 11, 2001

"Out of the shadow of this evil [9/11], should emerge lasting good... This
is a moment to seize...let us re-order this world around us." - British
Prime Minister Tony Blair, Oct. 2, 2001 (BBC)

My questions then;

Was this whole anti-Islamic cartoon exercise actually nothing more than an
innocent attempt at promoting the much cherished cause of freedom of
expression on sensitive topics---anti-Semitism being disallowed, by word or
action, by law in most of the western world?

Or, given the ominous times we are in, the Muslims are deliberately being
provoked, exploiting their emotionality, into presenting one seething,
throbbing mass of foaming-at-the-mouths herd of rabid cavemen image for
their eventual annihilation? No one, after all, cries over the mushroom
clouds blotting the horizons over beastlands.

Or is the scribe being overly alarmist?

You decide.

Copyrights : Anwaar Hussain
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Angel - now passed away
Angel - now passed away

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 4:16 pm    Post subject: Cartoons and Bilderberg Reply with quote

War without end while we search for the elusive Emmanuel Goldstein who is
carrying a kidney dialysis machine through the mountains of Afghanistan
along with the hospital staff and laboratory to run it (opps -
transliteration again).


Tuesday, February 07, 2006
The Denmark Cartoons

The Denmark Cartoons

by Anwaar Hussain

The derogatory cartoons that have the Islamic world in throes of violent
protests were first published in September 2005 by Danish newspaper
Jyllands-Posten. They were later republished in Austria in January, and then
at the beginning of February in a number of European newspapers in France,
Germany, the Netherlands, Italy and Spain.

There have since been angry and sometimes violent protests across the
Islamic world, Britain and France. At least six deaths have been reported
thus far. A hornets’ nest has been stirred with the end of the rapidly
escalating crisis nowhere in sight.

Has it all happened innocuously and accidentally or is it a deliberate
attempt towards an ulterior motive?

To answer this question let us go back in time to May 2005.

Only four months before the crisis, between May 5 to May 8, 2005, a group of
powerful men from today’s finance, industry and politics huddled together in
the warm and cozy rooms of the 5-star Dorint Sofitel Seehotel Überfahrt in
Rottach-Egern, Germany. Outside the hotel, private and state guards
patrolled with automatic weapons and sniffer dogs. The gray Bavarian skies
rained on.

This secretive cabal of powerful men otherwise goes by the name of
Bilderberg Group (a simple Google query will throw up thousands of results).
The Bilderberg Group is the only private international organization that
Time magazine rated 10 for secrecy on a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being most

So what do the defamatory cartoons have to do with the Bilderbergs? Let us
first have a look at the names of just some of the attendees of the May 2005
conference. These were;

Josef Ackermann, Chairman, Group Executive Committee. Deutsche Bank AG,

Joaquin Almunia Amann, Commissioner, European Commission

José M. Durno Barroso, President, European Commission, Portugal

Franco Bernabe, Vice Chairman, Rothschild Europe, Italy

Martin S. Feldstein, President and CEO, National Bureau of Economic
Research, U.S.A.

William C. Ford, Jr., Chairman and CEO, Ford Motor Company, U.S.A.

Timothy F. Geithner, President, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, U.S.A

Donald E. Graham, Chairman and CEO, The Washington Post Company, U.S.A.

Richard N. Haass, President, Council on Foreign Relations, U.S.A.

Jaap Hoop de Scheffer, Secretary General, NATO, Netherlands

Allan B. Hubbard, Assistant to the President for Economic Policy and
Director of the National Economic Council, U.S.A.

John M. Keane, President, GSI, LLC; General, US Army, Retired, U.S.A.

Henry A. Kissinger, Chairman, Kissinger Associates, Inc., U.S.A.

Neelie Kroes, Commissioner, European Commission

Michael A.Ledeen, American Enterprise Institute, U.S.A.

William J. Luti, Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Near Eastern & South
Asian Affairs, U.S.A.

Jessica T. Mathews, President, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace,

Kenneth B. Mehlman, Chairman, Republican National Committee, U.S.A.

Elena Nemirovskaya, Founder and Director, Moscow School of Political
Studies, Russia

Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands

Andrzej Olechowski, Leader Civic Platform, Poland

Norman Pearlstine, Editor-in-Chief, Time Inc., U.S.A.

Richard N. Perle, Resident Fellow, American Enterprise Institute for Public
Policy Research, U.S.A.

Friedbert Pflüger, Member of Parliament, CDU/CSU Fraktion, Germany

H.R.H. Prince Philippe, Belgium

Rato y Figaredo, Rodrigo de, Managing Director, IMF

David Rockefeller, Member, JP Morgan International Council, U.S.A.

Judith Rodin, President, The Rockefeller Foundation, U.S.A.

Dennis B. Ross, Director, The Washington Institute for Near East Policy,

H.M. the Queen of Spain

Peter D. Sutherland, Chairman, Goldman Sachs International;

Jean-Claude Trichet, Governor, European Central Bank

James D. Wolfensohn, President, The World Bank, U.S.A.

Paul Wolfowitz, President designate, The World Bank, U.S.A.

And of course there were the usual prime ministers and U.S. government
officials. Also present were the movers and shakers of the Western media
including media heads from almost all the countries whose press chose to
publish the insulting cartoons. The names of Messers Michael Ledeen, Richard
Perle and Paul Wolfowitz, however, must ring some bells. (Click here for the
complete list)

Also on the list of attendees was one Anders Eldrep from Denmark. Anders
Eldrep (sometimes spelled as Eldrup) happens to be married to one Merete
Eldrep. This lady is the managing director of company JP/Politikens Hus (JP
for Jyllands-Posten) that published the slanderous anti-Islamic cartoons in

Neither Anders Eldrep is an ordinary Tom, Dick or Harry nor his wife exactly
a babe in woods not to have understood the repercussions of their actions.

Merete Eldrep, the wife, is a former Head of Secretariat at the Ministry of
Economic and Business Affairs and Deputy Director of the Danish Energy

And Anders Elderp, her illustrious husband, is the current Chairman of
Denmark’s Oil and Natural Gas Company DONG and has been Permanent Secretary,
Ministry of Danish Finance up to the year 2001. He also has attended the
last FIVE Bilderberg meetings thus far. Interestingly, a previous
editor-in-chief of 'Politiken', another of JP/Politikens Hus's newspapers,
namely Toger Seidenfaden, too was a long-time Bilderberger.

Now a little more about the Bilderberg Group.

In a rare interview given to BBC, Etienne Davignon, 73, the chairman of the
Bilderberg Group and a former Belgian diplomat and European Commissioner,
dismissed claims that the Bilderberg Group is part of a global conspiracy to
rule the world by a self-selected elite of movers and shakers. His dismissal
is as natural as publicly admitting the cabal’s sinister agenda would have
been unnatural. Please read the interview to form up your own opinion. In my
judgment the sole aim of the group is implementing a Euro-American, some say
Anglo-American, blueprint of a New World Order for the express benefit of
these elites.

The Bilderberg discussions are structured on the principle of reaching
accord rather than through ceremonial resolutions and voting. Such is the
power and status of the active members that if an agreement for action is
arrived at, the resulting decision is expected to be implemented in the West
as a whole.

In the post 9/11 geo-political milieu particularly, the group’s aim has been
to buttress the foreign policies of the governments of the United States and
Great Britain or, more simply, to help execute the precise formula sold
internationally by the Bush/Blair combo. This new world order, with the
group’s unflinching support, is being shoved down the collective throat of
the world citizenry under the guise of “global war on terrorism”, and of
establishing “democracy”, “peace”, and “freedom” in the world.

Just three quotes from the lamb talk of these Anglo-American leaders make
clear enough readings of their intentions;

"Out of these troubled times [Iraq/Kuwait conflict], our fifth objective --
a new world order can emerge: a new era...We're now in sight of a United
Nations that performs as envisioned by its founders." September 11, 1990 -
Iraq Speech by President George H. W. Bush

"Our mission is clear: to rid the world of evil" - Pres. George W. Bush,
post-Sept. 11, 2001

"Out of the shadow of this evil [9/11], should emerge lasting good... This
is a moment to seize...let us re-order this world around us." - British
Prime Minister Tony Blair, Oct. 2, 2001 (BBC)

My questions then;

Was this whole anti-Islamic cartoon exercise actually nothing more than an
innocent attempt at promoting the much cherished cause of freedom of
expression on sensitive topics---anti-Semitism being disallowed, by word or
action, by law in most of the western world?

Or, given the ominous times we are in, the Muslims are deliberately being
provoked, exploiting their emotionality, into presenting one seething,
throbbing mass of foaming-at-the-mouths herd of rabid cavemen image for
their eventual annihilation? No one, after all, cries over the mushroom
clouds blotting the horizons over beastlands.

Or is the scribe being overly alarmist?

You decide.

Copyrights : Anwaar Hussain
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 5:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Alkmyst, I'll post up the MI5 ad on the Guardian thread in a sec (cant see your email in your profile).

The satellite imagery was of oil exploration, provided by OECD in 2004. Also, it did not show country borders and was low detail (zoomed far out). You can see a large segment of oil shown in South America but there isnt enough detail to see which countries the deposits are in.

"All we need is the right major crisis, and the nations will accept the New World Order." - David Rockefeller
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Angel - now passed away
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 11, 2006 11:43 am    Post subject: Jimmy Walter's take on the issue Reply with quote

The cartoons are being exploited by non-religious people. They had the
Danish flags ready. They did nothing when the Egyptian press printed the
same cartoons last March. Why are there not Egyptian flags and embassies not
being burned? Do God and Muhammad have a double standard? I don't think so!

The current scandals and disgust with congress is setting us up to allow an
even greater dictatorship - where we have no congress or it has no power,
like the Senate under Caesar. The same press that hid all these crimes, that
lied us into Iraq, that refuses to seriously look at 9/11/2001, the WTC
health crimes and much more has now found its teeth? Someone said go. All we
are hearing today are things they had ignored earlier - most is old news
from a date of first release standpoint. Some say that the financial
interests have decided it is time to sacrifice Bush and said go, but I think
all the scandals were set up and released on purpose to destroy all our
faith in Democracy, not that we had that much.

Hopefully, I see the future Incorrectly.

There are more and more flags burned and attacks for religious reasons by
"Arab Muslims" (probably some spy agency on "our side")
There are more and more corruption charges and convictions or worse, no
There is continued haggling over the domestic spying, the deficit, tax
cutting, and money for defense projects. When Congress does not give him
what he asked, there is a WMD attack in the US. Everyone freaks out.
Bush goes on TV and tells everyone how the congress is corrupt, has
distracted him, handicapped him, and is essentially protecting the
terrorists. Therefore, he is imposing Martial Law and suspending the
Congress until we win the wars with Iran, Iraq, and terrorism; none of which
will never end.

I know that the Neocons' did 9/11; killed thousands on all sides and plunged
the world into this new dark age.
You can see their attitude in Bush's, Gonzales, Cheney's and Rumsfeld
They have a plan. The worst thing possible is if everything is going
according to their plan.
They will stop at nothing, that is for sure! Who can stop them if they are
willing to kill so many for money and power?
This is not one crazy man like Nixon. This is a whole loony bin full of them
allied with crazies like the Rapture Christians.
Who will stop them? They have nuclear and other WMD' for every occasion.
They control the spies and black operations.
They control the Supreme Court.
Who will stop them?
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 11, 2006 3:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Whats more, the American people are having their guns confiscated in some states already (Illinois, Texas, North Carolina, as reported by Alex Jones), so not much chance of an armed resistance...
"All we need is the right major crisis, and the nations will accept the New World Order." - David Rockefeller
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moeen yaseen
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 11, 2006 7:42 pm    Post subject: WHEN LOVE OF PROFITS CLASHES WITH LOVE OF THE PROPHET Reply with quote


After surveying the landscape it is clear to me and any seeker of truth and justice that the cartoon affair will not disappear. It was meant to provoke in order to divide humanity into camps. But in itself it will not cause war and there is a need for a different cassus belli before the Global War on terror engulfs other nations. That a fuse has been lit- is this the equivalent to Sarajevo 1914 or a new 30 year war? Let it be clear that this is not about FREE SPEECH but the sinister and evil plot AGAINST
HUMANITY. In a forthcoming interview on Iranian TV I will with Dr.Zaki argue that this is a time for solidarity in Muslim ranks globally with other antiglobalisation antiimperialist forces for the coming onslaught. The coming battle will between DAVID and the GOLIATHS. We better start pondering where we will stand when the ground starts to burn. In this
spirituality enters the foray and can tilt the balance of power indeed lead to the collapse of civilisations aka the Aztecs. We are on the verge of something catastrophic!

http://www.larouchepac.com/pages/press_releases_files/2006/060206_gonz ales_fifth.htm
http://www.larouchepac.com/pages/otherartic_files/2006/060204_iran_fus e.htm



http://www.new-enlightenment.com/CI_prereq.htm Laughing

Last edited by moeen yaseen on Tue Oct 03, 2006 11:22 pm; edited 2 times in total
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 11, 2006 7:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Unfortunately moeen, even my own family was intolerant of me being a non-muslim, so I cant see any solidarity in a wider context any time soon.
"All we need is the right major crisis, and the nations will accept the New World Order." - David Rockefeller
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ian neal
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 12, 2006 10:37 pm    Post subject: Re: Jimmy Walter's take on the issue Reply with quote

xmasdale wrote:

Who will stop them?

Hi Noel

You should make it even clearer that this is from Jimmy Walter

My response to Jimmy is a simple one. Global people power, global civil disobdience. Their control relies totally on our collective compliance with the system and its institutions. 9/11 truth (or a similar catalyst) will lead to a collective reassessment of what is true and what is not, what is corrupt and what is not and ultimately to the realisation that 9/11 is not unique but merely the most recent and outrageous crime commited (in all probability) by the military-industrial complex and that this complex is really a global crime family: a military-industrial-political-financial-judicial-media-crime complex whose web ensnares the whole world. And no doubt as with any good crime family it will have its share of in fighting.

With this recognition of just how big the lie is will come the recognition that they are few and we are many and their power relies on our cooperation and belief in it. No need for violence, when we are many all we need to do is say: "ya basta: no mas". The world is at a cross roads environmentally, politically, spiritually. We will either collectively wake up and reclaim our birth right (as described above) and remake the world a new or we won't. If we don't, well we can all see where we are headed. But I have no doubt where we are headed and it's not some global gulag or armageddon, despite all the portents and fear-mongering.

Moeen is right we must keep reaching out to other movements working for peace and justice. Keep the faith
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moeen yaseen
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 13, 2006 12:42 am    Post subject: WHEN LOVE OF PROFITS CLASHES WITH LOVE OF THE PROPHET Reply with quote


The last posting by Ian is an excellent summary of the diagnosis where humanity is at present and where it is heading. We need to focus on how
each one of and the networks we are in can BETHECHANGE rather than be FEAREDOFTHE CHANGE. This is THE PARADIGM SHIFT that is required. This is the CENTURY OF THE 6 C's and our US cabal can say goodbye to their American century cloud cuckooland. I challenge the leaders of the ILLUMINATI/ DEMONIC CABAL as well as their lackeys Bush/Blair to meet me at any time and choice of location for a dialogue on truth and justice. We ALL need to look in the mirror. We need to realise that wearethepeople that the world has been waiting for. One way no matter how controversial to break their power is to STOP watching their propaganda and paying the license fees. I have done this for what about 10 years. This enables freeing up time and devote the mind and energy to developing our own alternative news networks at a time when the battle for mind control takes centre stage.
Ian is also correct in pointing out that is we the people who have real power and we need to realise this. But we need to connect to the spiritual powers that surround us and then these DEMONIC forces will wither away.
We can all see,feel and touch the HATE but can we see, feel and touch the LOVE of our common humanity. Laughing

Last edited by moeen yaseen on Tue Oct 03, 2006 11:26 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Angel - now passed away
Angel - now passed away

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 13, 2006 9:05 am    Post subject: gun confiscation and non-violence Reply with quote

sr4470 wrote:
Whats more, the American people are having their guns confiscated in some states already (Illinois, Texas, North Carolina, as reported by Alex Jones), so not much chance of an armed resistance...

Less trigger-happy people going around shooting each other, except of course the VP! Good!

The notion that this neocon fascism can be defeated by armed resistance is nonsense. The neocons are armed to the teeth. Only nonviolent action can defeat them.

BTW the last post I made in this thread above was a quotation from Jimmy Walter - not my own composition. I should have attributed it more clearly.

Sorry Jimmy.

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Angel - now passed away
Angel - now passed away

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 13, 2006 9:18 am    Post subject: Re: WHEN LOVE OF PROFITS CLASHES WITH LOVE OF THE PROPHET Reply with quote

moeen yaseen wrote:

I challenge the leaders of the ILLUMINATI/ DEMONIC CABAL as well as their lackeys Bush/Blair to meet GLOBAL VISION 2000 at any time and choice of location for a dialogue on truth and justice. .............

But we need to connect to the spiritual powers that surround us and then these DEMONIC forces will wither away.
We can all see,feel and touch the HATE but can we see, feel and touch the LOVE of our common humanity.
Very Happy

Of course they won't take up your challenge, Moeen, because they know they would be exposed in a fair debate. It makes sense for them to avoid a struggle in which facts and truth are the weapons, just as it makes sense for us to avoid a struggle in which physical weapons are used - a struggle which they would win. They declined to send anyone to the Oxford Union to defend their corner. No surprise there!

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