Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 10:43 pm Post subject: Brainwashing The Children
Why International Baccalaureate (IB) is un-American
by Allen Quist
1. International Baccalaureate (IB) is an international system of education. It is run by a non-governmental organization called the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO) headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland. It was organized in 1968 by European diplomats who wanted their children to have a common undergraduate program. In 1996, however, IBO formed a partnership with UNESCO in order to create what both UNESCO and IBO call an international education system.
One of the IB World Schools web sites defines IB as follows:
What makes the program international?
IB programs exist in schools in 90 countries worldwide. Every spring, IB students around the world take identical exams on the same day in various subjects. These exams are sent to other parts of the world [after being sent to Geneva] for grading. [Grading] is based on an international standard.
In addition, IBO insists that it will train and certify teachers for IBat the expense of the local school district, of course.
2. International Baccalaureate promotes world citizenship. The web site quoted just above says: The IB curriculum encourages students to think globally. Dr. Ian Hill, Deputy Director of IBO, has said that the goal of IBO is the promotion of world citizenship. Either United States citizenship or world citizenship must have priority in our education program. Which will it be? IB gives priority to world citizenship.
3. International Baccalaureate views state education standards as being subservient to, and interpreted by, the worldview of IB. Minnesotas School District # 6078 describes the secondary role of state standards under IB when it states:
The authors point out that everything contained in the standards does not constitute an enduring understanding[which] refer to the big ideas, the important understandings, that we want students to get inside of and retain after theyve forgotten many of the details. [p. 10 of Districts # 6078s implementation plan.]
This means that state standards under IBO must be taught from the perspective of the worldview of International Baccalaureate. The IBO ideology has primary importance; state standards have lesser importance. It is not the intent of the Minnesota Legislature for the Minnesota State Standards to have secondary standing.
4. International Baccalaureate endorses the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights [UDHR]. As is stated in the IBO article Myths and Facts.
5. By endorsing the UDHR, IBO has agreed to promote the United Nations along with the actions and treaties of the United Nations [UDHR Article 26, paragraph 2, which states, Education shall further the activities of the United Nations ].IBO promotes the actions and treaties of the UN even though many of these actions and treaties have not been approve by, or ratified by, the United States. Such treaties not ratified by the United States include the Biodiversity Treaty, the Treaty on the Rights of the Child, Agenda 21, the Kyoto Treaty and the Treaty establishing the United Nations International Criminal Court.
6. By endorsing the UDHR, IBO promotes the United Nations as being the highest court of appeals on issues of human rights. UDHR states: These rights and freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations [article 29, paragraph 3]. This means that IB promotes the view that the United Nations has higher standing than the United States Supreme Court on issues of human rights involving U.S. citizens.
7. By endorsing the UDHR, IBO undermines the foundation principle of the United States that human rights, such as the rights to life, liberty and property, are inherent and inalienable, and must be protected by government, as is stated in our Declaration of Independence. The issue is which has greater standing and authorityour God-given, inalienable human rights or the policies of a particular government. The Declaration of Independencethe philosophical foundation of the United States, insists on the former. The UDHR insists on the latter, as stated, once again, as follows: These rights and freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations [article 29, paragraph 3]. The view of human rights held by the United States is the foundation of liberty. The view of the United Nations is the foundation of totalitarianism.
8. IBO also endorses the Earth Charter, a document that has not been ratified by the United States because it contains numerous provisions contrary to the nature and interests of the United States. By its endorsement, IBO agreed to the following endorsing statement:
We, the undersigned, endorse the Earth Charter. We embrace the spirit and aims of the document. We pledge to join the global partnership for a just, sustainable, and peaceful world and to work for the realization of the values and principles of the Earth Charter. We pledge to join the Global Partnership in Support of the Earth Charter Initiative for a sustainable way of life AND urge all governments to endorse the Earth Charter.
The Earth Charter is housed in the Arc of Hope and is correctly identified by the World Pantheist Association as a Pantheistic document. Besides Pantheism, the Earth Charter advocates:
1. The redistribution of wealth between nations and within nations [Art. 10.a.]
2. Same-sex marriage [Art. 12.a.]
3. Spiritual education [Art 14.d.] which means education in Pantheism.
4.Military disarmament Art. 16.d.&e.
5. Creation of an international agency to make the Earth Charter binding on all nations [in The Way Forward action-plan.]
9. Many of the IBO instructional materials are now being written, or overseen, by the UN. The IBO website says:
The Global Teaching and Learning Project of the UN in New York accepted an IBO tender to produce two teaching booklets about UN global issues. The project has been undertaken by the International Baccalaureate Curriculum and Assessment Centre in Cardiff using experienced curriculum writers from around the world, principally in IB World Schools, and having UN input and approval of the 20 units completed. They will be copyrighted by the UN, with acknowledgement to the IBO for its work, and disseminated to the governments of all member states for use in schools.
Conclusion: The foundational principles of the United States are summarized in the Declaration of Independence and are properly called the twelve pillars of freedom. In addition to what IBO promotes, it rejects all 12 of these Declaration principles. Amendment X of our Bill of Rights clarifies that all the rights in our Bill of Rights are inherent and inalienable (as also stated in the Declaration of Independence). IBO rejects article X or our bill of Rights, however, and by so doing rejects the entirety of our Bill of Rights. International Baccalaureate is un-American.
Allen Quist is Adjunct Professor of Political Science at Bethany Lutheran College, Mankato, Minnesota, and is a former three-term Minnesota state legislator. He is also author of three recent books on the federal education system.
See also, " Pennsylvania Schools Reject Indoctrination," by Joseph Klein, | March 1, 2006
The UN's International Baccalaureate program teaches U.S. school children that they are citizens of the world and that love of country is wrong and that it must be abolished.
The original 1968 plan called for a school that would crankout future UN diplomats , but the idea quickly expnaded until it became a purveyor of a one-world government.
These IB schools couldn't be more un-American. American students who attend IB schools don't recite the Pledge of Allegiance, instead they are taught that the Pledge of Allegiance is wrong. What it teaches is allegiance to the UN.
Just as the article states, students in the U.S. are encouraged to "think globally" and being taught that they are citizens of the world. Children are taught that allegiance to the world supersedes national patriotism.
Dr. Chester Pierce is a Harvard Professor, Humanist and "New World Order" Guru. This professor instructs teachers and those students who aspire to become teachers of our children as follows: "Every child who enters school is mentally ill, because he or she comes to school with an allegiance to our institutions. Patriotism, nationalism and sovereignty, all proves that children are sick because a truly well individual is one who rejects all of those things, and is truly the international child of the future."
Today there are an estimated 1,700 IB schools worldwide, more than a third in the U.S. The IB schools are NOT just a problem in the US, it's a problem worldwide.
Link _________________ The mind bends and twists in order to deal with the horrors of life...
...sometimes the mind bends so much it snaps in two.
Last edited by Sabrewolf on Fri Sep 07, 2012 11:33 pm; edited 2 times in total
Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2012 10:46 pm Post subject: The Earth Charter Exposed
IB and the Earth Charter
The Earth Charter is a document formulated in France and headed by former Soviet General Secretary and avowed communist Mikhail Gorbachev. The body of the document contains 15 tenets of the Doctrine.
The Earth Charter was previously linked to the IBO website, all references to the Charter were dropped from the website following the Upper St. Clair, Pa. ACLU lawsuit. Assistant Director General Ian Hill represented IBO on the Earth Charter's Educational Committee and forum.
There is hard copy evidence at has hard copy evidence from the Earth Charter's website (since removed).
Here is an example of the teachings that are taught at the IB schools that are contrary to U.S. interests. It's called the Earth Charter, a document not ratified by the U.S. It contains numerous provisions that are contrary to America's nature and interests.
According to the Earth Charter it says that capitalism is destroying the Earth bysteadily depleting the planet's natural resources.
The Earth Charter advocates the redistribution of wealth from rich countries to poor countries, same-sex marriage, pantheistic spiritual education, miltary disarmament, and the creation of an international agency that would make the Earth Charter binding on all nations.
Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2012 10:24 pm Post subject: Rewriting History
Rewriting U.S. History
The following is an excerpt from William T. Stills New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies.
In America, the task of Masonry to redefine the values which would be taught to the next generation was prodigious indeed, requiring a huge investment. The plan operated for many years, however, before being discovered.
In 1954, a special Congressional Committee investigated the interlocking web of tax-exempt foundations to see what impact their grants were having on the American psyche. The Committee stumbled onto the fact that some of these groups had embarked upon a gigantic project to rewrite American history and incorporate it into new school text books.
Norman Dodd, the committee's research director found, in the archives of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace the following remarkable statement of purpose:
The only way to maintain control of the population was to obtain control of education in the U.S. They realized this was a prodigious task so they approached the Rockefeller Foundation with the suggestion that they go in tandem and that portion of education which could be considered as domestically oriented be taken over by the Rockefeller Foundation and that portion which was oriented to International matters be taken over by the Carnegie Endowment.
The Rockefeller Foundation agreed to take on the domestic portion of the task. The purpose of all this interest in history, was of course to rewrite it. Dodd explained:
They decided that the success of this program lay in the manner in which American history was to be presented. They then approached four of the then most-prominent historians -- such as Mary and Charles Beard -- with the suggestion that they alter the manner in which they were accustomed to presenting the subject. They [were] turned down flat, so...they decided they [had] to build a coterie of historians of their own selection.
The Guggenheim Foundation agreed to award fellowships to historians recommended by the Carnegie Endowment. Gradually, through the 1920's, they assembled a group of twenty promising young academics, and took them to London. There they briefed them on what was expected of them when they became professors of American history. That twenty were the nucleus of what was eventually to become the American Historical Association.
In 1928, the American Historical Association was granted $400.000 by the Carnegie Endowment to write a seven volume study on the direction the nation was to take. The thrust of these books, according to Dodd was that "the future of this country belongs to collectivism and humanism."
Dodd concluded from his study that these tax-exempt foundations -- by virtue of the fact that they pay for these studies -- lay at the heart of a group determined to destroy the United States.
These educational changes were applied very gradually, so as not to alarm the general American populace, but they have been documented. This in tandem with state and federal court decisions in the later half of the twentieth century, has proven very effective at achieving this goal. Masonry is still very active in the area of education. An excellent book on the subject is Paul A. Fisher's Behind The Lodge Door.
Perhaps the greatest advantage the forces of the New World Order posses is that they know they are at war. America, at best, only suspects it. How the New World Order will be manifested in the next century cannot be predicted, but one thing is clear: secret societies will continue to masquerade as benign, humanitarian organizations and to attack critics who penetrate their disguise. (William T. Stills New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies. pg. 180-181) _________________ The mind bends and twists in order to deal with the horrors of life...
...sometimes the mind bends so much it snaps in two.
Education has always been a major tool for the Illuminati to fundamentally indoctrinate the population into a certain way of thinking under the guise of improving intellectuality and making knowledge available to everyone.
Today is no different, the education system is now being used by the Illuminati to indoctrinate a new generation of young, malleable minds into accepting falsities that best fit their agenda – like the global warming scam and the threat to national security from supposed terrorism, inevitably using the official story of 9/11 as historical fact to back up that perceived threat in the young minds.
As well as education, science will be (and has already has been) infiltrated, manipulated and funded by the Illuminati to allow them to push their agenda further and make much of the questionable aspects of it appear as scientific fact, which will help to reduce any resistance from the population as it is being brought in, when in fact the results have either been based on manipulated data, or have simply been bought and paid for.
_________________ The mind bends and twists in order to deal with the horrors of life...
...sometimes the mind bends so much it snaps in two.
Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 11:41 pm Post subject: Illuminati and Education
Illuminati and Education
"In the struggle to establish an adequate world government, the teacher can do much to prepare the hearts and minds of children for global understanding and cooperation. At the very heart of all the agencies which will assure the coming of world government must stand the school, the teacher, and the organized profession." ~Joy Elmer Morgan, former editor of the NEA Journal.
As the Illuminati are beginning to control mass political thought, a goal has been made, through public schools, to form the masses into groups that believe whatever is told of them, without looking further. Another of its goals is to erode the public school system, so that less and less morals are taught, and more of the humanities, social sciences which have been standardized so that no opposing views of history or the present can be taught in schools. Going along with taking over schools is the taking over of the mass media, where most of the United States and others gets their news from. By controlling these two venues of thought, the Illuminati is able to control everything we think and hear, assuring that we will follow whatever they say. Though education control is not directly correlated with the Illuminati, it flows exactally with their goal of a New World Order devoid of individuality.
As schooling systems get more and more standardized, with the decisions about what every student should learn made at national or state levels, and not directly by the teachers, the students of the United States and other such countries are learning only what certain people deem necessary. This is exemplified in the standardized tests many states require in order for students to pass out of a grade. Teachers now have to teach to a standard, not what they believe would be most beneficial for the students to learn. While having certain sections of education regulated is a good thing, making sure each person gets roughly the same education, it does not allow for free thinking and decision making by the students.
Ross L Finney, in A Sociological Philosophy of Education, stated “The safety of democracy is not to be sought, therefore in the intellectual independence of the duller masses, but in their intellectual dependence. Not in what they think, but in what the think they think.” He goes on to say “If leadership by the intelligent is ever to be achieved, follership by the dull and ignorant must somehow be assured. Follership, quite as much as leadership, is, therefore, the crucial problem of the present crisis.”
Going along with the creation of a single minded society is the effort of the school to absolutely negate the possibility of a higher power and the morality that goes along with that. The incidence of students admitting to cheating has gone from 70% to 80% from 1988 to 1998, according to a survey given by the Who’s Who Among American High School Students, and the percentages are about the same for undergraduates. This increased incidence of cheating goes along with the lack of morality seen in the world today, with the high incidence of drug and alcohol abuse, teenage pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases. Increasingly taught this behavior is alright by the media and school, students are less willing to change. “If you express the opinion that you would like to try drugs, or engage in sexual activites; if you say you might steal or become violent; teachers are instructed not to warn you against such behavior or tell you that your decision is wrong or dangerous. That, say the curriculum planners, would be judgemental.”
Chester Pierce, Professor of Education and Psychiatry at Harvard University, in an address to the Association for Childhood Education International in 1972, stated “Every child in America entering school at the age of five is insane because he comes to school with certain allegiance toward our founding fathers, toward his parents, toward a belief in a supernatural being. It’s up to you, teachers, to make all of these sick children well by creating the international child of the future.” _________________ The mind bends and twists in order to deal with the horrors of life...
...sometimes the mind bends so much it snaps in two.
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