Keith Mothersson Angel - now passed away
Joined: 01 Aug 2005 Posts: 303 Location: Perth
Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 9:42 pm Post subject: Topic or section where we can post our little triumphs |
As we get an article or letter etc accepted or manage to publicise 911 stuff in some other way, it would be good to be able to let others know of the progress being made.
Maybe Jim could carve a new secton or else suggest in which place I should put the folowing - which I offer not as a big deal or to milk praise (no need to rely folks) but just to illustrate the sort of progress lots of us are beginning to make and we should be able to stash our Positive Media treatments in a collective file or virtual shelf somewhere - to balance the complaints!
Anyway: this was in the Herald (mainstream 'quality' Scottish paper, mostly West coast) today (Sat 12th) , and much of any credit should go to Andrew Johnson who encouraged me to get writing, and whose draft I modified.
The panic around aircraft plots is absurdly overdone. No one has been killed. No bombs have gone off. No one was caught with actual bombs.
Every day a hundred people die in Iraq - invaded on the basis lies which most UK journalists passed on without serious question. Hundreds or thousands of people are being murdered in the Lebanon by acts of disproportionate Israeli aggression.
But suddenly someone has put out a story about a supposed terrorist plot, for which there is no real evidence. As they did with the '(no) ricin (non)plot' and Forest Gate, perhaps?
This is not journalism it’s propaganda – designed to create fear and uncertainty in the population along with disruption and the discomfort which could turn into a search for scapegoats.
If the media are so keen to report about terrorism, why don't they have another look at the truth (and false witness) behind September 11th. This founding myth and blood libel of the War on Terror has now been scientifically debunked by Scholars for 911 Truth on ?
Until these properly sourced (peer-reviewed) allegations about an inside job which killed almost 3,000 civilians are properly examined in the media, I and hundreds of millions of 911 skeptics around the world will continue to assume that the rulers of our Anglo-American bubble world are probably lying about plots to smuggle bombs onto planes.
Please stop taking unsubstantiated police rumours as proven fact. Report actual events before supposition and draw conclusions based on information and evidence, not spin and speculation.
Keith Mothersson
2b Darnhall Cres,
Perth PH2 0HH _________________ For the defence of our one worldwide civilian Motherland, against whatever ruling or informal fraternities.
May all beings be happy |