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Crimea: 97% vote to join Russia - NATO dirty tricks begin

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 17, 2016 12:41 am    Post subject: Crimea: 97% vote to join Russia - NATO dirty tricks begin Reply with quote

Ukrainian terrorist leader admits to acts of sabotage
Friday, 12. August 2016 , from Freeman to 15:00
The leader of the Ukrainian terror force in the Crimea by the Russian FSB was arrested (see FSB prevented Ukrainian terrorist attacks on the Crimean Peninsula), has a confession. His Name is Yevgeny Panov, born in 1977 in the town of Dneprovka , Zaporojie Region, Ukraine.
http://alles-schallundrauch.blogspot.co.uk/2016/08/ukrainischer-terror anfuhrer-gesteht.html

He has admitted to so-called Anti-terrorist operations in Eastern Ukraine from August 2014 to August 2015, participated, in the war against the separatists of Donbass. He belonged to the 37. Infantry battalion of 56. Brigade of the Ukrainian army.

He was recruited by the Ukrainian security service in Kiev for acts of sabotage in the Crimea, he said. During his confession, he submitted the names of five other accomplices. The FSB has recorded the interrogation, and the Russian news channel Rossiya'24 has sent the Video where I saw it.

"The group consisted of professional intelligence officers Alexander Kirillov (Codename Kirill), someone who Dmitry is, and Oleg Litvinenko (Codename Dog Fox). The group also Sambul Alexei (Codename Sigh), and a guy whose name I don't know, but the Codename Deshikh module. My code name was Eugene, "said Panov during the survey.

To the question, "what is the Mission you have been ordered to go to the Crimea to perform, "said Panov, "our task was targets for Sabotage reconnoiter. As such, we have selected the Ferry from Kerch, a gasoline camp in Feodosia, objects in Jankoy, a helicopter-base and TITANIUM-chemical plant."

But see and hear for yourself his confession:

What is wanted, or to achieve the fascist coup-Regime in Kiev, with these terrorist attacks in the Crimea?

It is to unsettle the population and to plunge the Peninsula into Chaos in the Wake of the to be held in autumn elections to the Parliament?

Or you want to provoke President Putin by all means, so he's going on militarily against the Ukraine and you can stand up to the West as a victim of Russia?

What we know for now, Poroshenko government sanction has commanded exported Terror against civilian facilities in the Crimea. So he is a war criminal, one of the was brought of Obama, Merkel and co. to Power and is supported.

The order came directly from Langley and Poroshenko had to nod. Because of the Ukrainian secret service is under the complete control of the CIA. In Kiev's approval, nothing happens without Washington.

On Friday, tanks of the Ukrainian army have been spotted, in the direction of the Crimea on-the-go:

The Russian Ministry of foreign Affairs presented on Friday to the head of the EU Delegation in Moscow, Vygaudas Usackas, detailed evidence about the attempt of the Ukrainian Ministry of defense, terrorist attacks and acts of sabotage in the Crimea.

The Russian Prime Minister Dimitry Medvedev said, he excludes a termination of diplomatic relations with the Ukraine, if there is no other Option.

"I don't want it to end. But, if there is no other Option to the Situation to influence, then the President may so-make a decision, "Medvedev said in response to Kiev's attempt terrorist attacks in the Crimea. President Putin is foreign policy, he stressed.

The Prime Minister said he considered the subversive act in the Crimea as a crime against the Russian state and its population.

Since you can not deny the confession via Video, gave the Ukrainian safety authorities, the ludicrous assertion that in the Crimea by the FSB detained a Saboteur and Terrorist, Yevgeny Panov, was kidnapped from his home in Zaporizhia by the Russians, and the Crimea – a distance of 300 kilometers. Not to take this impudent lies.

The Russians then shot the two colleagues of the FSB and the border guards ... no it was Putin himself!

Hier weiterlesen: Alles Schall und Rauch: Ukrainischer Terroranführer gesteht Sabotageakte http://alles-schallundrauch.blogspot.com/2016/08/ukrainischer-terroran fuhrer-gesteht.html

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 17, 2016 12:42 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Shootout in Crimea: Russia’s “Anti-terrorism Agency” (FSB) vs Ukrainian Saboteurs

The FSB interception of Ukrainian sabotage groups attempting to infiltrate Crimea raise tensions.
http://www.globalresearch.ca/shootout-in-crimea-russias-fsb-vs-ukraini an-saboteurs/5540655

By Alexander Mercouris - Global Research, August 11, 2016

Anyone who has been following Ukraine related news over the last few days will be aware of reports of Russian troop movements in Crimea, of a shoot out there between the Russian security forces and alleged Ukrainian infiltrators which left several people dead, and of claims that Ukrainian sabotage groups had attempted to infiltrate the peninsula.

On 10th August 2016 came final confirmation of the incident from Russia’s counterintelligence and anti terrorism agency, the FSB (full statement attached below). It reported separate incidents involving three Ukrainian sabotage groups connected to the Main Intelligence Directorate of Ukraine’s Defence Ministry, shoot outs between FSB operatives and the Russian military and the Ukrainian military across the border line, and the deaths of one FSB operative and of one Russian soldier caught up in the shoot outs. Other reports speak of the death of at least two Ukrainian infiltrators, and of the capture of several others, which claims however the FSB report does not confirm. The FSB report does however speak of twenty improvised explosive devices containing more than 40 kilograms of TNT equivalent, ammunition, fuses, antipersonnel and magnetic bombs, grenades and the Ukrainian armed forces’ standard special weapons being found in one of the locations involved in the incident.

The FSB report also says that several Ukrainian and Russian citizens belonging to an undercover spy ring operating inside Crimea have been arrested on charges of planning to help the saboteurs. The FSB has named the ringleader as Yevgeny Panov, a resident of Ukraine’s Zaporozhye region born in 1977, who the FSB says is an employee of the Ukrainian Defence Ministry’s Main Intelligence Directorate. Presumably he has been working in Crimea for some time under cover. The FSB says it has arrested him and that he is “giving evidence”.

The FSB has not identified the targets of the saboteurs other than saying that they were “critical infrastructure and life support facilities on the peninsula”. Some Russian media reports have suggested that the intention was to create “false flag” incidents that would set Crimea’s Tatar and Russian communities against each other. The reference to “critical infrastructure and life support facilities on the peninsula” does not however support this. Rather it suggests an attempt to disrupt power supplies and possibly water treatment plants at the height of Crimea’s tourist season and on the eve of the elections.

The Ukrainians for their part deny all these allegations, claiming that the whole incident has been invented by the Russians. The Western media, predictably enough, is following the Ukrainian line with wild speculations that the Russians have fabricated the whole incident in order to justify a Russian invasion of Ukraine during the Olympic Games.

Whilst the full truth of this incident will only become known over time – when or if people like Panov are put on trial – there is actually no reason to doubt that the Russian account is true. The Russians are hardly likely to arrange the death of one of their own FSB operatives and of one of their soldiers in order to fabricate an incident like this, and the report of the capture of several of the saboteurs, and the confirmation of the arrest of the members of the spy ring which was created to support them, all but confirms that the Russian claims about this incident are true. Indeed given that Ukrainian leaders frequently speak of Ukraine being at war with Russia it is not difficult to see why they might authorise a sabotage mission of this sort in order to disrupt elections which would confirm the extent of Crimea’s integration into Russia. Presumably the Ukrainian plan was to claim that the attacks were the result of local anti-Russian resistance cells, thereby fostering the fiction that there is opposition within Crimea to its unification with Russia. It has been a cause of serious embarrassment to the Ukrainian leadership and its Western backers that there has been no real evidence of such opposition up to now. The sabotage mission appears to have been intended to “correct” this.

Two days ago I reported about a meeting Putin had with his security chiefs which appeared to have been hurriedly convened in a secret location. I speculated that the meeting was held to discuss the situation in Aleppo. Whilst Aleppo undoubtedly was discussed at this meeting as shown by the presence of Foreign Minister Lavrov and the Kremlin’s account of the meeting – which referred to Putin’s forthcoming meetings with foreign leaders, of whom the two most important were President Erdogan of Turkey and President Rouhani of Iran with whom the topic of Syria and Aleppo would certainly be discussed – the meeting between Putin and his security chiefs undoubtedly also discussed the situation in Crimea, and the reports of the Ukrainian sabotage mission there.

Might there have been any other purpose to this Ukrainian sabotage mission other than to create the appearance of instability in Crimea during the tourist season and during the coming election season? Putin in the joint press conference he held in Moscow following his meeting with Armenia’s President Sargsyan linked the incident to the attempted murder of Igor Plotnitsky, the leader of the Lugansk People’s Republic. If true that would suggest that having despaired of a military victory the government in Kiev is now turning to assassination and sabotage tactics in order to keep the struggle with Russia going and to achieve its political goals. Alternatively it could be that the Ukrainians have carried out these operations in preparation for the summer offensive in the Donbass that has been much talked about but which has yet to happen, though it is not clear how planting bombs in Crimea could aid a military offensive in the Donbass. Yet another explanation is that the Ukrainians might be sensing a weakening in European support and might have launched the operation in order to heighten tensions and to rally support and to further undermine the Minsk II peace process.

My own opinion is that the most likely explanation for this frankly reckless action – which will cause serious embarrassment to some of Ukraine’s European backers even if they are not prepared to say so publicly – is the chaotic condition of the Ukrainian power structure and the perennial infighting that goes on there. Given the luridly romantic language many members of the Maidan movement customarily like to indulge in I can easily see how the sabotage operation in Crimea and the murder attempt on Plotnitsky – if the two are indeed connected – might have been planned by individuals in Kiev who might think that the success of such operations would increase their credibility and popularity within the Maidan movement and therefore their chances of achieving political success in Ukraine.

Whatever the precise motivations behind this incident Putin has made it very clear that the Russians are taking it extremely seriously. He has already said that there will no Normandy Four meeting with Merkel, Hollande and Poroshenko at the forthcoming G20 summit in China. Moreover and in contrast to what happened following the trial of Savchenko, whose actions were carried out in the Donbass and therefore in territory the Russians continue to recognise as Ukrainian, I expect the Russians to be much slower to agree to prisoner exchanges of the Ukrainian operatives who were involved in this mission and who they accuse of carrying out or planning to carry out violent actions on Russian territory.

Here is the text of the statement describing the incidents which has been provided by the FSB:

“The Russian FSB averted terrorist acts in the Republic of Crimea that were being prepared by the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine.

The Russian FSB averted terrorist acts in the Republic of Crimea that were being prepared by the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine, and which targeted certain critical infrastructure and life support facilities on the peninsula.

The goal of the attacks was the destabilisation of the socio-political situation on the peninsula prior to the approaching elections to the federal and regional governmental institutions.

The search operations carried out during the night of 6/7 August 2016 in the vicinity of the city of Armyansk, Republic of Crimea, uncovered a group of saboteurs. While attempting to detain the terrorists, an FSB operative was killed by enemy gunfire. The following was discovered on the scene: 20 improvised explosive devices with a total explosive power of 40kg TNT, munitions, special detonators, standard-issue anti-personnel and magnetic land mines, grenades, and special-issue weapons used by Ukrainian armed forces’ special operations units.

The follow-on measures on the territory of the Republic of Crimea eliminated a network of agents operated by the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Ukrainian and Russian citizens, engaged in the preparation of terrorist attacks, were arrested, and are now giving evidence. One of the organisers is Yevgeniy Aleksandrovich Panov, born 1977, an inhabitant of the Zaporozhye Region of Ukraine, an operative of the Main Intelligence Directorate of Ukrainian MOD, who has also been arrested and is giving evidence.

During the night of August 8, 2016, Ukrainian MOD special operations units attempted two more infiltrations by saboteur units which were prevented by the armed units of the FSB and collaborating entities. The infiltration effort was covered by heavy fire from the adjacent country, including by armored vehicles belonging to Ukrainian military. A Russian soldier was killed by the fire.

On the basis of the investigative and combat actions, the Crimea FSB Directorate’s investigations department has launched a criminal case. Additional investigative measures are being implemented. Places where large groups of tourists are concentrating and resting, and critically important infrastructure and life support facilities have been taken under additional security. A strengthened border control regime has been introduced on the border with Ukraine.”

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 17, 2018 2:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

SUNDAY SCREENING: Crimea For Dummies (2014)
JUNE 17, 2018 BY 21WIRE
http://21stcenturywire.com/2018/06/17/sunday-screening-crimea-for-dumm ies-2014/

Crimea For Dummies (RT Documentary)



Our weekly documentary film curated by the editorial team at 21WIRE.
Did Russia really invade and ‘annex’ The Crimea? According to the West, the answer is ‘yes’ and they have since built their whole anti-Russian policy and punitive sanctions on top of this popular narrative. Back in 2014, a Los Angeles film school graduate named Miguel Francis Santiago traveled to Crimea to see if the peninsula was really under Russian military occupation and if life there has changed radically since it was reunited with Russia. Follow Francis as be explores Crimea’s beautiful coast, its history and culture, all the while probing its inhabitants about their attitudes regarding their newfound Russian citizenship. What he discovers completely dismantles the US and UK mainstream narratives on this highly controversial topic. Watch:

Written & Directed by: Miguel Francis Santiago
Run time: 26 min
Produced by: Novosti TV (2015)

'Suppression of truth, human spirit and the holy chord of justice never works long-term. Something the suppressors never get.' David Southwell
Martin Van Creveld: Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: "Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother."
Martin Van Creveld: I'll quote Henry Kissinger: "In campaigns like this the antiterror forces lose, because they don't win, and the rebels win by not losing."
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 29, 2018 11:21 pm    Post subject: Kerch Strait: Russians board, impound 3 Ukrainian navy ships Reply with quote

Kerch Strait Incident: Keep Calm and Blame Russia?
19:00 26.11.2018(updated 19:05 26.11.2018) Get short URL
https://sputniknews.com/russia/201811261070146302-russia-ukraine-kerch -blame/

Russia has warned Ukraine against efforts to revise the status of the Sea of Azov in violation of international law, urging Kiev to refrain from attempts to unilaterally establish new state borders. Tensions climaxed on Sunday after Ukrainian ships entered Russian territorial waters. Here’s a timeline of the provocation by Kiev.
Ukrainian Ships Violate Russian Maritime Border

On 25 November, a trio of Ukrainian ships crossed into temporarily off-limits Russian territorial waters, moving from the Black Sea to the Kerch Strait, thus violating Articles 19 and 21 of the United Nations Convention of Sea Law.

READ MORE: Ukrainian Army Put on Full Combat Alert Amid Kerch Strait Standoff

In a parallel development, another two Ukrainian vessels were heading “at full speed” from the port city of Berdyansk in the Sea of Azov towards the Kerch Strait, which the security service described as a zone where a “provocation,” organised by Kiev, was unfolding.

Several Ukrainian warships crossing Russia’s territorial waters and attempting to pass through the Kerch Strait
Attempt to Avoid Election? Why Poroshenko Wants Martial Law Over Kerch Incident
In a bid to halt the Ukrainian naval vessels’ attempts to pass through the Kerch Strait, Russia deployed its own naval assets, as well as combat aircraft, with Su-25 jets patrolling the area in the vicinity of the Crimean Bridge.
As the ships approached the Kerch Strait, FSB vessels went on to pursue the intruders, who failed to respond to demands to leave the area and proceeded to make “dangerous manoeuvres,” thus prompting the Russian side to open fire. The three ships were eventually detained and escorted to the port of Kerch.

Russia Acts in Accordance With Int’l Law

Reacting to the flagrant violation of key provisions of international law, the Russian Foreign Ministry accused Ukraine of an “unequivocal provocation” and aggression.

LIVE UPDATES: Kerch Strait Incident 'Very Dangerous Provocation' — Kremlin

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov also underscored the fact that the Russian border guards acted in compliance with international law to curb the foreign intrusion and protect the country’s territory from violators, who did not respond to any requests to withdraw from the area.

Ukraine Accuses Russia of Aggression, Imposes Martial Law

After calling on its allies and partners to provide military assistance to “deter the aggressor,” Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko signed a decree introducing martial law in the country that would be effective from November 26 to January 25, 2019. Besides the unfortunate call to arms, Kiev encouraged its Western partners to step up sanctions on Russia.

European Union Weighs in – Russia to Blame… Again

Although Ukrainian ships violated international law by illegally entering Russia’s territorial waters, the West, as is wont, was quick to blame the escalation of the situation in the Kerch Strait on Moscow.

READ MORE: Kiev Urges Moscow to Return Servicemen Detained in Kerch Strait Incident

UK Prime Minister Theresa May, who has developed a reputation for accusing Russia with an accuracy of ”highly likely,” joined President of the European Council Donald Tusk, who seemingly never kept his feelings for Ukraine inside himself, having even travelled to Kiev to mark the one-year anniversary of the 2014 Maidan revolution, in ”condemning” Russia’s “act of aggression.”

British Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt, for his part, claimed that the incident showed Moscow’s “contempt for international norms and Ukrainian sovereignty.”

Some European officials, including German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas and his Austrian counterpart Karin Kneissl, called on both sides to de-escalate tensions – but at the same time seemingly focused on Russia:

TWEET: "The situation is concerning. The Russian blockade of the passage to the Azov Sea is unacceptable. It is important to lift this blockade. We call on both sides to de-escalate”.

Blaming all mortal sins on Russia and refusing to accept its moves has been a common phenomenon: even though 97 percent of Crimea’s population voted in favour of reuniting with Russia in a 2014 referendum, the international community has consistently neglected people’s will, refusing to recognise the outcome of the vote – and imposing more and more sanctions on Russia.

Spike in Tensions

Tensions in the maritime region of the Sea of Azov mounted this year after Ukraine detained two Russian vessels heading to ports in Crimea, which Kiev – and the majority of Western nations – considers to be Ukrainian territory.

The detained Ukrainian ships are delivered to the port of Kerch
WATCH Ukrainian Ships Seized by Russian Border Guard After Kerch Strait Incident
Describing the move as “maritime terrorism,” Russia increased patrols off the country’s Azov coast, which prompted Kiev to accuse Moscow of illegal searches.
Last month, the Ukrainian parliament passed a draft law enabling Kiev to expand maritime controls over an additional 12 nautical miles off its southern coast, ostensibly to curb smuggling in the Black Sea.

Most recently, Russia warned Ukraine against any attempts to alter the status of the Sea of Azov as inland waters shared by the two countries. Such efforts would be deemed as a violation of international laws, Moscow added, urging Kiev to refrain from any steps to unilaterally establish a state border in the Sea of Azov which Russia does not recognise.

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 02, 2019 11:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Official results: 97 percent of Crimea voters back joining Russia
UPDATED ON: MARCH 17, 2014 / 10:23 AM / CBS/AP
https://www.cbsnews.com/news/official-results-97-of-crimea-voters-back -joining-russia/

SIMFEROPOL, Ukraine -- Ukraine's Crimean peninsula declared itself independent Monday after its residents voted overwhelmingly to secede and join Russia, while the United States and the European Union slapped sanctions against some of those who promoted the divisive referendum.
Ukraine's political turmoil has become Europe's most severe security crisis in years and tensions have been high since Russian troops seized control of Crimea two weeks ago. Large numbers of Russian troops are also massed near the border with Russian-speaking eastern Ukraine, which has sharp political differences with the country's new government in Kiev.
The U.S., EU and Ukraine's new government do not recognize the referendum held Sunday in Crimea, saying it violates both Ukrainian and international norms. Moscow, however, considers the vote legitimate and Russian President Putin was to address both houses of parliament Tuesday on the Crimean situation.
The Crimean referendum could also encourage rising pro-Russian sentiment in Ukraine's east and lead to further divisions in this nation of 46 million.
A delegation of Crimean lawmakers was traveling to Moscow on Monday for negotiations on how to proceed. Russian lawmakers have suggested that formally annexing Crimea is almost certain - with one saying it could happen within days.
Those living on the strategic Black Sea peninsula applauded the move, since it received over 97 percent backing from voters.
"We came back home to Mother Russia. We came back home, Russia is our home," said Nikolay Drozdenko, a resident in Sevastopol, the key Crimean port where Russia leases a naval base from Ukraine.

Ukraine Map
The Crimean parliament declared that all Ukrainian state property on the peninsula will be nationalized and become the property of the Crimean Republic. Lawmakers also asked the United Nations and other nations to recognize it and began work on setting up a central bank with $30 million in support from Russia.
The United States announced sanctions against seven Russian officials, while the EU's foreign ministers slapped travel bans and asset freezes against 21 officials from Russia and Ukraine following Crimea referendum. The ministers did not immediately release the names and nationalities of those targeted by the sanctions.
While the diplomatic standoff between Moscow and the West -- with Ukraine in the middle -- heats up, CBS News correspondent Elizabeth Palmer reports that the Crimeans who voted to join Russia are now ever more convinced they're on their way.
As soon as the tally was in, the party on the streets in the Crimean capital of Simferopol started. Palmer says Crimea's new prime minister said aloud what many in the crowd before him were feeling.
"Dear friends," said Sergei Aksyonov to the crowd in Lenin Square, "we are going home, to Russia!"
Palmer says the voting on Sunday was orderly, and turnout was heavy. The Crimean government said 83 percent of voters cast ballots -- most of them firmly convinced that a vote for Russia was a vote for a better life.
"We need to show solidarity with Ukraine and therefore Russia leaves us no choice," Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski told reporters in Brussels before the vote. "The 'Anschluss' of Crimea cannot rest without a response from the international community."

He was referring to Nazi Germany's forceful annexation of Austria.
Moscow, meanwhile, called on Ukraine to become a federal state as a way of resolving the polarization between Ukraine's western regions - which favor closer ties with the 28-nation EU - and its eastern areas, which have long ties to Russia.
Russia-Ukraine tensions
Russia-Ukraine tensions
In a statement Monday, Russia's Foreign Ministry urged Ukraine's parliament to call a constitutional assembly that could draft a new constitution to make the country federal, handing more power to its regions. It also said country should adopt a "neutral political and military status," a demand reflecting Moscow's concern about the prospect of Ukraine joining NATO.
Russia is also pushing for Russian to become Ukraine's state language.
In Kiev, Ukraine's new government dismissed Russia's proposal Monday as unacceptable, saying it "looks like an ultimatum."
The new government in Kiev emerged after pro-Russian President Viktor Yanukovych fled to Russia last month after three months of protests culminated in deadly clashes.
Ukraine's Foreign Minister Andriy Deshchytsya visited NATO headquarters in Brussels to request technical equipment to deal with the secession of Crimea and the Russian incursion there.

NATO said in a statement the alliance was determined to boost its cooperation with Ukraine, including "increased ties with Ukraine's political and military leadership, strengthening efforts to build the capacity of the Ukrainian military" with more joint training.
Deshchytsya said he also talked with NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen about sending monitors to Ukraine - a move that would certainly inflame Russia.
First published on March 17, 2014 / 3:56 AM

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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