ianrcrane Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
Joined: 12 Nov 2005 Posts: 352 Location: Devon
Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2006 4:22 pm Post subject: 9/11 goes Mainstream in Italy |
From: www.911blogger.com/2006/06/italy-mainstream-media-speaks-of-911.html
Italian mainstream media is starting to speak quite a lot about the 9/11 truth.
On May 24 2006, the program Matrix, on channel Canale 5, aired a debate between journalist Giulietto Chiesa (who is working in a research called Gruppo Cinque, on 9/11) and ex center-right parliamentary Marco Taradash. The interesting thing is that they showed a few minutes of Loose Change 2nd edition, and they covered the building 7 collapse. It's a pity the show was aired at 12:15 at night! This is the link (unfortunately, it's all in italian): www.matrix.mediaset.it/videogallery/2006/05/24/videogallery.shtml
Anyways, I thought it was an isolated case. Instead, the same show dedicated another two entire evenings on the same subject, with different guests, but getting better to the core of the case. The shows were aired May 31 and June 2. The May 31 show talked about producer Marco Mazzucco's documentary called "Inganno globale" (Global fraud), and about the different italian blogs that are out there. Among the guests was director of Cnn Italy, Marco Vinci, Here's the link: www.matrix.mediaset.it/videogallery/2006/05/31/videogallery.shtml
The show had a HUGE audience for its standards. That's why they decided to give it another shot on June 2, which covered the 9/11truth Congress that was just starting in Chicago. (and they listed ALL 40 top questions that are being asked to the Bush administration) Among the guests were prof. Cardini and prof. Ernesto Galli della Loggia (which is a really big name in Italian society).
Third link: www.matrix.mediaset.it/videogallery/2006/06/02/videogallery.shtml
But that's not all. This morning (June 10), channel La7 dedicated its morning show, Omnibus Weekend, to the big 9/11 cover-up with this title present all the time at the bottom of the screen: "September 11: a conspiracy?". They dedicated more than hour to debate on the whole thing, having four different guests on the show. Quite a bit was dedicated to the Building 7 collapse, and the video of its collapse was shown more than once.
I think it is very interesting that the mainstream media is starting to talk about the 9/11 cover-up now that the center-right government of Silvio Berlusconi has lost the elections (April 10). Berlusconi was one of the most obliging allies of Bush. Maybe now the media feels more free to get the alternative truth out there, because there is no doubt that the people who work in the media, all over the world, have all of the information they need to start speaking out. I hope these programs can be a sign of a future italian awakening, because we have been blinded in all different ways by five years of Berlsuconi, just as the USA is still suffering the continuous lying that is being done by its government.
Perhaps we can look forward to 9/11 going mainstream in the UK just as soon as Tony leaves No.10.
Ian R. Crane |