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City Plumber Exposes Wifes Lover

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 08, 2010 11:52 pm    Post subject: City Plumber Exposes Wifes Lover Reply with quote

This guys story is almost unbelievable. After uncovering his wifes affair with a board member of leading reinsurance company and going public He gets threatened by a global private investigation company, home raided, business raided, accountants raided and a visit from police murder squad and counter terrorism, and suffers cyber attacks on his blogs apart from the £million of wasted tax payers money


He appears in court Monday 13th dec with no jury

"for we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against rulers of the darkness of this world, against wicked spirits in high places " Eph.6 v 12
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 12:42 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Looks like he's had his site pulled too Fish cause the link takes you to google homepage, or am I missing something?
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Mark Gobell
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 8:27 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ian Puddick has had his other blog domain www.ianpuddick.com removed from the web by City of London police.

See here:


and this post originally made at illandancient.blogspot.com, now removed from there, but still retrievable in the web cache here:

Google Cache: illandancient.blogspot.com

and here:


Check out Ian's video at the above link.

Kroll allegedly involved !

You will see from the cached web link above that the chap at the centre of Ian's allegations works (or until recently worked) at Guy Carpenter, www.guycarp.com who are a leading aviation reinsurance intermediary company.

Guy Carpenter is owned by Marsh McLennan, who, as we all know here, also own the CIA of Wall Street, Kroll Associates.

If anyone wants to go along, Ian Puddick appears at Westminster Magistrates Court at 10.00am on 13th December 2010.

According to Raymond St Clair, the London Evening Standard is running the story this evening, Friday 10th December.

The Medium is the Massage - Marshall McLuhan.
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 11:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I can still see it
'Come and see the violence inherent in the system.
Help, help, I'm being repressed!'

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 10:42 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

From Kroll's website


While many businesses increasingly treat Europe as a single commercial market, in practice it is a complex web of national and local cultures, practices and legal systems. Kroll’s long history of engagement throughout the region is a critical advantage to our clients, whether they are considering such opportunities as acquisitions, investments or joint ventures, or facing problems like corruption, fraud or unfair competition. Even projects that may seem to be entirely set in one location, such as internal investigations, often turn out to have a cross-border dimension, as capital and labour can move increasingly freely from country to country.

Kroll has been present in Europe for nearly a quarter century and now has five fully-staffed offices and over a hundred professionals in the region. But almost more importantly, our accumulated experience covers every European country and business sector, a critical advantage to our clients throughout the region and those doing business there from outside.

The UK offers a strong and mature economy, a stable political and legal structure, and a very open attitude to trade and investment; but these advantages do not automatically mean that doing business in the UK is without risk. The regulatory environment has become significantly more complex, not just in financial services, but also in competition, data protection and corporate governance, with substantial financial penalties and criminal sanction for those who get it wrong. The UK’s open door stance has made the country home to many politically and reputationally complex characters - a policy that creates pitfalls for the unprepared. Kroll’s long-standing and strong presence in London helps clients deal effectively with these types of challenge.

The UK is a major centre for international dispute resolution, either through the UK courts or through arbitration. Increasingly, non-UK parties accept London as an effective location to settle disputes, with experienced professional support and globally recognised judicial expertise. Kroll is an essential part of this community, with a keen understanding of the needs of the client’s advisors and tested and effective ways of supporting them.

Kroll's European Headquarters
Tower Place West
London EC3R 5BU
United Kingdom
Phone: 44 (0) 207 029 5000
Fax: 44 (0) 207 029 5001

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Mark Gobell
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 8:41 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Latest Post from Ian Puddick

Court Report – Monday 13th December, City Of Westminster Magistrates

Hello All,

Firstly a massive thanks to all of you who came yesterday, I was quite choked up when I saw how may of you came to support me in court. Thank you. Here’s a picture with some of the “crew”


A little story to relate before I begin …

As some of you know some kind soul has been putting up banners all over London and the South and these were printed by a gent in London called Neil. Anyway at about 8AM yesterday (the day of the trial) Neils house was attended by three police officers who said they wanted to talk to him. Neil was out at the time but Neils wife rang him and told him. This attempt to intimidate and duress people who are friends with me or who are supporting me is just another clear indication that the police don’t want this case to be in the public eye because they know deep down that its wrong.

So, we arrived at Starbucks just opposite the court at around 9AM and Ray St.Clair was already there (www.raymondstclair.com) of course he’s also known for Freedom Rebels. Within 10 minutes others had arrived including Norman Hinks had arrived (www.normanhinks.com) and a plethora of other freemen and freewomen including Sid Khan, Len Miskulin a TEN year veteran of the camp on Parliament Green (www.dottal.org). So there was a good crowd of us there.

Eventually came the hour for us to proceed towards the court and already there was a Gaggle of Press Photographers and a Film Cameraman from ITN news to cover the event. So as the others went in I gave a short interview for the news TV people and had photos taken by the press.

We eventually entered the court only to find that the public gallery as absolutely tiny and would only seat about 12 – we were way over that number. So by the time the Judges came in there were people crammed in and standing in the Public Gallery. The Judge ordered those who were standing to step out due “Health and safety” issues (Yeah right … humans have been standing for millennia and now its “health and safety” thing!). Eventually some went out and we agreed amongst the public gallery that it would be rotated so that everyone got a chance to see what was going on.

However, just before the judges entered the clerk of the court alleges he saw someone take a picture through the doors and demanded of the security guard that this person be arrested.

So the people in the public piled out, I noticed Ray St.Clair and Norman going after the Security guard at a fair old rate. As I was in the court I only heard the commotion from outside but I am told it went like this.

At first the Police officer in attendance tried to arrest one man accusing him of being the “photographer” and then eventually he changed his mind and settled on a fellow called “Gerry” and apparently as the Constable Grabbed him so did a Mitie Securuty Guard called “Robert” at which point all the Freemen surrounding this leapt in and demanded that “Robert” better let go of Gerry, and clearly seeing that he was pretty much surrounded and outnumbered he left the Constable to cart Gerry off. I heard that Ray St.Clair demanded to know the number of this Security guard to which he got the reply “yeah yeah do what you want” – how arrogant are these people.

Anyway – Gerry was released after 5PM and I know that Ray St.Clair and others are going to help persue a common assault claim against this Robert fellow and stand witness in his forthcoming court case. Of course I will be there!

So .. after that commotion we got on with my case and it quickly became apparent to my QC, that the CPS (Police Prosecution Side) hadn’t got anything prepared and the QC made it clear that this was a case of huge importance to the nations freedom of speech.

this was case about our inalienable Freedom of Speech verses over an est £1m of police money to defend a immoral man. Michael Wolkind QC

Clearly (And as usual) the CPS had, according to Ray St.Clair “got their heads up their arses” and it transpired that they didn’t have the requisite paperwork ready to be able to proceed. At which point the Judge gave the CPS lawyer time to go away and see if he could “acquire” the correct paperwork to allow us to proceed. At this the CPS lawyer left the court.

While the CPS Lawyer was out of the court it was noted that there was much “Passing of notes” going on between the bench and the Clerk of the court. Now I don’t know about you but clearly if there was something to say perhaps they should have said it out loud … more secrets?

Eventually, Michael Wolkind QC, my defence barrister had had enough and he conversed with the Judge on the inordinate amount of time it was taking for the CPS lawyer to come back to the court. At this the judge sent for him (the cps lawyer) and eventually he returned to court without the necessary bits of paper he needed (Quelle Surprise).

Anyway the Judge made an order that the case would be adjourned until June which would give the CPS time to get their house in order as 14 days have been allocated for this trial. The first case management hearing is on the 28th February and will be promoting it as an event to be attended as we did this one.

We know that both the London Evening Standard and the Metro newspaper were in the court recording events and so we will be trying to increase the press coverage and public awareness of this case going forward. I know that my “oppo” Ray St.Clair is on a bit of a mission in that regard as he’s added another few hundred followers to my twitter account over the last few days.

We will keep you posted with events and meetings as we go

The Medium is the Massage - Marshall McLuhan.
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Mark Gobell
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 12:12 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Latest Post

New Court Date – New Protest Under Way …

Hello All – Just a quick update.

The next court date in this incredible charade is set for Monday 28th February at City of Westminster Magistrates Court at 10:00 AM.

Full details can be found here:-


Please come and give your support as did many last time as this case is fundamental to our right to freedom of speech and its clear now that this is what the City of London Police are trying to take away from us – hence the press and media interest.

Thanks to all who came last time and myself and my support team look forward to seeing many more of you there next time.

The Puddick One!

The Medium is the Massage - Marshall McLuhan.
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PostPosted: Tue May 24, 2011 7:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ian Puddick Arrested & Handcuffed in North London
May 24, 2011•0 Comments•
City Of London Police, Ian Puddick
Ian Puddick Was Arrested & Handcuffed Yesterday (Monday 23rd May 2011)

On Monday evening around 5PM Ian Puddick was driving his van through Muswell Hill, North London when without warning he was pulled over by unmarked police car.

What happened next beggars belief! Without any warning and without being read his rights, Ian Puddick was handcuffed to his car despite him pleading with the Constables not to handcuff him. These pleas fell on deaf ears!

Apparently this “arrest” was on the instructions of some “higher” police authority (which we suspect to be City of London Police) and it was this “higher authority” who INSISTED that Ian was pulled over and INSISTED that he be handcuffed.

Ian was told that the reason he was stopped and handcuffed was:-

Ian Puddicks vehicle was “allegedly” stolen

The Constable then went off to do some checks based on the information that Ian Puddick had provided and subsequently returned. In the meantime Ian was texting and Tweeting friends on Twitter and Facebook to let everyone know that he had been arrested again.

Once the officer returned Ian Puddick asked him if this was in reference to his court case regarding his website href=”http://www.policexpenses.co.uk to which the Constable asked for more information regarding this.

Ian Puddick then proceed to explain what was going in reference to the ongoing court case with City of London Police and when the Constable heard this he was visibly shocked and very sympathetic towards Ian.

Eventually the checks that the Constable carried out proved that Ian Puddick was telling the truth and that his van wasn’t stolen. And so it appears this is just another round of City of London Police running around like headless chickens, getting in a flap because they are so very very desperate to scare Ian Puddick away from this upcoming court case on 15th June at Westminster Magistrates Court, Horseferry Road, London at 10:00 AM that are now trying every scare tactic in the book to harass and intimidate Ian Puddick.

However, all that their flapping about confirms is that they are deeply worried by this court case (we think they know they are on a hiding to nothing) and the fact they keep trying to intimidate Ian Puddick is only further confirmation of our suspicions in this regard.

Ian Puddick would like to state that he holds no ill-feeling towards the Constable who arrested him, who, when they found out what was “really” going on behaved brilliantly with Ian. Both of them apologised to Ian for handcuffing him and one of the Constables wished him the best of luck with his case against City of London Police.

'Come and see the violence inherent in the system.
Help, help, I'm being repressed!'

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 8:16 pm    Post subject: Not Guilty Reply with quote

Good news for Mr Plumber man
Pretty tame article announcing his innocence given all the hassle he had. Wouldnt be surprised if the bar stewards find ways to have ago at him.

http://web.orange.co.uk/article/news/plumber_cleared_of_net_affair_har assment

A husband has been cleared of harassing his wife's millionaire lover over the internet.

Plumber Ian Puddick, 41, tweeted, blogged and posted videos online after being enraged by his spouse's 10-year relationship with City director Timothy Haynes.

Campaigners for free expression online celebrated at City of Westminster Magistrates' Court as District Judge Elizabeth Roscoe delivered a not guilty verdict after a three-day trial.

Mr Puddick said outside court: "It's just a major, major relief. I have got two years of my life back."

He also hailed his not guilty verdict as "a victory for free speech and the small man".

Mr Puddick shook his fist and smiled amid cheers from the public gallery as twonot guilty verdicts for internet harassment were returned.

After giving his wife Leena a kiss, he said: "Purely and simply there has been an abuse of power.

"It this can happen to me it can happen to anyone.

"It is absolutely a victory for free speech and the small man. I'm a plumber and drive around in a Transit."

Mrs Puddick met Mr Haynes after joining insurance firm Guy Carpenter in 1997.

Their relationship gathered pace after they had sex after a Christmas party in 2002.

Mr Puddick found out about his PA wife Leena's affair after reading a text message on her phone in May 2009.

He then set up a string of websites and confronted Mr Haynes.

Mr Haynes, from Billingshurst, West Sussex, admitted he had been deceitful but said Mr Puddick should have taken up his anger with him alone.

"for we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against rulers of the darkness of this world, against wicked spirits in high places " Eph.6 v 12
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 18, 2011 9:58 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Cleared because of a strong following/Public campaign?
'Come and see the violence inherent in the system.
Help, help, I'm being repressed!'

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 4:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ian Puddick Unlawful Interview City London Police


Uploaded by ianpuddick on 4 Sep 2011
Interviewed at -
Threatened and falsely accused of being involved in Drugs
Interview not recorded
Ian not cautioned
Officers made no notes
Officers made no statement
Officers did not inform there commanding officers of interview
Officers when questioned cannot remember the interview and so on etc
You get the drift

'Come and see the violence inherent in the system.
Help, help, I'm being repressed!'

“The more you tighten your grip, the more Star Systems will slip through your fingers.”

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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 4:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


'Come and see the violence inherent in the system.
Help, help, I'm being repressed!'

“The more you tighten your grip, the more Star Systems will slip through your fingers.”

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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 12:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ian Puddick
Michael Doherty suing Police nxt Monday Luton Crown Court 10am
pls facebook Michael & support him (hes a nice guy) www.policeexpenses.co.uk

Like · · @ianpuddick on Twitter · 15 minutes ago via Twitter · Privacy:

Michael Doherty Thanks for the endorsement Ian Puddick If people want more information please see the following facebook page for the private criminal prosecution.


This is a criminal prosecution in a criminal court, on this occassion it is the police (member of metropolitan police) that is standing on trial.

'Come and see the violence inherent in the system.
Help, help, I'm being repressed!'

“The more you tighten your grip, the more Star Systems will slip through your fingers.”

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