cem Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
Joined: 28 May 2008 Posts: 484
Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 2:05 pm Post subject: London 2012 Paralympics: A new stage for war propaganda |
The Sun, 29 August 2012
London Evening Standard, 29 August 2012
The Times, 27 June 2012
The Independent, 21 June 2012
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London 2012 Paralympics: A new stage for war propaganda
[propaganda alert]
compiled by Cem Ertür
31 August 2012
"[I]f there is one thing that we can take from the Olympic motto, ‘Citius, Altius, Fortius’ – Higher, Faster, Stronger – is that in foreign policy we must always strive to build on the achievements of the past, whether it is to extend human rights and freedom, protect our global environment, or support peace in conflict-ravaged countries."
[UK Foreign Minister William Hague, press conference held on the opening day of the 2012 London Olympics, 27 July 2012] (*)
(*) Olympic Truce: a source of optimism and inspiration in a troubled world
British Foreign & Commonwealth Office website, 27 July 2012
related news:
One thing the military sets you up for is cheerfulness in the face of adversity (*)
The military has come a long way in helping turn injured service personnel into stars of the Paralympic movement
by Arthur Williams, The Guardian, 30 August 2012
http://www.guardian.co.uk/sport/blog/2012/aug/29/paralympics-military- support?INTCMP=SRCH
Paralympic hero: I was dead in a body bag... now I’m going for gold (*)
Squaddie Derek Derenalagi is aiming for glory in the London Paralympics — five years after he was declared dead in a Taliban bomb attack.
by Amy Jones, The Sun, 29 August 2012
http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/sport/olympics/paralympics/450913 2/Paralympic-hero-Derek-Derenalagi-going-for-gold-five-years-after-bei ng-declared-dead-in-Taliban-bomb-attack.html
Paralympic rallying call from soldier hero of Afghanistan: Spirit of games to last a lifetime (*)
Prince Harry nominee to carry torch ahead of opening ceremony
by Ross Lydall and Rob Parsons, London Evening Standard, 29 August 2012
http://www.standard.co.uk/olympics/paralympics/let-spirit-of-games-las t-a-lifetime-says-double-amputee-soldier-nominated-to-carry-paralympic -torch-by-prince-harry-8092185.html
The 7/7 bombing victim and the wounded soldier: two team-mates who embody the spirit of the Courageous Games
The two women, one a former soldier, the other a victim of the 7/7 bombings, will compete side by side for Great Britain, brought together by two appalling – and very different – acts of violence.
by Russell Myers, Jo Macfarlane and Martha Kelner, Mail on Sunday, 26 August 2012
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2193676/The-7-7-bombing-victim -wounded-soldier-team-mates-embody-spirit-Courageous-Games.html?ITO=14 90
(*) title of the print edition
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London’s militarised Olympic games conjures up Orwell’s 1984
by Finian Cunningham, Global Research, 15 July 2012
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by Felicity Arbuthnot, Global Research, 13 July 2012
propaganda alerts:
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by Cem Ertür, San Francisco Bay Area Independent Media Center, 16 December 2011
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by Cem Ertür, San Francisco Bay Area Independent Media Center, 11 November 2011
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