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CHURCHILL AND BLAIR...friends of the twisted bankers

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 06, 2006 10:16 am    Post subject: CHURCHILL AND BLAIR...friends of the twisted bankers Reply with quote

Winston Churchill,
Illuminati - London
Bombing In Perspective
By Henry Makow, PhD

If the 1940-41 London Blitz is any indication, the recent terror bombings are contrived.

The first air raid on London by the Nazis took place Sept. 7, 1940 and killed 306 people.

After touring the ruins, Winston Churchill remarked, "They cheered me as if I'd given them victory, instead of getting their houses bombed to bits." (416)

Churchill is telling the truth.

Unknown to Londoners, he had rejected Hitler's proposal to spare civilian targets. Quite the opposite, he goaded Hitler into bombing London by hitting Berlin and other civilian targets first.

Churchill told his Air Marshall: "Never mistreat an enemy by halves" and instructed his cabinet, "bombing of military objectives, increasingly widely interpreted, seems our best road home at present." He blocked the Red Cross from monitoring civilian casualties. (440)

Before the end of Sept. 1940, 7,000 Londoners including 700 children lay dead. By the end of the war, more than 60,000 British civilians and 650,000 German civilians died from "strategic" bombing.

In 1940, Churchill had to divert attacks from RAF airfields but he also wanted to start the bloodletting. A year had passed with little action. It was being called the "phoney war." Hitler was making generous peace offers that many Englishmen wanted to accept.

If England had made peace, there would not have been a Jewish holocaust.

Churchill described the Second World War as the "most unnecessary war in history." But he served bankers in the City who had made good his stock market losses and saved his beloved Chartwell from foreclosure. A manic-depressive, he thrived on the rush of war and cared little for ordinary people.

I realize this is not the saccharine history we are spoon-fed. What we term "history" is mostly propaganda, i.e. a cover-up.

My source for the above is David Irving's 'Churchill's War' (Avon Books, 1987), which cuts through the sycophancy that characterizes most accounts of World War Two.

What light does it shed on the recent bombings in London? The Second World War was a big step in a long-term program to enslave humanity in a world dictatorship run by the Illuminati (London-based monopoly capital.)

The Illuminati start wars to increase their wealth and power and to control, reshape and brutalize society. The "War on Terror" is intended to make us forfeit civil rights and engage in yet another unnecessary war, this time against Islam.

Most politicians (Churchill, Bush, Blair etc.,) are flunkies, con men, traitors and criminals, packaged and sold by (banker-owned) mass media and universities.


The essential fact about Winston Churchill is that his mother's father was Leonard Jerome (formerly Jacobson, 1818-1891) a speculator and business partner of August Belmont (nee Schoenberg 1813-1890), who was Rothschild's main American representative.

Jennie Jerome's marriage to Randolph Churchill, the second son of the Duke of Marlborough appears to have been a marriage of convenience, typical of many unions between spendthrift English aristocrats and daughters of Jewish financiers.

Apparently the Marlborough's objections were overcome by a dowry of 50,000 pounds, about five million dollars today. Nevertheless they did not attend the wedding in April 1874 and the Duchess referred to young Winston, born seven months later, as an "upstart."

Biographers tend to describe Churchill as not quite "English" and use Jewish stereotypes. Of Churchill's "premature" birth, William Manchester says: "He never could wait his turn." ("The Last Lion," p. 108)

Beatrice Webb recorded sitting beside him at dinner: "First impression: restless, almost intolerably so...egotistical, bumptious, shallow minded and reactionary but with a certain personal magnetism...More of the American speculator than the English aristocrat. Talked exclusively about himself and his electioneering plans..." (John Pearson, "The Private Lives of Winston Churchill," 114)

Churchill's "driven" quality is attributed to the fact his parents neglected him and taught him that love has to be earned in terms of worldly recognition. (He also wanted to avenge his father whose political career/life was cut short by syphilis.) Winston became a successful author at age 24 and a cabinet minister at 33. His rise was assisted by his mother's connections with the Rothschild circle including the powerful banker Ernest Cassell.

In the 1930's Churchill's banker friends made him the leading light in their lobby, "The Focus Group," led by the Zionist chairman of British Shell, Sir Robert Waley-Cohen. Churchill became the main opponent of "appeasement" and eventually the main barrier to making peace with Hitler.

In 1936, the Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin told a delegation led by Churchill, "If there is any fighting in Europe to be done, I'd rather see the Bolshies and Nazis doing it." But this policy was not what the Illuminati had in mind.

I have already described the Illuminati as a clique/cult consisting of Jewish finance and British aristocracy joined by marriage, money and belief in the occult (Freemasonry). Churchill, a Freemason, fits this description. http://www.savethemales.ca/000447.html

They own vast interlocking cartels (banking, oil, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, minerals, media etc.) and control society and government through corporate and professional groups, the media, secret societies, think tanks, foundations and intelligence agencies. Their goal is "to absorb the world's wealth" (in the words of Cecil Rhodes.) Nations (England, US, Israel) movements (Zionism, Socialism, Communism) and people (Americans, Germans, Jews) are their pawns, to be sacrificed as pawns usually are, to their demented megalomaniacal scheme.

According to the "Red Symphony" document, the Illuminati created Hitler to control Stalin and start a war. But it appears that Hitler alienated the bankers by printing his own money. This was a major threat to the "Revolution" (i.e. Illuminati world control.) http://www.savethemales.ca/000275.html

"Germany's unforgivable crime before the second world war," Churchill said," was her attempt to extricate her economic power from the world's trading system and to create her own exchange mechanism which would deny world finance its opportunity to profit." (Churchill to Lord Robert Boothby, quoted in the Foreword, 2nd Ed. Sydney Rogerson, 'Propaganda in the Next War' 2001, orig. 1938.


Hitler had no desire to fight England. He regarded the English as racial brothers and feared a two-front war. He made many peace overtures, promising to uphold the British Empire in return for a free hand in Europe where he promised considerable national autonomy (e.g. Vichy France).

He sent his Deputy Rudolph Hess to England to sue for peace in May 1941. Churchill had Hess locked away. I don't understand how Hitler didn't know that Illuminati Jewish bankers exercised decisive power in England. This was common knowledge in England. It makes me wonder if he was somehow duped by the Illuminati, or even working for them. http://www.savethemales.ca/000808.html

After Hitler's invasion of Russia in June 1941, his policy toward Jews shifted from expulsion to extermination. He regarded Russian Communism as a Jewish phenomenon. Increasingly, with the bombing of civilian centres, and stiffening resistance in Russia, Germany was engaged in a genocidal death struggle. (Nothing here is intended to condone Nazi or Allied atrocities.)

This would not have been the case had England made peace, or allowed for conditional surrender. But abandoning Russia was never in the cards. Communism, like Fascism, was created by monopoly capital (the Illuminati.) But they may have lost control of Hitler and could not permit him to build an empire in Europe.

FDR famously said that nothing in history happens by accident. The Illuminati's purpose in World War Two was economic, political and occult: to enrich themselves while destroying the nation states of Europe (including England) and sacrificing millions of lives to their god Satan.

"You must understand that this war is not against Hitler or National Socialism," Churchill is quoted as saying, "but against the strength of the German people, which is to be smashed once and for all, regardless whether it is in the hands of Hitler or a Jesuit priest." (Emrys Hughes, Winston Churchill, His Career in War and Peace p. 145)

The Jewish holocaust was also part of the plan, to justify the creation of the Masonic "Jewish" state. Bernard Wasserstein writes, "During the first two years of the war, when the German authorities bent their efforts to securing the exodus of the Jews from the Reich and from Nazi occupied territory, it was the British Government which took the lead in barring the escape routes from Europe against Jewish refugees." ("Britain and the Jews of Europe," 1939-1945, p.345)

We are entering an era like Orwell's "1984," characterized by fear and turmoil, viruses and bombs, propaganda and surveillance. The war of terror, like all wars, is against humanity. The security measures are designed for use against us after they crash the stock market or hit us with pestilence or nuclear weapons. I'd love to be 100% wrong but rarely is wealth associated with powerlessness. Our power is based on individual freedom, a real press and genuine democracy.

The value of history is to remember that nothing is as it seems. It's all being orchestrated according to a plan that is centuries old. Mankind appears to be edging toward an abyss.

Henry Makow Ph.D. is the inventor of the game Scruples and author of "A Long Way to go for a Date." His articles exposing fe-manism and the New World Order can be found at his web site www.savethemales.ca He enjoys receiving comments, some of which he posts on his site using first names only. hmakow@gmail.com
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