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Tavistock Institute of Human Relations

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 9:46 am    Post subject: Tavistock Links to the Council on Foreign Relations Reply with quote

The more you dig, the more you find.



The Tavistock Institute - this seems to be a very shady enterprise


Council on Foreign Relations publication

http://www.cfr.org/publication/5098/reflections_a_year_after_september _11.html

"We will have to repent in this generation not merely for the vitriolic words and actions of the bad people, but for the appalling silence of the good people.” Martin Luther King
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Craig W
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 2:21 pm    Post subject: The dreaded Tavistock Institute - fact or fiction? Reply with quote

You often read claims from fellow paranoid conspiracy nutters that the Tavistock Institute played/plays a key role in "culture creation" and/or "social engineering" and various other top secret shady shenanigans.

The Institute has been blamed or credited with all sorts of cultural movements and phenomenon, like the Counterculture, The Beatles, women's lib, the New Age, etc, etc. But the sole source I can find for any of this info on the many supposed shadier aspects of Tavistock's work is John Coleman's books. All other books and articles about this subject seem to use Coleman as their sole source and I am trying to find any corroboration for his ideas.

I have read Coleman's most famous work, The Committee of 300, and found it interesting but unconvincing (interestingly, I haven't seen the existence of the Committee of 300 corroborated anywhere, either) and it is very poorly referenced. Lists of books are presented at the foot of pages without telling you which claims they verify or on which page in the referenced work the relevant info can be found and confirmed.

I also have doubts about his character. He claims to be ex-MI6 and was employed there for only a few years and yet he says he was given unique access to various top secret records. Also, in a Google video of a speech he made in the USA some years ago he said a number of things which made me conclude that he was very probably a white supremacist far right-winger (this is perhaps not so surprising given his South African roots).

To conclude, I have serious doubts about his credibility as a source and wouldn't be surprised if he was a disinfo agent.

Does anyone know of any other sources about Tavistock?

Or does anyone have any comments about Coleman's work?

"Nothing can trouble you but your own imagination." ~ Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

Last edited by Craig W on Mon Jun 25, 2007 3:59 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 3:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Isn't it MI4?
The office used for Economic and psycological warfare?
I seem to remember some not-so-dodgy conspiracist saying that.

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 9:38 pm    Post subject: Tavistock Institute of Human Relations Reply with quote

I am no fan of John Coleman but I have a feeling that Tavistock plays a much bigger part in the present campaign of social engineering and the move in the West toward totalitarianism than many people realise. The main role being to reduce the critical faculties of ordinary people through various forms of brainwashing. It is also supposed to have a role in planning economic warfare.

Disinfo merchant Chip Berlet has tried to censor information on Tavistock which is a good reason in my view to take a closer look Wink

Tavistock Institute - officially founded in 1946
According to the official website: "The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations, a novel, interdisciplinary, action orientated research organisation, was founded in London in 1946 with the aid of a grant from the Rockefeller Foundation. It was set up for the specific purpose of actively relating the psychological and social sciences to the needs and concerns of society..." Although nowhere to be seen in their official bio or anywhere else from a mainstream source, some have claimed the institute was founded in 1921 by the Marquess of Tavistock/Duke of Bedford line (Russell family). Since this is a long time Order of the Garter family it would tie into the same network as the Rockefellers.

The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations
............The plan to 'create' public opinion began in 1913 as a propaganda factory centered at Wellington House in London. Sir Edward Grey, the British Foreign Secretary at the time, installed Lord Northcliffe (Britain's most influential newspaper magnate) as its director. Lord Northcliffe's position was over sighted by Lord Rothmere on behalf of the British Crown. The operational staff of Wellington House consisted of Lord Northcliffe, Arnold Toynbee (future director of studies at the Royal Institute of International Affairs), and the Americans, Walter Lippmann and Edward Benays (nephew to Signund Freud).
Funding was initially provided by the Royal family, but soon to include the Rothchilds (related to Lord Northcliffe by marriage) and the Rockefellers. Wellington House would grow into the Tavistock Institute in 1921 after the propaganda "victories" of the First World War and the Federal Reserve banking system (created in 1913) had been secured.

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Sun May 12, 2013 2:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

translated from french

Presentation of the Tavistock institute. Or how the human soul is destroyed.
http://fonzibrain.wordpress.com/2011/02/09/presentation-du-tavistock-i nstitute-ou-comment-lame-humaine-est-aneantie/

The Tavistock Institute in London was founded in 1920 in Tavistock Square as a psychiatric clinic (the "Tavistock Clinic"), by Cyril Burt (1883-1971), an expert in research on the para-normal, and Hugh Crichton-Miller (1877 - 1959), Vice-President of the Institute "Jung" in Zurich.

In 1921, the eleventh Duke of Bedford, Marquess of Tavistock, gave the Institute a seat which were conducted research on traumatic psychoses by bombing survivors of the First World War. It was identified with scientific criteria, the "breaking point" of the resistance of a human being subject to limits solicitations. The project was sponsored by the Office for the Psychological Warfare of the British army under the command of psychiatrist John Rawlings Rees.

In 1932 a German refugee, Kurt Lewin, a specialist in "group dynamics", that is to say manipulation techniques of the individual inserted in a group, to make him acquire a new personality and new values, became director of the Tavistock Institute. Lewin was the founder of the Harvard Psychological Clinic, who was to play a key role in convincing the Americans to go to war against the Germans.

The Tavistock Institute, which developed as the center of excellence in psychiatric research, with its successes in the two world wars, in 1947 changed its name to "Tavistock Institute for Human Relations." With funding from the Rockefeller Foundation and the American qualifying appearances, the new institute working in synergy with the British, including the Deputy Director of the Tavistock Clinic, mentioned above, JR Rees, co-founder of the World Federation of mental health1. Note in passing that Rees had the student a character, a refugee from Germany, which was to make the United States a successful career: Henry Alfred Kissinger.

The stated purpose of the Institute was - and remains to this day - to "apply the ideas and methods of the social sciences to problems of policy and practice" in developing projects for organizations, institutions, industry, commerce, public health and education. A multidisciplinary scope ranging from anthropology to economics, organizational behavior, political science, psychanalyse2, psychology and sociology.

In the immediate period after the war, the problem that the Tavistock Institute to hear an effective response was the implementation in the civil societies of this branch of psychiatry successfully applied during the Second World War, largely due to the work of John J. McCloy (an important member of the Kuhn & Loeb Bank and the Ford Foundation), and William Paley (member of B'nai B'rith, the Pilgrims' Society, the Order of St. John of Jerusalem and the CFR ) 3.

The project was ambitious: apply directly to the social body the results of these studies on the "breaking point", developed during the two world wars, to destroy all psychological resistance in the individual and make them thank you New worldwide4 order.

One of the closest collaborators at the time of the Tavistock Institute was Max Horkheimer, one of the fathers of the "School Frackfort", founded by the Fabian Society, which dealt with Marxist sociology and psychology. This is the school that went Herbert Marcuse, who played a leading role in preparing the Cultural Revolution of 1968 and the "jump paradigm" that drifted 5. During World War II, the school transferred to the United States, where she continued her work under the direction of the American Jewish Committee (AJC). The war was over, Max Horkheimer helped with Ignaz Bubis, Germany to reintroduce the B'nai B'rith, the high masonry restricted to Juifs6.

In the 60s it was in Tavistock which, in collaboration with the British secret service, piloted experience the dissemination and use of drugs, especially drugs artificially produced, the LSD7, as part of this phenomenon socially destabilizing, which was called "cons-culture." Thanks to large grants from the Ford Foundation, the Columbia Center for the Study of the Environment, Ministry of Defence, of Harvard University and the Council of Social Science Research in Britain. One of the most prominent personnagles against-drug culture was Gregory Bateson, the father of California hippies, one of the five leading scholars of Tavistock who were experimenting with "social engineering" with drug use.

At the time, the RIIA was headed by the former director of the famous, "Observer" - owned by the Astor family - Andrew Shonfield (Bilderberg, Trilateral), member of the Board of Directors of the Tavistock Institute and President Council of Social Science Research that we mentioned.

Note that in 1967, under the direction of Shonfield, who led the group of psychologists Tavistock, Ronald David Laing, published a book entitled "The Politics of Experience", which was the glorification of schizophrenia and drug abuse in which he argued that "dementia is the only form of health." 8

Today, the Tavistock is so sophisticated laboratory for social control RIIA, kind of middle way between a psychiatric studies center and a military research, which publishes a monthly entitled "Human Relations" (Ed. Plenum Press). The primary objective of Tavistock, in the final analysis, is the search for methods to cause "mutations paradigms cultures" in human societies, through the introduction of "social climates disturbed" or manipulation of "occult group dynamics. "

For study, a series of conferences held around the Tavistock Institute in 1989 on the theme: "The role of non-governmental organizations to weaken Nationaux9 states," whose acts were published in 1991 in the journal " Human Relations. "

The Tavistock Institute is based on a megaphone as the Ditchley Foundation since its foundation, and corporate thinking as the Club of Rome and the Bilderberg circles with whom he works closely.

The Tavistock also has an American network that includes the Stanford Research Institute, founded in 1946, consultant to multinational caliber of Rothschild Wells Fargo, Bank of America or the Bechtel Corporation. It also exercises a decisive influence on the National Association for the Education of the United States. Are part of the same network the Esalen Institute, Institute center irradiation the New Age movement, the Centre for Strategic Studies at Georgetown University in Washington (CSIS, which the emblematic figures of Kissinger and Brzezinski belong), the Hudson specialized in defense policy and assimilated.

But the real head of Tavistock bridge in the United States is represented by the great "think-tank" American, the Rand Corporation, incorporated as a bulwark of the RIIA, and thus the CFR for the control of American politics at all levels, international relations , armaments, space programs, domestic politics, etc ...

The network of mind control of the individual and collective behavior to create, with the support of major foundations, the single thought founding a new scale of values ​​"politically correct" was irradiated in a few decades - as each seen - throughout the West by winning unnoticed into state policies in the education system in the banking and business world in patterns, creating the necessary state of mind for all levels of the Magic Flute AUTHORITY to drive people into the era of synthesis, to the great approval in the ideology of the Gnosis.

1. In 1940, Rees defined the objectives of psychiatry as follows:.. "We must aim to infiltrate in each educational activity of national life [...] We launched a very successful offensive in many professions Both are naturally easier teaching and the Church are the two most difficult justice and medicine "(John Rawlings Rees, MD" Strategic Planning for Mental Health "," Mental Health 1 ", No. 4, October 1940 , p. 103-104).
2. Front seat of the Tavistock Institute, No. 30 Tabernacle Street, London, is a statue of Sigmund Freud.
3. Eric Trist - Hugh Murray, "The Social Engagement of Social Science: A Tavistock Anthology", Philadelphia, The University of Pennsylvania Press, 1990, p.5.
4. The objectives in the destruction of traditional agriculture based on self-sufficiency. The independent farmer, in fact, is a threat to the global New World Order. All must depend on all and no one can deviate from this rule, especially not self-generating. Hence the growing burden of the farmer with respect to industry dependence, the market sets capriciously crop prices, bank loans for the purchase of expensive machinery and equipment needed.
5. Paradigm shifts, or the study of how collective thinking and shared social values ​​can change -. "Frankfurt School" object of research
6. Mr. Blondet, "In Bosnia and Lebanon: War planned by psychiatrists?", In "Studi cattolici", September 1993, No. 391.
7. Lysergic acid was developed by Sandoz AG, a Swiss pharmaceutical house owned by SG Warburg in London.
8. RD Laing, "the Politics of Experience and The Bird of Paradise", London, Penguin Books, 1990. See EIR, "Dope, Inc.", Washington DC, 1992, p.285.
9. Ibid, About NGOs, B'nai B'rith Jacques Attali in his "Dictionary of the XXIst century", Roma, ed. Armando, 1999, writes that they will replace the dissolution of states, parties, trade unions, "embryo of future international organizations" (p.196).


Read text from the "Masonry and secret cults: The hidden side of history."

An external link about the Tavistock Institute Tavistock The Best Kept Secret in America.
http://www.dicopsy.com/ There are links to the original article.

An example of what is said in these meetings

"It should first destroy the old balances and values ​​poue make fluid relationships. New balances and values ​​can then be established which will be consolidated sustainable ways by the self, rehabilitation becomes self-rehabilitation, THE WORLD IS EXPECTED TO TURN INTO A NATIONAL POST AND MULTI-ETHNIC SOCIETY WITHOUT BORDERS CODED.
Macy conference participants believe they can provide the tools and construction plans required for the advent of this new world order.
Calculating machines new and faster as well as systems theory and cybernetic models that grace all fields of science, culture and politics can be controlled and managed, it must allow the programming of a man Again, an anti authoritarian man. "

The most serious is that the project of destroying the human soul has fully succeeded.
You must understand that we live in a scientifically organized system, a totalizing psychological dictatorship, encompassing all fields of life.
How is it that the draft scientfiques few (mostly Jewish but hey it does not mean anything, right?) Has worked so well?
In addition to the theoretical validity (they could be wrong), so there was a system of concrete and proactive relay of said theory, transmission belts between these "tools" and their applications in the real world.
This involves coaching, coordination and monitoring in the time between the development of the theory and its application, ie a plot.
What we call "culture" is actually the result of a social engineering operation to a very large scale.
If 50 years ago, nerds came together to create systems to degrade the man, it is undeniable that this continues today ...

We need to know how to articulate the links between those who create conceptual designs and those who apply.
If anyone has any information about those responsible for the reality, how were created the first programs, what were the actors and their links with organizations such as the Tavistock institute.
Keep humanity enslaved requires a huge amount of work, luck has very little place in the show that is served to us every day.

In the same kind of mental manipulation predominantly scientific, marketing neuro

http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xe061p_neuromarketing-des-citoyens-so us-in_news

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 09, 2015 8:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Introduction to the Tavistock Institute
Post by admin on Mar 7, 2012, 9:33pm

The Science of Mass Manipulation Through Crisis Creation: An Introduction to the Tavistock Institute

Created at Oxford in 1921 by the Royal Institute for International Affairs, with later funding from the Rockefeller Foundation, the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations is the nerve center for the global manipulation of human consciousness.

Not long after Tavistock was set up by co-founder John Rawlings Reese and others, it became the core of Britain's Psychological Warfare Bureau, studying the effects of shell shock on British soldiers. Tavistock also played a crucial role in the creation of the OSS (precursor to the CIA), under the guidance of Dr. Kurt Lewin, with help from Allen Dulles, the German NAZIs, and the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
Re: Introduction to the Tavistock Institute
Post by admin on Mar 7, 2012, 9:34pm


"Research into the use of microwave weapons and their use for mind control began in the 1950s at Tavistock. The UK institute was researching into ways of mind-controlling the British population without them knowing."- Tim Rifat, "Microwave Mind Control".

Aside from helping to create the CIA, Tavistock was also the major force behind the formation of NATO and is deeply connected to the Club of Rome. "My own doubts came when DDT was introduced. In Guyana, within two years, it had almost eliminated malaria. So my chief quarrel with DDT, in hindsight, is it greatly added to the population problem." - Club of Rome Co-Founder Alexander King

The Club of Rome works with Tavistock to create propaganda and crisis in order to manipulate the world's population in a pre-determined direction, towards a collectivist, one world, socialist dictatorship. It was Tavistock, under the direction of Kurt Lewin, that pioneered the concept of deprogramming an individual of their traditional beliefs through trauma to allow for reprogramming according to the controllers' wishes. This would become the origin for the concept of "future shock", written about and popularized by Alvin Toffler in his book of the same title. This concept was presented by Toffler as a spontaneous response, when in fact, the exact opposite is true.

Today, Tavistock operates through a vast network of think tanks, NGOs, universities and media outlets to influence public opinion, while breaking down the moral fabric that has held the West together, using scientifically-crafted techniques of manipulation. (Beatles?).... MIT, one of Tavistock's largest U.S. institutions , works through several clients, including NASA, US Navy/ Army/ Department of State, U.S. Council of Churches, National Academy of Sciences, Sylvania.

An important part Tavistock has played in the corporate world, via the National Training Laboratories, is the sponsoring of group "sensitivity" and "diversity" designed to erase a person's individuality so that they become a "team player". The fact is that "political correctness" is all about creating uniformity. Individualism is one of the biggest obstacles in the way of the New World Order. They want a public that is predictable and conditioned to do as it's told without asking questions.

Tavistock portrays itself as a non-political/ non-governmental organization, but this is simply not the case when you look at how deeply entrenched it is with governments and organizations connected to government, both here in the U.S. and abroad.

Re: Introduction to the Tavistock Institute
Post by admin on Dec 5, 2012, 11:32am

(Tavistock)...became the core of Britain's Psychological Warfare Bureau. It was Tavistock-designed methods that got the United States into the Second World War and which, under the guidance of Dr. Kurt Lewin, established the OSS, the forerunner of the CIA. Lewin became the director of the Strategic Bombing Survey, which was a plan for the Royal Air Force to concentrate on bombing German worker housing while leaving military targets, such as munition plants, alone. The munition plants on both sides belonged to the international bankers who had no wish to see their assets destroyed. The idea behind saturation bombing of civilian worker housing was to break the morale of the German worker.

It was not designed to affect the war effort against the German military machine. Lewin and his team of actuaries reached a target figure, that if 65% of German worker housing was destroyed by nightly RAF bombing, the morale of the civilian population would collapse. The actual document was prepared by the Pru-dential Assurance Company. The RAF, under the command of "Bomber" Harris, carried out Lewin's plans, culminating in the terror firestorm bombing of Dresden, in which over 125,000, mainly old men, women and children, were killed.

The truth of "Bomber" Harris's horror raids on German civilians was a well kept secret until long after the end of WW II. Today its primary mission is to establish a global brainwashing and opinion forming network. This institute is the originator of the Aquarian Conspiracy, designed to weaken the nations of the world by encouraging drug use, free sex, homosexuality and lesbianism. It has been very successful in the United States. It works through many research institutes and think tanks. The principal ones in the United States are the Stanford Research Institute, Rand Research and Development Corporation, the Institute For Policy Studies, the Aspen Institute, the Hudson Institute, and the Brookings Institute. Tavistock runs over 30 research institutions in the United States.

These Tavistock-U.S. institutions have in many cases grown into gargantuan monsters, penetrating every aspect of our government agencies and taking command of all policy making. One of Tavistock's chief wreckers of our way of life was Dr. Alexander King, a founder member of NATO and a favorite with the Committee of 300, as well as an outstanding member of the Club of Rome.

When it was decided that a super-body would control European affairs, the RIIA founded the Tavistock Institute, which in turn created NATO. For Five years NATO was financed by the German Marshall Fund. Dr. King was assigned by the Club of Rome to destroy America's education by taking control of the National Teachers Association and working in close conjunction with certain law makers and judges. Scientists engaged in the process of conditioning are called "social engineers" or "new-science social scientists" and they play an integral part in what we see, hear and read. The "old school" social engineers were Kurt K. Lewin, Professor Hadley Cantril, Margaret Meade, Professor Derwin Cartwright and Professor Lipssitt who, together with John Rawlings Reese, made up the backbone of new-science scientists at Tavistock Institute.

http://www.theforbiddenknowledge.com/hardtruth/tavistochumanrelations. htm

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 01, 2015 5:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Tavistock and the London Bombings

On 7/7 2005 the only bus to continue on its' way and changed the route, ended up in Tavistock Square, not a bus route, where it mysteriously exploded. A year later, QEII, Blair and all the big wigs, stood in Tavistock square and bowed their heads to the building where (the source seems to have been deleted) the Tavistock Institute, was first housed.
http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/esp_sociopol_ironmount ain0.htm

The Institute, Square and the whole Tavistock movement, was named after the family that funded it.

All references to "military" explosives used in the bombs, were deleted within 5 days.

And so the "fear of Terror" was introduced into Britain.

The IRA had carried out far more terror in the UK without the whole country going into "lock down".

"Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacturing, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere, so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it." -- Woodrow Wilson

A copy of the group discussions, known as Report from Iron Mountain, was leaked by a participant and published in 1967 by Dial Press.

The report’s authors saw war as necessary and desirable stating “War itself is the basic social system, within which other secondary modes of social organization conflict or conspire. (War is) the principal organizing force…the essential economic stabilizer of modern societies.” The group worried that through “ambiguous leadership” the “ruling administrative class” might lose its ability to “rationalize a desired war”, leading to the “actual disestablishment of military institutions”.

The possibility of war provides the sense of external necessity without which no government can long remain in power…The basic authority of a modern state over its people resides in its war powers. War has served as the last great safeguard against the elimination of necessary classes.”
It was, he says, ‘like having a bomb dropped on your life. There is a dark side to our world, a place beyond our control where governments and their agents can do what they want.

David Painter

"The Truth, when you finally chase it down, is almost always far worse than your darkest visions and fears." - Hunter S. Thompson: Kingdom of Fear; pg. 220.

"The powers that be not only try to control events, but they try to control our memory and understanding of these events, which is part of controlling the events themselves." - Michael Parenti.

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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