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May I present: 9/11 Cult Watch

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dry kleaner
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 9:49 am    Post subject: May I present: 9/11 Cult Watch Reply with quote

Hello all

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dry kleaner
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 9:50 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


The world of cults, and the study of them, is a complex one, as even a cursory glance at the Wikipedia entry shows. Furthermore, while most cults are religious or quasi-spiritual, the 9/11 cult is definitely secular. In that sense not all extant literature can simplistically 'explain' the 9/11 Truth movement. The methodology adopted here uses the Weberian 'ideal-type'--in other words, not expecting every single aspect of 9/11 'Truth' to correspond to accepted sociological definitions, but arguing that correspondence to a majority of accepted criteria is sufficient in this imperfect world to make the provisional label of 'cult' fruitful. Those interested in exploring the academic background further can follow up references cited--and supply us with more. It is worth stating at the outset we did not start out with a pre-determined intent to apply the label. Instead, we began with a brutal and unsettling experience--the disgraceful 9/11 intervention at the 2005 Anarchist Bookfair, mentioned on the Home page. The level of intolerance, concerted barracking and closed minded initimidation was astounding to us. While (for example) you would get far greater violence at a fascist/anti-fascist interface, you would historically expect that. In this case, by contrast, the ostensible 9/11 cult purpose wasn't to disrupt the Bookfair, but to proselytise. It is true those attending were an activist minority expecting trouble--or as Fran Trutt put it prior to the event "Shayler...may need some support as some people are hostile towards him". However, key activists are useful research material for ascertaining the movement's 'core' identity--or at least the nature of those at its heart. We are particularly interested in whether antics of 9/11 cultists overseas are similar to those here. And reiterate, once again, there is a massive difference between those studying aspects of 9/11 and 9/11 cultists--but the latter run the misleadingly-named UK 9/11 Truth Campaign.


1) Rigid belief system

The claim 9/11 can only be properly understood from within the group's mindset--assertions about explosives pre-placed inside the WTC, US government complicity, the Pentagon being hit by a missile rather than a plane on 9/11--these tenets and similar are integral core beliefs. It is not permissible, within the cult, to question such--doing so immediately excludes the person.

2) Intense activism/aggressive proselytising

Not an exclusive characteristic, patently. However, the messianic and intolerant zeal displayed does make these people stand out somewhat. A nasty variant of the aggression was the practised spook tactic (unsuccessfully) employed by Machon at the 2005 Anarchist Book Fair of trying to goad--by posture/insulting language--opponents into violence so she could play 'victim'.

3) Advancing non-falsifiable propositions

In vernacular language, there is no amount of evidence that can shake these people in their beliefs--and despite claims they seek 'truth', they want nothing of the sort--merely one-sided information that bolsters their conclusions (premises). As one incisive (US) source of comment stated "no evidence, of any kind, has been found that gives any evidence that the government planned or organised these conspiracies. No documents have been found...Nobody involved in these alleged conspiracies has stepped forward". To the cult believer, this mundane statement is intrinsically ludicrous, if not malevolent. We disagree, but concur with remarks by US commentator Bill Weinberg that "the endemic sloppiness of the self-styled 'researchers' is delegitimising the entire project of critiquing the 'official version'. The ostentatiously named 'Truth movement' is not clearing the air, but muddying the water". That may well be the idea, of course, in some quarters. Fundamentally though, the fact that 'anything goes' and the most elementary rules of evidence do not apply in the cult's discourse is disturbing, to put it mildly.

4) Exclusivism

An inelegant word, denoting the idea that the only way of approaching 9/11 is through the prism of cult belief. Alexander Cockburn memorablystates that "I meet people who start quietly, asking me 'what I think about 9/11?'. What they are actually trying to find out is whether I'm part of the coven. I imagine it was like being a Stoic in the second century AD going for a stroll in the Forum and meeting some fellow asking, with seeming casualness, whether it's possible to feed 5,000 people on five loaves of bread and a couple of fish". Those who 'believe' see themselves as uniquely privileged, having found the one world issue key to everything else--all others subordinate. An unflattering term for this reductionism is monomania.

5) Leadership deification/elitist decision-making

Traditionally, cult leaders are charismatic to some degree and exercise great power, able to act in ways unacceptable in followers. Inasmuch as the 9/11 cult is ostensibly a loose federation, with few central resources, this criterion cannot straightforwardly apply. However, cultists display a naivety staggering on the sycophantic in uncritically accepting the bona fides of real-live ex-MI5 spooks Machon & Shayler. In practice, the pair have a substantial hold over the weak-willed celebrity-obsessed inadequates nominally at the helm. Some, however, are perceptive enough to discern not all is quite right. Michael Meaney recounted how it "was made perfectly clear that there is no real central body governing the actions of the movement, instead it is made up of people and groups throughout the country working independently". Meaney became uncomfortable later when at a subsequent demonstration "protesters were instructed by Annie Machon and David Shayler that this was to be a silent protest and told the sheeple to put down banners, posters etc when the families came out" (of the US Embassy). Machon's rejoinder that a "silent demo" was part of the "terms I applied under when I asked the police for 'permission' to demonstrate" moves us into surreal territory--especially her observation that the "Met will be more relaxed when we next want to demonstrate". We bet they will, in a campaign so palpably under the control of spooks!

6) Use of thought-terminating cliches

The 9/11 cult has a rich variety, mostly transatlantic in origin. A 'shill' is anybody they disagree with, who is thereby an implied spook (being an actual spook is no problem as the Machon/Shayler dominance shows). Then there is 'limited hang-out', to describe people who agree on some facts but don't buy the whole package. Webster Tarpley Griffin has a language all his own, involving 'moles', patsies and such like. 'Sheeple' is another derogatory term, used about people who disagree. A favourite phrase is 'Gatekeeper', handily divided into Right and Left Gatekeepers. In the UK, perhaps reflecting a relative lack of sophistication, a characteristic 9/11 cult response to critics is psychiatric-style abuse. Thus, two particularly challenged individuals--Keith Parkin & Tony Gosling pepper their language with references to insanity/asylums/ delusions/lunatics/lunatic rantings/mental illness and so on. All this in an internet exchange where the two originally denied the contents of an encounter outside the 2005 Book Fair which was later conceded, but with no grace. The debate was also insightful for precipitating UK Cultists into the local variant of 'shill'--the accusation critics are working for the spooks.

7) Bizarre beliefs/conspiracist mind-set

It is sadly the case that (as shown by David Shayler's interview in New Statesman 11/9/06), and the toleration of David Icke's anti-Jewish ravings, that the distemper of anti-semitism and other variants of racism incubate within the 9/11 cult. Bill Weinberg has usefully pointed this out in relation to Holocaust denier Eric Hufschmidt and the xenophobic Alex Jones (a Shayler groupie, or is that vice versa?). The aforementioned Tony Gosling is somebody whose ravings about the Bilderburg group can be construed as anti-semitic, despite his denials. The glee with which UK cultists seized upon supposed Israeli Embassy prior knowledge of the 7/7/05 London bombs can certainly be perceived in this light. Ever more ludicrous claims about holograms (instead of planes) on 9/11, pods/drones/missiles hitting the Pentagon/WTC, disappearing planes and passengers-- all these can be seen as fantasies, albeit ones serving the US secret state very well indeed.
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 10:14 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I went on to this website last night unfortunately the bizarre 9/11 quotes section is not up and running. I also read the Indymedia article from Shelly Doman that the 9/11 truth campaign is run by freemasons. Why would she say this has she taken back what she said or has she shown any proof from her article?
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Angel - now passed away
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 11:11 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

the distemper of anti-semitism and other variants of racism incubate within the 9/11 cult.

I hardly see how the good ole 'anti-semite' card can be played here.

1) The "War on Terror" is, in part, a war on Muslims and neighbours/enemies of Israel.
2) Global banking/finance is riddled with jews.
3) Global media is riddled with jews
4) The Bush Administration is riddled with jews.

Qui Bono?

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dry kleaner
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 8:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

What are Muslims and Jews? A state of mind?
I really don't think the so called Jews in the US gov who go to Bohemian Grove are any more Jewish than George Bush is Christian. Lets change our language and tell it how it is. Humans are killing humans. They justify it by a false construct that was created X amount of years ago, and exploit individuals by fooling them into believing they represent them.

I really find it uncomfortable when we use terms like Jew's, Muslims or Christians as it is a major generalization. For example British football hooligans who go and beat up German police officers hardly represent every British person. Neither does a suicide bomber represent every Muslim nor every banker represent every Jewish person. Each time we use those terms we distance our selves further from the individual and the mentality.

This is just my take on it.

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 8:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Except in this case the political machinations of Israel are an exclusively Jewish affair.
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ian neal
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 11:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thermate wrote:
the distemper of anti-semitism and other variants of racism incubate within the 9/11 cult.

I hardly see how the good ole 'anti-semite' card can be played here.

1) The "War on Terror" is, in part, a war on Muslims and neighbours/enemies of Israel.
2) Global banking/finance is riddled with jews.
3) Global media is riddled with jews
4) The Bush Administration is riddled with jews.

Qui Bono?

In relation to 9/11 and the 'war on terror', there are undeniable connections to Israel and prominent supporters of zionism (eg PNAC), just as there are to other nations such as Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, but I hope you are not suggesting that responsibility for all the world's problems sits with the world's 15 millions jews. Such thinking would indeed be anti-semitic and so not welcome here.

BTW: there are several threads on this site already on this forum. search 'cultwatch'
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Abandoned Ego
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 11:24 pm    Post subject: reprehensible nonsense. Reply with quote

Fallious wrote:
Except in this case the political machinations of Israel are an exclusively Jewish affair.

Is it any real wonder that we are the target of criticisms of racism on this forum, when we have shallow thinking being displayed ?

I'm sorry, but I find this kind of commentary both morally and intellectually reprehensible. For all of Israels sadism in the region, I think you have to have a certain mental deficiency to talk about the whole Israel enigma in such simplistic terms.

Try to just think a little bit deeper if you will ;

What exactly has 60 years of this so called promised land brought the inhabitants of Israel ?

Who has benefitted from 60 years of War in the region ?

When you can actually answer those questions to any reasonable degree of satisfaction, then you are starting to understand the bigger picture.

I like the argument that Muslims and Jews are a state of mind. That is precisely what they are. Nothing more, nothing less. And how many people have fallen for that ?

See the quote above !
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 12:12 am    Post subject: Re: reprehensible nonsense. Reply with quote

Abandoned Ego wrote:
Fallious wrote:
Except in this case the political machinations of Israel are an exclusively Jewish affair.

Is it any real wonder that we are the target of criticisms of racism on this forum, when we have shallow thinking being displayed ?

I'm sorry, but I find this kind of commentary both morally and intellectually reprehensible. For all of Israels sadism in the region, I think you have to have a certain mental deficiency to talk about the whole Israel enigma in such simplistic terms.

Try to just think a little bit deeper if you will ;

What exactly has 60 years of this so called promised land brought the inhabitants of Israel ?

Who has benefitted from 60 years of War in the region ?

When you can actually answer those questions to any reasonable degree of satisfaction, then you are starting to understand the bigger picture.

I like the argument that Muslims and Jews are a state of mind. That is precisely what they are. Nothing more, nothing less. And how many people have fallen for that ?

See the quote above !

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dry kleaner
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 12:13 am    Post subject: Re: reprehensible nonsense. Reply with quote

Abandoned Ego wrote:
Fallious wrote:
Except in this case the political machinations of Israel are an exclusively Jewish affair.

Is it any real wonder that we are the target of criticisms of racism on this forum, when we have shallow thinking being displayed ?

I'm sorry, but I find this kind of commentary both morally and intellectually reprehensible. For all of Israels sadism in the region, I think you have to have a certain mental deficiency to talk about the whole Israel enigma in such simplistic terms.

Try to just think a little bit deeper if you will ;

What exactly has 60 years of this so called promised land brought the inhabitants of Israel ?

Who has benefitted from 60 years of War in the region ?

When you can actually answer those questions to any reasonable degree of satisfaction, then you are starting to understand the bigger picture.

I like the argument that Muslims and Jews are a state of mind. That is precisely what they are. Nothing more, nothing less. And how many people have fallen for that ?

See the quote above !

Thank you. I'm glad people are seeing the bigger picture.

Peace and love

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Angel - now passed away
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 7:41 am    Post subject: Re: reprehensible nonsense. Reply with quote

Abandoned Ego wrote:
Who has benefitted from 60 years of War in the region?

Certainly not the Lebanese/Palestinian/Iraqi/*Iranian/Syrian or any Muslim for that matter.

*Future proofing my post...

A few too many Anti-Semite Hair-Triggers™ around these days... Seems like all you need to do is mention the word !!!JEW!!! and their gunning for you. Its kinda sad.

For instance, saying that 90% of Africans are black, or that China is riddled with umm Chinese is not racism because facts cannot be racist.

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dry kleaner
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 9:15 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

No one has benefited from 60 years of war in that region. The sad thing is it will continue until each side reconsiders its view. The whole issue is schizophrenic. What I find amazing is how many want to take sides. Jew bashing is rather popular at the moment. Its a MEME war so if you want to help stop it you need to change your approach.

Eckhart Tolle below I feel put it best.

JM: Speaking of weapons of mass destruction; what do we do about that? What do we do about countries which wish our country great harm? What's an alternative if the other side is bent on suicide, as the men of 9-11 were? If you have a vast Army at your disposal, what do you do?

ET: I don't know what I would do, because I can only know what is right in an actual situation which demands a response. It's very hard when you look at hypotheticals. What we can do is look at the dysfunction in its collective aspects that we're witnessing now.

We can see, for example, what's happening in the middle East with the eternal insane conflict between Israel and Palestine. We can see how each faction is totally convinced that their mental position is the correct one. Each faction sees itself as the victim of the other. There was a writer I read last year who said each side cannot recognize any narrative other than their own; that's also true. Narrative means the story through which you interpret reality.

People have collective stories which are mental perspectives and mental positions. Of course, when they explain it to you, it sounds absolutely right. Then you go to the other story, and they explain it to you, and that sounds absolutely right. Both are so entrenched in their narrative, their mental positions and their identifications with mental positions that they cannot see anything else. That really symbolizes the very thing that lies at the core of human dysfunction.

There you see it expressed collectively. An inability to hold truth in your consciousness. To rise above polarities, and say, here's this perspective which is ours, and I can also see the other perspective which is yours. If both could do that---even if one party could do that---there would be an end to the madness. It only gets perpetuated by two. You can see the same in personal relationships, you can see the same in marriages that exist in a state of warfare. Both are entrenched. There is this ongoing need to be right. What that really ultimately means is they are identified with the thinking. They have not stepped out of the structure of thought---their mental position, their thought position. The way out of the madness is to recognize thought as just thought. To see your own stream of thinking, to see that no thought can encapsulate the entire truth in any situation. You have to step out of thought to see that. To become the awareness outside of thought. Some people are driven out of thought out of suffering, others can step out of thought because they see that thought is dysfunctional. So we see then that terrorists that inflict suffering on innocent people, kills thousands, blows himself up---how is it that he cannot see what he is doing?

He cannot see because he has reduced other human beings around him to a mental concept. He puts a mental label on other human beings or groups of humans or whatever he calls them---infidels, evil. Once you have conceptualized another human being, covering up their essential aliveness, you also do it to yourself. You become identified with your own self concepts of who you are, because you are right, you are the believer, you are in possession of the truth. You can then inflict acts of violence on other humans without feeling anymore because you've already desensitized yourself, you've deadened their aliveness. So violence becomes very easy when you only operate from the level of thought. Thought plus very destructive emotion that accompanies those destructive thought patterns. That's what drives the terrorist. He truly, as Jesus puts it on the cross, "They know not what they do."

In spiritual terms, they are completely unconscious. Unconscious means identified totally with thought. You reduce reality to a conceptual reality. A lot of violence arises in that way.

Terrorists are not the only ones who are unconscious. The United States manufactures an enormous amount of totally senseless weaponry. Biological, chemical. They manufacture the most fiendish weapons---if they ever used them it would be hell on earth. Why are they working on this? They are intelligent scientists, thousands of them, the Government sponsors itself sponsors it. What is the purpose in creating such weapons if the use of such weapons would create hell on earth? Haven't they got enough weapons already? So it applies; "they know not what they do." You can see human unconsciousness in so many forms. You can see it very clearly in the terrorists. Sometimes it's easier to see the madness in others---but we also have to see it in ourselves.

JM: How does one do that? How do you do it?

ET: Well, primarily it needs to be done on personal level. For example, for me, to see how identified I am with my own mental position when I'm talking to someone when I'm putting forth and idea or opinion and that opinion is questioned by the other person. They might say, "No, you're wrong---that's not how it is." If I can then observe the violence with which I defend my position, I'm actually becoming more conscious because by observing it, something else is arising that is not conditioned thinking, but awareness.

JM: As opposed to saying, "No, you're wrong."

ET: Yes, because when people are engaged in being right, defending their mental position, an enormous amount of defensiveness and violence comes already. Why do two people become so agitated, in some cases even violent, when they're defending a mental position? Because that's what they derive their sense of self from. Thought has become invested self. That's the very essence of dysfunction---that humans derive their sense of self through thought. This is a delusion, because who they are is so much deeper than thought. They can only realize that when they detach from their thinking and observe their thinking.

Who or what is it that is able to observe that you are identified with a mental position? Who or what is it in you that is able to notice the emotional violence that comes as you start to defend your own position? You can then ask, "Wow, what's going on? What am I defending?" You are defending an illusory sense of self---your sense of self and your mind structure.

That very dysfunction, which looks relatively harmless on a small scale, is the very same dysfunction that drives the terrorist. So it's only in yourself that you can detect it. And if you see it, you see the root of human dysfunction and madness; identification with thinking. But the moment you see it, you are already one foot out of it. The seeing of it is not part of the dysfunction. So in other words, when you see that you are mad, you are no longer mad.

That's the arising of something new in humanity. I sometimes call it the unconditioned consciousness. But it is also a field of stillness, where you see the torn roots of the human mind. Once it emerges, it's a process that cannot be reversed. It emerges more and more fully, and you become less and less identified with the structure of thought. And then thought is no longer dysfunctional. It is actually beautiful. It can be used for helpful purposes. It's wonderful---you are no longer looking for an identity in the structure of thought because now you know that who you are is deeper. You are the very awareness prior to thought. You are the stillness that is deeper than thought, much vaster than thought. We call it "stillness" but it's just a word. We've reduced it to something. It's more than that. It's consciousness itself, unconditioned. Which is the essence of each human being. It's that when you meet anybody in a state of open, aware attention, without labeling them mentally or judging them, then that you are already operating as a current or conscious awareness between human beings.

That would dramatically change human relationships. When aware presence operates between human beings, they are no longer dominated by mind structures. On a deepest level, that is also love. That is the only dimension from where love can come into this world

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 10:59 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

No one's bashing the Jews, perhaps you hadn't noticed but the current dysfunction is not in the west's treatment of Israel.

To take the religious motivation out of the conflicts in the middle east is like removing the scores from a dart board.

If you some how believe that to question the motivation of higher-ups in connection to their religious, media and stock interests is wrong, then you are in the wrong place.
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dry kleaner
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 3:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


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PostPosted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 4:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Can I get an amen?
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Angel - now passed away
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 4:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Amen to not bashing the Jews, I'm sure the vast majority are peace loving normal people just like the rest of us, and Sarah Silverman is hot.

Forgive me, I don't see how daring to suggest that Jews/Zionists/Israel* had the...

Means: Media Control, Bush Administration Control, Mossad
Motive: Neighbours of Israel, Global war profiteering, Muslim genocide/servitude, expansionism
Opportunity: Bush Administration Control, Silverstein

...adds up to either anti-Semitic OR racist?

*delete politically correctly to taste

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Abandoned Ego
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 1:45 am    Post subject: Beg to differ. Reply with quote

dry kleaner wrote:
No one has benefited from 60 years of war in that region. The sad thing is it will continue until each side reconsiders its view. The whole issue is schizophrenic. What I find amazing is how many want to take sides. Jew bashing is rather popular at the moment. Its a MEME war so if you want to help stop it you need to change your approach.

I would actually disagree with you there.

There are beneficiaries of EVERY war. And particularly the establishment of a "safe haven" for that state of mind nation people call the Jews.

The beneficiaries are the usual suspects. The military Industrial complex, the Oil trade, the Banking sector. The victims are also the usual suspects. The proles - Be they the UK or American taxpayer, or the Soviet worker, or the average Joe the world over, who find themselves financing ( and dying ) in any wars, whilst the shareholders in the above businesses ( the usual suspects - Vatican, Royal families and their high level freemasonic lackeys ) laugh and continue their divide and conquer routine.

As for the Israelis ? They continue to screw their own souls and psyche along with cluster bombing innocents, turning Gaza into a prison camp, and spreading Chaos throughout the entire region, as indeed they were always intended to do.

One of these days, people are going to realise that WAR is THE means to an end. All the rest is little more than window dressing IMHO.
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ian neal
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 9:29 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Excellent post abandonned ego

I would go one step further and say war is the END as well as the MEANS, especially for those with a vested interest in perpetuating it. Perpetual war 1984 style is where they are trying to take us until we are all so crazy everyone forgets what it was we were fighting for.

50% of the federal budget is a mighty big incentive to keep the scam going.

Of course when you add on the real cost in terms of lives lost or damaged, in terms of environments poisoned with naphalm, depleted uranium and cluster bombs and infrastructure destroyed, then the true cost is much greater still.

But then to look on the positive side, just imagine how simple it will be to truly make global poverty history if 'we', collectively weren't pissing away $1 trillion / year on the murder/war industry.
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dry kleaner
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 12:18 am    Post subject: Re: Beg to differ. Reply with quote

Abandoned Ego wrote:
dry kleaner wrote:
No one has benefited from 60 years of war in that region. The sad thing is it will continue until each side reconsiders its view. The whole issue is schizophrenic. What I find amazing is how many want to take sides. Jew bashing is rather popular at the moment. Its a MEME war so if you want to help stop it you need to change your approach.

I would actually disagree with you there.

There are beneficiaries of EVERY war. And particularly the establishment of a "safe haven" for that state of mind nation people call the Jews.

The beneficiaries are the usual suspects. The military Industrial complex, the Oil trade, the Banking sector. The victims are also the usual suspects. The proles - Be they the UK or American taxpayer, or the Soviet worker, or the average Joe the world over, who find themselves financing ( and dying ) in any wars, whilst the shareholders in the above businesses ( the usual suspects - Vatican, Royal families and their high level freemasonic lackeys ) laugh and continue their divide and conquer routine.

As for the Israelis ? They continue to screw their own souls and psyche along with cluster bombing innocents, turning Gaza into a prison camp, and spreading Chaos throughout the entire region, as indeed they were always intended to do.

One of these days, people are going to realise that WAR is THE means to an end. All the rest is little more than window dressing IMHO.

I agree with you. What I would add is that Jew, Muslim or Christian bashing does not get us any closer to the guilty you have described. Israel is its own worse enemy and I would prepose that it was set up for the fall. The elite of both this country and the USA financed the Nazi's in WW2 and it is well known the Jews were as unpopular as the Muslims with the elite so why not create a plan in which each side wipes the other out and the guilty walk away with the profits? I.E. 'The war on terror' also known as 'The long war' or 1984 gone nuts.

Peace and love

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