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Hufschmid Exposed as Rupert Murdoch Disinfo Agent?

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 02, 2006 10:07 pm    Post subject: Hufschmid Exposed as Rupert Murdoch Disinfo Agent? Reply with quote

According to Eric Hufschmid, 99% of 9/11 truth seekers are worthless and part of "the criminal network". Recent events have provided further evidence that Hufschmid is a principal member of the criminal network of limited hangout disinformation agents employed by the psychopathic orchestrators of synthetic terror.

Eric's half-sister Kathryn Hufschmid left the north-west US with her mother for Australia many years ago, and Eric says he has not seen her since she was about four years old. Kathryn, who was a model and marketing executive, married Rupert Murdoch's son James in June 2000. Eric admits on his own website that the Kathryn Hufschmid who married James Murdoch probably is his half-sister (they share the same father). James Murdoch is CEO of British Sky Broadcasting Group, and Lord Jacob Rothschild is Deputy Chairman.

Michael Collins Piper's latest book The Judas Goats has an entire chapter on how Rupert Murdoch was installed by the Rothschild-Bronfman-Oppenheimer Mafia, in order to provide a controlled conservative "opposition" to the Zionist-dominated liberal media.

This link...


...contains the archives of Michael Collins Piper radio talk shows on the Republic Broadcasting Network. The Thursday August 31 broadcast features "The Hufschmid Conundrum", and the archives page has a particularly extended summary of this broadcast:

On this broadcast, Michael Collins Piper addressed what he called "The Hufschmid Conundum," the puzzle surrounding the bizarre attacks by Eric Hufschmid on many longtime anti-Zionist writers and activists including Piper himself (and his colleagues at American Free Press and The Spotlight) as well as individuals such as Mark Glenn, Mark Farrell, David Duke and many, many others too numerous to mention. Hufschmid. Piper quoted a letter writer who said that "Eric spends most of his time making false allegations against many good people. he seldom has any proof, yet he boldly releases his ideas or opinions as fact, and directly attacks 'the mark' of the day. Eric is always assuming his mark as guilty until proven innocent." Piper noted that although Hufschmid is constantly attacking people as "Zionists" or as "Zionist agents," Hufschmid himself had little, if anything, to say about the obvious role of Israel and its intelligence agency, the Mossad, in his own book and video about 9-11. Piper noted that Hufschmid literally received millions of dollars in free publicity regarding his (Hufschmid's) book on the "Penn and Teller" broadcast which is a product of the Zionist-controlled "Showtime" network. Piper noted that few REAL anti-Zionists ever receive that kind of publicity and suggested that perhaps the actual intent of Penn & Teller's "attack" on Hufschmid was to redirect people to a source on 9-11 that does NOT emphase Israeli complicity in the attack. Piper noted the parallel theme in a recent essay by Sen. John McCain of Arizona, published in the September issue of POPULAR MECHANICS which suggests that critics of the U.S. government's 9-11 thesis are putting the blame on "America" for the attack; in short, McCain was simply not mentioning the well-known fact that many (if not most) critics of the U.S. government lies about 9-11 contend—as American Free Press journalist Christopher Bollyn has contended from the beginning—that Israel and its Mossad was the prime mover behind 9-11. So McCain and Hufschmid have essentially taken the same approach. Although Hufschmid talks on his website about an Israeli connection, it is Hufschmid's book which has been given the widespread international publicity. This, said Piper, constitutes a classic "limited hangout"---that is, giving "some" of the story, but not "all" of it. That is, Hufschmid falls to emphasize the strong evidence connecting Israel to the attack. In the meantime, while pretending to be a supporter of American Free Press journalist Christopher Bollyn—Piper's longtime friend and colleague—Hufschmid has been trying to drive a wedge between Bollyn and Piper (and between Bollyn and his own employer, American Free Press) by telling worldwide audiences via internet broadcasts and on his lie-packed website that American Free Press has NOT been publishing Bollyn's work and trying to suppress it. Piper previously demonstrated to his audience that American Free Press had indeed published the articles by Bollyn that Hufschmid falsely claimed had never been published, and the one article that was not immediately published (because it arrived too late) was later reworked into other material by Bollyn published by American Free Press. Unfortunately, many people who don't read either the published version of "AFP" or its complete on-line subscription version, have been believing Hufschmid's lies about Bollyn and AFP and about many other things. Most of these people also believe Hufschmid's bizarre and outlandish claim that Piperis a Zionist, despite the fact that Piper has devoted 26 years of his 46 years to writing and speaking about the dangers of Zionism, in such books as FINAL JUDGMENT, detailing the Mossad link to the JFK assassination conspiracy (over JFK's efforts to stop israel from building nuclear weapons), THE HIGH PRIESTS OF WAR, exposing the secret history of the Zionist neo-conservatives and their drive for war against Iraq and Iran and Syria and the rest of the Muslim world, THE NEW JERUSALEM: ZIONIST POWER IN AMERICA, which outlines the amazing power of Zionism in America, and BEST WITNESS, which tells the story of Mel Mermelstein's efforts to break the back of the Holocaust Revisionist movement—an effort which failed and failed badly. In addition, Piper noted, AFP (and The SPOTLIGHT before it) have published literally hundreds—maybe a thousand?—of articles by Christopher Bollyn focusing on the intrigues of Israel and the Zionist movement, proving, beyond any question, that Hufschmid is lying when he says that AFP is trying to suppress either the works of Bollyn—whom Piper has always called "the best journalist in America, bar none"—or discussion of the subject of Zionism. Piper believes that "The Hufschmid Conundrum" can be explained by the fact, as Hufschmid himself admitted in an article on his website, that Hufschmid's half-sister is married to the son of Zionist billionaire Rupert Murdoch. This was early on and Hufschmid actually suggested that Murdoch himiself may have been aware of Hufschmid's work. Incredibly, though, Hufschmid makes the lame suggestion that Murdoch—one of the most powerful Zionists on the face of the planet—may be one of the "good" guys (of all things). Hufschmid even said that he knew little about Murdoch until Murdoch's publication, THE WEEKLY STANDARD, edited by Zionist neo-conservative William Kristol (exposed thoroughly in Piper's book THE HIGH PRIESTS OF WAR) had requested a copy of Hufschmid's book. Hufschmid's bizarre "explanation" of the "connection" between himself and Murdoch, in Piper's estimation, was simply a clever concoction by Hufschmid to explain away his Murdoch connection in a blizzard of words in order to cover up the fact that he (Hufschmid) was actually being promoted by the Murdoch empire in order to maintain a handle on "the controlled opposition" surrounding speculation regarding the 9-11 terrorist attacks, focusing attention on a book that talked about the forensics of the 9-11 attacks but keeping the lid on the Zionist connection to that tragic event. Piper suggested that Hufschmid certainly knew that once his name came into the fore that people would (quite correctly) start researching into the name "Hufschmid" and ultimately discover the Hufschmid-Murdoch connection and that this was Hufschmid's way of laying it on the table in a relatively confusing way that would convince some gullible people that Hufschmid was a "real" truth seeker. But Hufschmid himself actually raised the question as to whether he himself was being used in some "psy-ops" by the Murdoch empire and the Zionist network. Piper commented that this was a classic Mossad tactic: "hiding in plain sight." In other words, Hufschmid put the Murdoch connection out there so that if anyone ever questioned him on it—as people are now doing, and rightly so—he could say, "Oh I never kept it a secret." Piper also noted the interesting fact that Hufschmid's attack on Piper and American Free Press and the campaign to split off AFP's star reporter—Christopher Bollyn—from AFP, and thereby deprive AFP of Bollyn's reportage, came precisely at the time when AFP was about to launch its international conference on Labor Day weekend featuring a historic seminar on the Lies of 9-11, with Bollyn as well as famed 9-11 hero and World Trade Center survivor, William Rodriguez, and Ellen Mariani, widow of 9-11 victim Neal Mariani. What better way, Piper asked, than to disrupt a major event to be attended by some 300 people including some from around the world? Piper also noted that some time ago Hufschmid had also been privy to Piper's then-manuscript, entitled THE JUDAS GOATS, which features an entire chapter devoted to the subject of how Rupert Murdoch and his media empire (including Fox News) had been set up by the billionaire Zionist families Rothschild, Oppenheimer and Bronfman to provide a "controlled" so-called "conservative alternative"—that is, a classic "controlled opposition"—to the Zionist-dominated "liberal" networks such as ABC, CBS, and NBC. Hufschmid knew that this would be the first time that the nationalist-patriot movement would see the ENTIRE Murdoch story outlined in the context of a detailed book describing how the Zionist movement had worked for years to infiltrate and destroy the nationalist movement in America, that many thousands of people would read about Murdoch, in detail, for the first time and learn the truth of "who" is really behind this media empire (with which Hufschmid is intimately connected): his half-sister is an heir, by marriage, to billions of Zionist money. Hufschmid, thus, was rightly concerned that as more and more people learned about Murdoch that they would start doing their own research and discovering the Hufschmid connection. Clearly, says Piper, Hufschmid NEEDED to discredit Piper and American Free Press and damage their relationship with Christopher Bollyn. Piper pointed out that he had been writing about Murdoch for many years, going back to the early 1980s when he wrote about Murdoch in The SPOTLIGHT newspaper, utilizing "inside" data about Murdoch from one of Murdoch's Australian associates, international businessman and prominent Catholic layman, Henry Fischer, long known for his close ties to the traditionalist Catholic movement and for his intimate connections to anti-Zionist elements inside the Vatican and the Catholic Church worldwide. Fischer is even mentioned, Piper noted, in several books by mainstream authors about Murdoch. But Fischer's "inside" information on Murdoch's Rothschild-Oppenheimer-Bronfman connection, making him part of the "Billionaire Gang of Four," is never mentioned. All of this taken together explains the truth about "The Hufschmid Conundrum." Piper urged people to provide financial support directly to Christopher Bollyn in assisting Bollyn in his legal case against the police state thugs who attacked him and hit him with a life-threatening taser gun in his own front yard in Hoffman Estates, Illinois. Contributions made out to "Christopher Bollyn" can be sent to AFP, 645 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE, #100, Washington, DC 20003.

Hufschmid's task has been to drive a wedge between 9/11 researchers. By presenting himself as a "Zionist Exposer", he hoped that those who had correctly identified the perpetrators as Israel and the North America-based Bronfman Mafia would blindly side with him on ideological grounds, and against others who were "Zionist Deniers" or shills. These "Zionist Deniers" would even include people who were writing about the Zionist Mafia's crimes more than twenty years ago, supposedly decades before the concept was even a twinkle in Hufschmid's eyes.

Over the last couple of weeks, the fallout from the Sam Danner hoax and the Bollyn arrest has led to some striking developments and splits. Eric Hufschmid played a leading role in this operation, which has (for the moment) succeeded in driving Christopher Bollyn away from American Free Press and into the camp of Hufschmid, who is in reality a "Judas goat" who posed as the friend of Bollyn and Danner. Hufschmid knew that Michael Piper's forthcoming book included a chapter about Rupert Murdoch's ties to the Bronfmans and Rothschilds. In an attempt to deflect criticism by those discovering the Hufschmid - Murdoch connection, he admitted to a possible link on his own website.

Sam Danner claimed to have seen something rather like a Global Hawk hit the Pentagon. He was clearly lying, since these voicemail recordings of Sam calling his son Matthew include quotes such as "the made-up stuff like the Global Hawk and all that nonsense", and Sam says (about his story) there was "some lying in it" and it was only about "65% true". He also claimed in one message to have cancelled his ISP and email accounts and said he would never send any more emails, and then said in another that he would be sending emails to people.

Hufschmid was heavily associated with the Sam Danner hoax.

Bollyn's arrest, which followed the discrediting of Sam Danner as a reliable witness, has some suspicious anomalies. The police said that there wouldn't have been a situation if Bollyn hadn't created it, and unfortunately the police account is more consistent than Bollyn's version. Bollyn started out closer to the police account, with him turning to go into the house in order to "call his brother", being tasered and then the handcuffs put on him after he'd been forced to the ground. Then, in radio talk shows, he changed his account to being tasered after being handcuffed. There was never any mention of being shocked twice, and being shocked whilst walking away versus shocked whilst in handcuffs is not the sort of detail that one would be expected to confuse or forget. The police version is that he was tasered and then restrained because they thought he might be going to get a weapon.

The archive RBN Michael Piper broadcasts at this link


includes several other shows that are well worth listening to. The Thursday August 24 show gets quite heated at times. Eric Hufschmid, who was on the Friday 25th show but not Thursday's, had claimed that American Free Press is censoring Bollyn's work and refused to publish four of Bollyn's articles, allegedly because AFP has been "infiltrated" by Zionists. Piper, who writes for AFP as an independent contractor (as does Bollyn), denounced Hufschmid as "a liar". It turned out that none of Bollyn's work had been "censored"; only one article had failed to appear and that was because it missed a deadline. On the Friday show, Hufschmid admitted that his subscription to AFP had lapsed, and he could have been mistaken. But he is not retracting his claims about "Zionist infiltration" at AFP.

Wing TV's Victor Thorn (Scott Makufka) spoke on the Thursday show, asking Bollyn whether he agreed with Hufschmid / Daryl Bradford Smith that AFP had been infiltrated. Bollyn refused to answer, saying that if "Scott Makufka" had an issue with Hufschmid he should take it up with him. Wing TV initially appeared as the bad guys for seemingly siding with the police, but they just called Lt Russo to get the police version of events.

This led to a split between Piper and Bollyn who has now aligned himself with EH / DBS. On the August 28 show Piper announced that his friendship with Bollyn, going back to about 2000, was over. (He is still asking people to send contributions to Bollyn's legal fund, with cheques sent to AFP made payable to Christopher Bollyn.)

Piper outlined a fascinating theory on his August 28 show regarding a "sinister force", an organization that could have played a role in orchestrating the Danner hoax and "stop Bollyn" operation.

In order to save RBN from a lawsuit, Piper does not explicitly name the organization. He says it is considered by many to be a cult - a very weird, very wealthy, very powerful cult. It has a history of harassment against people. On the face of it, the organization has nothing to do with Israel or Zionism, but it is controlled from behind the scenes by Israel, the Mossad, wealthy Jewish organizations and wealthy Jewish families. Some say that the Bronfmans bought the organization (in 1981, source: Secret Societies, van Helsing, Jan).

The organization Piper refers to is the Church of Scientology, which has been described as a "school for psychopaths". The "Church" was found to be offering "counselling services" to 9/11 victims at Ground Zero.

A recent topic for discussion has been the study of evil - "political ponerology". The perpetrators of 9/11 were clearly devoid of even the most rudimentary conscience.

So the Zionist Mafia doubtless have an influence on seemingly unconnected cults which they employ behind the scenes in order to manipulate events. To some observers, it might seem as if two researchers (Hufschmid and Bollyn) who did sterling work in exposing Zionist involvement in 9/11 have become unhinged and are lying and acting so as to discredit their previous work. Hufschmid was probably cointelpro from the start, but Christopher Bollyn's articles are the real McCoy. Bollyn may have been persuaded by Hufschmid to change his story at a vulnerable time. The Scientologists could have helped to deliver Sam Danner to Hufschmid, and influenced the Hoffman Estates police department (there are several Scientology bases in Chicago within ten or twenty miles of Hoffman Estates). As for Hufschmid's chief ranter Daryl Bradford Smith, this raises the question of whether he has been suckered by Hufschmid, or is knowingly promoting discord and disinfo. Smith sounds relatively sincere, whereas Hufschmid always sounds evasive and suspect. The iamthewitness.com site has some good material, but that is mostly articles by "anonymous andy" and links to speeches such as Ben Freedman. The pieces authored by Hufschmid contain a relatively high proportion of disinformation.
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