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No Planes Theory: R.I.P.

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 14, 2006 1:08 am    Post subject: No Planes Theory: R.I.P. Reply with quote

No Planes Theory: R.I.P.

Those who argue that there were no planes which crashed into the Twin Towers on 9/11 say that "computer generated imagery" (CGI) was used to insert fake video images of planes. However, these folks are forgetting something: there are numerous eyewitness reports of people who heard the planes.

In other words, for the no planes theory to be true, not only would CGI have had to be inserted in live videocamera feeds, and all of the witnesses who saw the planes be disinfo agents, but some sort of high-tech flying sound generator would have had to be used to fake the moving sounds of planes flying into the buildings.

Here are some of the earwitness accounts:

"LT. BOB LAROCCO, FIREFIGHTER, LADDER 9: We all heard a plane that sounded like it was in trouble. So everyone stopped what they were doing. I kind of thought to myself that it was headed toward Newark Airport. I didn't think much of it. And then I heard a dull thud. I kind of stopped in my tracks and stopped for a second, and said, nah. People started running out of the stores on Second Avenue there. They were saying, oh, God, oh, God, a plane just crashed into the World Trade Center."

"[Deputy Fire Chief] Hayden: I was continuing on. I worked the night before. I was in my office when I heard a plane coming in low."

"Battalion Chief Joseph Pfiefer said, 'We heard a very loud plane, which you never hear in Manhattan. We all look up and see this commercial airline flying very low. We follow it and it goes right into the Trade Center. You could see it didn't veer off. It appeared to aim at the Trade Center smashed into the upper floors. Created a big fireball and then disappeared into the building. I transmitted a second alarm...20 seconds after that I transmitted a third alarm.'"
http://cms.firehouse.com/content/article/article.jsp?sectionId=41&id=5 1111

Jazz legend Sonny Rollins: "I heard this plane flying in kind of low. Then I heard, “Pow!” I pulled out this old black-and-white television set. I got it working, and then I saw the second plane come into the other tower."

"Toby O’Berry [who worked for Morgan Stanley in the Twin Towers] . . . looked up toward the burning tower and the people leaping from it, then heard a plane rumbling across the picture-perfect blue Manhattan sky.
And then he ran. Then he heard a rumbling sound. He looked up and saw a plane smash into the south tower. All my co-workers, they’re all dead, Toby thought. Then he turned and ran, shaking people out of their stupor along the way."

Julie Williams, who worked in WTC2, said "We stepped out of the building walked not 8 feet and I heard another plane and I turned around and I saw the 2nd plane as it hit my building."

"I had taken the Path train to the WTC and stopped at a newsstand on my way out of the building to see if they had a magazine that I was looking for . . . . I had just passed Century21 this giant discount department store on the corner when I heard the loudest plane that I had ever heard. I stuck my fingers in my ears. Then I heard a high pitch whine like when a bomb drops. Then the impact - BAM!"

Worker in the Twin Towers said, "In my jog north I heard the second plane hit . . . ."

"Everyone at the marina was out on the docks, discussing what had happened. Had the plane lost control? Then we heard another plane almost directly overhead. It was awfully low, and I said "What, is he going in for a closer look?" Then the second plane crashed into the side of the south tower. A fireball shot out both sides of the building and you could see parts of the building falling over the city."

"Bill Continelli was in lower Manhattan on September 11, 2001. He was south of the World Trade Center and heard the 2nd plane as it flew over and slammed into Tower #2."

"Standing 2 1/2 blocks away from the WTC, staring up, looking at the ball of fire in the first tower. Frozen. Paralyzed....watching charred fax papers drift down gently on the breeze. I heard the 2nd plane approaching and ran."

"It was before 9 a.m. when I heard this plane overhead...in central NJ, we're always in somebody's flight path because of the proximity to Newark Airport. This plane was loud, and I mean LOUD, shaking the house and everything in it. It sounded like it was going to land on my roof. I looked out the window, but the plane had zipped by. About 10 minutes later, my boyfriend called and told me to turn on the news...and that's how I found out."

New York based Australian author, Peter Carey, said "We’re in this little street on the corner of 6th Avenue and Houston Street, you could see down there to the World Trade Center, and I heard that plane come overhead, and it was very low . . . ."

As soon as I heard the plane hit, I grabbed my camera and walked out on Greenwich St.

"They heard a plane."

"Then I heard another plane hit."

"Early this morning around 9 am, I heard the sound of a low flying airplane. It was so loud my immediate thought was that it was a terrorist or a plane that would land on our rooftop in Greenwich Village."

"As he walked across the courtyard, he looked up to see first tower ablaze and minutes later heard a roar and saw the second plane strike".
http://www.nd.edu/~ndmag/w2001-02/9-11survive.html (James Calcagnini)

"Exiting the station, he heard the second plane hit." http://www.nd.edu/~ndmag/w2001-02/9-11survive.html (James W. Flood)

"I saw and heard the first plane as it passed over my head."

"Mar was in the shower and I was working at my desk. I heard a plane, large, slow, and way too low, and then the unmistakable crash. "A plane crashed. I heard it. I'm going out to see". I grabbed my camera and ran out of the house."

"We had gotten to approximately point C on the picture, walking along the water, when both Rachel and I heard a plane. Looking over the southern tip of Manhatten, we could see the United jet roaring in, just skimming the tops of the buildings. Normally, when you see a jet that close, it is taking off or landing and is moving relatively slowly. This one was at full throttle. I remember yelling something like "What's he doing there?" but it went quickly behind us and was blocked from view by the buildings along the water. We didn't see the impact, but we could hear it and feel it."

5 years ago today, I was jarred out of bed by the sound of a jet airliner crashing into the World Trade Center - six short blocks from my Manhattan apartment. . . .
When the 2nd plane hit, I was standing in my living room, watching the television. We heard the plane collide with the building first, and then saw it on TV."

"On the morning of Sept. 11, as I prepared to leave for work, I heard a plane roar over our building, followed by a horrible echoing boom."

"Before the first blast, staff on the streets around Trinity heard what to some sounded like military jets carrying out a low flypast before hearing the blast."

"State Superintendent of New York works two miles from the World Trade Center. He testified of his mother’s deliverance from the area when the crash happened. “My mother got off the subway train about 9:00, and the World Trade Center was burning at the top”, recounts Diaz. “The people in the area said that it was a accidental airplane crash, so everyone carried on as usual, buying breakfast, etc. Suddenly, she heard a plane engine coming, and the people starting screaming and running, and she with them. She ran to the park. The plane then went directly into the building."

"Something hit one of the trade center towers. I was on the phone with my wife listening to her telling me to leave the city and come home, when the second plane flew past our building and crashed into the second tower. This time we all heard the plane hit and we felt the blast."

No plane theory: R.I.P.

This list of eyewitness accounts is by no means comprehensive. There are HUNDREDS of similiar reports. If you want to find additional accounts, use the following search, and start on page 17 of the Google results:
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 14, 2006 2:30 am    Post subject: No Planes Theory: R.I.P. Reply with quote

Can't say it'll be missed very much.

Though hang on, not so fast - have we eliminated hi-speed multi-prismatic lasers directing holograms into all their eyes? Smile
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 14, 2006 6:58 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

you missed out these:

Jon Gold said...
You're disinfo... Disinfo I say!

12:31 PM

Tesla sould have been shot said...
Military technology is always developed in secret -- especially when it has unlimited 'psy-ops' and state-terror value.

Have you ever heard of Dolby Digital Surround Sound? Couldn't loud speakers have been set up on surrounding buildings? Think about it. Millions were spent on this operation, perhaps billions. How much extra effort would it entail to install speakers if they had the means of setting cutting charges in the WTC buildings???

What about this:
"...'the voice from heaven.' By tuning the resonance of a laser onto Earth’s ionosphere, you can create audible frequencies. Like some boom box in the sky, the laser-produced voice could bellow from above down to the target below: 'Put down your weapons.'"

And this:

And yes, with the money being spent on 'information war', the witnesses who say they 'saw' a plane could easily be lying. Just like the so-called 'witnesses' that 'saw' a plane hit the Pentagon.

The NWO is not just coming from the top-down. Why are there Masonic lodges in every town? What do these societies do other than spy, lie, and conspire for the NWO? I'm sure that there are MANY neo-fascist Masons standing in line to lie for the fascist movement.

9:07 AM

Area 911 said...
"A technique for projecting holographic images to make both still and moving three-dimensional displays is undergoing development. Unlike older techniques based on stereoscopy to give the appearance of three-dimensionality, the developmental technique would not involve the use of polarizing goggles, goggles equipped with miniature video cameras, or other visual aids. Unlike in holographic display as practiced until now, visibility of the image would not be restricted to a narrow range of directions about a specified line of sight to a holographic projection plate. Instead, the image would be visible from any side or from the top; that is, from any position with a clear line of sight to the projection apparatus. In other words, the display could be viewed as though it were an ordinary three-dimensional object. The technique has obvious potential value for the entertainment industry, and for military uses like displaying battlefield scenes overlaid on three-dimensional terrain maps."

Don't forget, they are FAR AHEAD in the realm of technology of the reports that appear in the headines. If NASA says that this technology is "being developed", we can safely assume that it exists at a far more advanced stage and that it is already operational.

This was the case with particle beam weapons and microwave lasers, which were first tested secretly on innocent people in Panama in 1989 (see the documentary film The Panama Deception), and were revealed officially just within the last couple of years.

Many believe that crop circles were part of the space-based microwave laser's refinement process and not some 'alien message'. It was much easier to dismiss and cover-up as an 'outlandish conspiracy theory' when it was associated with the 'extra-terrestrial' theories.

9:50 AM

Anonymous said...
there is a wide breadth of area between a 9/11 skeptic and a true conspiracy theorist, and the true conspiracy theorists are the no-planers.

i guess you can believe anything you wish when you are so far gone as to believe all eye witnesses lied, all video is fake, all photos are fake, etc. etc. that is a true conspiracy theorst.. why? because they can't prove any of it, they just believe in it.

10:35 AM

Area 911 said...
I don't believe anything of the sort. I am simply saying that the 'no plane' theory isn't dead because we are not in a position to kill it.

I wasn't there on that day, and I assume that you (anon.) were not there either.

Ponder this: the entirety of a hollow plane composed of relatively thin light-weight aluminum cut into a skyscraper made of steel-reinforced concrete and inches-thick steel perimeter box-columns, like a hot knife through butter.

The bulk of that plane should have blown to pieces on the OUTSIDE of the building.

So please, save your 'conspiracy theorist' ad hominems for those who deserve it: the idiots who believe everything that they see and hear in a technofascist society and ignore REAL possibilities.

Maybe the witnesses were not all lying. Maybe some were, like the phoney witnesses at the Pentagon.

Maybe, just maybe, the planes were advanced holographic projections. I didn't invent this possibility like some 'wingnut' might have; NASA and the military did.

In this conspiracy driven class-divided world, there are only conspiracy realists (veritable skeptics) and their antitheses: supernumery sleepers, blind cattle, or active fascists.

11:03 AM

Area 911 said...
Since we are being fed a load of * concerning the events of that day (not to mention most other significant historical events), we must look at the evidence and consider all possibilities to uncover the truth.

How did the planes disappear into the WTC towers without being ripped to pieces by the perimeter columns and the bulk of the debris falling to the ground??

We may never know the answer unless the criminals are brought to justice, but we can devise theories based on what we do know.

What was that white-hot projectile that was ejected from WCT2 by the explosion? Was it a depleted uranium penetrator from the warhead of a missile? Was it a piece of steel engulfed in a exothermic reaction of prepositioned thermite initiated unintentionally by the plane's fireball?

Was the video of a flash milliseconds before the plane entered WTC1 doctored or did the flash really occur? If the flash is real, was it a missile or prepositioned explosives planted on the outside of the building, which were used to cut the perimeter columns by exploding inwardly as the plane entered?

Was there really a third plane in the sky during the collisions? I saw it on a video, but is the video real? If it is real, like the unidentified white plane flying over D.C., what was it doing there? Was it projecting a holographic image of the planes?

These questions are all legitimate because the purported events defy logic and science. Until these questions are answered it will be preposterous to claim that the 'no-plane theory is dead' because of eyewitness reports.

The truth is, nobody really knows what they saw that day. We do know that the planes could not have taken down the buildings, but WHAT, in god's name, caused the pulverization of everything but the steel columns?? And, WHAT in hell caused the mid-air disintegration of WTC2's top 35 or so floors after it began to topple over???? Even Dr. Jones, the good physicist, admits in his peer-reviewed paper that he is stumped on that one!

Call me crazy, but it sounds like 911 was the first significant use of their new space-based 'beam weapons'. Since concrete contains water, perhaps an intense and focused microwave beam (laser) was used to excite the water molecules of the towers until the concrete just crumbled into a fine dust. Of course, since metal conducts electrons when bombarded with photons (photoelectric effect) and would not have been affected by microwaves, the columns were cut by simultaneous thermite and thermate reactions.

Any other THEORIES should be welcomed, because theories are all that we will have until the people wake up collectively and take the world back from the elite monsters that continue to steer the course of History.

12:43 PM

Anonymous said...
I am not familiar with claims associated with no-plane speculation concerning the Towers - although it does look credble that 3 buildings were pre-set for implosion with explosive charges - and chemical fire pattern recorded on video, and chemical material left afterward is surely troubling.

It is the Pentagon explosion that is the most troubling. A military censorship of an enlisted persons Blog recently occurred - and his case raises more questions than one wants...especially with the President also suspending WhistleBlower Protection laws the week of the 9/11 Anniversary.

Reports say that the hole in the Pentagon was too small to have been caused by a Jetliner. And there is reportedly no trace of debris or bodies.

Some speculate that the entire plane and all bodies must have been instanly incinerated after impact? Site witnesses say one could look through the blast hole to see unburned wood furniture inside. In an incineration blaze nothing of the sort certainly would have remained. Where is the evidence that a plane did fly into the Pentagon? What happened to the plane - and few passengers who were allegedly on Board?

Were defense planes held back over an hour by Executive Order - or because they could see no threat?

Why did they not protect known targets?

What testing has been done to verify what happened at the Pentagon? Where is the documentation? These are reasonable questions - and I am happy to help dispel rumors and concerns whene I see credible evidence. Truth *should* win.

2:48 PM

Area 911 said...
I agree about the Pentagon.

But, the towers were *not* imploded. WTC 7 was; that is clear from the videos.

The towers turned to dust and neatly cut sections of steel. The dust clouds expanded like pyroclastic flows normally associated with volcanic eruption clouds, indicative of the HUGE amount of energy involved.

Was all this simply the result of cutter charges?

WTC 7 fell into a neat pile of rubble with much less dust created in the process.

Something is amiss.

4:10 PM

ewing2001 said...
GeorgeWash, who seems to be the closest buddy of Prof.Jones nowadays feels the need to jump on the recent hatred-bashing train of AJones, Nafeez Ahmed and Rodriguez (who himself supports pod guy v. Kleist?), while just this week yet another new amateur video didn't show any plane.

GeorgeWash is using the dried out witness argument, while he cannot explain all opposite accounts:


http://culhavoc.blogsome.com/2006/03/10/nicos-timeline-cnns-reality-tv -hoax/
"...I have witnessed a horrible history. I was supposed to go to NJ for a
seminar. I was on the BQE bridge going into Chinatown, Manhattan, when I saw
an explosion at exactly 8:48am on the first Twin Tower. The radio said that
it was a plane accident. I immediately called my sister in NJ, who normally
has to get to the World Trade Center station (she works for the Mayor's
office, 4 blocks away from WTC). I told her that there has been an accident
and told her to avoid that station. She said that my brother will drive her
to Manhattan instead. I then placed another phone call telling
my best friend to stay away from the area. My friend has jury duty and the

Court is 3 blocks away. Suddenly, I saw a second explosion but did not see
the plane.

(NOTE: BQE Bridge is local slang for Brooklyn Queens Express running over
the Williamsborough Bridhe)

"...We all looked up at the WTC to see one tower on fire. There was a ring
of fire encircling the building one floor...near the top. The floors above
the ring were enshrouded in thick black upwardly rising waves. Every second
or two the fire crept lower--floor by floor---dripping like wax down a

The thought of those people...they're being incinerated..there's no way to
control that fire. Then a huge fireball--monstrous in size--shot out and
up---like some horribly visible dragon's breath.(this was the fireball from
the impact of the second jet--I didn't realize this until after viewing the
footage of the attack)..."

"...Then out of nowhere came this noise. This loud, high-pitched roar that
seemed to come from all over, but from nowhere in particular. AND THE SECOND
TOWER JUST EXPLODED. It became amazingly obvious to anyone there that what
we all had hoped was a terrible accident was actually an overt act of
THE TIME. I have no recollection of pushing the button, hitting the shutter,
making the picture that appeared on Page 2 of the Daily News the next day, a
picture that was taken milliseconds after the second plane hit that tower..."

... Gemma McDonald, Houston, Texas: On the morning of September 11. I was
getting ready to go to school, when the news station broke in with breaking
news. They said a plane had hit the world trade center. They were in the
middle of broadcasting that story live, whenever a big fireball appeared out
of the other tower. In order to see what hit the tower. They had to replay
the tape in slow motion. We didn't know what had happened because we didn't
see the plane, because it was so fast. Whenever I did figure out what
happened I got this weird feeling across my body that I can't describe..."

"...stood there watching the coverage in the airport until my flight was called.
I saw the explosion in the second tower and thought it was because of the
first tower burning as I didn't see the plane hit. My flight was called
about 9:20 and I boarded the plane, we all sat there until about 9:35 when
the pilot announced taht all flights were cancelled. After I got of the
plane I went back to the TV and saw what was going on.."

Hispano amateur cameraman, who didn't see any object hitting south tower,
while filming both towers:
Compare with same geograpical position of towers aT Rosalee's site
(Antenna is in the back of second= north tower)

"...When I was back in the roof I saw
just before my eyes the explosion on Tower 2.
I didn't see the plane, nor did any of the other
guys on the roof. We speculated for a few
minutes. The only thing we could imagine was
on of the wings of the first plane hitting the
other tower and provoking the explosion, but
that was very unlikely...."

From an amateur camera clip, camera positioned on both towers:
"...we just saw another explosion (TV comment)...."
Person 1 in room: "...Another explosion Kate..."
Kate: "...i know, i know..." (noone of both refered to any plane)

Don Dahler vs. ABC
...i didn't see any plane going in...that...that's just exploded...i...
We just saw another plane coming in from the side.
You did?? I...that was ..was...out of my view...
That was a second explosion.
You can see the plane come in just from the right hand side of the screen...
(=> Dahler's witness report 'overruled' by a TV monitor)

Witness Reporter Winston on NBC, which had same synched W-ABC clip:
the "building is exploding right now"
The studio host doesn't even see his monitor where the same W-ABC footage
shows same black flying object vanishing behind first tower, then followed by explosion and fireball (no sound).
The studio host agrees with street reporter (who didn't report any incoming 'plane', that this explosion must have been forced from 'parts of the first plane..."

Witness: NO second plane, it was a bomb....
FOX clip
Reporter Rick Leventhal is whisking witness away: "we heard about tv reports..."

Pilot Witness:
http://www.montclair.edu/pages/alumnilife/alumnilifewinter02/features4 .html
"... I saw a flash and fireball from the top of the World Trade Center.
....Due to the angle and altitude of our flight, I have sometimes experienced the optical illusion of something appearing to hit a building.
We then flew south to the Battery to see if whatever had hit it had gone out the other side. We saw heavy damage on the south side of Tower 1, but saw nothing of substance on the ground or on Tower 2, so we decided to go back north again, all the while just on the water's edge on the Manhattan side at about 900 feet. Ninety seconds after leaving the Battery, in the spot where we had just been looking, the second plane hit the second tower. We never saw the plane, but I could see the flash of the impact from behind us.

12) More amateur tapes showing no planes at 2nd attack (06/02)
Dialogue between guy and his girlfriend:

Man: "...wtf**k. What was that?

Woman: "I don't know"
Man: "..they're f**in bombing it...
Must have been a rocket or something.."

13) Two dudes do not catch any plane


http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=2137200753344880184&q=9%2F11&p l=true

tower 1 on fire only filmed by amateur and his buddy, then unfortunately shortly edited and started filming again...

"...oh my god..." (amateur camera continues filming after 2nd attack on ST, but no comment on any plane....!!)

dialogue of two dudes continues:

guy 1:
"...that must have been a fukin terrorist attack. Probably that just explode.. that doesn't make any sense, that has...

interrupted by guy 2:
"...How did THAT ONE just catch on fire man?... see this stuff is falling out...

14)Bird "sees" no plane (check out blog below)

not added yet:

"...about 20 minutes after the first explosion, a huge fireball erupted out of the South tower, about 2 thirds of the way up. People screamed on the roofs around me, where everybody was beginning to gather. Most memorable is the bright bright orange of that explosion, and also the crispness of it; it's a quality difficult to describe--it's the quality of NOT seeing it on television, at a much higher resolution and in the outdoors, under a clear sky. The boom came later.
It was difficult to know what had just happened. I already knew from the radio that the first explosion had been caused by a plane. Was the second caused by a news helicopter accident? The plane that caused this second explosion had in fact come from behind the tower, so from my vantage point I had not seen it.


http://p066.ezboard.com/fnypdrant64609frm1.showMessage?topicID=43159.t op...
"...As I was the only security guy on sight I wasn't able to leave right away. Due to the angle of the buildings I never saw the second plane hit, but could clearly see the results..."

The Revver Video (09/12/06)
Has no Plane in it

6:04 PM

Area 911 said...

Planes do NOT incinerate upon impact, EVER. That is physiclly impossible.

6:10 PM

ewing2001 said...
Furthermore GeorgeWash' silly attempt to reduce the debate into "NPT" is as old school as to reduce it to "hologram".

The evidence of "9/11 TV Fakery" is still solid, also seen in my 25 minute video collage at

Whether we have to prove what exactly "nothing + x" is, which hit instead the south tower, is still on another paper.

Also, even with respect to mega hero Alex Jones, until this weekend he didn't even know the difference between holography and CGI, until i explained it to him.

Nafeez Ahmed's suspicious own agenda leaning between LIHOP and Pakistan spin, can be also categorized as a MI5-shill asset agenda.

Rodriguez supported disinfo like v.Kleist in his latino show and still confirms, that he didn't see or hear any incoming plane either.

Then we have a new struggle of the controlled demolition crew within the movement, which is represented by:

-rising popularity worldwide by screwloosechange
-a new battle against a professional dutch investigative piece around the students and professors of Delft
-political failure of Loose Change team at Amy Goodman to ignore linking both Goodman and PopMech as shills (Goodman herself gets money from the CIA front Ford Foundation)
-almost a complete blackout by MSM on the ny911truth convention and mega protest
-Prof "Los Alamos" Jones taken out of radar and not even speaking out anymore since days.
-new LIHOP/hangout attack by Thompson/Hence
-instead MSM continues to play the movement by playing a new political right-leftwing diversion with the help of Russia/Iran ally Hugo Chavez and ex-General Dynamics Bob Bowman for the forthcoming election hangout trip.

Is that enough?

Better think again, what you guys desperately try to oppress.
We have not much time left to stop WW4-5.

This years anniversary protest was for sure a mega party and helped tanking energy for everyone, but in one week from new you will feel the hole you soon fall into....

And this was scripted since the beginning of 2006.
You're a fool.

6:39 PM

james ha said...
We all heard a plane that sounded like it was in trouble.
when I heard a plane coming in low.
what kind of plane did they hear? because what we saw on tv was a 767 but analyses of this 767 reveals it to be nothing more than a cartoon. and a real 767 would make a hole bigger, not smaller, than a 767 - if it could make even make a hole in wtc2 at all.

We all look up and see this commercial airline flying very low. We follow it and it goes right into the Trade Center. You could see it didn't veer off

wow did they see the ua175 that approached from the SSE or did they see the ua175 that approached from the SW? because we saw 2 different ones depending on which channel we were watching.

8:08 PM

cgihugger said...
Interesting that all the witnesses HEARD the plane but hardly any saw one. The 'plane' was probably a huge missile.
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 14, 2006 8:04 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Please please please Moderators - move this * into Critics Corner. Then erase critics corner!!
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 14, 2006 8:53 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ally, you seem to give a lot of weight to what you imagine SHOULD be happening. But that is defined by your own experience and that is not the same as objective evidence.

If you've ever been to an airshow, you'll know that at low altitude hi-speed jets can often be right on top of you without you even hearing them approach. It's NOT an uncommon phenomena, certainly it proves nothing except your own lack of experience in this area.

At low level, 500mph (700+ ft/sec) is beyond a normal high street experience. It would cross an average streets roofline in less than a tenth of a second at that speed.

Someone in the atmospherics field might even be able to calculate the sonic footprint which would show who could hear and who wouldn't depending on their location.

I was at last able to get round to watching that link to the What We Saw video you posted. That had some interesting new info on it - is there a thread on it somewhere?
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 14, 2006 9:09 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

You're the one who can't seem to tell the difference between hear and see.
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 14, 2006 10:18 am    Post subject: RIP NPT Reply with quote

Fair enough (and I'm open to Tesla and mini pure fusion devices having been used. What the hell disintegrated that core 'spire'?). but NPT is far from convincing from my perspective, even with my limited knowledge and experience. Bottom line is I've not yet seen anything that's unexplainable regarding your theory.

When the time for the new Enquiry comes, ALL the evidence should be heard.

Good luck on your quest, but for me there's far more direct physical evidence to be collated and built into a case.
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Garrett Cooke
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 2:30 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I attempted to write a response here but was never satisfied with what I had written. Anyway I came across a recent speech by Gerard Holmgren which includes everything I wanted to write - and more - only better written than I could ever write it.

To be found at: http://members.iinet.net.au/~holmgren/matters.html

Copyright:Gerard Holmgren. Aug 14 2006. This material may be freely reproduced as long as it is not for commercial purposes. Please cite the authors name, the date, the web address where you found it, and the copyright notice.


This is a transcript of a speech which I gave (by telephone from Sydney) to the TV Fakery Conference in New York on August 13 2006.

Hello, I’m Gerard Holmgren and the topic for my talk is an often raised question—why does it matter that there were no planes?

I have 6 points in response to this question.

The first is what I call “the mirror”.

Imagine yourself listening to a speech by a mainstream peace activist who says something like

“The hijackers who flew those planes into the buildings were fanatics and George Bush is a fanatic. We need to be rid of the fanatics on both sides. A violent response is not the answer to this problem.”

Afterwards you say to them

“That’s fair enough in so far as it goes, but what you need to realize is that there weren't any crazy Arabs flying those planes. The Govt did the whole thing itself.”

And they say

“You’re nuts”.

So you start giving them some evidence—to which they have no answer, and as they start to see that they can’t refute your evidence, then they shift ground and say

“Well, why does it matter, anyway ? We already have more than enough evidence to show that US foreign policy is both unjust and a total failure and the cause of the problem.”

To which you reply

“I’ve just demonstrated solid evidence that the Govt planned and carried out the attacks itself and you say that it doesn't matter ? And that people don’t need to know this ? Indeed that they should *not* be made aware of this ?”

They respond

“Look. It’s hard enough to get people to oppose Govt policy without hitting them with these wild conspiracy theories about the Govt murdering thousands of its own people. Even if you’re right, people will never believe you. It only discredits the peace movement. And it doesn't matter, because we can already show them that a violent response only makes the problem worse.”

To which you reply

“So you still believe in crazy Arabs flying the planes?”

And they answer

“I’m saying that it doesn't matter who flew the planes. We need to be rid of the fanatics on both sides. The hijackers who flew the planes were fanatics. Bush is a fanatic. A violent response will not solve the problem.”

This is a classic fruit loop.

Do you feel frustrated with conversations like this ?

If so, and if you are someone who asserts that it doesn't matter whether there were any planes—then take a look in the mirror, because in the previous conversation, the person with whom you were arguing was yourself.


Point two is the question of truth. This word is used ad-nauseam in relation to the debate over Sept 11. Crashing planes are at the core of the official story.

If you are saying that it doesn't matter whether or not the plane story is true, then you are saying that the truth doesn't matter.

If you believe that some other kind of agenda is more important than the truth, then say so up front and openly argue the philosophical position that truth does not matter.

But if so, then do not call yourself the “truth movement” and do not keep talking about exposing the truth of Sept 11. This is double think.

Either finding and exposing the truth—wherever it leads—is your mission or it isn’t. One or the other.


My third point is that bad founding assumptions lead to bad conclusions no matter how careful the subsequent chain of research and logic. And bad conclusions lead to bad decisions.

The previously mentioned speech by the mainstream peace activist is an example. If their founding assumption had been correct—that Arab fanatics flew planes into buildings, then everything in their speech would have been perfectly reasonable. Instead, they were talking destructive and misleading babble, working directly against the cause which they claimed to support.

This destructive effect was due entirely to a false assumption being at the root of their entire position. This basic principle applies to everyone involved in public debate of any sort. As long as your founding assumption is wrong then you’ll finish up talking up rubbish, no matter how well researched, thought out and how well intended the subsequent steps may be.

There is enough danger of false assumptions due to genuine mistakes and due to difficulty obtaining accurate information without deliberately manufacturing them through a conscious policy of building one’s entire case on what one knows to be a false assumption.


It’s sometimes asserted that we have all the evidence we need to show that it was an inside job. I’ve already demonstrated the problem with such an approach, by means of the argument with the peace activist. But there is a further problem with such an approach.

An inside job by who ? The Govt ? That’s only part of the story. The TV fakery on the Sth tower hit proves that the media was just as big a player as the Govt.

Govts come and go, but if the media which was a major player in organizing the psy-op remains in power, then nothing has changed. Hanging out a few patsies who have outlived their usefulness -like Bush and Silverstein—may satisfy a primitive thirst for revenge but it leaves fully intact the criminal infrastructure which organized the deception. In fact it strengthens it by giving the misleading appearance that the truth has been exposed and that justice has been done, while actually leaving the high level perpetrators fully in control and ready to move on to the next chapter of their deception.

If the media gets away with showing us a cartoon and passing it off as news in such brazen fashion, and then gets Govt patsies to take the fall, do you think they’ll only do it once ? And with continuing improvements in digital technology, the next one will be harder to pick if people have not been made aware that this sort of thing is happening

Also, this is strongly relevant to my previous point—that bad information leads to bad decisions. There is an obsession within the movement with trying to use the mainstream media as the vehicle to tell the so called -truth about the event.

If it were the case that the Govt had organized the whole thing, and that the media had been simply swept along by the tide, not knowing how to deal with the situation, and fallen into line because it simply didn’t have the courage or the knowledge to resist the situation, then exposure of the truth through the mainstream media might be a plausible aim.

But the knowledge that the media was a full and willing partner in organizing the entire deception, should make it obvious that disclosure of the full truth through that same media an absurd and impractical aim. If they allow limited amounts of truth to leak into the media, this is only because it is part of their plan to continue the deception and move it forward to the next chapter.

Selective truth can be as deceptive as lies.

The media might hang out the Govt , but it wont hang out itself, and this means that it will never facilitate disclosure of the full truth.

It’s like knowing that the police are running the local drug gangs and yet still going to them with information, expecting them to genuinely act on it, and then cheering because eventually they bust one of the gangs, when in actual fact, they’ve done it only to make people think that they’re doing something, and all it represents is a change in alliances within the trade, and a change in the details of how they’re going to keep running the trade.

If you can get something into the media without actually lying, then fine. But the moment you start making deals with them and calling that truth, then you become as bad as, if not worse than the Republicrats.


Point five goes well beyond the implications of Sept 11 as a specific issue.

Sept 11 is not only a major driver of world policy and community attitudes, it’s iconic images are a major driver of the fundamental psyche and world view of the whole planet. Iconic images in people’s minds—things like a mushroom cloud, a Nazi rally, a starving African child, the moon landing—form a very important part of people’s views in the area where fact meets mythology.

There can be little doubt that the image of cartoon 175 approaching the Sth tower has already become one of the top iconic images of the last 100 years. And that if unchallenged, then it will continue to heavily influence the psyche of much of the world for many years to come—perhaps several generations.

There will be widely differing responses to it, both emotionally and in terms of political and social responses. There will be furious arguments over what it really means, why it happened, who did it, how various people should have responded and whether it could happen again.

All of this analysis and emotional response over a cartoon. A delusion.

This means an entire world gripped by mass delusion. An entire world where even the most intelligent analysts and compassionate activists are effectively insane. This relates strongly to my previous point that bad assumptions and bad information lead to bad decisions. If a cartoon is allowed to become one of the most iconic images driving people’s world view— thinking that the cartoon is real—then everyone will be making a lot of bad decisions. *No-one* will be able to make intelligent analysis or good decisions about almost anything, not matter how well intended or otherwise intelligent they may be.

For the manipulators, having the entire world worrying and arguing over the meaning of a cartoon as if it were real means mass delusion, which means that mass mind control, however and wherever they choose becomes easier than ever.


The final point is if we are to look at each single piece of evidence on Sept 11, purely from the point of view of how well it covers the events of the day, then the TV fakery is *the* most important thing.

Why ? Because it proves many other points of evidence as well as itself.

For example, demolition proves demolition, but does not prove stand down, or hijacker ID fakery. They remain as completely independent arguments.

By contrast, TV fakery solves all three questions in one hit. It proves demolition—no more arguments about jet fuel fires, no more arguments about whether there were any Arabs on the planes, and it solves the mystery of why we haven't found the stand down order and why no one in the Air Force has come forward—it’s because there wasn’t any stand down order, because there didn’t need to be, because there weren't any hijacked planes.

Every other piece of evidence, while useful in proving one specific point and in demonstrating in a general sense that we have been lied to, leaves many significant loose ends.

Let me give you an example. The demolition by itself enables the whole hijacker myth to stand. A criminal group within the business community simply knew what was going to happen and decided to take advantage of the situation by using it as a cover to demolish the buildings and then criminal elements within the govt covered up for them retrospectively.

So then we need to add the stand down evidence to show that the Govt was also actively complicit in allowing to happen. While that research is excellent in so far as it goes, in showing that the official story is impossible to believe, it creates as many problems as it solves. It leaves us with a vague and embarrassing silence on trying to be specific about the exact mechanism of how such an order would have been issued, distributed enforced, and then covered up from top to bottom.

That would require a coordinated conspiracy of a far greater magnitude and risk than the TV fakery , which could have been done by a relatively small group of people.

Secondly it leaves us with a real headache in terms of logically extrapolating from the stand down situation. Put yourself in the position of the hijackers. What kind of idiot would plan to crash two planes into the towers, and then expect to be able to attack the pentagon 3/4 of an hour later and then expect to be able to attack the White House another 1/2 hour after that ?

The hijackers were seriously so stupid that never even considered the question of likely response from the air force ? They made an incredibly stupid plan which had no hope whatsoever of succeeding, but by an amazing coincidence the Govt had found out about it, and decided to let it happen ?

Not very plausible really. So to get around this, you have to conclude that the hijackers actually knew that the air force was going to be stood down for them.

Which means that hijackers and the Govt were actually working together. In which case why would Islamic fanatics commit suicide to help the US govt ? Which means that they weren’t Islamic fanatics. They were USG agents.

In which case, is it normal for top USG operatives to do suicide missions ?

So you try to solve this problem by considering remote controlled planes.

Which then creates the problem of why electronically hijack real flights with crew who might be able to ruin the plot, rather than use decoy drones ? Which then leads you on to substitute drones to try to solve that problem. Etc, etc.

As long as there are planes in the story, then each layer which is peeled back creates as many new problems as it solves.

This of course, is inevitable with any story if its central core is fiction. The most efficient way to bust a fictitious story is to go straight for its fictitious core, rather than keep chasing the tangential lies which were spin offs to try to cover the main lie.

As soon as you realize that there weren't any planes, then every significant loose end is tied up. The only remaining loose ends are things which are as a result of simply lacking enough specific enough information, such ,as who of the alleged passengers is a real dead person and how did they actually die ?

And although they are unsolved details they do not actually inconsistent with any of the answers which have been found, unlike the problems we saw earlier in the stand down story.

They are merely finer details , waiting to mopped up.

As long as planes remain in the story, it’s like slamming cupboard doors. You close one , and another swings open, and leaves the so called truth with almost as many holes as the official story.

Leaving planes in the story condemns opponents of the official story to a constant game of chasing ones own tail in a futile effort to tie up the loose ends.

So far from being dead, the theory that no large planes hit the WTC makes far more sense than any extraordinary ideas about large planes slamming into the towers; planes which then proceed to slice into those concrete and steel structures like a knife into butter and are then completely swallowed with no wreckage remaining. It is also seen to be important because it means that the MSM were not merely passive but active in their complicity with the crimes of 911.

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 3:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Garret, surely this would only apply in a scenario where there were no eyewitnesses? With eyewitnesses desribing the planes (the markings described by one witness conflicting with the Official Version), the fallacy falls apart.

And the reason NORAD didn't intervene was because they were off on wild-goose chase 'exercises' east, north, west and south - anywhere but where they might have intercepted.

He is right about one thing - the images are eternal, but TV fakery doesn't explain zip to me, except maybe for some deep psychic need to believe it didn't really happen that way.
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 4:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote



9/11 The Twin Towers, BBC1, aired 2006-09-07

TC: ~00:33:00

Fuji Bank office
Floor 81, South Tower

Stanley Praimnath witnessed aircraft colliding with building:

"I am looking to the direction of the Statue of Liberty," he recalled. "And I am looking at an airplane coming, eyelevel, eye contact, towards me, giant gray airplane. I am still seeing the letter 'U' on its tail, and the plane is bearing down on me. I dropped the phone and I screamed and I dove under my desk. It was the most ear-shattering sound ever. The plane just crashed into the building. The bottom wing sliced right through the office and it stuck in my office door twenty feet from where I am huddled under my desk."

[Source: http://americanradioworks.publicradio.org/features/911/c2.html]
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 11:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yeah, but it was a holographic wing that sliced through his holographic door ... Wink
Patriotism, religion, tradition and political/corporate alliance are the vehicles they use to fool us passive, peace-loving, family-orientated apes into fighting each other.

Graphic Smile
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 9:07 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

[quote="JHR"]FYI -

Stanley Praimnath witnessed aircraft colliding with building:

"I am looking to the direction of the Statue of Liberty," he recalled. "And I am looking at an airplane coming, eyelevel, eye contact, towards me, giant gray airplane. I am still seeing the letter 'U' on its tail, and the plane is bearing down on me. I dropped the phone and I screamed and I dove under my desk. It was the most ear-shattering sound ever. The plane just crashed into the building. The bottom wing sliced right through the office and it stuck in my office door twenty feet from where I am huddled under my desk."[/quote]

[Source: [url]

interesting only four people survived above the crash zones, Stanley also seems to believe that God exists and the plane had pentanium wings.



"It sounded like a huge steel cage being ripped apart," Praimnath recalls.

By an aluminium plane?
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 10:06 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

JHR wrote:

Stanley Praimnath witnessed aircraft colliding with building:

"I am looking to the direction of the Statue of Liberty," he recalled. "And I am looking at an airplane coming, eyelevel, eye contact, towards me, giant gray airplane. I am still seeing the letter 'U' on its tail, and the plane is bearing down on me. I dropped the phone and I screamed and I dove under my desk. It was the most ear-shattering sound ever. The plane just crashed into the building. The bottom wing sliced right through the office and it stuck in my office door twenty feet from where I am huddled under my desk."[/quote]

[Source: [url]


interesting only four people survived above the crash zones, Stanley also seems to believe that God exists and the plane had pentanium wings.



"It sounded like a huge steel cage being ripped apart," Praimnath recalls.

By an aluminium plane?

Yes, exactly. By an aluminium plane.
It's not just the material something is made of, its structure is important as well.
You can support huge weights with rolls of paper for instance.
I mentioned in a previous reply to you about the enormous amount of energy a 90 ton airplane at c.500mph is carrying.

It is entirely conceivable that, as shown in the photo of the woman looking out from the site of the crash, that people did survive on that floor. You are also able to see the neat ends of the girders were it seems to me their bolted connections snapped with the force of the impact.

You should also change that photo of the gouged tailplane - it shows a composite structure (as evidenced by the 'hairy' appearance) and might be considered misleading; it's not constructed from aluminium as the case being made would lead you to believe.

I suspect whoever posted it didn't know the difference.
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