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War is Peace - and other newspeak terms in common use now

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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 12:28 pm    Post subject: War is Peace - and other newspeak terms in common use now Reply with quote

Of war and peace . . .

War is Peace

by Timothy Snyder

It seems far-fetched to compare today's America to the totalitarian nightmare of Orwell's "1984". But the novel can also be read as a warning about the failings of mass democracies, especially in wartime.

Written in 1948, George Orwell's 1984 has been interpreted as a fearful description of the power of communism to rule minds. In the actual year, when the novel received renewed attention, no one doubted that its subject was the Soviet Union, the "evil empire" of Ronald Reagan's famous phrase. Yet reread today, the story, and its setting, give one pause.

The action of 1984 takes place not in Moscow, but in London. In the story, London and Britain have been absorbed by a larger transatlantic empire, known as Oceania. The heartland of Oceania is today's US. In the world Orwell describes, it is not socialism that has failed, but rather modernity and mass democracy. The state has outgrown society, and rulers have found techniques to maintain permanent power while denying prosperity and liberty to their populations.

While Orwell is unsparing in his descriptions of torture, violence is not the main subject. In Oceania, people generally believe what their rulers tell them because they cannot articulate their disagreement, or because they lack the imagination to consider alternatives. The power of the state to prevent independent thought is Orwell's true subject.

Reread by an American in 2004, the novel 1984 finds surprising points of contact with everyday reality. To be sure, the US of today is obviously not the totalitarian society that Orwell describes. Yet Orwell wrote the novel for citizens of democratic societies as a warning about possible futures, and some of his concerns seem rather timely.

Take the three slogans of Oceania's rulers: War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength.

The current US president constantly defines the Americans as a peaceful people. Yet the only foreign policy innovation of his administration has been the doctrine of pre-emptive war. The president constantly speaks of freedom; it has become a kind of verbal tic. Yet his administration is the only one since the 1940s substantially to reduce the civil rights of Americans. The word "strong" appears incessantly in official pronouncement of all kinds. The president, it appears, maintains his own strength by purposefully ignoring the world around him. In so far as this makes him more likeable, it is indeed his political strength.

How can such contradictory ideas be persuasive? Part of the answer has to do with the manipulation of the language itself, with what Orwell called Newspeak. In Oceania, Newspeak progressively replaced Standard English, reducing the number of words in the language and promoting neologisms meant to curb thought. As everyone knows, America's official discourse, as typified by the president's active vocabulary, has declined precipitously. Indeed, the press and public often have trouble understanding what the president has to say, since it is expressed in a kind of ersatz English that, when read, often makes no sense. The press rarely quotes the president, since what he says works only in spoken language, and not always then. But the president's genius for linguistic innovation is only part of the problem. His administration also generates Newspeak on purpose.

The USA Patriot Act (Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism), for example, exploits the positive associations of the words "USA" and "patriot" to name a law that restricts the freedoms of many Americans. The war in Iraq is fought by a "coalition," not the US army, although 90 per cent of coalition casualties are Americans. The attackers of 11 September were "our enemy", a general term that is then applied to people who had nothing to do with the attack, such as Saddam Hussein.

To live in such contradictions is to engage in what Orwell called ''doublethink'': "the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one's mind and accepting both of them". Without some notion of this kind, it is impossible to follow the American debate on terrorism. For years now, high officials of the US government have accepted that there is no evidence of any connection between Saddam Hussein and the attacks of 11 September while nevertheless arguing that there was such a connection. As we now know, the president demanded that his intelligence officers produce a report demonstrating such a link, even as he was informed that there was no factual basis for his claim. Administration officials praise the findings of his congressional inquiry that denies any such connection and then claim that these reports actually support their own position.

These opposing views are expressed by different members of the same administration; more interestingly, they are also expressed by the same person, at different moments. Evidence about the world is not entirely denied, but it seems to be held apart from some deeper truth, accessible only by faith. Some American leaders, the president and the vice-president in particular, may simply have a different conception of truth: it is what they feel to be true at the moment when they are asked. They really do feel it, when they say it, although at some level they know it to be false. His is the essence of doublethink, and it is also perhaps the secret of Bush's popularity.

In Orwell's dystopia, the rulers believe that there is no external truth that their methods cannot defeat. Oceania's population does indeed seem capable of denying external reality in favor of the party's message, even when that message changes. Some of the most terrifying moments in 1984 take place when it becomes clear that people's beliefs about the world can be changed at a moment's notice. When the novel begins Oceania is at war with Eurasia and at peace with Eastasia. Later, Oceania suddenly makes peace with Eurasia and goes to war with Eastasia. Oceania's population is not expected to endorse this change, since they are not expected to notice it. Instead, they are actively to endorse the new war and to forget the old one. As citizens, they are expected to support war as such and not to ask any questions.

Now it might be too much to expect Americans to remember that, during earlier Republican administrations, the US supported mujahedin such as Osama bin Laden in Afghanistan, as well as Saddam Hussein in his war with Iran. To recall these basic facts is to make no accusation of hypocrisy: foreign policy must fit the times and there is nothing inherently wrong with change. These alterations in policy probably made sense. What is chilling is that these earlier policies are seldom recalled in discussion of present ones. More frightening still, though, was the ability of the Bush administration to change the focus of much of the nation's anger from Bin Laden to Saddam Hussein, from al Qaeda to Iraq. This was indeed like the sudden shift from war against Eurasia to war against Eastasia. No good reason was given; people were expected to go along with it and, in general, they did. How can rulers achieve this kind of instant con sent?

Orwell's cruelest insight is that people have little desire to know the truth. This is an important challenge to a certain kind of optimism in the liberal tradition. The core texts of liberal toleration, such as Milton's Areopagitica and Mill's On Liberty, take for granted that individuals will wish to know the truth. They contend that in the absence of censorship, truth will eventually emerge and be recognized as such. But even in democracies this may not always be true.

In Orwell's novel, the state manages reality by altering public memory of the very recent past. In today's US, Fox News and talk radio both closely associated with the Republican party and the present administration engage in practices redolent of those Orwell describes. One of these is the obliteration of the immediate past when it contradicts the message of the rulers of today. In Oceania, this is the task of the Ministry of Truth. In the US, it is the task of Fox News. When Al Gore recently gave an important speech criticizing President Bush, Fox News presented its own "analysis" of the speech rather than the speech itself.

Although Gore received more votes in the last presidential election than Bush, he has in effect no mass media voice in the US. The event was re-created, as it were, before it even reached the consciousness of the typical television viewer. It never "happened". Only the criticism, which was in fact mockery, happened. Another tactic is the conscious destruction of personalities by repeated ad hominem attacks. In Oceania, the state ordered the "two minutes hate", an exercise in which enemies had to be loudly vilified by the public. In the US, popular right wing talk radio hosts identify supposed traitors, and expose them to ridicule. After Richard Clarke published his account of the Bush anti-terror policy, talk radio impugned his competence and his patriotism, even though the man had served in four presidential administrations, three of them Republican. Although Clarke was responsible for fighting terrorism under President Bush, he has in effect no mass media voice.

Fox News and talk radio are not, of course, the only sources of information in the US today but they are the main news outlets for a large part of the population. And even the best independent newspapers, the New York Times and the Washington Post, failed to present some of the basic facts in the run up to the Iraq war. Similarly, Rush Limbaugh, the leading American radio hatemonger, would never make it in Canada. Talk radio has no international resonance, since what it says has no factual value. But what the rest of the world thinks makes no difference. As one of the rulers of Oceania puts it: "We can shut them out of existence. Oceania is the world". This is, perhaps, the most impressive achievement of the Bush administration: the creation of a purely American rhetorical space, all but closed to outside influences.

Of course, this rhetorical space is stratified. Some people did listen to Al Gore's speech. Many people bought Richard Clarke's book. There is a segment of American society that has no doubts about some of the facts under discussion during the current election campaign. To take one important example: it is simply a fact that Bush used personal connections to avoid the draft during the Vietnam war, while John Kerry served in Vietnam with honor. Yet with the help of Fox News, talk radio and negative television advertisements, the Bush administration and its supporters have clouded this issue for most of the American public.

As far as the president is concerned, it is of little importance that one section of the American population understands facts as facts. A larger section of the population can be persuaded by media campaigns. This, too, resembles Oceania. In 1984, there is still a group that remembers the past, and is capable of drawing conclusions about facts in the present. Its members have some understanding of the manipulation of reality taking place around them. They are, however, powerless to change that reality.

In both Oceania and America, forces deeper than media techniques are at play. Orwell understood that social pressures can be arranged so that falsehood rather than truth will emerge. Just as people can encourage others to be critical and reflective, they can also create an environment in which passivity and ignorance feel safest. The most chilling and unforgettable image of 1984 is the poster of Big Brother, captioned "Big Brother is watching you". These posters are simply posters. It is not even clear in the novel whether Big Brother is a living person. Yet the posters contribute to a moral climate in which people police themselves, and their own thoughts. Vaclav Havel, writing in communist Czechoslovakia, described a greengrocer who placed a sign in his shop that read "Workers of the World Unite". The greengrocer, who has no ideological preferences himself, does this to avoid unwanted attention from the authorities. In so doing, he communicates the idea that it is best to accept the official message of the authorities.

Although it pains me (as a former Boy Scout) to make this observation, the American flag now functions in much the same way. In the months after 11th September, Americans displayed the flag as a sincere expression of grief, anger, pride and solidarity. Three years later, high officials of the US government (and leading newscasters) continue to wear flag pins on their lapels. These shiny little flags no longer convey any clear message. Some people wear them to intimidate others. Others wear them because they are intimidated. Many people don't really give it much thought. And no one wants to court accusations of lack of patriotism in a time of war.

In Orwell's Oceania, falsehood and war bring impoverishment. The state impoverishes society by devoting its resources to fighting a useless war. In the atmosphere of perpetual war, Orwell suggests, people will accept not only abridgments of their freedom, but also reductions in living standards. This appears at first to be a fundamental difference between the Oceania of the novel and the America of reality. Who could accuse President Bush of opposing consumption? Yet on a deeper level, the correspondence between calculated war, calculated falsehood and calculated impoverishment holds true.

It appears that the leading figures of the Bush administration had two main preoccupations before September 2001: tax cuts for the rich, and war in Iraq. The attacks of 11th September allowed them to carry out both politics. Strange as it may seem, tax cuts for the rich were presented as necessary in a time of war, and criticism of them was presented as unpatriotic. As a result, the less privileged classes of American society pay for the war in Iraq in two ways: with their lives, because the US army is drawn mainly from the poor, but also in the long run with their livelihoods. The result of big tax cuts during an expensive war has been the creation of a truly frightening national debt. The national debt, about $7.4 trillion, is currently increasing by about $1.69bn a day. President Bush's last budget included an annual deficit of more than $500bn – a record. More than one in eight Americans now lives below the official poverty line. Over the long run, the increase of government debt means a reduction of government services to the American poor.

These resemblances between fact and fiction should not be pushed too far. But they are a reminder that Orwell's warnings in 1984 apply to the pathologies of mass democracies – and not just to Bush's America – as well as to the more obvious horrors of totalitarian states. Orwell asked us to be attentive to language, to believe in truth and to identify the means by which democracy can be corrupted. The key mechanism in Oceania, as in the contemporary US, is the conscious manipulation of the social psychology of war. The population of Oceania is fed regular reports of great victories in Asia, alternating with alarming reports of new threats to the home land.

Here the comparison with today's US is too obvious to labor. Americans are told of great victories in Afghanistan and Iraq (both questionable), and constantly reminded by vague colour-coded signals from the department of homeland security that terrorists could attack at any moment.

The fundamental similarity between Oceania and America is the disabling of political discussion by the rhetoric of war. As one realizes by the end of 1984, Oceania's continuous wars in Eurasia and Eastasia serve no particular purpose, aside from providing the stimuli that allow the population to be confused, manipulated and ruled. The merits of particular American military interventions are debatable. I believe that the war in Afghanistan was prosecuted without sufficient resources and conviction, and that the war in Iraq was a mistake from the beginning. But the problem for American society is not so much the policies as the ways in which those who make them define and explain them to the public.

The struggle against international terrorism by military and other means need not have been defined as a perpetual war of good against evil. We are a country "at war", as Bush likes to say, and he is a "war president". This is not a description of a particular action or mood, but of a permanent existential state. The hero of 1984 "could not remember a time when his country had not been at war". Since Bush has won the presidential election, the youngest generation of Americans will soon be able to say the same.

As a society, we are less peaceful, less free and less informed than we were a few years ago. War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength.

Timothy Snyder is an Associate Professor of History at Yale University. He is author of The Reconstruction of Nations: Poland, Ukraine, Lithuania, Belarus, 1569-1999 (YUP, 2003).

Source: Prospect November 2004
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 6:33 pm    Post subject: 'just to keep people frightened' Reply with quote

I've just reread 1984. Perhaps the most pertinent line from a 9/11 point of view is to be found in Part II Chapter 5...

"The rocket bombs which fell daily on London were probably fired by the Government of Oceania itself, 'just to keep people frightened'."

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 02, 2017 10:14 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Heather Marsh
Rethinking the moats and mountains

New Orwellian Dictionary (NOD)
Posted on November 3, 2010 by Heather Marsh

Who controls the words controls your thoughts.

A dictionary to be used to understand the new Doublespeak. All words and definitions in this dictionary have been discovered in use.

a punk rock band: Pussy Riot for those with editors.

a sexual orientation: Rape, torture, abduction, and sometimes murder and dismemberment of children by powerful men.

action: Blowing people up. Archaic: a physical fitness program

adulthood: A state of resignation, obedience and complete childlike dependence on authority. When children reach an age of autonomy and independence they are placed in a state ordered transition period called ‘youth’, and coerced into becoming dependent, fearful adults.

active theatres: Places being bombed.

activist: Person who does anything.

affluenza: Successful criminal defence against prosecution on the grounds that your parents are rich. (US)

aggressive interrogation methods: Torture.

al Qaeda: Adjective used to turn any career into a war crime, ie. taxi-driver = al Qaeda courier, journalist = al Qaeda propagandist, child = al Qaeda royalty. Former term: communist. Obsolete: see ISIS.

allies: Self definition of those who threaten to abandon their professed principles every time anyone says anything offensive to them.

active theatres: Places being bombed.

an act of asymmetric warfare waged against us: Suicide by Guantanamo detainee (US)

assets: Informants and traitors.

asylum seeker: Refugee.

axis of evil: Countries that are going to be hard to conquer, but are first on the list.

axis of hate and terror: Countries the US hates and is terrified of.

backscatter or body imaging x-ray machines: Pornoscope.

bad guys: We can torture, murder, indefinitely detain them. Laws don’t apply because they are bad guys.

behavior detection officers: Stalkers.

belligerent Arab: All Arabs. Reason genocide is permissible. But see non-belligerent Arab for theoretical others. (Israeli)

biased: Critical of the US.

beyond the axis of evil: Countries that are really annoying and will be bombed when the US has a minute.

bringing home US troops: Leaving private contractors.

Canada: The resource corporation formerly known as the Hudson’s Bay Co. Currently a subsidiary of Power Corp.

cannot store, export, print or transmit images: Able to store, export, print or transmit images.

cartel: Men with guns in South America or Mexico.

cash for access scandal: influence peddling, possible crime.

causing terrorism, pandemic diseases and nuclear proliferation: Releasing state department cables.

cavity search: Rape.

checkpoint: Black hole where no human rights exist.

child porn: 1. Media documenting the rape, torture, abduction, and sometimes murder and dismemberment of children. 2. An excuse to invade / occupy / control the internet and increase the control by the powerful paedosadist rings.

child sex: Rape, torture, abduction, blackmail and sometimes murder and dismemberment of children by the powerful.

child prostitute: Child who has been raped, tortured and sometimes abducted, blackmailed, murdered and/or dismembered by the powerful.

child soldiers: Acceptable if they played a crucial role in global counter-terrorism efforts:

choose not to have the right of choice: Negotiate with Israel.

CIA: Great job, travel the world, meet interesting people, kill them …

coalition of the willing: Coalition of the billing.

collateral damage: Dead people not from the US.

communist: Obsolete. See al Qaeda.

community control: Incarceration for billionaires, allows frequent travel to New York and private islands in the Virgin Islands.

conditioning techniques: Torture. Archaic: part of a physical fitness program

contingency location: US military base in Africa.

cooperative security location: US military base in Africa.

corruption: Something most Nigerians think is going on in their government when it is actually mere stealing.

counter: The rhetorical equivalent of leading zeros.

counter-attack: Attack.

counter-cyber: See cyber security.

counter-offensive: Offensive, invasion.

counter-proliferation: Proliferation.

counter-terrorism: Terrorism.

cowboy: Criminal too rich or powerful to arrest. (US)

cyber security: Cyber attacks by the NSA.

dangerous on a strategic scale: Exercising free speech.

detained: Illegally assaulted and held captive. Not to be confused with arrested, charged or tried in a court of law.

detained in his absence: Media smeared without talking to him.

detainee: Word used to create a black hole of no human rights between the 3rd Geneva Convention protecting the rights of POWs and the 4th Geneva Convention protecting the rights of civilians. The ICC says you are protected by one or the other but the US has its own international law.

detention centre: Prison for those illegally imprisoned with no trial or criminal charges, frequently refugees including children. Not to be confused with the disciplinary room in high schools.

diplomacy in action: Secret government deals, once they are no longer secret.

diplomatic: Military.

diplomatic brief: Must contain credit card numbers, email addresses, phone, fax and pager numbers, frequent-flyer account numbers, iris scans, fingerprints and DNA, current technical specifications, physical layout and planned upgrades to telecommunications infrastructure and information systems, networks and technologies used by top officials and their support staff, as well as details on private networks used for official comunication, to include upgrades, security measures, passwords, personal encryption keys and virtual private network versions used. Necessary to discuss policy.

diplomatic dwarf: Brazilian. (Israeli)

direct: Invade.

direct action: Killing people.

disarmament: Excuse for war (and increased weapons sales).

disruptive: Preservation of the status quo. Technology following rigid conformity and narrow usage created by teams of three caucasian men and rewarded by billions in investment.

drugs: An excuse to invade / occupy / control American countries.

due process: Impunity for the powerful.

educated: Indoctrinated. Taken from a state of acknowledged and easily remedied ignorance to a state of closeminded conceit in order to prevent learning.

egotistical goat: NSA attack. The empire is ruled by 12 year olds.

egotistical giraffe: NSA attack. The empire is ruled by 12 year olds.

endanger the peace process: (1) Publish the truth. (2) Prosecute war crimes.

endanger the troops: Publish the truth.

engage: Murder.

enhanced coercive interrogation technique: Torture.

enhanced patdown: Pre-flight fondling and groping, drinks not included.

escalation: 1. Invasion. 2. 227 Palestinians murdered in Gaza.

escalation of force: Immediate death with no warning.

ethics scandals: Rape, torture, abduction, blackmail and sometimes murder and dismemberment of children by the powerful.

exigent circumstances: Excuse to seize private property without a warrant or reason – used in harass and detain.

expeditionary warfare: Empire expansion.

extrajudicial: Illegal.

extrajudicial assassination: Murder.

extraordinary rendition: Abduction, usually followed by torture.

extreme psychological stress: Torture.

fast, glamorous women: Teenage girls in the company of a prince.

find, fix and finish: Murder.

foreign nationals: Bad guys.

forward operating site: US military base in Africa.

freedom: Free dumb. Also just another word for nothing left to lose.

freedom of the press: The US constitution guarantees the right of its media corporations to invade other countries and support coups, incite civil wars and promote the interests of its corporations. Freedom of speech by the people, the right most of the world agreed to, is suppressed by disinformation and noise from the free press.

gang: Men with guns in the five eyes or EU.

good guys: May torture, murder, indefinitely detain people. Laws don’t apply because they are good guys.

government: The highly ineffectual complaints department of the corporation you live under.

government actors: Can legally kill people, are not unprivileged combatants even if unidentified and using remote weapons like drones. (US only, duh)

harass and detain: Appropriate response to people the government does not like but has no legal case against.

highly trained security agent: High school dropout.

historic: Anything that has actually happened.

historic child sex abuse inquiry: Inquiry into all of the dead people involved in the rape, torture, abduction, blackmail and sometimes murder and dismemberment of children by the powerful. Used to distract attention from the exponentially increasing living people involved in the industry.

homeland security: Reason for starting wars in Africa and the middle east.

homosexual sex scandal: Rape, torture, abduction, blackmail and sometimes murder and dismemberment of little boys by the powerful.

honour: 1. Something one receives from the behaviour of other people. If the behaviour of others is not satisfactory, murdering them will restore honour to the first party. 2. Something one receives from a flag or powerful imaginary friend. If another person insults the flag or powerful imaginary friend, murdering them will restore honour to the first party.

honour the troops: Keep fighting.

hostiles: People not from the US.

housing bubble: A system designed by banks and governments where people would borrow ever increasing amounts for their homes until they could afford no more, at which point the people would be evicted from their homes and the government would pay the banks money from the people’s taxes instead. A very good joke since the banks did not actually have the money they loaned anyway.

human rights activist: Not a sociopath.
hysteria: Speech by women.

illegal immigrant: Refugee.

incursion: Invasion.

inflection point: Points at which wars are announced as ending/having ended after it becomes apparent that they did not.

information terrorism: Free speech.

innovation management: Preventing disruptive technology from disrupting the paradigm that made the management billionaires.

instability: What would happen if people stopped having bombs dropped on their heads.

intergenerational sex: Rape of children.

intermediate milestones: Points at which wars are announced as ending/having ended after it becomes apparent that they did not.

international law: Retroactive US body of law created in 2006 to govern all people internationally. See murder in violation of the law of war.

innocent civilians: Informants and traitors.

innocent lives: Lives of people from the US. Also informants and traitors.

insurgents: People not from the US. Also, boy over 9 years old.

internet provocateur: ‘Whistleblower website’ after pentagon renaming initiative.

iris scans, fingerprints and DNA: Necessary for diplomatic communication.

ISIS: Former term: see al Qaeda. Obsolete: see Boko Haram.

Israeli-Palestinian violence: 227 Palestinians murdered in Gaza.

Jean-Luc Picard: Gen Keith Alexander, NSA chief.

job: Occupation which enriches the powerful and enables capitalism.

joint priority effects list: Hit List.

justice: Just is.

justice system: Co-option of social justice by the powerful. Created to appoint the judges, silence the witnesses and control the outcome.

kill list: Way to keep track of all the people you should be trying to kill when you blow things up, but accidents happen. See looking forward.

land of the free: Country with the highest documented incarceration rate in the world.

lasting peace and security: Occupation.

laws of war: The US, which does not obey any of the laws of war created by international organizations and international law, has created their own laws of war. The US laws are to be obeyed only by people who are not from the US.

leader of the free world: Head of an international network of prisons and torture camps.

libertarians: People who think taxation is a physical assault but childbirth is something not worth paying for.

looking for terrorists: Cyber attacks by the NSA.

looking forward: Refusing to prosecute illegal behaviour because it was in the past (Obama). Explains a lot about preventive detainment.

lurid speculation: When those on the bottom accuse those on the top.

massacre: 3 US citizens killed.

media polls: Used in Canada to decide citizenship and human rights entitlement.

medic: US commando if they are killed in battle.

men with guns: The solution to bringing peace to the world. Hasn’t worked yet because there aren’t enough of them and they need bigger guns.

mercs: Sometimes used to describe people from the US, sometimes a short form of mercenary army. Interchangeable for most of the world.

message force multipliers: Generals delivering the propaganda news.

military: Men with guns in state employment.

military analyst: Generals delivering the propaganda news.

militia: Men with guns in Africa.

mission: War.

moral panic: Concern over threats or crimes against women and children. See also hysteria.

murder in violation of the law of war: A child killing a professional killer from the US.

national human intelligence collection directive: Spying directives for diplomats.

national security: Protects royals and politicians from the torches and pitchforks of the nation. Security of the state from the nation.

negate their capacity in the battlefield: Assassinate in bed.

neutralized: Murdered.

non-belligerent Arab: Person who must be relocated from the place they are a citizen of to somewhere unspecified. The problem this poses is only theoretical, see belligerent Arab. (Israeli)

normal torture: The kind that is legal in US prisons.

not a journalist: We can kill them.

not a US citizen: We can kill them.

NSA files: Files of journalists’ emotions about their job and each other. Feeds a daily column in most international news outlets.

Official Secrets Act: Created to block any inquiries into high level paedosadist rings in the opinion of the UK police.

opened our aperture: Allowed children of all ages to be legitimate targets.

one of the very core powers of the president as commander in chief: Murdering US citizens without a trial.

onionbreath: NSA attack on Tor. The empire is ruled by 12 year olds.

orchestrate: Invade.

our on-going diplomatic activity: Wars.

our troops: Blackwater.

our way of life: World domination.

outposts of tyranny: Countries being tyrannized by the US.

panelists: Unelected politicians in power.

peace process: Process by which peace is perpetually postponed by the pretense that peace itself is an action instead of the discontinuance of actions.

peacekeepers with aggressive mandate: Soldiers. Also, warmakers.

peccadillo: Rape, torture, abduction, blackmail and sometimes murder and dismemberment of children if committed by the powerful.

pedophile/paedophile [child lover]: Establishment approved name for those who rape, torture, abduct, blackmail and sometimes murder and dismember children.

perverting the course of justice: Telling anyone that you were raped by a powerful man.

piracy: An excuse to invade / occupy / control personal communication.

played a crucial role in global counter-terrorism efforts: Fought on the same side as the US.

populist: Democracy which produces results benefiting the people in the voting nation instead of the powerful in the US.

post-combat: Combat.

power vacuum: What is created when the US is not in power. Leads to instability.

preventive detainment: Kidnapping and holding someone without trial, for something they may do in the future. See looking forward.

privacy: Something that must be protected for the rich and powerful at all costs. No one else is entitled to any privacy because the risk to the rich and powerful would be too great. ‘The risks of political embarrassment to the Government is rather greater than the security danger.’

prosecution to include discovery practice: Torture.

public propagandist without portfolio: Me.

pursue justice without making a political mess: Don’t allow accusations of powerful people.

radicals, idealists, realists and opportunists: activists, according to Stratfor.

reasonable expectation of privacy: In the US, if you do not expect privacy, you are not entitled to it, ie. no reasonable person expects privacy in a US airport, so it is no longer a right.

reassess our posture towards them next year: Response to use of child soldiers by allies.

rent boy: Boy who has been raped, tortured and sometimes abducted, blackmailed, murdered and/or dismembered by the powerful.

rogue nations: Sovereign countries that disobey the president of the US.

satire: Hate speech against those the powerful like to demonize.

saving lives: Killing people.

scandal: Crimes committed by the powerful

search and seizure: random theft of goods by authorities, protected against by the US constitution unless you fly.

security contractors: Professional criminals.

serious torture: The kind that is not legal even in US prisons.

sex: Rape, torture, abduction, blackmail and sometimes murder and dismemberment of children by the powerful.

sex scandal: Rape, torture, abduction, blackmail and sometimes murder and dismemberment of children by the powerful.

sexy: prosecuting a tortured child in a kangaroo court on a trumped up charge that allowed the death penalty.

sick, un-American espionage efforts: Journalism.

social panic: Threats to the freedom of sadists to do as they wish.

soften up: Torture.

special methods of questioning: Torture.

single most potent tool we have in protecting America and foiling terrorist attacks: Torture.

stabilizing: Occupying.

Stipulation of Fact: Fictional work prepared by US military and signed by torture victims.

stress position: Torture.

strike: Blow people up.

student loans: Indentured servitude.

suicide: Something you should be prepared to kill yourself to avoid. (Nigerian – ok just PJ.)

support the troops: Increase military spending.

sustained diplomacy: Occupation.

targeted counter-terrorism missions: Wars.

telegenically dead: Murdered by Israel. Any reporting will be considered terrorist propaganda.

terrorist: Men with guns in the Middle east or predominantly Muslim parts of Africa.

terrorism: 1. Threats to powerful men or corporations. 2. An excuse to invade / occupy / control Middle Eastern countries.

the five eyes: The Illuminati. The UK, US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand who share intelligence about the entire world in their quest for world domination. Not to be confused with the Illuminati.

The Truman Show: Documentary about Canada.

theatre: Place where wars are staged. Exactly what it sounds like.

themes and messages: Propaganda

thing that has a tendency to encourage a depressing view of war: Death.

Thought Leaders: Paid by establishment to lead your thoughts.

threats to our way of life: Countries fighting back.

time for reflection, not retribution: Time when CIA ought to be prosecuted for torture, etc.

tools necessary to protect the American people: Torture.

tools needed to continue to fight the war on terror and bring these evil people to justice: Torture.

training mission: War.

treason: The act of helping an enemy of the US, by anyone, including foreign enemies of the US.

truth: Terrorism.

un-American: Rogue Swedish Australians.

undisclosed remediation packages: Secret bribes to avoid criminal charges.

unemployed: Unwaged.

unknown unknowns: Excuse for war.

unlawful enemy combatant: Flexible term used to apply the following law:
US special forces and anyone Obama says is a ‘government actor’ can legally kill children.
It is a war crime for children to kill US Special Forces.

unnatural sexual proclivities: rape, torture and sometimes abduction, blackmail, murder and/or dismemberment by the powerful.

unreliable: countries which let the law stop them from killing / torturing / abducting people.

unspecified global threat: excuse to drone Yemen.

US defense: US Empire.

US interests: World assets, comprising natural resources and industries.

war: murder of helpless civilians in Gaza.

war crime: 2006: It is ok for US soldiers to kill children, but it is a war crime for children to kill US special forces commandos.
2013: It is a war crime to return aggressive force on members of an invading army if the UN has assigned them blue helmets.

We Protect: PR initiative undertaken by the paedosadism industry. Objectives are to block all search results of paedosadist stories from the Internet and arrest any victims and others involved in the industry who may be thinking of testifying.

witch hunt: Attempts to bring powerful torturers and murderers, including Catholic priests, to justice.

work: Creating wealth for the wealthy.

wrinkle: Invasion.

Xe: Ze evil Blackwater Academi, new names, same games.
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Posted in A Stateless War, New Orwellian Dictionary (NOD) | Tagged Afghanistan, democracy, freedom, Government, Iraq, law, media, politics, terrorism, war, Wikileaks, world | 31 Comments

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