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Video fakery conference

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Angel - now passed away
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 11:12 am    Post subject: Video fakery conference Reply with quote

This was sent to us by Nico Haupt

Sorry, I can't get the images up on this site but maybe Ally, can. He forwarded it to me.


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9/11 Video Fakery:

A milestone in the emergence of a mass meme


By Lynn Ertell (August 17, 2006)


Last Sunday evening’s meeting of the New York 9/11 truth crowd, held in an old East Village church, might well turn out to be a turning point for the rest of the movement

Maybe even some kind of historic milestone for politics in general. Or for whatever shredded remnant of politics is still left breathing.

Having heard it said more than once that “Politics died on 9/11”.

In its place something else was born.

A new “meta-reality“ perhaps ?

An ongoing global continuum of bloody false-flag psy-ops in places diverse and distant like Madrid, London, Amman or Bali.

A future of endless, self-destructive and potentially suicidal wars, justified by the relentless droning reminder that we are compelled to pre-empt or prevent “another 9/11”.

An increasingly vivid nightmare of Orwellian surveillance, photo montages of prison torture, whispered rumors of abductions and interrogation dungeons and, on occasion, the outright thuggery of in-your-face police-state repression.

Soon enough, we will all be suspects.

But ….. Not to worry.

In this lowest of times, how fortunate and interesting to witness one of those cultural singularities that occur so rarely in a century: a new and exciting visual genre, with pretensions to art, which might roughly be termed “9/11 video fakery”,

We can think of it as a kind of mini-cultural revolution.

In America, great cultural and political traumas usually reproduce themselves in new forms of popular entertainment. And this case is no exception.

Not every generation is fortunate enough to experience the advent of a new entertainment genre. This one should spawn a wealth of critique, parody and exegesis, all focused on the manufactured CGI (computer generated imagery) produced and distributed by the corporate media in the aftermath of 9/11.

The events of that morning were traumatic enough on their own, particularly for the New Yorkers who lived through them. Psychiatric professionals recognize the power of “re-staged trauma”, as a means of reinforcing neurosis and mass hysteria.

And the mass media has done its best to perpetuate and amplify the emotional intensity of the original trauma of 9/11, by pumping these video images into our living rooms regularly, via their controlled TV and cable networks,

Especially the fake manufactured imagery of the south Tower hit.

Living and working near the WTC, computer video specialist and 9/11 researcher Nico Haupt (“ewing2001”), directly experienced the trauma of that morning. It altered his life forever, along with some of his fundamental assumptions about human nature, visual experience, memory, gullibility … and the world of Power.

His discovery, along with other 9/11 researchers, that fake video imagery was broadcast by the media networks on that morning, and afterwards, has only heightened the bitterness of the original trauma; something abundantly self-evident to anyone in the audience, sitting in that church, watching these videos and listening to his comprehensive, thorough and exhaustively detailed explanation of them.

The material was a compilation of visual highlights from Nico's extensive and voluminous library of video material, some from the morning of 9/11 itself, others distributed by the corporate media well after-the-fact

A few photo stills were also presented, for the cheap entertainment value of their comic absurdity. But Haupt clearly felt that photo-shopping fakes as an art form, has become such a boringly trivial pursuit, as to render it a waste of time. Grade-school stuff. So he stuck mostly to video.

And what video indeed!

A maddeningly paradoxical pastiche of pyrotechnic wonder!

A colorful and contradictory carnival of images.

Some of which might be fairly described as reasonably convincing, others straining the limits of believability.

And others ridiculously impossible

Haupt's collection of videos is impressive, especially when placed in their precise spatial and temporal context. His presentation was accompanied by analysis and commentary that combined the technical precision of a computer geek and video specialist with the delicate aesthetic sense of a media critic, always sensitive to the subtle gradations and qualities of fakery-talent exhibited in these videos.

Details of editing and alteration techniques were introduced and explained, but I suspect that many in the audience found these rather dry and academic, compared to the drama and flash of the imagery itself.

In the final analysis, the charm of the various fake “south Tower hit” videos lies in their iconic imagery. They constitute the most significant body of artistic work, to date, in the newly emerging entertainment genre of fake video news. Some of the images have been rendered with such drama, flash and evocative skill that even a Leni Riefenstahl might yield grudging admiration.

While others, unfortunately, slide down the scale from the sublime to the ridiculous.

As Webster Tarpley might observe: Synthetic video, synthetic “news”…. Ergo Synthetic “reality” - Made in America.

The fulfillment of Goebbels’ dream.

Something the Soviet state propaganda apparatus never quite achieved.

And now a uniquely American innovation in television news and entertainment.

For synthetic false-flag “terror” to be most effective, it should always be followed up with synthetic video. And some of the South Tower “hit” images are just about as synthetic as you can get.

A video. An image. A picture.

An Icon.

That term, so over-used and misused, is defined at the intersection of art, religion, politics and the marketing of mass culture; the place where the visual and conceptual survival skills of Americans are programmed daily by our media masters, even before the infants can walk.

And for Haupt, the icon that unifies it all is the engineered fantasy illusion of the South Tower "plane".

Melting, morphing, disappearing, slicing.....

Fading in and out for the most poetic of bare, fleeting moments.

Seductively flitting behind a commercial network logo.

Disappearing behind a building, then re-appearing again magically !

A dazzling array of fakery.

I thought I might hear more "oohs" and "ahhhs".

Perhaps many in the crowd found the craftsmanship a bit disappointing, transparent and sloppier than one might expect.

Blatant inconsistencies and physical impossibilities.

Multiple contradictory shots of the same alleged event from different angles.

Sometimes there was just numb silence, a predictable audience reaction to the sheer volume and variety of these mutually contradictory video versions available in the media, all purporting to show the “attack” on the South Tower of the WTC.

But the comparison of two mutually contradictory videos of the smoking Towers, showing huge billowing clouds of black smoke moving impossibly in OPPOSITE directions, evoked smirks, gasps and giggles from the audience.

Haupt also presented some of the more authentic amateur stuff shot from Manhattan and nearby locales. This was real-sourced footage, with no network logos clogging up the picture, or lurking in the corner of the screen, to distract from the immediacy of the images. The jarring absence of Boeing jets in this select material, lent it an edgy aura of cinema verite.

Lots of explosions and fiery pyrotechnics.

But no planes crashing into Towers.

Plus, he threw in some audio.

Most of the audio material had been recorded that very morning on the streets of Manhattan or nearby, indicating exactly what, where and when people were shouting or screaming during the events. Much of this originated from amateur or non-network sources. Other audio tracks were transparent fakes, possibly manufactured after the fact, for distribution via the mass media.

The evening’s climax was a live cell-phone call from Gerard Holmgren in Australia. Long familiar to the 9/11 research and activist community, Holmgren is probably best known for his discovery and publication of the BTS (Bureau of Transportation Safety) database pages showing the utter absence of Flight 11 and Flight 77.

American Airlines Flight 11 is the alleged first “hit”, supposedly crashing into the North Tower. But the only credible images of that come from the infamous Naudet brothers and their celebrated “snuff film”, where the object penetrating the Tower looks like anything but a Boeing.

United Airlines Flight 77 was the mythical Boeing at the Pentagon that everyone is still hunting for. The non-existence of these flights on the BTS database, (which logs take-offs and landings in real-time) suggests that the flights themselves never existed.

Holmgren’s remarks focused on the broader strategic insights implied by the exposure of sloppy video fakery by the networks, and the consequent likelihood that no actual Boeing jets were employed in the 9/11 attacks:

A movement seeking justice for 9/11, gets nowhere, unless it clearly identifies the central role of the media in perpetrating the 9/11 hoax, and, places the media in its cross-hairs as equally culpable with the political, military, corporate and black-ops players.

Exposing ordinary people to 9/11 video fakery, informs them of the true scope and scale of the entire hoax. So it becomes the most effective way to insulate them against the traumatic impact of yet more staged false-flag attacks in the future, by warning people in advance of media fakery, deception and manipulation.

A sharp and persistent focus on 9/11 media fakery is, by implication, linked to the emergence of a more jaded and savvy world view; an insurgent skepticism, cynicism and quiet outrage percolating amongst an increasingly restive population.

All of this elevates the threatened exposure of media fakery into the most lethal of vulnerabilities plaguing the perpetrators. They now have to be more cautious about over-reaching in the staging of these bloody shows. They have to be careful not to over-play their hand at false-flag terror. As word spreads, they are forced to hesitate, reconsider, revise some plans and totally scrap others as too transparent and obvious.

Despite the grueling length and detail of Haupt’s presentation, most of the audience stayed for an extended Q&A, and many continued to argue and debate its implications, with considerable intensity, long after the meeting ended.

MIT engineer Rick Rajter also addressed some questions, and gave a brief synopsis of the subliminal effects on the political environment at MIT, as acceptance of the “controlled demolition” meme seeps into mainstream academia.

There was a palpable shudder in the crowd, as Rajter casually observed the depth of Noam Chomsky’s betrayal, and described the violent reactions of hack-Professor Thomas Eager to anyone challenging his public support for the official government/media line that “fire brought down the Towers”.

With the facile lies and hysterical denial of these "scientists", academics and assorted tenured experts we have come full circle, to Hannah Arendt's classic "banality of evil".

We now have our own version of those classic “Nazi doctors”, so recently dissected by writers like Robert Jay Lifton.

Long tenured academics and “scientists” willing to put their careers, reputations and whatever remains of their personal dignity on the auction block; willing to prostitute themselves in defense of a laughable absurdity.

It was weird hearing Rajter confirm it.

Confronting the massively mind-blowing reality of 9/11 video fakery isn’t easy for many. It opens the door to even more difficult questions about what really went down on 9/11.

One of the difficulties is the implied logical correlation of obvious video fakery with the controversial (and increasingly more probable) idea of "No planes on 9/1"

No Boeing commercial jets, that is.

Since video fakery would be necessary, but certainly not sufficient to imply that "no Boeings hit the Towers".

But here's the problem:

We now have graduated past the absence of any plane debris or other evidence indicating a plane at the Pentagon. It's pretty much tolerated, as a pop culture meme, that there was no plane at the Pentagon.

No one in this audience, listening to Haupt, Holmgren and Rajter, was likely to sputter an objection to the assertion that no Boeing hit the Pentagon on 9/11. That view can now be classified appropriately as acceptable, allowed, tolerated and agreed with by most 9/11 activists.

More recently, there has also been discussion about the apparent lack of a plane at Shanksville, perhaps prompted by the recent release of a frankly fictionalized commercial movie marketed about the heroic legend of Flight 93.

So the hypothesis that no Boeings boinged the Towers becomes increasingly more down-to-earth and mundane, even banal.

Even as popular culture matures to an acceptance of the societal control derived from mass entertainment, distraction, hypnosis and outright brainwashing, by the manufactured reality we see programmed continuously on CNN, FOX, CBS, ABC, MSNBC, and the absurdly named “Public Television”

Now the question becomes: How do we know when they are actually showing us something 'real" ?

And I don't mean “staged”.

I mean CGI, flight simulator cartoons or whatever other creative techniques are currently available for video fakery artists to exploit.

One long-time New York 9/11 activist expressed his own reluctance to confront the practical implications of the fake video material for the future of the movement as a whole,, echoing the frustrations felt by many in the audience:

"Does a boxer lead with his chin ?", he asked, insisting that

by raising the issue of media fakery, as evidence that no Boeings hit the Towers on 9/11, "We are opening ourselves up to ridicule, discredit and rejection... "

Shouldn't the movement be sticking to its "best" evidence, he argued, referring to the demolitions as "...simpler, more provable and easier for people to grasp..."

We may be able to test that proposition empirically on September 6th at a National Press Club dinner in DC, when Morgan Reynolds is scheduled to give his own presentation on the “No Planes Hypothesis”, with respect to the destruction of the Towers on 9/11.

A director of the Criminal Justice Center at the National Center for Policy Analysis, Reynolds has openly cited figures within and around the Bush administration as responsible for creating a false cover story of suicide hijackings in order to “blow the World Trade Center to kingdom come” with explosives—a shock-and-awe psy-op designed to coerce the American people into supporting a pre-planned “long war” in the Middle East, massive increases in military spending, and the rollback of Constitutional civil liberties.

Reynolds is Professor Emeritus at Texas A&M. Back in June of 2005, former CIA director and president of that university, denounced this heresy as “beyond the pale”.

9/11 activists and researchers are eagerly awaiting confirmation that physicist Steve Jones of BYU will also attend the NPC dinner, to offer an opposing point of view: defending the idea that planes actually crashed into one or both of the WTC Towers. Jones has been the subject of considerable media attention for his papers and

lectures on the engineered destruction of the Towers and WTC7.

More recently, he has cited evidence from Tower debris he obtained, that a variant of thermite was used to take down the behemoths.

The 9/11 criminals and their fraud-ucrats at the networks have probably given up on any possibility of marginalizing the “controlled demolition” meme, now that it has decisively breached the media.

But whether or not “hijacked planes” or “remotely controlled planes” actually existed that morning, there can be no denying the obvious and transparent fakery of CNN’s infamous broadcast of a cartoon plane melting seamlessly into the concrete and steel of the South Tower; along with the other video material examined publicly by Haupt for the entertainment and edification of New York 9/11Truth.

We were mind-raped by our own media on the morning of 9/11.

And they have proceeded to mind-rape us, over and over again since that morning. That's the impression one walks away with, after sitting through Nico Haupt’s long and (perhaps a bit overly-detailed) visual presentation last Sunday.

How does it feel to be mind-raped by CNN, FOX and MSNBC?

Sure …. Thousands of us hate it.

But apparently, many in America and Britain enjoy it.

They even embrace it.

This could herald the birth of a new entertainment industry and a decisive shift in the programming direction of mass electronic media.

Wandering randomly into the middle of Nico Haupt’s presentation to New York 9/11Truth, a writer for one of the tech or art journals, might anticipate the next generation of media critics “taking up the burden of the Cross” to confront the corporate media’s capacity for engineered deception.

Along with its audience’s appetite for illusion.

A “cross to bear” for all the talking heads and chattering classes.

To study and expound on the manifold volume, variety and widely variable quality of 9/11 video fakery, with some depth and seriousness; some respect for our own uniquely American-branded art of post-modern fraud, in all its glorious splendor, less-than-perfect mediocrity and, in due time , its colossal failure.

If we survive that long.

9/11 Video Fakery: A milestone in the emergence of a mass meme.
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 12:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Nobody wants to know about TVFakery it seems Noel, they all want to cling to the myth that a coke snorting, strip club frequenting, pork chop eating Islamofascist hijacked an aircraft and flew it into the WTC right on time for Bushco to blow it up an hour later.

Peeps should listen to this: http://vyzygoth.com/audio/nico.mp3
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 1:13 pm    Post subject: TV fakery Reply with quote

Its not that I dont think people cant/wont manufacture fake footage.......

The problem is the photographs of VERY PLANE SHAPED HOLES in the buildings!!!!!!

The beams are visably bent INWARDS at the edges.

I`m sorry but manufacturing damage like that on the OUTSIDE of a massive skyscraper in NY is utterly IMPOSSIBLE.

Quite probably/possibly no actual commercial jets were used but to suggest those holes in the towers were somehow manufactured is really absolutely DISINFORMATION.

This stuff is getting is QUITE RIGHTLY ridiculed.

The issue isnt if some of the footage, most of it nonsense quality looks ODD but.......look at the damn holes for goodnes sake. You just CANT fake that.


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PostPosted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 1:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

You're more than happy to claim no commercial jet hit the pentagon now I'm saying the same about the WTC, many things could have caused the gashes, from bombs to Entomopters. ( http://www.aiaa.org/aerospace/Article.cfm?issuetocid=365&ArchiveIssueI D=39 )

The TV fakery argument is there is no proof it was a commercial jet because most of the footage has been show to be fake or contradictory. If u email me I can illustrate the problem easier, just I don't seem to be able to post pictures here, it's rather fenickety for some reason.
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 1:23 pm    Post subject: Re: TV fakery Reply with quote

Snowygrouch wrote:

I`m sorry but manufacturing damage like that on the OUTSIDE of a massive skyscraper in NY is utterly IMPOSSIBLE.

Quite probably/possibly no actual commercial jets were used but to suggest those holes in the towers were somehow manufactured is really absolutely DISINFORMATION.

This stuff is getting is QUITE RIGHTLY ridiculed.


some or the beams were bent outwards, please don't insult me.
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 1:56 pm    Post subject: No planes Reply with quote

Hang on here can I have some clarification before I say something stupid:

Are you/tvfakery saying that there were NO PLANES AT ALL and that the damage was manufactured.


Are you saying the planes were not the exact ones claimed and that the fakery is just concealing their true nature (ie cargo 757s).

I need to get this straight.


PS Ally is there a website where I can have a proper look at this fakery stuff?

The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists, and will persist

President Eisenhower 1961
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Andrew Johnson
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 23, 2006 10:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I have listened in on some of the debate between the planers and no-planers

Nico Haupts blog is here:


There was a fair bit of vitriol in the exchange and, as I have written before, it's very reminiscent of:

"What? How could they possibly have demolished those buildings?!? There is NO WAY IN HELL they could've planted those bombs!!"

Which becomes:

"What? Faking all that TV footage? Plane shaped holes? There is NO WAY IN HELL they could've pulled that off! Do me a favour!"

People should at least read and consider Professor Morgan Reynolds' and Rick Ratjer's article here:


You may then just begin to understand why there are these divisions in the movement.

How deep will go down the rabbit hold before saying? "WHAT? YOU NUTTER!! THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE!!!"

It's what this is all about, don't you know.


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paul wright

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 23, 2006 10:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Andrew Johnson wrote:
I have listened in on some of the debate between the planers and no-planers

Nico Haupts blog is here:


There was a fair bit of vitriol in the exchange and, as I have written before, it's very reminiscent of:

"What? How could they possibly have demolished those buildings?!? There is NO WAY IN HELL they could've planted those bombs!!"

Which becomes:

"What? Faking all that TV footage? Plane shaped holes? There is NO WAY IN HELL they could've pulled that off! Do me a favour!"

People should at least read and consider Professor Morgan Reynolds' and Rick Ratjer's article here:


You may then just begin to understand why there are these divisions in the movement.

How deep will go down the rabbit hold before saying? "WHAT? YOU NUTTER!! THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE!!!"

It's what this is all about, don't you know.

Yup Andrew, I have held the no planes position as a possibility since 2003 when I was in conversation with Rosalee Grable , tho having studied the 9/11 event intently as is happened on live TV, and knowing what it was about, and being in conversation with someone that same evening who said the predominate image broadcast on live TV, that one from the front side of WTC2 with the plane banking round from behind with the fireball coming out the front, and that is a factual remembrance not false memory syndrome, who said it looked like a cartoon, and indeed it still does, so that would suppose a false feed into the supposedly live pictures, which I personally can't accept
I personally hold my own theories for it all that I will not promote at the present, and I certainly hold Ally's ideas in high regard.They should be a topic available to those who've got the case, but not to the general sheeple, I'm sorry but I've got no better regard for the kind of numpties who got those guys turfed off the plane in Malaga. I deal with them everyday - I know what numb trivial stupid b'stards some of them are

Anyway, to stop ranting, I believe the no planes theory is great for us here but no-go for most of those out there

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 24, 2006 10:18 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

So prisonplanet would rather take a dig than explain the fakery?

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Andrew Johnson
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 24, 2006 10:43 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


You know it's been proved the planes were either LARD or MARGERINE. Butter was too risky. Hadn't you heard?

But seriously, people should study the evidence very carefully before the utterance of "RIDICULOUS" - that's what we all 1st decided to do when we realised there were too many holes in the Official Conspiracy Theory - remember?


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PostPosted: Thu Aug 24, 2006 10:46 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Andrew Johnson wrote:

You know it's been proved the planes were either LARD or MARGERINE. Butter was too risky. Hadn't you heard?

No it were the WTC which was made outta butta, that's why it absorbed the aluminium plane and 'melted' from its impact.
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Andrew Johnson
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 24, 2006 10:59 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


The WTC MUST have been BUTTER. Heck, that's why it collapsed!!

How can we have missed this one, then???

I feel almost as stupid as I did the other day, when for the 1st time, I realised how stupid it was for the BBC to announce when it was safer for terrorists to attack (i.e. that the threat level had been lowered). Do you think these terrorists listen to the radio then?

Sorry to digress here.............


Ask the Tough Questions, Folks!
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 02, 2006 10:44 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Plane / No Plane

American Airlines Flight 11 wasn't scheduled to fly that day. So, Er? No plane.

Whereas, United Airlines Flight 175 was scheduled to fly. So, Er? Plane.

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 02, 2006 2:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Message from NORAD to Andrews Air Force Base

We have received reports of 2 hijacked holograms which are heading for the World Trade Centre - you are ordered to shoot them down before they melt into the buildings
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 02, 2006 3:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Premise 1: "Made It Happen"

Premise 2: "Let It Happen"

(for completeness
Premise 3: "al Qaeda Did It")

What are we trying to achieve with the Holographic Planes theory? We must have determined that premise 1 is correct by whatever means and therefore it's no big deal that the Planes didn't exist.

Dick did it and thats all we need to know before we get the banners out. Although its actually better because less people died if you don't include holographic passengers.

Under premise 1 a simple risk assessment would show that they would have far more chance of getting it right if it was all just an elaborate illusion (maybe somewhere the twin towers are still standing?). Less chance of a Plane getting lost on its way to lower manhatten.

The question must then be how did they do it?

Premise 1: planes
Premise 2: no planes

Put these two premises in a letter to the papers and it won't be the men in black coming round to your house - it'll be the men in white!

Its good to stretch the old grey matter now and again but we are being distracted from the point of our being here.

PS were the plane debris/engines in lower manhatten holographic as well?
What does it matter.
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 02, 2006 5:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ants - I think you will find that this thread is for jokes
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