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Joined: 06 Dec 2005
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 02, 2006 3:54 pm    Post subject: RELEASE THE EVIDENCE ADVERT FULL TEXT OF ADVERT - MUST READ Reply with quote

I have taken the time out to type out the full article as I tried to attach a .pdf of a scan I had taken of the advert without much success.

So here's the FULL TEXT!!!

All that's missing is the infamous picture that we are all now familiar with -the claimed CCTV footage of the alleged perpetrators.

[size=24]RELEASE THE EVIDENCE[/size]

One year on - a time for Truth, London, July 7th 2005. A day of slaughter, tears and solidarity. 56 precious lives will be lost, hundreds are injured, traumatised, bereaved. All of us made less secure. Muslims suffer increased suspicion and attacks.
Before anyone could know, the Prime Minister hints at who was responsible. Despite the pre-war 'framing' of Iraq, most media take Blair as reliable and give credence to unattributable police and intelligence 'sources' (aka hereasay). Where facts are scarce or contradictory, the emotional appeal of the notion of 'Islamic terror' will plug the holes.

Although some people, including some Muslims, abuse their religion to target civillians, calm assessment should have suggested additional possibilites:

Who did it Last time? Soho pub (fascist) and Bishopgate (IRA). Terrorism has also been practiced by British, US and other intelligence agencies, ask the Irish, ask the survivors of the Bologna rail station massacre of 1980, successfully blamed on Red Brigade patsies (1) 'Britains 9-11? - as if that conspiracy tale is beyond question! (2)

The biggest slaughter in london since the Luftwaffe, yet - according to Blair - a Public Inquiry would be 'a distraction'. Too slow. Too expensive! 'Besides', went the subtext, 'we all know who did it, don't we?' But do 'we'? And did the promised 'narrative' (3) deal with Awkward facts or paper over the difficulties?

July 7th Anniversary Ad-hoc Appeal

1) Against all attacks on harmless civillians
2) Don't presuppose 'Muslim Guilt'.
3)Support whilstleblowers
4)Release the evidence - CCTV, traffic cam, phone, computer, bank, etc
5)For a credible and searching Independent Public Enquiry: adequate Remit; extensive Powers; broad social Composition; widely acceptable (including in Beeston).
6)Support Amnesty's boycott of any public inquiry conducted under Blair's Inquiries Act 2005 (designed to shield spook wrong-doing).
7) An end to War of Terror raids on Muslim Communities.


1) Identity of alleged perpetrators: If you were on a jury would you convict on the basis of this photograph? (CCTV picture on right)
1 faces indistinct - yet June 28th images from same camera 14 much clearer; 2) left arm of 'Khan' appears entangled with railing; 3) 'Hussain's' feet incorrectly mirrored; 4) Report says station entry 7.15, yet this timestamp (here cropped out by us) says 7.21.54.

2) Lack of CCTV footage: From the surveillance capitol of the world whe have not one image of the four suspects on the day. Instead of connected footage from a score of camers, we have to take alleged CCTV sightings on trust. But after the Lawrence Inquiry finding of 'institutional racism', and now after the Stockwell and Forest Gate shootings and lies, the Met has not right to expect trust (4)

3) Luton departure: The Official Report says the Leeds 4 cauth the 7.40 train. Small problem. Thameslink officials say the 7.40 didn't run that day. Alsothat the 7.30 (left at 7.42) didn't arrive until 8.39 - too late to catch Circle line trains (5) Who would you normally trust?

4) London Arrival: The suspects are reported (but not shown) on CCTV near Thameslink platform at 8.26 [i]'heading in the direction' of the London Underground system' [/i] (i.e. by subway to the tube platforms) but then 'are seen' hugging at Kings Cross Mainline 'around 8.30', before they 'must have' boarded various trains, beginning 8.35, so we are told. (No, it doesn't make sense to us either.)

5) How were bodies identified? Khan's personal documents were found to have miraculously survived at the epicentre of three explosions. Lindsay's ID only turned up at the crime scene on 15 July, two days after his house was searched. His DNA was long said to be have been found on his station parking ticket - yet the Report has his car towed away (contrary to car park policy) as unticketted.

6) Nature of explosives: Initial reports were of military explosives, now its HMTD or extremely unstable TATP - which doesn't flash, and thus doesn't match survivor accounts of flashes. 10 months later the Report solemnly tells us 'Expert examination continues but it appears that the bombs were home made.'

7) Location of explosives: The Official Report ingnores the testimony of Aldgate survivor Bruce Lait and policewoman Lizzie Kenworthy, who independently reported a hole in the floor with the metal pushed up.

8) Coincidence: No mention of radio or TV interviews with senior ex-policemen and security consultant, Peter Power: 'At half past nine this morning we were actually running an exercise for a company of over a thousand people in London based on simultaneous bombs going off precisely at the railway stations where it happened this morning'.

9) Tavistock Sq: Bus workers report the 30 Bus was the only one diverted that morning, and its depot has been visited for 20 hours by a 'non-regular' maintenance crew at the weekend. Internet tittle tattle? Maybe. Yet, why should we believe an equally anonymous 'Yards source' that the (normally reliable) bus CCTV system wasn't operating? Especially when only one picture from the (evidently working) traffic cam has been released. There is no possible public interest served by not reassuring Muslims and many others who worry that there may be something to hide.

10) Prior knowldege: The head of Mossad confirmed (6)earlier AP reports that 'the Mossad office in London received advance notice of the attacks' (6 minutes). No mention in the Official Report. What about the Leeds end? The intelligence and Security Committee Report into the London Bombings describes Khan as having been 'peripheral' to previous surveillance and investigative operations. Yet much time and money was spent on photographing him, tapping his telephone and tracking his car. Transcripts of the taped telephone conversations were never made available to the ISC. Why not?

More and more people are asking 'Could the Leeds 4 have been stopped? Was it incompetence or something worse? In the light of severe 'London end' discrepancies should the question rather be: Were Khan and his network being groomed as credible patsies? (in which case it would be important that they were shielded from arrest before they were duped or otherwise drawn in). What proof do we really have that they even made it to Luton?

We just don't know, and we suggest the reader doesn't either. Please join in the pressure for the full truth to come out - whatever it turns out to be.


1. Nato's Secret Armies, Daniele Ganser (Cass, 2005) Or 'google' P20G
2. Scholars for 911 Truth: www.st911.org/
3. Report of the Official Account of the London Bombings of July 7th 2005.
4. Campaign against Criminalising Communities http://www.cacc.org.uk/
5. E-Mails 16/8/05 and 25/8/05 from Customer Relation, Kings Cross and Communications Manager, Luton
6. Bild am Sonntag, July 2005
7. Facts not referenced here can mostly be checkend on www.julyseventh.co.uk or http://www.officialconfusion.com/77/index.html. No groups or events mentiond in this advert are responsible for its contents.

Further information from J7AAA, 2b Darnhall Cres, Perth PH2 0HH, or 01738 783677

[b][size=12]UK Film Premier of Mind the Gaps and discussion with J7 Truth Campaigners: 2 July - Bristol, 7-11, Cube Cinema 0117-907-4190; 6 July - Totnes Methodist Hall 01803 762738
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